Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    TttrJ H&ts: uxunriA, TUESDAY, AUGUST (y- 191:
-mi -
"pHE waiter knows that
he is serving a dis
criminating guest when
ordered to bring
Tke Beer of Quality
This is the beverage beyond
compare, nnd is appropriate for
all times and occasions Whole
some and refreshing a delight
to the eye and the palate ti3
perfection of brewing.
Bottled only at the
brewery in crystal
clear bottles, showing
at a glance tjiat it
is clean and pure.
This is the beer for your boon.
, Phone or write
The Pabst Company
1307 Leavenworth
Fhcnes Douglas 79, A 1479
t ir Wis si - -x
Health Authorities Diagnose Illness
at Hiawatha.
Possibility AumUU Editor of fom
nioner May Take Charge of
Weekly to Be Started by
MediU McCormiek.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. (Speclal.)-Dr. W. H.
Wilson went to Harvard yesterday In
response to a telegram that a Russian
family wnp suffering from some kind
of disease which the city physician there
could not diagnose satisfactorily.
Two children have died since the family
came here from the old country and three
others are' sick, two of them very se
liouslv. One boy 14 years of ace who
! came with the family did not pass the
! inspection at quarantine and was seat
J back to Russia.
j Dr. Wilson came to the conclusion that
i the disease was meningitis.
Chief Clerk Fiegenbaum of the gov
ernor's official family has gone to
Wyoming for a vacation.
tiT Place for "Met."
The report in circulation Sunday that
Medill McCormiek wis to sts.rt ' a new
paper In Chicago and that Richard L.
Metcalfe was to he editor-in-chief, was
the all p.bsorbing topic around the state
house this morning.. Mr. Metcalfe at
tempts to be as much surprised as any
body, though he will neither affirm nor
deny that he has been offered the posi
tion. Friends of' Metcalfe say that the
new paper will be a w?ekly somewhat
along the lines of Bryan's Commoner,
but that Metcalfe will not be allowed to
leave Mr. Bryan's paper.
Nebraska ns. Apple State.
Prof. G. E. Howard of the state, uni
versity takes exceptions to a published
article a few days ago by Frank O.
Odell in which the latter commenting on
the tMtfness of Nebraska, said that
Nebraska raised more apples than six
of the apple states of the . noi.hwest
Mr.-Odell gave the apple crop tf Ne
braska at 300,000 bushels and based ' hts
statement on the crop reports furnished
the commissioner of labor in the office
of Commissioner '-.Louis ,V. Guye of Ne
braska. Mr. Odell says that ho is prepared
to back up his statement with ,the proof
and will publish in a few days a state
ment bearing but Ills opinion that Neb
raska cannot be beaten as an apple
producing state. . . 4
According to; reports In the hands of
Secretary Marshall of . the horticultural
society, G. S. Chrlstyl of Nemaha county,
alone, shipped last year 600' cars of ap
ples. Each car will hold 300 barrels and
each barrel three bushels, which would
make the shipment from this one source
alone SGO.000 bushels.
Lieutenant Bert W. Phillips of the
Twenty-seventh Infantry has been de
tailed to inspect Company A of the sig
nal corps at the Grand Island encamp
ment. '''
Fifteen Years' Service.
Miss Jennie B. Adams, secretary to the
state superintendent of public instruc
tion, has just completed fifteen years
In that position. She was given a present
by tne superintendent and the office force
Joined in a little Jollification in honor of
the event. Miss Adams began' her duties
with Superintendent Jackson and has be
come so efficient that none of the super
intendents since cared to dispense with
her services. She Is very popular with
all who transact buslne?s in that depart
ment. '
Food Inspections.
The report of Food Inspector Hansen
for the months of May, June and Julv
show the following inspections: May,
721; June, 834; July, 790, making a total
for the three months of 2.343. T.-.e amount
of fees collected. May, $362.53; June,
J2S1.38; July, $2,0S0.S0. making a total col
lection for the three months of $2,624.38.
There were 120 complaints Med and eight
prosecutions made.
DlnpoRlna of Guaranty fund.
Secretary Koyse of the state banking
board is of ti e; opinion that there should
be some prolfim made in the present
deposit law stating what shall be done
with the accumulated money in the guar
antee fund when a bank voluntarily
liquidates. "If the law .contemplates
that the fund Is to remain intact," sa!d
Mr. Royse,. I'then It should be set . out
explicitly In the pro'vUlonr bT'the guar
anty statute. If, however,-the. law In
tends that the banks of the state shall
set aside this fund as long as they do
business, and once they withdraw their
guaranty deposit funds are returned ta
the stockholders, the state banking offi
cials believe that the provisions of tnr;
law thould te made'plaincr to that -courU
would have no difficulty In solving pos
sible litigation;" i--
llall Opposes Bonds.
By a vote of two to one, Hall dissent
ing, the Northwestern .railway company
was authorized hy the railway commis
sion to Issue or guarantee the payment
of bonds aggregating $3,620,OjO. Both' is
sues have been approved by the railway
commission of Wisconsin,, bat as Com
missioner Hall had received no answer
fi-Qm Liiat commission when' he asked if
it had nude .a physical valuation of the
railroad property, he 'voted, against the
issue. He bases his vote on the' ground
that the Nebraska commission has noth
ing before It to show the value of the
proierty bonded.
The application of the Northwestern
asked permission to guaranty 2,50O,O00 of
bonds of the Desplaines railway company
In Illinois arid U. 1S0,0C0 " of bonds Issued
by the St. Paul, Eastern & Grand Trunk,
having bought the latter road and is ex.
tending tU Des Moines road.
j Tl'c commlss on has authorized the Dav-
c"i:rort and Kiowa telephone company
! to charge nrnsubscrlbers a fee of S cents
for the i.'se of telephone instruments.
New Rate on Canned Gooria.
I The Burlington has been given per
mission to make a rate of 14 cents per
hundred on canned goods from Kearney
to Omiha to meet the Union Pacific
The Missouri Pacific and the Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha have
Jointly .obtained permission" to. meet
Northwestern rates out of Nebraska City
to Blair, Fort Calhoun and Coffman.
"Verr Brldsre Order.
Acting upon a meausure of the legis
lature the Burlington railroad will In
the future construct all bridges over run
mZ streams so that the opening urider
the bridge will be sufficient to carry all
water at extreme high watt? sLige.
Bridges heretofore constructed will be
brought up to the standard prescribed by
the law. The commission Is given power
. Nebraska.
by the law to extend time necessary to
meet the emergency. A long list of
bridges belonging to tho company have
been rebuilt and the commission has ap
proved the plans. Permission was given
for another list which will be rebuilt as
fast as the company can get to them.
Veterans of Seven
Counties Meet at
AshlandThis Week
ASHLAND, Neb.. Aug. 5.-ttfpeoiat.)-The
annual reunion. Grand Army of the
Republic, for the eastern district of Ne
braska, composed cf the counties of Saun
ders. Cass, Lancaster, Otoe, Sarpy, Sew
ard and Douglas, will open here Tuesday
under the most flattering prospects. It
will continue four days and there will
be something doing all the time. The
Rose & Anderson amusement company
has been engaged to entertain the vis
itors. Besides their pay shows this com
pany will give three free shows dally,
consisting of a balloon ascension and
parachute Jump, a flying trapexe act and
a slack wire artist.
A number of well. known, speakers will
address the people every day In the after
noons, among whom will be Hon. John
H. Morehead, democratic candidate for
governor, and Hon. C. M. Sklles, demo
cratic candidate for congress, who will
both speak Wednesday afternoon, August
7. Other good speakers will be present
on the other days, whoso dates have not
at this writing been definitely fixed.
Among these It is expected will be Gov
ernor' Chester. H. Aldrlch.
A good base ball game will be played
every afternoon between good local clubs,
a purse of $23 being put up dally, the
winner to take 50 per cent and the loser
40 per cent.v Manager Honey, who has
base ball matters In charge, has an
nounced the following schedule for these
games: Tuesday and Wednesday, Ash
land and Greenwood; Thursday. Murdock
and Memphis; Friday, Ashland and
ALLIANCE, Neb.. Aug. 5.-(Special.)-Gertrude
Jackson was fined $50 and costs
for whipping her husband. Tom Jackson,
a porter In the Budwelser corner.
The Fats defeated their ancient ene
mies, 'the Leans, In Thursday afternoon's
ball game by the score of 5 to 4, at the
close of the seventh Inning.
The threshing season will start this
week and from now on until late this
fall the threshing outfits will be kept
busy. The acreage of small grain Is
larger than usual and the yield will
also be better than the general average.
The rye crop is very good, according to
reports from surrounding farmers and
the wheat and oats have also turned out
very well. There arc several fields of
flax In Box Butte county which look
very encouraging and the owners expect
to make good money on the crop.
The Alliance Chautauqua starts August
7 and iasts five days. A large tent will
be erected near the high school and In
(his the Chautauqua will be held.
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., Aug. 5.-(Spe-cial.)
Dr. Arthur G. Emerson, proprietor
of Scott's Bluffs sanitarium, attempted
to commit suicide by poisoning yesterday
morning and also administered poison to
his 10-year-old boy. He left a note to his
mother stating he had not slept for
months .because of the loss of 'his wife;
who died - several months ago. They
were discovered in time to save both and
they are In a fair way to recovery
Emerson came- here from Burchard,
Neb., seve.-al years ago. His sister com
mitted sutolde a short time . ago at
Tra IVntea of Harvard.
HARVARD, Neb., Aug. 5.(Special.)
A large audience came to the union
service at the Methodist church last
evening and gave close attention to the
address of Aaron S. Watklns, vice presi
dential candidate on the prohibition
ticket. , The speaker made no mention
of his party, but spoke in general terms
of the duty of citizenship and our gov
ernment to divorce themselves from the
partpership of the saloon business in
the Interest of humanity and good gov
rnment; The burial , of the late Seneca Wing
took place front hi.i home in this city
and the Congregational church Saturday
morning, conducted by Rev. Mr. Warren
of the church, and RichanVja Grand
Army of the Republic post of which the
deceased was an honored member, hav
ing been with Company I. Thirty-fifth
Wisconsin Infantry, during two and one
half years of the war.
Mrs. SV.- E. Shirley and children, wife
of Rev. Mr. Shirley of Central City, are
visiting the Nisley sisters . and other
friends In Harvard.
A large delegation of Fairfield "boost
ers," visited Harvard in the Interest of
their Chautauqua to be held August IS
to 19. .
Great f rowiin at York rhnotanqna.
YORK, Neb.. Aug. 5.-(Speclal.-)The
Tork Chautauqua closed a most success
ful session last evening. The dally attendance-was
.the largest of any of the seven
sessions held. . The numbers on the pro
gram were the best to be had and not
one of them was missed. The attendance
on Sunday afternoon to hear Mr. Clar
ence WhitehiU, the baritone singer, num
bered mere than 2.2CO. The date for 1913
will be Ju!v IS to 2
Grim Reaper Beckons
Former Omaha Woman
Mrs. . George L. Campen, wife of the
former assistant city engineer of Omaha,
died at Hillsdale, Mich., yesterday
after an illness of six weeks from a com
plication of diseases. The remains will
be Interred at Hiilsdale. Mrs. Campen
was formerly Miss Pearl Hershey of this
Mr. Campen resigned several weeks ago
from tho position of assistant city en
gineer and went to Hillsdale for his
wife's health. They have no children,
although they adopted a boy when Mr.
Campen was employed as engineer on the
Itthmus of Panama.
Most Wonderful Healtns;.
After suffering many years with a sore,
Amos King, Port Byron, N. T., was
cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 25c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Take Every Game of the Series from
Columbus Braves.
Thlesaen Hit Mather Freely, bnt
Colo in baa Kalla to Bunch, and
Game la Loat, Ktgtat
to Two.
FREMONT, Neb.. Aug. 5.-Speclal Tele
gram.) Fremont made it three straight
from Columbus by winning this after
noon's game, S to 2. Justus was In the
box for the Pawnees, but was better
matched than yesterday. The Pawnees
hit Thels8en freely, but could not bunch
hits. Score: R.H.E.
Columbus 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 7 4
Fremont I 2100004 -8 83
Batteries: Columbus, Justus and Smith;
Fremont. Thlessen and Neff.
Snperior and Seward Divide.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. 5.-(SpecfaI
Telegram.) Superior and Seward divided
honors today on a double bill, Seward
taking the first, 4 to 3, while Superior
took the se?ond, 4 to 5.
Seward was lucky In the first game and
while Superior got more safe hits thev
came at times when they did not count.
Caldwell, a new recruit, was In the
box for Superior and pitched a very good
game. Although he walked seven men,
he redeemed himself In the fourth by
hitting out for a home run, but as usual
the bases were empty. LaFlumbosle,
the Indian center fielder wiM Seward,
robbed Superior of several scores by sen
sational fielding. Score, first game:;.
Seward 0 10 0 1 ! 0 II M l 1
Superior 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0-3 9 0
Batteries. Seward, Smith and Camp
field; Superior, Caldwell and IJzzette.
Two-base hits: Prucha, Orr. Bockewitz
and Neff. Home run: Caldwell. Um
pire: McDermott.
Superior won the second game by
pounding out safe hits and making them
count; Score, second game: K.H.E.
Seward .. 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2-4 8 0
Superior 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 -S 9 2
Batteries: Seward, Smith, Hansen and
Camplleld; Superior, Gibson and Liz
zette. Two-base hits: Lizette, Gibson,
Brannon, Neff and Leonard.
Cipher for Grand lalaud.
KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. 5.-(Spcclal
Telegram.) Inability to hit Patrick
caused the Grand Osland crew to go
down to defeat this afternoon In a 5
to 0 game. The features of the game
were tho vapidity with which It was
played and the superb fielding, the locals
having a little the better of tho argu
ment: Score: R.H.E.
Or. Island ....0 00000000-020
Kearney 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 'a 9 1
Butteries: Hartman, Melnke and Coe;
Patrick and Spellnmn. Bases on balls:
Off Melnke, 2; off Patrick. 3. Struck
out: By Patrick. ;l; by Hartman. 1; by
Melnke, 3. Double plays: Dorsch to
Synek to Herriotf Cocknmn to Fullen.
Two-base hits: Dorsch, Spellman, Her
llott, Patrick. Home run: Sneliman.
Time: 1:10. Umnire, Nugont.
KEARNEY. Neb., Aug. B.-(Speclal
Telegram.)-Headlng the Platte Valley
Transcontinental Good Roads associa
tion for next yea:- is Charles E. Oehler,
Kearney, president: Dr. Gladfelter, Cen
tral City, vice president; B. D. Parker,
Jr., Julesburg. Colo., secretary, as the
result of the election of officers follow
ing the reports of the old officers and
other routine business on the card for
today at the annual meeting of the as
sociation in Kearney.
Among other things accomplished was
the admission of two Colorado counties,
Morgan and Adams, to membership, thus
quieting, it is hoped, the agitation that
had been promulgated from Denver that
the northern trail was discriminating
against their city.
, Kimball and Cheyenne counties in Ne
braska and Laramie county in Wy
oming were also Included In the ad
ditions. A talk by D. M. Carr of the
Omaha Motorist was among the many
Mayor Dahiman's shiny new touring
car and the battered automobiles belong
ing to the several departments of city
government were rushed to the Union
depot at 7:30 yesterday morning to meet
Henry T. Hunt, mayor of Cincinnati, and
a party of six. The Cincinnati mayor
did not show up, however, and no word
has been received from him.
The three Fitzgeralds, John. George
and Tom, were arraigned in police court
on the charge of being drunk and disturb
ing the peice and were assessed ?10 and
costs each by Judge Foster.
The trio engaged in a fight Sunday aft
ernoon at Thirteenth and Cass streets. In
the mixup each received cuts about the
hands end face. Tom proved to be the
"fall guy" and the other two Joined
forces against him. His right eye was
swollen shut and it was a great difficulty
to see with the other.
Selwyn Dougherty and J. B. Lindsay
furnished the feature golf match at the
Field club links Sunday afternoon, the
former winning with a tab of 1 up in
twenty holes. The pair finished even at
the eighteenth, halved the nlneteentn and
on the twentieth green Dougherty gained
the necessary stroke by holing a long
putt. '
In a Scotch foursome between W. J.
Foyo and John Redlck of the Country
club and W. N. Chambers and Jack
Hughes of the Field club, Chambers
turned In a card of 76. He negotiated the
eighteen holes at tho Field club In the
srme number of strokes Saturday after
noon In the qualifying round for the 1912
club championship.
The diamond lads of the Wright &
Wllhelmy conipany trimmed the Electrle
Light company team by a score of 11
to Saturday afternoon. Score. R.H.
Wright & Wllhelmy.. 1 0 0 2 8 2 0 0 -ll 1
Electric Light 013203000 9 10
Batteries: Woodard and Andrews;
Penny and Berlin.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising la the Road to
Business Success.
Traction Employes j
Get Ready to State
Demands of Labor!
CHICAGO, Aug. 5.-""e believe in
peace, but are prepared for war." sild
W. D. Malum, president of the Amalga
mated Association of Street and Electric
Railway Employes, In an address de
livered today before the Chloago Federa
tion of Labor In which he outlined the
position of tho 10,000 street railway em
ployes who threaten to strike unless their
demands for Increased wugca nnd Im
proved working conditions are granted.
"It rests Willi the traction companies to
say which Ave shall h.ive."
The union leaders held several confer
ences during the day preparatory to meet
ing the street railway officials tomorrow
to make formal demand that their re
quest be gianteil.
The stiivt railway officials have de
clined to discuss their position.
Unless the. demands of the men are
granted It Is posslblee that Chicago's
street car service will bo tied up by a
walkout as the employes have voted In
favor of the strike. If the surface lino
employes strike It Is possible that the
employes of the elevated roads may fol
low their lead.
Hitchcock to Quebec
in Stewart's Behalf
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Fear that In
justice to Stanley Stewart, an English
immigrant boy, might entail sunderlns
of family ties, took Senator Hitchcock
of Nebraska on a 1,030-mile Journey to
day to be present at a hearing of tho
boy's case before American Immigration
officials at yuebec, Canaua, today.
Young Stewart, enroute from England
with his mother to Join his father at
Omaha, was ordered deported, having
been found by v the authorities to be
feeble minded. Senator Hitchcock, after
Investigation, concluded the boy was
merely backward and secured u stay in
deportation pending an examination be
fore a special medical board.
Knights of Pythias
to Convene in Denver
DENVER, Aug. 5. Delegates began
to arrive tonight for t ie twenty-eighth
biennial session of the supreme lodge.
Knights of Pythias, which will be held
at the state capltol August 6-lii. Every
state, the Philippines, Cuba, Mexico,
Hawaii, the Cunul zone nnd China will
be represented. At tho same time the
supreme temple 1'ythlans will hold thetr
biennial session.
One of the Important executive changes
contemplated by the supreme lodge Is a
reduction In the age limit for members
fiom 21 to IX years.
Harriman Memorial
to Study Meningitis
VIENNA, Aug. 6. The Wiener Estra
blatt announces the opening here
of a clinic study of cerebral menin
gitis under the direction of the Vienna
specialist, Dr. Berthold Beer. The clinic
has been founded and endowrd as a
Harriman memorial, by friends of the
late E. H. Harriman.
American doctors will have nn oppor
tunity to carry on researches In the
establishment of a similar clinic in the
United States.
In a cup of
Stir a level tpaspoonful (direct from the tin) in a cup of boiling water, and
quick as a flash you have a rich, invigorating drink; delicious in taste and , delightfully
Whether at home, in camp, or on a picnic, Instant Postum fulfills every requirement
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If you are not acquainted with the satisfaction and economy that there is in this pure
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50-cup tin 30c100-cu tin 80c -at all grocers.
"There's a Reason" for Postum
If your grocer doss not have Instant Postum, send his name and address and a'2-cent
stamp to cover postage, and we will mail you a 5-cup sample tin.
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Pure Food Factories,' Battle . Creek, 'Mich.'--- ; .':'
Youno. Holds Locais Helpless at ah
stages of Game.
t'ntchra by Clymer, llureh and Roaa
mun Kratnrea of t'onteat Gill
Make Three-llnKaer
Thrre Double.
LOUISVILLE. Aug. o.-Mlnncapolis de
feated Louisville today, 6 to 0. Young
pitched steadily and the locals were help
less at all stages. Catches by Clymer,
Bureh and ltossman were the features.
All. HO. A. i: AB.H.O. A-E.
Ihmli, c(.. t 0 4 2 Oi'lymer, il. i S 0 0
Mt-loiu. rt. ! 0 0 0 UAItlM-r. 3 14 9 0
lUyden. rt. 1 1 I ) OWUHtmt. :i 1 J 3 6 0
Stun.b'y. If 4 S 2 0 1 Uowinun, rf i 2 t 0 0
HtiliwIU.Sb 4 1-11 OKllllter. Sb 4 I 3 I ft.
ILdnrr. 3b. 4 : 2 3 5 0 110
JWtum'fr, ,3 1 3 1 1(1111, lb 1 1110
Fithvr. lb. a 0 1 l(lfn, o... 4 1 4 i 0
Pcane. c. $ 0 S 3 OYoung, p... 1 0 0 0 0
C. Loir'lk, p104U
Mariilux. iv. 1 0 0 5 0 Total 11 27 14 0
I nurko 1 1 0 (I 0
1 Sohlll .... 0 0 0 0 0
Mosklinan 1 0 0 0 0
To'tala ....33 10 27 IS 4
Patted for Fisher In ninth.'
'Batted for Peurse In ninth.
Hatted for Maddox In ninth.
Minneapolis 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1-6
Louisville 00000001 0-1
Two-base hits: Williams, Clymer,
Badger. Three-buse hit: Gill. Sacri
fice hits: Young, Williams. Stolen
baM's: Altlzer, Kllllfer. Double play:
Burch to Fisher. Bases on balls: Off
Q. Loudernillk, -I; off Young, 3; off Mad
dox, 1, lA-ft on bases: Louisville, S;
Minneapolis, 8. Hit by pitched bull: By
Maddox. Kllllfer. Hits: Off O. Louder
milk, 10 In six and one-third Inning; off
Maddox, 1 In two and two-thirds In
nings. Struck out: By G. Loudermllk,
2; by Young, 4. Panned balls: 1'earce
Owens. Time: 1:15. Umpire; Irwin.
H reiver Take HevenRe,
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. ".--Milwaukee
made up for two defeats at tho hands
of Indianapolis In the third game. Score:
AH, H. OAK. An. HO. AC.
LIctmM it- 4 110 0 Woodruff, If 4 0 0 1 0
CharlM.' !b. I 1 I I 0OLary. . I 1) 1 I
Kanilall. rt 4 2 1 0 OMcOarthy.rf 4 14 10
Chappell. If i 3 2 0 OfVaarh, cf.. 4 2 3 0 1
Jona, lb... 4 111 0 llntirton. 3b t .2 I 2 1
Hark. Sb.. 3 0 0 4 0 Hunter, lb. 4 0 7 1 0
J. Lcwla, nt ! 1 2 I Wllllami, 2b 3 0 3 3 1
Mm Ik, c... i 3 1 Oc'larke, c... 0 0 00 0
Hovll, p.... 3 0 0 3 OMrKae, c... 3 0 7 3 2
Aahenfald.p 0 0 0 0
Totals ....3lSn 3 SUoullant, p. 3 0 1 2 0
Totala ....33 7 27 14 t
Milwaukee 4 2 0 1 0 0 4 2 0-13
Indianapolis 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- 3
Three-base hits: Chappel, lnge-rton,
Randall. Struck out: By Goullat. ;
by Hovllk. 5. Hits: Off Ashnfelder,
2 In one-third Inning; off Goullat, 13 in
eight and two-thirds Innings. Bases on
balls: Off Aahenfelder, l; off Goullat,
3. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Blerhalter
and Connolly.
NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Twenty-two row
ing clubs of the United States and
Canada will compete In the fortieth an
nual regatta or the National Association
of Amateur Oarsmen on Peoria lake, at
Peoria, 111., next Frlduy and Saturday,
according to the official list of entries
announced by Secretary Fred R. Fort
meyer here tonight. Eight eastern clubs
will send representatives In the small
boat events, but the entry list shows no
elght-oated crew entered from the east
this year.
The St. Louis clubs with seventeen
entries among them and the Winnipeg
i'lub with entries In eight of the twelve
events figure most prominently In the
lineur). The championship senior single
scull event will be between E. B. Butler
of the Argonaut Rowing club of Toronto
and F. H. Shenpard of the Harlem Row
ing club of New York.
Instant Satisfaction
Mexicans Believe
Orozco in Straits
MEXICO CITT, . Aug. 5.Encouraged
by General San.iinaz' cuccess near the
eastern boundary of Sonora, and relying
upon General Huerta to wage an ener
getic campaign against the rebels with
his army that drove them back from
Bachimba, government officials believe
thut by the end of the week Pascual'
Orozco will be seeking hiding places or'
legging for amnesty. Unofficial as well'
as official dispatches received here state
that many of Orozco's men are tiring
of the fighting without pay and that tho
desertions are Increasing. Juan Ortlx.
leader of 300 rebels. Is reported by Gen
eral Rabago at Madera to have sur
rendered with all his men after his re
quest for umnesty had been granted.
The plan of campaign .was altered
slightly by the action of the rebels in
the Mormon colonies. To place an army.
In that district as soon as possible, a
force was sent from Enclnanallas, on the
line of the central railroad between
Chihuahua and Jaurez. The work of
repairing that road has not been aban
doned and a considerable force of sol
diers yet Is In that, territory. The built
of Huerta's army, however, Is In and
near Madera, from where It will be
pushed northward along the line of
the Northwestern towards Juarez and
westward Into Sonora in pursuit of the
retreating lnsurrectos. It Is regarded as;
probable that the forces will be In Juarez
within a few days, although there la no:
Intention of bringing about international'
complications by assaulting the border
In the south, Zapr.ta appears to be al
most as vigorous as ever In hts campaign..
There Is little doubt that. Zapata now is
subordinate to Orozco.
Chanler Receives
Message from Hell
ALEXANDRIA, Va.. Aug. Hell isn't,
a half Pad place, according to a friend
of John Armstrong Chanler. This friend,
long a resident of the region which Dante'
once so graphically described, has now
supplemented the observations 'of tho fa
mous Florentine poet and brought hell
data down to data In a spirit message to
Mr. Chanler,. which the latter received
by the subconsciousness which Is one of
his claims to . distinction. Mr. Chanler,
who Is a member of the well known Chan
ler family of New York, came from his
home In Hoboken, Va., today especially
to give this data to the Washington news
paper correspondents.
Satan, he said, resembles Napoleon, In
appearance and holds his court in an
audience room- "miles long,, miles .wide
and miles high, built of ordinary building
bricks." Mr.' Chanler remarked that his
correspondent had been a prominent New
York club man and that he himself "did
not believe a word of the spirit
Mr. Chanler also reported the progress
he is making In his endeavor to Impeach j
Judge George C. Holt of New York and(
outlined his plan for a national lunacy
law. He said the bench, bar, church,
medical profession and a "thoussnd mil-1
Hon dollars" are backed up agairftt him
In New York.
BATTLE CREEK. Mich., Aug. S.-HH-lary
Beechey,- an aviator, was badly In
jured here , this afternoon when " his
aeroplane after alighting from a short
flight, sailed along the ground and
crashed Into, a chicken coop.