Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1912, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912. - S - ahoes, la II R 1 rVLJ M... a v 111 We Are Selling Ken's Good Summer Bolts at $13.50 and 89.98. THURSDAY A Host Remarkable Sale 500 Women' Wainty Waists of Chiffon, Silk and Net some worth $4.00, some worth $5.00, some worth $6.00, some even $7.50. They ali go";Thursday in One Lot, at . . :. .... .$1.98 This was a . purchase of 500 Waists, including ! many Fall . Samples from a famous New York house. I T- il l Black Waists, Colored Waists, Fancy Waists, M Plain Waists, Mil , also many paw uuu striped Silk Shirts in this special sale. There are hundreds of these waists and shirtsv and they come in all sizes from 34 to 44. The styles are new and clever. The materials are remarkably, good. You will find a splendid) variety. Thousands have commented on thel great bargains in the window display. Many are included from our regular stock $4 .98 v Advance Season Showing and Sale ' Women's Tailored Suits FOR FALL 1912 These suits will be made to your individual measure or the models may be purchased outright. Scores of stun ning and authentic new models for fall materials niay be chosen from hundreds of new samples. The prices are $25.00 up to $85.00. Thursday We Place on Sale Our Great' Purchase of SILK PETTICOATS The Manufacturers Made These Petticoats to Sell for $3.00 and $3.50 We Bought Them at a Price So Low that You ' Can Buy Them for $1.39. The Maker Stands the Loss. There are, blacks and all colors, including both the staple and odd shades fancy messalines and taffetas plain and fancies Persians and Dresdens some with flounces, some with Jersey tops, fringe trimmed skirts, etc. You will at once recognize them as $3.00 and $3.50 silk petticoats. You can select any one V 1 V for v. 50c and 75c Fancy Linens at 29c ON SALE IN THE BASEMENT As an extra special we offer hundreds of the niost exquisito , drawn work Dresser Scarfs and Squares with shams to match also handsome embroidered lace scarfs with squares to match splendid values in our Linen Dept., basement. 50c and 75c fancy linens, at. 29c HERE IS A VERY SPECIAL SALE. Odd Lots of Corsets Scores and scores of women's fine batiste corsets in broken lots medium and low bust for medium and tall figures 4 hose supporters and shirred tape- worth $1.00; Thursday, main floor, at......:.....;..............;.. Odd Lots of Corsets at $1.95 Fine corsets in light weight coutil, batiste and shadow stripes-broken lots in low and medium bust, extreme and medium hips some have 4 hose supporters, a c ' .others 6 regular $3.50' and $5.00 qualities $ VO - main floor, at. 1 . . .... . ... . , . ; . . . v. :'. .... . . . . . . 75c Women's $1 Wide Lace Collars at 59c Beautiful and popular. new sailor and Dutch shapes in cro chet and baby Irish, Venise and Macrame effects ; a worth $L00; on main floor, Thursday at, each. .... U7C Wdmek's Hosiery New lota of women's and chil dren'! Hale and cotton hosiery of good, dependable quality, In all sizes worth up to 25c per ZSZZ'J.teM 124c Handkerchiefs Women's hemstitched 6heer mull and batiste handker chiefs, plain and 1 cross barred, each. . SC BRANDEIS STORES J ;Fortune or- success have often 'come through, a little want ad. v v . a - , ; t. ' -tt . ' i . ' - i " i ' '" u : - ' t '"' v-.. Have you read the want ads yet today? r . SUCCESSORS TO THE BENNETT COMPANY Final Clearing of All ' This week sees the final clearing of wool suits in double- breasted, Norfolk and knickerbocker styles. The prices are for the last three days of the week or while they last. , Up to $10 Suits, 83.23 Up to $3.00 Suits, $2.69 Up to $4.00 Suits, $1.69 All tht boys' and children's wash suit, will be sacrificed for the last three days of the final clearing. - $1.00 Wash Saits lor . . 69c $1.50 Wash Soils tor . . . 89c $1.75 Wish Suits for . . . 98c $2 00 Wash Suits for . . $1.19 $2.50 Wash Suits for. . $1.25 $3.00 Wash SuiU for . . $1.49 Children's 50c rompers, 39c f 50c khaki. overalls, 29c CHOICE OF ALL OP THE MEN'S SEPARATE TROUS ERS in the entire stock were priced and regulary sold up to $6.00 the pair, Thursday, Friday and ' featurday Plen s Hose and : Underwear Men's 10c Mack cotton hose, seconds, Thursday r the pair. . . .... ,t)C Men's 35c and 50c pure silk lisle seamless hose, r r Thursday, the pair . ... .ZoC Men's ribbed, balbriggan or mesh union suits are specially reduced for Thursday's Ar - selling to .;K)C Men's 60c plain balbriggan or open mesh shirts and drawers, Thursday, the , , , OQ garment .......... . .O s C OnJ all of the boy m a s a w.x aVK. r bwm&m a a , 'ma meg i $2.95 Final Clean Up of the Rug Stock Occurs Saturday Watch our ad vertisements for the complete particulars. Sack "Pride oi Bennett's" Flour. $1.35 And Other Pure Food Specials for Thursday ' 19 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00 Bennett's Golden coffee, the pounds..,.. aSo Tean, assorted, lb. 48c -lb.-fcan Bennett's Cay- Itol baking powder, lOo Bennett's Capitol kidney or lima beans, can, 9c tt-plnt bottle Blue Label catsup for lOo French peas, can ...iao Pint can Oalllard's puro olive oil reduced to 3So 2-lb. roll Tremlum but- terlne for .., 40o 4 lbs.' chicken feed, lOo H-lb. cake Runkel's Premium chocolate, 18o Eight bars "Crystal White" soap a Bo Cracker Jack brand salmon, can 18o Full cream cheese, the pound SOo Three cans Snlder's to- ' mato soup 95o Six cakes Ivory soap, 33c Shredded wheat biscuit, package for ....... lOo B. C. Apricots or Plums, 26c can for... 18o Three large cans Cot tage milk for 85o Quart jar olives . . . .300 Three large cans potted beef for . . . 86o Bennett's Capitol cream ry Batter in 1-lb. bricks of guaranteed weight for S8o Pure Candies Three Be pkgs. Hershey's milk chocolates . ...lOo BOc Fluffeta chocolates--the kind with the soft, creamy centers lb. 33o Baited peanuts, lb. 18Ho TRAI-NS TO DES MOINES via Rock Island Lines 12:33 a. m. 5:45 a. m. 1035 a. m.-4:10 p. m.-4:27 p. m. 6:08 p. m. , Tickets and reservations , 14th and Farnam Streets Paeaeai Doallas 428-Nebraskai A4428-Idepeoden AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. CIRCUS T0f.10QQ0l7 OKV.AHA SHOW GROUNDS 21ST AND PAUL STS. ujjjf A.. A WONDERFUL gr TTtiffX: ALL NEW fe. SWdy? YyJ NOVELTY fpY 810 mm gjMH circus ki FRITZ BIG, E7 STI1EET PARADE Cm neTMitt Mnltl H W: CliHOWi msiBW, nm inuWHiii)mr.i. wnpnifir,!. matchless FCoriOMIFS OFFERED IN AUGUST SALES I MEN'S SUMMER SUITS 1, Worth up to $25.00, all sizes, styles and colors, in cluding blue : AA serges, at ....... ,y I lallU IT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. AtmUslon and Beserved Seat Tickets sold Show Bay at Kyers-DUlon Drug- Oo. leta and rarnam Streets, at tne same price onarcea at e grounas. LAKE MANAMA "40 BQnntea Iron Omaha" BIG FREE SHOW - Svery Afternoon and Ivening; Thla Week. SOVOIAJ b DOCQLAS, Comedy .Acrobats, and Ali I.E01TKABDT, , Comedy Juggler. atovnro pic-tubes etibt XTEWIirO TBEE. BATXXirO BOATIHO DAKC1WO And Kany Otser Attracuons. THE HOME FURNISHER will find prices in our Au gust sale of Furniture most interesting. Y o u'l 1 s a v e money by buying here. (The Most Remarkable Embroidery Bargains Ever Offered uur entire immense purchase of Fine Jiiinbroideries irom tne John Pullman Company Auction The entire stock of this, one of the largest manufacturers and importers of fine em broideries, was sold on account of the dissolution of the firm. Our buyer was one of the largest purchasers. ' ; All Goods Perfect and in the Sea son's Very Newest Pat terns. The Choicest Bargains Ever. ' 25c EMBROIDERIES, 13 18-inch Skirt Flouncings and '18 inch corset cover embroideries; a beautlful.llne for selection. MATCHED SETS ' of Cambric, Swisses and Nainsook Embroideries, in a most beautiful assortment AT HALF PRICE Big Btock for selection. You can't afford to miss the i $1.35 FLOUNCIXGS, 59c A wonderful line of full -45-inch Flouncings; exquisite pat terns of fine fabrics. $2.00 F,louncings 98 $2.50 Flouncings ...... 1.39 $3.00 Flouncings $1.59 $4.00 Flouncings 1.98 $5.00 Flouncings $2.50 All 45 inches in width. opening day. M any other lots shown Entire Stock Goes on Sale Thursday. Will Con tinue Till All Are Closed. DonH Miss Thursday; 20c EMBROIDERIES, 7c Bands, Edges, Galloons and loom end strips; broad assortment, for choice. 50c FLOUNCIXGS, 25c A big line of very fine 18-inch and 27-inch Flouncings that sell regularly at 50c, sale price, 25c. ; Our Display of Tailored Suits for Fall and Uinter9 1912-13 f is one that surpasses in breadth of assortment; attractiveness of design and reasonableness in pricing any ever mae, here or elsewhere in Omaha. Among others we show an exceptionally complete and beautiful assortment of the famous w. 'Twenty distinctive designs for your selection, in a. wealth of wanted fabrics and colorings that has never been surpassed. In the many years we have handled these suits the beauty and quality of the seoson's showing has never been. equaled; they compare with ordinary $35.00 and $40.00 pro- ductions and you'll find them here always at one price..) Our August Clearing Sade of All Summer Dresses Offers Buyers the Greatest Bargain Opportunities Ever Known. 325 Your unrestricted choice of any summer dresses in our entire stock Thursday at the following prices: $3.95 Lingerie Dresses at .......$1.90 $5.00 Lingerie Dresses at ...... .........$2.50 $10.00 Lingerie Dresses at ..; ...$3.90 $15.00 Lingerie Dresses at , . . .. $5.98 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Values up to $1.25, at. . 39J Values up to $2.50, at. .' 95k Values up to $3.95, at $1.50 Values up to $5.00, at $1.98 OTHER EXTRA SPECIALS Women's Raincoats . . .' . $2.49 Children's fall weight Coats, on sale at $1.00 French Linen Dresses; hand embroidered, $25.00 values; in Thursday's sale, $9.95 $2.50 Wash Dresses. $1.25 $5.00 Wash Dresses. $2.50 $6.00 Wash Dresses. $2.95 $7.50 Wash Dresses. $3.49 $12.50 Wash Dresses $5.95 WOMEN'S SUMMER WAISTS 100 dozen in the lot, to close: Values to $1.00, at .... 25 Values to $1.50, at 69 Values to $5, including beau tiful line silk waists 1.90 FOR THUSDAY'S SELLING Women's Dress Skirls Made to sell at $3.95 choice $1.98 August Sale of Wash Goods Silk stripe Opera Voiles,' 39c grade, at, per yard 25 BOc Bordered Tissues, all good colors, to close at, yard 37 44-inch Bordered Voile, 69c value, at, per yard -1 45 50c and 29c Jacquard Silks, light and dark colors, all at one price 25 Klmona Cloth, in pretty Persian designs, 25c quality, at, yard 17 19c Delaine Galacia Cloth, in neat patterns and fancy borders, on sale Thursday 12 f Bed Sheet Sale Linen DeptJhursday h Full size 81x90 heavy Bed Sheets, new French. seam, 60c values, each 39 Full size, 81x90, heavy Bed Sheets, 3-inch hem, seamless, $1.00 values, each'. . . 68 Full size 81x90 Bed Sheets, made from best sheeting manufactured, worth $1.00 each, at 74 Headquarters for hotel sheets, regulation slze 81x99 commencing at, each 69 Hemstitched Bed Sheets, size 81x90, nothing better made, $2.00 values, each . . . $1.20 WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Stall BUi. ' Phones-ggy TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tke Beat Farm Mcaaln ' Base Ball OMAHA vs LINCOLN. Rourke Park Aug. 8, 9, 10, 11 Friday, Aug. 9, Ladies, Day. Games Called at 8:30 - THURSDAY SPECIALS IN THE BUSY. DOMESTIC ROOM 75c White Bed Spreads 3-4 size, hemmed, good assortment of patterns 59 Glenbrook Keady-Made Sheets 65c values, 72x90 size, in Thursday's sale 50 10c Fine Bleached Muslin 36 inches wide, good heavy qual ity at yard 7H 23c Curtain Scrims 30 Inches wide, Thursday, yard 12 H ,15c Galatea Cloths 27 inches wide, light and dark colors, on sale, yard 10 18c, Art Tuckings Big line of good patterns 34 inches wide, at, yard , ,. 10 10c Cretonnes for Curtains 2 7-inch es wide,,' good patterns, on sale 7H 25c Poplins, plain colors or stripes, at 15 t 15c Ratine Cloths All 27 ins. wide, grays, blue or browns, at, yard 10 Simpson's Prints 6 c values, greys, blacks, blues and reds,; on sale, at, yard 5. German Blue Calicoes 12 c values,- 32 Inches wide, oh sale at; yard 10 20c white Piques, 27 inches' wide, great value at, yd. 154 We Advise Our Customers to put up Peaches, Pears, Plums this week We have a carload of extra fancy Arkansas Elberta Freestone Peaches, packed 4 bankets to the crate. This is strictly No. 1 fruit, and will gi be sold Thursday, per crate PX,tTK3t plums: plums 171. -for Jelly, per basket special osr CALrrosirxA bat- XBTT FHAJtS These are extra fancy fruit, and make the nvost de licious preserves. Tiurs- 9 A flay, one-bushel boa .a.!" 19 Ponada Best Granulated 1 AA Sufar for 10 bars Lennox. Beat-'Em-All or Diamond C Soap 5o 48-lb. sack Best High Grade Dia mond1 H Family Flour, the house wife's friend. Make your own bread "and save one-half. Per sack.. $1.85 10 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn meal 174o 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Head Rice... .350 16-oz. cans Condensed Milk 6 Ho 14-os. pkg. Best Domestic Macaroni at 7Ho 8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines 860 Grape-Nuts, package lOo E-C or Oriole Corn Flakes. .... . .6Vo. Jellycon, Jell-O or Advo Jell, pack age, at ....TVsO 3 2 -or bottle Fancy Queen Olives. 35c McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb...l9He Batter, Ears and Cheese Sals Prices Best Fresh Country Eggs, doz.v.BOo Best No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb... 28c (Carton,, or -Bulk.) Best No. 1 Country Creamery ter, id. Best No. 1' Dairy Butter, lb Full Cream Cheese, lb. Neufchatel Cheese, each 8 bunches fresh Radishes for.. 6 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots, nips or Onions Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. . 6 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce.. 2 Summer Squash 3 lbs. fancy ripe Tomatoes..... 3 'large . heads Cabbage. ....... 4 bunches fresh Parsley....... Fancy Silver Wax Onions, lb...' 3 large. Cucumbers for 2 stalks Kalamazoo Celery.... Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb... Fancy Canteloupes, each.... So, But ..85c . 83o ..15o ...3c ..-5o ..Bo .7Vo .. .60 ...So ..10o ..100 ...60 .flUo ...60 ...60. . .lOo 7Vao "j ps Try HAYDEWS First Pays E 1 c