Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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If The fiee
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Drawn for The Bee by Tad
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THE BEE: OMAHA, WSlttifcSUAK, AUtfUST 7, mi'.
f e
Hunting a
The Widow is the Hit of
with Many
It happens so often that a suddenly
arranged social gathering Is pleasanter
than one which has been planned for
Weeks, that one would think the would-be-successful
hostess might shun the
formal, conventional functions.
Helen Robbing' statement that they
were, at her house, "all upset" prepar
atory to their departure for the coun
try may have been true, but. If so.
there were no outward evidences of
the conditions she deprecated. To be
sure, the drawning-room furniture was
swathed in green-and-whlte striped slips,
and the heavy rugs had been taken up
from the bare and polished floors,' but
this only added to the general appearance
of coolness.
"The chairs look as If they had on
their summer clothes," insisted Bea
trice, when Helen made a half-apology
for the state of affairs. "I like "slips
in hot weather ever so much better
than I do stuffy velvets and tapestries."
"And so do I," agreed Sidney Ran
dolph, the artist-guest of whom Helen
had 'told Beatrice. 'That green-'and-white
combination is much more artis
. tic than any dark and heavy stuffs
Would be."
"'4'And much more sanitary,'-' joined
Jti'-Dr. John Haynes smilingly., f He .was
'; the Other one of "the strange' "men'''
present. "We doctors like bare floors
too." . ":" ; '
. John Bobbins laughed.
"I don't wonder," he said, - teasingly,
"for I am sure you must get lots of
fractures to mend because of such
slippery boards as these you are pre
tending to admire. These rooms are
like a skating rink." " '
John'6 cousin, Miss Hannah Hender-
' son, looked at him reprovingly. She
was. an estimable soul, but did not
think it in very good taste to make
fun of a man who was a guest In
one's home. Moreover, she was lack
ing in a sense of humor.
"My dear John," she protested. "I am
sure from Dr. Haynes' kindly face that
he Is the last man in the world who would
rejoice in any one's misfortunes even if
tl ey did bring him practice."
The "little Miss Damerel" of whom
Helen had spoken had had another en
gagement for this evening, and Beatrice
was secretly glad of her absence, for she
felt that in t'his present company she
was not surpassed in looks and attrac
tions by any other woman. The party
was seated at the table enjoying the
chilled cherrystone clams which were
the first course of Helen's "home din
ner," cocktails having been served 'tn the
drawing room. The host 'had declared
that they were "only clover-leaf cock
tails and most innocuous," as he urged
Beatrice to drink one, and Helen lwd
looked away quickly that the glint of
triumph in her eyes might not be seen,
as the widow who detested a drinking
man, obeyed her host's suggestion. ;
Dr.' Haynes laughed merrily at Miss
Henderson's reproof of her cousin. The
spinster. sat by hlm and he found tinr
distinctly amusing.
t "Oh, 'I am t not sure that I am a kind
person," he said, "Now, .when I. have
all the practice I can attend -to,-1 may
be sorry to hear of accidents. But I re
member that when I first hung out my
rfningle t sat for two months without a
single call. Then, one day. .somebody
stepped Into my office and told me that a
small Italian boy down the street hud
fallen on the Ice and broken his leg. I
tell you I ,ran, so fast getting to'the tad
that I came near having heart failure.
There wa .another - physician living'
around the, corner,' but I beat him to it."
Miss Henderson looked a little un
certain as to how to receive this state
ment, but the others sm.r.ld, and
Beatrice's laugh rang nut so merrily
that the physician looked a:ross at her
with a sudden appreciation of her
charm. To have a person laugh at our
jokes always makes that one seem at
tractive, and in this cise Beatrice was
certainly worth a clnser scrutiny than
Dr. Haynes had bestowed upon her
when he was Introduced to her. Being
a physician, and a popular one, women
were not in hl.s estimation the are and
radiant creatures that men less un
customed to "them considered them. S:
he was agreeably surprised when he
looked long at his vls-a-vls. "Even sober
John Bobbins, . at whose right she sat,
was impressed by her beatuy tonight.
Beatrice had for the hour thrown off
her perplexities and chagrin with re
gard to Maynard. helped to do so by
the sensation of buoyancy produced by
the "innocuous" draught she had taken
Juat before dinner. She did not know
that liquor had on her the same effect
only to a lesser degree that it has on
the man who drlnka much of it. Women
do not : appreciate that the "p'.eaiant
exhilaration" which they experience
when they take a cocktail or drink
champagne Is but the beginning of the
the Evening and is Showered
"boisterous gayety" which they abhor
in the man who Is a heavy drinker. So
Beatrice, declining gently but firmly the
wine with which the glasses were filled,
felt the self-righteous virtue of a tem
perate person. But she talked brightly,
her cheeks glowed, her eyes sparkled.
The artist who had taken her In to din
ner watched her admiringly. What a
portrait he could paint of her! He said
as much to her at last.
"Of me!'.' she . exclaimed, laughingly.
"My dear Mr. Randolph, you flatter me.
I am not the kind of person that a big
artist like yourself would care to paint!"
"I mean what I say." he insisted- "I
wish that some day you would give me
an order lor your portrait."
Again Beatrice laughed.
"Please . wait until I geta lot of money
and I will place an order with you for
a full-length picture of myself to hang
in my ancestral halls!" she declared.
"But, poor man. I fear you will be so old
by the time that I am rich that you will
be too blind to see my face, and too deaf
to hear my voice. And as for me, my
self, why, when I am rich, it will be when
I am so aged, gray and shrivelled that a
true artist could not be paid to make a
study of me. Helgh-ho!" she sighed.
The ," painter, looked . atf her keenly
"Why that sigh?" he asked gravely.
"Surely you do not dread old age.
Beatrice sobered suddenly.
"Dread It!." she exclaimed. "I loathe
the thought of it, and shudder in antici
pation of It. I cling to life and the good
things in it with both hands. We women
are young such a little while, and when
We get Old It is terrible! You men do
not mind your years running away so
swiftly. But women do. for When they
lose the few good looks they have their
charm is gone."
"Have you chiddren?" asked the man
with Inteiest.
Beatrice's face lighted for a moment
with a smile that-transfigured it. With
all her vanity and petty fallings her
motherhood was the deepest emotion of
her life.
"Ah, yes." she said happily. "I have
two children. "But her mood changing
again abruptly "they will be grown up
when I am old. My boy will have a
beautiful wife who may despise me, and
my little girl will be a woman either so
unhappy that it will hifak her heart,
or ko happy that she will not guess at
my loneliness."
And the artist, still looking at her,
decided: - '-'In that mood she- has the face
Of a Mater, Dolorosa.'.' While the phy
sician who had seen 'her laugh hut a
moment before, had said to himself: "A
thoroughly stunning woman of the world,
a good deal of an actress, and one of the
kind that could do anything she wished
with a man whom she cared to win!"
"The System"
What body dares to rule New Vork?
A council such as Venice knew
Viien Doges willed that blood be spilled,
And made strange screams with rack
and -screw
A council &rave and dark and deep
Whose whispered name paled ' hero
Whose victims through the ages creep
,, With ghostly shrieks. .
What body dares to rule New York?
The ' System" with its deadly craft,
Tying the hands of bluecoat bands
And murdering him who prates of
The "Hystem." sneering on its throne.
Mocking n city all defiled.
No deadlier co ncil has been known
Since Venice amiled. ' '
! Pointed Paragraphs
v.... , ,
In fishing for oomplments use fresh
bait. - ' . , .
tjven the bookworm turns after finish
ing the page. -',
i'resh people usually consider them
selvs the salt of the earth.
We all regret many things we haven t
done and only a few we have.
It's a good plan to believe only half
you hear, then forget half of that.
Even good lntentl ms p cvo too much
of a burden- for cinf mn to carry.
Retribution (a- something we are
morally certain 'vlil overtake people.
Many a man who is rich in experience
is unable to raise the price of a square
a . woman's topic of conversation la
herself; after tr.u: it i usually some
other woman.
A widow is never noro dar.jtro'Js taan
when she tells at eld bpcheler that she
was never really happy In her married
life. Chicago News.
it it 6 i j. I i
. i 6 i j .
rj.y IaJJ. frli. P.:
Mist. -ts TMe landlord
0?T & (jLtoJUuJr
L . 1 . " 1
People of the
Trie strangest inhabitants of the Ant
arctic continent are the birds called pen
guins. A company of them, seen at a
distance on the polar snows, bears so
striking a resemblance of en assem
blage of human beings that explorers,
unaccustomed to their appearance, have
often been startled by the momentary
belief that they had come upon a tribe
of short, stout men dressed In black,
or blue and white and greeting their
visitors with the most extraordinary
There Is one species of these remark
able birds, known as the emperor pen
guin, because it seems to mimic t the
well-known figure of Napoleon. In his
while vest and trousers and gray coat,
which sometimes attains a height of
between three and four Ifept Bnd a
weight of eighty or ninety pounds.
Walking erect on his short legs, the em
peror make f. salute by lowering his
long beak on hia round breast, and then
begins a long discourse in his strange,
raucuous language, and If there Is no
response, he repeats the performance
again and again, expecting each time
an answer. This exiled image of hu
manity, inhabiting the lone snow-cov-cred
and Ice-bound continent, soon is
astonished, end offended, as well he
may be. by the Impoliteness of his vis
itors, who usually answer his hospitable
greetings with uncivil laughter, or blows
of a stifk.
In thus receiving strangers in his
country the emperor follows an invari
able rule of conduct, which has governed
the intercourse of his kind from time
Immemorial. Whenever two groups of
these penguins encounter, the chiefs ad
vance and salute, in the same manner
already described, and having exchanged
compliments, with appropriate speeches,
they make a circular sweep in the air
with their beaks. Indicating that tli
ceremony is ended and after that the
two parties either separate or continue
amicably on their way together.
.The penguins, of which there are rev
eral species, are believed bv naturalists
to have Inhabited the Antarctic conti
nent from the beginning: of the tertiary
age, so that they are among the oldest
families of the animal kingdom, and
they have always krpt to their own
quarter of the world. V.'hlle thev are un
mistakably birds, they differ from all
other in many particulars. Their wing
are mere rudiments, covered pot wltU
true . feathers,, hut with something more
nearly resembling scalos. They do not
attempt to fly with them, but when they
are driven to Increase their speed of
locomotion they fall fiat on the surface
of the snow and propel themselves along
rapidly with their snort wings and stumpy
legs, Ordinarily they walk erect, pre
senting a comical appearance, like super- j
naturally "grave and reverend slgnors."
Their food consists of small fish, and
especially email ahelNflsb, and they are
very, expert jwlmmerg and divers. They
plpco their rookeries on high points of
rock, and go In companies to the shore
of te sea to fie. One of the Illustra
tions above shows how picturesque Is
the appearance of one of these companies
nvhitt v'.uy fferjhlc "Ti a rock overhang
to? the water, and from It plunge, one
eft: archer. Into th,c fea, making great
sp':asi'.(s ai the nrlite t!-.e wutcV.
Having finished their Clsiilng,
they return to their rookeries, which are
often situated at a considerable distance, j
i tint
Wu fAti-t- AwC-f J
South Pole
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(Top Picture) Penguins going fish nfti observe tJie splashes made by
those that have already made the plunge. (Center) Penguins re
turning from a fishing expedition. (floltom) Tracks of Penguins
in the Antarctic snow s.
They carry hack fish to feed their young,
which are left in the nests on the rock. naturalists who have seen them in
t.ielr native ha-uus aterlbe to them a
great deal of parental tenderness and
care and an apparent fondness and
family life.. During the Antarctic winter
1 frjtM
OAT BARR 5AY6 A Fool and
"Hands uptherf Gib!!'
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they abandon their rookeries nnd go
farthe;- north. In order to find water not
covered with Ice In .which to fish. W!th
the return of summer they resume their
life ft. the rookeries. whiCi sometimes
constitute veritable cities, with a popula
tion of several hundred thousands la-
The Montreal Massacre
, By REV
Aoarnst T, 1080.
The "Montreal maisacre," the dupli
cate of which does not appear In
Canadian history, took place :J3 yeara
egn today August t,
Just sixty years befoi'e, Champlaln
planted the seeds of
which the massacre
was the harvest.
At Montreal the lri.
quois "got back" at
the French for what
had been done to
them near Lake St.
In the midst of a
terrific thunder
storm between the
night and morning
of August 6 and 7,
liiHS, l.tOrt Irlquols
warriors landed be
hind Montreal, beached their canoes and
stole In upon the unsuspecting French
settlers, and what followed beggars de
scription. For generations that sum
mer was to be known as "the year of
the massacre."
Before the storm had ceased the Irl
quols had stationed themselves In circles
about every house outside the walls of
Montreal, and at a given signal the
ferocious braves fell on the settlement
like veritable beasts of prey.
Neither doors nor , windows were
fastened In those days, and the people,
deep In sleep, were dragged from their
beds before they were half awake. Men,
women and children were slaughtered
like ehee:,
By daybreak two hundred people had
been butchered. As many more had
1 ' iil"
Woman in Love is Either Slave or Tyrant
Depends Entirely on Man She Loyesi
"i huve been keeping company with a
girl about 20 years of aga for the last
r.lne months. I have taken her to several
places of amusement and gave her an ex
pensive Chrlbtmas present. She has beon
going out with other young men, and
seems to be offended with me because
I gave a box of candy to a girl who had
done me a favor. I am In love with her,
and would not like to lose her.
The question of Your Bights vs. My
Rights enters so often during the 'court
ship It should be enough to frighten out
of matrimony all those who think. But
those in love never think a fortunate
provision. Otherwise there might be less
of the sad, sweet happiness of loving.
"Hoartbroken" Is having a very un
pleasant oxpurlence which should be re
garded as extremely pleasant. For the
fact that the girl Is Jealous because he
gave another girl a box t candy Is an
indication that she loses him. Hlie goes
out with other young men, but refuses
him the rii?ht to show another girl grat
itude for a fsvor, y'l be despairs! If
he wants to win her lie has every reason
for having a heart full of rejoicing, for
dividual, it has been observed that the
game liinls apparently return to the same
rookuiles season after season.
These curious birds are very careful
of the cleanliness of their persons and
rookerlefi. When they first encounter
men they show no fear, mistaking them,
possibly, for another race of their ow.
kind, with which they are willing , 1
fiaternlze. A row of them, marchlu
slowly and solemnly over the snow, i.
single file, like Indians on a trail, pre
sents a most extraordinary sight. ''
withstanding their apparent wkwi;
ness, they possess much agility, un
rne of them may be seen making
perpendicular leap of six feet or more
from the water In order to land upon
the surface of a rock.
Following one another, in single fil"
through the snow, they plow furrows
which, as shown Id one of the accom
panying photographs, presents a very
singular appearance. They are peace
able, and will only fight In defense of
their young. The noise made by their
voices in a large rookery Is sometimes
deafening, and It la not quite safe to
attack them when they are assembled
In great numbers about their young.
Ordinarily It la easy for a tailor to
knock one over with a etick.
They toll off, parties to go fishing,
I leaving some at home to guard the
nestt. and upon the return of the first
I party others set out for a fishing trip.
T'pnn the whole these singular feath- j
jered people of the great white south
j exhibit manners that men might not
I be ashamed to imitate.
: j -
been taken captive, to be used at slaves,
or, worse yet, at the vlctlmt of the red
man't torture. . . ,
At If their vengeance wat Insatiable,
the Iroquois crossed the river oppotlt
Montreal, and In plain tight of the fort
spent several dayt torturing the, whit
captives. By night the victims could ba
seen tied to the stakes, amid the coll
ing flames, with the tormentor! danclnff
tround them and 'laughing, demonlike,
at their sufferings.
Denonvllle, the commander at Montreal,
was paralysed with fear and terror and
did not once attempt to go out after'
the savages. For two monts the Iroquoia
overran Canada unchecked. Settlement
after settlement wat raided, and the.
torture staket blaxed everywhere. From
Montreal to Three Rivert crops went up
in flames, dwelling were burned and tha
terrified tettlera came cowering with
their families to the shelter of the fort
at Montreal.
And It was all to unnecessary, There
wat no reason why the Iroquois should
have hated the French, but Champlaln
was a Frenchman, and sixty yer be
fore Champlaln had gone out of his way
to attack them-and therefore all French
men were to be their enemies.
Gray-haired old fathers and mothers,
Innocent little children and men and
women by the thousands In the bloom! o?
health and power were to pay for the
foolishness of one hot-headed ma"n
Samuel de Champlaln.
Champlaln had no business fighting he '
Iroquois on that July morning of the
year lm, and If he had not dine sorif
he hsd been William Penn instead of
Samuel de Champlaln it Is morally
certain that there would have been 'm
"Montreal Massacre." '
I should say that she la already won
When a woman loves, either the be
comes an abject slave or a tyrant. Thai
depends entirely on the man. Thlt man,
who moodily broods because .hit'' girl
it turning her smiles another way; Is tha
tort of a man who will always make a.
tyrant of the woman he lovet, Jie la
being punished for giving another, girl
a box of candy, and longs to kiss tha
hand that punishes , him: Bhould thla
little love affair terminate In marriage,
he will find himself the meekest, most
down-trodden of husbands, he will then
realise that the host of .handsome Christ
mas presents given during his courtship
won't save him.
The prospect Is not forbidding to, the
man who slncerly love's a woman. And
I beleive that if a matrimonial bureau
were to gather statistics on this most
delicate of all subjects It would be found
that the number of men who are In
jured by wifely tyranny Is minimum and
the number who are benefited Is maxi
mum. Therefore, "Heartbroken" should cheer
up. He has won the race, though he may
not realize It, and the girl is his Just as
surely as if they were 'walking to tha
altar., lie has had his punishment, and
if she has the wisdom of Eve she will
not prolong It too long. He tinned
greatly, for he showed attention to an
other woman. True, she accepts atten
tion from other men, but that la her
right. :
The question of Your Right vs. My
Itlghts should be settled during an en-
Mement in favor of the woman; She
; the prize that is fought for and has
v love-ordained right of making every
ule of the game.
She Is the arbiter, the queen, the um
iiv or whatever you may choose to call
a. She It the one who decides. The man
vlui wants that decision In his favor
yliould know that he must play his part
as she dictates. He may be humiliated,
depressed, angered end know every
cpecles of love's injustice, hut he hasn't
the right to complain. All these are tho
prices he pays for remaining in the con
test. Ho get on your knees, "Heartbroken."
Enow her that break in your heart and
V11 her you cannot live unless" she for-
lvet you. Vow, with your forehead In
the dust, that if she forgives ydu you
will sin no more. And see to it that you
keep your vow. You have sinned griev
ously, and only an angel would forgive.
Appreciate the magnanimity of ..your
angel and never again let your eyes stray
toward another woman.' '
For while your angel ma forgive, aha
will never forget. , That is asking too
much even of an angel.
' Sate to Crack ' . .y-,;:y
Conscience Isn't responsible for all the
cowards in the world.
A fellow can't be expected to hold his
job it he can't even hold big tongU.