V . . THE OMAHA . SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 4, 1912. an ir u 8r mi - -J iiEi G vad4ezctiir ' TTeir sely Stated IFa te a ri d Fogu r es y WHITE GOODS CLEAN-UP AT THE LINEN SECTION XI ""WitfiTEiilf . . Men ' who cannot get should be represented by nishing'Section a lot of Union; Smtlongr or short , slecvevat'49e great vame. ,'.$1.00 Night Robes, full sizes,' neat'triminingsj 79c; ' t- ."lit' ' .B HfiWa Ponanino " marlnfftP ' rrnrA ' ... i grWdemadras, mostly dark pattrii8i,wrej$1.5ft: :;. : on MONDAY .... i.'..?AYJ..l.::r.'.'k&&c-r. This ad .had 'to be -written turday-in-tho ' midst : of - busy -business-impossible theri to tell 1 just ! what would be left , of ; the Saturday adveT- tised i temsbut; whatever islef t" will" be sold at ; same-bargain prices Monday. 'l!- V A : A Second FloorBib Aprons,, made f ibm 'hiwns,em- broidered- trimming,' n8ually3Mbttday ; :19C-;. "POLLY ANN' -Don't ; that sneettihopo, cal,' tidy, particular person f AThe' n to a lot of 'aprons which 'coraU'mad.o 'from : ' black satine for factory and othcrork'and irom ginghams for housework--sb.t)uldbe $i.00; MONT. ,.j DAY i.. r'. Ir. ;r; Vr.Tr.-;-; t:;f-.50c ? 1 1 i HEWSPAPERWAR IS ENDED Agreed. Findin; Watered . in,Ittidy . f Print. and Plate Cases. , i UNFAIR METHODS '' MUST CEASE Defendant ltea(ialued from Compe . IKion That fWoald: Resalt; ia . I DeatrnvtlOB o One and the ' '. ? 1 i'. i '. '." : j Monopoly for Sarvlvor. f f , Chicago; Au. (3.-with "the . niing .,ot u aereed. decree l ' a civil ntl-trusi Isult agalristi'tr Western' Newspaper (uulon ana to American een afiwclatloh; tl federal Kovernmnt today', took an' 60 ,iance step undntho, 'Shcrnjan law to pre vent what the" Department of Juatlce.re-' ,garded as tho poMlWIUy of a, combination to .Influence the thought of 60,000 readert ,Of rural newspaper,' ' , , ,'. r H The proceedings 'Inthls anU-truFt suit rwere terminaiea m.recora lime, unit ea States District Attorney Judge Kenesaw IX.. Landis entering the agreed decree lrn- ttiodliLtelv fnllnwtnir lha ftllnv of hn irni. U'rnnient's petition and the answers of the 'defendants. ; , ; ,', . ( ' .. !' i ' .. List., of ; Defendants. ; .,. i ,t.The suit was directed against .the folv flowing corporations and individual do jfeadants . : ? , 'Central '.West Publisljing company (hold ilng company of the Western Ntwspapei jurjon), Western? Newspaper, union, Wt jtro Newspaper union of Nw York, Oeorgq Joslyn of . Omaha, Neb.; John P. 'Cramer. Milwaukee; H. H. Fish, Omaha; 31. II. McJllllen, Chicago; American Press '! association,-, organised In New, "York; 'American Press , association, organised la iWest Vlrginlst; .Qourtlaud Smith,, W, Q. Brogan and. Maurice F. Germoud. , - C in petition Mast Ceaae. . i. The decree is designed to end a bitter trade war ''between these corporations, which furnish" boiler plate" and '"ready print" to-thoasands of ceuntry newspa jpers. The defendants are restrained: from combining . or. continuing 'alleged i unfair methods In "competition which would re suit in-destroying one 'or the other -and a -, complete tnohopoly for 1 the ; survivor with all its potential power of Influencing I the sentiments un economic and other Im portant questions of the readers of the 16,000 small, newspapers of the United sjtates,. which It Is estimated fall into tlie hands of two-thirds of the people of the 'country. . . : '.'".," . ' I ' A . Kortnaata "Tesaa. : . K. W. Goodloe, Dallas, . Tes.. found a . sure relief for malaria and biliousness in I Dr. King's New Ufe Pills. Only Sc. For ;tale by Beaton Dnig "Co. Spinsters Confute , : the Utterances of , ; Colorado Minister (Continued from Page Ons-1 . ' Haffner' advecatas, scclrty would i?' ; tienj vtr niueh." Many . i.mrrle5 womcii, 111m.- the old woman who lived in the shoe, -have cJ uusiij' children Ihr floh'J. know - . : . . . . X . fJ . . ...... . 1 . U ... . . . . W r kiK)Tiit'.;it'.et! of a family ate atcdi-d to vlMCd a helping band. The lule xoman Iti'free to do things tor otiier pe.-piti rjmilifcijv wh caunptdo,fo -Jie,n t'O-viv. Tie Uicliflor maid -has a Cle- . - l ; AU(tht'- is leftof Dq undated Just-b day; they will He sold at 15 cenfs. T White Rose Suiting, made in England, 45 inches wide, formerly 35c, Monday, 25c. V Voiles and Batistes which sold 'upTtp f 15c; Jat;5-. We ' haVe -.two; couch hammocks, splendidly made, Equipped with' wind shields. We sold several" at ;$l2.50-aiiidHha general price. We can use the room to better advantage than the hammocks. Monday yours at$ v.: ; , : -: . to the store.' lonclay ? f(p" , , . , proxy, yein sell-at tiir- to s i tinot una In'motliering other" pejiple's ehll- flren.:-- 8he:,iis -,the opportunity) of, eld lu air.ftood.'cabllci oauseoi in thb.oam- triunlty Vhlch 'make for' the aUvancnment of cmltsatlom, 'while married women are lubiheVged in tKelr' liomes ahd. " their families. Tfiere Is wonderful' opportunity for - the1,' wtJmah lawyer 4 to .make - good. Women'wtll-go -to'hip'r when, they vould not.', go1 to n ; man woWeri lesc'rt'ed' by their .husbands.' In a'tariate ovter'nriSnertv or Ih trouble over helr, children. I cannot imaatne bow. inv man 'with' thnu,inaini and 'experience 'which! a Vnlnlstar 'lu tun. posed to havo cn ;ay that single women ae , was ti, hymanity. ' Ho'w could' he say that; of such . a .woman, as Helen Gould? It, lsjcvjjn more;unju8t.to.say, thhj . of bjsl- iree women. , i noy cannot contribute money 'to the adVenrfmnt "of Vivili'..'aHAi but' 'they , can glwe "of 'their 'ability and sympathy,: whlpa ycome with training aud knowledge ;of. human nature" throuah ex. Miss lE,ter. A. Johnson:- "I 'am 'sun prlaad that any mkrt should make such a staternept; j Why.'i Just consider,, the, old maw teachers! We 'wouldn't have ; any clvillsatloh. at" all If It were not for them. Then 'take tlie saclaf workers. I , for one reel that Ilam l.dolng. as. much for the dvancement of civilisation . as If I wra managing.' '? home and children of my (. wn. I- feel that.lt Is not 'on-the single wOman 'doing .'social work that 'the' criti cism .Bhoold'. faH, -but ;on . the .married women ,wttn. wellHodp h,omes wb,i will not open them to 'membe of society wWaVe less fbrtflnate thin fhenweives." Ullllan Stuff. "'If all' the old m'alds ware esiled "there Woud be 'a good deaf of the hard worfcVf the world, left undone and many nwpiess ana uiirortunate people left uncared for. 'The old maids are; not sit- ting .around Idle. LctVe tell what I have vjuny as a.viiungi nurse, and nead of toe Visiting. Niirse dlapensary.' . This morning I vislted nine families, in every one bf.whlch'thW was serious alcknna. In one family, the ,mother Is In Vie last stages of ,'tuberc'ulbsis' and'eannot possibly take care of these ,t5fa children.. OiiCkohJl'd is 111 with Jnfantlle; paralysis.-1 , arranged mm J A f ' other fine white goods, sold formerly at 50c and 75c, of Checked Nainsook; double fold Flaxoh, etc.; made to retail at 30 cents, on Mon- Perhaps tho Biggest Thing for Stellar Attraction Will .All that is left of an importation of GENUINE JAP and CHINA. WASH SILKS, 32 and 36 inches ' Aide, the daintiest, coolest, most comfortable warm weather fabrics and cleanness and .wear con- sideredj the most economical for shirt waists, dresses, pajamas, night robes, pretty house gowns. Sold usually at $1.25 and $1.00: All that is left of this season's purchase of BORDERED KIMONO and house gown satins; 3 sold all season at $1.25. All that is left of the yard wide ; delicate STRIPED SILK SERGES splendid for wear; sold freely at $1.35, A. lot of 36-inch Pongee, $1.25 and $1.35 grades. 36-inch Black Taffetas and Black Messalines; all be sold at one price, PER YARD. ; , Rarely have you had an opportunity to buy such desirable . state all the goods are perfect and all guaranteed for wear. v , f . . .MISS JENNIB'KBDFJ ELD. . to send this child to a hospital In Lincoln. The baby I' took., out to the 'baby'camp In El in wood park, Which ls:at the oppo-, alto side1 of town frbrn where the family lives. In the afternoon' I was busy with patlsnts at the dispensary." Miss , Lily StrohK: "'This minister's rtatements sre really too , ridiculous to consider. --The Young, Women's Christian association is the outgrowth of .a great need of women.; Social conditions have made It , necessary . There tte a branch association in. every community of any slso all over 0e world educating and Christianising girls , and women. These associations are carried " on by single women. A married', woman 'would not have timo to do the, actlvo'work." ' ' Miss Mabel W." Porter:' "Of 'course, ' I do not agree with ' Itev. 'Mr. Huffnev. Tako tho single woman who (a doing so cial work. She Is constantly dealing with homes and families,"1 settling difficulties and giving aid ' of different ; kinds, ma terial 'and advisory. Women . are es pecially adapted to this 'Work. They are needed tb carry-on tho business of look ing out for the; needy and unfortunate." Summer SHows The ensuing week' brines' to a rloae 'the most prosperous summer season the popular Gayety theater has ever enjoyed. To make' the week a gale, one a pictorial treat of the hlghest'class that will leave but pleasant thoughts of the 'tween sea son's show in the minds ?f the thousands of tho 'week's 'prospective patrons; It has been arranged to present for the entire week the epitome in 'motion photography, the world's greatest, actresses In' their preatest successes. Sarah ' Bernhardt in "Camilla"', and Rejana as ; "Mine.' Sans Gene." These superb' pictures will' be presented identically as at the Brandels theater last -spring. In review of which Tho Omaha Bee said in part: , ; Mme. Sarah'' Bernhardt seems ' to have been- acting at her .best- wnen she-do-peared before the' motion picture machine that .produced the views which were shown at the 'UrandulH yesterday after noon- 'and evening. She appeared ',, as Camilla In the play of that name. ThU role she baa made famous asd the work she did' before the fliin-machine adds credit to har Kreat acting, If such a thing iu powlble. Those wlm have seen her .uiay -vamuie- win -.ie delighted in a-atchtng the motion pictures reveal her J great. art again. . The other placers who NT ,'V' ; .v. . . . : . . . . . . ; ; . . . . performed for the "Camille" pictures were members of the' Bernhardt Theater company. Still another ptioto play is given. It is that of "Mme. Rejane In her famous role of "Mme. ans Gene." In many ways this play is fully as Interest ing , and entertaining as Bernhardt' "Camille." "Mme. Sana Oene is a fam ous comedy, and In the photo play Mme. Kejano brings forth all her great bits of acting. Her two particularly well known scenes In this plav with Napoleon, the. one In which she brings his laundry to him and tho other, many years later, when she gives him the bill, are vividly realistic In the. views. These two 'great ; plays will be given continuously at. 'tha Gayety all ' week from 1 to 5 and 7 to 11 p. m. Next Sun day will see tho close of a fourteen weeks' summer run after which tho theater .will be turned over . to house cleaners, 'decorators and other artisans to preparo It ' for the opening of tho regular season' of extravaganza and vaudeville, starting on Sunday, August 25, with the record holding company of last season. Clarks' "Runaway Girls." "V High-clans motton pictures, Illustrated songs by Miss Alma Huntley and other vaudeville acts will constitute the bill -.it the popular Alrdoine for the week com mencing tonight." In response to request which have pled up all season It has been decided to make Monday night of this week amateur night. All amateurs Who present thomselves Monday, evening wl'l be given an opportunity to put on their acts, which will be Judged by the audi ence. Cash prizes will be given those who receive tho most applause. Every facility will be given tho embryo actors and actresses to present their stunts to the best advantage. ' A piano will be put on the stage for the ragtime players and a spotlight will be- given those who de-; sire to work in this light. Courtland Beach Is an attractive place for . plcnto parties. . Cool shaded places assure relief from - the . heat and much i pleasure Is derived from summer sports afforded by the lake front. The1 moon light brings added attention to bathing and boating.' Many take part in these healthful forms- of recreation. The sand bottom beach does' away with dirt and weeds and a clean,' fresh splash can : be had. There are plenty of rowboats and launches for those who 'wish to ride on the water. Popularity of this fun is ap parent by the number taking advantage of the excellent facilities. Dancing In toe open air Is in much, favor. The large floor and good music furnish a treat. The big roller . coaster and ' carry-us-a!l i are thrillers. Bowling aud roller skating aro enjoyable pastimes. Free moving plo tures ara shown on the beach. ." .! Krug park; is entertaining large crowds There are . vartyua ; forms . of amusement to- pleaaetall seekers fpr outdoor recrea tion. General Attention is . attracted to the big roller, coaster.. Its extensive pro portions make possible tho steep inclines that furnish exciting and - exhilarating rides. Popularity Jaavldenced by enthusl astlo patronage. A good treat Is afforded by tha Old Red Mill, in which stream flow through fairy lands -and the boats transport thalr passengers from warm to arctlo rones. Dancing in the open air pavilion to- excellent music by Buster's orchestra attraeta lows of this enjoy able pastime. Ftaa moving pictures bid well ' for a high place In public ? favor, 'rrangetaenta have been-, made. te .seat tha may? spfctatoi who: enjoy thls.'eVer growing form of 'recreation. --.' , f .. Beside? ,th general film moving flc- ' ., " . '' 'l - - ' ' ' ' ' p O'-ri N Monday the Real Be the i. goods at sale prices. ; May be well . n ' o n tures shown -free; at Manawa there will be'gtven also, free this week two vaude ville acts , each - afternoon ..and evening. Douglas and Douglas will present a taking.- acrobatic, novelty and . Introduce a canine comedian. who'ls- educated and funny.' Al .Leonhai-dt ! will' show dex terity and fun in a Juggling novelty.- RALL THIS WEEK SEASON'S ABTISTIC TBEAT KOYINO FICTUBE PSaPSOTIOK xno wToatest Acnsss in uta worta and of All Tims THE DEVISE- SARAH BERNHARDT In tha most Popnlar Drama In tha History of the Thsstra, Alexander Dumas' Emotional Xasterploce, UMIIXfc" Supported by liar All-Star Cast from tha Theatre Bernhardt, Paris. Tha Eminent Trench Comadienne Mme. Rejane SaV.M'.. Tha famous Ustorioal comedy. TWO OBEAT BMOVfS . TOM THE OWE PBICE. UATat tho usual prioa for a J f)fPer """Bernhardt performancs,','Uat HOT ETEH 75o a seat as was charged for these same superb pictures whan hows alsawhara ia flnilu immt ArJY?,EAe10c.K5D.8 n.ll 1 ta B:TtA 11 'amir rinivl Coma any time; stay lata C tAnLT CLOSINO DAT MEXT BTTVDAT. ( Regular Season of Kxtravaganxa Opens Sun. Mat, Aug. 25, with Last , Season's ' Record Holder, Clark sj RUNAWAY GTRL.S. Seats Aug. 2. Kippodroma, 18th and Soaglaa, Opens -Snndoy Matinee, Sept. 1. !" """"" '"" iiisMnasj LAKE MAIIAWA -"40 Minutes from Omaha." Most Beautiful Amassment , -.- - Park la the Middle Wait. BATHING BOATING DANCING '' Moving Piotnras Irery " . BTeainf TBEE. MAKT ' OTHEB ATTRACTIONS. Krug Park . Omaha's Finest Aniuseuient r Resort, , Danrlng Every Evening to - Huster'si Orchstr. . . Visit the Old Bed Mill, the - Dip-the-Dips, the Merry (io-Kouicd, the, Iennjr . Arcade .-';- and other attractions. . , i Latest In Moving Pirtures-i Every (Evening Free. ! ; BEKSOX EAGLES' PICXK," Saturday, August 10. , . "S'.'' AMISEMK.VTS. ' .'..'... Were you not reminded of Fall when the thermometer fell? The thoughtful and thrifty will be interested in the following INTERESTING ITEMS from the Drapery Section: Monday, 3d Floor, 8 A. M. One lot of Tapestry Portieres, sold up to $12.50; slightly soiled; at, a pair ........ $4.00 $6.00 Couch Covers, GO inches wide,' 3 yards long, at i One counter covered with Scrim Plain and fancy , . curtain nets, white, ecru and colored, sold up to - 3oe one price, per yard.'. ... . .......... .'.15c Holland Shades, odd colors, 6 feet long. . . . . ..19c ART DEPARTMENT Large line of Stamped . Pillows, sold up.to 65c each, will be closed out : at r..:. .v V; ....... .. . . . . . . '. . ; . . . . . . . . 19c . Vare preparing a sale on a lot of Fine Dress "Goqds' which should attract many. I you are V interested watch the windows. . No "buying a pig ;;'in a poke" at our store.' You see 'just what you; v are goingtb get and you always get what you see. , No subterfuge no fake no lying. All Sales Monday Start at 8 A. M. to -0 21 AMl'SEMENTS. -i : 1 i CIRCUS OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST SHOW GROUNDS 21ST AND PAUL STS. RWsTTrFTrc BIOOEST. GRANDEST PRODUCTION a ciRclu'sr M fritz MliifS AT !0 O'CLOCK A. M. BIG, PrtSIt first rltm.nc OntSOrTictctMntitr Clr'liw 3nM 17 Tn. K-Wtt. Admission and Bassrred Seat Tickets . isu ana raua dhwu, bi ue BEAUTIFUL Lake Manawa "40 Minutes from Omaha" Extra! Big Free Show Douglas & Douglas Comedy Acrobats with Trick Dog . ; . and Al Leonhardt .Comedy Juggler, will perform every afternoon , and evening for one week, commenc ing Sunday Matinee, " August 4 th. Moving Pictures Every Evening FREE BATHING BOATING . DANCING ..""---- And Many Other Attractions. THE AIRBOLVIE Farnam and Twenty-fifth ' Streets. . ' - "s'- Vaudeville and Pictu res JIO-MUV XKJU T r AMATEURS. .... $3.50 AMUSEMENTS. fiE7 STREET PARADE 2 PrfnMK Bally it 1 1 P.M. ton OMiat 1 1 7 R sold Show ay at Uyera-OUlon Drug Oo. aiuaa pnea cnaxgaa as ins gtoonas. 5N OURTLAIID BEACH BatJiing, Eoating, Fishings Dancing, to Lamp's. Orchestra.V Big Roller Coaster, Carry-Us-All, Roller Rink, . Bowling. Alleys and many other,', : , attractions.; - , Moving Pictures Every Evening FREE. LETTER CARRIERS' PICMC r Saturday, August 10. , RIVER EXCURSIONS TO FLORENCE AND RETURN Boat Leaves Dock Foot of Douglas Street at'; 2:30 P. M. and 8:30 P. M. Returning at 5:30 P. and 11:30 P. M. Dancing Free Bound Trip 25c The Bee's Phones? TYLER 1000 v For All Departments '; South Omaha Office, 2318 'n Street. Phone South 2. ; . Council Bluffs Office, 15 Scott Street. Phone 43. - - '