Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Soot Print XV
Uetrio Tana Surress-Sraodsn Cs.
ItMk-Tkloonw Co, 24th anil Harney.
undertakers. embalmers. Doutil'.is SS7.
Omasa, FlntUur Co. EataDUshed 1S89.
D. 2535.
John Smith Steals Bottles John
Smith drew thirty days in Jail for steal
ing a sack of bottles, the property of J.
Steinberg, 931 Harney street Smith was
caught Sunday afternoon by Officer Jen
sen as he was making away with the
tolen property.
Smiere off oa Auto Tour Mr. and
Mrs. Rome Miller have departed in their
automobile for Des Moines, la., where
Mr. Miller will attend the tenth annual
meeting of the Northwestern Hotol
Men's association. The meeting will be
held August 6, 7, and 8.
Invitations Sent to Backers From the
publicity bureau of the Commercial club
there are being sent out nearly 1,003
Invitations to Nebraska bankers to at
tend the annual convention to be held
In Omaha August S3 and 27. There prob
ably will be more than 900 acceptances.
Signs Pie iff j for Toir Charles Da via
of Kansas City started on a year's cruise
with tho good ship "Llthla" In police
court. Davis was arrested Sunday for
being drunk. He promised Police Magis
trate Foster that he would refrain from j
drink for a year if discharged and signed j
the. pledge for that length of time.
It Pays to ray Toll Bill Brandom
was fined $25 and. costs in police court
for refusing to pay toll on tho Douglas
street bridge and creating a disturbance.
Brandom wa3 under the influence cf
liquor and attempted to pass by R.
Spencer, toll keeper, without paying the
required five cents. Spencer refused to
let him pass and in the scuffle that fol
lowed Bradom fell through a large glass
window In Spencer's office.
Bsatsr Files . Petition Eugene Senter
of Walthill, Neb., has filed a cross peti
tion In federal court In the case in
which Edwin, E. Hathaway of Council
Bluffs has sued for damages, charging
Senter with alienating the affectlnns oC
his wife. Benter asks that Hathaway bo
required to state specifically when and
where the offenses were committed and
demanding that Hathaway state specific
ally what were the offenses.
Peterson Balcou SaiUsd S. P. Peter
erson, proprietor of a saloon at Twentieth
and Castellar, was fined $C0 s.nd coirts In
police court for violating the Sloaumb law
and conducting a disorderly houso. H.
Swanson, tho bartender, was fined S3S
and costs. The saloon was raided Sun
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock by Borgsant
Russell and Officers Joo Hell and Hans
Nellson. There were ten men in ths
saloon sitting around tables with beer
bottles in front of them at the time ths
officers made the arrest. They were discharged.
Couple in Pretty Courtship
Reports of Llcjant Bains Come from
Various Parts of State.
Railroad and Grln Men Ar Enthus
iastically Optimistic and Pre
dict Enormous Yields of All
Kinds of Grain.
for wvwi! wee'.:-. ''' it .whim In tim-
to assure an extra Rood corn crop, tte
ports received Indicate tliat the rain ex- j
tended over the entire county. j
Series of Remarkable Coincidences
Charaterize Wedding.
Babies nnd Grown Folks, Grand
mother and God Children Figure
iu Mating of Agnes Hamann
and Charles Heine,
Large Scabs Would Form, Fester
and Break. Itching and Burning.
Kept from Sleeping. Cuticura
Soap afrd.Ointtncnt GwedH-W
Sioux Falls, 8. D. "My trouble of skin
disease started merely as a rash on my face
and neck, but it grew and kept getting
worse until large scaos
' would form, fester and
break. This was Just on
the one side of my face,
but It soon scattered to the
other side. I suffered a
great deal especially at
night on account of Its itch
ing and burning. I would
scratch it and of course that
irritated it very much. This rash was on
my face for about two years sometimes
breaking out lots worse and forming larger
sores. It kept me from sleeping day or
night for a couple of months. My face
looked disgraceful, and I was almost ashamed
to be seen by my friends.
"A friend asked me to try Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment. I would bathe my
face with hot water and a lot of Cuticura
Soap, then I would put on the Cuticura
Ointment.. In less than two days' time,
the soreness and Inflammation had almost
entirely disappeared, and in four weeks'
time you could not see any of the rash.
Now my face is without a spot of any kind.
I also use them for my scalp and hair. They
cured me completely." (Signed) Miss
Pansy Hutchins. Feb. 6, 1912.
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 32-p. Bkin Book. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura. Pept.T, Boston."
CiTender-faced men should use Cuticura
Soao Shavtns Stick, 2Sc. Sample free;
w'ltfBMrW Sootmixo Bvevr lia been
tirtd lor ovtf JMXTY YEARS by MtLUOWH of
U&tilMM for their CHiL&XKN wllllS
u ths remedy for DlAHimau. it i si
lintel? liiflrtiss. Be sur and ask for "Mrs.
WlttsWw's Seething Syrup," asd take im otket
tie. wnlrfivs esU a bottle. '
nn ri cnisT SMMS1SD WITH B1TKS i
A v. "- - J" --. ---..... I
to si nu s ano us u sir sawn us
i Finestana Most Attractive k
Carman Kssiauran
. ClarhStswsrtaekMaBlvd. I
Charles Heine, president of the Guar
antee Laundry, was a lover for twelve
years and now he is a husband. He met
Miss Agnes Hamann at a German Lu
theran church picnic a dozen years ago
and Sunday on tho anniversary of that
meeting he married her. Rev.,F. B. Fraise
tntroduce,4' the two.- wjjo we?s lovers at
first sight,, and officiated at the wedding
at the home of Fred Schroeder, 1114 South
Twenty-seventh street.
Heine had been invited to perform as
godfather at the christeining of Mr. and
Mrs. Schroeilcr's 3-weeks-okl daughter,
Gwendolin Dorothy, and Miss Hamann
was also there. The bride is Schroeder's
"Now, we invite you to be best man
at our wedding," said Charlie as he drew
a scintillating ring from ills pocket and
slipped it on the sweetheart's finger.
He addressed his prospective brother-in-law.
Strong Heart Gives Way.
Schroeder has a strong heart, but it
gave way under the strain of that oc
casion, for Heine's friends had given up
all hope that he would ever become a
benedict. They had made bets with
heavy odds that he would never gather
the nerve to ask Miss Hamann, but he
surprised them all by calmly performing
the solemn rite in the presence of the
assembled company.
Rev. Fraise had known the bride since
she was a little tot and had confirmed
her in tho German Lutheran church
eighteen years ago. There were tears
in his eyes as lie placed Miss Hamann's
hand in the hand of her lover and slowly
pronounced them man and wife. Mr.
and Mrs. Schroeder "stood up" with the
bride and groom.
Fred Sjchroedcr's grandmother, Mrs.
Charlotte Hobur, of Council Bluffs, who,
despite her i2 years, has been present at
the christening of three grandchildren.
witnessed the wedding ceremony. Mr.
Walters Disagrees
With Commissioner
Concerning Service
While he has no desire to enter into a
controversy, General Manager Walters
dees not agree with Water Commissioner
Howell, who says the company discriml
nates against the city in the matter of
setting cars to be unloaded. Mr. Walters
"The city is treated the same as every
other customer of the Northwestern rail
road. When a car arrives, loaded with
material for the city, whether It be water
pipe or paving material, it is set in at the
place designated by the city officials and
that within twenty-four hours. The only
deviation from this rule is on coal for
the Florence plant. .For years we have
switched to Florence three days in the
week. This rule was adopted on uccount
of convenience to the old water j.impany.
That company wanted the -ars tliiee
times a week and wo switched accord
ingly. We have followed the same rule
since the city tooU over the property and
have had no complaint.
"As to Mr. Howell saying that the city
pays its bills every thirty or vixty days,
being a cause for delay in selling cars,
there is nothing to it. We consider a bill
against the city just as good as money
in the bar: and don't expect Hie monr-y
until the claim can be audited .ind passed
upon. This rule with reference to ?:ay
ment applies with many large corpora
tions all over the country, and :ho city of
Omaha Is no exception. Its cars go for
ward just exactly as they would )t the
charges were prepaid. There Is abso
lutely nothing to this claim of delay."
With the heavy rain that was general
over tho eat hilf of Nebraska Sunday
afternoon and n'ght, falling In places
where It was mom needed, railroad and
grain men are enthusiastically optimistic
and ars freely predicting for Ne
braska a corn crop that will be anywhere
from 200,000,000 to 250,000,000 busiiels, one
very close to the bumper mark.
Out in tho central part of the Hate the
rain seemed to be a continuation of that
of Saturday and kept on working east.
Along the Northwestern road it extended
from Neligh as far south as Superior and
as far east as the Missouri river, the
precipitation ranging from one-half to
one Inch, with one and one-half Inches
over all of the Albion line.
Corn Helped Greatly.
Along the Missouri Pacific and the Bur
lington's river line, where the corn was in
a critical condition, a most copious rain
fell over the entire distance from Omaha
to the state line on the south. There was
one and three-fourths inches at Platta-
mouth, an Inch at Nebraska City, Falls
City and far over Into Kansas and over
the country to the west, out as far as
McCook. Seward, for Instance, got an
even two Inchej, while Beatrice, Fnirbury,
Weeping Water, Louisville, Crete, Lin
coln, Holdrcgo and a doien other towns
along the lines came in with reports of
an Inch and better.
From Omaha west along the Union Pa
cific as far as Kearney, there was rain
and some to spare. Fremont reported two
inches and from a few miles west and
all the way through to Grand Island,
there was an inch and one-half, with
about three-fourths of an inch on the
Norfolk, St. Paul, Callaway and other
branches to the north of the main line.
Corn la Made Certain.
Railroad men declare that the rain that
has covered the entire state since Satur
day morning has practically made certain
a corn crop that will be fully up to the
average, it not better than any that
hag been raised in the last ten years.
They contend that now the corn" has
reached such a height that the stalks
and the blades shado the ground com
pletely and that It Is impossible for the
soil to dry out to such an eatent that
future hot winds can injure the cereal.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Aug. 6.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Osceola has a two-inch rain
fall to report this morning, the best
Failed to Observe
Union Labor Clause
Union labor clause, the Invalidity of
which is one of the grounds of the at
tack on $1EO,000 worth of South Omaha
paving contracts in Judge Kennedy's
court, never has been observed in South
Omaha, according to testimony given
by George Parks of the National, Con
struction company, holder of many of the
Parks testified that the clause has been
nraetleaJlv a dead letter. th enntrartor
a.m mi. toward ecnroeaer or unaor- lgnorlng it. He aa!d men have beeJ,
wood. Ia., and their two children, Ernest j worked regularly in excess of eight hours
and Alma, were also present. I a a,y and at any wage3 the contractors
SMietn-nrn uoxrn lean, ; and ti,e meh agreed upon. Most of the
During the twelve years that have j mcn are not unionized and they never
followed their first meeting Heine has have asked that the contractors conform
naa no ower sweetheart but Agnes. They 1 10 the clauBf.. 1arks gaId ne never heard
M,e "I'1 company, quietly. of any contractor increasing his bids for
tenorlng exhortations of their friends "to I pavng contracts on account of the union
... cU uu .un uuuiims. labor clause
ruJiuwmK mo ceremony and the con
'"B .uiBiluiuoiia UI Uieir irieilCS rnEtriirtl,n .vimnanv hui a mnnnnnlo
n South Omaha laying former Mayor
To combat testimony that the National
Mr. and Mrs. Heine announced' their in
tention to spend a cedate honeymoon at
his old honvj in. Michigan. After that
they will return to Orna'iia and reside in
the groom's home. f27 South Thirty -fourth
street. Mis Jlaniann's home is at 817
South Thirty-fourth street.
JMckel Plate 11 oat!
fells tickets. Chicago to New York and
return, J27; Boston and return. $26. Re
duced rates to other eastern points. Also
variable routes. Liberal stopovers. In
quire of local agent, or address John Y.
Calahan, A. G. P. A., 66 West Adams St.
Frank Koutsky was placed on the stand
by the company. He testified that on
several occasions he refused to sign
contracts with the National company be
cause It was not the lowest bidder. The
contracts afterwards were given the com
pany because it was the lowest bidder
on the particular kinl of brick pavement
desired by the abutting property owners,
.onierence over me proposed new
Plhttc river bridge, over the cost of
which Douglas and Saunders counties
I are wranglinsj. will be held by county
The conference will be the result of
urging of farmers in the vicinity of the
JNo truta is more forcibly manifested in physical life than the old saying old Platte river bridge.
"like begets like;" for just as the offspring of healthy ancestry are blessed: The present bridge is unusable. Doug-
rith pure, rich blood insuring good health, so the children of blood-tainted : ias county 18 unwilling to spend more
parentage inherit a polluted circulation which fosters a chain of scrofulous rnoney for rePalrH' because more than
troubles. The usual s gns of a scrofulous inheritance i , " Z V
oracH A.,t.. ri. .Pay one-fourth of the cost of a new steel
giauua uuuui uic iicviL, YVCUJfc eyes, pale,
waxy complexions, sores and ulcers and general poor
health. Treatment should be commenced at the first
indication of Scrofula for it may get beyond control if
allowed to run unchecked. S. S. S. 13 the very best
treatment for Scrofula. It renovates the circulation
and drives out all scrofulous matter and deposits.
S. S. S. goes to the bottom of the trouble and removes
the cause and cures the disease. S. S. S. is made en
tirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is an absolutely safe remedy for young
or old. Book oa the blood and medical advice free to all who write.
bridge, Dougias to pay a fourth and
the state to pay a half. Douglas count
is willing to proceed to construction of
a new, permanent steel bridge as soon
i?auw!f-i's cunty and the state gl"e
satisfactory assurance that they will pay
th'Jir shares.
Witnesses Sign Bonds
Although Ineligible
More witnesses in the Ryan-Plvonka
ouster suit haw admitted they signed
londs for liquor lkense for Scuth Omaa
saloonkeepers when they weie unabie to
Justify as bendsmen. They simply were
asked to sign bonds and did ix, not
knowins that the law requires bondsmen
to have JJ.000 worth of property which
is not exempt f.'om execution or other
These witnesses owned houses and
lots, but occup.ed them as homesteads
and homesteads are exempt. No one
owned property worth more than $S,Wtf.
The witnesses were Mrs. Kate Peter
son, surety for Fred O. Quads; P. H.
Egger", surety for J. J. F. Stelltng, and
B. Zagar and George Fries, sureties for
Stanley Zagsr.
Thomas F. Hall, who Is a personal friend.
A week ago Dr. Cook stopped for a
brief period In Omaha, during which time ;
he called up Mr. Hall and had him dine
with him while the two discussed polar
exploits in which Mr. Hall has an ab
sorbing Interest, having made a great
del of investigation along the line of
the explorations made by the various men '
who lay claim to polar fame. !
A Simple Mome-Made Preparation
That Excels the Best Dyes
and Stains.
Detention Home Lads
Dig Vegetable Cave
Superintendent Thompson of the Deten
tion home is training the boys under his
tare in the construction of caves. He
has started the work of building a 20 by
io-foot cave In the side of a hill near the
home. He says the cave will bo usei'
to store the crop of vegetables the boys
will raise this year. Several hundred
bushels of potatoes and a carload of
squashes will be cached in this cave.
The cave will be braced with boards.
Frederickson Talks
Omaha on Auto Trip
II. T. Frederickson. chairman of the
country roads committee of the Com
mercial club, has reached Salt Lake
city after on of the most strenuous auto
mobile rides of his good roads trip.
A telegram received at the Commercial
club from him says tho party ran into
a cloudburst in Rattlesnake Pats,
found many bridges washed out and the
roads in many places almost Impassable.
Fredrlckson and Joe Shoemaker of tho
Union Stock Yards company havo been
talking good roads and the Omaha
market along the transcontinental high
way to Salt Lake city.
Dr. Frederick A. Cook of north pole
fan: spent a few hours in Omaha Sunday
at tho Her Grand hotel. He is on his lec-,
ture tour. He remained in obscurity at'
the hotel, and did not even call up ;
dieted IfcuUctf!
Gil thi Original and Genuine
The Food-drink for AH
For Infants, Invalkkand Growing children.
Pure Nutrition, up building the whole body
Invigorate the nursing mother and the aged.
Rich milk, malted gram, in powder form.
A quick luck prepared in minute.
Tile no substitute. AskforHORUCK'S.
Hot lit Any Milk Trust
It often occurs that the simplest and
least expensive preparations are the
most meritorious, and this simple llttia
recipe fir darkening gray hair and cor
recting the Ills of the scalp will be found
to possess all the merits of the mos-.
famous dyes, stains and other hair nos
trums. It is made by adding to 7 om. of
water one small box of Barbo Compound.
1 ox. of bay rum and M. or., of glycerine
Get the Ingredients at any drug store n
verv Httle cost and prepare the mixtu
at homo. Apply to the hair or hAV.'
once a week until the gray hair is in:-V
ened sufficiently, then once every f
weeks will do. This Is a remarkably ? v.
mixture for gradually changing the ?;'
hair to a nice gloosy brown, and is ennui;
as (rood for removing dandruff and ci.u
scalp humors nnd for promoting ti..'
growth of the hair. It does not make tN
hair r-tleky. docs not color to scalp
soil clothing or pillow slips, like many
made-up dves and stains. If your drup
gist cannot supply Rarbo Compound, e';
him to order it for you.
The best Matting Suit Case In
Omaha for $2.00 others at al!
prices. Steamer Trunks Regular
Trunks. The best values In
Frcling & Steinle
Trunk Factory.
1803 Famam St. Phone Doug. 273.
I really believe the number Of fat people
is growing smaller every day. Have you
noticed It? There's a reason.
I could point to I don't know how many
women whj used to be so very, very fat,
who are now quite slender and are grow
ing slimmer every day. The actresses,
too, seem to have found the secret.
1 have been snooping around trying to
learn the cause of so many fat monstros
ities reducing to beautiful proportions. I
have been snooping to some advantage,
snd as there are about a million or more
of my readers who are vitally interested
in the problem, I am going to tell the real
truth for once. A druggist friend of mine
whispered It to me under the sacred bond
of secrecy, that's why I can t keep It. I
never could keep a secret.
ISASEA301T1 It is a new remedy that
is doing it all. Society women and
actressetf are "all doing It now." Doing
what? Why, taking Fat Foe, of course.
All the druggists have It, or will get it
for you. It Is a combolnation treatment
and one of the principal Ingredients Is a
delicious herb tea. "You Sip Your Fat
Away" is the slogan of the Fat Foe army.
Isn t it fun? isn t it great to nave me
means of being slim when you are fat,
right at hand in the corner drug store?
And. whlsner. it only costs a dollar for
the full treatment. Isn't that wonderful?
I'm skinny, but I'm going to buy a box
right away in case I should gain a pound,
for my dresses Just won't stand another
pound, not these skin-tight skirts at least.
Now, ir you go to your druggist, piease,
for heavfen's sake don't say I told you
about It; you know it's a real secret.
That's why I told it.
Out of town customers can secure Fat
Foe from the Omaha druggists by mall,
at $1.00. Sold In Omaha by Sherman &
MoConnell Drug Co. (four stores), Beaton
Drug Co., 15th and Farnam Sts. ; Meyers-
Dillon Drug Co.. 16th and Farnam Sts.;
and Merchants Drug Co., 16th and How
ard. Secure this great $1.00 treatment
A Han Feels Badly
if bis motor stalls. It's
worse still for a woman.
To be sure of your engine,
you must bo sure of your
lubrication. Ask In any
garage and you will find a
large percentage of motor
troubles can be traced to
faulty lubrication.
POLARINE OIL gives full,
uniform lubrication under
all conditions.
It leaves no carbon de
posits. It saves you all the
troubles of foul valves and
POLARlNE is the best oil
for all makes of motors.
It Is especially recom
mended to women motorists
because it Is so reliable.
Send for the Polar in a booklet;
free, post-paid; any arsncy,
Standard Oil Company
IH-adly V'rixht
.OAsessiK sufferers from lung trouble they learn Dr. King's New Discovery
will help them. Price 50c and $1.00. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
The interests of the city of Omaha and of the
state of Nebraska are as strongly bound to
gether as are those of husband and wife, of
parent and child.
Nothing can hurt one without its affectinj the other.
Both share in the prosperity of each. No effort to promote separately thej
fortunes of either city or state would be one hundredth part as effective a8
when included together.
Omaha is the great market and clearing house of
the entire state. It holds the key that unlocks the door through which
pour the golden harvests, the live stock, the dairy products and manufac
tures of Nebraska to the great eastern centers of consumption and redis
tribution. The stronger, bigger, more populous Omaha is, the
more avenues it will open up to the various crops and products of the
state, the greater demand it will create for the output of farm and cattle
range, and the more money will flow bask into the pockets of the pro
ducers. The story of every added acre under cultivation, of every in
crease of bushels per acre, of every addition to the herds of cattle
and swine and flocks of sheep, or, to the pounds of butter fat, is told in the
banks of Omaha. It helps build the city's fortunes.
The city and the state are partners in the big busi
ness of developing to the utmost the wonderful resources of Nebraska.
This community of interest idea is being worked out in the most complete
manner in the forthcoming
Nebraska Development Number
The Omaha Bee
Its value is appreciated by editors and commercial
organizations of the state, who are giving it their support and help.
The beautiful magazine number soon to appear with
The Sunday Bee, will through some channel reach every farmer in the state,
and he will study and treasure it as he would no ordinary magazine, for it,
too, is a home product.
It will be printed on book paper the paper used
for each copy will weigh a pound. Innumerable pictures will show the
natural beauties, the striking buildings, the productive activities of the city
and state, and the men who have helped to build them up.
Every possible effort has been made, and, we be
lieve, successfully, to make this a complete handbook wherein all channels
for energy, enterprise and capital have been canvassed and indicated.
As soon as you see the magazine you will want some
copies. In order to avoid disappointments, which are very likely to occur
although the issue will be a very large one, it is suggested that the fol
lowing coupon be filled out and returned to us. The Bee can mail the
magazine for you if you desire.
On puMion attachcd 4 copies , tie
for which find enclosed $ -. -
Remit at the rale of 10 cents per copy for copies to be delivered in Omaha, South Orruha or
Council Bluffs, and at 15 cents per copy to be mailed to any address, postpaid, in the United
States or Canada and 20 cents to Europe.
Cut out the coupon and mail to Development Department, Omaha Bee.