" THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 4, 1912. i EDUCATlOXAL BOYLES .COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL .ALI THE YEAR Cdmpe"te' coufses In BitBless, Book Keaprng, 'Stenogrpnyc-Tei?rapny. uvii Service. (r Salesmanship...-The catalogue Is fre for the- askings Call, write or phone lor it at once. Address H B. Boyles, President, Roylee College, Oraahai; Nebraska UE STOCK FOR SALE Ifojrses and Vehicles. GOOD. lioTse for ,?ale cheap. Somer Bros .'- ffith and .Farnam. 1ST laa livery; Sherman, -24th & Clark. Snaps , in Buggies i delivery. wagons" and several choice buggy-and carriage, bargain. )8th and Harney St. Buggies, -surries and runabouts at less than wholesale price to close ant -$OHNSON-PANFORT-H CO., - tutn- ana ons on SELL'o trade. Bent' 4-year-old road, bter, 'standard bred mare in city. Stylislt, shows 'remarkable ieed,' never tracked. city broke. Hand made buggy and har ness. Right outnt, lor doctor, unaenaner or farmer. Will $ell mire alone. Call sundav morning. .Andy Jensen, 2318 No. 24th St." HKAVX. hrqod tows fur sale. II. P. BedUtp,'. ftji and Grace. Webster-497.. , Hires ana Otkr tet Stock. YOUNG Voanaiy birds: good singers. Lena . .SchplMhg, 2435-. Monroe, South Omaha. -,$oijth 2"2. DsTk 'singers, $1,60. U. Lpr axp food PERSONS Shaving lost some artlols would do well td call up the office of the Omaha, & Council Uluffs Street Railway company ; to' ascertain" whether" they leU It in The strfctft ' crs. ;: Many, 'articles -tath day are turned In and the-.company la . anxious to restore thera to'UJe rihttulowuer, Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. COMPANT. LOST Gent's gold watch and chain, be tween Farnam and . Douglas, on 9th. Flndef Jrjt(4nutp, .Bee , of f ice.' T MEDICAL. Dr. tiabcQCkvspectaiiaj; both sexes; 208 Wlthnqll -Biog.,. lotty and Harney Sts. 6PSCIALl,T fur WpAtKN. 4 Doug, blk) Piles, -Fistula Cured Dr.- E. R. T,arry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for book vu rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TAKKK. Bee umg., Omaha. SOY J EE HON i HERB CO. Chinese herbs and norbat remedies for all troubles of the human system; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, i.eart, dropsy and female trouble. Tel. D 5793. 202 N. lath. Dr. Race, specialist, 1323 Harney. D. 3943. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. "de MARS' whirling spray syringe,' the most sanitary and practical on the mar ket, .3; postage prepaid. , iitaUin Drug Co., 1603 Farnam St., Omaha, MONEY TO LOAN Salary nil tnattrU. i on furniture, pianos and Hl AflPV real estate at a very o vvj rate of Interest, i Nebraska Loan Co., Doug. 13E8. 220 Bee Bldg. A-135a YOU have' long desired to obtain ready money for the. sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Jiere is your chance to obtain it:-' ; ..A.J 4 l.-.i .. -.- In An y ' Easy Way en furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts in fact anything et value or on your plain note, If steadily employed. Terms to suit. Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third, ilour .siw Paxtoir ttiouk, 81? So. lBth. phone Douglas 1411 end A 1416. iri NOTICE , Anyone wishing a square deal on salary er household loans see ma.' 0.: K;;Fahringer, - ; ; ' 1603 FARNAM 8Tha.ET. Room 215. - ' , , Tels. DouK."' fcia. Ind. A-10TI. MONEf-loaned salaried people and oth ers on trtftir ovn hame; thtap rates, easy payments; CdnfldentiaU D. H. Toiman, (U3 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. HOME. LO Ay CO. Most reaspi.ab e tates in the city. Writs or 'plione Ly latf: ' ; ;. . , ija ytmsm oi,, rt. s, I'atterson hik, DLUlGISaLOA4 at i and i per cent rLAIAU. P,odge tit TeL Red c61. CHATTEL LOANS, li to SluO. SAlAKK LOANS. You can get it -today of STAR "LOAN CO.. 601 Pajtwn Black. v OFFERED FOR KENT Hoard aad Rooms. Q. M -B-.-htnHs trunks. P. ll. ''A-26tt. FIRlsT-CLASS rooms: excellent board. 618 B.-ffln. ptiuglasHWa, PLliXsANT. cool room, and suite; exool knt boaroV; .West Farqara; prlvatu. phone Harney: 45. CAN ZaecdmrnodaU. . a few more tabta boarders; meal tickets if desired. 709 Georgia jvfe. Phone Harney W. ONE, furnished room with board If de. sired. 42 N. 23d Kt Tylef vm.' DESIRABLE board. 1113 So. furnished 26th- Ave. room with STRICTLY modem furnished rooms, with or without board. 215 8. 26th St. 2202 Howard,; for best room snd bosrd. ' 'uralshe HOOI 4un ;eil.!uitavB, ...i.in. . i vate' family; walking distance. Red 2977. SOUTH 20TH..-ll-elodern rooms, single or double, y. s;nd -up. Tyier 1147, COOL sleeping room: 17 N. 19th FOtTR excellent rooms for sleeping: ll3 s. 20th f . Tyler-1947. SEVEN . newly furnished, cool,- modern rooiris; ; reasonable. 412 N.- 22d. messenuc-r' service and .. light; hauling; prompt servl;e:veatitaable rates. Auto Lei. & Mas. Co., 1715 DpUglas St. T. IS. D. 3S4; A-34S)ft. 4-ROOM S completely furnlsheU, $15. 2fiJ4 euruette t?t. NICE room for one or two gentlemen new home.; and furnishings; li minutes from to wp;. private family. DoUKlas 5F98. MOIIER!- furnished house, lawn and shade. room, detached at Webster. 1430 NORTH. 20th, rooms from $1.25 up; uain on uttme Hour. NICE pleasant room in priviate family. r ariiaiu. nm npy woi, ' j'-.'F ' Wished Apartments. ' ; ton. -urniture for sale cheap and must "c lkc;u .wiLt myuk imcui. Auurusp j Bee. ' ' Vafmrnlshed Rooni. 2i ';ivWh";e)t-J rooms close lo town witn water,, gas ana toilet." I Ui S. 17TH-AVE.-5 unfurnished rooms I on gtojind .rloof: Can be had in suite of j or.iV;-i-e. upug.,fWB. , . , ; -ROOM tomlshed house;, piano; M. Faratsh4 "-Uoaaekvcptas; Rooms. . 10C9 PARK Ave.," three furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping; parlor . xtoor; gas xurmsneo. OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished IloanrbrcplaK Kansas. DOVGLA8 St., 1302Two modern rooms, furnished completely for housekeeping. A-17b. Douglas 7250. 614 SO. 17TH AVE.-Mcely furnished rooms for 'housekeeping or sleeping rooms. Tel. Doug. 4690. 2510 DODGE St.. furnished housekeeping roomi, gas range and water in kitchen. EXCELLENT front parlor for sleeping or light housekeeping. 1813 Capitol. TWO fumlehed housekeeping rooms, facing Hanecom park: no children. 29B8 Wool worth avenue. H. 2597. 31$ S. 26th.. front room with alcove; furnished completely for housekeeping: gas for cooking, laundry privilege, also one back room. 2116 CHICAGO, 3 aulteB furnished houne- keepir.g ifvjrn. $4.00 8-room cottage, $9. 2233 Pacific. Five nice large rooms. $12. 2320 Pierce. Four large modern housekeeping rooms, hot water heat, $18. A. E. OLANDER. una p. ail) Ave. Telephone A-43M. Hotels and A purtmrnts. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. t w k rvi tr u rvi' IV I . all ti.niilrumriTa ot first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. ROOM8, cheap. Harney 6610. . Apartments and Flats. 4-TWOM, modern spartment. Web. 6975. , THE CARLYLE, "625 South . 18th Street Fine 4-room strictly modern apartments, hard wood finish, tiled bath; one of the best built apartment houses in the oity. Everything up-to-date. Very close in. 37.60. D. V. 8H0LES Co., 913 City Na tional Bank Bidg. Phone Douglas 49. B-ROOM apart in the California. See Janitor, D. 6327. - NORTH 1TTH, 999 Strictly modern 3 or 7-room apartment, nicely furnished, close In. Tyler 1846. $40 Ten-room flat, good for boarding, and rooming. 604 N. 17th St. ' To colored tenants, nice 5-rooro flat, 2621 Lake St. modern except heat, J12.M. J. B. ROBINSON, 442 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 8097. Large moving vans, $1,25 per hour. D. am. "Torn iu lliii tiIaoIv' AnpOTntA. sinks. 5s, toilet snd water. 2418 Leavenworth, . I. Kemp, 25 Leavenworth. Doug. 988. Ind. A-19M8. ENTIRE 2d floor, 8011 Webster, tU. furn Anva'r' nt In nmflh Knrthesst corner of 20th and Burdette. Owner, 2211 N. JJth. ...... . , - 4-room apartment, walking distance. 23d and Mason; only $13. J. N. Snltxer, 423 Paxton Blk. D. 2161. ' 6b0 So. 26th Ave. Upper rooms, In St. Louis flat. Call Doug. 6481. CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS. " We have several apartments now va cant In THE STERLING, corner 19th and St, Mary'e Ave., of 3, 4 and ( rooms, rang in in Dries from $25 to $37.50. These apartments are strictly modern In every detail, beautiruiiy decorated, upen at au times for Inspection. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANT, Sole Agts., 608 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldr ELEGANT 6-room upptr St. Louis fiat, opposite Bemls Park. 3317 Cuming St. Strictly modern 6-room apartment In Davldge Bldg., 18th and Farnam, $36. Two rooms In Davldge Bldg.. $15. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT 8-room modern brick flat, 604 N. 20th: newly decorated; oak finish. APARTMENTS. $30-Fdur rooms; heat, water and janitor service. $40-Five rooms; heat, water and Jani tor service. A KM STRONG-WALSH CO.. Phone Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th St. 1HW-8 FARNAM ST., 6 rooms each, modern except heat, $25. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 13W Farnam St. Fl VE-ROOM partly modern flat,- 1W0 N. 24th, $16.80. Ten-room partly modern flat, over drug store corner 24th and Hamilton, $35; One or more rooms with -Janitor ser vice. $18 N. 17th. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 Mc Cague Bldg. Phone Douglas 1300. Three and 4-r. mod, apartments. 816 S. 22d. krw LORRAINE. 1 and 6-room, nil modern, with Janitor service. 17 & Maple Doug. 3402. MENOEDOTH. ;Web. 3713 FIVE-ROOM brick flat, strictly modern; gas range; close In. Phone Webster 48S4, FOR RENT. Five-room fat. Stsam heat. East front. Excellent car service. . GALLAGHER 4c NELSON, 483 Brandels Bldg. Dougias 3382. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT in ih Oanrarla. at 1044 Georx a Ave. Jan.tur te. vLe; all mod. convenances, $40. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1622 Farnam St . Houses and Cuttastes, MOVING, eacklna and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and storage Co.. fireproof storage. 8. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office. 308 & 17th at Tel. L. UW; A-165. ' WEST FARNAM New brick. 6 bed rooms and I baths. 815 N. 38th Ave. MinOiRD VAN AND STORAGE CO., naek. move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge tor return drive to Office. DOUg. 1496 or B-Z4ZS MODERN 6 room cottage, beautiful lawn, shade and garage, 'phone Web: 981. Bio No. 21st, -r., all mod, flat, $60. H002 Dodge, 8-r., all mod. $30. 509 So. 86th Ave., 9-r fiat all mod. $30. 2401 So. 17th., new, all mod. 5-r cot tage. $20. . W No. IB' n-, t-r.. ist. tioor, m No. 17th, 4-r.. upstairs, $9. 1685 No. 21st, downstairs, i-r.. $14.50. lw6 No. 21st., upstairs, 5-r., $11. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-6 Board of Trade Bids. 'Phone Doug. 2181. 3303 PoPDleton Ave., near Field club. 7-room house; all modern Improvements, sleeping porch. B. S. Rood. - S. W. 24TH AND CALIFORNIA Five-room apartment. $3l.50-$35.00. 22d and California, 8-room brick, room' ere. $42.50. 87th, three blocks north of Farnam, I rooms and hall, hot water heat, corner, $40. 39th, near Joslyn's, $ rooms and hall, porch, shade, $45. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 2162 '.Evenings: Harney 1S42 or Harney 614. 7-ROOM house, modern.' good condition. $28. &0S Franklin Bt Inquire Sil De catur St; w. sass, Moom flat, 3d floor, 809 N. 24tn tet. 6-room flat. 2d floor, 937 N. 24th St. 8-room house at 15G9"N. 17th St. 8-room. house at-1368 N. 17th St. - O. C. KEDit-K, rarnam si. FLATS. 2953 Harney St., i-r., modern. ...,..:. .$30.00 2956 Hsrney St., 6-r modern..... 47.60 206 N, 23d.. 7-r.. modern 42.50 220$ Farnam, t-r., mod. ex. furnace.. 15.00 2214 D, So. O., 6-r., mod. ex. furnace. 15.00 521 8. 29th St., i-r.i mod. ex. furnace 15.00 1212 S. 17th, -r.. city water....... 11.00 2204 N. 27th, 4-r., city water, td floor 9.00 3014 Ames, 4-r 12.00 DETACHED HOUSEa 614 N. 17th St.. 9-e., mod. ex. furnace 40.00 2T01 Howard, 6-r., modern.............. 38.00 1702 8. 28th, 7-r., mod. ex. furnace... 25.01 Km Hamilton St., 6-r., mod. ex. fur.. 23.00 1916 Ames Ave., 4-r., mod. ex. fur... 20.00 844 Park Ave., .6-r., city water, gas.. 20.00 1124 N. 26th St. 6-r., mod. ex. fur.... 20.00 606 S. 24th .Ave., S-r., city . water, toilet w...., .17.00 . 218 N. 26th 8t, 7-r., mod. ex. fur.... w.oo 317 Charles St. -r., city water. 10.00 3913 N. 28th Are., 7-r.. gas, well...... 12.00 605 B. 34th St., 6 rooms, city water.. 13 00 713 N. 32d 6t. -r., ggs. city water.. 14 OD 3004 N. 22d St. -r., mod. ex. furnaeo 16.0C GARVIN BROS., 354 Omaha National Bank Biig. 6-ROOM house, newly panered and palntod. 2017 N. 19th, $15. Call D. 506. OFFERED FOR RENT Honses and C'ottasjiea. , . Another Four-Room Bungalow This nifty little 4-room bungalow Is lo cated on a good lot 60x130, south front. In a block of all new snd neat homes. The outside appearance Is Dleaslnx. the Inside is well arranged, convenient and nicely finished. Large front porch to south, front door of late design, 8 long lower panels, with bevel plate top. Living room is good sized and with south and east exposure, which makes tt bright and cozy. Dining room Is also large, with the high dining room twin window, Kitchen con veniently arranged, with nice light pantry. wi bricK basement; walls run clear down on all sides, making a large and well lighted basement Large bed room with big closet, well ventilated and placed to get the breeze In summer. Nice bath room, low down water closet with golden oak tank; heavy one-piece porcelain sink; city water; electric lighted all through, with a pretty 4-light ceiling drop with cut glass shades for living room; beaded amber and green tint dome for dining room, with pull chain sockets; polished oak snd beech floors; all inside wood work selected and I finished right: all dimension lumber strictly No. 1; floors all doubled over No. 1 shlplap with build ing paper between; tar felt between walls. Is built good, and although not as large as some, yet it has the same attention and good workmanship and finish as my larger nouses, its arranged so that an other room can easily be added at any time without taking from the good ap pearance or convenience. Let the rent you are paying for some old house, or for three crowded hot rooms In an apart ment or flat, make the payments on this cozy and well built little home. The price is oniy t,, iiuu casn and 818.60 per month, and remember, the monthly pay-' ments Includ the Interest; $18.50 actually covers all required payments, yet you have the privilege of Davlnsr anv tiari nr all at any time you desire. See me today. Theso 4-room cottages sell quickly, so come today, or any evening, to 115 8. Haicyon Ave., Benson. Take Benson car, get on at naicyon Ave., come south to No. 11a. Phones: Benson 122 and Ben. son 202. F. S. THBULLINGEE, BENSON . GOOD HOUSES LOW RENT. $20.0O-7-room modern, 4201 California. 20.0(Mi.r., part mod., 38H1 Charles. $18.00-r., part mod., 26th and Franklin. 19.0o-3-r.. part mod., 19th and Vinton. PHONE HARNEY 435, EVENINGS. 8-ROOM BAROATN 281$ Ames Ave., new bath and toilet, newly paperea and painted. Excellent condition. Only $26. 2214 No. 19th St.. K-nvim all mn I,,.. put In best of shape. A snap at $25, m io. u 01., s-r., an mod. wt. 60K No. 4lnt St.. A-r.. mnA ulth $27.60. V-' ' Mi Taylor St new 5-r., mod. Cott $20. 2ird. & Izard, 5-r., cott. fine shape, sit. 1141 No. lith St. 3-r. mnrt in h..n $12.60. " tw, cedar St., 6-r., cott. mod. (ex. lieaO, $16. 9!W Mo. 37th St.. good 6-r., cottage, $14. Cor. 34th & Parker, 4-r., cottage, $13. lklO No. 34th bt, 6-r., cottagtt, $a). Shelbv Cnurr tl9. ,nH r ,,Ar...rA.u . . ...... o-r., 81s. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, UZi Kamam St. 1407 N. 40th St., a partly modern 5-rooro rnttflir tu 4S13 Capitol Ave., an 8-room strictly mod- ern aeiacnea nouse in uunaee, Dar- 1325 S. 31st St., 6-room, all modern, Hans- com ram district, jau. 1318 S. 82d Ave...-rooni, all modern house In Hanftnnm Park Aiuirlnt 1A 2G09 lewey Ave., 7-room, Mrlctly mod em pncK aweuirg, witnin waiKintf liiHtniirA. hnt wuiar hao tJ1 1S18 Dodge, a 7-room, strictly modern dock aweiung, very close In, $50. FLATS. SUCH Ilimlllnn Kt l.U n.-tltt M HIOH N. 17th St., 3-R.. partly mod., $9. lS.tl N. 24th St fi-T? mnil o tie 181$ St. Mary's Ave., 7-R., modern except neai, very ciose in, III. 423 S. 26th Ave., 10-R, all modern, within walklnor dliitanc 1"!0 203T Howard, 4-R., strictly modern, close in, fil.ou. 217 S. 30th St.. 5-R., strictly modern, hot water heat, $27.50, 318 N. 25th St.. 8-R, strictly modern, in easy walking distance, $32.60. 610 S. 19th St., 6-R., striotly modern, vrv rlo In t3K S11HS. Lith St.. 5-R, strictly modem. new, own-in ouiiet, bargain at 836. 3125 Pacific St.. a 5-R., strictly modern pi. 1.0UIB apartment in the Field olub district, finished In quarter suwed osk, living room 20x18. large brick fireplace, bargain at $40. We have others nt Alii Anmnlats It A before renting. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. s FOR RENT. . . Six-room, modern house, except fur. nace. 20th and Mmvn tia n. .u , - - -- T.v fVI 1,11,111.11, Inquire M. Lela & Son, 2215 6. 16th. rnone u, tu. 6 rooms.4218 North 24th St.. $15.00. 6 rooms, 1110 Farnam 8t, flat. $18,00. 5 rooms. 311 South 8th, $15.00. 8 rooms, 4211 North 24th St, $20.00. 8 rooms, 8014 Mason Street, $35.00. 1H fnnm, 1041 ta.lr A .- . . . (n ( - - ..... um n.vuUR, 12 rooms, 2420 Cass Street 860.00. o rooms, tis Boutn 25th Ave., modern apartment, janitor service, etc., $40.00. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. T46. X' Tr'TT h timet at rriAma ,nA. l Orst-class repair, $a.00 & month. 3609 No. 16th St VINCENT D. DERMODY. 1514 City Nat'l. Doug. 786. SEE F. D. Wead. 1801 Farnam St.. for houses, S to 15 rooms tn all parts of the city. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St. IF you want your house rented list It with Crelgh, Sons & Co., 608 Bee Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage, 828 8. 84th St. 57$ S. 28th St 8 rooms, completely modern; $32.50. Hall, 433 Kamge. D. 74U6 ; A -4406, rTi , , c . . .. . 1 iiiw a-. uiuii LuiuMioa, luuuera except heat; 83d and Webster. Phone Harney 3362 7-ROOM, modern house, store attached, for sals reasonable If takan anniv 77tK and Franklin. Web. 1162. EIGHT-ROCK, modern In every rJT spect; oak finish downstairs; tiied bath room; gas stove In kitchen, hot water heat attached; $40 per month to good ten ant 2712 Jackson St Key next door east or at office, inquire of owner, 4vl city Nat'l bank. $128-r., mod. ex. heat, 1554 N. 16th St. ,$18-.r., mod. ex. heat, 1668 N. 16th 8t. $l6-6-r mod. ex. heat 2819 N. 20th St . $327.60 6-r., strictly mod., 2513 N. 16th 8t $28-6-r.. mod. ex. heat 631 a $0th St. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phones Douglas 1781, Independent A-1188 $618 Davenport. 3 rooms, close In $10. 649 So. 25th Ave., 4 rooms, close In, Ml. 651 So. 25th Ave., 4 rooms, close In, $1L 432 So. 24th.. 6 rooms, all modem, $30. 2126 No. 16th. , 4 rooms, part modern, $16.50. 3w7 Jackson. 7 rooms, all modern, $32.60. 2K23 No. 16th 8 rooms, mod. ex. heat, $20. 334 No. 41st., rooms, all modern (fur- nisneo;, ou. THR BYRON RRRn mMPINT Doug. 397 A-iK34. S18 So. 17th St. NINE-room, $40; bath on each floor; steam heat with thermostat and every modern convenience,; lot 200x150. on as phalt street, 60 fruit trees In bearing, ete. One-half block from two our ;lnes, !r ney and Cuming. Location, comer. S2l Burt. Phone F. H. Dufrene, Douglas 1598. H0U8M ln a" PrtB the city. "uuaca Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap fre'ght ratea; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel Doug. 394; offlo 216 8. 17th St. TWO seven-room houses at 4156 Cm snd 4012 Farnam St. Call Douglas 4040, or 5-ROOM cottage at 3919 T street. So. Omaha, $15.00 pvr month. - C. Pundell A Co.. 217 McCague BldK. Doug. S293. FOR RENT Dutiiles, strictly modern 7-room house at to Mfcsfl$) 4Ven- OFTORED FOR RENT Houses and Coitaarea. 8M.75 PER MONTH This highKilass strictly modern 7-room house is located on a beautiful level lot only one-half b'.ock from the car line. Concrete walks all In and surroundings very best. The lot Is level, sightly and has a nice ter race. Nothing but new houses on this street, and all good. The outside appear ance of this pretty home is attractive and pleasing, you will like it.. Has a ?4 foot porch, boxed, and with sided rail ing which gives privacy and adds to the appearance. Very heavy Oak door, latest 1912 (JesiKn. with 8 small, beval n ate glasses at top. The reception hall is large and Inviting with pretty and neatly finished open stair case. Wide plain mission opening to large South side liv ing room, well lighted. Another wide opening from living room to big dining room with three h uh dining room win dows In triplet frame. Opening from the aining room is a nice den that can be utilised for sleeping purposes if needed. This den has four windows and makes a fine summer sleeping room and has a built in wardrobe. Kitchen Is large and conveniently arranged to full concrete basement with wide grade door. Furnace fully guaranteed and will heat the house right. Stair case has a very easy tread and leads to large and well lighted hall. On second floor, two more large bed rooms with a big closet for each, bed rooms are full celling and roomv. Pretty bath room fully equipped with very best grade plumbing, hot and cold water, heavy 4-lnch rooled rim porcelain tub. neat lavatory, low slphtn water closet, rreaicine cabinet with bevel plate mirror, heavy l-ptece rolled rim porcelain sink In the kitchen and sink and water con nections ln the basement for laundry pur poses. Clothes chute from upper hall to basement. Electric lights all through and beautiful fixtures, 5-llght electric snower in the living room with heavy brushed brass ceiling pan. cut glass shades, artistic 4-llght electric shower with art glass shades for dining room piece. Oak, pine and maple finish. Floora have Red oak. machine scraped, sand papered, smoothed and polished to dull gloss. This attractive home is right up to the minute and at a price that Is right Built good from the ground up. Floors doubled. 2x8 joists all through, all Joists, studs and rafters on 16lnch cen ters. All lumber No. 1 grade and put together by high-class workmen. It is an attractive home on a beautiful lot, and ln a splendid location. Let the relit you are paying make the payments on this high-class home. Price, $3,975. $245 cash and $29.75 per month, monthly pay ments Include the Interest See me to day, early as possible. Take Benson car, get off at Halcyon Ave., come south to No. 115. Phone Ben. 122. F. S. TRULLINGER, 3414 Cass St., 5 rooms $ 7.00 2316 Rees St. 4 rooms 8.00 923 N. 27th Ave., 6 rooms 1100 4210 Nicholas St., I rooms 16 00 2235 N. 20th St, 6 rooms 18.00 1515 N. 20th St., 6 rooms 20.00 Fiat, 2303 Leavenworth, 6 rooms 20.00 Flat, 2231 S. 16th St. 27.00 8804 N. 24th St, MODERN 25.00 120 N. Z5th, modern, 8 rooms 35.00 1127 S. 81st, modern, 10 rooms. JOHN N. FRENZER BOTH 'PHONE8. TW'O HOUSES FOR RENT. Two 6-room modern houses In brick block, north part of city, $25 per month each. Just the place for two families who want adjoining homes. These houses have separate furnaces, hardwood finish upstairs and down; floors finished for rugs and are almost new. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Douglas 690 1603 Farnam St. HANSCOM Park residence, ten rooms besides laundry, pantry and bath rooms, modem, large porches, fine shade and lawn, at S. E. corner of 31st St. and Pop pleton Ave., $40 per month. Inquire of owner, S. A. Searle, Tel., Harney 1525 or Douglas 680. 619 N. 19th. 9-r. all mod, $40. 3215 N. 25th St.. 7-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. 408 N. ifith, 6-r. mod. ex. heat,' $18 1328 Park Ave, 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $26. 1109 Bnggs, 4-r.. C. W. and gas, $13. BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. 411 No. 21st, 6 rooms, mod. $35. RINGWALT. Brandeis The. Bldg. GOOD brick rooming house, 1106-7 N. 19t'h; 14 rooms; $50; 28 rooms, $100. Eight-room modern house with large sleeping porch, 119 S. 42d St., $42.60. Ten-room house, 974 N. 27th Ave., $25. Six-room house, modern except heat, 2716 Charles St.. $18. Six-room house, 978 N. 27th Ave., $15. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. 3815 Charles, 8-r. modern, $30.00. 2431 S. loth St., 6-r. modern, $24.00. 2t26 Capitol Ave., 8-r. modern, $27.50. 18i S. -mil St., 6-r. mod. ex. heat, $18.00, i924 Dupont 5-r. part modern, $12.00. Ib20 Ohio, 6-r. part modern, $15.00. 8030 S. 18th St., 4-r. part modern, $8.50. 1412 Westerfield Ave., 4-r., city water, 57.60. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 8X. 608 Bee Bldg. BUY With Bent Money See "Rent talks" ln "For Sale" column Bee and News. Worth $$ to you. Charles E. Williamson Co., 101 S. 16th, Cor. Dodge. HOUSES FOR RENT. $16.00-6-r.. 412 80. 27th Ave. $27.60-6-r., flat, 1615 Howard St., mod ern except heat 27.60-6-r.. SU4 No. 80th St., modern- Garage. WO.tio 211 So. 4ind Bt., moaern. t"!2SO 7-r.. 1426 Emmet St.. modern. gas neater, shades. $37.50-7-r.. flat, 619 So. 16th St., modern except heat. J45.W 9-r., 414 No. itn ot, moaern. 147.SA7-r.. flat. 620 So. 16th St.. modern. heat furnished. iKK flft 7-r.. hit Sn. 16th St.. modern, heat furnished. GEORGE Ss COMfAINr. Phone D-758 or A-1756. 902-12 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT. No. 136 N. 87th St., nearly new, modern 6-room dwelling, $30. No. 2013 Grace St., modern 7-room nouse, hot water heat, $25. No. 1621 a. 89th St. 6-room nouse, mod em except furnace, large yard, $25. No. 1102 S. $2d St., large modem house, corner lot, both streets paved, barn, $46. . No. 1123 8. 82d St., large modern house, east front, paved street, car line, $50. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. FOR RENT. $142821 Seward St, 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $18.503812 Parker St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat. $25-4229 Franklin St., 6-r.. all modern bungalow; good. $30-623 N. 19th St. 7-r.. all modem. $30-213 S. 29th Ave., 8-r., all mod; good. $40-615 N. 41st St.. 7-r., all mod., ne?. $40Hlghland Terrace. 4006 Harney St.. $ rooms, all mod., excellent location; very fine. 8&02654 Harney et. 8-r., mod., brick; excellent condition. D. V. SHOLES CO.. 81$ City Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49. 608 6. 26th Ave., 6-r. St. Louis flat 2d floor, strictly modern, $32.60. , 119 S. 26th St, 8-r., mod., close ln, $32.60. 8Sth and Grand Ave.. 8-r.. modern ex- eept heat, $10. 10Z7 b. zeth St., s-r., natn ana gas, us. M3 N, 27th Ave., 8-r, city water, gas and toilet, $12.50. Northwest corner 84th and Corby Sts., new, 4-r. cottage, $10. S. P. BOSTWICK, Tyler 1508. . 218 S. 17th St AT V.f9"il"if kit n sre mrtrlarn ATfArtr tlAt 949 No. 26th St., $20.(10 per month. VINOEJST O. IJJfittMlJUr. 1514 City Nat'l. Doug. 78. 12-ROOM house, all modem, suitable for roomers and boarders. Owner pays water and removes garbage. 26th and Harney Sts. Only $46. I. Zlegler. 408 Ware Blk. Tel. Douglas 159L RENTAL SNAPS. $16, 6-room, modern corner flat, 1902 So. 10th St. $25, 6-room, all modern St Louis flat, 15W N. 20th .St $&, 6-room, modern flat, 820 N. 16th St. $23, 8-room, modern home. 1518 Ohio St. H. A. WOLF. 432 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8068. 604 So. 36th Ave. 7 rooms, modem. $32.50. 110 So. 25th Ave. Location and arrange ment, suitable for roomers, $30. 2010 No. 18th St., & m Grace St. 10 rooms each. Modern, $25. 708 So. JS9th St 8 rooms, strictly mod ern, bam for garage, $t. 1747 Sn. 28th St. 7 rooms modern except heat. $30. 605 So. 29th St, 6 rooms, modern. $22.50 W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. No. 1320 Farnam 8t. 6-ROOM house, cistern, laundry, mod ern except heat o4 in. zstn Ave. weo, 3965, OFFERED FOR KENT Houses and Cottages. FOR RENT-An all modem new 5-room cottage, floors and wood work oiled and varnished, $22.00 per month. Owner pays water rent Mis Ohio St. Apply isis Loth rop St. 6-room house, modern except heat. S33 ts. a. Tl.w. Mar. 706. 8-ROOM house, newly decorated throughout, 2511 Corby; key at first door west. 22.60.' 25TH AND FARNAM, strictly modern, new eight-room house. 'Phon' Harney 4709. A real home, pretty lawn, electric light, all modern. 9-r., $46. 726 S. 87th. W. 2590. 2818 N. 19TH AVE. Eisht-room modern house; newly painted and decorated; water paid; rent $25. McEachron Realty Co., 20th and Lake Sts. WCY1 T) CWT A lorn kHnlr hmlKA ir.lt about 5 acres Improved ground at Sher man- Ave. ana spruce bl, suiiame jw club, hospital or Institutional home, as well as private residence. $5 per month. 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2137. 8-ROOM modern house; $25.00 per month. 3527 Charles St. Also 3-room cot tage, 3632 Hamilton St., $10 per month. Tel. D. 776 or D. 1017. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, furnace, lawn, shade, walking distance. 1040 S. 22d. D. 6422. SIX-ROOM house, all modern except heat, 1408 N. 23d St.. South Omaha. Phone Douglas 4o64. 1569 N. 20th, 6 rooms, modern, $20. 410 N. 22d, 10 rooms, modern, $50. 2SS5 Burt. 6 rooms. $15. Others. Rlngwalt, Brandels Theater Bld,g NEW. modern. 8-room house, nicely decorated; sleeping porch; one block from Hanscom Park. 2307 South 33d. Telephone Harney 2931. 601 S. 28th St., modem, 7-room cottage, lawn and shade. Walking distance. Stores and Ofiice. M'CAGUE BLDG. 16TH AND DODGE. Attractive offices; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. STORES FOR RENT NEW BUILDING IN AUTOMOBILE DISTRICT. 25TH AVENUE AND FARNAM STREET A fine, new, 2-story building, with full basement, 60 feet frontage on Farnam St., 120 feet in depth; steam heat and modern in every respect. Space can be secured for either 20. 40 or 60 feet front age. Make arrangements now for lease while changes can be made as you de sire. $60 per Month-617 S. 16th St., rooms 22x 60 feet with full basements; fine, new, modern store fronts, suitable for any good line of merchandise, fixtures, plumbing, etc. $85 per Month-422 S. 15th St., room 22x CO feet, In best of repair, only four doors from Orpheum theater. $85 per Month-613 S. 16th St., alley store room, Just south of the Union Outfitting Co.; double show windows; full base ment; ln splendid repair. IN CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG 411-413 S. 16th St., 2 fine store rooms in the best shopping district. See us for terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902-12 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones D. 756 or A-1756. ON HARNEY ST., NEAR 16TH. fine storeroom, 27x132 ft. ground floor; first-class for cafe, stationery store or other business which could be close to ltlth and Harney Sts. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 913 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 49. NICE store, 1909 Cuming, $25. JOHN W. ROBBINS. lt2 FARNAM ST. 1012 Farnam St. 3 floors and basement W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. No. 1320 Farnam St STOREROOM, corner 25th Ave. and Cuming, with large basement, $30. Storeroom with modern show windows, 1320 N. 2lth, $30. Storeroom with high, light basement, corner 17th and Cuming, $50. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 Mc Cague Bidg. Phone Douglas 1300. WE have at this time several very desirable office suites especially adapted for wholesale or broketage firms; both retail and wholesale districts within a radius of a few blocks; will make a good proposition to the right parties; rent reasonable; for further Information call or write National Fidelity and Casualty company, 12th and Farnam. 1606 Davenport. U. B. Balcombe. FOR RENT. 1113 Harney. Two-story and basement, brick bldg. $60. First floor 15th and Jack son. 60x60. Suitable for garage or manu facturing. Will divide. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-6 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Doug. 2181. 4134 HAMILTON, with 5 rooms and bath in rear, barn, $20. Phone Douglas li98. 3018 Cuming, with 3 living rooms $20.00 609 S. 13th, with basement 25.00 Barber shop. 111 S. 15th, basement. JOHN N. FRENZER BOTH 'PHONES. NEW, centrally, located hall, well equipped. 1608-10 Harney St. Third floor at 1508 Harney St., (new.) Office at 1617 Farnam St., 2d floor. Store at 1411 Harney St. Store at 985 N. 24th St. Store at 937 N. 24th St. Store at 836 N. 26th St, South Omaha. O. C. REDICK. Att'y, 1617 Farnam St. Will Erect Store and Warehouse for Lease We have 33x133 feet on Douglas street with trackage in the rear, and will erect two, three or four-story building on It and lease for ten to thirty years. See us or full information. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 S. It7h St. Warehouses. THREE-STORY warehouse with ele vator. 14th and Nicholas Sts. Call Ben son 152. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. NEW gas stoves for sale, cheap. 1919 Clark street. AM LEAVING town: must sell out our entire stock of furniture and carpets. 2209 Cuming. Furniture for sale, owner going abroad. 1117 So. 34th St. COMPLETE flrBt class furnishings from 7-room house, reasonable. Leaving oity. 601 So. sist at ctv tt ABif rilnlnv rmm net: center tables, rocking chairs and other furni- ture. ziub ginney pi.- Musical Instruments FOR SALE A new $209 Victrola; has never been used. If Interested ask for price. M 2u7, Bee office. Typewriter. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 8 Oliver typewriter, 1 months, $4.00. 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer company. WE rent you an up-to-date typewriter one month for $3. or 8 months for $7.50. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co... 1318 Farnam k. Omaha. riii TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months $5. Central Typewriter Exchange. Miscellaneous. OLD SAFES. DERIQHT. 1S18 Farnam St SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American supply co.. nw rarnam ot. t.tY) O . T C T ...Kan. Umiltft, nil.. pamphlet stitchers. No. 2hb, ln first class condition; power pulleys attached. Apply to the Omaha Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hanu carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Toe Krnnrwlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-4v S. Itth street. FOR SALE Good law library. Address! Mrs. LaVerne Miller, Alma. Neb. j OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous. t POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N, So. Omaha WILLOW go-cart cheap. Harney 2658. FOR SALE National cash register; good as new. ilO Harney St; Douglas 97; Omaha. . FOR SALE Cheap, Perfection blue flame oil i:ook stove, three burners. 414 N. 2Sth Ave. DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, etc.; see us first. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. PEi 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. WANTED All fat folks to regain a superbly charming figure. It Is a crime against health, happiness and common sense to permit oneself to be a bundle of fat. Fat Foe the enemy of obesty res cues from the thraildom of fat. It's the great fat reducer people are praising. It gets at the root of fat evils. Fat Foe surely makes fat go. It reaches the cause. It is based on elimination, as similation. ,Ohe part is an obesity herb tea, which makes a brew that is good for you. "Sip your fat away." An "easy to take," harmless, pleasant effective, home treatment. A real Joy to fat folks. Price only $1.00 for large, complete, combination triple treatment. Don't fail to buy it now. Sold in Omalia by SHerman & Mc Connell Drug Co.. (four stores); Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam Sts.; Myers Dillon Drug Co.. i6th and Farnam Sts.. and Merchants' Drug Co., 16th and How ard Sts. Out-of-town customers can buy Fat Foe by mall at $1.10 from above dealers. - Tour own druggist can get Fat Foe for you from his wholesaler. The quicker you buy Fat Foe the sooner you will become slender, comfortable, happy and healthy. $1.00 starts you today. Fat is dangerous, so don't delay. CORNS removed scientifically, 25 cents (Parisian method); Dr. Edwards, chiropo dist. Room 327 South 13th St. VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 309 S. 15th. Masgage Mrs. Rlttenhouae, 3o8 Boston Bid THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in tact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and MASSEOTHEKPYt ond Allen of Chicago. 109 S. 17th, 1st fl. D. 766a. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be. directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Body Massage, 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 7761. M ASS Aft K Swedish movement. AP't ilia.QOaUi 2 m2 Farnam. O. 6340. ANNA H. MARKS m nam. Davldge Blk. Ap't 3. Red J629. BATHS, Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th & Pierce. D. 43S0. MASSAGE treatment. H BLACK water baths for rheumatism, neuralgia, nervousness, skin diseases, liver and"kidney troubles. Beautiful location. Five railroads. Appointments first-clas. Westfleld Mineral Bath Sanitarium, Westfield, N. Y. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moies permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg.' FULL pint pleasant, effective dandruff cure and scalp tonic only $1. Cures all scalp troubles.. Write Dr. Chance, Scalp Specialist, 8815 Minnehaha Ave., Minne apolis, Minn. POULTRY AND PET STOCK COLLIE, COACH DOGS-Partlculars for stamp. E. .Wood, Glenhaven. Wis. WHITE toy Doodle duds for sale. Phone Webster 3289. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warranta W. Farnam SntitSi A Co., 1320 Farnam St OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. 6 fTTV T.DAK.q H.m..r..lh.r " co. 4io-3iz urandeis Theater Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. weaa. weaa mag., istn ana r arnam LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Broc. GARVIN BR0S.oLrha dence properties, $1,000 to $500,00. W. H. TLirtw AU r.'.o in, . 1.' . , , , -. , Ai-ijonn.B, pw rrnt m 1 X3anK - i3iag. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS Farm and city property, J. H. Dumont & Son. 1602 Farnam St. Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oma, REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE you a 4 or 6-room house for sale; If so will you take $200 down and bal ance monthly. I have clients for houses in all parts of the city. I. N. Vogel, 41a jvaroacn diock. WANTED TO BUY. Household gds, clothes & shoes. D3971 B1958 Bachman buys, sells furn't're. 2103 Cuming BEST prices for scraD iron, brass, rags. bottles. Call Finkelstein. Doug. 7610. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing. 521 No. 16th. ' Douglas 7726. BOTTLES Buy, sell and exchange. N. Steinberg. WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN with dog wants room and breakfast with private family; state particulars. Address A 626, Bee office. HOW about that house you have been trying to rent? I have clients for houses in all parts of the city. I. N. Vogel, 413 Karbach Block. Phone Douglas 3691. WANTED Warehouse room, about 1.000 square feet, ground floor; must have trackage and be ln wholesale district Address C- P. Norwall, 400 Ware Blk, WANTED By Oct. 1. heated flat or strictly modern house of seven rooms, close in. Address J 645, - Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE GRANT, 2U Brandels Theater. D. 8380. FOR-SALE OR EXCHANGE A BDlen- did lot located at 2826 Franklin St. on paved street; cement walks, sewer and water pipes are laid ready to be con nected. Telephone owner. Red 4301. SOME GOOD EXCHANGES- Look them over carefully. They are all priced right 160-acre wen improved Platte ralley farm, one mile to county seat: eouitv $5,600. Want small place. 160 acres good Keith county farm land (unimproved), $3,200. Want Omaha cot tage. 240-acre Kteth county improved farm? 140 ln crops; $7,200. Want Omaha income. 400-acre Improved farm near Curtis. 1200 ln crops, $12,000. Owner moving to Omaha, wants income. 230-acre Sarpy county valley farm. 1110 an acre; equity $14,000; for Income. 720-acre hay and stock ranch, best in the state. Rock county; equity $14,350, for income property. 800 acres well Improved alfalfa ranch, Hayes county, $30: equity $16,000. for cood Income. v 1,800-acre improved stock ranch (a rood one), Scott's Bluff county,: $15 an acre. Income for -two-thirds. 20-acre Blaine county stock ranch, close to town: 160 acres hay, running water. For Omaha or South Omaha income. "Brick flat 4 apartments, rent S100 a month. - Want good little farm. Brick . flat and eight town lots, well located. Owner wants to move on ranch, where he can rent' several sections ad Joining, cheap. Will Invest about $13,000. W. W. MITCHELL. Agent, . 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb FOR SALE OR TRADE. 160 acres, all under cultivation: i?s acres in corn, balance ln wheat: no im provements; 1 miles from Indianola. Neb. This belongs to an old couple who will trade it for a home In Omaha, as thev are living here at present. The place Is Iree from incumnrance. would like a home around $5,000. TOLAND & WILEY, r'none D. 6707. 118 Bee Bids. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (109) Well improved half section farm, near Crandall. Clark county, S. p., -at acres ln cultivation. Balance of it hay and pasture. Well watered by never failing spring- Price $60 per acre. Encum brance, $4,500. Owner will, trade i .lor smaller farm in Kansas. Nebraska,. Iowa, or Minnesota. Could use good merchan dise stock up to $8,000! This farm will stand the closest investigation. (110) ) acre irrigated near Culbertson. Best of land. Owner will exchange for good hay land. Price of this irrigated land $125 per acre. A big bargain at that.. (112) Choice 240 acre farm, 1M; miles' from Winnetoon. Knox county. Neb, ,40 acres in cultivation, 10 acres alfalfa- .V) acres bottom hay land. Lays level, and all good black soil. For sale for cash. $105 per acre. Owner might possibly talio $10,000 stock hardware or close in rejsi-' ... dence property. :. ; (113) 155 acre farm, Vernon county, M0. Well improved, big house, big baru, efher good improvements. All can be culti vated. Lays well, big orchard. Price, $18 per acre. Clear of encumbrance. Wants to exchange for good farm ln Nebraska. (114) 330 acre farm, near Bartley, Neb. Good Improvements, lots of them. 6 miles , to town. Good road, 220 acres level and In cultivation. Balance pasture. Price, -$50 per acre. Clear of encumbrance. Will trade for Illinois land or Eastern Iowa. Will assume a little on first class farm. (116) 160 acre farm in Stanley, county. S. D. Price, $25 per acre. New lVt story house, nice barn, 20 acres broke. 4j acres fenced and cross fenced, land slightly rolling, all can be plowed, rich loam soil. Party will trade for acreage close to good town. Will consider as high us 40 acres. (117) 160 acre farm near Wilcox, Kear ney county, Neb. One of the best laying quarters in Kearney Co. 5 room house, new barn, all other Improvements, nearly all cultivated, no waste land. Price, $17,60'V encumbrance, $5,000. Trade for larger farm at less price per acre.". (118) $10,000 stock of shoes located in Wichita, Kan. ' Best location in town. Largest room In Wichita used for. an ex clusive shoe store. No better stock to be. found. Owner will trade for land or city ' property. ' (li!) 2,080 acre ranch, 5 miles north of Hemingford. Box Butte county. Neb. Price, $25 per acre. 250 acres in cultiva tion, large square house, good,, barn and water, fenced and cross fenced,. 1.440 acres level, 640 acres rolling. The very, best of soil. Mortgage $11,400. Owner: wants good Income, or would , consider . large stock merchandise. . ,;. . : (120) 320 acre farm near Overton,' Daw son Co., Neb. Price, $100 per acre. AH smooth valley land, first class-Alfalfa.. 130 acres now In Alfalfa, balance', in wheat, corn and hay. Alt fenced . and cross fenced. " Nice set improverne'nta, good repair. Encumbrance, $12,000. Pre-" fers M land somewhere in. .eastern part, of Nebraska in exchange. (122) 120 acres prairie land 7 mifes. east of O'Neill, Holt Co., Neb1. - Prict," $35 per acre, mortgage, $700. Lays beautt--ful. Owner will trade for small' stocl? bt hardware or merchandise." " (123) 240 acre farm 7 miles S. E. of De-. Gray, Hughes Co., S. D. Price, : $30 per -, acre. Mortgage $2,775. All raw land. Best' of soil. No encumbrance. No '.'improve--.' ments. Owner will trade . for horses, -cattle, town property, or- smaller tract or. : land.' : '.....'":'..; (124) 160 acre farm in Holt Co., Mo. Price, $120 per. acre. Encumbrance, $7,500. 2Mb miles from town, lays level, 120 acres, in raw hay, 40 acres In blue grass; fenced and cross fenced, no improvements,, very' finest of soil. Will trade for land hi Pierce Co., Neb., of near Norfolk (125) 800 acre ranch in extreme north eastern Valley county, Neb. Price, $30 per acre. Clear of encumbrance. Has small house, good barn, corn crib, gran ary and other Improvements. . Well watered. 5 miles trom good jnarket; Owner will exchange for Jewelry, drug, , music or merchandise stock. 1 J. A. ABBOTT & CO. 604-7 City Nat 1. Bank Building. ' Omaha, Neb. ; " WANTED General merchandise -.store doing good business in exchange for my farm of 90 acres. A nice home for you, good land, well improved; near Thayer, Oregon county, Mo.- ; J. W. Woods, Thayer, Mo. Route 2. '' f6rHeXCHANGE WeTf Improved "half section iaim three miles from good town' ln Stevens county, Minnesota; price, $17, ttOO; will accept merchandise up to. $8,000, balance time at 5 per cent; I want to go into business. Adciress owner, . T.' ' J. Campbell, Morris, Minn. . ' . , WILL trade my--lot, advantageously located, on paved Street, cement walks. This lot is absolutely clear; will taft.6 au automobile in exchange. Address K644, care Bee. . ; - USE 5-room, new, all modern bunga low in Miller Park district to trade, for vacant lot and cash. This is . a dandy.' C. SUNDELL & CO.. Douglas 3293. - 217 McCague Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE An estab lished paying business ln Council Biuffs. Will bear investigation. City property or land. Address D, Omaha -Bee; Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE A hs lit AC l U Xll'LB. t . Peed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of' flee In Nebraska. 208 Brandeis Theater. RU1LUEKS' lNFOKMAHUX. 7 Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming Sts. Fuchs, Son & Blind, palntincdecoratlng. ACREAGE :"Olt ALk. . ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. Orln S Merrill. 1218 City Nat. Bank Bldg. ORCHARD FRUIT LAND. Splendid acrage; 6 to 20 acre "tracts north of Council Bluffs; good road, con veniently accessible to Omaha & Council Bluffs markets and growers' shipping? association. This land is rich new soil, Just cleaned from timber. Especially adapted to fruit-growing, truck garden ing, dairying and poultry raising. The same kind of land improved only a few -miles distant, Is selling for $500 per acre. . Choice Tracts $75 Per Acre - On Term to Suit Purchasers. Let us show you this land. ' It may mean your opportunity to secure a' "fine home and profitable business with a, : small Investment. .. . .. . Day & Hess Co; 123 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la.' Ponca Fruit Farm HEIGHTS 41 acres, 8 miles north of Florence;; 18 acres alfalfa, 12 acres Concord grapes, 500 plum trees, 250 cherry trees, 120 ap ple trees, 4 acres blackberries; 8-room! t house; barn; Implements, stock, etc. -A j self-supporting summer home near Omaha. ., " - . For particulars and price see ' Arthur J. McShane 319 First National Bank Bldg. -Phone Douglas 1576. ! Ten Acres A beautiful ten acre tract, highly im proved with all kinds of bearing fruit' Good house, barn, windmill and etc., only four blocks to street car.' This tract will be ready to plat Into' lots in the near future. And can be sold at a big profit to the buyer. Phone Tyler 1506, S. P. Bostwick Sole Agent. 218 So. 17th St.' Sft-ACRia Pt.lPV" Four miles out near Statp.rwf Dumb Institute. An exceptionally good place. Smooth rich garden land., much nf it In a HttlA linlnnd vnllnv ,.. out and not subject to overflow. Good 5-room cottage huosr. good barn and 5 acres oi rearing orchard. L,evel road to city, utreet car line about m miles. Price $4,200. " CS' MV.EE REAL ESTAtK Co 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. 4, s