Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Mooring at the
Omaha Hits a Winning Gait and
Takes Second of Series.
ftraipke Milne with the Ktlck and
, 3!ake Two of the Four Ran
- Scored by the Local
Train. - .... r
A lift into center field for three bases
by Bert Niehoff with first and second
crowded, broke up yesterday's game !n
the sixth inning, and the Rourkes took the
aecond of the serles-tfrom Htighle Jonei
by a 4 to 1 score. '
. Omaha had one run to the good when
the sixth Inning opened, but the Lln
colnltes were crowding the boys hard.
Kane-got to flint on an infield hit and
' Schlpkle singled, sending Kane to second.
Niehoff then dragged his war, club to
the bag and after getting two balls and
three strikes caught the next ball square
on the nose and sent it to the center field
boards while Kane and the Skipper
romped in.
Lincoln came back in the seventh in
ning and got another, but that was as
far as they could go with Robinson
lobbing the ball over In great shape. The
tall twlrler was in fine shape and let
Lincoln down with but few hits and
kept those well scattered. He also sent
even of the Llncolnltes to the bench
by the strike out route.
Both teams again played excellent ball
Knd but two errors were made, one by
each team. Wolverton hurled a good
game for Lincoln, but was found at op
portune times, although on one or two
occasions managed to keep the Rourkes
from scoring by tightening up.
Kane and Schlpke again shone with the
rtlck. Each of these two players con
nected safely three times in four times
tip. Bchlpke also scored two of Omaha's
four runs. He also stole third base In
the clfthth inning. Hickory Johnson
spoiled Lincoln's chance to score in the
second inning when he frustrated a
double steal by catching Barbour sliding
homo. Barbour was on third and Mullen
on second with one out. Bill Dwyer gave
the signal for a doublo steal and both
men started for the next bag. Robinson
saw what was coming and heaved the
ball close to the ground. Stratton was
batting and attempted to block the play,
but Johnson pave him the shoulder and
caught Barbour.
After the second Inning Lincoln was
never dangerous, 'aside from the seventh
inning when the men slipped a run over,
but Robinson settled and struck Wolver
ton out with Stratton on first.
Omaha drew first blood in the fourth.
Thoniason got to first on an infield hit
snd went to third on Kane's single to
right. Sehipke sent one too hot for
Lloyd to handle and Tommie scored.
In the sixth with one down Kane
reached flrt on an infield hit. Schlpke
sinnlcd and Niehoff scored both with a
triple to center. , Schlpke singled in the
eighth. Niehoff sacrificed. .Schlpke stole
third anscored on Bills' single to right
Score: ' ' ' -
. . AB. H.
Justice, M.... 5
Coslf. rf 0
Thomason, cl
Johnson, c. .......... 0
!nne. lb...... 1
Fihlplie. Sb S
Nii-hoflV 8b S 0
lills. if 1 0
Robinson, p 0
i f
' If ;f; W IN F0URTH
sg-v ''-'' ', r , - VAojU 3j uSnSK ' ttj&fk One Inning Proves Serious for Grand
H. O. A. E.
0 0 10
2 1 0 0
18 0 0
0 1,0
3 7,0 0
3 200
S 3 1 0
1 4 0 0
10 3 1
3 27 1 1
H. O.' A. E.
13 2 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
18 0 i
1 11 0
3 2 1
1 7 1 0
14 10
0 (I 2 u
8 23 9 1
......35 4
AB. a
Llovd. ss
Miller, cf
Cobb, rf...
Mctormlck. it
Cole, 2b.. ....,. .
harbour, 3b.....
Mullen, lb ,.
Mrutton, c......
voiverton, p...
, 4
.. I
.. S
.. S
.. t
Totals ............2U 1
johnson ouft bunting foul on third
itilke. - .
.,..0 M1H.1M
iiiiK ..1 2 0 3 0 3 13 -13
Lsncoin .......
lum 0 00001001
Hlti 0 1 11 0 0 2 0 0
Thiee-base hit: Niehoff. Bases on
bull: Off Uobitis.n, S; off Woivcaon, 2.
fctiuck out. By Roolnon. 7; by Woher-
lon. i. ffto!en bane: schlpke, 8tratton.
acrlIlce tilts: Mehoff, Coie. Barbour.
louhie p'.a : Robim-on to Johnson to
tichtpke. Hit by p.tched ball: Barbour.
lass-oil r-tratton. Left on bases:
Umaha. .; Llncom, 4. Time: 1:). I'm-
?l.e: Hank-el!,
.otm of the (iame.
. The same teams again today.
And we won another game on ladies'
Robinron had th "Ltpcs fairly eating
ut of his Lands. -
The circus 6id not keep the fair ones
away fiom the game.
Hany Hicks or Jack Ryan is stated to
wot k in tocay's game.
Tt.oniuson handled three chances in
great sr.ape and connected safely once.
Sit. Jowph trimmid the Grlniles and
' Omaha went ono game neater tne top. ,
Almoft' Nit the tnembftrs of the city
commission in attendance at the
cout Joe SusJtn of Detroit is still in
Omaiia and was on ti.e Held again yes
terday, ... . . '
Denver 'will come to Omaha Monday,
and then 1 when the Rourke will get a
ti iicce to climb.
The Rourkes have a;aln' hit their
Waves of Lake
f&SM - "n"""' d"""""" IfWM M m OEEEH1EISCOMPKIEIYD0WH
. His "Hill frrv.rmll.r ntv phi 'una IT iS. VJfe. A M? I i Ifcsi . jLf J I .
Inifalv lilt mill that nn Jump whnn lit-
jeent "c . M. "r Robimon to handle.
Clarke's Timely Slnle la the Mnth
Annexes the fiatae. .
8I0CX CITY. Aug. .-Sloux City won a
pitchers' battle from Wichita to!av, by
Clarke's timely slnglo In the ninth. Score;
, AB. R. H. O. A.
Clarke, rf I ,1 2 10
Smith, ss 2 0 Oil
Holmes, rf . ......... 1.0 0
Myers, If 4 0 0
Evans. 3b 2 A 0
Tennant, lb 4
Andreas,' 2b ........ S
French, rf-ss s
Cadman, c
........ 29
Brown, p
, Totals
4 27 13 1
... 4
... 4
.. I
... 2
.. 1
.. 4
.. V
.. 8
., 0
.. 1
.. 0
H. O.
3 3
A. E.
Mlddleton. cf . ...
Hughes, 2b .....
Petilgrew, If
Davis, rf
Callahan, ss ...
Koerner, lb
Mee, Hb
F'ranti. 3b .......
demons, o
Waeob,' o
Pery, p
Routt, p .,
Totals .........
7 M 12 2
, "Batted for Perry.
Kan tor Clemona in the ninth.
Two out when winning run was scored.
Sioux City 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-3
Wichita 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-2
Two-base hits:1 Clarke, . Clemons.
Sacrltlce hits: rm!th, Brown. Hughes.
Double play: Brown to Smith to Tennant.
Left on banes: Sioux City, B; Wichita, 7.
Hits: Oft 1'erry, 3 in innings; off
Koutt, 1 in one Inning, bases on balls:
Oft Brown; 2; otf Koutt, 1; off Perry,
4. Struck out: By Br0n, W; by Routt,
2. Wild Pitch: By Moutt. Passed bails:
Clemons. Hit by pitched ball: Evans.
Time: 3:(W. Umpires. U Toole and
Kana Ten of the Denver Slascers
and Mt. Joseph Wins,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 9.-Crutcher
struck out ten Denver batsmen and had
them helpless, no base runner reaching
tmru, wnue McAdams had one bad In
ning. St. Joseph won, 4 to 0. Score:
AB. R. H. O. A.
Relily. 2b......
Powell, If
Keily. rf
Zwllilng, cf...
Horton. lb....
.3 10 10
.3 0 0
. 3
Westerzll. 3b.. , 2
Meinke, ss...
Urhfith, c...
crutcher, p,
.. 3
.. 2
.....24 4
AB. R. H. O.
Kenworthy, 2b. ...... 400
GUmoie, If 4 0 0
Cassidy, if 8 0 0
Beall, cf 3 0 0
Qulllen, 3b 4 0 1
Coffey, ss.... 4 0 0
Undtay, lb 4 0 3
Block, c 3 0 2
McAdams, p ....3 0 0
, Totals ....32
24 U
St. Joseph .....0 04000000-4
Denver 0 00000000-0
Two-bahe hit: Zwllilng. Sacrifice hlta:
Weinke, Crutcncr. Left on bates: Den
ver, t; St. Joseph, 2. Struck out: By
Crutcher, 10; by McAdams, 6. Bases on
tall: Off Crutchei, 2; o.f McAaams, 4.
Double pihvs: Coife.v to Kenwo.tuy;
yulheii tutius.-isted). Time: l:6i. Urn
Vht: Fiynn and Knapp. ,
oi:s uioixks wimi ' ox urhor
Toiteko Defeated hy Siee of Foar
. to Three.
DES MOIXEi', la.. Aux. .-It took Dcs
Moines twelxt; lniiing to in trom To
I t-ka to.a.. Tin: wt.inlng run wa maue
oa an tnoi. Sn.ore:
' AB. It. H. O. A. E.
Curtis, cf
iwriily, o.....
ho f, i-s
jonei, lb
leiuen, If.....
lialin, rf
Mi-L'onalu, ub.,
t, c.
AltOiaw. c...
Huesiou, p....
mUKIU!, p....
, To.aU .....
.. &
.: 3
.. 4
., 5
.. 3
.. 1
.. 8
.. 1
.. 1
s St; n
AB, R. H.
O. A. E.
3 0 w
Walsh. 2b........
Klllj!, Cf If.............
tia.duei, lb
Mi Donald, Sb....
ueaf, it. .........
Ci.apman, c......
iai. s
Uiandom, p
Hriitby ,p..
0 0
.. 8
.. &
.. s
,. 6
.. 4
.. 4
.. 3
.. 1
.. 1
3 14 35 13 1
Luttej for Doug.a In the twelfth.
battou lor biswiuwui ,li tne nintn.
De Molne-t., ....... ..0 0 ! 1100000 1-4
lueka OOOOoOOil 00O-3
'iwo-base l it-: Curt.s, Relily (.2). Lee,
Wamn. ;ac l ice Ui: ihaumjn. Double
play: Ho.nby to Cmipniaii to Gaiunei. j
nai-es on iais: un itucston, z; uic
Douglai, 1; tff Brandom, 3. btiuck out:
By Hueston, 5; by Douia ., 4; by Bran
dom, i; by Hortuby, 1. Hit by pltcned
bail: eUar. Time: 2:v0. Uoptrei:
,eyri and McGinn s.
Laerrl Wins froui Wakefield.
LAUREL, Neb.. Aug. 9.-tsclal.)-Laurel
won from Wakefield here today
by a score of 4 to 2. Collms. Willi ford
and Wyman were in the points tor
Laurel, snd Dilts and Miller for Wake
field. Collins struck out two. passed five
and allowed one hit In two and one-third
innings; Williford struck out eleven and
allowed three bits In six and two-thirds
Innings. DIHs struck out three and sal
lowed six aMs.
WIS PIT7HEHV BATTLE , ; jT , : . UUW , , "
Home Enn Into Left Field Bleachers
with One on Base,
Ktw York Falls Back Another Came
Nearer Cabs In tike Raee for
the National Leaa-oe
.-, Penaaat.
NEW VORK, Aug, t.-Mowery won the
game for St. Louts in the eighth when
he hit a home run into the left field
bleachers with Magee on base. Score:
Hugflm, Jb. 4 0 12 1 8nodtrM, If 3 14 0 0
Mi. If... 4 1 1 0 6 Doyle. 2b..., 4 1 1 t 0
Mowrar. 3b. 4 2 2 1 0 Becker, cf... 1 1 I 0
K'netchjr, lb 4 0 14 0 0 Murray, rf..- 1 I 0 0
Event, rf.... 4 111 OMerkle, lb.. 4 13 00
lleour ee. , 4 0 12 OHereog, lb..S 0 13 1
Oekee. 'ef.... 4 13 1 O'MeCormlck. 110 0 0
Wlago, C....4 13 0 OMeyere, C... 4 0 4 1 0
0yr, p 4 0 1 0 0 Fletcher, et. 3 1 0 t 0
-----WHIM, p.... Z v v w
Totele 34 0 17 17 l'Shefer .... 1 0 0 0 0
Crindell, p. 0 0 0 0 0
Totsls 33 3 31 14 1
Batted for Herzog In the ninth. ,
Batted for Wlltse in the eighth.
St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1-t
New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
Two-base hits; Snodgrass. Becker.
Three-base- hits: Doyle.. McCormlck.
Hom9 run: Mowery. Bases on balls: Off
Oeyer, 1, Struck out: By Wiltse, 8; by
CrandaJI. 1: by Geyer, 3. Hits: Off
Wiltse. 7 In eight innings; off Crandall,
2 In one inning. Umpires: Johnstone and
Eason. Time: 1:38.
Hohlnson Outoltchea Allen.
BROOKLYN, Aug. . Allen's base on
balls resulted disastrously tor rBooklyn
in his pitching duel with Robinson. It
came with Miller on first and two out
and was followed by Robinson's double
that drove home Pittsburgh's two runs.
AB.H.O.A. IS. AB.H.O.A. B.
Byrne, 3b... 4 1 1 0 CMoren, If... 4 13 0 0
I'troy, If.... 3 0 1 0 ONorthen. of. 4 0 3 0 0
Doalln, rf... 4 13 0 Ognilth 3b... 4 1110
Vnrr, .. 4 1 1 1 lDeubert. lb. 4 1 7 0 0
J.Miller, lb 4 1 T 0 0 Hummel, rf. 4 1 1 0 o
Wllion, cf..,4 0 1 0 OCutelitw, lb. 4 1 1 1 0
li'Crthy, 104 0 3 2 OFIther, J 13 10
Olttton, 0....1 1 10 9 OPhelpa, C....4 110
Robinson, 1 I 0 0 OAllfn. p..... 3 0 0 3 0
. -eTooley 00 0 0 0
Tottle 13 1ST I 10. Miller..! 10 0 0
KnUn 1 0 0 0 0
Tottle 34 10 37 I 0
Ran for Hummel In ninth.
Batted for Fisher In ninth.
Batted for Allen in ninth.
IPttsburgU 0 2000000 0-2
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
Two-base hits: Robinson, Smith. Bases
on balls: Off Allen, 1. Struck out: By
Robinson, 8; by Allen, . Time: 1:42. Um
pires: Klein and Orth.
Cobs Gain on Leaders.
BOSTON. Aug. .-Chlcago batted Tyler
hard, scoring nlns runs. Score:
Miller, If.... ( 4 1 0 iMcDea'd. Sb 4 1 3 3
Bchulte. rf.. ( 1 1 0 0 Campbell, ctS 0 1 1 0
Tinker, ss...S 13 3 1 Sweeney, 3b. 4 3 3 3 0
Xlm'tutn. 3b 4 1 3 1 1 Jukioa. If.. I 14 11
Letch, rf..-. 4 2 10 OTItui, rf.... t 3 10 0
Oiler, lb.,.. ( 0 11 0 0 Devlin." lb.. 4 0 10 10
Cvere, lb.... 4 1 0 1 Brldwell, ee. 1 3 3 0
Arrfcrr, C....I 1 4 1 0 Kline, e 4 3 0 11
LeirtelaV P 1 0 0 1 0 Tyler, p
Bmlth, p.... 1 0 0 0 0Houeer
Klrke .
Tottlf.....40 17 "7 15 4
i " Totale.
.. t o o o
..41 13 87 II 5
Batted for Tyler In ninth. ' 1
Batted for Devlin in ninth.
Chicnso 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 1-9
Boston 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3-7
Two-rasa hits: Tinker, Sweeney, Jack
son, Kling, McDonald, Houser. Home
run: Zimmerman. Bases on balls: Off
Tvler. 3: off Smith, 1. Struck out: By
Lelficld. 1; by Srrrfth. 1. Hits: Off Tyler,
2 in three Innlnas; otf Lnlfield. J In four
Innings; oft Smith, 6 In five innings.
Time: 1:13." Vmptres: Rlgler and Fin
The rctond game of base bill between
the freight claim department and thn
auditor of freight accounts department
of the Union Paclflo will be played at
Fontanelle park today:
The first gamo was won by the A. F.
A. team by a very closo margin.
The lineup:
F. C. A.
Position. A. F. A.
...First bare...' Thomas
... Eecond bae Kryeek
.. Shortstop Pmtth
.. Third bare Victor
.. Hlttht field..., Webb
.. Center f eld... I .owe
Ml otx
Rno es.....
C.lngar... Lett field ..vEilckon
Alexander catcher urusm
Hoover Pitcher Coiburn
Zerzan..... P'.tcl cr
Ocanuer. Substitute .1
Davis ,. Substitute)
ntenwood Trims Plattsmonth.
GLENWOOP. la.. Aug. J.-(Spec!al Tel-egram.V-A
wlt played ball game here
yesterday resulted as follows: '
Plattsmouth 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Glen wood 3 00050010-0
Batteries: Plattsmouth, McCay, Mason
and Mann: Glenwood. Stlmpson and
Reeves. Struck t'UC. By McKay, 6; by
Mason. 4: by Mtimpson. 12. Hits: Glen
wood. 10: Plattsmouth. 1 Umpires: Hall
and Snyder.;
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Copyright. 1912. National Newi
Standing of Teams
W.L.Pct.' W.L-Pct,
New York. . .72 28 .720 Denver . , . .65 47 .5S0I
Chicago.. ..65 36 .844 Omaha ....60 51 .541
Pittsburgh ..59 28 .608 St. Joseph. .58 51 .532
Phtladel'a.. 47 48.4SDes Molnes.56 61 .623
Cincinnati ..47 65 .461 Sioux City.. 56 53 .509
Et. 1U1S....1 M .Vii wicnua 54r.491
Brooklyn ...87 66 .359 Lincoln .,..61 58.468
Boston .28 72 .280 Topeka ....39 70.352
W.L.Pct. W.L.Pct.
Minneapolis 78 40 ,661 Boston 72 83 .686
Columbus ..74 44 .627 Washlngton.65 40.619
Toledo "3 44 .624 Phlladel'a ..60 43 .583
Kansas City .57 61 .483 Chicago ...62 60 .510!
Milwaukee ..52 63 .452 Detroit 53 .64.495
St. Paul 63 6S .438 Cleveland . .48 56 .502
Louisville ...44 73 .876 New York. .32 69 .317
Indianapolis 42 80 .344 St. Louis., ..83 70 .320
W.L.Pct. , W. L.Pct.
Fremont ...48 33 .693 Falls City.. 46 34 .575
Kearney ...45 37 .649Neb. City . 46 34 .675
Hasting! ...44 37 .643Auburn .... 44 85 .557
Seward 43 38 .631 Beatrice SS 40 .487
Gr. Island. .42 39 . 519Humboldt . 36 44 . 450
Columbus ..41 39 . 5 3j Hiawatha.. 28 51 .354
York 33 45 .423
Superior ....26 54 ,25-
Yesterday's Results.
Lincoln, 1; 6maha. 4.
Wichita. 2; Sioux City, 3.
Topeka, 3: Dea Moines, 4 twelve Innings.
Denver, 0; St. Joseph, 4. . .
" NATIONAL LEAGUE-. - -Cincinnati-Philadelphia,
St. Louts, 4; New York, 2.
Pittsburgh, 2; Brooklyn, L
Chicago, 9; Boston, 7.
Boston. 6; Detroit, 1.
New York, 1; Cleveland, 3.-Washington-iSt.
Louis; two innings;
Philadelphia, 6; Chicago, 7.
Milwaukee, 6; Louisville, 2.
St. Paul, 2-2: Toledo, 3-4.
Minneapolls-lndlanapolls, rain.
Kansas City-Columbus, wet grounds.
Games Today.
' Western League Lincoln at Omaha,
Wichita at Sioux City, Topeka at Des
Moines, Denver at St. Joseph.
National League Cincinnati at Phila
delphia, St. Louis at New York, Pitts
burgh at Brooklyn, Chicago at Boston.
American League Boston at Detroit,
New York at Cleveland, Washington at
St. Louis, Philadelphia at Chicago. ,
American Association Milwaukee at
Louisville, St. Paul at Toledo. Minneapo
lis at Indianapolis, ICansas City at Co
lumbus. -,
Nebraska State League Hastings at
Columbus, Seward at Grand Island, Su
perior at Fremont, York, at Kearney.
Mink League Beatrice at Nebraska
City, Auburn at Humboldt, Falls City at
Foresters Secure ,
Game from Beatrice
NEBRASKA, CITY, . Neb., Aug. 9.
( Special Telegram.) Beatrice's errors and
Nebraska" City's hitting won today's
game. Score: R.H.E.
Beatrice .... 0 0 0 00 0 010-444
Neb. Clty ,.. 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 . -7 8 0
Batt-rtes: Beatrice, Belts and Darrow;
Nebiaska City, Miller and Gold wait.
Ull I Dll HT DAI I nniuQ
.... .
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 9. -George H. '
My err, piesident (t the Kansas City Aero
ctub, whose two balloons, the Uncle Sam
and Kansas City 11. finished first and
second, respectl e.y, in the nat'onal elimi
nation race two weeks ago, today was
notlUol by the Aero Club of . America,
that Cuvtaln E. Honeywell and John ;
Watt had been named to p-lct the bass j
in the Interi at onal lace In Germany next ;
tall. - , i
Albert Ho! ts of the Cincinnati Aero
club, who took tliid honois in the elimi
nation ta.e with the Drifter, is the third
pilot to iepre$ent America. i
The pllul'j will select their own aids. -
- L , - - -
SPARTA. Wis., Aug. 9. -A prize fight.
fctuduled for Camp McCoy, next Sunday,
and in which thousands of regulars and
militiamen in camp are taking great In
terest, will not take place on the date
set. Frank Clark, who claims to be the
champion of the army, was to have met
Arthur NelscAi of Sparta, but today the
district attorney of Monroe county gave
notice that the fight would lot be al
lowed on Sunday. He promises not to In
terfere on any other day of the
week, and the bout was postponed intil
Monday next.
Osmond Wfeats ttnu,
WAU8A. Neb.. Aug. ' 9.-(Speciai.)-Foreman's
Colts were defeated at Osmond
yesterday by a score of 17 to 8. The game
was played at the Woodmen picnic Thl
makes a game each and the deciding
game will be play ed at Wausa in the near
future. , .....
9, 1912.
Hartnan Replaces Him-and After
ward Seward Register Only One
Scratch Hit Hanks Appears
y for Seward.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 9.-(Spe-cial
Telegram.) In the first three in
nings Green struck out six of the visi
tors, but inthe fourth two errors behind
him, four walks and a Skcriflce with a
two Backer, scored six. Harman relieved
him and Seward registered one scratch
hit off him. Two wild pitches and a
stolen base by Flrestlne gave Grand
Island a score in the first. Hanks,' new
twirler for Seward, allowed three scat
tered hits. Score: R.H.E.
8eward ...... 0 0 0 6- 0 0 0 0 0-6 2 1
Grand Island 10000000 0-1 6 4
Batteries: Seward, a.i.'sa and Camp
field; Grand Island, Hartman - and
Jokerst. Bases on balls: Off Hanks, 4;
off Green, 4. Struck out: By Hanks, 6;
by Green, (; by Hartman, 6. Two-base
hits: Brannan, Jokerst. Double plays:
Flrestlne to Rushenberg. Umpires: Col
lins and Graymes.
Kearney Wins ' by Shade.
KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. , 9.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Lefty Davis and his men felt
the sting of defeat and the lash of the
winning streak now being Indulged in
by the capitalists this afternoon, getting
the small end of a 5 to 6 score.- When
the break occurred the York bunch be
came crabby and three of their men were
put off the grounds for bull mooslng the
umpires. Score: . . ... R.H.E.
York 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0. 0-5 6 1
Kearney .... 00112101 8 1
Batteries: York, Burnett and Ellis;
Kearney, Patrick, Trimble and Spellman.
Two-base hits: Pagles, Price, Patrick.
Three-base hit: Smith. Home run:
Pagles. Bases on balls: Off Burnett. 3;
off Patrick, 3. Struck out: By Burnett.
3; by Patrick. 5; by Trimble, 3. Passed
ball: Spellman. Wild pitch: Patrick. Hit
by pitched ball: By Patrick, 3. Time;
1:50. Umpire: Nugent. ' .
v Pathfinders Beat Superior. '' '
FREMONT. Neb.. Aug. 9.-(8peclal
Telegram.) The Pathfinders defeated the
tail enders this afternoon in the last half
of the ninth inning. The game was in-
terruped by two short showers which
made sharp playing a hard proposition.
Fremont's errors were not costly and
Kingdom pulled his team out of several
hard places. Hruska did good work up
to the ninth inning. Score. , R.H.E.
Superior .... 0000 1000 0-1 31
Fremont .... 00000000 2-2 65
Batteries: Superior, Hruska and L!z-
zette; Fremont, Klnkdon and Neff. Um
pire, Klssane.
Pawnees Take Another.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. 9.-Special Tel
egram.) Columbus won from Hastings
today in a fast but one-sided game, 8 to
2, Justus for the Pawnees pitched supurb
ball and would have shut out the visitors
but for a scratch hit after two were out
in the ninth.
Shaner replaced Adams in the fourth
and in the sixth inning ten Pawnees
came to bat and pounded him for five
runs. With Justus pitching in his old
time form the visitors were helpless at
all stages of the game. Both team
played a good fielding game, Columbus
team executing two fast double plays.
Today's game makes Justus' fifteenth
victory out of twenty-one games pitched.
Score: R.H.E.
Hastings 0 0000000 22 6)
Columbus ....0 0030600 S 12 2
Batteries: Columbus, Justus and Smith;
Hastings. Adams, Shaner and Bachant.
Struck out: By Justus, 6; by Adams, I;
by Shaner, 2.. Umpire: McDermott. '
Sox Win Sinffging- Match.
CHICAGO, Aug. .-Chicago defeated
Philadelphia 7 to 6 today In a slugging
match. The visitors took the lead as a
result of two passes, an error and two
hits, but were overtaken when bunched
bits,' a wild pitch and an error netted
five runs and caused , the retirement of
Brown in the second inning. Philadel
phia hit opportunely thereafter but could
not overcome the lead of Chicago. Score:
AB.H.O.A.K. , AB.H.O.A. E.
Rath, lb.'... 3 0 3 OBirry, u.... 4 0 1 3 0
Mettlck. cf.. 3 0 0 o OMiRRert, It.. I 1 1 0 0
H. Lord, 3b. 3 0 0 1 OCbllliu. 3b.. 4 13 10
Bodle,. rf....4 It OBtker. 3b.... 4 3 3 1 0
J.tolllnt. lb 4 lit 0 SMrtnnes. lb. 3 1 10 1 1
Mclntyre. If 4 1 3 0 0 Strunk. cf. .. 4 0 10 0
Jobneou. si. 4 1 I i 0B. Lord rf . 4 0 1 0 0
Kuhn. c 11 3 1 0 Lapp, e t 1 3 1 0
Wtleh, p.... 3 10 0 OBrovn, p.... 1 0 0 3 0
t Houck, p.
Tottle 33 13 37 U 1 Coorabt .
3 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0
Tottle 5 8 34 11 1
Batted for Houck in the ninth.
Chicago ........... 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 -7
Philadelphia 3001 10100-4)
Two-basa lilts: Baker, Walsh. .Tliroe
base hits: Mcinnas, E. Collins. Home
run: Lapp. Hits: Off Brown, 3 In one
Inning with none out in second; off
Houck, 9 in seven Innings. Sacrifice fly:
Mattlok. Sacrifice hits: Mattlck, VvaUh.
Stolen bases: Mctnnes. Baker. Double
plays: Lapp to K. Collins; Mclnnes to
arry to Mclnnes. Left on bases: Chi
it. go, t; Philadelphia. 6. Bas;s on balls:
Otf tiouck, 3; oU Walsh, 3. Struck out;
By 9; by Houck. t Passed ball:
Kuhn. wild pitches: WaUh. 2; Houck.
Time: 2:15. Implies: O'Brien and Dl
neen. Boston Poands Mullln Hard,
DETROIT, Aug. 9. Boston pounded
Mullln for seven hits in the fourth and
fifth Innings and defeated Detroit today,
6 to L Stallage's great throwing broke
up several chances for Boston to produce
runs. Score: , . -
AB.H.O.A. E. AB.H.O.A.K.
Hooper, rf... 3 1 1 0 OM Tl'moU. If 1 1 0 0, 3k.. 4 3 1 1 0Bb, ..... 1 1111
Speaker, et 4 110 OCobb, et..... 4 110 1
Lewie It.... 4 110 OJonee, ef.... 0 0 0 0 0
Gardner, 3b. 4 1 II OCrtwford. rt 4 0 10 0
Stahl. lb.... 4 1 11 t Louden, lb.. 4 10 10
Wasner, ta.. 1 0 t I OOoelew, lb.. 1 0 11 0 0
Carrlaan. e. 4 0 I t Opeal, Jb.,,,.4 0 1 t 0
Drawn for The Bee
Bedlfnt, p... 4 0 1 t OStentge, c... 2 0 4 3 0
- - Mullln, p... I 9 0 0
totli.....3J 10 17 II OWorke. p.... 1 10 10
Tottle 31 i 37 14 2
Boston 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0-6
Detroit 1 0000000 0-1
Two-base hits: Cobb. louden. Lewis.
Speaker, Stahl. Hits: Off Mullln, 7 in
five innings; off Works, 3 in four Innings.
Sacrifice hit: Onslow. Stolen bases:
Hooper. Left on bases: Boston, 4; De
troit. 5, Bases on balls: Off Mullln. 2:
off Bedient, 2. .First base on error, Bos
ton, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Mullln,
Hooper; by Wforks. Hooper. Struck out:
By Mullln. 1; by Works, 2: by Bedient, 1.
Time: 1:50. Umpires: We,stervelt and
Anrora nianka Central City,
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., Aug. 9.-(Spe
clal.) Central City was defeated by
Aurora here today in the fourth game of
tne present series by the score of 5 to 0.
Score: u . . ,
Central City..O 00000000-067
Aurora 2 30000000-6 6 1
Batteries: Central City, Killllay, Mc-
Mahon and Gleason; Aurora, Hockenoary
and Hockenbary.
Madison Defeats Lnzns.
MADISON, Neb., Aug. 9. (Special. )
Madison 'defeated the Luxus team of
Omaha on the local diamond this after
norm by a score of 3 to 1. It was tight
ball from start to finish. Score: R. H.E.
Luxus ....0 001 0000 0-1 62
Madison .......1 0 0 1 1 0 0 , 0 -3 4 2
Batteries: Madison, Zavadill and With,
row; Luxus, Fox and Danze.
Letter Carriers
Hold Picnic Today
The local letter carriers are to hold
their annual picnic at Cortland beach
this afternoon. The last regular after
noon delivery will not be made In Omaha
today, as the men will be given the
part of the afternoon after 4 : o'clock
off duty. There are 131 regular carriers
In Omaha and sixteen substitutes. The
wives and families of the carriers will
also participate In the picnic. Basket
lunches will be taken and the spread will
be served when all is in rediness. No
special cars will be run, but the crowd
will go after 4 o'clock.
There will be potato races, egg races,
nail driving contests and sack races. -In
the evening there will be dancing.
Postmaster Wharton and Assistant Post
master Woodard has announced that they
will lead the march. No time limit is
set for the duration of the picnic, so
that everyone may stay for the last car.
tourney at the Field club, August 19 to 24.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Your hot, sticky, itchy
face needs a Gillette
ANY man-every man can now
guard himself against the tor
ments of a hot day.
He can keep his face cool free from
beard, from excess perspiration, from
street dust and grime.
With the Gillette he can shave every day-
quickly and comfortably.
He can allay the feverish, itchy feeling of
hi skin get back his poise and power for the
day's work.
It pays a man to own a Gillette.
He can be sure then of a velvet-smooth
shave whenever he wants it. He can be sure
of a clean shave-a sanitary shave.
He can be sure that his razor will always be
smooth and sharp.
The 1912 Gillette Blades are the best ever
made give a smoother, cleaner, more com
fortable shave. Buy them to-day.
Ask yosr dealer.
Standard let, 18.00 everywhere.
P.xk edltione, $5.00 to 96 00.
Travelers' and Tourists' sets, 16.00
Safety Razor
No Stropping "LwCJ
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by Hal Coffman
To ty&RfcY JvfC
County Republicans
to Name Treasurer
at Saturday Session
The treasurer of the republican county
committee is to be apponlted ..' at the
meeting to be held by the committee
Saturday night. Ti e matter of this ap
pointment has been left with Chairman
Meyers. He has not yet announced who
are the men he is thinking of, but it is
raid that W. E. Rhoades, who has been
ti e treasurer of the committee for a num.
ter of years, Is likely to be again named.
Mr. Meyers fa, s that, although the ap
pointing has been left to him, he expects
to f Imply recommend the man of his
choice to the entire committee and let
them vote on the name, as he desires to
have any appointment ratified by the en
tire committee.
The same policy Chairman Meyers
hopes to follow when the matter of the
selection of the men for executive com
mitteemen comes up. These are to be
chosen by the-county committeemen of
the various wards, one from each ward
In Omaha, three from South Omaha at
large and three from the country, pre
cincts. Chai: man Meyers says he expects
to have the entire committee vote on '
each name that is presented for executive
member," as he desires the ratification
of every one by the entire body of ninety-
four county committeemen. The commit
teemen in the various wards have been
caucusing within the last few days se
lecting men who they want to represent
them In the executive committee.
The third matter that will come up Is
the matter of whether or not ,
mittee shall bold a picnic some Saturday,
at which they are to combine pleasure
with the regular weekly business of the
committee. Whether or not the picnic
shall be made a barbecue and what shall
be the nature of animal to ba roasted wlli
alco come up.
SPOKANE, Aug. .-Mrs. May Ark
wright Hutton, suffragist leader . and
member of the Washington delegation to
the democratic national convention, an
nounced today she would be a candidate
for nomination for state representative on
the democratic ticket.
To Dissolve the linion
of stomach, liver and kidney troubles
and cure biliousness and malaria, take
Electric Bitters. Guaranteed. Only 60c.'
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Gillette Blades, packets of six (II
shaving edge), Mcents; alckel-plated
box cf twelTe(4ebaTinedgei, 11.00.
For sale la 40.000 retail stores is
every part of the habitable globe.
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