Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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niiLUEas' IN FOttM Alios,
Cfmen Co.. 17th unrt C"roln Bta.
Fuchs, eon ft BUnd. DauitlBg.deroratlnK.
A BARGAIN 69 acres ef rfc improved
timber land in Iowa; splendid fruit or
farm land; must eH; 2 miles from town.
For terms and price call on ileCalaway.
2S14 Cuming St. Phone Harney 3339.
"XCBtAOK bAKGAI?iS near Jinah&,
Cr.D a. JderrlU. T2X City Nat- Bank B)d.
Business Property
Bargainspo wn Town
Not many 'good 'properties ' in the CE
be bought right, ..but. we havejthree spe
cial bargains this Weekl'- ''"- -.
A large corner more'; than a quarter
block larger than the Wb.'.wr ground
and almost as large- as', the .te-ot the
U. P. headquarters. Open m three aides
located in the new "up street 'business
(iisuict, just a block west of the new
touit house. An experienced extern hotel
mak has asked to have, a ho-t built
here for him. We have thought it i
- littie too far up for that. Ho says not.
He may be right. We all "say it is
coming. He says it is there now. 'Some
times it takes an outsider to show us,
The special price we have is per
front foot. That would have seemed
nigh 5 years ago. It seems low now.
ll may seem rediculously low & years
from now. Hind sight is better than
foresight. If you have no faith in the
future of Omaha you will' not pick this
8 a bargain. It takes a ; long-headed
optimist with 150,000 to get this. . If you
can furnish this combination we would
, like to talk to you about it. Owner has
given this price for a special reason for
a lew days only.
Another "frowing-into-business lot on
- South 16th St, 2 blocks from Thompson
& Eerfden's store, at a lower price than
anything near it. This is a large lot, 108
ft. front on 16th and extending-through
to 17th St the same front. Stores would
rent well there now. Special price this
r, week. . ' v .
Another elose-ln corner, a full, city lot,
mxtt ft, with some old buildings that
answer for temporary, low income pro
ducers. Only a. half block from good
paying business property. Looks as-certain
V grow as Omaha herself. 130,000 is
a low price on this.
. The combination of these three bargains
is peculiar. As soon as one is sold th
other two are likely to be immediately
withdrawn. This is the only way we
ieould list them. Vi ' -
Harrison & Morton
m Omaha Nat'l Bank. ' Tel. D. 314.
New 6-Room Houses
: Balanceonthly
-ttu4f and 4114 ''North -'f-afolr1' Street
Boulevard, just completed and everything
considered the best property in the city,
at the prices and terms. 'Each house is
completely, modern, having .large living'
room and dining room, finished in oak
end beautifully decorated; built-in eup
board and cabinet in kitchen, three nice
bedrooms, bath and sleeping porcht best
.of plumbing, first-class furnace . heating
plant .guaranteed; the latest d&slgn com
bination lighting futures; lull-basement,
cemented, laundry sink, outside grade en
trance; beautiful lot. large maple shade
trees, no paving to pay In front of lot.
Thene houses are the last or 16 we have
built in this district within the last year.
All who have 'bought are satisfied, be
cause we hare given them good houses
at reasonable prices. We can sell each
house at $4,000 on the terms stated. For
half cash a reasonable discount will be
allowed. Open today for inspection from
3 to 6 p. m.
Payne & Slater Co.
618 Omaha-Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016
New Mod. Home on
Floreace Boulevard
This is a well constructed, attractively
arranged, strictly modern, J-etory 7-rooni
house, handsomely decorated throughout,
having oak finish and floors first story,
white enamel with mahogany doors, glass
' door knobs second story, up-to-date bath
room with pedestal lavatory and vitreous
' china flush tank, full cemented basement,
: with laundry connections,, rfhades to all
windows, complete In every respect, all
' ready to move into .without any expense,
i Nicely sodded lawn, wide cement walks,
1 east front lot opposite parking" in boule
vard. This heme must be seen to be ap
preciated. Price, $5,000. Easy terms.
Key at our oTOce. Owner, will consider
good Dundee lot at Its cash. value as part
George & Company
tjOS-13 i'ity National Bank rtlds
Phone Iiouj! las Tafi.
Seven-room, modern except heat, cot
tage; reception hall, parlor, dining room.
2 bedrooms and kitchen, 11 good sized
rooms; on first floor; 2 bedrooms and
bath on second floor. Has electric lights,
good cistern with pump in kitchen, east
front, among nice shade trees, lot 28x108.
Can be bought for RIOO flSo cash, bal
ance i'JO a month. Let us show you this.
Both fhones. 807 McCague Bldg.
A Beautiful New
Seven, room, modern, hot water heat,
full cemented basement, reception room,
parlor,, dining room oak finish. Mirror
door in reception room and mirror door
in bedroom. This house was built lor
a. home and nothing but the best of
material used. All double floors. .Weather
quilting used under the siding, making
it warm in winter and cool in summer.
One block, to car line. Both streets paved
and all specials paid. Have personal rea
son for selling my home and will sell It
tor $5,000. Full particulars, address N 337,
car f Bee. .
flown, balance easy terms, will - take a
B-robm cottage, modern except heat, .lo
cated near 36th and Ames, east front
lot,. eOxli'4; lies high and sightly; good
neighborhood, close to ear. Price has
een reduced to $2,300 for. quick sale.
- "-" ; : 310-13 Brandeis Theater.
THREE cottages on 99x132 level ground,
$1,600; ttjOO down, balance any time; two
two-story houses on 8. 16th, oloae In,
, $4,600; rent ot per month; $l.S0O down, bal
ance any time; lovely cottage, iarg lot,
one-half block ear and school, $1,000; oua
htll cash, balance time. - .
F. K. SlLTZ, 2442 8. 19th
FOB , 6aLe cheap t-room house, partly
modem. Phone Webster 8970.
West Dodge St.
Country Home
$3,509 for a practically new. 7-room. all
modern plaster, house, with all neces
sary outbuildings, located on 1
acres of ground. This house is fin
. . ished in hard woods, with combina
tion electric light and gas fixtures
i and first-class hot water heating
plant. The attic has ample space
for 8 or 3 rooms. Present price is
less than the property is actually
' 'worth, -aa the property is so located
that , it' will Increase In value ma
terially in "file next few years. In
vestigate at once. f- .
George Company j
. liiW-t'j' I 'i.v VutitH,lv rtonb tistr !
' : i'lione Drtuglas pi.
; - $300 CASH .
Here is a brand new all modern bunga
low, 5 large rooms,, well arranged, high
grade plumbing, combination lighting
fixtures, enamel bath room, floored attic,
large enough to finish two more rooms;
large cemented basement, laundry con
nections, guaranteed furnace. - Lot 60x136
ft., south front, close to car and school.
Price for quick sale, $2,650.
106 McCague Bids:. Phone Douglas ltS3.
One three-ranm and one - four-room;
both have electric lights, city water, good
cemented basempius,. large lot, with good
sized chicken houxn and all fenced in.
Near 41st and Grand Ave.; une-hiilf block
to car; handy to school and stores. One
hundred and fifty dollars down.l balance
like, rent, will handle these deals. Call
up or ask. . .
Both Phones. 307 McCague Bldg.
Receiver's Sale
The Farmers' & Merchants'
Building and the adjoining
building, located at the south
east corner of 15th and O 8ts.,
will be offered for sale at pub
lic auction, at the office of the
Receiver in the Fanners' ft
Merchants' Bldg., at 2 o'clock
P. M. Saturday, August 10, 1912.
The property has a frontage of
. 3U feet on O St. and 112 feet on
16th St.
. , Here is a splendid opportunity
. for the investor to acquire one
of the most desirable pieces of
. business property in Lincoln. A
full statement of the income
from said property can be had
by applying to the Receiver any
time prior to the sale.
The sale will be for cash to
the highest bidder,, subject to
. the confirmation of the court.
The right, to reject any bid Is
reserved. For additional In
fmtntitlon apply to
. : CHAS. T. KNApP,
Receiver; of Farmers'' & Mer-
' chants Insurance Co.,
Farmers" & Merchants' Bldg.,
'.Lincoln Neb.
v Lot Cheap
Northwest corner 43d Ave. and Dodge
St., south and cant front1 lot, 4SxlW ft.;
permanent sidewalks and paving ' on
Dodge St. in and paid for. PRICE ONLY
0'NeilR. E. & Ins. Agency,
1505 Farnam St.
Dundee Lot
gouth front, 80xlS3, high- ground; beet
valu-in 'Dundee today; terma easy.
1219-22 City Nat l Bank. . ... .. .- D. 396$.
Price will be reduced $100 a day until
sold. ' 1
A nine-room house with hot water heat,
oak finish first floor; yellow pi he finish
second floor; extra good plumbing; toilet
on first floor; ath oil second floor; large
closets; pantry and refrigerator room;
located at 2920 S. 20th St.; a fine home
or a good Investment.
Price today. August 4. $5,000. '
G. E.- ROW.
1104 6. 36th St. . Tel. H. 87H9.
Cathedral District
Corner ;-iot, 60x119,' full 2-gtory, square,
g-room and hall; hot water heat, paved
street; $1,220 cash, balance monthly; will
lease' long time If preferred.
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.
1016 Omaha Nat'l.
Douglas 2152.
mailed free on application. Charles E.
Wlliamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance,
Rentals, care of property. Onnlia.
A NEAT 5-room cottage with bath
modem but heat; lot BOxlk. North part
of city, suitable tor cororea family. Ad
dress 0-566, Be.
DUNDEE Beautiful, modern, superbly
finished, elegant electric, fixtures,- .fine
mantel; oat meal paper, deep basement,
$4,000; terms. Dr. Ward. Doug. 33.
EXCELLENT British Columbia farm
lands In 40-acre blocks; $50 cash, and $15
monthly. A splehdld opening. Detailed in
formation on request. Reliable agents
wanted. National Finano Company, Ltd.,
Vancouver, B. C.
IF you want a Colorado stock ranch
that will make you money, writ me
your wants and I will supply them. U.
W. Reed, Elisabeth. Colo.
, .. , Georgia.
Traversed by tha '
Lands adapted to the widest range ol
crops. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country. Its soil,
climate, church and school advantages,
writ r
v. General Passenger Agent,
THE , easiest way to find a buyer for
ivur farm is to insert a smalt want ad
Id the-Dim Moines Capuai. largest cir
tulation in tlia state of lowa, u.ouu dally.
I'ht Capital m read oy anu believed m bjf
ins stnadpatirs vt Xuwa, who simply r.
fuss u penult any otUer paper m tneir
uom, - states, I tint a wo; U a dayi $ui
pit Un P UDOUlli, vuuufc M 4M 4ta(S
Kuril . to lb line. Adurca U iuuuim
CkwiULl. Dun Moiaes. ia
' Aioniaua.
"SEVENTY thousand acres Carey
land open to entry un Yauer-Momsna
project. Canal i twin compieteU. Pay
ments extend over tiftecn years. Sec
tion famous tor grain, toiags and vege
tables. Write Luntoii, Hurtl & Com
pany, Box Id, Valler, Montana. "
, RANCH ES $J0,0o0 to Jl'JJ.oOO. itvni for
list. Shopen & Co,, Ranch dealers,
Omaha,- Neb. '
Mtauiurt, -
8,050-acre etock ranch, offered 4at less
than half ''its value for quick sale. A
J. Johnston, Merchants National Bank
Bldg., Springfield, Mo. '
110 acres, niiistly choice level valley
land, intra good i.nprovemenu; at sta
tion, rock road; .alfalfa, blue grass; eli'5
per acre. John A. Kerr, Independence,
We have for sale over 20.000 acres of
Cheyenne county, Nebraska's! choicest
farm land, where the crop yields for 12
years, including 1910 and Mil. average
with the best In the state. Alfslfa, also
a leading crop. Better soil, water and
climate cannot be found. Write for full i
information. Agents wanted ivervwhr;
Special This Week
1364 ACRES; 130 acres can be culti
vated, balance pasture; no improvements,
but in good location, three miles from
two good towns. 13 miles from Benson,
good road entire distance, mostly, ,nu
cadam. ' .
This is an estate and they say sell; no
trade considered, : although exceedingly
easy terms. Do hot answer Usbf unless
vou wish something, but then . do -not
fail to. EXTRA BARGAIN, $76, per acre.
Choice peignborftood. , . ,-.
" ia8-U14 nty National Bank Bldg
PLATTE county Jarm-for sale; Se
miles from Monixje; Moiling land; fair
improvements; good 'neighborhood; price,
$16,i0. Address William Websteiv Colum
bus. Neb. ' ' '
' - - , TION-5,000 ACRES.
The most gigantic auction sale of high
class corn, wheat and alfalfa lands ever
held In America; SO-acre tracts, 120-acre
tracts, 160-acre tracts, 240-aere tracts, 3i0
acre tracts and G4')-acre tracts. All in
dividual farms , having their own Indi
vidual Improvements, consisting of houses,
burns and outbuilding, all fenced. To be
sold tin August :0 and, 1, at auction.
at Havelock, Lancaster county, Nebraska.
kasy tertiis. uoiig time. Low rate of
interest. Fur further information ad
dress Farmers' Land Company, 417-18-19-20,
First National Bank Bldg.,' Lincoln,
Neb. , Colonel 5S: S. Branson, auctioneer;
H. K. Frants, clerk.
Soutli Ilit koto.
320 ACRES or land for sale close to
Winner, County seat of Tripp county.
So. Dak.; all good plow land; good
terms; ISO-acre farm close to Winner a
bargain. G. F. Kares, Winner, So. Dak.
FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land.
40 acres broke, balance all tillable. 7
miles from Dallas and 8 miles from
Colome. Price, $40 per aere, payable
$1,600 cash. $2,500 March 1, 19)1 $2,400
March 1, 1917. Address Box 1SS, Dal
las. 8. D-
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Savs
mtleago and shrinkage. Tour consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. litre stock ConuaiMloa tferefcaats
Byers Bros, ft Co. Strong and responslbls.
WOOD BROS., 234-88 Exchange Bldg.
Great West. Com. Co,, Omaha A Denver.
Clay, Rbblson Co., 800 Exchange Bldg.
CLIFTON Com. Co., $22 Exchange Bldg.
Martin Bros. & Co., Exch. Bldg.
TAGO BROS., handle cattle, hoga. nheep.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the Board
of Directors of the Kimball Irrigation
District has declared its intention to sell
and will sell thirty thousand dollars $30,-
000). .par .value, or any smaller amount,
of its bonds heretofore issued, aataa juiy
1, 1910, at the office of said board on the
corner of First and Chestnut streets in
Kimball, Kimball county. State of Ne
braska, on Thursday, the 29th day of Au
gust, A. D. 1912, at the hour of twelve
o'clock noon.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
board at their said office for the pur
ohase of said amoui of bonds or any
part thereof until the day and hour
named heietofore, at which time the said
board will open the proposals and award
the Durchase of the bonds to the highest
responsible bidder or bidders, the board,
however, reserving the right, to reject
any or all bids.
Dated August &-I9J2. ' '
Bv order of the Board of Directors.
TRICT, (Seal) By I. S. WALKER, President.
Attest: Fred. R. Morgan, Secretary.
A8d21t :
tIMoN STA'UOft -Tenth ana Hasoa.
Ualoa Pacific
Ban Fr.o. Ovcrltnd UjA..
Cbln. Sl Japn Mall
Atlantic Btpran
Oregon Bxprea
Lou Angale Uialted
Dearer Special
Ce&tennl! Stats Special....
Colorado Express
OreRon-Wathlngtoa Umttsd. .
Korth Platu Local
Orand Island Liocal
.a am
. 1.60 pin
.all 01 am
.ill At, pm
.a 7:04 am
.al8:0l am
.a 1:50 pm
.tl2:M pm
a t:u am
a 5:30 pm
bit 11 pm
a T:40 pm
a t: pa
a 7 :16 am
a 4 10 pm
a I M pm
lit :M aa
a MS am
a 4:30 pm
a 8 20 pm
a 4:15 pm
tt:80 am
b i:!0 pio
Btromtburt Local
Chicago, Rock Island at Pacific
Rorkr Mountain Limited..... al2 JO pm al0:U pm
Chicago Local Pauenger bl0:S5 am bl0:l( pa
Cateaco lr Ixpraaa a -tt am a 4:i0 pm
Cblcage Etpreaa a 4:10 pa a 1:1 pa
Da MoiBM Local Pastensar. . 4:17 pm el3:ll pa
Calcago-Nebraika Limited.... a 1:08 pm a 1:01 aa
Cblcago-Neb. Ltd. to Lincoln. .a I 01 aa a S:5I pa
Cblcago-Colorado Expreaa . lSpm a 4:W pm
Oklahoma a Texas Express... a 4:00 m all :4a aa
Rockjr Mountals Limited alO:47 am alg:30 aa
Illinois Central
Chicago Expreaa a!0:65 aa a J. W pa
Chicago Limited a 6:50 pm a 8:00 am
Chicago (ire Weatern
Twin Cttj Limited.....; a :io pm His
Twin -City Kxpree a 7:10 am a 8:54 pa
Chicago Expreea a 5:06 pm a 3:80 pm
Chicago iliivvnukee A: St. 1'aal
Overland Limited a 140 pm a :lg ia
Chicago Special a 0:00 pm a Lit) an
Denver-Portland Limited :00 pm all:4i pa
Chicago Daylight Special :10 am all:l pa
Colo.-Calil. Expresa a pa
Perry Utetl :jo ua UiUU
Chicago & Aortutveatern
lilnneapell-8t Paul Kxpreaa.. T:00 aa
ailancapUa-St. Paul Uoilted..a 7. pu a i'al'as
Iwln City axpreaa a J:40 am all pa
Slous City Local. a I.M pm a :g aa
liluueapella A. ilaaeu txp..a 7:W pm a :14 pa
Twin Oily Limited..., a a:tt pm al:taa
ellonosola Kxpreta aii:ai aa
Carroll Local a 1. 00 am a 4. It am
Daylight Chlcaso a Lit aa ........
Chicago Local ai:06 pa a gial pa
Chicago-Colorado. a l:M pa
CHko sipcciai a dux pa a t:M aa
Pacific Coaat-Ctalcago ,.:apu a :U pa
Loa Angela LUnllMI, a :0 pm aU:M pa
uvcriaud Limiud a J.w iui a ;! aia
Carton Local tt.Wi aU:u aia
Kaat Mall a 1.N w t ;m aa
Ltoar ttaplOa, Eloux City aad
Omaha a 1:34 pa
Ceuieuuial Slate Malted li.w aa li:i p
Loag Pln a 8:00 am all: aai
Norioia-iiallaa MWia au.vO am
ous rrae-i'iHcuiji a.u, pm a e;3fl pa
Haauui-upHor t-u aeiMya
Leaaawa-bot. springe l:i u a e. pa
Ceiper-Lanser :w pm al:i nu
rtmoni-Aiwon i.m
VHUUll '
Umana-el. Louis Kipreaa s 1:30 pm a 4:11 aa
aiall aud avipra a 1m rut pm
uiuvari a'UCIll:
K. C ar. c Leuta tiprei..a g:0o am aJ:lta.
K. c. ec Louia prena..all.0 pm a:4ipa
K. C. a St. Paul Limited., aa :0 pa
Uarliagton btatlour truth at Mason
Denver A California .a:iam
Pugl Seuod KXflrea a auo pm
uIaaka Points a xi am
e.itk ililit a:lrpm
Cuvuiu Mali b l.JO pm
.Sorlhweet lilpreel all :ia pm
Nesrataa riapra a .li am
achuytar-PiatitmoUth a 7:u pa
Lincoln: Local ,
piaiuutouih-iowa a... .a t u aa
bailavue-rutUiiU'UUi aia.3u pm
Chicago tSpecial :U pn,
Dnf special ..all .at ram
Chicago axpraaa. atpm
Cnluago Paat .ipreee a t:M put
Crcatoa U 1 Local b pm
l. Louie Mprna.. ...,.a 4:t pm
Kaaaaa Cliy ii- Japh....,.ai0.a pm
Kauuo Cur St. joipa.... t.u am
a i n pa
in pa
a :io pa
a l:e pgr
al3:U pa
a 1.1 aa
a e .lo pa
h- ac
oio:i aa
a l:e aa
a:M pa
ail: 14 pm
a t m aa
a : pa
s:w aa
1:M aa
SUM aa
a 4. it
a ! pm
Webster titatiaa Sih ana Webstei
usssotirl Pacific
- . Bpart. Arrlva
Auburn Local bt.30pa bio:4i aa
Chicago, !. Pant, jl'tnt.-apolU and
fiwt City Krpfm k litpa Mi H era
Vwls ' tt Pmw t t n k I M tm
S Cttr Panaacer o I IS tin MSt
Eowreea Local b I K pm e I e
u till j. IN eallv .rent SuJ? Mnmt.'
Hitchcock Fails in . -Efforts
for Youth
.QUEBEC. Que., Ausr. 7.On!y ' the
Vnited States immigration riepartment at
Washington can now save from deporta
tion the young English boy, Stanley
Stuart, in whore behalf Senator Hitch
cock of Nebraska trave'ed,, to jQuebec.'
TJie lad, who arrived , flere withs.. his
mother from England en route - to Jbit)
his father in Omaha, was stopped owing
to. jiils feeble mental condition,.'
-Influence was brought to bear to have
the boy passed on the piea that he was
only backward and that his deportation
wodld mean the b:eaking up of the fam
ily. The case was referred tJ a medical
board, which dee'.ded tha.t the boy would
have to be deported. Senator Hitchcock
put fevers! questions to the boy and from
the answers it was decldedjthat the opln-
I'on- of the Lotted States authorities was
well made. The boy will probably leave
for his English home on Friday unless
the immigration authorities at Washing
ton intervene.
Nonogenarian Dies
at Home in Omaha
Mrs. Elna Hokftnson, aged 92, died
yesterday afternoon at the home ot her
daughter, Mis. A. J. Ciark, 2630 Harney
street. I'ntil a week ago she was In
good health for an old person and death
came from natural collapse due to ad
vanced age. The funeral will be held
this afternoon at 2:30 from the home of
Mrs. Clark. The body will be sent to
Saronvlllo, Neb., for burial, . .r
Mrs. Hokanson came to Omaha from
Sweden thirty years ago and lived here
continuously until her death. She Is
survived -by three daughters, Mrs. Clark
and Mrs. J. A. Noble of Omaha and
Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Saronvllle.
Battle is Generally Considered Confederate Victory, Yet No Distinct Advantage
Accrued to Either Side. Federal iArmy Retains Possession of Chat
tanooga; Confederates Check Army of Cumberland From
Occupation of Southern Soil
General Thomas, Whose Stability Averted Overwhelming Defeat for the
North, Wins Brightest Laurels of Battle. For Full Accounts See
Section 10
In this section The Confederate general,
Bushrod Johnson, has given us an nnforgetable
picture ot one of the most thrilling events in that
bloody conflict:
"The resolute sod impetuous charge.therush -of
our heavy columns sweeping out from the
shadow and gloom of the forest into the open
Melds flooded, with' sunlight, the glitter of arms,
the onward dash Of artillery and mounted rnn,
the retreat of the foe, the shouts of the hosts
of our army, the dust, the smoke, the noise of
fire-arms of whistling balls, of grape-shot,
and of bursting shellmade up a battle scene
of unsurpassed grandeur. Here General Hood
gave me the last order I received from him on
the field, '60 ahead and keep ahead of every
thing.' " A moment later Hood fell, severely
wounded, with a mihie ball through his thigh.
To miss reading the unbiased, unprejudiced
and complete narrative of the Battle of Chicks
mauga, when it can be obtained in superb port
folio form practically for the asking, is to deprive
yourself a knowledge of the most murderous
battle in history and the most bravely fought.
For the Battle of Chtckamauga, considering the forces engaged, really was
one of the most destructive of the Civil War. The Uaiou Army lost approxi
mately 16,000 men, and the Confederates about 18,000 whilo the personal
daring and tenacious courage displayed among the officers and privates in
the ranks of both Armies have never been excelled on any battlefield. In this
battle three Confederate Generals were killed and seven wounded; the
Federals lost Lytle, the soldier-poet, who fell at the bead of his brigade as
he strove to reform his line.
Besides the complete narrative of the Battle of Chickamauga, Section 10
also contains a vivid word picture of the
Battles on Lookout Mountain
and Missionary Ridge
This chapter in the portfolio carries the reader to the end of the Battles in
front of Chattanooga where Bragg's Army had been defeated, and from
which It had to retreat to the mountains of Georgia.
Remember, tlic ORIGINAL Brady
of the ..Civil War
President and Son Pallbearers for
Mrs. Taft'i Father.
Brief Service. Held nt Home, at
Wki.-h Only Immediate Rela
tives and Clou Friends
Are Present.
CINCINNATI, O., Aug. 7. -The funeral
services or" John W. Herron, father-in-law
of President. Ta ft, were held here
yesterday. '
The prerfWnt and Mrs. Taft, Charles
Taft, theie; joungesx on and W. C. Her
ron, a bivit hereof Mrs. Taft. came from
WihtnRiottvto;' attend the funeral.
The president apd Charles Taft were
pallbearer at" the Herron home, wher
brief service were held late today, and
afterwards at the" side of the grave It)
Spring Grove cemetery. The Interment
was private and only1 Immediate relatives
and close friends were pi;ent.
Rev. Boyd Edwards, assistant rector
of Christ chun-h, was In charge of the
service. . ;
The president will leave tomorrow for
Washington. Mrs. Taft and Charles prob
ably will remain for a few days and then
go to Beverly.
Democrats Remain
Away from Caucus
WASHINGTON.' . Aug. 7.-nemoci attc
representatives opposed to the house
receding from Its position oi refusing to
agree to the senate's amendment, to the
naval appropriation hill providing for
the building of two battleships, caused
the failure of the third democratic caucus
on the question tonight by remaining
away from the meeting and thereby pre
venting a quorum. Another caucus will
be called in a few days and the battle
ship advocates express confidence that
they then will , have sufficient strength
to force an appropriation for at letrst
cne vessel. .
(Latest War News
Tail 0
' ...
(Complete with Elson's
Complete In 16 Sections
One Each Week 1
tlut Out War Souvenir Coupon
which appears regularly in this paper and bring or
send it to our office with 10 cents to cover necessary
expense such as cost of material, handling, clerk
hire, etc., and get your copy of Section 10. Three
cants extra by mail there are no other conditions
whatever. We have secured exclusive rights for our
territory to distribute these long-lost Brady War
Pictures, illustrating Elton's History of the Civil
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. Don't delay, but subscribe for this
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Cam Be Only
Board of Governors
For Ak-Sar-BenPlan
Fall Festivities
Sept. S Last initiation at Ben.
Sept. 86 Opening of the carnival.
Oct. 1 Daylight automobile parade.
Oot. 3 Grand electrical parade.
Oct. 3 Woodman of the - 'World
Oot. 4 -Royal court bull.
Oct 6 Close of th carnival.
To make toe Ak-tr-r,en.Tall festival
this year even more gorgebvA than last
and to eliminate all of yir4l!'taBtcfi;l
feature of last years riirlval' wn the
keynote of th meetinr, : et Sanson's
board of governor:. lt irUght In the
Omaha club. ,'-
The last initiation "workout"' will lit
fiivtn Rt the den on September . ami tli
carnival will begin on September 25 ami
!tst until October 5.
..Tuesflny, Octoher I, will be tit' date
for the first afternoon pnrad and at
this time he automobiles will be lined
up. All will be deoni-ated with flowers
and garlands, and smon plana to make
this event one ' o tha features of the
On this day the Woodmen of the WorlJ
will dedicate their new hullilliiK anl
over unifoimed members will ho ii
the city for the ceremony. AH-Sur-Hci)
plans to have these lead the parade anl
will complete the pageant with troop
from Forts Omnha and Crook and the
High School csdets.
Knights of Ak-ar-Bn now . number
2,127 member sgaihst 1.424 for this time
last year. Four hundred and thirty-tw
of this number ; nre due to the efloru
of the hustling committee. .
NEBRASKA CITY1. Neb.. Aug. T.-Mr.
Mary Chlvlngton. a territorial "pioneer
of Nebraska, died here today. ' " Her ion,
Thomas Chlvington, Is president of the
American Base Ball association and ef
fort are. being made to 'communlcat
with him. ,
of 50 Years Ago)
1 r
Civil War History)
Flanking the Peas The Skirmish Line and -
A Colored FronUspiece'Rallying the line" Ready for Framing
Every patriotic American home should have this magnificent and timely
collection of Brady War Photographs and Elson's History of the Civil War.
It is a lesson in patriotism that the children will never forget, and for young
and old it is a constant source of interest. Each section of this wonderful
work tells the story of some great battle while the accompanying pictures,
clear, distinct, beatitifuHv printed, are marvelous, when we realize that they
were taken on tho battleaeld. of 50 years ago. ;v. ; ' ; ,.
Beginning with the opening gna of the great war, these sections pass oft
through the fiht along thft Mississippi, the struggle for Richmond, the rise
of Lee, the opening of the Mississippi, the crisis at Gettysburg, the bitter
struggle along the Tennessee, the coming 'of Grant and sweeps on ta the
surrender of Lee at Appomattox, .,. "
Important Notice! v ,
The series of Brady Pictures begins in Section 1 with the battleof Bull Rua.
If you haven't received this section or the ones that follow it, we will supply
you with either or all the first ten sections for 10c each and the one coupon.
War Photographs and Elson's History
in This City Through This Paper
Hilles Challenges r " ' ;
Wilson to Declare
Attitude on Issues
NEW YORK, Aug. , . Cbttrlea D.
llll!i", chairman .of . the" republican na
tional committee,. tarted,'.th actual work
of tliorepuhUcun campaign at headquar
ters here this afternoun.
One of his first acts was to issue a
lens statement In which he challenged
!0Y:n:nr Wilson to explain Just where
he st '.) till j in regard to leading political
Issues. Mr. I lilies declared that the fight
is between- the republican principles and
thofe. ct the democrats and referred to
(lie new party as "representing a per
sonal tHstrAotion,"' declaring that from
it's very, 'pat ure It must be transient.
' In sneaking thn contest over presi
dential factors in, .Kansas,' Mr. Hilles
asserted ttat should the supreme court's
declnlon be adverse to the republican
aectMon oe aaver
! party there would
by President Tafr
would be no attempt made
to put his name under
a different emblem In that state and get
his elect bit by petition. ,
Senator, W. Murray Crane of rassa
chusctts; who, it -is. believed, will join
Chalrmari H files- In the-'.management of
the yampaign, .qonferrerf:wltli Mr.? Hilles
tonight. ' a
Mr. Hilles said there would be no treas
urer or advisory committee announced
until next week. The Chicago head
quarters would be opene:t on August 14,
he said, with David W. Mulvane of Kan
sas in charge. Mr. Hilles said that he
and James P. Reynolds, secretary of th
committee, would, attend the opening' of
the headquarter unci a meeting of tha
western executive committee.-''
The thief who has been annoying auto
owners and deaVri in supplies again
bobbed into, prominence yesterday after- ,
noon whet) !i visited the Oldsmobila
company at Farnam street. , Her ha
made, away with nearly $10 worth., of
goods. ' !,.., -, t
Persistent Advrrtlslng ta the Road to
Big Return. -.. . "
The War Pictures
reproduced In this section, show the country
over which the bloodiest conflict in the West
took place and the actors in the great struggle.
The pictures are unusually interesting, each
being vitalized by a detailed and authentic
description of the scenes and persons repre
sented. Following is ft partial list: . ... .
"The Confederate Leader at Chickamauga." 1
Thomas, th. "Rock of Chickamauga."
Before Chickamauga, in th. Rusk of Events.' :
On the Way to Chickamauga. - -. ;
The Too-Advanced Position. i
"Where the Lines Were Swept Back,"
"The Houa. Wheat. Help Cam..- 5
Opening "Th. Cracker Line.'
"The Welcome Newcomer." .
- TWhere an Army Cava its Own Orders,-
. , , . The Captured Confederate Guns. : . ;
', ' The Battlefield Above the Clouds.
. ' V "The Peak of Victory.' , v. U
- - -.l'.-3ltt3J.wTj.B,