Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1912, Page 6, Image 6
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1912. tiimniiMiiiiniiii ISmm-Mm Choice 'Any Woman's Spring or Summer Suit 4Any(Woinaa's Spring or Summer Dress ,!Any Woman's Spring or Summer Coat "(j IN OUR ENTIRE i- STOCK; no matter . ; ; ;,; whaithe former, price . k.'-ii"i'r'i'- H 1 ' Children's Dresses at 95c White and colored materials I ' middles, NorfolKs, etc., 95c J"- ages Z to 14 years, " 2.00 values, at. .'. Hb4tykwfi 1;t H M - l Greatest Sale -We $10 1 Sft&r. i Hand Embroidered Pillow Tops - (Including t&e'l'illow Top, Back and Edging) 1 Vometf? New White Felt Hats at $5 .U1 are the popular large, graceful, soft felts for women - -and misses, -some straw faced, others' with the new' ostrich; band effects nlso colored felt hats with jfX ' ) jaunty ribbon bands. 1 None worth less Jv Wi hban $8,50-sorae fworth $10.00 M A U tat tiraoip Biding Eorsf ' Going a il Opposite ; i Direction v v" DEBATE ON STEE EffdUIRY StIcr Hold tp Abaolnte Dtvorc j wnit of OirurhIp of Railroad ' (and Jnlniirlal- Corporation I .' J Trot Remedr. WA'SHIJf OTON. Aii. B.-The prdgTM ilv platform anl f farmer Presiaent Rooeevelt'l trtit views ocoupled the ft t-1 itention of the hout, tonight In the clon ing hour ( the (lrsf debate on the steol truf't Investigation. ,Hepieei.Utlve La( ferty of Oregon lntfrpo:ated the pro sresstve ; ptatfm Jlin debate canst Representative Gardner of M&etschus'ett. a republlban, po1nt out'!Wnt calld Inconsistencies Jn ir-Roweveit's pwrt Won., .. , , :" ''. "' "lie believes in the Sherman anti-trust jlaw and In theetdjintron ef trusts," ,eaJd Mr. Cardo is. riding two horses going lnfcoppositi dlrettloni' ' "Uave you, read tke colonel's . speech T iaked Mr. taXfertiv j pies, and it is entirely different from ithe -views q exp-eised in the Qutlook in 'Norfomber.. .He does not make himse f 'clew; on anything. H is not clear on 'imrDlgratlso; the tariff anything else." . IJ! Sppch Aa'n Trust.' ( Repiesentstlve Sterling of TllHneis an3 KepesentaUva Etanlty : deKv.ared set peephes.Qn the ,tteel tiuat inquiry. Mr. Jstitf y Indulged id severe criticism of (thelmethp4j bj- which the steel t:t ba1 tb4al formed. Mi. 8terHng argued agalhtt the minouty report of the' com imltte which iavors-s .recognition , f ;truts and looks to a government regu ilatlon of prices..,,;.":':-?- t Unr:dard tjhl rto be t American 'and unsound doctrine.' Hf aid ipricejixing hsd arou$h, gn, the. Wrench. voiotroif .nd hid iiseri tried to inov.ta'. Ue failure,! n England lu tlie fourtierjta ctuiujx.'-" 11$ favoie&'a federal incor- iporatWn.V;,h vtal snd exp;essef", jh ' opln-lotf ttifet the vrnment sl'oslld rg- ' ulavtJe ,trKtii.AAd orevent exto.tlpn by uf.ervUlon of cap.taliMtton and restric i. , i -s4 m ril n run l i ' 1 ' . 1 .r- l imiim AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE! Sfunmif Presses Bill I FOR WOMEN A DnrfViaee nf "Reaut.iflll Sillr. and Lingerie Dresses Also Many from Our ' lfH"0wn Stock-WORTH UP TO : : : This is a wonderful assortment beautiful lingerie frocks, elaborately made or plain cnarm ' iDg ,hitfiVor; colored linen gownsdainty colored gowns of 'gther.yith scores of; new arrivals in silk . : aresses,. in sojia, colors sua stripes, aw any . ,'are new season styles They are worth $15.00, $20.00 and, $25XK)-your choice Sat- ' Vutday. ftt.v.'.'.c. Women's Wash Dresses I W aBd 1i Worth up to $8-in two big lots ) Hundreds of. beautiful dresses i these prices. Some are from a special purchase at a very low price. Colored and white frocks in all sizes for women, misses, and juniors' all .newest ideas Norfolk effects large sailor collars, and reveres- lingerie and 4 A A . IVdCA cotton "corduroys, natural linen, " " gjjj Vlrv etc. worth up to $5.00, at. ...... ... , -'-- sa . - - CH&DREN'S BEAUTIFUL WHITE SUMMER DRESSES AAtl are the newest, daintiest styles for girls in ages 6 J , to 14 years. They are made to; sell as high as $6, at. . - M V'l 1 111111 H-H H 11 1 I Ml Evir Held on Both the oblong and cquara ahapei., with aatlo ruffles, fringe or lace edges in conven tional, Grecian, rose, poppy and violet designs. Greatly ad mired In our Sixteenth street show window. Saturday, Art Needlework Dept. Main Floor, Positively Worth $3.50, Any Hat in Our Basement . ; Millinery Department K They have, been selling up to $5.00, at-.v;.v.v:'u; $t.ob tion whenever-a corporation approached the point of monopoly, 'i f Z ) -1 ' ' ; The absolute divorcement of the own ership of raliioaJs and Industrial organ- Uations was declared 'ty (tepreserllatlvs Stanley tne one preventive ; of such monopoly a he deiibed the , United States bteel corporation to be. Mr. Stan ley tpoke for an hour tind a half, review- ing the work of the special commltteo which lnveutlgated the tel trust for teteial months. When he began leas than a score of iepe.cntatlvcs wie present. Pepie.-entatlve Cline of Indiana piealueX 'The bjeech was a review of the report which was recently submitted for the majority' of the committee. It was an elaborate- excoriation of J. P. Morgan. John D. Kockefeller and others who have figured in financing the steel industry, Mr. Stanley was frequently Interrupted and several of his assertions of facts were challenged by Representative Gardner .Of Massachusetts, republican, who prepared the mtnoilty report. The Kentucky representative reviewed the story of John D. Rockefeller's ac quisition of the Mesaba Iron ore range. Be 'told-picturesquely of: the manner In which Mr. Rockefellers almoner, the Rev. pr. Gates, conducted the negotiations with the MYrrltt brotVf f":cnvrrr tt the range. He arserted that tlOO.000 was the Pi lee which Rockefeller paid for prop "rtr which he af trrwards sild for JSO.W.Oflo Of stock of the steel corporation. "VV- rot tbe s'atwent , Pf Leonids Merrltt on the transaction with Rocke feller retracted?" Mkfd Mr. Gardner." "It was," arswered Mr. Stanley, ex plaining that Mr. Merritt signed a re traction 'When a settlement was made with his brother for 400,000. nnf- Prtntrd. Representative Gardner asked Mr. Stan. ' ( r-,--fn r hfl nJory of steel was not struck from the report by the the irajTity members. Mr. Stanley said It was and that he told it on the floor to .ret it to the public . The pe'tlfman should not convey the Impression thst It was not . made public,' Mld:Mr. Gtrdner. ''Evwry newspaper In the country printed it whn the testimony was given." .V,'t v"Oh, the newspapers are printed' today mt minimi AND MISSES Wftfll. Linen V 5:22 $25.00, at,.:. V ' T ' of dresses of high . character are grouped intotwo big lots at 1 H 1 1 ! 1 t"HHU -1 1 1 Ml H 1 1 1 1 (r r.iprintf vrr m "lien This All, our men's Shirt that have been selling-up to $1.50, will go at 69 Ml' Onr Men's 8hlrt that " have been selling' up to 1.00 . at ......... 35 50 All Our Manhattan Shirts (or Men In four lots at' SI. 15. 81.38. $1.88 '.. 82.45 ... - . mm uraae 24-inch Natural Wavy Switches, made of German hair, three separate stsmB an $8 value, at -.''$5 86-lnch Natural wvy Switches, made of fine German hair, three separate stems a $9 value, at . . 86 Private booths for and lost tomorrow. I want to get It in the ImpsrishabU rsoprda." said Mr. Stan- ley.' . The Kentucky representative traced the growth of the steel trust though its processes and described how Andrew Carnegie had forced It to buy him out by threats of competition. He said Carneel was not afraid of Morgan or the Moore banking syndicate.' "Mr. Carnegie paid 'more attention to making steel billets than 'to Issuinff bogus bonds." he said- "He Iron master, not a stock broker' and a high class gambler." " ' . Th holding company and the protec tive tariff were pointed to as the bulwark of the steel trust's strength. The holding company was described as a "pernicious device" and the formation of the steel trust by Mr. Morgan was-, termed a "scheme that exceeded the dreams' of the most avaricious scheme maker that ever lived." Mr. Stanley declared that the steel i trust levied a tax on every man, woman and child In the United States. "Every one of the SO.OOO.OOO of people in this country pays the steel trust to live, to labor and finally when they die," said the speaker. ' Much AconniplUbed In Day. The house today showed what it could do In the way of expediting business by passing the general deficiency appropria tion bill carrying SS.liO.S38, agreeing ' to the conference reports on the agricultural and legislative executive judicial bills and Cecllnlns' to agree to the conference re port on the invalid pensions appropria tion measure. The latter, which carries upward of tlfiO, 000,000. contains a provi sion for the abolishment of the eighteen pension, agencies scattered throughout the country, which thu senate nfued to accept. The bill was sent back to the senate with an almost unanimous vote that the provision be accepted. . Of the 127 ' members voting only four voted j against the insistence. They were Bepre- scntatives Cannon ef Illinois, Austin of Tennessee, Sulloway of. New Hampshire and Moore of Pennsylvania. ; v' . Kbdv Is To . Old to, learn that the sure way . to cure a cough, cold or sore lungs is with Or. King's New ' Discovery. 80c and $1-00. For sals by Beaton Drug Ca . . nun i n iniiii mmn-) Any Woman's " Spring or Summer I ' SKIBT Many extra sies; . . . your choice at.t : . . V ' Any Woman's Wah COAT SUIT White or colored worth e CA '; up to $12.50, at. . .'. .'. '. . . . VitlU : : Odds and Ends of Women's Wash Skirts Worth to $4.00, at. .'.$1.00 " On Sale on Second Floor New Store Children's Dresses at 29c Ages 2 to 6-T-Klnghamt, per calea, fancy lawns, g etc, worth up to . Hf $1.00, at vv 1 ill I1 Mil 'Mil 1 1 1 1 IHIKI m i x urnisnmgs ow sure Hen's Hosiery, 10c and 15c a Pair Men's Lisle, Silk Lisle and Silk Embroid ered Hosiery, worth 25c and 35c a pair, at pair- IQQ and 15c Any Han's Shirt in Our Stock (Manhattans Excepted.) includes1!! our shirts that have been Selling as high as $3.00 each Saturday, at each ......... All Our Men's 50o tlslo Web Suspenders, at 19 Men's 50c Lisle and Balbrlggan Vndershirts and Drawers In basement, at 19 Men's tlsle and Ribbed '"Union Suits, worth up to 7 Be, In basement, at . ... v ..... . 29 Men's Lisle Thread Union Suits (Munslng , and B. , V, D. ex cepted), worth UP to $1, 50 i f . r numan nair uoous p0mPeian Room oo x'nf.ioi or line uerman nair, mree 8onrL ( stems a $12 value at $7 Beautiful Large Cluster Puffs, special ly priced for Saturday $4 values, at T 81.98 Halrdresslng. Shampooing and Manicuring. Appointments made by phone. all, worn. COMBS HEADS THE JEWELERS Omaha Man Elected Prejideat by Amerioan Association. MAGAZINES MAY SHOW STYXES Campaign rianued to Initiate Public la What le Good Form In Jewels ' Want Time Sent by Wireless. k ANSA'S CITTf. Aug. 9.-T. L. Combs of Omaha was elected president of the American Retail Jewelers' association to. day. Other officers chosen were: Charles T. Evans of I'tica, N. Y.. first vice presi dent; C. r. Mans ban of Chicago, second vice president; Claude V. Wheeler of Columhla. Mo., secretary; J. R. Stebbins of Ashtabula, O.. treasurer; Steele Rob. erts of Pittsburgh and A. W. Anderson of Meenah, Wis., members of the execu tive committee. , " M'ant'-FUlnii Shown. Fashion magaxlnea will soon show the correct atyles in Jewelry, as well as tha newest things In wearing apparel, if they odopt a request of the Jewelers, ; who decided today to petition publications to do so. Tho point was made that the fashiona should be dictated by the Jewel ers themselves; The question wss brought up by frank H. Robertson of Blackwel), Okl. . - ' "Colors In Jewelry," said Mr. Robert son, "should correspond with the colors of the clothing.: As much care should be taken In the selections of rings, bracelets and necklaces as In the selection of the choice of garments." ,, , Incidental to this movement It Is plan ned to start-a campaign tc Initiate the public In what 1 good form in Jewels. Wnnltl Ahnltxh Gaarantv. Hereafter the purchaser of a gold-plated watch takes the chances, The old in scription, "guaranteed for twenty years" became entirely too common, and .so tar as the association Is concerned its virtue now Is nothing. A resolution was adopted todny abolishing the time guar anty on gold-plated' watches and Jewelry. The guaranty; stamp. Jawelers say; has gradually . come 'to be plscew on all slated Were by responsible and irrespon " j ' ' ' i i ii I,.,- in i i i misnsjimiiminir"'J f BRANDEIS STORE FOR MEN SATURDAY Take Your Choice of Our Entire Stock MEN'S FANCY SUP1MER SUITS Made to Sell up to $11 50 $ $35, at. ... A light weight suit is a 'practical suit only three or four months in the year when you can't ( wear it and those months are a long way; off. The Foremost Makes of Men's Clothes All the Hirsh-Wickwire, Rbgers-Peet and Strat- , ford Summer Suits (no blacks or blues) made to sell at $22.50 and up to $35. and scores or tine nana tanorea v f M 51? Hen's $15-$20 Summer Suits, $9n Hundreds of serviceable, strictly up-to-date sum mer Suits in the dressiest shades and mixtures- have been selling here all season . at $15, $17.50 and $20-your - choice, all sizes, at. ... , MEN'S PANTS In Spring and Summer, Weights , , Men's Cheviot and fancy worsted pants all sizes, various popular and refined have been selling all season $4 and $5, your choice, at All the Men's Pants in our been selling all season up to your cnoice oaiuraay Bill l mm ' a m nain floor 98c Men's Undershirts and Drawers that are worth up to $1.00 a garment, at, each .... 35 Men's 23c and 85c Silk Neckwear , at 10 Men's 75c Silk Neckwear at 25 Men's and Boys' 85c Soft Collar Tie Sets, at 1SH Men'a $3-00 Pajamas Special at, suit ................... 89 j secona now watrv flMfl(hfi made sible firms alike. If the gold , plate does not last the full time limit, which usually Is the case in the cheaper grades oi watches and Jewelry, the retailer has to stand the loss. Following an address by H. E. Puncan of Waltnam, Mass., a resolution was adopted providing that a committee ar range wiu the United 8tates government for wireless time service for the Jewelers. The plan is that every Jeweler shall havo a receiver to catch the time rained xrom the new government wireless -station t Arlington. More accurate setting and regulation of watches than now is com mon would follow, It wss said. , High Cattle Prices Expected to Endure For Several Tears CHICAGO, Aug. D.-Cheftp prices fof beef based on a more abundant supply of cattle cannot be expected for several years, according to M- V. Horlns, statis tician of the Union Stock Yards and Transit company, who issued a statement today commenting on the record high prtces paid for cattle in the Chicago mar ket this week.- In his opinion the only relief lies with the farmers of the corn pelt, who. with Improved methods of farming , and the use of corn and alfalfa in feeding; may be able to produce beef cattle In larger num bers In a few years. . "If nothing went to Pve the scarcity of cattle in this country and that the sup ply and demand governs prices at the mrk tt has been furnished the last two days In the sale of numerous shipments of beef steers on the Chicago market for from $10 to H0.S5 per M0 pounds, the hi ah. at prices paid since the elvll war, forty three years ago." said Mr. Horlne. "The present situation Is easily ex plained. The drouth of 1MB and IBW throughout - the southwestern- range regions and Mexico and the generat drouth of 1910. which extended throughout western Canada and all the western and southwestern range regions, together with the partial drouth and extremely severe Winter of 1311. reduced the already -defl. dent supply of breeding and young, stock to such an extent that a 'general scarcity of all kinds of cattle throughout the A 98 Old ' Store Main Floor Scores M 5Q t patterns' AQ at .$3,50, entire stock that have 4& - j $469 , Extraordinary Sale in Linen Dept. Basement. $1.50 and $2 Bed Spreads at 95c Here is a special purchase of several hundred beautiful, snow white bed spreads of the very best quality and finest weave; all in the most attractive Marseilles pat terns. These are the same " that we sell regularly at and $2 your choice Saturday, at, each... v "Every Kid Wants a Campbell Kid". ; Sale of "Campbell KidBolls The funniest, cutest character 'peta . ever ,, shown. All the newest characters' ;have ; Just been received. The Dutch Boy and Girl baseball kid the cow boy and girl dollstoodles candy kid the Jap ' Rose Kids the fairy doll th! blaer:( girl-unbonnet Sal and many : others 1 that are just out of the band box Shop, at entrance to f'oaipelan Room, from , Mala storo, at. each . . 49c - Fall Issue of the Standard Fashion Book. Choose whichever pattern you fancy and you can have it free with your purchase of the book, i . September Patterns ar now on sas in pattern depsrtment, girin you the first glimpM of th style that Will b worn tl coming- season. country as now manifested became In evitable." . - . : SAILOR FORCED TO PAY i . FOR HIS EXPENSIVE MEAL ... ... . . John Patterson, a sallorman. who says h halls from Pavy Jones' locker,' dis turbed the calm early last night at the Belmont restaurant when he ordered a II meal and. refused to pay for It. He was three sheets In the wind and. according to Patrolman Rlnn, who towed him to port, he was also without a rudder, thereby making htm a derelict open to seizure by the first ,'craft coming in sight. Patterson objected to being seised as a derelict and he poured a broadside of f'.sts into the unprotected stomach of the approaching craft. It was latitude Dodge and longitude Sixteenth, and In a few moments nearly a hundred other new comers were attracted by the "C. Q. P." rlgnal shrieked by the' man from Pavy Jones' locker. 1 " ' ' At. police headquarters, the refractory sallorman was found to have $63 in his pocket, and of this sum he was forced to reimburse the restaurant man. The police will make an effort to have him placed In dry dock when he appeared in police court to answer to the charge of sailing the high seas under a black flag and run ning without a tail-light. ., Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising. llSorcsreNotCanceroiis White til Old Sores are not cancerotis in their nature, every slow heal-. Ing ulcer how a degenerated condition of the blood. Virulent impurities: in the circulation produce angry, discharging ulcers, while milder and more' inert germs are usually manifested in the form of indolent sores or dry,'1 tt sore does pot "come back" when S. S. S. has made cure, becausa its' source has been destroyed. Book on sores and ulcers and medical advice free.v . 1HS SWIFT SPEOFIC CO ATLANTA, GA. ' j bed spreads $1.50,. $lf75 Toy 98c i HAT SALE For Saturday We are determined to clone out every summer hat in our stock and feel sure that these prices r-will do it. , All $5 Hats tit 98c All $10 Hats, $2.48 All $15 Hats, $4.95 Weinlander & Smith 317 South 16th St. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mbs.Wixslow's Sooth i no Svacr has been, used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WWUS' TEliTHINO, with PERFECT BUCCESS. It, SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS ail pain ; cures wind colic, and". is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is t V Tolutfly harmless, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. ' Window's Soothing Syrup," and take no oth,: tlnd Twenty-five cents bottlr " o, iy?il5a. bvwuj Moutm vj ucau no vm wire wiui ciici- nal applications always result in failure because such, treatment does not reach the blood. S. 8. S. heals old, sores of every nature by purifying the blood. It goes1, to the fountain-bead of the trouble and drives out the ' germ-producing poisons and morbid impurities which prevent the place from healing. Then a stream oi rich, nourishing blood, which S. S. S. creates, causes a perfect and . natural knitting together of all flesh ii-1 Kre noVitor thnmirrh arA Mm.k. . An.j i 4 A 4