Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1912, Image 1
Daily THE BEE'S LETTER BOX invites short contributions on cur rent topics , from Bee readers. Let u hear from you limit 300 words. , ' HE THE WEATHER. - Showers; Cloudy VOL. XL1I-NO. u. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1912-FOURTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Omaha .Bee BOOSEVELT PLACED BY THE PROGRESSIVES Forty-Five Minutes' Cheering Fol lows Speech Presenting Name to Boll Moose Convention. SECONDED BY JANE ADDAMS Woman Social Worker and Seven Others Make Addresses. JOHNSON FOR VICE PRESIDENT All Rales Suspended and Viva Voce ' f Votes Are Taken. WOMEN ON NATIONAL COMMITTEE Baals of Representation in National ' Conventions is Made One for Each Five Thousand Votes Cast. CHICAG6, , Aug. 7. Theodore Roose .velt.was nominated for president by the national progressive convention at 5:38 p. m. with a great chorus of "ayes," all rules having been suspended on mo tion of Governor Carey of Wyoming. Colonel John M. Parker of Louisiana immediately placed Governor Hiram Johnson of California in nomination for vice president Colonel Roosevelt and Governor Johnson .were officially notified of 'their' nomina tion by th ecommittee appointed and the two, arm In arm, appeared on the stage. Pandemonium reigned. ' The demonstration for the candidates lasted ten minutes, and. then Colonel Roosevelt was Introduced. "Of course I accept," said Colonel Roosevelt amid cheering. , "I have beenprestient," said Colonel Roosevelt, "and I measure my words when I say I count this the greatest honor of my life to be called to lead this movement in the Interest of all the people." Mrs. Roosevelt smiled down from a seat in a balcony box. . Tribute to Johnson. Colonel Roosevelt paid a glowing tribute to ' Governor Johnson and thanked the convention for making him his running mate. '. ' "He is a man fit at the moment -to be president of the United States the type of man that should be nominated for ,vice president," he said. After Colonel Roosevelt had earnestly pledged his best efforts in the coming campaign Governor Johnson was intro duced. "That I acept with grateful heart the honor you have conferred upon me with out saying,", said Governor Johnson, as "he, too,! pledged "hfmsslf to the new , cause. 1 "I'd rather go down to defeat yklh Thecdore Roosevelt "than to go to victory with any other presidential can didate,", he continued amid deaflng criers. The convention adjourned with the sing ing of the doxology. Roosevelt was placed in nomination in a speech by William A. Prendergast ' of New York, Prendergastt's speech was followed by a wild demonstration by dele gates which lasted forty-five minutes. .After Chairman Beveridge reached the Coliseum there was a conference of lead ers and It was decided to await the plat form before proceeding to the nomina tions. Tentative plans then were made for a Snort session to be followed by a recess until 2:30. Chairman Beveridge dropped the gavel. It was then 11:30 o'clock. Rabbi Gersen B. Levi of Chicago was introduced as the chaplain of the day. He pro- j nounced the prayer. Chairman Beveridge Introduced Charles E. Scott of "Alabama, chairman of the committee on permanent organization. He presented a report recommending the tem po'raray organization be made permanent, which was adopted without debate. . Report on Rules Presented. A report from the committee on rules changed the name of the party, making it simply "the progressive rn;'." The new rules provlCe representation In future conventions on the basis of one delegate' for each congressman and United States senator, and an additional nrmrrp-siv irfept Vh. " ( CT w .- ,..v .iviivua im-uuil. ' , Tbey provide that no federal office holder shall be a member of the national committee. The new rules were presented by, Medill McCormick and he moved their adoption. John L. Hamilton of Illinois moved to make the name of the party cither "pro gressive" or "national progressive." He explained that this amendment was nec- NOMINATION eesary to comply with the election lawsjgajre an expert bacteriologist to analyze of various states. There was some ques- . tion as to this amendment when the motion to adopt the rules was temporarily witndrawn. Chairman Beveridge announced that the convention would listen to a speech by William H. Hotchkiss, progressive state chairman of New York, and would take a recess to await the platform. Meantime I the vote on the rules was put over until after the recess. Mrv Hotchkiss was cheered as he re viewed the work of organization of the progressive party In New York, He concluded with a prediction of cer tain victory in November. Short Recess Taken. A motion to recess until 1:15 evoked the first note of opposition to the plans of the leaders. A chorus of "noes" greeted the motion to recess.' Henry J. Allen of Kansas moved as a cubstltute that the convention proceed with the nomination without waiting for the platform. Chairman Beveridge ruled this out of order, as the rules of the convention provided for adoption of the platform. Al'cs '.hen moved to suspend the rules and proceed Xr nominate. , By a second of two-tJSrds of Kansas' delegation the motion was recognized and two more states seconded it Timothy L. Woodruff made a brief peech opposing Allen's motion. William Fllnn of Pennsylvania said that a recess at this time would delay things. , Former Governor Fort of New Jersey moved as an amendment that the con- (Continued on Second Page.) Senate Tacks Eiders to Sundry Civil Bill; Taft Will Veto It WASHINGTON. Aug. 7Umlted terms for civil service employes, the abolition of the commerce court and the retention of Its five judges as extra circuit Judges, will be submitted to President Taft as provisions for the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill. All these proposals, already approved by the house, were adopted by the senate today by a vote of 30 to 19 against the opposition of Senators Cummins, Craw ford, Burton, Lodge and several others. Some of President Taft's friends say he will veto the bill, although in doing so he will hod up his own salary, that of every member of congress and every United States judge. Such action on the president's part would also further delay tho annual appropriation, overdue sine? July 1. The president Is said to oppose the abandonment of life tenure for civil service employes and also the abolition of the commerce court. ' The bill carries an appropriation of $34,000,000. Supreme Court Calls For Paper's in Kansas Electoral Dispute WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-The formul writ directing the supreme court of Kan sas to forward to the supreme court of the United States for review the legal contest over the republican electors in Kansas was Issued late today. This is the writ which was allowed by Justice Van Devanter and Justice Pitney at New York last Thursday. Since the allowam:.) of the writ Thursday the defendants hava acknowledged the right of the supreme court of the United States to review the case. This acknowledgment was maile for the eight Roosevelt candidates for electors on the republican ticket and the county clerks in Kansas by' Attorney Frank S. Jatkson. Omaha Girl Marries an Orpheum Warbler Miss Alice Chandler, a winsome 20-year-old Omaha miss, who has appeared here before the footlights several times, was married to Dr. Gladstone Derby, a vocal ist of the Orpheum circuit, at the home of the bride's parents, 2630 Dewey avenue, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Derby is a daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chand ler. The ceremony was performed by Dean J. A. Tancock of -Trinity Cathedral. Miss Gladys Chandler, a sister, acted as 1 ridesmaid, Mrs. Paul Anthes was matron of honor and Dr. Paul Anthes officiated as best man. ' Dr. and Mrs. . Derby wl,! make their home at present with the bride's parents and later will leave for a wedding tour to, California. Mlsr-Jradys'"Chandrer ' will "soon leave for New York City where she expects; td prepare for a stage career. She will be accompanied by her mother. TWO BANKS IN YORK ARE TO BE CONSOLIDATED YORK, Neb., Aug. 7.-(Special.)-One of the largest; transactions ever made In York county has just been completed. On account of the failing health of George W. Post and wife, he decided to retire from business, after spending more than forty years in York county. He has been identified with every enterprise that would build up this city and county. Ho has sold all his banking interests to C. A. McCloud and stockholders of the Farmers National bank of this city, as follows: First National bank, York; First Trust company, York; . First National bank, Bradshaw; First National bank, Benedict; Farmers and Traders bank, Waco; Bank of.Lushton; Blue River bank, McCool, and the Bank of Thayer. The two banks of this city will be con solidated as soon as arrangements can be made. The consolidation will make the First National bank of York one of tho strongest institutions in the state. The capital, surplus and undivided profits will be $350,000. All the old officers of the First National bank will remain with the new organization except G. W. Post, C. A. McCIoud will be the new president. The new bank building now in course pf construction by the Farmers National . . ... , , j vaim wm uo completed as tne ousiness I room. KEARNEY TO INVESTIGATE CONTAMINATION OF WATER KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. 7.-(Special.)-By the appointment of a special com mittee by the city council tonleht to Vn- the water frcm the well of J. S. Trott living three and on-half miles below tha outlet of the city sewer system Into the Platte river, with a view of determining the source of typhoid fever which ti& broken out in his family for the second summer, a large injunction suit was tem porarily stopped. At the same time the niuncll murto nrn. vision to Investipate the proposition to I Dver' seek,n& renomination on the repub InFtall a system of septic tanks for the I "can t,cket ln tne Twelfth district, easily sterilization of the sewage of the c!ty j 0UtdIstance'1 Dr- W. H. Cotton and that Is now beng empted nto the frst I Cnarles H- Phillips, a negro, who op- cbannel of the river, and which Is usually dry or nearly so for several weeks dur ing August cf each summer. PLATTSM0UTH CLUB ENTERTAINS TEACHERS PLATTj.MOUTH, Neb., Aug. 7. -(Special.) The Cass County Teachers' In stitute began here Monday to run five days with about 100 teachers erfo"ed on the first day. The instructors are Dr. I CRESTON, la., Aug 7. Mrs. Nancy Wlnship of Boston, Superintendent N. C. lHarsh of Oeston. aged 102, thought to Abbott of Plattsmouth, Miss E. Rutfij'be th oldst woman In Iowa, died this Pyrtle of Lincoln and Superintendent A. ! rnlng at the home of her daughter, H. Waterhouse of Fremont. A reception i Mr"- James Donlin. at HopklnB, Mo. Mrs. was tendered the teachers Monday night Har8n had lived In this community for by the Plattsmouth Commercial club, at which the Burlington Route band of this' city furnished music. Refreshments were also served by the Commercial club. Tuesday evening the club gave the teach ers an automobile ride about the city and to Fort Crook and on Thursday even ing a musical will be given for the1 en tertainment of the teachers. CURT,0 Race for R& V,jf Nomination for Senator w Kansas is Still Undecided. EACH SIDE CLAIMS VICTORY Friends of Neither Man Will Yield Advantage in Fight ANTHONY AND CAMPBELL , WIN Capper's Lead for Governor Keeps . on Increasing. PROGRESSIVES CARRY STATE .Nomination of Eight Republican Electors Who Are for Koosevelt Pnts Case to Supreme Court. TOPEKA, Kan., Aug. 7.-lncornplete returns from yesterday's primary elec tion received at noon today tended to increase the plurality of the Roosevelt electors indicated by earlier returns and placed the outcome of the contest be tween Charles Curtis and Governor W. R Stubbs for the United States senatorshlp In doubt. Stubbs and Curtis appear to be running a neck and neck race and the friends of each man are claiming the victory. Huerh Farrellv. democratic candidate for United States senator, apparently has defeated his opponent, Judge W. H. Thompson. George H. Hodges, democratic candi date for governor, was victorious over Major J. B. Billard of Topeka, according to the latest returns, although Biilard's manager at noon insisted that he had car ried the state. All the votes will not be counted before late tonight and some of the contests will not be decided before that time. It was conceded that Congressman .D. R. Anthony in the First district and. P. P. Campbell in the Third district had been renominated by pluralities of 2,000 votes each. . R. J. Hopkins, progressive republican, seems to have been nominated in the Seventh district. Later returns have increased the lead of Arthur Cupper over Frank Ryan for the republican gubernatorial nomination. Samuel Griffin, progressive republican candidate for attorney general, appears to have been beaten by John S. Dawson by a substantial majority. W. H. Johnston, chief Justice of the supreme court, and R. A. Burch, asso cate Justice, seems to have been renom inated for these places, although the race between Burch and his opponent, Speaker H. Buckman.. is close. , , It Is pot known which two of the '.Taft presidential etet-wrr were- twrtt' the return received do not Indicate which two are ahead. PRIMARIES HELD IS MISSOURI Republicans Name McKlnley and Democrats Cowherd. ST. LOUJS, Mo., Aug. 7.-Wlth an in dicated lead of 16.000 to 18,000 In St. Louis, 11,000 in Jackson county " and 2,000 in Buchanan county, .William S. Cowherd of Kansas City apparently won the demo eratio nomination for governor over Elliott W. Major in yesterday's primaries by a plurality estimated at 10,000. . Although Major carried fifty of the seventy-five counties heard from this morning, leading Cowherd by nearly 17,000 in the country, it is not thought the re turns from the missing districts will give him enough to overcome Cowherd's lead in the sections comprising the three largest cities In the state. Three hundred and fifty of four hundred and three precincts in St. Louis give Cowherd a lead of 15,000. John C. McKinley, former lieutenant governor, was undoubtedly nominated for governor on the republican ticket. His vote In the country districts and in the cities was uniformly heavy. He led Leon Quick and A. Pat Murphy by majorities that cannot be overcome. The vote of both parties was light, being especially noticeable In the repub lican party, where the third party move ment made itself keenly felt. Edmund P. Deal led the country In the race for the nomination for state treasurer on the democratic ticket, his opponent, John H. O'Meara, carrying St. Louis. Indications are that Deal will win. William R. Painter had a safe lead in the contest for lieutenant governor, John T. Barker and Frank W. McAllister were running a close race for the nomination for attorney general. , Patrick F. Gill of St. Louis, whose con test for the congressional seat of Theron E. Catlln, a republican, Is in the hands of the house of the house of representa tives, appears to have been defeated for the democratic nomination in the Elev- entn district by William L. Igce. L. C s0Eea "m- Speaker Champ Clark had no opposition for renomination on the democratic ticket in the Ninth district, and Richard Barthoid polled his usual large majority for the republican nomination in th Tenth district. OLDEST IOWA WOMAN IS DEAD IN MISSOURI half a century. Accident Kills Farmer. BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 7.-(Speclal Telegram.) Forrest Erjant, the youni man, who was Impaled on the handle it a pitchfork, while threshing near Helms vllle yesterday, died tcday. He was 25 years of age and leaves a widow. T AD (J mm,, i lkm&M - . mmftjjTTVii Ti ?- s'-p!'''T'K iiSi'i Hi';i'!a'i'i!;;;1.'H;'i!;;:;; iris'" i;,;to':i!iM? mm mmmmm MANY PLATFORM PROMISES Preamble Makes People's Conscience Responsible for New Party. RESEMBLES ROOSEVELT SPEECH Plank Advocates National Jurisdic tion Over Problems that Have Expanded Beyond Reach of Individual States. CHICAGO, Aug. 7.-Followlng Is an outline of the platform of the national progressive party: "The conscience of the people in a time of grave , national problems has called into being a new party, born of "We of the progressive party dedicate ourselves to the fulfillment of the duty laid upon us by our fathers to maintain that government of the people by the people and for the people whose founda tions they laid.- "We hold with Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln that the people are the masters of their constitution to fulfill Its purposes and to safeguard it from those who by perversion of Its intent would convert It into an instrument of Injustice. This country belongs to the people who Inhabit it. It is time to set the public welfare in the first place." The platform further "declares that the old parties have become tools of corrupt Interests wWch use them Impartially to serve their selfish purposes," and that "the new party offers itself as the In strument of tho people to sweep away bid abuse, to build a new and nohler commonwealth." Declares under heading, "The rule of the "people," for direct primaries for the nomination of state and national officers and candidates for the presidency, for the populai election of United States senators and charges on the states the use of the short ballot; with responsi bility to the people, secured by the lnltia tibe, referendum and recall." Pledges party to provide "a more easy and expeditious method of amending the federal constitution." Advocates national jurisdiction over problems which have expanded beyond reach of Individual states. Pledges party to secure equal suffrage. Pledges party to enactment of legisla tion, limiting campaign contributions and expenditures and providing for pub licity thereof. Opposes participation by federal op polntees In state or national conventions. Demands "such restrictions of the power of th ecourts as shall leave to the people the ultimate authority to determine fundamental qeustlons of social welfare and public policy." Pledges Judicial reform, believing "that the Issuance of Injunctions in labor dis putes should be prohibited when such In junctions would not apply where no labor disputes existed." Declares against child labor and for a minimum wage for women, for prevention of industrial accidents, safeguards for health of employes, publicity as to wages, eight-hour workday and establishment of a federal department of labor. Uurges re-establishment of country life commission and promotion of the welfare of farmers. Pledges party to a full and immediate Inquiry and to Immediate action to deal with the high cost of living. Favors a single health service. D?mands national regulation of Inter state corporations and urges the "estab '.lsbment of a feedral commission to super vise interstate industrial corporations," and favors strengthening 8herman law to Insure competition In business and prevent unfair trade practices. Pledges party to enactment of a patent law that .will prevent monopolies. Favors legislation giving Interstate Commerce commission power to value physical property of railroads and de mands abolition of the commerce court. ' ' Opposes Aldrlch Plan. Condemns methods of issuing currency notes through private agencies and urges control thereof by the government alone and opposes the Aldrlch currency bill. Favors government co-operation with (Continued on Second Page ) The First Commandment I Thee-adore. Woman Who Attacked John Redmond Given Five Years in Jail DUBLIN, Ireland, Aug. 7.-Mary Leigh, the suffragette tried today, charged with wounding John E. Redmond, leader of the Irish parliamentary party, with a hatchet she had thrown at Premier As qulth's carriage on July 19, was sen tenced to five years' Imprisonment. Gladys Evans, charged with setting firs on July 18 to the Theater Royal her, also was sentenced to five years. Lizzie Baker, charged with being an accomplice of Gladys Evans, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven months' ImprliwnflMnfc. a ,m ' -i; ' Fifty Christians- Killed by Turks SALONICA, Turkey, Aug. 7,-(Dlayed In Transmission.) Fighting continues for the lart three days along the Montene grin fronf er, where a number of guerilla bands have been - In conflict with the Turkish troops. The loss is not known. From the town of Uskupa reports have ben received that several bomb explo sions have occurred on the railroad. A freight train was wrecked and several persons Injured. ATHENS, Greece, Aug. 7. A massa cre lastin? seven hours followed the bomb explosion in the market place of Kots- chana, fifty miles southwest of Uskupa. European Turkey, August 2, according It reliable Information received here. Hfty Christians weie killed and 2C0 seriously wounded by the Turks, who suspected them of having committed bold outrages by which about fifty persons were killed or Injured. Yearling Shorthorns Bring High Figure SIOUX CITY. Ia., Aug. 7.-Forty-three fed yearling Shortho:ns, mixed steers and heifers,. weighing S94 pounds each, were cold at $9.20 today on the local market. It Is fald the price never before waa quaMed on an open ma'.kat In the Unitel States for this weight of cattle, MOORE BROTHERS UNABLE . TO IDENTIFY SUSPECT CRESTON. Ia., Aug. 7.-(8peclal.)-The Moore brothers of Vllllsca, relatives of the murdered family there, were here yesterday to try to Identify Charles B. foward, under arrest here as a suspect In the case. Soward Is believed by some to be the same half-witted man Whom the officers held when the murder was first committed as a suspect for a few hours and afterwards released. Lately the detectives at work upon the case have frequently expressed the be lief that this half-witted man was the clue to the murder and ought to have been held. The Moore brothers failed to Identify Soward, but he will be held until the November term of court on the minor charge of impersonating an of ficer to give the' detectives a, chance to work on the clue. Soward Is believed to be a very danger ous man and it was said when the dep uty United States marshal was giving his testimony yesterday in the case, "that If ever a man looked murder at another one Soward did at the marshal." FOUR CHARGES AGAINST NEMAHA COUNTY MOTORIST AUBURN. Neb., Aug. 7.-(SpeclaU County Attorney Hawxby has filed a complaint bf three counts against Her man Barber, near Julian, charging him with violating four provisions of the automobile act. On the night of the German-American picnic at Auburn, Barber ran his auto Into a team be longing to James Parson.', who sus tained a broken leg and had one of his horses crippled, Mrs. Kelly's team stand ing near was also run Into by Barber. Both horses were crippled and one had to be killed. DUNLAP HEADS THE CRIERS Williamsburg Man Re-Elected Pres ident of Auctioneers' Association. STATE BOARD RECOMMENDED Republicans of Sixth Iowa District Will Meet at Ottomwa first Week to Fill Kendall's Place on Ticket. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, , la.. Aug. 7.-(SpeoJal Telegram.) H. A. Dunlap of. Williams burg was re-elected president of the low Auctioneers' 'association. Other offlcsrs elected, were; 8. A. Johnson , of .Kew Hamptom vice Pefldentiirk JJgE,. treasurer. The next meeting of ths association will be field in Del Moines during the ttat fair, 'A ' Mats beard of auctioneers to formulate' examinations and pasa upon the qualifications of prospective "colo nels" and a yearly fee of $100 for the right to engage In the business In the state wax recommended by the association. Sixth District Convention. .The republican congressional committee for the Sixth .district has been called to meet , at Ottumwa next week to fill a vacancy on the ticket cauied by the declination of N. E. Kendall from the republican ticket. A flock of candidates has already appeared. t Lee for District Judge. N. J. Lee, formerly assistant attorney general, was today nominated for district judge at Emmetsburg to succeed Judge Bailie. The convention was an adjourned session. Hotel Men Decide to Suggest Laws (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Aug. 7.-(Speclal Tele gramsThe' hotel men and commercial travelers will unite to s-scure uniform legislation. A resolution was Introduced at the meeting of the Northwestern Hotel Men's association providing for the representatives of the traveling men and the uniform legislation committee of the hotel men's association meeting together to formulate the necessary laws which will be Just for both innkeepers and their guests. The resolution as passed following the report of the legislative committee by the chairman, . Rome Miller of Omaha, pro vides for complete copies of hotel regula tions of four states being sent to the heads of the traveling men's organization as well as to the members of the com mittee. Mr. Miller was empowered to call the meeting of the two organizations any time before October 1, at which meeting the formal demands for legislation wilt be made ou the various state legislatures. GAGE COUNTY RECEIVES MUCH NEEDED SOAKER BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. T.-(Speeial Telegram ) A steady rain began falling here this evening. The moisture waa needed for corn and prospects are good for a soaker. Heavy rains are reported south and east of this city. Two Inches' of rain fell at Wymore and Barneston. A hall storm visited a section of coun try north of Barneston this evening, but did little damage. ' ABERDEEN BANKER DIES OF BURNS CAUSED BY EXPLOSION ABERDEEN, 8. D., Aug. 7.-Arthur E. Boyd, banker and city commissioner, died late Ia3t night of burns caused by an explosion of gas in a bank vault which he had entered while holding a lighted match. The gas was caused by a damp proof preparation used on the Interior of the vault. . . 1 DEADLOCK BROKEN ON TWO HUNDRED AND TENTH BALLOT ESTHERVILLE, Ia., Aug. 7.-On the 210th ballot Nels J. Lee of EsthervUle waa nominated for judge In the Four teenth district convention today. E AT Democratic Nominee, at. Sea Girt, in Address, Expounds His Polit ical Philosophy. FOR RULE OF JUSTICE AND RIGHT People Are Asked to Entrust Gov ernment to Democratic Party, TO OPEN DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY Conservation of Resources Discussed in Its Phases.1 MAKES SPEECH OF ACCEPTANCE Address Formally Notlfyin Him of ' Nomination is Made . by Ollle James of Kentucky, Chair- , ' man of Convention. SEA ' GIRT. N. J., Aug. 7.-Govenior Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey was of ficially Informed today that he had been ehoien by the Baltimore convention aa the nominee for the presidency on the democratic ticket. Governor Wilson was notified by Ben ator-elect Ollle James of Kentucky, wh( emphasized, aa tie said, that the governor had obtained the honor untrammeled by obligations and unembarrassed by affilia tions of any kind. Though the governor, spoke in acceptance, theoretically to the fifty-two members of the committee, tha speech expounding hit political philosophy was heard by a great throng. , ; j , The governor read from his manuscript. The platform, he said, was not a program, but a practical document, Intended to show "that we know what the nation is thinking about and what It is most con cerned . about." The people, he added, were about to bo asked not particularly to adopt a platform, but to entrust the demoorattq party, with "office and power and the guidance of their affairs," and their desire now was to know what Vtranslatlon of action and policy he in tends .to glv the general terms of -the platform should he be elected." By 11.30 the roadway was jammed with automobiles. Governor Mann of Virginia wt the first of the governors to arrive. "It's a great day for democrats," said Governor Mann, as he greeted the dem ocratic party nominee. ' ' . The marching clubs which arrived with brats bands bore orange and black pen nants with a Wilson picture on them. On th&r coats they woVe sunfloweri. , ; . ' ) Address of Ollle James- , 1 Penator-elect. Oil' M. James of Ken tucky, permanent chafrman of the Baltl mope convention aeed , spokesman tor the fiottflcatlon cemmUtee,' 'which toda? formally tendered tj GorHbrWbodrow TrVitoh thef ocmflwattc nomination for!, r- f. '? v' , , . ' , Mr.) Jarrles , p.raued the candidate and his achievements, and bespoke a harmon ious party with "ho disgruntled demo crat! sulking n the tents." . He attacked both President Taft and former President Roosevelt, and held up the republican party as "disheartened, discouraged and disorganised.'.'. , , ' , : . - ' .The republican, conduct of trust prose cutions was condemned.- He declared the democrats , were ,, pledged to ''felon's stripes" for great ; malefactors. "Big business" was promised support if legiti mate, and the democratic party waa, pledged to take the tariff out of politics when the "trust fed barons take their larcenous hands out of the pockets Of the, American people." . , i , The motto, "Thou ehalt not steal,'! waj a plagiarism from democratic faith, Mr. James said, and he expressed belief in' the charges that both President, Taft and former President Roosevelt have made against each other. , f j Governor Wilson's Address. After, thanking ttie committee of noti fication and expressing his profound sense of responsibility in accepting the nomlnatlon the governor said he realized that he was expected to speak plainly, to talk politics and open the campaign, "iq words whose meaning no one need doumV' And he was expected to speak, lie added, to the country as well as to the commit tee. , ' : r ., ';'... ;;V "Plainly it le a new, age," he went On.' "It requires self-restraint not to attempt too much, and yet,; !t would be cowardly to attempt too little. In the broad light of this new -day we stand, face to face with what?-Plainly not with question of party, not with a contest for. of flee, not with a petty struggle fot advantage. With great questions of right and of Justice, rather, questions of national development, of the development of character' and of standards of action no less than of a better business system. The forces of the nation are asserting- themselves against every form of special privilege and prl-"' vate control, and are seeking bigger . things than they have ever" heretofore achieved.; ' .-'. . ' .'-iV-- "There are two great things to do. due is to set up the rule of . Justice and of right In such matters as the tariff, the 1 regulation of the trusts and the preven tion of monoply," the adaptation of. -our; banking and currency las to the very .' 1 Bee . want ads are O ma k a 's greatest barga in counter. . J .- .. ." . .i .,; i . . ,v Read them now. Tyler 1,000 RNQR WILSON OUTLINES SSUES NOTIFICATION