1 t i i i! 1 i ! Jeff Has Such -.i... y POLICE.' I i TOOK pveRXTHN& Tif thank, i-p""--H rT 'pfjiW, r I f excen- OPFice' A i 1 r(tL C , WATCH ! T WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to insure proper classification must be presented beforo 12 o'clock in. for tbe evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want adb received after uch hour will have their first insertion under tbe heading "Too Late to tlaasiiy." CASH RATEs"foR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLAjjSIFICATlON-One Inaertion lji centa per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Each Laser tlon made on odd days 1 M cent per word; 91.50 per Una per mouth when ad is ran without change t DEATH AND FVS ERAL NOTICK. CROFT James Francis, aged 27 years, 2 months, 22 days. Funeral Weaneadav, August 7 at 8:30 a. m., from residence, 2317 Poppleton avenue, to St. Phllomenti's church at 9 a. m. In terment Holy Sepulcher csmetery. BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. Births Thomas and Clara Christiansen, 2620 South Seventh avenue, girl; K. and Maud Fetter, 3341 Evans street, boy; Frank and Edith Gognebln, 4114 Grand avenue, girl; Oliver and Jennie Hanibnl, 4810 Pine street, boy; H. W. and Deiesa Jones, 3126 South Third street, boy; J. P. and Lola A. Jensen, 323 North Thirty. Ilfth street, boy; P. J. and Sarah Me lander, 3023 Cass street, girl; Olof and Lofls Mounton, 3406 Burdette street, boy ; It and Rose Rich, 4124 Ohio street, girl; Jacob and Sarah Singer, 1525 North Twenty-first street, girl. Deaths-rHobert Puce, 67 years, 6229 North Twenty-fourth street; Anna Boone, M years, hospital; Louis Neese, 07 years, hospital; Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart, 30 ers, hospital; Gus Olson, 1!) years, hos pital. MARHIAGE LICENSES. 1 The following marriage license has been Itsued: . Name and Residence. Age. lohn Miller, Extra, la.". ! 22 Maude Lefftngweii, Extra, It.....,.,,.., '20 Ul'ILUl.VG PERMITS. E. M. Hamilton, 219 North Forty-second street, frame dwelling, I4.2U); Mrs. Bertha Coddington, 24io Templeton, frame dwell ing. &M0. .'"- , , HELJ WANTED -FEMJLK , . Clcriuul MUtf Ufilert. 6TENOORAHPER7w'holeale-J4o. Stenographer and office cleik-40. Stenographer, Grand Island-toO. 1 Stenographer, rallroad140. 11 Typist and office clerk 4ti. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.," wi-is vny Kat 1 Bank Bldg, BTBNOGHAPHER who is willing to uu uui worn a wmie tor tne excellence; pleacant oitlce on Sixteenth bt Address at once, E-549, Bee. tuctury huU Trdes. APPRENTICE girl to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhalm parlors, 2d Fl., City National. Girls to learn millinery trade. 627 axtun. . ttotuefeeKyem uuU lluiuraitva. f?rF5VA"1R" PROBLEM SOLVED-The Be will run a (Servant Girl Wanted Ad FKEtt until you get lb o eel red results. This applies to remdenn I Omaha, South Omaaa and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to Tne Be uliiu or telepnone Tyler. 1000. WANTED Experienced nure gul 1th references. Mr. H. A. Tukey, 123 S. 7th. Phone Harney 146. . WANTED A good girl for general housework. 1622 Lothrop St i . WANTED-rExperlenced whit cook; good wages. ' W. F. Coleman, Ft. Crook. GOOD GIRL for general housework. 422 N. 19th St . WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. H. W. Raphem. lth and Yates. W. 103. Take Hherman Ave. car. WANTED Girl for general housework in email m.iy. sa p.o. 4m, H. 660. iSLRSli girl to take cat of baby 2 years old. Call 21U Chicago ht alter i WANTED Good girl for general house work In family of two. 1649 8, 29th St. vBiiaiicriiouna una evenings, El.flfc'RI.V lortu ...in. pyo, null housekeeper In good home; no objections to go to th country, iiibt Grant V. Mo. " WANTED A good girl for general housework, three In family. Teleplion Harney 2361. COMPETENT girl for geneial house work: small family; good wages, 116 N, 88th Ave. Tel. H-2421 WANTED A young girl to assist with housework; no washing or cooking. Doug, las 5890. MUcella aeons. ' TOUNG wwneifi oomir.g to Omnha aa trtngers ar Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association uuiidlnt at St. Mary's Ave., and 17th. St. where they will ba directed to suitable boardiug places or otherwise assisted. Look fui our travelers' milde at Um Union staUoq ber maid; 1 dinb. washer. Write or phonu Granq hotel. Grant City. Mo. . . HELP WANTED MALE Atfvutk, saicaiuejt aad solicitor. A FEW salesmen to sell stock and poultry remedies. Direct 1508 Cuming. i. giot-". '. WANTED JO. lien of good moral character,' over th kg of &, to solicit In Omaha and South Omaha. A good proposition for th right parties; mun furnish references. Call at Room CO. PaxtOn Bldg. ' Offlo hours Irom Itollt-B. and to I p. m. - J. A, Echroder. , National Director. 1 AGilNTS New. ueo 1311 catalogue. Just out. Hw, easy, quick, profltabie suui mr' sellers..:, gamptea of - any article ceieeiea sent tree. Otlo llraun, 1246 ,N. ,. uu. . v.v"u iMUMu w nam djutv a Trusting Disposition HELP WANTED MALK I AXXOl XCEMEXTS I BUSIXESS PERSONALS I LIVE STOCK FOB SALE J OFFERED FOR REXT I OFFERED FPU REXT Agent, salesmen and oilclturs. T 1 ' r i H mil i ic I lnA7n WANTED Brl c hi man wlta a Mttis cash to t&ka active interest in esutt ltRhed whulea'. house. At'-urc..a h 3& Bee. I'LL send you PKEPAID a big set of winning MAIL ORDER PLAN 8 on AP PROVAL; If accepted (3 covers total cost, otherwise return; include 7c mailing coot. EXPERT, box li.l6. New York. Salesmen, Solictors, Agents Does to to .10 a day and a square deal interest yout If so call or write Jaeger Pros. Mfg. Co.. Brandels theater. IP YOU DON'T CALL WE BOTH LOSE. AGENT3 Wanted I want twenty-five good, live men to sell In exclusive ter ritory, the beat and most saleable article In the market today for farmers. Agents are earning $75 a Week. Meet me at Rome hotel Wednesday morning, August 7, 10 o'clock; or at Goodrich hotel. Coun cil Bluffs, la., Thursday morning, 9 o'elock, prepared to begin work immedi ately. Don't fall to meet me as I will be in town one day only and you can't afford to miss Investigating this proposi tion. A. W. Caul, General Agent. WANTED An errand boy. Raber Print ing Co. Koom 5, Bee Bldg. Clerical and oftlce. Today's business started with a RUSH. We MUST fill at once the following posi tions: Stenographer, bright young man 360. Bookkeeper and stenographer; who Is good in collections; good advancement 375. Stenographer, railroad 350. Stenographer and' bookkeeper, insurance Bookkeeper, Insurance 185. -BOOKKEEPER, clean-cut young man- CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City Nafl Bank Bldg. FULL dress suits and uartv drnsaaa tnr sale; slso for rent, $1.00 to $1.60 a night. JOHN FELDMAN, 206 N. 17th, D. 3123. . ueior uud IruUva, Pnig store fsnap) ,ipfB. KnlPst. Bee Bldg. 73 MEN, 20 to 30 yearn old, wanted at once for railroad firemen and brakemen, $80 to $140 a month; experience unneces sary; no strike. For application blank address Y "6, rare of Bee. WANTED-Drug clerk. E.. H. , Dwt, Auburn, Neb . . . , .WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks oompletes. Tools given. Wages while learning. You can Join us with, assuranco you will succeed. Apply form country or city. Molor Barber Col lege, no 8. 14th Bt. WANTED Good CamD blackemlth. steady Job. good wages. Apply National stone co.. us umana National Bank Bldg., Omaha. ' i WANTED Wire men. Apply 323 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. . , WANTED. - 10 brlckloyers. Call at Corrlgan school. Thirty-ninth and W, Houth Omaha. Tel. South 803. Chas. F. Winter; Contractor, i , : i , - Atlavvlianeoas. GOVERNMENT Jobs open.. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 214 H. Rochester. N. Y. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY in tbe automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, ar in big de mand and command 'arg salaries; pr pare yourself In ou- large training ihops, where you learn how to operate, repair and soli all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn. 2S14 . th St. Omjiha. Neb. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training In our school. Practi"? on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particuls -. H. B. Boyles, Pre. Boyles College, Oioiha. Neb. 600 men, SO to 40 years old, wanted at once for electric railway uiotormen and conductors; $t to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; writ immediately for application blank. Address Y 114, Bee. 2So night rooms Carey Hotel, 423 8. 1SW. HELP WAXTED . MALE AKV FB.1IAI.S. MEN and women wanted for Govern ment positions, J0 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin .Institute, Dept. 217 R. Rochester. N. Y. ANY Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers. Experience unnecessary. Addreas preis Correcpondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. WANTEDSITUATIONS YOUNG girl wants any kind ot work. Call D. 3666. FIRST-CLASS cook wants position in family, where there is second girl. Tel. Webster 4024. BUNDLE washing, W cents a docen, rough dry, 25 cents a Uosen Web. 21iS. Bundle or day work. W. 3427. tColored.) Bundle A family wash. Guaranteed. WMt. Washing and lace curtains done. H. 35. MAN and wlfa want a Position on a farm: both are experienced and capable of taking charge. O 640, Bee. FAMILY and Bundle washing W.6422. MAN ot office and clerical experience; use typewriter:-best of references; willing to start right and to work. "Possible in vestment if necessary. Address iC 627, Bee. ' COLORED boy wants position as chauf. feur; 6 )ear' expe:lenr. Call Y. 1673. EXPERIENCED dry goods or -grocery Clerk. ;i.,, D. 74S6. A WELL educated lady desires a posi tion as housekeepeer in a fine resectable family. High city references. H 646, Be. ANNOUNCEMENTS Y. W. C A. SWIMMINGPOOL ' 'EIGHT LESSONS FOR $i - TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. , JOIN NOW ; And Enjoy a Cool Plunge During Thet Hot Days. MONEY IO LOAN - LOW rate, in sums tn suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Duus. 'Hut UNION LOA-N CO. THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST I -L g JT 11 B . 1 .MaT JT W W I ( The best in the market. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Forty-eight-pound ack, $1.26. WAGNER 801 North 16th St. GOOD carpenter, 35c per hour. Web. 6412. Walhalla for vacation. Ask Beat- D. 4171. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. D. 8. Grltfith. wig mf r.. 13 Frenxer Blk. Plumes Renovated ?komD4si&n bievenon, c-irpenter, cont. Both 'pnones. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel Douglas 882. 'iwenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha, 8. H. Cole feign Co. D. Sitis. 1316 Farnam. ALL will be forgiven, Mary, If you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That Is where B ROD EG AA HO sells those lucky wedding rings. Omaha BUI Posting Co., 1916 Har. D. 2034. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work- D. 3373. TRY our 10c cream bread, always fresh. Leavenworth St. Bakery, 2707 Leav. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Upholstering, piano, Turn. rep. 2804 Far. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR Box 50, postpaid, $2.76; try half doien; if not satisfactory money refunded. B LA TON DRUG CO., ;&03 Farnam, Omaha NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 506 Paxton Blk-i circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex perts of Mttltlgraph and NotyU. SWIMMING Learn now at the Metropolitan.' No bet. ter pool in United States. Filtered run ning water. Classes and swimming par ties for men, women and children. Tele pone Douglas 417. M. E. Morrill. cHina paint. 833 Brandels io KTlHATCS Eastern goods, complete VVlAAJ.YO itock Largest finishing department ' in the west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1313 Farnam St. and 308 S. 10th St. Cellar digging and grading. Call W. 6433. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARK1NS. 816 S. 16TH. UPSTAIRS. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood: last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheaper than lemonade; all grooers. DELIGHTFULLY cool, downstairs soda water rooms. "SODOA8IS," 16th and Dodge; "Owl's Nest," 16th and Harney. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., props. General contracting, painting and paper-hanging. Baker 2107 Clark. Web. 6638. Alfred C.Kennedy 2 ,!$: ance. 209 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 722. WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY We are not the largest laundry in Omaha and don't claim to do the most work. We have built our business on the baiti of doing good work, doing it right. All laundry carefully inspected before leaving our laundry. Call us by piion and ask how we do our rough dry and prices on flat work. F. N. BESEN, Prop. Phone Harney 2731. 3420 Leavenworth. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. lD hlBi. "i Motion picture machine and film bargains AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND 2 White oleani cara, lata models, fins condition. $K00 and $650. Murphy Did It Industrial Garage REPAlKl.Vt; AMI a rr.c ini On 20tl, lutfteen Harney anrt Howard Sts. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO., ?l.lla-' txcluiv Tire Repair House. 201 tarnam. Phone Tyler 1552. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut In two. TI1-11"' repairing; work guaranteed. ALTO TIRE REPAIR CO.. 19a Farnam. TIRE REPAIRING?;' t.! ures, W make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co.. 2020 Far nam. . FOR SALE "Welch" sO-horsepower i-nasnenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mrhalr top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims. Klaxon norn and F.-esto-O-Lite tank. Th car is In first-class condition and a bar gain. First cash otter of $1,200 takes It Address, Van Brunt Auto Co.. Council Bluffs, la. Motorcycle. Yale, Harley-Davidson and used motor. cyi!?vJfl01' H- Roo. 2703 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG store for sale; elegant store room; good town; clean stock; doing good business; at a bargain; no trade. Address Y 103. Omaha Bee. Ed hothery. ttusiuea and Kea Estate KIIT( Hk k's c w,A -. , mvi patent vii lAJlg ior tale, fcee Omaha Fixture and Supply y anu nowara. uougtas 11 tfi,, in Ant . . t V. . . , . , , - o w vuv wt wuBiiivsa call OH .n.-uw t nu. tv. org mui,. lei. U. Mi rVl vml wan. . 1 1 A 1W1 M,. -' A- - sundries and fixtures for $3,800? Estab lished trade; second best location In St Paul; 150.tt0 prescription file; no old stock; an exceptional bargain, investi gate. Fred Mohl, 511 Capital Bank Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. ' FOR SALE Cigar and post card tor in beat health resort; doing good business. Address 217 E. Broadway. Excelsior Springs, Mo. $la,000 W ILL buy a well established meat businees, the only market In an Ml town of about 3.500 located in Califor nia. Up-to-date market, well equipped slaughter house, auto, horses and waijon. also 3 mall houses. This Is a money maker. Addresa Y 112. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Confectionery store, good location, worth 31,600. N, 541, Bee. Bag; Manufacturers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha, Nel. Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clothing; Munpiactnrer. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creameries, Dairies aud Dapplles, Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good- DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Cornice and Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha Detective. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbaeh Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist City Nafl. D. 236. Mach & Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 318. Dressmaking- DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3999. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th St Far. 1-plece dress special; reasonable. H6929. Everything for Women. la5ies Invited to call on the Western Millinery school, inspect ' our work and get our prices. 627 Paxton block. Kverytnints Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co., 1611 Howard. D. 68t Feed Mills and a tores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mlllr. 2332 Izard. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1C07 Far. D. 1001; A-1001 HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 101s Farnam. D. 125S. Foundries. McDonald braas and bronze 1 foundry, aluminum, tin. lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Furnaces and Repair. REPAIRS for every make of Stove, Range. Furnace, Steam and Hot Water Heaters. New Furnaces and Tank Heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Tyler 20. I Hospital. PRESBYTERIAN Hospital. 1240 So. 10th St. Moving, Storage and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 216 S. 17th &t. Doug. 394. MoLaud & Son Van & S., 3-horse van. 3 men, $1.25 nr.; 2 hrs, $1 nr. D 4333. W 643. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press, 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670, A-3937. Furn. Moving; 3 men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. Music, Art and Language. PIANO LESSONS reasonable. Doug. 4861. Nurseries and Seed. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th- Pafi-uta. H A. STURGIS registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 61$ Brandels Theater Bldg. Phon D. 3469. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. Optician. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Branded Printing. Lew W. Raber, Printer, Joil BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rels-Hall Pig. Co., ltM tv Inn. Ind. A-3634. Photogrnub.fr. Rinehart. photographer. ISth & Farnam. Tents and Avrning. OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel. Douglas 322. Tranks and Salt cases. Frellng & 8telnle. 1S'3 Farnam St. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 303-3 Brandels The. Bids. Kati.jryn Nicholas. tM4-5 Ki-andeis Th. Stenographer nnd Conrt Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelly. 74S Bran. The. D. 66S2. Steel Tank aud Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3S63. Store and Office Fixtures. WF. BUY and sell anything, everything in fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S, 12th. near Howard. D. 3,"24. Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 601-X S. 13th St. Wlue and Liquors. V VIRGINIA DARE wine. 5c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 523 N. ltb St. EDUCATIONAL THE VAN SANT SCHOOL TRAINS STENOGRAPHERS only. Founded 1S91. Enjoys the patronage of the best-educated and most desirable pupil. For Intonnation you ar referred to any one ot i.ouy graduates or to any man who employes stenographers. Write for catalog. Wead Building, Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. Th catalogue i free for th asking. Call, m or phen for It at one. Address H. ii. Boyles. President, boyles College, Otualji. Nebraska. 6; 1912. Drawn GOOD horse for tale cheap. Bros.. 28th and Farnam. Somar 1ST class livery. Sherman. 24th & Clark. Snaps in Buggies 3 delivery wagons and several cholc iggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. Buggies, surrles and runabouts at less than wholesale price to close out JOHN SON -DANFORTH CO.. 10th and Jones Sts. HEAVY brood sows for sale. H. P. Bedtker, 8th and Grace. Webster 497. THE BEST BUGGIES are the cheapest. We have the best and at the right price. Let us show you. OPEN UNTIL 6 P. M. CENTRAL IMP. CO., 1117. Farnam. LOST AND FOUND would do well to call up th office of th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they leu it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. GOLD link fob and locket, luck of hair in locket, 35 reward it returned to Vu3 Brandeis Bldg. MEDICAL. Dr. BabcocK,- specialist; both sexes; Mi Withnell Blag., 15th and Harney Sts. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no munejf paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRf. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. 60Y JEE HONU HERB CO. Chinese herbs and norbai remedies for all troubles ot the human system; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, dropsy and lemaln trouble. Tel. D R793. 202 N. luth. Dr. Race, specialist, 2323 Harney. D. 3943. Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. DE MARS' whirling spray syringe, the most sanitary and practical on the mar ket, $3; postage prepaid. Beaton Drug Co.. 1503 Farnam St., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAM Salary and Chattel. a on furniture, pianos and JVtrtriPV real estate at a very low a tUUb J rate ot interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1338. NOTICE Anyone wishing a square deal on salary or household loans see me. C. R. Fahringer, 1603 FARNAM STREET. Room 215. Tela. Dou. 2293. Ind. A-1071. MONEY loaned salaried people and oth er on their own name; cheap rates, easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 503 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonab: lates in th city. Writd or phone D. L35. 1623 Farnam St., R. 8. Patterson Blk. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. SAlAKl LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO . 01 Paxton Block. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here ts your chance to obtain it: In An Easy Way on furniture, pianos, warehouse reeeipts In fact anything of value or on your plain not, if steadily employed. Terms to suit Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor 30$ Paxton Block, 217 So. 16th. Phone Douglas 1411 and A 1416. DIAMOND LOANS at 2i and 6 per cent. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St. Ti. Rod 5Uk. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad'Mooiua. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-26U- CAN accommodate a few more table boarders; meal tickets if desired. 709 Georgia Ave. Phone Harney 338a. DESIRABLE furnisned loom with board. 123 So. 25th Ave. Furnished l.uoms. COOL sleeping rocm. I9ih. BA0GAGE' "E"?.?.!:" fr vice .reasonable rates. Auto Del. & Mes. Co., 1715 Douglas St. TelS. P. 3946; A-34i. MODERN furnished room, detached house, lawn and shade. 2204 Webster. 1430 NORTH 20th, rooms from $1.25 up; bath on same floor. NICE pleasant room in priviate family. 961 Farnam- Harney 6081. Unfurnished Rooms. 614 S. 17TH AVE. 6 unfurnished rooms on ground floor. Can be had In suite of 2 or 3. Tel. Doug. 4960. Furnished House. 6-ROOM furnished house; piano; $30. Phone W. J436. Furnished Housekeeping Room. DOUGLAS St.. lS0-Two modern rooms. furnished completely tor housekeeping. A-17S6, Douglas TVoO. 61J Sit 1 TH iW. Vlnlv fumi.h.H rooms for housekeeping or sleeping rooms. Tel. Poua. 4630, 2510 DODGE St., furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range snd water in kitchen. TW'O furnished housekeeping rooms, facing Hanscom park; no children. 2368 Woolwortb avenu. H. 2597. for The Bee by furnished slomteiievning itnonia. 313 S. 26th., front room with alcove; furnished completely for housekeeping; gas for cooking, laundry privilege, also one back room. 2116 CHICAGO, 2 suites furnished hoUEe keeplng rooms, $4.00 8-room cottage, $9. 2233 Pacific. Five Jiic large rooms, $12. 2320 Pierce. Four large modern housekeeping rooms, hot water heat, $18. A. E. OLANDER. 13C9 S. :5th Ave. Telephone A-4384. Hotel and Apartment. OXFORD and Arcade, special wklr rate. DODGE HOTEL, all rtqulitmentd of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. ROOMS, cheap. Harney 6610. Apartments uud Flat. 4-ROOM, modern apartment Web. 5975. 5-ROOM apart, in the California. See Janitor. D. 5327. NORTH 17TH. 909 Strictly mcdern 3 or T-room apartment, nicely furnished, close in. Tyler 1846. Large moving vans, 1.25 per hour. D. cm. TWO new flats, nicely decorated, sinks, gas, toilet and water. 2418 Leavenworth, J. I. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth. Doug. 983, Ind. A-1962. CHEAPEST rent in Omaha. Northeast corner of 20th and Burdette. Owner, 2211 N. 2,)th. 4-room apartment, walking distance. 23d and Mason; only $13. J. N. Snltzer, 423 Paxton Blk. D. 2161. 5M) So. 26tn Ave. Upper 6 rooms, In St. Louis flat. Carl Doug. 6451. FIVE-ROOM brick flat, strictly modern; gas range; close In. Phone Webster 4884. FOR RENT. Five-room flat. Steam heat. East front. Excellent car service. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 483 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 8382. House and Cottages. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office. 309 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 4ltU; A-1559. WEST FARNAM New brick, 6 bed rooms and 2 baths. 316 N. 38th Av. MAG GAR D VAN AND STORAGE CO.. park, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 14W or B-242S SIX-ROOM coita.ee. modern excent heat. 949 No. 25th St., $20.00 per month. VINCENT D. DERMODY, 1514 City Nafl. Doug. 788. GOOD HOUSES LOW RENT. $20.00 7-room modern, 401 California-$20.00-8-r.. part mod., 3S61 Charles. $18.00 6-r., part mod., :6th and Franklin. 19.00 3-r.. part mod., 19th and Vinton. PHONE HARNEY 435, EVENINGS. 6-ROOM house, newly papered and painted. 2017 N. 19th, $15. Call D. fi506. 7-ROOM house, modern, good condition, $28. 2502 Franklin St. Inquire 2414 De catur St.; W. 3332. S. W. 24TH AND CALIFORNIA Five-ioom apartment, $32.50-$35.00. 22d and California, 8-room brick, room ers. $42.50. 37th, three blocks north of Farnam, 8 rooms and hall, hot water heat, corner, $40. 3uth, near Joslyn's, 8 rooms and hall, porch, shade. $45. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. l'jlti Omaha .National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 2152. Evenings: Harney 2S42 or Harney 51.14 FOR RENT. Six-room, modern house, except fur nace. 2utn ano Dorcas. $13 per month. Inquire M. Lels &. Son, 2215 S. ltfth. Phone D. 3555. EiGH'i -RGOii. modern In every re spect; oak finish downstairs; ti.ed bath room; gas stove in kitchen, hot water he.it attached; HO per month to good ten ant. 2?i2 Jackson bt. Key next door cast or at office. Inquire of owner, ul city Natl bank. Tfrm!j in " Parts of the city. i.xuuat;aCrei8h Sons & Co Bee BIdg HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap tre'ght rates; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel Doug. 394; otfic. 216 S. 17th St. TWO seven-room houses at 4155 Cass and 4012 Farnam St. Call Douglas 4040, or Harney 235. FOR RENT-I'undee, strictly modern 7-room house, east front. Phong Ben eon 6S3 V. HANSCOM Park residence, ten rooms besides laundry, pantry and bath rooms, modern. large porches, fine shade ana lawn, at S. K. corner of 31st St. and Pop pleton Ave., $40 per month. Inquire of owner, S. A. Searle, Tel., Harney 1525 or Douglan 68U. FOR RENT. No. 138 N. 37th St.. nearly new. modern 6-room dwelling, $20. No. i013 Grace St., modern 7-roora house, hot water heat, $25. No. I5il S. 211th St., -room house, mod ern except furnace, large yard, $25. No. 1102 S. 3:d St.. large modern house, corner lot, both streets paved, barn, $45. No. 1122 S. Hid St., large modern house, east iront, paved street, car line, $50. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 200 Fiist Nafl Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas '722. S-ROOM house, cistern, laundrv, mod ern except heat 951 N. ISth Ave. wh 3S55. B-5:21. FOR Ri-.N l' An all modern new 5-room cottage, floors and wood work oiled and varnished, $22.00 per month. Owner pays water rent 111S Ohio St. Apply 1818 Loth lop St. $-room house, modern except heat. S33 S. 21. $72.50. Har. Z705. A real home, pretty lawn, electric light, all niidern, 9-r., $45. 725 S. 37th. W. 2590. 2818 X. 19TH AVE.-Elgnt-room modern house; newly painted and decorated; water paid; rent $25. McEadiron Realty Co.. 20th and f4ike Sts. 8-ROOM modern house; $25.00 per month. 3327 Charles St Also 3-room cot tage, 3532 Hamilton St., $10 per month. Tel. D. 778 or D. 1017. 601 S. 28th St., modern, 7-room cottage, lawn and shade. Walking distance. NICE home, six rooms: modern, in first-class repair, i25.CC a month. 3609 No. loth St. VINCENT D. DERMODY. 1514 City Nafl. Doug. 78V IF you want your house rented list it with Crelgh, Sons & Co.. 538 Bee Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage, 29 & 24th St "Bud" Fisher Houses and Cottage. 572 S. 28th St. $ rooms, completely modern; $32.50. Hall. 432 Ramge, D. 7406: A-4408. Stores and Offices. M'CAGUE BLDG, 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive offices; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 16d5 Davenport U. B. Balcombe Warehouses. THREE-STORY warehouse with ele vator. 14th and Nicholas Sts. Call Ben ton U2. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. NEW gas stoves for sale, cheap. 1919 Ciai-K stieet. im t c-AtrT.vn rtvvn- miifit sell out our entire stock of lurniture and carpets. 2209 Cuming. Musical Instrument. FOR SALE A new $200 Victrola; has never been used. If interested ask for price. M 257. Bee office. Typewriters. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4.00. Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer company. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months $5. Central Typewriter Exchange. Miscellaneous. OLD SAFES. D BRIGHT. 1S18 Farnam St SAFES Overstocked with second-hana safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. FOR SALE 2 Latham Monitor wire pamphlet stitchers. No. 2'4, in first class condition; power pulleys attached. Apply to the Omaha Bee. FOR SALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds: easy payments. Tne Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-4W S. ICth street. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy. 2510 N, So. Omaha. VvlLLOW go-cart cheap. Harney 2668. DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, etc.; see us first. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. PERSOXAL 68-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexren Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. CORNS removed scientifically, 25 cents (Parisian method); Dr. Edwards, chiropo dist, Room 327 South 13th St. VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna D. Fisner. 4ul Ware block, 309 S. 15th. Massage Mrs. Kittennouse, 8U8 Boston Bid MAftMlVTTP treatment. E. Brott, 710 xViAuiNriXi 8 ltjth 2afloor, p,5S29, THE SALVATiON ARM If solicits cast Off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th Si., for cost of collection, to tn worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and MASSEOTHERPYUVm Allen ot Chicago, 109 S. 17th, 1st fl. D. 7666. YOCNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look tor cur travelers' aid at the Union station. f ASSAGF Swedish movement. Ap t ANNA H. MARKS SEJE nam. Davldge Blk. As t- a. Red 7529. Body Massage. 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 7761. BATHS, Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th & Pierce. D. 4380. MASSAGE Expert treatment, Mrs. POULTRY AXD PET STOCK COLLIE, COACH DOGS-Particulars for stamp. K. Wood, Glenhaven, Wis. WHITE toy poodle pups tor sale. Phon Webster 3289. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smlt & Co., ma Farnam St OMAHA property and Nebraska lands, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 New Oraaha Nafl Bank Building. CITY LOANS. Bemis-Carlbrg Co. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. $ltw to $10,uu0 mad promptly. F. D. l J I . . . , . y ca. v.cau piug., win ana r arnam. LAKGb loans our specialty. Stull Bron. GARVIN BROS. U3ans' wu nd u- M n M K'. V ....... i . . w,i uuajness or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $5U0.U0. W. H. - v. t .t ,t Qttnit 3 lug. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Coi LOANS Farm and city property, J. H. Dumont a Son. I60i( Farnam St WAXTED TO BUI". Household gds, clothes & shoes. DW71 Bla Bachman Duys. sells furn'f re. 2103 Cuming owl' prices ior scrap iron, brass, rag hMtl..a Inli.i.,... ..... ..... ' w.v.w. v.n m .iiaciBicin. UOUg. tQlv. Highest price paid for men cast-off tiiHuuis. on. jo. ism. Douglas 7726. BOTTLES -Buy'.i'iLafld exchaig. N. Steinberg. WAXTED TP REXT WANTED VVarahnii 'L" , ..WUUL uwH, HDUUt l.WI -, - , , 0.w..,,u ,uuj , must nav trackage and be in wholesale district Aaflrevm r- t v.....Ati ,m ...... . y-T- - ' . "r w "are bik. OK SALE OR EXCHANGE iiHAS'i. ill feianoeia Theater. D. 8380. Wanted n.norTi i,j; rrm . u. ,.ivuauui Blum doing good business in exciiange for my farm of 90 acres. A nice home for .. .. .tn imiJiuveu; near jlhayer. Oregon county, Mo. J. W. rvooas, inayer. mo. Route 2. WILL trade my lot advantageously located, on paved street, cement walks. This' lot Is "absolutely clear; will take au automobile in exchange. Address K 644. care Bee. . "FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE An estab lished paying business in Council Bluffs. Will bear investigation. City property or land. Address D Omaha Bea. Council Bluffs.