Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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New Lot3 Brought Forward oa
Big Bargain Squares, Main Floor
Ictire Sto:k of ant Eastern Fac'.or at
; About Its Actual Value
Women's full fashioned, pure
thread silk boot hosiery, wom
en's silk lisle and maco cotton
hose, men's pure thread silk
hose, with double lisle OA
feet, at, per pair C
Women's Bilk finished mercerized lisle
and cotton hose, made to f s I
sell regularly at 35c a I nC
pair, at, pair V
Misses', boys' and children's cotton and
lisle finished ribbed hose, 4 )1
actually 25c and 35c I IqP
values at, pair
Women's cotton, lisle and gauze hose; also misses,'
boys' and children's cotton and lisle finished hosiery,
white and colors. No blacks.
Dainty patterns in flouncings, wide bands and inser
tionsworth up to 75c yard, very specially
priced for Tuesday at, per yard.
Long Kimonos
Made to Sell at 69c
and 75c Each, at . .
Light, Cool and Practical for Mid
Summer Wear
Hundreds of these good quality, well
made, long kimonos, In light and
dark floral and Persian patterns
full cuts all sizes on .
sale in our basement, Up
Tuesday, each ..
12Vc Linen Colored Lawns and i) 1
Fancy Figured Lawns, at, a yard . , . U 2v
: Natural linen color, aho dots, stripe and floral
patterns. .
3 Specials in Notion Dept.
Dustless Mops
For oil floors,
etc.j sold regu
larly at 50c and
Mail Boxes
Black japanned
metal, worth
Notion Boxes
Containing a
big assortment of
staple , notions of
every description,
worth r
75c to hp
$1.25. at "Wv
ioslyn Tells of Effect of Newspaper
H Union Agreement.
Anti-Trout Bait la Brought About
. Ihroagh ConrtUnd Smith of
; . the . American Press
Association, .
.Ht filing of an agreed decree in the
Civil anti-trust suit against the Western
Newspaper union and the American
Press association will have only the ef
fect of raising the prices of "ready
print" and "boiler plate" which Is fur
nlshed to the country, newspapers, ac
cording to George-A. Joslyn. president
and general manager of the Western
Newspaper union.
, "As for warding off a monopoly la
either one of the businesses where the
thought of 0,000,COO readers of rural
newspapers could be influenced." said
Joslyn, "neither of the concerns can do
that We . furnish the country news
papers with only the matter they want
and we could not make them take edi
torials or news stories favoring anything
or opposing anything, unless they asked
for It. ; We have a catalogue ot material
that goes Into the ready prints or boiler
plates and the editors of country news
paper give their o.'deis frtm tiiese cata
logues. In them there Is everything,
ftature stories, cartoons, , Illustration
and general news matter.
' Get Wlut Ther Want.
. "Political stories, for Instance, are
furnished us by -the campaign commit
tees of . the various parties. We have
, fat) of them, the republican, democratic
at) 3 bull tuno-'e. We. send out post cards
ti the country editors asking them what
Uiey want and they send a card back
marking which political party they' are
boosting. In consequence they, get tin
editorial or news matter that pertains
their tide of the question. We have
absolutely nothing to say about It and
wild no more Influence the readers, of
tile country papers than we could the
readers of the Omaha papers. .
vTlils anti-trust. suit." declared Joelysj,
"was brougn: about through Courtland
Smith of .the ' American , Press associa
tion The American Press first wants!
tf buy our boiler plate buslneas. Wo
wouldn't H It. . Then they began U
ty coercion. W have been ae.ljpf
toiler plates at 5) cento a page wh!U
they sold It at H and HJA When ther
made the complaint to the government,
expert accountants were sent hers , and
went over our books. They reported that
we were selling below cost.
The result of this recent decision will
mean that we will Increase the cost ot
boiler plates to 75 cents a page, pending
an Investigation of accountants to deter
mine the cost of boiler plate production'.
We merely have been forced to sell
boiler plates at a profit."
Lawsuit Because of
Apartment House Din
Lease of an apartment with a guaranty
that the walls were deadened Is re
sponsible for an 9180 law suit in which
Edward 8. Traver and Gwyer H. Yates
are involved In district court. Some
months ago Traver sued Yates for Jiso,
alleging he leased an apartment in the
Alsatian at 146 a month and movd nut
four months before the lease expl.-ed.
iates says he leased apartment 8. the
lease specifying that1 the walls weii
doadencd and he would not be bothered
by noises from other apartment It
developed that the walls were not dead
ened and he was annoyed. Traver then
permlttaed him to move to apartment ,
which was some better, bufc-not whollv
Mtlsfactory. ..
Yates tired of the noise and moved out.
He says the fact that the walls In apart
ment 9 were nnt deadened voided the
lease and his occupancy of apartment 6
wag under no lease at all. Traver as
serts it was mutually agreed that the
lease should remain in effect, but should
apply to apartment ( instead of to apart
ment 9.
Kalamazoo Accident
Adds Another Death
Klchard D. MeKinney, 85 years oid,
president of the cfube Casket company
and brother of William 3. Mr
Omaha, died at a hospital In Kalamaxoo.
Mich., yesterday morning as a result ot
Injuries received in an automobile ).
dent near that place last Friday evening.
wiiuam ts. MeKinney of Omaha died In
an ambulance on th way to the hospital
following the accident.
Edward Beaten, proprietor of the Glad
:eh pharmacy, Twelfth and Dodge streets,
and a close friend of Mr. MeKinney. left
for Kalamasoo Saturday night. In com
pany with Mrs. MeKinney. ' Bexten will
return with the body of W..8. MeKinney,
leavlnr Kalamazoo Tuesday evening. The
bpdy will be ; taken i UasUng.i. Neb
where family funeral tervlees willbo held
Wednesday , morning. , Interment will be
at Hastings.1 K. D. MeKinney ' will be
burled at Kalamazoo.
Successors to the Bennett Co.
tnAiWUVtVaVsWiViViViVlf s saaaafc- sail Onwunnsasa aMaaawaaasiw mmm
A new tidal wave of extraordinary values sweeps
over the entire store in the last week of the closing
out of the Bennett stocks.
White L
ingerie Dresses
are especially featured for Tuesday's selling. ..They are
made of every worthy . lingerie material and hand
somely finished with laces and embroideries. High
and low neck and short sleeve styles in neat effects
or the more elaborate styles made for those who are
inclined to pronounced effects. Priced as follows:
$3.95 Lingerie Dresses at $1.95
$5.00 Lingerie Dresses at $ 2.50
' $10.00 Lingerie Dresses $3,95
$15.00 Lingerie Dresses, $5.95
One lot of white French linen dresses, hand em
broidered and trimmed with" Irish. -lace; excellent.
$25.00 values, Tuesday: or while they -fl r g n
last; at.... .. .7....&y.y3
Wash Dresses
Tuesday we place on sale five lots of colored wash
dresses, in every, new style shown this season, and a
variety of patterns and colorings great enough to
please all, as follows: !
$2.50 Wash Dresses at. . .$125
$5.00 Wash Dresses at. . .$2.50
$6.00 Wash Dresses at. . .$2.95
$7.50 Wash Dresses at. . .53.49
$12.50 Wash Dresses at $5.95
rri rniriiwii,inri "irrftVMVvvwBfAAJWxru
19 lbs. Granulated Sugar, $1
And' Other Pure Food Store Bargains for Tuesday
Bennett's "Excelsior" flour, per
sack . . . ... . ...... :. , ;'. . fl.BO
2-lb. can Bennett's Breakfast cof
fee ........ . .... .48c
Assorted teas, lb. ..... . . . . .58c
-lb. can Bennett's Capitol pure
. pepper 10c
1-lb. can Bennett's Capitol baking
powder 3
Three large cans Cottage milk, 23c
Four lbs. chicken feed 10c
Yellow cornmeal, lb 3c
Bennett's Capitol kidney or lima
beans, can. . c
Beauty asparagus, can. 15c
tt-plnt bottle Blue Label cat
sup ; 10c
Quart lar olives ... ...... . . :30c
H-lb. cake Runkel's Premium
chocolate 15c
Three canB Snlder'i tomato soup
for . . . . ;'. ............. .".S5c
Cracker Jack brand aalmon, per
can .......,....,.- 12c
Le Soltel French peas, can . . . 12c
Pint can Oalllard'8 pure olive oil
reduced to' . '. .... ; . .. .-. .33c
Shredded wheat biscuit or grape nuts,
ptcg: XOo
2-lb. roll- Premium butterlne 40c
Full cream cheese, lb aoe
Four pkgs. Toasto corn f lakes .... 2So
11 bars New Style laundry soap..85o
81x cakes Tork Rose or Violet toilet
soap SSo
Three large cans potted beef.... 26c
Three cans Evergreen corn ..... ,8So
Butter and Eggs
Bennett's Capitol creamery butter
in 1-lb. bricks of guaranteed
! weight, lb . . .28c
Best country butter, lb. ... . .26c
Good cooking butter, lb 23c
Fresh country eggs, dozen. . . .21c
Pure Candles
Fresh vanilla marshmallows, per
K lb. 10c
Three pkgs.- Hub wafers 10c
Assorted chocolates, lb 20c
Are Specially Priced
for Tuesday's Selling
;Naingook and cambric em
broidery edgings and insertions
wortu from 5c to 7 He the yd.,
Tuesday only, 0 1
per yard .Z'C
Embroidery edgings and
Insertions from 5 to 9 inches
wide and worth 15c and 19c
the yard, Tuesday i f
only,, per yard IUC
Corset cover embroideries
in a great variety of new and
pretty patterns, worth 25c the
yard, priced for Tues- 1 r
day only, the yard IDC
Good quality Valenciennes
and torchon laces that regularly
sell at, 5c and 7 He the yard,
Tuesday only, i
per yard J.C
III vi
....HARD COAL....
Guaranteed : to 'be -:iiie " bes j quality -gjA
Scrantonlcoal. . This month's de- Q 1
livery, pier ton.'. . . ..... .......
Arkansas Anthracite, just as good as hard A A
coal for furnace use, hand screened, per ton. . UV
Rosenblatt's Cot Price Coal Company
1223 Nicholas Street. Tel. Doug. 412.
Kearney Democrat Will Vote for
Taft and Tells Reason Why.
Doe. Mot Like. Hla ManddnM ot
. Perrlrs. Leader Jior the Dlcta
, lions of Leader of the
- Ball Mooaers. .
Richard Hibberd. democrat, and for
thirty-two years a brick manufacturer at
Kearney, was In Omaha Monday, having
returned but recently from . England,
w here he went' to Interest English capi
tal in the construction of a railroad from
Canada to the" Gult of Mexico. He
tummcd up hl Idea of the political ltua
tlon In short order: "I'm going to vote
for Taft."
"I'm . not " in . favor of , any ; one-man
party." said Mr. Hibberd. "and would
have voted for Champ Clark It he bad
been nominated, but Mr. Bryan's lilsh
handedness In forcing the nomination of
Woodrow Wilson Is too much for nie.
I've been a good democrat, but I'm going
to vote the republican ticket this fall.
,"1 think we've had enough of pooserelt
and Bryan. I believe, the party ought to
Rabbit Powell Sold
to Detroit Tigers
' "Rabbit" rowell. outfielder with the
St. Joseph ball club in the .Western
league, has been sold to the Detroit
Tigers in the American league. It Is
said that President ' Navln of Detroit
named the purchase price at 35,000.
Powell will finish the season with the
.Drummers and will not report to the
Tigers until next spring. He-was pur
chased through the .veteran Jim McGuIre,
Who is scouting for Detroit.! .
This makes three Joetown players who
have been Bold to the big leagues in the
last three ' weeks, Winnebago Johnon,
pitcher, and Dick Oossett,- catcher, hav
ing been sold to the White Sox recently.
: A brace of daring burglars gained en
trance to two stores Sunday night by
cutting the glass out of thai doors. They
rifled the cash registers In both places.
Obtaining $16. At the store of J. Berkol
Wits, WS North Twenty-fourth street,
they secured $10 and at the Hlnterlonr
drug store at Thirty-first and Farnam
streets they obtained $6.
the thieves did not take any of the
Begins the Greatest Sale
of Fine
Ever offered Omaha
buyers. An immense
Bankrupt Stock Purchase
will be placed on sale at
prices which represent
but a very small part of
actual retail worth.
See 16th Street Windows.
Basil Dealer.
dictate to the leader, and not the leader.l" ..i, L"0?" a'tn!uh thr
to the party. And ther are other demo- 7 " '! -T" ' WWCh '
wcii vmmy w crry sway.
crats a!! over the western part -of the
state who feel the same way about It
They will vote for Taft because ' he
doesn't belong to: a one-man party. .
Mr. Hibberd returned to Kearney yes
terday. 5 He is constructing a brick
residence at Twenty-seventh' and Central
and came down to purchase brick and
steel and other material
: Dr. C. C Allison has bought a 160-acre
farm near Elkhorn. The deed was turned
over to him yesterday by Mrs. Mary
Qulnn. The price was not given .
Senator Norris Brown has bought the
home of F. W. Carmlchael at 4814 Daven
port street and will move here soon with
his family.
The Carmlchael residence is one of the
finest In Dundee. It has nine rooms,
among which are a, big billiard room, a
beautiful reception hall, a den, baths and
other modern conveniences.
The price paid for the property is not
given out. but it is understood the sen
ator paid a good figure. ...
' Carmlchael will move to his old home
at 4915 Cass street.
The Yellow Peril. '
Jaundice-malaria biliousness, vanish
when Dr. King's New Life Pills are
taken. Easy, safe, guaranteed.- 25c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Cu.
August Sales Offer Matchless Economies
Values up to
$25.03, on sale
at $11.00
If You Want
Values in
Shoes, See
Our Specials.
Hm Fall Tailored Suits
at $25.00
Bought to sell at $33.00 An Immense as
sortment of the new Fall Styles, now displayed,
and every express brings new beauties.
We're offering a handsome line of new suits
bought to sell at $35.00; most popular fabrics
and colorings, Skinner satin lined; OE A A
for this one day JsWsVV
75c Long Kimonos Pretty patterns, all sizes;
on sale, each , 25
Children's Dresses All sizes, 2 to 14 years; val
ues up to $1.00; to close, choice .25
Women's White Lingerie Dresses Made to sell
at $6.50 to $10.00, dainty designs, over 200
for selection, choice . . . .' $2.05
Women's Long Linen Coats Regular values up
to $6.00, just 50 in the lot; to close, Tuesday,
each , $1.50
A Pretty Line of Infants' Slipons, choice. .10
f August Sale of White I
Long Cloth and India Lin
on, best 224c grade, at,
yard ....10c
Mercerized Waistlngs and Fan
cies, best 39c grade, yd., 25
Pure Linen Dress Fabrics, as
sorted colors, best 50c grade
yard - 35
Heavy weiglit White Pique,
wide welt,, best 35c grade
yard . . ' . y 18
Specials for Tuesday
in Wash Goods
A new line of silk stripe Opera
Voiles, in every popular shade
and color, 39c quality; at, a
yard 25tf
Imported Poplins, look just
like silk, all the new shades
and colors, 50c grade, at, a
yard 396
A new line of Corduroys, in all
colors, 50c grade at, yd. 38$
Stripe Pongees, light and dark
colors, a good assortment, 25c
grade at, yard 15
In the Busy Domestic Room Tuesday
8c Bleached Muslin, 36 inches
wide, at, yard 6
9c Half Bleached Muslin, 36
Inches wide; at, yard...61'&
25c Curtain Scrim with fancy
borders, 36 ins. wide, 12
13 He Bleached Shaker Flannel,
27 inches wide; on sale at, per
yard 106
18c Cotton Dress Fabrics, in
checks, plaids, etc.; yd. 12 xk6
12 Silkolines, 36 inches wide,
good patterns and colors; at, a
yard 10
13c Dress Ginghams Plaids
and stripes; on sale at, per
yard 76
12 c Lawns and Batistes, good
patterns and colors,-yard. .5
18c Cotton Dress Voiles Plain
colors and fancies, yard,
23c Dress Poplins Plain colors
and stripes; at, yard 15
7c Apron Ginghams In blues,
browns and greens; on sale at,
per yard ...... 5
15c Black Sateens, 36 inches
wide; on sale at, yard. . -lOtf
Here's Hayden's BIG GROCERY SPECIALS for Tuesday,
We Cater to the People Not a Few.
19 pounds Bsst Granulated 01 QA
Suyar for
48-lb. sack Best High Grade Diamond
H. Flour, the housewife's 95
friend; per sack l!T
10 bars Lenox, Beat-' Em-All or Dia
mond C Soap for a8o
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
meal for v...,..17Hc
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice -Sao
Jellycon, .lello or Advo Jell, pkg. 7Hc
Potted Meats, per can o
E. Cor Oriole Corn Flakes, pkg. 6Ho
6 cakes Silco Scouring Soap . . 93o
4 cans I.u Lu Scouring Soap 8So
Yeast Foam, pkg 3Ho
16-oz. cans Condensed Milk 6UC
H-oz. pkg. Best Domestic Macaroni
for 7Wo
8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .36o
Gallon cans Apples for pies 30o
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb...'.iaVo
1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4o
5-lb. box Best Selected Soda Crackers
at 0
The best Tea Sittings, lb 10c
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 35c
Butter, Erg and Chess Sals Price
Best Fresh Country Eggs, doz 30c
Best No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb 38o
Carton or bulk.
Best No. 1 Country Creamery Butter,
lb. 25o
Best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 33o
Full Cream Cheese, lb l5o
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c
California Bartiett Fears for Canning
A carload just received, extra fancy
fruit; in bushel boxes on sale
Tuesday at, per box $3.10
8 bunches fresh Radishes for So
8 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots, Tur
nips or Onions 5c
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb...7Vjo
6 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce So
2 Surr mer Squash So
3 lbs. fancy Ripe Tomatoes; 10c
3 large heads Cabbage ,10o
4 bunches fresh Parsley So
Fancy SIH'er Wax Onions, lb. ...3Ho
3 large Cucumbers for 5c
2 stalks Kalamazoo Celery So
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb lOo
Fancy Cantaloupes, each Sc, 7V4o
A carload of Extra Panoy Arkansas
Alberta Pree Stone Peaches shipped
to us direct to sell for the grower.
This is extra fancy, finest packed
four baskets in crate for CC
only MC
We advise our customers to buy now.
pays Try HAYDEN'S First PiVs
An Open Letter
To the Retailers of Omaha:
On next Thursday evening at the Roraej Hotel hour,
5:30 the retailers of Omaha will hold their second meeting.
At this meeting the organization will be perfected and 'sev
eral standing committees will be selected. Every retailer in
Omaha will be benefited by this organization and you are
cordially Invited to come to this meeting. Come with us
join with us help the retailers to become more a power for
good in Omaha Help us to help one another.
For the present the cost for one year's membership will
be only $5. Join. It will be tbe best and most profitable
investment of your business career.
Next Thursday's meeting will be at 5:30, at which time
dinner will be served (costing $1 per plate). Immediately
after the dinner the business of the retailers of Omaha will
be taken up. If you can come to the dinner, notify the sec
retary at once. It is your duty to Omaha retail interests to
Join So do your dutf.
J'heu'i Red 480?.
Secretary .
305 Old Boston Store Building.
The Best Farm Magaslae.
' . - ;':
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