12 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRHAY, , AUGUST: 9, 1912. Great Sale of Importer's Fine All Wool ' Dress Goods Samples This is our annual purchase from a famous importer's cases of fine dress goods samples, in lengths from 1-2 " to 7-8 of a yard. They comprise every desirable weave and color many match up many beautiful black wool fabrics. Ihese goods were made to sell from $1,50 te $2.50 a yard. On sale Friday, on big g . - t T sptcil bargain squares, WjP 3.11 Q ijOC i at, each, . . . . v 7 SALE of WASH GOODS in BASEMENT ; Genuine. Serpentine Crepe, 1 in all hew patterns, right , Jerigths for kimonos and 4 dresses; at, IIa yard. Yard wide dress percales, t "light and dark styles, best quality in perfect,- desir- . able mill lengths, p r at,yard.....;. OC ....... - . . - 32-inch Wide Striped and Checked Zephyr Ginghams Just the material; for making serviceable A house dresses; they launder splendidly; at, yd.. . . UC All kinds fancy Prints; styles that can be used for drapery purposes and comforter cov erings, or styles for 01 dresses, at, yard.... 3 2 C Very fine, firm quality, 36-Inch and 40-lnch wide unbleached Maslln, long lengths, m at,xyard .........,., 2 C Drummer's - sample pieces, of plain colored, . fancy ' woven poplins, many pieces to match, a rare bargain, at, - ty each aC Yard wide bleached Muslin and Cambric, good grade and per- feet lengths, special, j ; at, yard ........ . . . . ... DC Hundreds of Remnants and Sample Pieces of ALL OVER LACES InOrienltaL'shadow and fancy effects 14 to one yard m eacn piece on big bargain square at, C , each J Xi .;. . .... . ....... l. .... . ;;. i,.t..LdC Thousands of Sample Pieces and Remnants of Laces Also, insertions, medallions; etc. all kinds, on c big bargain square at, each . . . . ............ J , . D C 15 and 18-inch Embroidered Corset Coverings Flouncings,1 also wide edges, insertions and galloons hundreds of pretty designs to select from " -j A -worth up to 35c a yard ; bargain square, at, yd. . . 1 V C A Sale Boy o' Knee Pants Suits IN BASEMENT CLOTHING SECTION Boys' $4.50 Suits with two pairs pants at $2.98-About 400 boys' suits, in dark brown and blue mixtures, excel ; lent materials; every suit has two pairs of pants, all cut full peg top Friday special, no on second floor, V"V 0 All Our Boys' Wash Suits i a . that have sold up to $1.00, at. .4VC Boys' $3.50 and $4.00 Wool Suits $1.98 A new line, In different style and fabrics Russians, and blouse suits for boys, ages 2 to 8 years, double breasted or Norfolk styles for boys, ages 6 to 17 M AO years .......... . . $ 1 vO 'Men's $8.50 to $12.50 Suit Various pat terns at . ........ . . .$5.00 and $8.50 Boys' 50c Boys EOc Boys' BOo Boys' 25c Boys' 11.00 Overalls, Rompers, Blouses, Wash Knlcker , S9 25d Pants 15k bockera40c Boys' aad Young Men's Clothing Specials 2d Floor Boys' $8.50 to $10.00 Knickerbocker Suits All light weight. $5 Boys' $6.00 to $7.50 Suit Some with, two pair pants, ST 4 Boys' $15.00 Long Pants Suits at .7810 Boys' $10.00 to $12.50 Long TanU Suits at. . . $7.50 Boys' $3.60 to $4.50 Boys' $2.50 and $3 I Boys' $1.50 and $2 Washable Suits J Washable Suits J Washable Suits at ...... $2,00 1 t $1.50 I at ........ 85J M BRANDEIS STORES DIG SPECIALS FOR RAPHAEL IP R ICE GUIT SALE The biggest values and the nob biest suits for mta in Omaha at Price. I2S ' Men's Suits.... .S1S.M S22.50 Men's Suit ...$11419 120 Men's Suits... ,,.$10.00 SlS Men'a Suits ,...99.00 IIS 'Men's Suits.. M. .$7.80 110 Men's Suits. .9S.00 $7.60 Men's Suits........... $3.76 you won't be disappointed either In styles, -values or quality. We do Just ma we advertise and you will be surprised to see such val ues for so little money. - SATURDAY ONLY AT -PRED CO. 50c Ladies' Silk Hose, in i black and tan . ... .21c $1.50 to $2.50 Ladies black Petticoats. . . . 69c, 89c $3.50 Ladies Linen Coats at..,..............98c Big sizes in girls' Dresses, 'worth up to $2, at 50c $3.50: and $4.50 Ladies' Skirts, Saturday, S1.98 uaaiea J louse Dresses. . Aprons with bibs ... . . . 75c Corsets $1.00 Long Silk Gloves. . u 7i . miuivb nose, Diaca and all colors . . 'I , . t . . . . . . . 5j The new White,. Ladies' Mid summer Hats, new. lot Just ar rived and are placed on sale . Saturday at;... ..;,.! os 48 12J 39 oplhiaell'-uped o. CORNIER FARM AM ATID 13TH STREETS THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE ' . w,ww,wwwww,MMwSucccssors to tho Bennett Co.,wwww,www,ww Only Two More Days Remain of the Final G lea of the Bennett Half-Million Dollar Stocks In point of valuergiving tliey will be probably; the two best days of the entire sale. Mostly small lots now that do not warrant space in the papers, so you must come to the store and see for yourself lest some of the things you need escape you. A dollar will always do the work of two in this bargain festival and: sometimes as much as four. If you are inclined to simple' tail ored effects in your wardrobe you will appreciate the tailor-made cot ton rep wash suits in Friday's selling.- Tan, white, light blue, laven der and pink in women's and.misses',. sizes. ' $7.50 values for $1.95. There will' also be, some colored wash dresses of lawns, percales, cambrics, etc., worth $2.50 each, on sale at $1.25. And another lot of $3.95 colored wash dresses of ginghams, lawns and percles in about 20 different styles at $1.93. One lot of lingerie dresses in several different styles. made of fine quality eyelet embroidery: T t afa P wpi.rra j l: l - $5.00 values at . . . , wmte wow serge aresses in low neck and short ' sleeve styles,1 slightly soiled from; display; ex-' cellent $10.00 values, friday, or while they last, $2.95; ' V Rubber raincoats that regularly sell at $5.00 each, on ' sale Friday at $2.95. values, Friday, 20c, 1 nj-iqnru'ijin.aruuxrxnrui.rij irin-i-i- """--' '-'-"-----'' '----if--- One lot of lingerie waists with . lace and embroidery , trimmings, worth $1.50 each, Friday, 59c. -: , Checked and striped percale house dresses, considered extra good values at $1.25, Friday, 79c. ' Women's eod quality muslin drawers .with wide embroidery trimming: . 50c 20c Pillow Cases j Qlr These are large size, full bleached cases with a two-inch hem,lmade from the very best quality casing for wear. Price is for Friday only. ' 45-inch plain and white fig ured oilcloth that usually sells at 20c the yard, Friday, limit of twelve; yards ,tb a customer at 14c the yard. IT: Napkins QS 20x20-inch mer- s cerized and hemmed napkins in a variety of patterns, worth $1.50 the dozen, Fri day, 98c. Bleached and unbleached cot ton and linen crash, made espec ially for kitchen use; the 6c and 6c kind. Friday, 8Kc the yard. Kxtra good quality curtain. Swisses in dots, striped and fig ured patterns; full 36 Inches wide; any amount you wish cut from . the bolt; 15c values, Fri day, 8Hc the yard. Friday we will offer all of our broken lots of corsets t h a t have been selling at $1.60 to $2.50,, for" . They are made of fine batistes and contils and come in styles adapted to every type of figure. Not every size in ev ery style but every size In the assort ment. " ' Ol if ' 3' Wash Goods On the Bargain , Tables This Friday Lot consists 1 of Irish dimities, satin striped voiles, ' satin ' striped poplins, dotted gwisses, satin - striped n.arquisettes, shirtinc; madras and other good wash materials, worth up to . I9c the yard, , . 10c Hosiery (EL Underw'r Women's 10c " low - neck,- sleeveless vests, Friday - . .5o Women's 15c low neck, sleeveless vests, Friday 8o Women's lc and 25c vests In regular and extra sizes .,i ISHo Women's 35c low neck union suits for ...SSo Women's 60c vests, pants "and union suits. 3 for 31.00 or, each .3So Children's 19c white cotton umbrella pants for .80 Children's 25c, 35c and 50c union suits for .v.. ......ISO Women's 19c and 25c seamless cot ton hose, Friday latte Women's 12 He seamless cotton hose, Friday at :..8o Children's 25c ribbed cotton hose, Friday, pair ......... t ......... .150 Children's 12Hc ribbed tan cotton hose, Friday, pair ....80 Final Clean- of the Stock Occurs Sa Up Rug See our next; advertisement for the complete particulars White Canvas. Boots Sl.SQ Women's $350 "white; canvas button " . boots ' with short flipped' vamps and uuuuyear wexi soies;, sizes z v 7 inclusive ; liiday, $1.89 the pa 5(K) )airs women's shoes, ties and pumps, in all leathers and - styles with either heavy or - light soles ; priced to close, the pair. ...... $1.95 Special Purchase Children's" extra quality sandals , with closed sides and per forated vamps; comfortable and long-wearing; sizes five to two; Friday, 49c the pair. : Eiiairneled Ware Less Than Hdlf th Actu Value You will at once realize when , you read the list of articles offered at the different prices that this is the most extraordinary sale of enameled ware ever in Omaha. Every piece is: triple-'coated and guaranteed to be ; in perfect condition. Only chemically tested pure materials were used in the making. ; I i ! at 5 c l-quart milk pans; 2juart milk pans; large drinking cups in two shapes; 9-inch and 10-in,ch shallow pie plates; . 9-inch . and 10-inch jelly cake pans; 12-inch and 15-inch basting spoons; soup I ladles, etc. Washing Ilachincs . ' $10.00 Eex washing ma chines $7.95 $10.00, Big Three washing machines.for . . . X$8.49 Ten per cent reduction on our entire line of "Automatic," "New Perfection" and "Cen tury" Refrigerators. Porcelain Cereal Sets Porcelain cereal sets, consist ing of 1 oil bottle, 1 vinegar. , bottle 6 spice Jars and 6 cereal Jars, $2.50 value, 91.39 aa. . rrrriricirwffrirujjij. Fruit Jars Ball Mason fruit Jars are now priced as follows: pint siie, , dosen, 50c; quart siie, the dozen, 60c; half-gallon size, the dozen. 85c Extra heary fruit Jar rubbers, .three dozen for , ...,. S5c f Four styles of water dippers; I n : 1. j 1 a ia '' v i-tucu uua lu-incnpie ptaies;1 large wash basins'; 3-quart, A I i ' 1 r. i Ml 4-quari ana o-quan niiiK pans; l-quart, l-quart, ,2 t quart f and 3-quart pudding j pans ;;J and iiys-quart lipped isaucB paus, etc -.. . 10c f Bennetts Best" coffee, lb. 30c And Some Other Extra Specials For Friday Teas, assorted, lb. . . . i .. ... .58C I ! Perrln's Worcestershire sauce. 19 lha rrnnlatA1 miffar 11(11) bottle 830 "Pride of Bennett's" flour, the sack ........ , . . . . . , . . S1.S5 1- lb. can Bennett's Capitol baking powder for . . . , . . ,20c 25c can Batavia asparagus . :18c Quart Jar olives ; . . . . . . . . .80c French peas, can .............. . .18 Yellow com meal, lb., ....... So Four pounds chicken feed for. . ...lOe 10 bars "Beat-'Em-All soap for. 85o 26c can Bennett's Capitol aprlcota or plums for .................. ..18o Mustard, per Jar, 5c and vJ.. . ..10 2- lb. roll Premium' buttertne for, .4"o Z4-lb. sack "Queen of the Pantry pastry f lour. for $140 Bennett's Capitol - kidney or , lima beans, can .So Four cans Eagle lye for ...SSo Three bottles assorted pickles . . . .SSo Six small cans Cottage milk.... .5o Full cream cheese, lb...... to Hand cheese, each. ..tVio Shrimps, can .10 Three-ISC pkgs. crackers,, all kinds, for . . . :. ; .89o One dozen boxes safety -matches, .64 Butter and Eggs Bennett's Capitol creamery butter in 1-lb. bricks of guaranteed qual ity and weight ..... . ..... .28c Fresh country eggs, the doz., 21c . Pure Candies Salted peanuts, box. 10c 50c 1-lb. box Fluff eta chocolates for ,u23c Vanilla and chocolate caramels, the pound ...,....'. . . . . . .20c Three 5c pkgs. Hershey's milk chocolate for .............. 10c Fruits : Vegetables Freoston Peaches, basket . , 10c Tomatoes, basket ' 10c Dill pickles, market basket. . .40c Three bunches celery for. . . . .10c Three cabbages for ....... . lOc Watermelons, 35c and....,v20c Lemons, per dozen.'. . . . . . . .'.20c Great Economies Possible Friday I Fual Clear- I Big Sale of Embroideries r Continues.- 1 1 if T m m n mi aw i n i TP Set turn r RTOH?. 1 ance of Men's Summer Suits. - Tfiree Great Specials in Summer Silks Silks worth to -75c a yard- in remnants of 2 to 20 yds., 20 to 27 inches wide, plain and fancy weaves of near ly every description; the greatest snaps of the sea son Friday at 18c, 38c $1.00 Silk Foulards 48c 36 inches wide, beautiful quality in ifine assortment of navy," black and Reseda grounds, neat figures and dots, 4 to 10 yard rem-j nants, at, yard;.... . .48c Black Messalines, Taffetas and Peau de Soles 30 inches wide, 10 pieces on sale, to close, at, yard....'......,.. 75 75c Fine Wool Dress Fabrics, Friday,; 38c ' and 48c 50 pieces of, new fall wool dress fabrics, in plain colors; stripes and checks, also: I pretty novelties, fine assortment of the newest colorings for fall.' I - y August Sale of Wash Goods DOc Black and White Striped Voiles, fine quality, 40 inches wide; spe cial at, per yard. . ..... . . . . .33c ' Striped Voile, wide Dresden bor ders, fine quality, 40 Inches wide, 60c grade; at, yard.,.....;.... SSo 25c Stripe Pongee, good quality and patterns; special Friday at....l5o 60c-Flowered Marquisettes and Silk : Organdies, 'good assortment of patterns; all will go at one price, yard Mo 75oCorduroys, al colors; at, yd. 6041 60c Corduroys, all colors; at, yd.SM 25c Plisses. white and colors, 39 Inches wide;, at, yard ..180 August Sale Bargains in Domestic Room Wash Good3 from Bolt and Remnants of All Kinds of Sum ..mer Fabrics. .'at Almost..HaVi.;.'."l-...' Remnants of 36-inch Percales Regular 12 c values, at Remnants of Apron Ginghams 7c values, blue and brown checks yard 5J Remnants of 36-inch Muslins 8c values, at, yard 5 Remnants of Wash Goods-Regu-lar values to 15c, at .... 3 Remnants of Dress Voiles Regu lar valueB to 18c, at 8tt Remnants:' 15c Curtain Swiss 36 inches wide, at, yd 10 Remnants of Silk Finish Foulards Regular 18c values, yard lOf Remnants of Press Pongees Regular 20c values, at, yd. 10 . - Aogust Sale of Furnishing Goods . In Domestic Room Children's Muslin Skirts and Drawers, worth 25c, on sale at .,12-9 25c Gauze Underwear Wom en's or children's shirts or drawers . " 12W-7Js Boys' 25c Summer Underwear Balbriggan" or r Poroskhit shirts or drawers, per garment at .............. 15d Men's Summer Underwear Balbriggan or: open mesh shirts or drawers, to 50c val ues, on sale, per garment,, at 251-35 Men's 75c ' Union Suits All styles, including athletic suits, on saie at, choice .... 49 Boys' Negligee Shirts and blouse waists, to 50c values, at 251-19 Men's Negligee and Work Shirts, 75o values . . . . . 49 Men's, Women's and Children's Cotton Hose, values to 25c pr., at ....12W. 84. 7 9c Half Bleached Muslin 36 In. wide, at, yard . . v. ..... . 6H 75c Hemmed Bed Spreads, size, on sale at . i ........... , . 59 39c ' Bleached Table' Damask 60 in. wide, on sale, yard 25 20c 'White Dress Piques 27 in. wide, on sale 15 27-inch Galatea Cloths. Our regu lar 1 5c values, at, yard . . , 10 50c Ready-Made Sheets 72x90 - size, on sale . . . . .... , 33 18c Cotton Suitings, In plaids and stripes, at 12 Pretty Lawns and Batistes To 15c values, fine assortment, at, yard..;,. ..5 Women's Suit Dept. In Domestic Room Friday ' Women's Dress Skirts Serges and Panamas, to $3 values, Yat;;. v....... $1.98'. One-Plece Wash Dresses, fegu , lar 1 2,. 50 "values, percales, , ginghamsetc, ipretty styles? on sale ........... $1.25 Women's Rain Coats To $5.00 values, ' in , all sizes, on sale at . ...$2.49 Women's $1.00 Wrappers In all colors and sizes, choice, at .......r.i. v.l'.yi 69 Women's Percale House Dresses Well made, good styles and colors, 11.25 values,., 89v Women's Dressing Sacques ' Regular 50c values, choice, at ; 39 Women's 75c Petticoats Col ors and black, on sale. . 49 Children's Wash Dresses fin all sizes, 6 to 14 years, to f 1.25 , values, ginghams, per cales, etc., choice....,, 59 Infants' Shoes and Stockings Regular 35c values, in Fri day's sale, at . 25 ' 1 August Sale Notions in the Domestic Rooni 5c gold eye Needles, 3 papers for 5 5c Safety Pins, 3 pkgs for . . 5 200-yd. Sewing .Thread;3 spools for . . . . . .-. '..-5 50-yard Silk Thread, - 3 spools for ... 5 35c Patent Leather Belts, extra wide, at, each. 15 10c Lisle Elastic, yard ., 4 Is 10c fine Combs, each. . . . 4H 15c Ocean Pearl and fancy Dress Buttons, dozen. .... 4 20c Dressing Comb . : .... . 9 20c Children's Hose Supporters, at'..;................. 9k 25c Embroidery Flounclngs and Corset Covers, yard. . -12W Read Hayden's Big Grocery, Fruit, Vegetable, Butter arid Cheese Specials for Friday. - 19 Pounds Bsst Oraaulstsd (1 AA ..........,.......... 10 bars Lenox, Beat-'Em-All or - Diamond C Soap ... ....... .5e 8 lbs. best White or Yellow Cora- meal .... 17V4o 8 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch.. . S5c 8 cans OH or Mustard Sardines. . .85c Jellycon, Jell-O or Advo Jell, pks.7Vao Oriole or E. C Corn Flakes, pkgr. .6V4e Grape-Nuts, per pkg lOo 8 bars Elder Flower. Castile, Cocoa Oil, Glycerine rir Tar Soap 3Se 16-02. cans Condensed Milk..:.. 6Vio ll-oie. pkgr. best Domestic Macaroni for .. .7Ho McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb... 18He 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Rice 25o 6H-lb. box best Select Soda Crackers for . . ..40e The best Crisp Pretzels, lb. ...... .60 The best Tea Sif tings, lb.. lOo Golden Santos Family Coffee, lb..9Se 8 cakes Slllco Scouring Soap., ...56 Batter, Tggn and Cheese Sals Frloes Best Fresh Country Eggs, doz...80e Best No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb. . .880 (Carton or Bulk.) v . . Best No. 1 Country Creamery But- tar, lb........ .. 25c Best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 83o IT PAYS Full Cream Cheese, lb.. ..,....,..150 . Neufchatel Cheese, each :..3o rw w Totns peaches, nxnu . . aw pzaxs sow. We have a carload of .extra - f aripy Arkansas Elberta Freestone Peaches, packed 41 baskets to the crate. This is strictly No. 1 fruit, and will ' . be sold Thursday, per crate.... wlO PLUSES! . PLUMS! PLUMS ,171. for Jelly, per basket. IS SPECIAL OH CALXrOREIA BAJRT LETT PEAKS These are extra fancy- fruit, and make the n.st de licious preserves, Thurs- C9 1A flay, ons-bnshsl box V TKB GREATEST YEQETABLB ' MAKXET IW THE WEST. ' 8 bunches fresh Radishes for.... .Bo bunches fresh Beets, Carrots, Tur nips or Onions ...5o Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb...7Ho 6 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce .i . .".So 2 Summer" Squash . , , . '. So 3 lbs. fancy ripe Tomatoes ...... .10 3 large' heads Cabbage .100 4 bunches fresh Parsley ...-.So Fancy Silver Wax Onions, lb....8Ho 3 large Cucumbers for. .......... .Be 2 stalks Kalamazoo Celery ,Ao Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb....lOo Fancy Canteloupes, each.... 60, TV TOY IIAYDEN'S FIRST PAYS m 1. HARD COAL Guaranteed to be the best. quality Scranton, A4A pa Pa. This month's delivery,1 per tonH. vl . ... . ylvsUU SPADRA ": Arkansas Anthracite just as good, as hard aa' coal for furnace use; hand screened; per ton. . .VvsUU1 ROSEN BLATT'S COT PRICE COAL CO. 1223 Nicholas St. i , : TeL Douglas 412. You may miss something if you don't read the want ads TODAY.