Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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"Taking My Pen in Hand," as the Mayor Might Say
By Hal Coffman
Copyright. 1912, National News Ass n.
ThinG- To WoKV &OuT
C3Tk i foot LnPiN- we
out of. Tfce west
IS Wv'A-sr B 9B1I1SA 1
0p . "osh! H loot
&zJ) LIKC ft Ttd SToRY
- r
lopcr Wins in Mighty Pitching
Duel with Bobinson.
Slefcoff Only Player to Make
Longer Than Blnl Lincoln
Twlrlrr Safe After the V
, Sixth Innln.
, LINCOLN, Aug. 6.-(8peclal Telegram.)
"Rip" Hagerman and Robinson stalled
a pretty pitchers' duel this afternoon,
with honors even. Sharper's fielding
gave Lincoln a hard fought victory by
the score of 2 to 1. All of the scoring
was done in the early stages of the Lin
coin game, Hagerman winning his own
battle when he sent Barbour across the
it ol. with a alnirla n dePD Center.
Lloyd opened for Lincoln In the first
-m. . .,r,. ifiii.p advanced him
I V I IS f 0lV BSSV -.-v.-
' to' second with ft. sacrifice. Cobb beat
j out an infield hit and took second when
Niehoff threw badly to first, Lloyd go
ing to third. Robinson emitted a wild
pitch and Lloyd romped over the plate.
Miller grounded out to Niehoff and Cole
struck out
In the second Barbour singled and was
sacrificed to second by Mullen. Barbour
took third on Carney's Infield ut and
scored when Hagerman singled to center.
There was nothing further doing for
Lincoln, Robinson T settling down and
' pitching air tight ball,
j In the third, Coylc, first up, struck out,
thomason walked and went to second
; when Hagerman threw wild to first to
catch him off the bag. Johnson grounded
out Lloyd to Mullen, Thomason going to
' third, Kane hit one to the center field
fence, Thomason scoring, but Kane being
! held at first by a sharp throw from
! center. Schipke made the third out by
striking out. v
, . The next two Innings were one, two,
three on both sides. In the sixth, with
two down, Schipke got to first on an
(error byJBarbour, and took second when
'the third baseman threw wildly to first
Niehoff walked and with two on bases
'Bills stepped to the plate. The first ball
over was called a strike and Bills threw
sand in the umpire's face. The "umps"
promptly canned Bills and In the argu
ment that ensued, Arbogast was also
'ltotnlaheri fmm i h a nfAiirili
, . aw... UHIIUBI I
Scanlon substituted for Bills. He sin
gled over second and Schipke started for
the plate, but a pretty throw from Cobb
cut him off by a few Inches, and Omaha
lost its best chance to score.
"The Ronrkc tribe was dangerous in, two
ether frames, but either tight pitching
bv HftCmrmnn ni ihifn itiM .
w. 1 iicmuiB jJieveniea
them from sending the necessary run
oyer the plate. Score:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Lloyd, ss. ....4 1 1 i 4 o
Are You one
Five Million
THERE are now over Five Million
users of the Gillette Safety Razor
located in every part of the civ
ilized globe.
Their number is growing at the rate
of more than a million every year.
Reliable figures show that a large
proportion of these Gillette users are
men who discarded other razors to
adopt the Gillette.
The others are men who took their
first shave with the Gillette and have
literally never used any other razor.
: It's a wonderful recordto become
a world-wide institution in less than
ten years, adopted by men of every
civilized nation, with all types of beards and all
kinds of skins.
The Gillette Safety Razor is better worth
while for you to-day than ever. These 1912
Blades are specially fane.
Ask your dealer.
Standard set, 16.00 everywhere.
Pocket diUoni. 15.00 to Mm
, TT,e' Tourists' ssts,' 18.00
C:IU Ssfctv test &-y.
Miller, cf. 3 o
Cobb, rf. 3 0
McCormlck, If 3 0
Cole, 2b 3 o
Barbour, 3b 3 1
Mullen, lb 2 0
Carney, c 3 o
Hagerman, p, 3 0
Totals 27 2
2 0 0 0
1 0 10
0 2 0 0
0 0 10
14 11
0 7 0 0
0 13 1 0
10 11
27 1 1
H. O. A. E.
0 0 3 0
13 0 0
1110 0
0 6 10
1 8 2 0
13 0 0
10 4 1
0 3 0 0
10 0 0
0 12 0
0 0 0 0
6 24 12 1
AB. B.
Justice, as. 4
Coylc, rf. 3
Thomason,-' cf. ,
Johnson, c 4
Kane, ' lb. ' 4
Schipke, 2b ,4
Niehoff. 3b 3
Bills, If 2
Seanlon, If 2
Koblnson, p
Hall 1
incoin I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
" vvivOOOO 01
i7af hAt: Nh"- Le on bases:
Lincoln, 4; Omaha, 8. Sacrifice hits:
Miller, Cobb, Mullen. Struck nut- n
,.S.e.rml;,';bjr Robinson, 4. Bases on
I'l " .W . ?.aw m. Wild pitch:
tfin J . ' '""serrnan, L Time: 1:48.
Umpires: Flynn and KnanD.
Errors br Topeka Players Clinch
Game fop Visitors.
. J0?1??1 Au 8 -8loui City broke a
ttl.llX "nd KOr 1 tne winning run In
aid. sw?.?" errors by K,n and McDoi.
AB. r. H. O. A. E.
-6 (t 2 2 3 0
"5 'I 3 11 1 fl
..6 0 1 2 0 2
. 8 0 2 2 , 0 0
-. 3 0 0 2 3 2
..4 0 2 2 0 0
2 1 0 0 2 0
M 6 13 27 "j 1
rx CITT.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
.6 0 0 0 1 1
40 1 1 0 0
.5 0 1 2 0 0
3 2 10 4 0
1 3 1 0 0
.31 1830
3 0 1 S 4 0
J 0 1 1 1 0
7 6 10 27 17 1
80011000 0-5
Walsh, !b.
Gear, rf.
Chapman, c. .
Hornsby, p. .
Totals .......... 34
Evans, 3b. ..
Andreas, 21 1.
Tennant, lb.
Myers, if. ..
French, ss.
Cadman. e. ,
Thomas, p. ,
Totals ...
TWO-baSe hits.- WnUh CiarAnar f
Sacrifice hits: Hornsby, Cadman, Clark.
Double plays: Walsh to Nagol to Gard
ner; Andreas to French to Tennant.
Stolen bases: Gardner. King. Bases on
balls: Off Hornsby, 2; off Thomas. 4.
Struck out: By Hornsby, 2; bv Thomns.
4. Hit by pitched ball: By Hornsby, 1.
Time: 1:40. Umpires: Johnson and
Hnvhes gingiva Off Johnson After
Woldrln Retires.
WICHITA. Kan., Aug, B.-Hughes'
single off Johnson In the ninth, after
Woldring had been driven from the box,
won a slow see-saw game for Wichita.
Score: .
A.B. R. H. O. A. E
Mlddleton, cf 4 0 2 6 0 0
Hughes, 2b 6 12 10 0
Pettlgrew, If 4 0 1 2 0 0
of these
Qlllette Blades, pickets of six (IS
Sharing edge). 60 emu; nlektl-pUted
Ooi of twrve(84 ahtvtng edge) .11.00.
For mle In 40,000 retail storss U
erery part of ths hsbttaol (lobe.
Ro lTonlnJ
22 W. ScccsJ Street, Bssiei
Davis, rf 3 2
1. 0 0 0
2 3 10
0 6 10
0 12 0
2 10 3 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
10 27 7 0
H. O. A. E.
1 11 0
2 10 0
2 1 1,0
0 2 10
3 10 1 2
0 3 0 1
0 4 3 0
13 2 3
10 10
0 0 0 0
12 2S 10 6
Callahan, ss 3 1
Koerner. lb 3 1
Mee, 3b 2 1
Clemohs, c 4 0
Jordan, p t 0
Jackson, p 2 0
Craig 1 0
Totals 31 6
A.B. R.
Keilly. 3b 4 2
Powell. If 3 0
Zwilllng, 2b 6 1 .
Watson, rf 3 1
Borton, lb 6 1
Kelly, cf 5 1
Meinke, ss 3 1
Griffith, c 2 0
Woldring. p 4 0
Johnson, p 0 0
Totals 34 6
One out when winning run was made.
Wichita 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2-8
St. Joseph 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0-5
Left on bases: St. Joseph, 9; Wichita.
7. Two-base hits: Hughes, Meinke, Cal
lahan, Pettlgrew. stolen bases: Middle
ton. Callahan. Hits: Off Jordan, 6 In
three Innings; off Jackson, 6 in six
inning: off Woldring, 10 in eight and
one-thirds innings; off Johnson, 1; (no
outs). Double plays: Griffith to Bor
ton; Rellly to Borton to Griffith: Wat
son to Borton. Wild pitch: Woldring.
Jackson, lilt by pitched ball: Davis,
Tlme: KnaPP McGln-
Mrs Molars flreaka Imna Winning;
Ktreak of Denver Team.
DENVER, Aug. J.-After winning four
successive victories Denver went down
i fn e?olnes. The visito, n't ni
runs Score- ""'th' 8Cr""J tleVfcn
AB. It. H. O. A.E.
Curtis, rf. ..
Rellly, !b. ..
Kores, ss. ..
Jones, lb. ..
Chounlard, If.
Hahn, rf ...
Leonard. 3b.
McOraw. c.
Eaber, p. ...
Ulatowskl, c.
Belden, If.
. Totals 4i
H 17 27 10
H. O. A.
2 2 0
ivriiworiny, so 5
vJiimore, lr
Cas.dy, rf....
Beall, cf
Quillln. 3b
toffey. ss
Lindsay, lb....
Block, c
Healy, p
Harris, p
0 3
' Totals ...
Des Moines
..35 . 7 9 27 8 1
1 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 4-14
Batted for Harris in ninth.
Btolen base: Curtis. Three-base hits
Korea, Hahn, Belden, Jones. Sacrlf.cs
?ITh. 8a2ilf,cf h',s: Leonard, Belden.
f?1 ?yi ntruck j0UtJ ,,By Hea,y- : by
A'k' a on.b1''1: Off Hek'y. o;
off Faber, 2. Double plays: Leonard to
raber to Kores. Hit by pitched ball:
Lindsay, . Curtis. Left on bases: Denver,
?' l Moines, 10. Hits: Oif Healy, lo
In eight and one-third Innings: off Har-
Lplre: ffielg" lnnlng"- T""e: a:4i
Nebraska City Gives
Blank to Leaders
FALLS CITY, Neb., Aug. 5.-(Spcclal
Telegram.)-Nebraska City outhlt the
home team today. Conway brought In all
Nebraska City's scores with two singles.
A catch by Tappan was a feature. Score:
ft H EL
Neb. City 0 10200000-3 100
Falls City ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 1
Batteries: Conway and Goldthwalte:
Falls City, Spear and Shestak. Umpire:
HIAWATHA, Kan., Aug. 6.-(Special
Telegram.) Costly errors lost the game
to Humboldt today after the two teams
went neck and neck for a dosen Innings.
Marr threw wild to first In the fifth
after two were out and Humboldt never
stopped for a third out until three Ne
braskane romped home. The score:
ft H K
Humboldt ......20003 0000001-6 2
Hiawatha 101080000000-6 10 5
, Batteries: Errett and Diets; Culvert
and Maxeyr-
AUBURN. Neb., Aug. 5.-(Speelal Tele-gram.)-Hard
hitting In the pinches won
for Auburn today. The features were
the hitting of Reed and Brewer. Score:
. . . . R.H.E.
02123030 0-9 91
100000 O0 0-1 S2
Reed and Kraninger; Qulnn
Lmplre: Evans.
Beatrice ....
and Darrow.
Alliance Defeat Ilemlnaford.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Aug. 5. 8peclat Tel
egram.) Alliance won from Hemtngford
Sunday in a fast game of ball, I to 1
Batteries, Alliance, Hull and Dale: Hem
ingford. Walker and Olds. Alliance made
iix hits and Hemtngford two.
Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising.
Ik Standing of Teams
Marquard Knocked from Box in
Less Than Two Innings.
Hendrlz Holds Sew York to Seven
Hits and Strikes Ont Nine
Wanner Gets Home Run,
Double and Single,
NEW YORK. Aug. 5.-Plttsburgh won
from New York today, 8 to 4. Marquard
was knocked out of the box In less than
two Innings, when six runs were made
off him. Hendrix was effective, holding
New York to seven hits and striking out
nine men. Wasner made a home run,
double and u single. Score:
Byrne, 3b... 6 i 1 1 0 3 8 0 0 0
C'rey .If... 4 1 1 0 0 Doyle, 2b... 4 15 10
Dunlin, cf.. 5 i I 0 1 Revker, of. 5 1 O 0 0
Wagner, m. J 3 4 3 2 Merkle. lb. 6 1 12 1 0
Mlllor. lb., a 0 1 0 Murray, rf. 4' 1 1 0 0
J.WIUnn, rf 4 1 I 1 0 Heriog. lb. 1 1 1 I t
McCarthy, 2b 3 2 2 6 1 Meyera, c... 2 0 4 1 (I
Gibaon, c... 4 1 S 1 OA. Wllaon, e 1 0 1 0 0
Hendrlz, p. 4 1 0 1 0 Fletcher, is 4 0 4 1 0
Marquard, p( 0 0 0 0
Totals ....17 13 27 14 4Amea, p.... S 0 0 3 0
; , McCormlck 1 0 0 0 0
- . Totals ... 36 7 ST 12 V
Butted for Ames In ninth.
Pittsburgh 240002OOO-S
New York 0 0O11OOO2-4
First bane on errors: New York, 2. Two
base hits: Wilson, Wagner. Byrne,
Snodgrass. Three-base hits: McCarthy,
Murray.i Gibson. Home run: Wagner.
Sacrifice hit: McCarthy. Stolen bases:
Snodgrass, ' Wagner, Carey, Doyle. Lett
on bases: New York, 5: Pittsburgh, 9.
Double plays: McCurthy to Wagner to
Miller; Fletcher (unassisted.) Bases on
bulls: Off Marquard, 2; off Hendrix. 4.
Struck out: By Marquard, 1; bv Ames,
4; by Hendrix, 2. Hit by pitched ball:
By Hendrix (SnodgTaas.) Wild pitches:
Marquard. 1: Ames. 1. Passed ball:
Myers. .Hits: Off Marquard, 5 In one
and ono-thlrd Innings: off Ames, 8 In
seven and two-thirds innings. Time: 2:02.
Umpires: Owens and Brennan.
Two Victories for Cobs.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. S.-Chicago won
two games here today, by 6 to 2 and 5 to 3
scores. The visitors hit the ball hard
and timely and fielded without an error
In either game. Score, first game:
AB.H.O.A.E). AB.H.O.A.E.
Shevkard. If 3 0 1 1 OPaskert, rf. S 1 3 1 1
Schtilte, rf.. 3 15 0 OLobert, 3b.. 3 13 4 0
Tinker, .. 3 I 3 3 OMaiee, If., t 0 t 0 0
Zim'man, 3b 8 0 0 1 OCravath, rf. 4 1 0 0 0
Leach cf... t 0(0 OLuderu. lb 1 12 2 0
Saier, lb.... 4 1(1 OKnabe, 2b.. 3 0 0 1 0
Evera. 2b... 3 111 ODoolan, as.. 4 1 1 S 0
Archer, c... 4 14 1 OKIIIlfer, c- 4 0 0 0
Lavender, p. 4 0 11 OMoore, p... 3 0 1 3 1
Mtller .... 110 0 0
Totals ....30 J2J0
Totals ....30 4 57 1 1
Batted for Knabe in ninth.
Chicago 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
Philadelphia 0 1100000 0-3
Two-base hits: Sater (2), Lobert, Doolan.
Home runs: Cravath, Archer. Sacrifice
hits: ZlmmerniRn, Magee, Evers, Tinker.
Stolen base: Tinker. Left on bases:
Chicago, 4; Philadelphia, 6. Bases on
balls: Off Lavender, 4; off Moore, 1.
First base on error.: Chicago, 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By Moore, Sheckard, Leach.
Struck out: By lavender, 4; by Moore, 6.
Time: VM. Umpires: Eason and Johns
tone. Score, second game:
8hckard If. I 0 3 0 OPatkert, cf. 4 0 1 0 0
Bchvlte, rf. 4 3 3 0 OLobert, lb,. 11 I 1
Tinker 4 13 2 OMaiee. U... 4 3 10 0
Zlm'man, 3b i 1 4 3 OCravath rf. 3 0 1 0 1
Leach, rt... 4 S 3 OLudenia, lb 4 1 7 4 0
Saler, lb.... 4 S T 0 OKnabe. Jb.. 4 110 0
Evera. 2b... 4 111 ODoolan, as.. 1 0 4 3 0
Meedham, ( 3 0 0 0 ODooin, e.... 3 0 T S 0
Raulbach, pi 0 0 0 0 Alexander, p 3 4 1 1 0
Smith, p.... 11010
W. Miller. 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ....31 4 27 11 1
Totals ....54 13 17 0
Batted for Reulbach In fifth. -
Chicago 0 00003200-6
Philadelphia 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-S
Two-base hits: Schulte (2). Tinker,
Saler, Magee, Luderus. Sacrifice fly:
Tinker. Stolen bases: Magee, Zimmer
man. Double plays: Luderus to Dooin
to Luderus; Leach to Tinker. Left on
bases: Chicago, 9: Philadelphia, 3. Bases
on balls: Off Smith, 2; off Alexander, 4.
Hit by pitched ball: By Alexander,
Schulte. Struck ont: By Alexander, .
Hltb: Ofr Reulhach. 6 In four innings;
off Smith, 1 in five Innings. Time: 1:4a
Umpires: Johnstone and Eason.
Boston Ootbnts Redaj.
BOSTON. Aug. 6. Boston batted three
Cincinnati pitchers hard today and won
easily, 10 to 2. Tyler pitched a fine game,
letting up only In the eighth inning.
Titus made a spectacular one-handed
fence catch, starting a double play.
Score: -
McDonald, Jb ( t 0 1 OBescher. If. 4 a s i
Campbell, cf t 1 1 OMaraana, et 4 0 1 6
Sweeney, lb 1 1 4 f OHoblltiel, lb 4 17 1 !
Jackson, if. 1 1 1 0 Mitchell, rt 4 1 1 10
Tttua, rf.... till f Grmr.t, sb... 3111
Devlin, lb.. I 115 OEgaa. lb.... 1 0 111
nrMwell, ss 1 1 1 i 1 Eunond, ss 1 1 1 I 0
Rartden. c. 4 2 1 ? c Clarke, e... 114 0 0
Tyler, p.... 4 0 0 1 OMoore, p... 10 0 10
Hpmphrles.p 0 0 0 0 0
Totals ...Xllitl! lDavls. p.... 1 0 0
Totals 24 I 2 !
Boston .0 0 4 3 0 4 0 0 10 j
Cincinnati 0 0000003.,
Hits: Off Moore, 6 in three innings; oft !
IumDhrks. S In one Inning; off Darts. I
W.L.jPct.i W.L.Pct.
Denver ... 63 46 .6771 New York.. 71 25 .740
St. Joseph 57 49 .6381 Chicago ....63 34 . 650
Omaha .... 67 60 .632 Pittsburgh. 56 37 .602
D. Moines 55 50 .524i Phila. 45 47 . 4S9
Sioux City 6161 .514 Cincinnati.. 45 54 Abn
Wichita ....63 65 64861 St. Louis .. 44 56 .410
Lincoln ....50 63 . 476! Brooklyn.. 35 64 . 354
Topeka .. 37 69 . 34i)l Boston 27 69 . 281
W.L.Pct. W.LPct
Boston .... 69 33 .6761 Toledo .... 70 43 .621
Wash C4 38 .6281 Columbus.. "1 .62:!
Phlla 58 42 . 5S0I ViUDetvoolls 74 i .(My
Chicago ... 50 49 .6051 Kan. City 55 ".D .!
Detroit .... 51 52 . 4951 St. Paul .. f.J 4
Cleveland.. 46 53 . 4531 Milwaukee 49 63 . 437
New York.
St. Louis ..
.12 65 .330 Louisville.. 44 70 ,;U
32 68 . 320 Indlanap'Iis 42 76 .356
W.L.Pct.l W.L.Pct.
Fremont... 45 31 .597! Falls City.. 46 30 .606
Hastings . 41 35 .513' Auburn 43 33 .566
Columbus.. 39 27 .51.1) Neb. City... 43 33 .566
Kearney . .42 36 .638! Beatrice ....35 29 .473
Sewara 41 35 .639i Humboldt . .33 42 .?0
G. Island ..40 37 .619 Hiawatha ..26 49.317
York a 42 . 4251
Superior ...24 51 .320
Yesterday's Results.
Omaha, 1: Lincoln, 2.
Des Moines, 14; Denver, 7.
Sioux City, 6; Topeka. 6.
St. Joseph, 5; Wichita, 6.
Cincinnati, 2; Boston, 10.
St. Louis. 8; Brooklyn, 4.
Pittsburgh, 8; New York, 4.
Chicago, 5-5; Philadelphia, 2-3.
Boston, 1; Cleveland, 3.
New York. 2; Detroit, 4.
Washington, 8; Chicago, 7; (ten innings).
Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, 12.
Milwaukee, 13; Indianapolis, 2.
St. Paul, 6; Columbus, 1.
Minneapolis, ti; Louisville, 1.
Kansas City, 1; Toledo, 5.
Uames Today.
Western League Omaha at Lincoln, Des
Moines at Denver, Sioux City at Topeka,
St. Joseph at Wichita.
Nebraska State League Hastings at
Fremont, Seward at Kearney, Superior at
ColumbUM, York at Grand Island.
Mink League-Nebraska City at Falls
City, Beatrice at Auburn, Humboldt at
5 in four Innings. Two-base hits: Devlin,
Esmond. Three-base hit. Devlin. Sac
rifice Oy: Bridwell. Stolen base: Mc
Donald. Bases on balls: Off Moore, 4;
off Humphries, 1; off Davis, 3; off Tyler,
2. First base on errors: Boston 1; Cin
cinnati, 1. Left on bases: Boston, 9;
Cincinnati, 2. Struck out: By Moore, 2.:,
by Davis. 2; by Tyler, 3. Double plays:
Esmond to Grant; Egan to Esmond; Brid
well to Sweeney to JJevltn; Titus to Mc
Donald to Sweeney; Devlin, unassisted;
Mitchell to Hoblitzel. Wild pitch: Tyler.
Time:, 1:52. Umpires: Klem and Orth.
Three Homers (or Cardinals.
BROOKLYN, Aug. 5.-The St. Louis
Nationals easily defeated Brooklyn to
day. Konetchy made a home run in the
second inning inside of the grounds with
two men on bases. Ho repeated in the
fifth with one on base.' Oakes hit a
home run over the right field fence when
Hauser was on first. Score:
Hunins, zd b i 4 3 IMoran, cf... 6 0 1
Magee, It.. S 1 4 0 1 Hummel, rf. S 3 1
Mowrey, 3b 3 1 2 4 0 Smith, 3b. .6 0 1
Konetchy, lb S 3 I 0 ODaubert, lb. 5 1 i
Kills, rf.... S 110 1 Wheat. If.. 4 3 3
Homer, ss.. 5 2 6 3 I Cvtshaw, 2b 3 1 3
Oakea, cf... 4 3 3 0 OFIfher ss.. 4 1 1
Wlngo, e... 4 0 12 OMiller,' c... 4 1 S
Sallee, p.... 4 1 0 1 OKnetter, p.. 1 1 0
Curtis, p... 1 1 0
Totals ....37 13 27 13 S Stack, p.... 1 0 0
Phelps .... 1 1 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
1 0
4 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
Totals ....41 13 27 10 1
Batted for Curtis in sixth.
St. Louis ......0 0305000 0-8
Brooklyn ..0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1-4
Two-base hits: Hummel (2), Cutshaw,
Mowrey. Three-base hit: Miller. Holne
runs: Konetchy (2), Oakes. Bases on
balls: Off Knetzer, 3; off Curtis, 1; ofr
Sallee, 1. Struck out: By Knetzer. 6;
by Curtis. 1; by Sallee, 0. Hits: Off
Knetier, 7 in four and one-third innings;,
off Curtis, 2 in one and two-thirds In
nings; off Stack, 4 In three Innings. Time:
1:50. Umpires: Rlgler and Finneran.
imnr d
Old Style Lager is the beer that is brewed just right
something entirely different in the bottle beer line just as
good as ever could not be made better.
LERCH & VAN SANDT, Distributors
311 South 17th Street Phone Douglas SJ55
Break Favors Washington in the
Tenth Inning.
Johnson's Sinule with MoBrlde's
Doable .Makes Score Eight to
Seven for Visitors Six
Two-Unse Hits.
CHICAGO, Aug. 5.-Chicago took a
fix-run lead on Washington in the third
inning by driving Groom from the slab,
but the visitors won in the tenth. Walter
Johnson's single with McBride's double
In the tenth counted the winning run.
Rath, Zb... 5 0 13 oMoeller. rf. 1 0 0 0
Mat !ck cf S 2 1 0 OPoster, 3b.. (12 3 0
Lard, 3b.... 6 2 14 0 Milan, cf... 5 2 0 10
Bodle, rf... 3 0 1 0 OGandll, lb.. 5 2 13 0 0
Collins, lb. 5 0 17 0 "Morgan, 2b. 5 0 0 4 0
Callahan. If 6 2 2 0 u Williams, c4 2 11 2 0 5 2 0 4 OAlnsmlth, c 1 0 3 0 0
Kuhn, c... 3 1 3 OMcBrlde, ss 5 2 1 2 1
Zolder .... 1 0 0 0 C Shanks, If.. 4 2 10 0
Sullivan, c. 0 0 1 0 0 Groom, p... 1 0 0 1 1
Clcottc. p... 1 0 0 1 OCaahlon, p. 3 3 0 0 0
Benz, p 0 0 0 0 0 Johnson p .1 1 0 0 0
White, p.. ..10010
i Totals ....48 16 SO 13 2
! Totals ....38 30 IS 0
; for Kuhn in eighth.
! Chicago .1 06000000 07
Washington ....001002130 18
Two-base hits: Lord, Kuhn, Milan,
Cashlon, Wiliiams, McBride. Three-base
hits: Gandll, Moeiier. Hits. Off Groom,
6 in two and two-thirds innings; off
Cashlon, 3 in four and two-thirds in
nings; off Johnson, 0 in two and two
thirds innings; off Cicotte, 12 In seven
and two-thirds innings; off Benz, two,
one out; off White, 2 in two and one
third innings. fctoie;i liases: Lord, Zei
der. Bases on ba'.is: Off Groom, 2; off
Clcottn, 1: oif Cashlon, 1; off Johnson, 1.
Struck out: By Groom, 3; by Cicotte, 5;
by fashion, 6; by White, 1; by Johnson,
2. Time: 2:80. Umpires: tineen and
p He feat Boston.
CLEVELAND, Aug. S.-Cleveland de
feated Boston. . Jackson's batting was
responsible. Score:
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E!.
.Ryan, If.... 4 12
Turner, 3b. 4 1 1
Jackson, irf 4 2 3
Lajole, 2b.. 3 0 2
Griggs, lb.. 3 0 14
Blrm'ham.ct 2 0 3
Peck'sh, ss 3 1 3
O'Neill, c. 3 0 0
Gregg, p... 3 0 0
0 0 Hooper, rf. 4 1 3 0 0
2 OYerkes, 2b.. 4 10 11
0 0 Speaker, cf 2 4 i 0
1 0 Lewis, If... 4 2 3 0 0
0 OOardner 3b 3 1 1 1 0
1 OStahl, "lb... 3 0 7 0 0
2 0 Wagner, ss. 4 2 0 1 0
2 OCarrigan, c. 3 0 6 0 0
2 VBed'.ent, p.. 3 1 0 2 0
Totals .
29 6 27 10 C'Ball 1 0 0 0 0
'Engle .... 1 0 0 0 0
Totals ....34 10 24
Batted for Carrigan in ninth.
Batted for Bedlent in ninth.
Cleveland 2 0001000 3
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Two-base hits: Ryan, Jackson,
Speaker. Three-base hit: Jackson:
Bases on balls: Off Gregg, 1; off Bedl
ent. 1. Struck out: By Gregg, 4; by
Bedlent. 6. Time: 2:06. Umpires Egan
and Sheridan.
Browns Humble Athletics.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 5. St. Louis, aided by
heavy batting and errors, won. Score:
Maggert, If.
Lord. rf....
Collins 2b..
Baker, 3b...
Mclnnea, lb.
Hrrunk. cf..
1 4
0 0
1 1
1 3
1 11
1 2
0 OShotten, cf. 3 1 6 0 1
0" C Austin 3b... 4 1 1 0 0
2 1 Pratt, 2b... 4 2 2 3 0
1 IStovall, lb.. 5 2 0 0 0
0 (I Williams, rf 3 1 0 0 0
OCompton, If 4 1 4 0 0
OWallace. ss. 4 1 2 4 0
1 Stephens, c. 8 1 3 1 0
2 Powell, p... 4 10 10
0 Totals ....34 11 27 9 1
0 R. ppw M .
Derrick, ss.. 2
Lapp, e I
Thomas, c. 3
Brown, p 0
Pennock. p. 1
Houck, p .. 2
Coombs .... 1
Totals ....38 10 24 11 6
Batted for Brown
Philadelphia 0 1
St. Louis 6 1
in second.
1 1 0 0 1 0 0-4
0 2 3 0 0 0 12
Two-base hits: Baker. Pratt. Compton,
Stovall. Collins, Mclnnes, Thomas. Three
base hits: Wallace, Maggert. Home run:
Powell. Bases on balls: Off Pennock, 6;
off Powell, 1; off Houck, 1. Struck out:
By Powell, 3; by Pennock, 1. Hits: Off
Brown, 5 In one inning; off Pennock, 2
In three innings: off Houck, 4 In four
innings. Time: 2.C0. Umpires: Connolly
and Hart.
Tlirers' Hits Timely.
DETROIT, Aug. 5.-Detrolt found Mc
Connell when runners occupied bases and ,
New York lost Mullin had considerable
difficulty in checking a ninth inning rally.
Score: 1
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E).'
Daniels, jr. o 3 3 o 0 Vitt. If 4 0 1 OS 0
lhase, lb... 4 2 11 1 0 Bush, ss... 4 2 17 1
Sterrett, cf 4 0 2 1 0 Bush, ss.... 4 1 1 7 1
Zlnn, rf.... 4 0 2 0 1 Cobb. cf..;. 4 110 0
81mraons, 21 4 b 1 1 0 Crawford, rf 3 0 2 0 1)1
Paddock, 3b 4 0 2 1 1 Louden, 3b. 3 I I 2 0
Martin, ss;. 2 1 2 4 OMorlarty, lb 3 1 13 0 0
Sweeney, ,c 2 1 0 1 CDeal, 3b.... 3 2 2 3 0
McConnell.p 4 2 11 manage, c. 4 0 .3 0 0
Caldwell ..1 0 0 0 l 'MulUa.p.... 3 1" 2 2 0
Warhop .. 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ....31 27 14 1
Maloney .. 00000
Wolverton . 1 u 0 0 a i
Totals .'...35 24 10 i"-'
Batted for Martin in ninth. ;
Ran for Sweeney in ninth.
Ran for McConnelly In ninth. ,
Batted for Sterrett in ninth.
New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2!
Detroit 1 1 o 0 0 1 1 0 4
Two-base hit: Simmons. Struck out: ',
By McConnell, 3; by Mullen, 3. Time:'
1:46. Umpires: Westervelt and McLough
lin. yacht Dirio Wins
Carter Lake Eace
The Dirio, a sixteen-foot yacht, piloted
by A. L. Berquist, won the Rod and Gun1
club yacht race at Carter lake Saturday
afternoon against a fleet of seven boats,1
some, of them thirty-two-footers. The'
time was 69.29 mlnutes.
With S. S. Hamilton managing the sails,;
the Trio, a twenty-two-footer, orossed
the finish line first, but was dlsouiifirt!
for fouling the Dlrio. A large crowd,
watched the race, which covered a course
of two laps around the lake.
Second and third to finish were as fol
lows: Second-Alice, twenty-two-footer, Ralph
E. Perkins, pilot.
Third-Manawa, thirty-two-footer. Rav
Keller, pilot.
Laurel Wins In Twelfth.
LAURET,. ,Voh A r a v
One of the closest games ever plaved onl
the Laurel diamond was between Wayne'
n. iui a, man reached thei
home nlntp until tha i..f t.Ai
twelfth inning when Ray Peck scored for
ixmicu ou wiiuioras nit. Batteries
Laurel. wiiHfniii ond yv.
- -- u tt ,r nail , w ay ne
Gurness and Depew. Williford struck out
nineteen men and allowed six hits, while!
Gurness struck out thirteen and allowed
six hits Time: 2:00. Umpire: Bassenger of
isancroft. i
Laurel will hold a base ball tourna
ment September 5, 6 and 7. at which six'
of the fastest teams in northeast Ne-'
ulkXt AU PartlPate. On the second
and third days there will be double
headers. LaxiiK Pot Up Battle.
WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 6.-(SDeclal
Telegram.)The locals defeated the
Luxus here today by the score of 10 to
h,s Was the hJardest 'ought game on
tne home grounds this season. The
,VnT.b0yS ar5 the be8t team ever seen'
on these grounds: Score: RHF
West Point 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 0 3-1013 6
Lxus 00221001 3-9 12 r
Two-base hits: Tracy (2), Hacktar.
S?ye' DHbrandt, KM. Corey
Three-base hits: Denny, Casey. Bat-'1
tenes: West Point, Casey and WI1b-i
Luxus, Fox and Pause. Umpire: rug!'
Glenvrood Takes Game.
GLENWOOD, la., Aug. C.-(Special.)-Glenwood
defeated Missouri Valley todavi
..h wvi ,played ame on the Mis
souri Valley grounds. Score
Missouri Valley ..0 0000101 0-21
Glenwood 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0-3
oi cu . -. aney, jviaoaen
and Shae; Glenwood, Stlmpson. Wheeler
wenwooa, 4; Mis-i
. uui; w Bump-
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