Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1912, Image 1

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    maha .Daily Bee
will Interest every woman who
likes good heart-to-heart talks
with other sympathetic women.
rr- -- -
VOL. XL1I NO. 42.
I ! .1 U J I I 1 Li W I ft A V f " ..'':
-v w AWT- a m v i f - a -v w
General Manager Slifer of Great
Western Makes Tour of Inspec
tion Along Lines.
Goes Out and Gets in Touch with the
Actual Conditions in Country.
Quality is Better Than in Former
If Grain la Bushed Off to Market
There 1 Not Enough Equipment
In Country to Handle the
Million of Bushels.
"If grain men and farmers attempt to
rush the wheat crop to market there will
be the greatest frelghtear nhortngo the
country has ever experienced, but If they
use good Judgment and lot It movo along
moderately fast, the railroad will be
able to" handle the grain In reasonably
good shape," said. General Manager
Bllf er of the Great Western, who spent
the day In Omaha, after a two wooks' In
spection of the wheat growing area, along
the company lines In Minnesota, Iowa
and Missouri, Continuing, Mr. SHfer
"There is no Question but the central
west has raised the greatest small grain
crop in Its history, Nebraska is talking
65,000,000 bushels; Kansas, 100,000,000, and
North Dakota, 125,000,000, and from what
I have seen, I do rot think these figures
are so very far out of the way.
There Is a bumper crop in Iowa, Min
nesota and South Dakota and with these
conditions confronting the railroads, if
the farmers insist upon marketing in a
hurry, there are not cars enough in the
world to handle the crop and there is not
enough storage to take care of it when
it gets to market. It would simply swamp
the handling capacity of everything."
Hai Seen the Grain.
Mr. SUfer's estimate of the crolfls mafia
after a visit to the flolds and granerla
of the farmers. Through the states that
he has visited on his tour, ho has had
his car stopped at stations and then In
an automobile has ridden out from ten to
twenty miles Into the country on either
side of the line. In this way he has
come In touch with the exact condition.
Everywhere that he has been he hag
found the yield very heavy, with much
of the wheat testing sixty-one to sixty
three pounds to the Jbushet with consider
able running as high as sixty-five.
Through Minnesota and Iowa, Mr.
Slifer found the corn weir advanced and
with the abundant molstttte in most lo
calities, he unhesitatingly predicts. ' at
least an average, and perhaps a crop
much better than this.
Speaking of the car shortage, Mr.
Slifer says that it Is on right at this
time, but not to such, an extent as to
cause alarm. , The Great Western, ha
says, with the cars previously on hand
and the large number of new ones pur
chased this year, Is prepared to handle
everything coming unless there is an at
tempt made to move the crop within
a short time and get the bulk onto the
market for August and September dell
very. All roads, according to Mr. Slifer are
gathering up empties and hurrying them
to the towns in the wheat growing area
that they maye be loaded for market
and by the time they are handled out of
the country on the first trip, he looks
for wheat to sell off several cents. Should
the market go down on account, of the
heavy receipts, this, he says would natur
ally stop the out movement for a few
days at least and give the roads time
to catch up. Once caught up. they would
be able to take care of the wheat and
get it out of the way before the move
ment of new corn could set in.
inet and senate held a prolonged secret
joint meeting today and voted for the
dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies
on the ground that the present extraor
dlnary session of . the chamber, . being a
continuation of the previous session and
having completed its term, now lapses.
It is expected, that the dissolution and
elections . within three months will be
ordered tomorrow.
Whether the chamber will, succeed In
its ingenious scheme remain to bo- seen,
but the tension has become so great that
the government is obliged to take prompt
action; Strong forces of troops and police
are guarding the precincts of the Parlia
ment. The Weather
Official Foreoa
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs, and vicin
ity: Probably fair tonight and Tuesdayr
not much change In temperature.
INJ n Omaha
' -Ti . Hours. ri
.... ...........
i , o a. m jo
fc-.-iA hL. 7a. rn m
V - o
jk M a. tn fl
"M 11 a. m..... sj
irs --i 13 m m
ms?Mf ta i d. m ...
a p. a..... n
J- m a
' Local "Weather DmH,
Lowest last night W , u
Precipitation ,U . M .
formal temerere for today. '.( de
grees. rteflclener In preccpiutioa aoe Marca
1. .12 indies.
Deaclennr corresponding period, H41t
lO.Oi trwhoq.
DeBcbmty esrrBSsondlng mind, lag.
. r wit 1
Prosecution Trying
to Get Dictagraph
Record Into Case
LOS ANGELES. Aug. 5.-Judge Hut
ton ruled today in the bribery trial of
Clarence S. Darrow that the defendant
under crossexamlnatlon could be asked
an impeaching question based on the
stenographic report of a conversation be
tween Darrow and John R. Harrington,
his former chief investigator. The ruling
opens the way for an attempt by the
prosecution to introduce in rebuttal the
transcript report of the conversations as
heard by stenographers through a tele
phonic device. Such an effort will be
strenuously opposed by the defenso
chiefly on the ground that the transcript
contains only fragementary portions of
the conversations.
Judge Hutton announced that his rul
ing could not be construed as having any
bearing on the Introduction of the trans
cript. Mr. Darrow resumed the witness stand
and was questioned by Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Ford as to the circum
stances surrounding his meeting with
Darrow admitted that he had asked
Harrington to refuso to testify before
the grand jury. He said he told Har
rington he did not think he could be
compelled to testify and he could find
out by refusing.
Darrow said Harrington had told him he
feared an Indictment of himself for
"Did you think Harrington was trying
to trap you with the dictagraph?" asked
"No; 1 did not think any one would
try to do a thing as mean as that; not
even the district attorney.
Jenkins Asks for
New Trial, Stay
WillBe Granted
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 6.-(SpeciaD
With a steady hand and clear eye, J.
Warren Jenkins, condemned to be
hanged on October 11 for the murder of
his wife, iaet evening signed an appli
cation for a new trial. Jenkins will be
taken to the state penitentiary at Raw
lins tomorrow, there to await the action
of the courts, and as several months
will probably be consumed In the con
sideration of his case, a stay of execu
tion will be granted. Jenkins will not
hang on the date set, and as he hai
plenty of funds, he will fight to the last
ditch to save his neck Jenkins-has about
recovered from wounds inflicted when
he jumped to the stone floor of the corri
dor at the county jail Thursday in au
attempt to end his life, and is now anx
ious to live.
Resignation of
Judge Hanford
Accepted by Taft
WASHINGTON, Aug. S.-President
Taft today accepted the resignation of
Federal Judge Hanford of Seattle, tend
ered while Judge Han ford's conduct on
the bench ' was being investigated by a
congressional committee. The commit
tee advised acceptance of the resigna
tion and the dropping of Impeachment
proceedings. .
Watchman Murdered
in Cheyenne Yards
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 6.-(Special.)
E. J. Sparr, employed by the Union
Pacific as a special watchmefi, was as
sassinated In the local railroad yard at
1:45 o'clock Sunday morning. The shot
which ended his Kfe was heard by a
number of persons, but the body was not
found until two hours , later, It having
been assumed that the, noise made by
the shot was that from a torpedo. Th3
identity of the assascln Is unknown.
Sparr, who was 38 years of age and
unmarried, was shot from behind, a
bullet entering the back of his skull and
lodging In the brain. His body was
found by switchmen at 3:45 o'clock, lylnsj
between two tracks. It was not dis
turbed until Sheriff Roach and Coroner
Beard arrived on the scene and made an
examination. They decided that the
body had not been touched after death,
except to take from a hip holster the
.45 caliber six-shooter with which the
watchman was armed. This weapon waj
missing, but Is not believed to have been
used in firing the fatal shot, the wound
in Sparr's head apparently having been
made by a small caliber ball.
. Sparr was last teen alive at about 1:20
o'clock, when he was noticed to be driv
ing two hoboes off the blind-baggage
of outgoing westbound train No. 7. His
body was found about 200 yards west ot
the point where he put off the hoboes.
The shot which killed him was fired
twenty-five minutes after this Incident.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-Senator La
Follette today, by a resolution, proposed
a radical change in the method of amend
ing the constitution of the United States.
By the terms a majority of the two
houses of congress would have authority
to propose a constitutional amendment!
or It might be proposed on the petition of
ten states acting through their legisla
tures or through popular vote.
At present tho ratification of an amend
ment is required by three-fourths of the !
states, acting through their legislature.
The La Follette plan would require ap
proval br a "majority of the electors In
a majority of the states." but would re
quire) also the approval of "a majority
of all electors" vcilng upon the ques
tion. - 1
WASKESTOTOX An, i The oeaosi
tariff bm was reports t the nr? afl-
verariy urfssy by Chairman fannse of
the 'frrmncs wmrmlftee. Senator Breams,
democratic tariff leader., asked kU tk
bill be stl Car a vote . next Frtflirx,
August 3.
Answer of International Harvester
Company to Federal Suit Filed
in District Court. 4
Assert New Company Formed is Not j
Unlawful Combination.
Basic Patents on Binders and Mow
ers Not in Force.
Merely Affects Economic In Cost of
Production, Lowers Selling- Prices
and Raises Wages of
ST. PAUL, Aug. 5. The answer of the
International Harvester company to the
bill filed by the United States under
tho Sherinun anti-trust law was filed
in the United States district court at
St. Paul today.
The answer denies specifically all
charges of restraint of trade, monopoly
arid unfair business practices It alleges
that prior to tho formation of the com
pany in 1!H)2, the harvester business had
been conducted in a wasteful manner,
detrimental alike to manufacturers, re
tall dealers and consumers; that only
the two largest manufacturers had profit
able businesses, while the business of
others was decreasing and becoming
hazardous and unprofitable. The In
ternational Harvester company, it is
stated, was not an unlawful combination,
but a new company- formed, with ample
capital, in order to secure large econo
mies in the agricultural Implement busi
ness, by producing more cheaply tho raw
materials, by enlarging facilities, and
correcting wasteful methods of distribu
tion, by expanding the foreign trade and
by better organized experimental and In
spection departments.
The company's commercial power has
been used not only for the benefits of
Its stockholders, but also for the benefit
of tho farmers and dealers and of Its
employes; and the taking on of new
lines of manufacture, such as gasoline
engines, tractors, auto wagons, farm
wagons, cream separators and manure
spreaders, has resulted in the business
as a whole being conducted more eco
nomically and In fostering Instead of
restraining trade, it is asserted.
Any monopoly through patents is de
nied on the ground that the basic pat
ents on binders and mowers expired
prior to 11)02.
Earning and Profits.
The detailed statement of earnings and
profits contained In the answer Shows
that,., dHiinftliairst .elgbt-jeajliw
dividends 'Paid -averaged only 6.92 f per
cent oil the fully paid capital stock find
the total earnings only 7.15 per cent
and that the main expansion hi the
company's business has been gained in
the new lines of implements and foreign
trade, which has increased from about
IIO.OOO.OCO in 1S03 to over $-12,000,000 In 1911.
It is held that the company has active
and Increasing competition, the number
of competitors In binders being eight,
with an aggregate Capital of over 1100,000
000, and in other lines the competitors
numbering from fourteen In mowers to 181
1:1 gasoline engihes.
The answer declares, that the prices of
harvesting machinery have increased
about 3 per cent over 1902, while the
machines have been improved In quality,
and the materials and labor entering
Into their manufacture have Increased on
an average of 25 per cent.
As to binder twine, the ariswer as
serts that since the company was
formed, the wholesale price of sisal
twine has fallen from 11 cents to Sty
cents a pound, and of manlla twine,
from 13 cents to 7T cents a pound;
further, that the company has expended
more than a million dollars in the ef
fort to produce binder twine from American-grown
flax, which, if successful,
would have kept within the United
United States 120,000,000 now expended
annually for Imported sisal and manlla
The wages and conditions of its em
ployes, the answer says, have been Im
proved by the Harvester company to an
extent impossible under trade conditions
existing prior to 1302; wages have been
Increased fully 27 per cent; profit-sharing
systems have been established; sanitary
and safety appliances installed; a liberal
plan of workmen's compensation put Into
effect, with a benefit department provid
ing sick and death benefits for employes
end a generous pension system.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.-A failure to
bring about an agreement between the
house and senate on the pension appro
priation bill was reported by Chairman
McCumber of tho senate conference com
mittee. The two houses remain dead
locked over the, eighteen district pension
agencies which the house insists must
be discontinued.
Notice was served on the senate today
that under no circumstances would the
house agree to a continuation of the
tariff board. Provision for such contin
uation hod been placed by the senate
in a number of appropriation and tariff
Toiay tenato leaders wore notified that
their insistence on that provision would
delay adjournment
House conferees on all the bills con
taining the senate amendment providing
for tariff board have been instructed
not to yield.
WABHUffGTOX. Xog. I Tfct nomlsav
Uses of Colonel K. Z. fttaever. United
Rase armr, now la eotsasosd of the
troops alone tbt Meslsaa toxr&r. to be a
brigadier troml f the Iisa and Chat of
GotoceJ Greorgs Aasfcpewa, ottocbef to the
VvrUnH& ot 11 Eat t Kew Tori,
to b ottotaxg ucnural at 19m anxry wmrs
seat ts the aasds today br President
From the Philadelphia Star.
Big Bull Moose is Met by 6. W. Per
kins and Governor Johnson.
Says This Visit Makes Birth of Sew
Party Instead of Death of One
as Old HU Former
CHICAGO, Aug. 3.-Colouel Theodore
Roosevelt arrived at S:53 a. in. He was
given an enthusiastic welcome and hur
ried to headquarters in the Congress
hotel. The crowd cheered as the coloivl
stepped from the train. Ho was received
by a delegation ot progresstvos headed
by George W. Perkins and Governor
Hiram W. Johnson of California.
The crowd massed in front of the sta
tion waved bandanna handkerchiefs as
the party entered automobiles, and a
'cnbrusV chersv"w"s Jtierged lh the blare
of a brass band whon the trip across tho
city was begun. The streets along the
route were lined with crowds and, ns tl)0
colonel swept past, cheer after cheer was
The delegations formed in
and followed their chief to the national
In front of the hotel another crowd was
encountered, and for a time the street
was blocked. Colonel Roosevelt itood up
in the automobile and spoke briefly.
Then a path through the crowd having
been made, he hurried to headquarters
and was soon in the thick of confevimees
with his aides.
Speech from Automobile.
Standing In his automobile In front of
the hotel Colonel Roosevelt said:
"I am very pleased to be with you In
Chicago again, and this time at the r.rth
of a party, not at the death of one. I
am convinced the people will not stand
for the convention of seven weeks tso.
especially as It was against the Interests
of the people. By November the men
nominated at that convention will not
be a factor In the race.
"The days of the corrupt political boss
and the crooked financier who stands be
hind the toss, and the newspaper ownel
by the boss and financier, are over.
"The channels of Information have
been choked by the opponents of popular
government in the effort to prevent ihe
people from finding out what we stand
for. I Intend to see that the facts are
known and that the people will find out
what this movement really is and decide
for themselves what their government
shall be.''
Colonel Roosevelt said he did not In
tend to go to the Coliseum today.
Father of Mrs. Taft
Dies in Cincinnati
WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. - President
Taft and Mrs. Taft will leave Washing-
ion tonignt ror Cincinnati to attend the
funeral of John W. Herron. Mrs. tw.
father, who died there early today. The
oeath of Mr. Herron was not unex
pected by the president and Mrs. Taft.
but the news was a shock to both. The
president will return to Washington
Thursday morning.
CINCINNATI, O.. Aug. 5.-John W.
Herron. father of Mrs. William H. Taft,
wife of the president, died at his home
here today after a long illness, aged S3
fears. Mr. Herron was for many years
one of Cincinnati's most prominent at
torneys and was United States district
attorney under President Harrison.
Orozco Prepares to
Evacuate Juarez
JUAREZ. Aug. i General Fascual
Orozco served notice today on the resi
dents of Juarez that after toefght he
would not be nepoasfbSe for tie safety
of the city and that aJU -who did not s
with htm bed better eras tin "batter to
El Pokx This la the Ant ieGc'te more
In tie losg delayed evaccaiSoa of the
Mexican border dry br rebel troopt.
HACraXA. ST. M, Aug. S.1ve hun
dred M una cm fleeing frvro Colon!
Dia J&endco, have arrived there withoat
food. SnjsCJes and tents have been sent
here frwn 221 Tiaso.
Preserving Time
r s r
f and rw&fc ru v&p JJ
LVT YOU oo to NotPt L
Refuses Guffey's
Money-Accepts It
After the Election
WASHINGTON, Auk. 5.-.'orman E.
Maek, chairman of the democratic na
tionnj committee In 190R, today told the
senate committee investigating campaign
funds of that year and also those of IM4,
that the only contribution he could re
member having rejected was one by CoU
onel J. M. Guffey of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mr. Mack added that after Mr. Bryan
had been defeated the campaign com
mittee was iseveral tliouwand dollars in
debt and Colonel Guffey's contribution
was accepted. Mr. Mack said the largest
contributor to the 118 campaign was
Mr. Murphy. "He contributed $10,000,"
said Mr. Mack.
The books before the eenate committee
show that such a sum was contributed
In the name of Tammany. Hall.
"""Senator" OarK" of 'Montana contributed
$2,000 to the Chicago headquarters and 1
think about $2,W to the New York head-
quarters." Mr. Mack added, "Several
people offered funds, but they were re
fused." "Why were they refused?" asked Sen
ator Jones.
"I was at Denver at the convention and
on the way home stopped at Lincoln to
talk with Mr. Bryan. Ho then and later
said he did not want contributions from
"Colonel Guffey offered to give Jo.OOO.
I told him I would like to accept It, but
could not."
"Did he represent a corporation?"
"Whether he represented a corporation
or not, It was reported he represented
tha Standard Oil company."
Mr. Mack added that after Mr. Bryan
had been defeated, he as chairman, ac
cepted tho Guffy contribution.
Mr. Mack told the committee he wanted
to correct an Impression that only 25,000
persons contributed to the campaign fund
of $629,000. Ho placed the number of
contributors at about 100,000.
He mentioned the contributions by his
own newspaper, the Buffalo Times, of the
$8,000 given by that paper. Mr. Mack
said lie gave $1,000. while the balance was
givon by 1,200 or 1,500 persons in western
New York.
After Mr. Mack's testimony the com
mittee adjourned indefinitely.
Roosevelt Electors
in Missouri Refuse
to Declare Attitude
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. Aug. 5.-E1-forts
of Taft adherents to get the Mis
souri Roosevelt electors to go on record
for President Taft failed today at a
meeting hero called by the chairman of
the republican state committee.
A resolution that provided that electors
should vote for Taft but in event it be
came apparent that he could not be
elected then they were at liberty to vote
for some other republican was ready for
Introduction at the meeting, but no action
was taken.
The meeting developed according to
one of the electors, that twelve of thi
eighteen Missouri electors are not Taft
men and that they would not go on
record as promising to vote for him even
If he should carry the state.
Webster City Fanner
Takes Strychnine
WEBSTER CITY, la.. Aug. 6.-Spe-cial
Telegram.) Jonas Young, a prom
inent and well to do former living fif
teen miles southwest of this city, com
mitted suicide yesterday by taking
strychnine. Tho body was found In a
cornfield after an oil-day search. He
had threatened to commit suicide before
while temporarily despondent. He leaves
a widow and eight children.
LOS ANGELES, Cat. Aug. 5. (Special
Telegram.) Dr. George C. Armstrong,
until last year a practicing physician at
Cambridge. Neb., died today after an
operation for appendicitis.
Delegates from Three States Refused
Seats by Bull Moosers.
Florida egrora Are Offered Seats
it Supplemental Delegate
This Is Rejected and Both
Delegations Eaclnded.
CHICAGO, Aug. 5.-Contestlng negro
delegations from Florida and Mississippi
were barred from the progressive con
vention by the national committee.
The contests were decided at a stormy
executive session of the committee to
day. Negroes gathered In the corridors
outside the committee room and raised
their voices in Indignant protest. When
the decisions were made known the negro
leaders declared that they would continue
their fight', for seats before tha creden
tials committee . dt the convention.-'.
A -tentative arrangement was. ihade by
the committee as a means of compromise
which, It was Ihoiight, would settle the
negro dispute. The committee decided to
allow the negro contestants from Florida
to sit in the convention as "supplemental
delegates' without a vote. This was
considered settled, but Florida negroes.
headed by C. H. Alston, protested so
vigorously that the committee finally
decided to throw out both Florida dele
gations, the negroes and the white dele
gation headed by H. U Anderson.
In Mississippi where the . progressive
state convention had been called as a
"lily white." meeting the white delegates
elected were given their seats. On Sat
urday the committee had thrown out
twelve negroes, who contested seats in
the Alabama delegation. With today's
decision this barred all of the contesting
delegates. Four contestants for seats
in the Ohio delegation were barred.
The negroes were Indignant over the
action of the committee and there was
some talk of holding a mass meeting of
Chicago negroes to protest. No definite
arrangements were made, however.
Appeal to Colonel.
After the national committee had dis
posed of the negro contestants the storm
center was transferred to Colonel Roose
velt's quarter. The colonel refused,
however, to take a hand In the dispute,
although a large number of excited fol
lowers appealed to him. -He referred
them all to' his recent letter to Julian
Harris of Atlanta, on tho negro question.
"Read my letter" ho said. "It con
tains a full statement of my views."
He declined to comment on the action
of the national committee and said ho
had never talked with any of the negro
contestants. 'Give them my letter as a
tract" he said.
As soon as he was Installed in his head
quarters Colonel Roosevelt began a series
of conferences with his leaders.
Governor Hiram Johnson of Califor
nia, George W. Perkins, Gifford Plnohot,
James R. Garfield. George L. Record of
New Jersey and Medill McCormlck, all
saw him before they went to the con
vention hall.
Aside from the negro question, the
platform was the chief subject which
Colonel Roosevelt discussed with his
loaders. Ho conferred with members of
tha platform committee and told them
that the doctrines which he will set forth
In his speech of tomorrow represented
his vlows in regard to the platform.
Eagles Are Flocking
Into Cleveland, 0.
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. R.-Delegates
continued to flock into Cleveland today
to attend the national convention of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles which will be
opened tonight with Governor Harmon
delivering the welcoming address. The
convention will last five days, tha big day
being Thursday, when the delegates will
parade. Judge William J. Brennen of
Pittsburgh Is the chief candidate for
worthy grand president this year.
WA8HIM3T02?. Aug. fi. Proposed !n-
creatscsi In freight ratea os limber from
southern producing point to destina
tions la the mtddlfl weti a&d beyond on
the St. Lands 'Jawertsrn railway Tere
suspended by the Interstate Commcrcs
Coaxrmise&aa today mHO Ssrscsbsr 2SL
National Progressive Party Meets in
Chicago to Endorse Roosevelt
Slate and Platform.
Galleries Are Nearly Full When
Business Opens.
He Says Party Has Been Forming:
for Years.
- i i
Soys It Is Founded on Lire Issues
and Will Solve Present Day
Problems Roosevelt Is to
- Speak on Tuesday.
CHICAGO, Aug. 8. The national pro-
gresslve party took Its place In the arena
of the American politics today when Us
first national convention assembled in
the Coliseum where the republican na
tional convention was held seven weeks
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, sponsor for
the new party, arrived In Chicago this
morning, but did not attend the first
session of the convention. He will de
liver his "confession of faith" tomor
row. Former Senator A. J. Beverldge of
Indiana was elected temporary chairman
of the convention after Senator Dixon
had called the assemblage to order and
prayer had been ordered.
8enator Beverldge, greeted with pro
longed cheers, delivered his keynote
speech, bristling with the most advanced
Ideas of progresslvlsm.
The floor of the big convention hall
was crowded, and the galleries, slow to
fill at first, held but comparatively few
empty seats when the convention got
under way shortly before 1 o'clock.
The delegates were most enthusiasti
cally cheered.
Dixon Calls for Order.
When the convention was called to
order by Senator Dixon at 12:13 delegates
occupied all the space used at the re
publican convention with Its total of
nearly 1,100 delegates.
Senator Dixon briefly reviewed the
signing of the call for the convention,
"In the last four weeks a nation has
ssi.i a new alignment of American poll
tier. "Within four weeks, responding to our
call, are assembled here today mora
delegate representations to a national
convention than ever before assembled
on American soil.
"This afternoon a new milestone will
be erected in American politics. A new
political party, knowing -no-north and no
south,' founded on the live Isiues of to
day, will take Its place with those par
ties which live on the dead Issues of tue
past." ' , '
Senator Dixon was interrupted by m'
cry "Hooray for Teddy."
The delegates cheered for a half mln-
ute. Senator Dixon then called on Secre
tary O. K. Davis to read the progressive
call for the convention.
The slogan, "Thou shalt not steal,"
appeared on the call and was greeted
with cheers.
Cheer for Leaders.
The names of those signing the cull
were read and cheers greeted each namo.
When Senator Dixon's name was called a
wild demonstration started.
J. R. Garfield got a cheer when Ohio
was reached and Pennsylvania cheered A.
E. Van Vltekenburg and Gifford PInchot.
Cecil Lyon was accorded a round of
When the reading ot the call ended'
Senator Dl.xon called on Rev. T, F.
Dornblazer, who pronounced the prayer.1
When the minister had been praying
for more than fifteen minutes the dele
gates Interrupted with applause. Shout
of "Amen."
In conclusion he led the entire as
semblage In tho Lord's prayer.
The band struck up "America" and
the assemblage sang the anthem.
Sporeh of Beverldge.
A round of cheers greeted Senator
Dixon's announcement that former Sena
tor Beverldge of Indiana had been
selected as temporary chairman. Senator
Dixon introduced him in a flattering'
eulogy and he began the keynote speech.
We stand for a nobler America.. We
stand for an undivided nation. We stand
for a broader liberty, a fuller justice. We
stand for social brotherhood as agalnstt
savage individualism. We stand for an,
intelligent co-operation instead of a reck-,
less competition. We stand for mutual,
helpfulness Instead of mutual hatred. We
stand for equal rights as a fact of Ufa
instead of a catch-word of politics. We
stand for the rule of the people as a
practical truth Instead of a meaningless
pretense. We stand for a representative,
government that represents the people.
We battle for the actual rights of man.!
To carry out our principles we have a
plain program of constructive reform. Wa
mean to tear down only that which l
wrong and out of date;' and where wa
tear down we mean to build what ia
right and fitted to the times. We harken
to the call of the present. We mean to
make laws fit conditions as they are an
meet the needs of the people who are oa'
earth today. That we may do this we
(Continued on Second Page.)
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