Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 15
3-B What Women Are Doing in the World New Charity Worker mssm , The Equal Franchise society will meet Friday at 3:30 p. m. at the Field club. ;M!ss Doris Stevens, who recently made a tour through Ohio, making speeches for otes for women, will tell about cam paigning for woman suffrage. VERY woman may have a head of The picnic which the Omaha Woman 'Suffrage society was to have had next Wednesday in Hanscom park has been postponed one week. The program will have talks commemorating the birthday of Lucy Stone Blackwell, the founder of the Woman's Journal, the foremost .American suffrage publication. The paper is now edited by the founder's daughter, lAlice Stone Blackwell. beautiful, glossy hair, and she can keep it or restore it to its original natural by using THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 4, 1912. fsem&Ljtmr six , Wff W color, m r I , The Frances Willard Woman's Chris tian Temperance union celebrated white jiibbon mission day Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Samuel Maxwell, The day ,was the anniversary of the birth of Mary Allen West, the first missionary sent by 'the union to the foreign field. ; Mr. and Mrs. John E. Marsh enter tained at dinner last evening for Mrs. 'j. M. Gross of Waverly, la., who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Fallon. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fallon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hanley. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Marsh. Miss Marguerite Fallon. , The Jewish Ladles Relief society will 'hold its regular meeting Tuesday at 2 p. Im. in the Pompeian room of the Brandeia 'stores. OMAHA SOCIETY IS TRAVELING (Continued from Page Two.) jpink roses supplied the decorations, and those present were: . Mesdames Mesdames 'J. B. Atkins C. B. Brown, of Council Bluffs, C. W. Rainey, 'George B. Darr, Louis Lorlng, E. B. Marr, C. Hendrickson, IF. J. Farrington, Setter. lwight Struble John Smith. of LeMars, la.; At Happy Hollow Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rees, sr., enter. tained six guests at dinner last evening at Happy Hollow in honor of Miss Ruble iPardoe of Sioux City, guest of Miss Hen rietta Rees. i M. H. Dunham had five guests; W. C. Leary, four; W. H. Thompson, four; (Carrol Belden, ten; Frank Clark, six; M. ;D. Hayward, four; A. W. Carpenter, 'five; W. F. Milroy, four; Joseph O'Keefe, .four; R. L. Roblson, five; T. F. Peter, 'son, seven; A. H. Westerfield, nine. Seymour Lake Club Mrs. E. R. Rose of South Omaha en tertained Friday evening at Seymour jLake Country club for Mrs. Dwight Strubel of LeMars, la., who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Smith of South Omaha. Those present were: ; Mr. and Mrs. James Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Cheek, ; Mrs. E. W. Rose, Mrs. Dwight Strubel, Mr. Harry Cheek. At the Field Club The following reservations were made Ifor last evening at the Field club: A. J. Vierling had fourteen guests; John F. (Dale, fourteen; H. J. Kelly, two; H. Mc ponald, six; Charles Ware, two; I. D. (Hough, four;, C. H. Bedwell, six; Arthur .Gross, sixteen; Arthur English, eight; 'j. O. Siford, four; E. B. Carrlgan, seven; ;C. H. Swanson, six; R. J. Dinning, four; 'Albert Cahn, four; Jack Kelly, four. Personal Gossip , Mrs. F. C. Best has gone to Salt Lake jCity for a month's visit , Miss Ruby Pardue of Sioux City, Is iVlsiting Miss Henrietta Rees. Mrs. C. P. Williams has returned from a three weeks' stay In Nebraska City. : Mrs. W. C. Slater of Fort Wayne, Ind., lis visiting her mother, Mrs. Allen Koch. Mrs. A. E. McGavock and Miss Lila Mc Gavock have left to visit friends in Kan sas City. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown and daugh ter, Marion, are home from three weeks (at Georgian Bay . Miss Emelia Rix Is in Chicago visiting jher brother, O. E. Rix, and W. II. Rix for several weeks. : Mrs. Annie E. Hogan and daughter, 'Adelaide, leave Monday for several weeks' Istay at Lake Okobojl. Mrs. E. E. Richardson and son, David, left Saturday for two weeks with rela tives in eastern Nebraska. . The appearance of Mr. Luther Drake, shorn of his mustache is calling for 'introduction of old friends. Mrs. T. W. McMullen and son left yes terday for Chicago. From there they FOR THE NECK AND SHOULDERS A Free Prescription That Instantly Removes Blemishes, Tan, Freckles and the Wrinkles and Marks Left by High Collars. The Dutch neck and the evening gown too often expose the dlscoiorations and hlemi.'-hej of high collars or the effects of tan and freckles, it is eay to over come these conditions and make the neck bfautitul and white and soft and smootn to remove, in other words, every blem ish and to make the Dutch collar as at tractive as it Is comfortable. This pre- ' scription can also be used on the shoul ders, and it is marve oua.y effective to beautify the hands and arm.'. If you want to try it go to your drug gist, get an empty two-ounce bottle, also . a one-ounce bottle of Kulux Compound. Pour the entire bottle or Kulux Into the two-ounce bottle, add quarter an ounce of witch hazel, then fill with water. Pre pare this at your own home and then you know what you have. One applica tion will astonish you. It is dellciously coot and soothing and Is not affected by perspiration. It will not rub off. If you put it on one hand only, or on one aide of the neck, and note the dlf leience you will see the wonderful change It makes instantly. The results are per manent, and continued use of tnis pre scription will result in a rkln as soft and ! smooth as a chlid s, a skin trom which redness and roughness and freckles have j been entirely removed. 6 r MISS EVA ALTO MARTY, who has Just worker. Miss Eva Alia Marty, arrived to take up the duties of an as sistant secretary of the Associated Char ities, is a wideawake young woman who has had exceptional preparation In educa tion and experience for social work. After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley, where she spe cialized in social science. Miss Marty spent a year and a half studying and in vestigating social conditions In the larger cities abroad. She took a course in sociology at the Sorbonne in Paris and made special investigations of conditions In London, Brussels and Rome. She vis ited most of the large cities of wetsern Europe, looking at everything from the standpoint of the sociologist and social will take boat for Duluth, where they will spend a month. Misses Sarah and Esther Richards left this morning for Denver, where they will visit their uncle, J. J. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Tom 8. Kelly left last evening for a two weeks' visit in Mo berly, Mo., and West Liberty, Ia. Mr. E. J. Cornish, who has been vis iting his Bister, Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, will leave this evening for New) York. Mr. II. M. Whitmore and Miss Emma Whitmore have gone to Little Rock, Ark., for a visit with Mrs. E. T. Reaves. Mrs. A. W. Jorgensen leaves Sunday for the Pacific coast and will later visit her sister, Mrs. W. E. Benedict of Seattle. Mr. Allan Smith, who was called here by the death of his father, Mr. A. B. Smith, has returned to hl8 orange ranch in Florida. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore, who have been at Long Beach, Cal., since June, are now at Victoria, B, C, having made the trip there by boat from Long Beach. Little Misses Margaret and Mary Wat tles will spend three weeks as the guests of Miss Helena Chase during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles in the east. Miss Stacla Crowley of Chicago, a member of the first class graduated in the Omaha High school and later a teacher In that institution, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fitzmorris. Mrs. Fred H. Cosgrove and son, Frank lin, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Neir at their country home, Rlvervlew, Orkin Bros.' Buyers Start East 3 i ) $ a"iic ,m & I'M - q wm Probably the largest corps of buyer, from any .tore In the middle west left Friday night for New York City and other prominent eastern markets In a special car chartered from the Mllwauke. railway. The above plctur. was taken Just prior to their .departure. They were In charge of Messrs. M. E. and J. L. Orkin of the new Orkin Brothers com Returning to America, Miss Marty tok the training course in lectures and field work given by the United Charities of Chicago as preparation for social work and became a regular member of this or ganization's staff. She has come to Omaha from a tour of the Pacific coast cities Pan Francisco, Portland, Seattle and others. Miss Marty says that social conditions are very much worse in the old Euro pean cities than they are in this country and that the consciousness of the edu cated and well-to-do on the other side of the Atlantic ia not so awake to the rlght3 and needs of the "other hair' as that of the Americans. near Calhoun, before their departure for their new home In Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Burns, who have been visiting Mr. Burns' parents at Ann apolis, Md., have gone this week to Westhampton, L. I., to loin Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burns for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Th.omas M. Orr are back from a tour of three weeks of the north Pacific coast. A portion of the time was spent in Seattle and from there by steamer they went as far north as Skag way, Alaska. Mrs. Joseph Allen and Miss Luella Allen and Mrs. Harry Birkmier of Fre mont, O., will leave the first of the week tor Estes park, Colorado. Mrs. Birkmier i3 Mrs. Allen's daughter and has been visiting here. Mrs. F. N. Conner and mother, Mrs. M. J. Stebblns, left this morning for a two weeks visit at Colfax Springs. Dr. Conner, accompanied by Dr. W. O. Bridges, will motor to the springs this afternoon, but expects to return Tuesday. Mr. Frank Wilhclm and Mr. Robert Burns are at a house party at the Cud ahy home at Mackinac. They were Joined in Chicago by Mr. E. A. Cudahy, jr. The party includes a number of Chicago young people, friends of Miss Helen Cudahy and her brother. Mrs. Stanley Hartman, who has been visiting her father, Mr. Albert Cahn, at the Loyal for two weeks, returns today j to Chicago with Mr. Hartman, who ar-1 rived Friday. Mrs. Hartman and her sis ter, Mrs. Isidore Witmark of New York, pany, which recently purchased the stocks and fixtures of the old Bennett company at Sixteenth and Harney streets. "Our sale of the old Bennett company's stocks concludes this week," said J. L. Orkin. "We have ordered new fixtures and will rearrange and refinlsh the en tire store with the Idea of making It one of the finest In the country. This is our first buying trip since our purchase of the Bennett company, and it la our pur Please bear in mind we Restorer will grow hair and uoior nam rui, n wm ceriamiy pui uie suip uipcucci condition quicker than any other toilet preparation on the market. After this is accomplished, a littletQ-B AN H MR snaae mat have a huse together for the summer on the north side near the lake. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Stuben announce the engagement of their daughter, Mae Elizabeth, to Mr. James Herbert Nichols of Terre Haute, Indiana, Price is Still an Admirer of Bryan William Price of Lincoln, formerly democratic candidate for auditor, and two years ago candidate for the demo cratic nomination for United States sen ator, was at the l'axton t riaay. Mr. Price was greatly pleased at the action the democratic state convention took in endorsing Bryan's work at the Balti more convention. "In his action at Balti more," said Mr. Price, "Bryan rendered the greatest service to Jiis country he has ever rendered." pose to secure everything of a reliable quality that will appeal to the people of Omaha. We shall pay particular atten tion to the medium and finer grades of the stocks we buy and we Intend to make It a store for everybody. We shall push the work In the store as rapidly as pos sible, and hope to have everything in good working order when our fall stocks arrive, which will be In a very, very short time." -Ban Hair Restorer. - RESTORER correctly applied will keep the scalp alive;healmyiandiull i of vigor, and nature itself will bringiback theirich,dustrous,matural .J carelessness nas aestroyea. ? immtm O-Ban Hair Restorer will restore woman's crowning beauty; $ Fifty tents perfiottle. SPECIAL NOTICE. A postal card In each package entitle you to eerie A UkutrttedS lecture on the "Care and treatment of hair and acalp." Theee lectures are Adl of netful information, and will sire your hair and Hessig-Ellis Drug Go. Memphis, Tenn. PHONE DOUG. 919. HOT MEM MORE LAUNDRY The hot August days the task of properly laundering extra linens. Let us shoulder the burden of your family wash. We will show you that our way is more satisfactory and much cheaper In the end. A trial this week will open a path for Just that much less worry each week. Let ua worry for you. AUMDRY'U The "WASHVUORD" of The Home Health and BY MKS. Mrs. J. I,.: Frequent slmnipoon with canthrox during the summer months in nurc a fine growth of brilliant, fluffy hair, rich In Its natural color and so responsive to the finder's touch ttutt do ing It up In a genuine pleasure. A t'-a-Kpoiinful canthrox dissolved in a cup hot water Is enough mixture, and when this is rubbed up it creates an abundance of while, thick lather ttmt quickly din solves all dust, dandruff and excels oil. Rinsing leaves hair and scalp Immacu lately clean, and the hair will dry quick ly and evenly. The .regular use of can throx gives to the hair that exquisite fluff and massy softness and will Insure a lovely growth. E. A. F.: A delatone pasto will re move the hairy growth. Mix enough powdered delatone with water to cover the hairy surface, apply and after 2 or 3 minutes remove, wash the skin and the hairs are none. This treatment Is harm less and does not discolor the skin. Anxious: Cutting the lashes Is danger ous. Apply a little pyroxln each night at lash roots with the thumb and forefinger and they will come in long and silky. Thin eyebrows will grow thick and heavy If pyroxln Is rubbed on with finger end. Use caution not to get anywhere hair Is not wanted. Mrs. O. H.: Turkish baths are a severe tax on the system. Try the parnotls treatment for fat reduction and I am sure your weight will soon be Just where you want It. To prepare, dissolve 4 ounces parnotls In 14 pints hot water, then take a tablesponful before each meal. This gradualy and surely dissolves the fat and restores the figure's symmetrical lines without possible Injury or inconvenience and when your weight Is where you want It, you can stop without fear of Its re turning. Lydia P.: Large pores and skin rough ness can be overcome with the aid of an almozoln cream-Jelly. This is made by stirring 2 teaspoonfuls glycerine Into V4 pint cold water, to which Is then added 1 ounce almoxoin. Apply generously to the skin each day and It will clear It of all local Impurities. This cream-Jelly is fine for beautifying the arms, neck and face as well as for banishing sallowness and that greasy condition, and it can also be used with good effect for rounding out do not claim that we know it wUl your money. Be sure to get tnem. ft. 8 Look for the Blue Wagons DAYS are here and! with them comes o Beauty Hints MAE MARTYN. hollows and dispelling fine lines or crow's feet as well as discouraging hairy growths. Mrs. Harry.: Impure blood is the cause of much sickness, and I would advise you to begin at once a kardene treatment. This is an old fashioned blood-cleanser and body-builder, and is made, by putting 1 ounco kardene Into V4 pint alcohol, then adding Vi cupful sugar and hot water to make a quart. Take one tablespoonful before each meal and it will gently ex pel poisons from the blood and tone up the entire system. This will give you re newed strength and energy and make you feel good. It Is especially good as a sum mer tonic, and its use frequently prevents serious sickness. Mrs. Tim.: Unhealthy scalps cause pro fuse dandruff, excess olllness and other upsets, and these In turn cause the hair to grow lifeless, brittle and fall out. Try the quinzoln tonic I frequently mention and you can correct all this. Just add 1 ounce quinzoln to V4 pint alcohol, then pour In Vi pint water and your tonic is ready. Frequent applications of this hair tonic will banish sculp afflictions, keep It healthy and Inducu an abundance of soft, brilliant hair, rich In Its natural color. Alma M.: You need have no fear of tan or freckles if you apply daily a plain spurmax lotion, made by stirring 4 ounces spurmax Into pint witch hazel (or hot water) to which has been added two tea spoonfuls glycerine. This lotion Is su perior to powder, because It does not clog the pores, and It Imparts an exquisite tint and velvety smoothness to rough, oily, blotchy or "muddy" skins. The regular use of the spurmax lotion insures a youthful complexion not possible by any other method. The spurmax lotion also Is invisible when on and is not affected by wind or perspiration. , Mona: Your dull, expressionless eyes, when treated with a simple crystos tonic, wiii soon regain their former brilliancy and expressiveness. To make the tonic, dissolve 1 ounce crystos In a pint cold water, then put two or three drops in each eye daily. Nothing equals the crystos eye-tonic for removing foreign particles, reducing Inflammation and for granulated lids. Its use often does away with glasses. Read Mrs. Martyn's book, "Beauty." $5. Adv. O-Banl Hair notiDye or ? j; Notts la i CCOtOR) 1 lasmZt: Vacation The best Matting Suit Case In Omaha for J 2. 00 others at all prices. Steamer Trunks Regular Trunks. The best values In Omaha. Freling & Steinle Trunk Factory. 1803 Farnam St. Phone Dong. 273. AH Low Shoes at Reduced Prices... "We must make room for our fall stock and in order to do it we have reduced the price on our entire stock of low shoes to fig ures that will surely move, them. Iney are divided into three lots Misses' anl women's shoes in odd lots, at one price 95c Misses' and women's Mon ogram shoes in all O. ni r sizes, one price. . VU tf Sorosis misses' and women's low shoes, all sizes, one Q O f C price .......C70 203 So. Fifteenth St. Karbach Block. MEET ME at Sherman .& Mc Connell's fountain; that's what you should say to your friends if you want to please them. We have an expert operator In charge at each of our stores. Our soda is pure, delicious, re freshing and everything that good soda should be. THE SODOAHS, 16th and Dodg. BtrMta. ' TBZ OWL'S VEST, letn and xarnaj Btr.ata, 8XXBKAW ft KbCOITVSU sxuo coKFAirr. If i m TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Farm Havaalne.