Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1912, Page 16, Image 16
16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912. HEAVY RAINFALL IN WESTI 3R Western Part of Nebraska and Kan- 4? sas and Eastern Colorado Soaked. SIX INCHES FALL IN SOME PLACES ( lonriliarat In Eastern Pert ot Colo I ratio Washes Ont Some of the Darlington Tracks Rain Works Itself V.nnt. According to the reports to the rail reads, the heaviest ralm in yearn were Ecreral over the western half of Ne braska and Kansas and over eastern Colorado and Wyoming Thursday night. -At the time of the morning report to the Burlington, heavy rains were falling all through the Republican valley lines In northern Kansas, the precipitation at that hour nearly everywhere exceeding an inch and In numerous places nearly double this. , Through Nebraska rain was falling as lar east as Hastings, seemingly much heavier to the west. Between Mc Cook and Benkleman the water as over the tracks and the low grounds nearly the entire distance was i lake. West of McCook and out Into Colorado, almost to Denver, one, two and even three Inches of rain was reported and in most localities still raining. .Xorth ot McCook and covering an area ot a couple of counties on either side, as far north as Alliance, station agents re ported one and two Inches and still rain ing, with every indication that It might continue for hours. Cloudburst at Pert. The heaviest rain on the Burlington system was on the Brush-Alliance line, jMt-l over in Colorado, south ot Sidney. There the rain assumed proportions of a, cloudburst, attaining a depth of six to ten inches on the level. Running down the draws and valleys, near Pceti sta tion, a long section of the grade was washed away and forty-nine of the heavy steel rails carried along. For a time this Interfered with the movements of the trains, but repairs were quickly made and by noon the line was passable., ' Along tne Union Pacific there were only light and scattered showers east of Grand Island, but from there west, as far as Rawlins, Wyo., there was rain a plenty. The east edge of the heavy rain at 8 o'clock, the hour of sending in the morning report, waa in the vicinity of O'Fallon. From there west to Sidney it ranged from one and one-half to two Inches, with as much as three inches west into Wyoming. Platte Valley Soaked. ' Up the North Platte branch of the Union Pacific there were heavy ralna all the way to Bridgeport, ranging from one to two inches, throwing many of the streams out of their banks. From Jules burg, all the way to Denver, tne rainfall was from one-half to . two Inches, but the heaviest was on the southern lines In Kansas. , . - On the St Joseph & Grand Island, Con cordia reported three inches, wi .i about the same amount of precipitation all along the main line through Kansas and Into Colorado. At Kills there was more than three Inches, while around Cheyenne Wells and for more than 100 miles west there was close to four Inches in many places. On the Northwestern lines there was little rain west of Chadron, but from there northwest into Wyoming and up Into the Black Hills country there was a Steady downpour laat night and this morning heavy showers over the entire Bom-steel country. Republican County Committee Opens Its Headquarters Many county committeemen visited the Douglas county headquarters of the re publican party yesterday in the newly opened quarters at room 750, Omaha Na tional Bank building. M. J. Greevy, sec retary of the Douglaa county committee, in in charge ot the rooms. Among the callers Mr. Greevy says there were two who were delegates to the bull moose convention at Liiftoln, who gave Mr. Greavy to understand that they would take no further action until they saw what the Roosevelt convention was going to do at Chicago. They are waiting to see whether or not they are going to be required to leave the republican party In order to support Roosevelt. The secretary has had the sign painted en the door of the rooms. The question ' has come up whether or not it should be labeled as the Douglas county committee, but it was decided that the first allegiance of the organization was due to the . na tional ticket, and so the sign on the door 'reads: . . "NATIONAL REPUBLICAN PARTY Headquarters Douglas County Central Committee." ""'The committee will devote its energies to working for the re-election of Presi dent Taft, and for the election of the en tire 'republican state and county ticket. Mayor Jim Learns to Drive His Auto "Wo-o-o." said J. C. Dahlman, Omaha's cowboy mayor, as he drove to his of-' fice yesterday In a new seven-passenger automobile, purchased for him by the city commission. "Wo-o-o, now," he concluded as the chauffeur brought the machine to a stop. Mayor Jim is learning to operate the machine himself. lie admits it Is more , difficult to drive than a buckln" bronco. When the mayor started out he had . listened attentively to advice on the proper levers to Jerk In emergency, but, his hands are more accustomed to the bridle reins than to a steering wheel and he can't get used to a stationary stirrup. Summer Undervvx Women's Venetian silk vesta, sky, pink and white ... $1.29 Women's Venetian Silk union suits sky, njnk, and white $2.08 Women's Fine lisle union suits, worth up to 75c, at. ...3c HI mmmM DOCTORS BAFFLED Summer Underw'r Boys' Porosknlt shirts 25c quality, 12c Boys' Swiss, Ribbed athletic shirts and knee length draw ers, each 8 Jc Women's lisle and cotton sleeveless vests and cuff knee pants, each ..12e si- Greatest Hosiery Sale EVER HELD BY ANY STORE Begins SATURDAY AT BRANDEIS STORES-Moin Floor 60,000 Prs. of Hose-Entire Stock oi an Eastern Factory at Its Value We bought the manufacturer's entire stock: on hand at less than half its actual value greatest hosiery bargains ever offered in the United States. 50c HOSE AT 29c Women's full fash ioned pure thread silk boot hosiery, also women's im ported silk lisle and maco cotton hoso also men's pure . thread silk hose with double lisle feet blacks, white and colors very best brands 60c qual ity at pair 29c Women's Finest Quality C A. Italian Silk Hosiery ... WVC Also finest thread silk hose ribbed, plain and drop stitch effects,' in all colors best quality of glove silk, tricot weave full fashioned, double soles. Actually worth $1 FfV and $1.50 pair, at a JQ)y( WOMEN'S HOSIERY AT 6c A PAIR. Medium weight cotton anl lisle thread and gauze hose, full seamless or fash ioned foot some have double spliced heels and soles good 15c and 25c values, at per pair 6c 35c HOSE; 12i2c "Women's silk fin ished mercerized lisle and cotton Lose; misses', boys' and chil dren's cotton and lise finish ribbed hose, double soles and double knees; genuine 35c val ues at, pair 12ic CHILDREN'S HOSIERY AT 6c PAIR Misses', boys' and children's fine cotton and-lisle finished hosiery in plain black, -fancy plaids ' and stripes, also fancy lace effects black, white i and colors, at per pair . vl Orairiidleis Stores INDEPENDENT PHONE POLLS BEING REMOVED Chief City Electrician Michaelsen has lcceived assurance . from, the Nebraska Telephone company that all poles used by tbe Independent Telephone company. now defunct, will be removed from city streets as fast as the lines are vacated There are 4,000 such poles, the majority it them paralleling- the lines of the Ne braska Telephone company. They will be used by the latter company for ex tensions. Objections were made when they were put up and since the Inde . jxndent company has gone out of busi ti ?s citizens have urged the Immediate removal of these pole. A Daag-eraM Wmd in rendered antiseptic by Buc Lien's Ar- , r."'c& Salve, the healing wonder lor sores. b : 7. piles, eczema and salt rheum. Sc. 1 ar tale by Beaton Prug Co. 11 The he Sale . Thai's The Talk h of.. the.. Town. FRV'S ANNUAL CLEAN-UP HALE OF SUMMER FOOTWEAR AT LESS THAN COST has stirred up the town, as it always does. Saturday will be the big day. Your real chance to get high class, de pendable, stylish shoes for less than competitors ask for trash. Prices have been cut to the limit. You know what that means when Fry says so. Join the throng here Saturday and get the greatest shoe bargains ever seen iu Omaha. MEM'S Johnston ft Murphy's tan Russia, a m jfm patent and gun metal Oxfords lk 16.00 values, now ; . . . . V W McDonald & Kiley'u tan Russia and a, mp gun metal Oxfords, $5.00 values Williams, Kneeland & Co.'s gun AA if metal and tan Russia Oxfords, $4.60 A AJ and $5.00 values, now.... VWsv Howard ft Foster's tan Russia and im gun metal Oxfords, $4.00 values, jjjj SHOES Excelsior Shoe Co.'s tan Russia and gun metal Oxfords, $4.00 values, now Twenty lines of $4.00 and $3.50 patent, dull and tan low cuts, now 300 pairs of Men's Oxfords, broken lines, small sizes, $3.50 and $4.00 values, now on sale at , $2.95 $2.45 $1.45 80 per cent off on all Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' tan and black Oxfords. WOMEN'S SHOES Laird & Schober's patent, gun metal, tan and buckskin Ties and Pumps, $5.60 and $5.00 values.,.,. ,. jVVrlght & Peters' black satin, brown velooze and brown suede, also dull, Pumps and Colonials, $3.50 values.. Wright & Peters' tan Co-ed Pumps, patent and suede Pumps, $4.50 and $4.00 values Ziegler Bros.' Straps,., Pumps and . Ties In patent, gun ; metal and - suedes, $4.00 values. . . ...... . $3.75 $3.75 $2.95 $2.95 10 lines of Russia Ties, Colonials, Pumps and Strap effects, $3.50 values, now...,. . . ;,... ...... ... . 20 lines patents, dull and suedes. In -Straps, Pumps and Ties, $3.50 val ues, now ., 400 pairs Ladies' Oxfords, on bargain tablesmall sizes, $3.50 to $5.00 val ues, tans, patents and gun metal, at 400 pairs of Pumps, Ties and Strap effects, worth from $3.00 up,' 'inow...,,,,,,.,,,.,,',,,,.,',,. $2.45 $2.45 95c $1:95 in u See Oar Display in iTzs nYyr SHOE CO. Show Windows P (( I f 16th & Douelas Sts. 1 Aishton Says that ; Business is Fine ; and Getting Better Vice President Aishton of the North western came from the east yesterday and after spending a couple of hour Inspecting the new Jw.wO freignt aepoi that the company la erecting at Council Bluffs came to this side of the river, re maining until afternoon, when he went west to make a tour ot the South Platte country Hnes. According to Mr. Aishton the addlUon to the Northwestern freight depot at Cass street is not contemplated In the Imme diate future, hut is coming eventually. Just now the Northwestern, said the vice president, la bending IU energies In figur ing out how It U going to move tbe enor mous grain crop recently harvested In the western states. Mr. Alahton la aa optimist and believes the railroads are going to make some money from now on. He said:'' lUifh't now everything looks very bright and I believe that Omaha is going to go ahead. The country Is back of It with a splendid crop, and times ought to be good. We are going to do our share to help get . the crop to market, but it the millions of bushels of grain' should be thrown onto the market with great rapidity no road or system of roads in the world could handle it. AH over the country It is Immense, and from what I have seen and heard I don't think a yield ot 55,009,000 bushels of wheat in Nebraska is far out of the way." CONTRACTOR FILES A BANKRUPTCY PETITION ' i. Frank Koblela, a building contractor at 4065 ti street. South Omaha, has filed a voluntary - petition In bankruptcy In the federal court. , He list his total as sets at SUM and his total debts as t4.037.3u. Hie assets Include real estate to tbe value of fl.W and household goods to the value of tSU He owes H71J7 In taxes. Em 11 Gall has the only secured claim. mortgage on real estate for tbe sum of PfQ borrowed money. Unsecured! claims Jjimcu to iI.3i.' . - . . BSTSJsW -V" WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Phones-&, Prominent North Bend Farmer Relates Experience With Mysterious Disease. UNITED DOCTORS CURE They Found and Removed the Cause of Mr. Davison's xrouuic at Once. Every month since I comenced the United Doctors' treatment it has been a rleasure to report progress and improve ment, and now, after being treated under their treatment for five months, I am al most entirely free from the pain in my back and hips from which I had suf fered so long. "As to my stomach trouble and consti pation, which has been of thirty years' standing, I can say that I now have a good . appetite and can digest my looa better than for years and have not had to take any bowel pills for over six weeks, the longest time I have missed taking physic of- some kind in twenty five years. My kidneys are so completely relieved that I am able to do considerable work in the field, which is also a new thing for me. "My case was so complicated that per haps that is why it fooled the other do& tors. I paid them lots of money for treat ment that would help me for a little while, but I never got any permanent relief until 1 went to the United Doctors. "I. had given up hope of ever getting any better, but finally took the advice of my family who had been trying for a long time to get me to consult with the United Doctors, but I had thought it was of no use. But finally I was persuaded to go and be examined and. I saw at once that they understood my case and they seemed to get to the right spot at once and commenced removing the - cause right from the beginning. I am sure that when my treatment is finished I will be as well as any man could be. "I live on Route 1, North Bend, Neb., and will be glad to have anyone referred to roe who is looking for the right place for relief and cure, as no one can make a mistake in going to the United Doctors. C H. Davison." ' This is only one of thousands ot cures made by the United Doctors, who have their Omaha Institute located on the second floor of the Neville block, corner of Sixteenth and Harney streets. They treat all ourable cases of diseases of . the stomach, kidneys, liver, blood, heart, nerves and respiratory organs. In cluding rheumatism. Indigestion, consti pation, gallstones, neuralgia, skin di seases, catarrh, asthma, epilepsy, goiter, loss of strength,, nervousness, scrofula, dropsy, blood, poisons, diseases of women and diseases of men. Consultation and examination is free to all, but no Incurable cases are accepted for treatment However, this fact need not stop anyone from consulting them, for many cases are curable by their new system which have been pronounced In curable by ordinary doctors. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ' ' Tne Best Farm Magaatac Boys' and Children's Day Friday At Drexel's Clear ance Sa j of Oxtords a sua uiui&i van ana pat- "?. "T20 Off $1.85 Boys', Youths' and little Gents' Oxfords, in Russia and gun metal calf and pat ent at. BOY SCOUT SHOES The real shoe for the boy in summer. $2.50 grade, at, per pair. .... Misses', C h i 1 d r e n's and Voung Ladies' Low Ox fords, Pumps and Roman Sandals, now A rf ite all ..... L) o UII 200 pairs of Misses' Strap Sandals and Pumps, patent and tan, $2.00 and $2.50 values, sale price, (lC per pair ..VvC 5 "GROWN UP SPECIALS 100 pairs of Men's Oxfords, broken lots in small sizes, regular $4.00 value, In tan and patent colt, at, a pair 500 pairs Oxfords, broken lines, small sizes, $4.00 and $5.00 values patdtt colt, Russia and gun metal calf, tan kid, exceptional ;::;:;':.. $1.00 $5.00, broken lines genuine Imported Bronze 4 AC Pumps, at, a pair y 1(7V $5.00 and $4.00 grey suedes . strap Pumps and 4 A A Oxtords ..Ql.UU 200 pairs small sizes $3.00 and $3.50 values, jQg Drexel 1419 Farnam St. $1.45 U m m mm mm sma Ail icsr ravonte imaes Those special dishes which you are so fond of and which at some place you ' have trouble In ob taining can bo xouna ax tne BELK3XT RESTAOtAST Wi mike It a point to please our patrons in every way we can and It la Just thla attention to these wants that makes our place so popular. Look for largo electric sign. v U XKXDWS VXMEjVT CL K. BiXLi Traprletn. s Sale Pj W Aj tjSO H2 A SALE OF BLUE SERGE SUITS 1$ THE MOST REMARKABLE SALE EVER HELD IN OMAHA Every blue serge suit which formerly sold at f 15.00 and $1&50 goes Into this sale. We guarantee quality. You'll be convinced of the genuineness of this sale the minute you see these. The sizes are not complete in every line, hence this great clearance. They are light and medium weights, single and double breasted. Two or three-button models. Take your choice Satur day at GREAT SPECIAL $ PANTS SALE Hundreds of pain of Stan's and Toanr Van's U High Graoa Pants greatly reduced la price for tomorrow's seUinff. All saw patterns la ooasar yi vatlve, pg top and outing styles. rOSXTZVXLT WOSTS TJP TO fSJOO $ $1.85 -$2.45 -$2.95 Genuine Porosknlt Union Suits, standard $1.00 values Jt Saturday TsfW 10c and 20c grades of Hose, including many drop stitch WW Any Straw Uat In the bona worth to $3.M (Panamas excepted.) $1.00 Oenulna Panamas worth to $7.00, S2.95-S3.95 at. Wilson Bros. Pure Lisle Hose, 35c grades at. A clearance 6ale of all Knit Ties that have sold up to SI. 00. Saturday.... President Suspenders 39 Paris Garters.... -,-20 The BEST and LATEST in MEDICINES, DRUGS, TOILET PREPARATIONS You can always find and very probably SAVE MONEY on inquiring at The Rexall Stores For Your Vacation Trip Tbermo bottles for plcnicB and vacations, up from.. $1.50 Safety Razors, from $1 to $6.00 Famous Manicure outfit. .. .15c Sponge Bags, from 25c to $1.00 180 Chinese Joss Sticks for. .5c Mosquito Talcum for 25c Collar Bags and Cases. . .$2.00 Collapsible Drinking . Cups, up from 10c Toilet Set Cases, 89c arid.. 89c Foot Comfort for 25c Patent Medicines $1.00 Wine of Cardui for.. .80c Rexall Kidney Cure, 45c and 89c $1.00 Lydia Pinkham's Com pound at 89c Rexall "93" Hair Tonic 50c & $1 Rexal Orderlies, 10c. 25c and 60c $1.00 Hostetter's Bitters for 89c Scott's Emulsion . . 45c and 89c Spruce Pepsin Tablets 50c & $1 Specially Low Prices on These Toilet Goods. 50c Pompeian Massage Cream for 29c 50c Java Rice Powder for. .24c 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste for. 12c 50c Violet Cream for 49c Harmony or Rice Toilet Water 25c, 50c and 75c 25c Babcock's Corylopsls for 15c Seven Sutherland Sisters' - , Hair Grower, 45c and . . . .89o Empress Instantaneous Hair Restorer ... .75c Mineral Waters We handle 100 kinds plain and carbonated at cut prices. Free delivery any place in Greater Omaha. The Rexall Stores Sherman Ss MoConneU Drag Co., 16th and DoAg-e; Owl Drag Co., Harney; Loyal Pharmacy, Loyal Hotel; Harvard Pharmacy, Twenty-fourth and Parnam. 16th and REKIT MOST DESIRABLE OFFICES Largest window area to square foot of office space of any building in Omaha. Modern in every respect. MODERATE RENTALS national Fidelity & Casualty Building TWELFTH AND FARNAM STREETS. In the the center of the business district of Omaha, where the Wholesale and Retail sections meet. APPLY- lational Fidelity & Casualty Co. You will find most interesting reading on the want ad pages. Have you read the want ads yet today? ; ; AMUSEMBJfTS. "AMUSEMENTS EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT Big Show At Lake Manawa FREE. All Week Starting Sunday Matinee, August 4th. Douglas & Dov&las, celebrated comedy acrobat. Man and ladv with trick dor. Al LeotiharJt : vv,"v juggler. s. I