Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1912, Page 13, Image 13
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912. 13 POULTRY AND PET STOCK COLLIE. COACH DOGsi-Partlculars for 6tanip. E. Wood, Glenhaven, Wis. i REAL ESTATE LOAN'S WANTKIJ City loans and warrants. TV. Far nam Smith ft Co.. 1320 Farnam St OMAHA property and Nebraska lands, O'KETfiFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. 67c 0 Co. 310-812 Brandeis Theater Bid. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bro. GARVTM Loans, $600 and up. Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co.. Oma, MONiiY to loan on business or real dence properties, Sl.vo to (6QO.0O. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Nat l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS Farm and city property, II. Dumont & Sou. 1602 Farnam St. WANTED TO BUY. Household gas, clothes & shoes. D&71 BVJbn BhisT prices tor soap iron, brass, rags, bottle. Call Flnkeistein. Doug. TttlO. Eachmap buys, sella fmn't'ie. 2103 Cumlug Highest price paid for men's cast-otf clothing. 5a No. 16th. Douglas 7726. ( BOTTLES Buy, sell and exchange. N. Steinberg. '. WOULD like to buy small grocery store la north- part of city; must be cheap, and in good location. Address L-999, care of WASTED TO REST GENTLEMAN with dog wants room , and breakfast with private family,:, state particulars. Address A 525, Bee office. FOB SALE OB fiXCHAXGU ' GRANT, ai Brandeis Theater. 1. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A splen . did lot located at JMi Franklin St., on ja.ve4- street; cement walk, sewer and water pipes are laid ready to be con nected. Telephone owner. Red 4301. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS Oif .VITUS. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee In Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Taeater. HLlLUfetO' l.Mi'OttJIAUUA, Ideal Cement Co.. 17 th and Cuming gts. .'Fuclis., 6oi at Blind, painting, decorating. CUTY FKOPBRTV 'WK SALE. If Sold This Week - Will accept a. first payment of JOO.0O .'on the new 6-room strictly modern house at 811 No. 61st St., Dundee. Tins nouse is well built, has oak floors and finish oft first floor bed rooms and bath room finished in white enamel, two largo, light atry closets; sleeping porch; fireplace. Better see this house..Key at our otuce. "4 ' 2636 No.' 13th St. This Is a good 6-room modern, except iieai, nimu. v on very easy payments J300 cash and 120.00 per month. CREKiri. SONS & COMPANY, .Pouglas 200. oOS Bee Bldg. f! JUST GOT WATER : CONNECTIONS That makes a number of lots we have tetween 36th and 36th Ave., Ames Ave., to Fowler, much more valuable. We have left seven large lots In this block, all viiaodern with water, sewer, gas, electric light, etc., and cement walks. : Now very desirable and on VERY IICASY TERMS. $ 4 0 0-1 6 00. Jjetter act at once. These are a bargain. BARNES & WILSON, 604 Bee' Bldg. Tel. D. 1533. n-'"NEW' COTTAGE BARGAIN. I On terms; 5 rooms and bath; oak fin ish, electric lights, furnace, etc.; full cor lr.r lot; near Ames Ave. car. To a home buyer will give a bargain. "W. T- GRAHAM, BEE BLDO. Doug. 1533. NEAR 31ST AND I ' ' FARNAM STREETS Brand new, all modern home, 2 living rooms on first floor; three bedrooms, bath room and sleeping porch; rooms all ilarge; front room 13x23; oak finish; built in china cabinet; paneled dining room, plate rail, window seat; bath room, enamel and tile; large sleeping porch; full ib&sement; laundry connections; press ibrick foundation. This house fs well lo cated., The price is right. Can arrange .terms. , ' RASP BROS., .' 106 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1653. AN INVESTMENT. I $7,500 Improved, within two blocks of :54th ai.d Farnam, renting at $1,020 per -ear,: JS.50O-Brtck flats, near Cretghton Col llege. renting at $1,080. ; $l,00O-New brick flats, two blocks of Y. "W. C. A., latest design, best built flats W6 know of; renting $140 per month. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, U219-22 City National. Douglas 3963. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, indexed. (mailed free on application. Charles E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals, care of property, Omaha. Clifton Hill lots, sewer water and gaa I Price, $350. Tel. Web. 8375. DO-YOU WANT A NE iBRASKA FARM BARGAIN! If you do I have some good ones. Here lis a sample of two of them: 160-acre well Improved valley farm, all igood rich farm land, 130 acres in culti vation, only one mile to good town, the Idounty seat, owner a widow and must I sell, price Just reduced Irom $9,(500 to : $8,500 tor a quick sale. ; 400-aere central Nebraska farm, in the I famous Wood River valley, half valley, (balance upland, all good sotl, 240 acres I in cultivation and tn crop. 30 acres al- f alfsV. balance used for pasture an hay. i Price $50 an sere, good terms, 40 rods ito school, 2 miles to good town. W. W. 'Mitchell,. 414 Bee Kldg.. Omaha, Neb. FOUR HOUSES, CHEAP. Will sell one or all;. $1,250 each. 27tli and Patrick Ave. . . W., T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. v TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ' .$2,500. No. 2S25 Cass SC. 2-story, city water nd gas, nwly papered and painted, new gar light fixtures, close to school and car. pa-'ed street; $300 cash, ba ance $25 per month. WEST FARNAM home, a new modern T-room home for sale; owner leaving city. 'Phone H. 4811. CHANCE FOR A HOME $100 DOWN and $25 monthly for this home for $2,300 a brand new 5-room house, electric light, gas, bath and good furnace, full ce mented basement, good walks, east front lot, 42x12 feet, and only one block from Ames Ave. car. Will make terms to suit anyone's pocketbook. See Mr. Knott at 41S North 36th 8t. Webster 6596. NINE-ROOM house. 29i0 8. 20th 6t.; ex ceptionally fine plumbing, hot water heat; can be bought right to close up an estate. Inquire. 401 City Nat l bank. LARGE 6-room cotu', at 4209 Lake . S154 down, balance $14.3) per mo. S.) , owner.. 877 Brandeis 3iJg. , GOOD, almost new 5-room cottage of fered at bargain price. $2.40); . terms. 2 brand new bungalows, $2,300 each; small taymer,t, balance monthly. GRANT, 211 prandeis Theater. D. 83SI). MODERN bungalow for sale: make offer quick; easy terms. .3923 Decatur St. W. 572. FOR SALE cheap -room house, partly modern. Phone W. 2970. TO B?Y. SELL OP. KENT. FIRST SEB JOHN W. BOBBINS, mi FARNAM iT. REAL ESTATE I FARM 4 HANOI LAXDS FOB. SALE Minnesota. Corn Belt Farms A good farm In the corn bell is a safer investment than any bank stock or any other form of security. We have unlimited faith In the ability of any farmer to make good who buvs good corn land. We are selling land lu MINNESOTA, THE BREAD AND BUTTER STATE When you stop to consider the soil, the climate and rainfall, the location, mar kets, schools and churches, and the class of people, you will find that we have selected land in a portion of the country tluit cannot be excelled. Having considered these points, if you will also stop to consider the price nt which we are able to sell these lands, you will be surprised that you can buy a farm close to market, everything ideal at . ., $65 TO $100 PER ACRE, ON EASY TERMS Take your map and see the location of Lyon County. Note thai it is half way between Sioux City and the twin cities, with good trunk line railways and not very far from the Iowa land. It is noteworthy that the state liue seems to have reduced prices of land in Minnesota, while prices in Iowa are J130 to $250 per acre. We can sell you just as good a farm, better improved, In Minnesota for about half the money. t i The present season is showing some magnificent crops on the farms we are offering for sale. It is a country devoted to diversified farming, corn, wheat, barley, rye, oats, flax, potatoes, timothy and clover. If you are a soil expert you will know that timothy and clover mean good soil, and the soil can always be kept in good condition. WHY. NOT GO AND SEE You know Payne Investment Company does not offer a proposition to the pub lic unless satisfied that the land is good and that the purchaser will be able to make his crops pay for the land. We have an office at Marshall and salesmen there readv to show the farms at any time. We also run AN EXCURSION EVERY TUESDAY We have every confidence that you will agree wjth everv statement made. You will be surprised at the beautv of the eountrv aa w.n it. r,rHr.t. i us talk to you or send you some of our literature describing some of the different ' iouua mat ait uneieu, wiin prices, terms, eiC. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Land Merchants. Coiorauu. IF you want a Colorado stock ranch that will make you money, write me your wants and I will supply them. C. W. Reed, Elizabeth, Colo. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of cropa All the money oropa of the'' south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, writs TV. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA, OA. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm la to insert a small want a4 in the Lea Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state or low a, u.uuu daily. The Capital is read by and bei!svKi la oj uie standpatters ol Iowa, who Minpiy r. fuse to pel ml t any oilier paper tu their uoraes, Kates, 1 cunt a word a day; per line per nun to; vouot u ultima y words to the line. Address Lxw -uuuicj iiiiu. Den Moines. Is. ' Improved Iowa farm, price $25 per acra; must be sold at once to satisfy creditors. I offer tor quick sale tor cusn, at acred improved larin in Monona, la. I'nce, per acre. Can arrange for loan tor one third purchase price. Traders and those wunuut money save stamps. uies L. Dowd, Trustee, 1317 S. 32d. St., Omiia, So. aniuaa. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. 200 acres, 2Vi miies from ola; popula tion, ,6(W; 1 mile irom Uas City; popula tion, LuOO; Vi uaif mile trom rock oaa to eacii town; mtie to eiectrlc ranroau cuniiectini loia, oas c-.ty and la .Harpe; luu acres cieek oottom ittnu; ii0 aores cui- uiauon; baiance pasture; u acies in a.- laiia; will how -a moe tn3 la...; u cij in timotnr: new orcnara, x trees kjou S-ioom t.ouse; lair tao.e; will bund tin b-room house, mce laige bam and ouuc suu; all newiy lenced witn neuge posts ana wire; bark pteied Oil, posts pamteu; wijl llgnt house anu bain Witn electricity, j nls u one or trie finest lai ms in Alien county, out no biiay; am aaaing. ait 1 iiunK it wortn;, wia pay expenses u .not as itpreaented, or in case ueai is inaae; price, W per acre; terms on part. Owneu uy ti. tlooart, loia, iv.aii. .UUaouri. THE GREATEST BARGAIN IN ' THE OZARKS OF MISSOURI. 8,0S0-acre stock ranch, offered at less than half Its value for quick sale.. A J. Johnston, Merchants National Bank Bldg., Springfield, Mo. 4iouiaua. RANCHES $20,000 to $100,000. Send for list. Shopcn &. Co., Kanch Dealers, ma ha Neb. .Nebraska. SpecialThis Week ArBES: 130 acres can be culti vated, balance pasture; no Improvements, but in good location, tnree miies rrom Iwn iTrtnrl tnwns 13 mllfiR frnm KAnBrm. good road eatire distance, mostly mac- aoam. This is an estate and they say sell; no trade considered, although exceedingly easy terms. Do not answer this unless you wish something, but then do hH fail to. EXTRA BARGAIN, $76.00 per acre. Choice neighborlcod. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 TO $3- PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, ' Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yields for 12 years, including 1S10 and 1911. average with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. , Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information. Agents wanted everywhere FUND1NGSLAND INVESTMENT CO SIDNEY, NEB. 320 acres valley land; good farm and hav land; 160 acies all hay land; balance S miles from Erioson; a good proposition for a stock farm, van on or auurmu, Frank Van Horn, Erlcson. Neb. FOR SALE. 4S0 acres good farm and pasture land; "W acres under cultivatldn: balance hay lanti and pasture: good improvements; .nm if taken at once; 4 miles from Erw- eon. Neb. Farms Farms Farms Driving distance of Omaha: bargains. Let us show you the goods. All sizes, all prices, all terms. . ... ORIN S. MERRILL CO., Rooms 1213-1214 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Trxnm. 16.382 ACRES. Mast sell In a body, no trading. It will Interest vou to see deecription - and learn the' price of this land. Write to '.V. H. Graham. Cuero. Tex. REAL ESTATE ACKliAUB BARGAINS near Ornsna. Crn " Merrill. 1-13 City 'at. Hank Bldg. n , r-nra lanit (A ftrrec in CaStUre. 4 acres in alfalfa and 2 under cultivation. 1 mile wset Leavenworth St. car line. Doug. 79831. LITE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save milesga and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prontpt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchant Byers Bics. ft Co. Strung and responsible. VOOD BROS.. 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great WesL Com. Co.. Omaha Xc Denver. Clay. Hobtson fe Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co., i22 Exchange Bldg. Martin Bros & Co.. Exch. Bldg. TAGO BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep. ' REAL ESTATE FARJI 'RANCH l,A!l FOR HA LK Minnesota. Omaha, Nebraska. NEW YORK TC MARKET First Trading is Continuation of Bull Movement. PROFIT TAKING STOPS GAINS In Late Dealing; Activity Dwindles and Market's Tone Becomes Mure Irrpfialar, with Leaders Weaker. NEW YORK, Aug. 2,-Prelimlnary oper ations in stocks touay pointed to a con tinuance of tne buiiisnnesH that char acteiized yesterday's dealings. Business in the llrst hour was On a scale repre Kenttng a "irilLlon sliares nession," and Piacticaliy eveiy important securtiy ex cept Canadian Pacific recorded substan tial gains, extensive realizing for prof its ionowed tne early outburst, How ever, and by mlduay many gains bad turned to slight losses. Activity was most pronounced in Read ing und Lehigh Vailey, the former tak ing leadership from Meel. American Can, whicn was believed to bear close market relationship to the antnracite stocks,' also became suddenly strong, while standard railway shares were comparauvely neglected. Steel attained a slignt.y higher level than on tne pre ceding oay, but reflected pressure, wnicti was ascribed in t.ait to tne severe stric tures directed against the steel corpora tion by tne Stanley committee. In the late aeaungs activity dwindled perceptibly and the market's tone be came more Irieguiar, while some of tne hitherto strong specialties also yielded mucn of their advance. This condition Was coincident with the publication ot tne government's cotton report as of the latter part of July, stiowjng a prospective yieid much unuer the average of tne past decade with re.-ultant nervousness in lo cal cotton options. Local banas are belloved to be In the way of making further cash gains to morrow but trie leal account may show some expansion because tt lecent activity In stocks. This monev cunt, mum in hni.i 'i"nVw'lh an '''ng ffemand, while luaus art; un tne . 1?01"'1-, en' stfiuy. Total sales, par value, $2 265,0,0. Hoieinment bonds weie unchanged on call. Nurnuer oi .-,aie., anc :eaa:r.g quotations on stocks, were as follows: Bain High. Low. Clou.. Amalgamated Copper . American Agricultural American Beet Sugar. , American Can American Can p(d American C. & f...... American Cotton Oil.., Am. Ice Securities..;.. American Unseed American Locotnotlvs . American S. & R....;, Am. S. & R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining.. American T. & T American Tobacco Anaconda MinliiK Co.. Atchison AtcliiKon pfd Atlantic (Joaat Line..., baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem ijteel Brooklyti Rapid Tr ... 18,700 S4'4 t3 83i, 30 61 0', 61 71', 71V, 71 37,3l)H 40i4 SgH 89H4 o"u 118' UK 1,000 lH 68 69 H 21H) 6i'i 63 Vi 2,500 84'i U 84", 10 500 137 U7 Ujifc 4W IW 145'i US', m) 303 301 '4 1.H0O 4.IJ 4 IT, 41 3,9110 10?'i 108 107'4 200 W: lOl'l, 102 1,101) 14 1- HI '4 Ul t.200- 108 107 l.llfltl 37' 37'., 37 S.40I1 93 9374, . OTt 1.100 27;i 57?1i 1-s u anadiau Pacific. Ontral Leather 41 yr o7 Chesapeake A Ohio l,70 81 si m Chleaco G. W 4nn 17 ij ClUcago, M. & St. P.... 6.600 107-i 107 10714 Chicago X. .W 1,300 141 141!4 HCV, C'olorwlo & 1 ug 31 si inai i .Anulin.n , m.. ... ..... wumi'uoiwi UM ........ M,Hnf lift 144 114Mi Corn Products l.ouo H4 1414 14 Delaware & Huflson... Denver & Klo Orsnde. D. at R. Q. d Distillers' "Securities , Brie ...... Krie lat pfd Erie 2d pld Oeneral Elcotrtr 16714 19 3JV4 m M 43 4 ,000 .VVj J 10(1, 444 44 hi m Great Northern ptd 10.V0U 112' 141S 141k Great Nortliem Ore ctf. . 1.19) 44 43 4jv, IUInoU Central 1100 131 'i, 131 131 IntcrboreugTt 'Met 3.H00 2 29'J fo later; Met. pfd.., ,ane tj ss 68V4j International Harvester .. 4,200 124i 1:314 12374. loter-Marine pfd i(W 17 ltrti 17 International Paper International Tump .... Kansas i'lty So Liclede Ga Lehigh Valley LouifivUle ft Nanhvllle M , St. P. & S 8. M.. Missouri. K. T Mbaourl raclflu. National Biscuit' Mtiotst Lead N. ft. It. of M. M pfd New York Central N. T. , 0. ' W m .i u n : 27 500 23 25 Zi 106', .27.2i0 1JJU 170 UHi 2,700 - 161) t53i 19', l.Oni 151.-, 131 15114 200 277, 274 27 1.W0 1 -171,. 3J', l.W 141', 14014 140 1.01 6l 59 6IH4 m 1.500 118 117ii 117 m J2H . jji tm . 1.210 ll4i' IK' H 100 2t S2", 31 10.400 m 12h i;64 n :i si, .400 124H 1!4', 12)i, 600 115'i 115', I15'4i 2.400 110 109 10K 21 1,010 3 36Vt 36'i i'K 16074 Wi ISO 05.iT") 16'H 1' 1874 WW 27i 27(4 27Vi 7IK PS', 86H V,', 2,0"o 2'i 2 r 1.3l 62'4j 5I'4 tl'i 300 '.- Sal ' 8.VH S(4 1.70 2IS 24(4 244 1.100 54 H!4 MVi , S4 l.OOO 112'4 lll-li 111 2.S0O 2f.4 29' "ii Va 77 "4 400 43 , U 42"4 ' 400 22H 22 22S 24,790 172(4 ma, 171 (Norfolk & Weetern.:.. North American Northern Pacific' Paiifii: Mail Pennsylvania I "People's Gas ' r. c. st. l ! PUtsburga Coal PrtSfed Steel Car Pull'nan Palace far B.'alli)K RemMtc 1. Kenublic I. & S. pfd. .. Ro.jk Island Co Rock Wand . pfd.. gr. L. ft S. ' F. 2d p, Seaboard Air Line Seaboard A. L pfd S!03-Sheffield S. ! Southern Pacific Southern Railway ...... So. Ratlwar pt .-'.. fennesaee Chopper ..... Texas & ParlficV Unl'ia Pacific tmen Paclfir pfd United Slates Realty.... t'nited State RuWier.. Cnite4 States Steel.... . Steel pfd Cfah Copper Va. -Carolina Caetnlral Wtbaen Wabash pfd Western Marjlaad t eatern Union Wentlnghons Elecfrie RTieellns I E Bai-dlTWMiS. 4K 90 0 S 2.000 So M'i 34 52 8!',, Sl.f0 72H 714 71V, 1.4"0 114 in 113 3.400 H . 2Vi 2, 100 484 200 . 4 800 15 18 68 14', 68!4 iii, "i 4 ISM S64 800 tan 15.700 KH SI London Stock Market. LONDON, August 2. American securi ties opened quiet and a fraction higher today. Realizing followed and the list declined under the lead of Canadian Pa cific. At noon the market was dull with prices ranging from unchanged to 14 lower than yesterday's New York closing. Bank Clearing. - OMAHA, Aug-. 2. Bank clearings for today were $2,417,465.03 and for the corre sponding day last year $2,417,067,16. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Reports on Great Wheat Crop Make Market Bearish. CORN PRICES HOLD 10 CLOSE Loner Price Is Looked fur lu the Oat Market Because of the Steady Reports of luineiu i lelda. OMAHA. Aug. 2. 1S12. There are two stronuly opposing forces In wheat at the present time which must be seen by everybody. The bumper crop of the northwest Is so near maturity and the late advices from there give so Uttle indication of any serious spread of black rust that the effect is very bearish. On the other hand Chicago actually sold about 2,000,000 bushels of cash wheat in the last four days and cancelled ware house receipts on over l.tWO.OOO bushels. Exporters at the same tims sold 2,000,000 bushels of the new wheat crop abroad. Chicago will have no run of so't winter wheat. So far the cash and export busi ness has not started an aggreslve bull market owing to the bearish news from the spring wheat country. It looks Uke a 'safe market in which to buy on de pressions caused by local bear sales. Cash wheat was lQIWc lower. Before the close of the July ortlon traders called attention to the probability of an acute bull situation developing In September corn because the difference between the September price and the cash corn level was altogether too great The trade had a strong swell In that month early yesterday and prices held well at the close. The dry weather over the southwest has only been fairly re lieved. tM t Complaints of Injury for corn, If the crop goes wltnout ram anotner ween, will come from a wide territory west and southwest. This sort of news to gether with the decided strength lu the southwest will be a bullish feature. Cash com was ViiVhV lower.. The oats market Is held by the firmness In the wheat and coin in face of the cash prices and reports of big yields run in many sections. Considering the Im mense crop grain men think the market will drag much lower and it looks like prices wi I have to go to an export basis. Cash oats, ll'aC kiwer. B. W. Snow, Bartlett-Vasler's crop ex pert, Issues the following report: "The corn condition is an 81 per cent crop. The winter wheat will avenige 16.5 tiu. per acre, with a 4rJ.Oi,0iH bu. crop. Tim spring wheat condition Is a M.2 per cent crop. The oats condition is 89.9 per cent indicated by a crop minimum of 1,276,000.000 bu." , Clearances of wheat were 2n,00 bu.; corn, 222,000 bu.; oats, 300 bu. Wheat at Liverpool closed Md lower and corn MWd higher. . JMAW Primary wheat receipts were 1,54,000 bu. and shipments l.USo',000 bu., against re ceipts lust year of 89.000 bu. and ship ments of 633.000 bu. Corn receipts were 447.000 bu. and ship ments, 263,000 bu., against receipts of 271,- 000 bu. and shipments of 496.000 bu. Oats receipts were 48,00O bu, and ship ments 260,000 bu., against receipts last year of 826,000 bu. and shipments of 357,000 bu. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat: No. 3 hard, winter, 6 cars, 87iic; 1 car. 87c: 10 cars, 87o; 2 cars, SOVic; 1 car, SOc; No. 3 hard, winter, 1 car, 864c; 2 cars. S6c. Corn: No, 2 white, 1 car, 744c; No. S white, 1 car, 740 ; 4 cars, 74'iic; 1 bulkhead, 74c; No. 4 white. 2 cars, 73c: No. 4 color, 1 car, 72Hc; No. 4 yellow, 4 cars, 720; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 72c; cars. 72Hc; 2 cars, 72c; 1 car, 72c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 70c; 1 bulkhead, 69q; No. 2 mixed. 2 cars, 72Wc; No. 3 mixed, 2 cars, i2c; 1 car, 71V,c; No. 3 mixed, 4 cars, 72c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 70c. Oats: No. S white, 1 car, 24c (old); i cars, 33',4c; No. 4 white, 1 car, 32t4c; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 33c. Omaha Cn Prtrtrs. WHeAT-No. 2 hard, S64i8Sc; No. 3 hard, hard, S6Vfc87c;' No. 4 hard. 7!U4086c. CORN No. 2 white, 74c; No. 3 white, 74ra74p; No. 4 white. 72(&73c; No. 2 yel low 72c; Nn. 3 yellow, 72723ic; No. 4 yellow, aXrJTpc: No. 2, 724c; No. 3, 711$ 72c; No. '4, oiiiOTKr OATS No. 2 white. 33Tn34c; standard, 33Hfi33V; No. 3 white, 334X!e; No. 4 white. 32432VsC. BARLEY Malting, 070c; No. 1 feed, 34'tl 45c. RYE No. 2; 072c; No. 3, 57f430c. Carlot Receipt. W'heat.Corn.Oat Chicago 100 1S3 Minneapolis 112 Duluth i Omaha 68 Kansas City 493 St. Louis 41 Winnipeg S4 61 36 51 (HICAI.O GRAIN AXD PROVISIONS Features ot the i'rneHnn and tloslnn Prii-ra 011 Board of Trade, CHICAGO, Aug. 2.-IncreaSed estimates of yield counted today against the value of wheat. In consequence tlie market closed 3sff',4o to I'i'f'Uc under last night. Corn showed a net decline of 34c to lViHilc and oats a fall of c to 1c. For provisions the outcome varied from 5c off to a like advance. According to a leading expert the total crop of wheat in the United States this season will be 707.000.COO bushels. As the. same authority two weeks ago had put the piobablo aggregate at 700,000.000 bushels and liad figured a month back that the sum would be only ti41.000.fl00 bushels, the effect on the market today tended heavily to favor the bear side. Weakness, however, was apparent from the start, the chief early Influence being cool weather In the northwest. It was said that danger front rust wps now confined to the seven upper counties of North Dakota and to about half as much territory adjacent. A rallv hi the last half hour resulted from an Improvement of cash wheat d mand. sales of 900,000 bushels here under reported. Thn Met that worm snipmeiin promised to be light counted as an aid; to the bulls. In the course of the. ses- arlnn Seutember ranged from i H'c, with the close firm, but lc net lower atj OATS No. 3 white. Hil,Xic, 92'M;92c. ! RYE No. 2. f.7c. Hf'iivy rains In the southwest where) BKAN In 100-pound sacks, $19.00i7-19.50. needed brnught about a down turn In the j FLOUR-F!rt patents, $J.Hr&u.4,5; sec prlce of corn. There were also predic- ond patents. $4 865.10; first clears, $.1.60 Hons that the wop this year would b, j (H3..S5; second clears. tSOfim 27SC00.00O hiiKhels more than last season. : I t Septembrr fluctuated between 68fjWC I'eorla Jnrket. and 68c. closing firm at n7M?7V4, a Insn pKORlA. III., Aug. 2,-CORN-Un-of K(ac. net. Cash grades were weak. r,;fingWj to lc lower; No. 3 white, 75'i No. 2 yellow, 7447Sc. ,,;; No. 4 white, Wtc, So. 2 yellow increasing saiee i ine u''i" rHito Heotemtier rangea irom .ku aii'i ."Cic, comparatively steady. The only net gain was January pork 5c. Clnsinc qiiotatiotis on future were: Article! Onen. High. xiw. Cloe.Vea'y . i litut. 1 . .1 Sept.93HWi 931 Wi p-(j33ft:a'7. Dec. V, 95 I S:9!Wi m May . 9;-S39i 99!V) 974i , 91 Hf 14 Com Sept.'fl7if?(W! Dec. 57V'i": iray.jo7-8si May.:3i'ij, lo6'ST4li7Ht v 575io'5'fiKlll 57H Wil b7 ( 67',f.yHf I I 33 I 32V4;3,iW324j!u:a 34;33?iaHl 3VMW 1 1 Pork Spt. 17 95 17 &! 17 8) I 17 90 I 17 9"' Dec. I M 07V4' 18 7V! " 97! 18 05 18 Jan.. 18 62rijl8 702141 18 6) I 18 70 IS 6.i 17 rn Kept. 10 70 ! W 70 10 24l 10 AT1 10 70 Oct.. 10 75 I 10 77m 10 70 I 10 72HI W 77 Dec. 10 52H -10 52' 10 45 ! 10 47'! 10 6214 Jan.. I 10 47V4I W 50 j 10 40 I 10 45 j 10 60 Ribs I I I 1 Pnt I 10 56 10 ff1! SS'5llO 57-0; 56 fS"ct. 10 55 I 10 8TV10 v W. W Sa I 10 S2V4 Jan.. 9 50 9 85 I 77H) 80 I SO Cash auotations were as follows: FLOUR Steadv; winter pstents. $4.30 4.70: winter straights. $4.104.; spring patents $4.709.90: spring straights. $4.60 4 70: bakers, J4.00tf4.30. RYE No 2. 7S. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 45j2e; fair to choice malting, fiSfrrtc. SEED Timothy, $4.0(?l'.00; clover. $10.) firi5. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, S17.75ftl7.S7V4; lard In tierces, $10.5714; short rlbf. loos. $10.5714. Total clearsacee of wheat ana flour were eoual to 2."mS,AM) bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Brad'troet' were equal to i4).8J t. Primary re ef -ipts were 1,654.000 1m.. .compared with ftPfi.uOO 'bu. the correspondlnR; day a y eat ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 101 ca.-s: corn. 10 cars, oats. 1t3 cars: hogs, 9.000 head. wiirat: No. 3 red. jLiirai vj; .o. 3 roo. 97V;ttll-00; No. 2 hard. 3jfi)o; No. 3 turd, HtfS3Ve; No. 1 northern. tl-Oiif 111; No. 2 northern. H.OSUfl.Os; No. 1 northern. t.021j'l.otS; No. I spring. 1 OOfJ 1.07; No. 3 syrlnu. !o(iil.0li; No. 4 spring, WcfiJl.W; velvet chaff. $1.0031.07; durum, J1.Och41.06; Corn: No. 2, 73;,744c; No. 2 white. 76rHc; No. 2 yel.ow. 744e7c; No. 3, 72Jj;;iic: Xo. $ white, 74Vrf74Vj; No. 3 yellow, 73jrT4c; No. 4. 70Si71Vsc; No. 4 whim, 731873'.; No. 4 yellow. 71 4j73c. Oats: No 2, new. S23c; No. 2 white, old. MuSc; No. 2 white, new. SiflSUo; No. 3, new, SS36c; No. S white, old, oO62a; No. 3 white, new, 33336c ; No. 4. old, 40c; No. 4 white, old, 44Sj47c; No. 4 white, new, 32j33c; standard, old. tlJt'SVic: standard, new. S41?3oc. 'n rva 7.V. Harlov. S'.;S2c. Tltnothv seed, I4.c06.00. Clover reed, 10.0iXjjl5.00 BUTTER Steady; .creameries, 1'itfCio; dslrles, 2124c. EQOS Steady; receipts. 10,754 cases; at mark, cases included, 13i3,i'JHc; ordinary firsts. 16c: firsts, 18c. CHEEdE-Steady; daisies. m'S164c; twins, USfiUa; young America. li'Ji 15Hr: long horns, lSVtflJVic. POTATOES Steady ; receipts, 40 cars; Illinois, 7072o; Ksrmat snd Missouri, 73 076c; Minnesota. 72&'7lc. POULTRT Alive firm; turkeys, 12c; chickens, lSHc: springs, l7el8o. VEAL-8tedy; Q18c, ISEW YORK GENEliAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 2.-FLOUR Steady; spring patents. Jn.ISJ16.4J; winter straights, l4.SOfy4.tJ0; winter patents, $1 si) W2b; spring clears,; winter ex tras', No. 1, f4.1v$4.20; winter extras. No. 2, $1.00410; Kansas straights, I4.H0W.tii. Bye flour, quiet; fnir to good. U-254.40; choice to fancy, $4.70a4.90. CORNMEAI-Steady; fine white snd yellow, Sl.t1.70; coarse, 4H.601.65; ktlti dried. $4.05. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 76VsC, f. O. Ii. afloat. WHE-T Spot, market easy; new red, $107 c. 1. f. tiak. snd No. 2 red. $107 f. 0. b. afloat to arrive; No. 1 northern Duluth, new, $1.12 f. o. h. Futures, markot closed V. to IV net lower; Sep tember closed $!.0M; December, $1.MV CORN Spot, market easy; export, 82'c f. o. b. afloat. OATS Spot, market unsettled; stand ard white, 61c on track: No. 3 and 3, 61c nominal; natural white and white clipped, nominal; No. 4, nominal. UAi'-Qulet: prime, $1.36; No. 1, $1.13; No. 2, $1.1(1(81.20; No. 3. $1.10. . HIDhJ-Hteady; Central American, 244c; Bogota, 2fcffi25r. LEATHER Firm; hemlock fliwts, 27c; seconds, 242Sc; thirds, 21rjj22c; re jects, 15c. PROVISIONS - Pork. firm; $20.(Wtj.'2O.M; family, $20.WM21.00; clear, $19.25$ 20.76. Beef, steady; $15.0iS)15.f; family, $18.00fnHS.60; hams, $28.00&'31.OO. Cut meats. mess, short megs, beef firm; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pound, $11.00$ firm; middle west prime, $lu.60S'10.70; re fined, firm; continent, $11.10. . BUTTER Quiet; receipts, 7.332 tubs. Creamery; first, 25',4d2S4c; seconds, 24 CHEESE Steady; receipts. 2.019 boxr-S; state, whole milk, new, white, 15c; skims, SttJl2Hc EOOS Steady; receipts, 10.313 cases; fresh gathered, extras, 23dj2lo; extra firsts, 202c; firsts, 19V4c; western gath ered, whites, 20824c. POULTRY-Allve, quiet; western broil ers, 20c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, 14c. Dressed, irregular; fresh killed western broilers, l62c; fowls, 14!4j4j!17c; turkeys, ltiflne. M. Louis General Market. ST. LOUI3. Aug. 2-WHEAT-Cash. firm; trsck No. 3 red, Sl.0lffl.O3Vi; No. 2 hard. 93fr!)6c. CORN Lower; track No. 2. 6!c; No. 2 white, Sic. OATS Lower; track No. 2, 34ct36sc; No. 2 white, 42,43c. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Lower; September, 92Sic; De comber, H4c. CORN Lower; September, 67'ac; De cember, B5c. ' O ATI-Lower; September, 31c; De cember, 32ic. RYE-Weaker. 7fcc. FLOUR No. 2, firm; red winter patents, J4.50fro.06; extra fancv and straight, $4.7gt 5.05; hard winter clears, J3.60ry3.o. SEED Timothy, steady. ' CORNMEALr-43.90. BRAN Firm; sacked, fast track, 9ScJP JfLUb. - HAT Firm; timothy, $12.00317.00; prai rie, $8.ooeii.. BAGGINO-ll.Ol'. HEMP TWINE-7V4C PROVISION'S Pork, unchanged; prime steam. 10 0210.17. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, 110.76; clear rihs. tlO Tfir ahnrt nlojLMa til An So j Bacon, unchanged; extra short, $11.76; 1 clear riDS, ui.ii; snort clears, jiz.TO. ruuu'it x steady; chickens, nc; springs, l$yiae; turkeys, ln!930c; ducks, 6VVic; geese, FiCrllc. BUTTER Julet; creamery, 2a'(&i25Vc. EOGS-Higher. 16c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.750 10,000 Wheat, bu 4(19,100" 142,000 Corn, bu. 51.000 .11,000 Oats, bu 57.800 41,000 I Knosns City tint 1 11 11 ml Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 2.-WTIEAT-Cash, Vfnlc lower; No. 2 hard, sittoUlo; No. 3, Wu-sOc; No. 2 red. 97y8e; No. 3, aSfeftc. CORN Steady to lc lower; No. 2 mixed, 77c; No. 3, 7(ic; No. 2 white, SOc; No. 3, 71&7aViC. , OATS Unchanged to lc . lower; No. 2 white, 42c; No. 2 mixed, 3637c. ("losing prices of futures: WHEAT September, S7Vc; December, S8'c; May, 92o. CORN-September, 67H(5fi7c; Decem ber, 64'icr May, Siie. OATS Sept ember, X!W!e ; December, 3."r!t'633TsC. K YE 70c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $U6t3 15.W; choice prairie, $9.26f(JS.50, Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 493,000 , lrt3.0O Corn, bu 3(5,000 13,00fl Oats, bu 18,000 1,000 All n en poll (iruln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Auc. '-WHI5AT 1 Sentembrr. 9SW'9Uc: Decemhwr. MWI?) ! 9314c; May, Wc Cash: Ho. 1 hard, 1 u.ov; bo. 1 northern, J1.(7U: No. 2 nortnoin. Jl.UuVi; No. 3. $1.02','(J1.0!4. FbAX-51.73'4. BARLEY-4(V'7f.c. COKN-N.i. Z vell.iw. ;5'-.7tiV,c. , ,;iv?c: No. 9 yellow, ,iw,:ic: Xo. 4 yel- low, 70H": No. i mixed. 72r72'ic; No. 4 m:ea, tWae; samjire, WKfi'Vc. OATS 3c lower; No. 2 white, S4-; stan dard, old. 49r; new, 33V; No. 3 white, 47'4c; new, 3o; No. 4 white, old, 46Vtc; new. Sic. llllwau'ire Grain Market. MILWA17KEE. Aug. 2-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, $1 U'2U2I4; No. 2 northern. I1.0814C1.10H; No- 2 hard, winter. 9495ic: September. 92'fJ'92fi,c; Decembrr. '.CV.df CORN No. 3 yellow. 77c; No. 3 white. 78c; No. 3. 7c; September, 7ty?i 7H ; De cember. 6raig66T4. OATS Standard. 55c. BARLEY Malting. 6tCT0c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU Aug. l-WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. 2 Manitoba. 8s 2d; No. 3 Manitoba, lt'id; futures, easy; October, 7s 4M)d; December, 7s 3d. CORN Spot, Quiet; old American mixed, 6s new American, kiln dried. 6s 9i:- tutures. firm; September, 5 gj December, 4s 9ad. t'offr-e Market. NEW YORK. Aug 2,-COFTEE-Fu-tures market closed steady at a net de cline of 13 to 19 points. Sales. 138,750 bags. August. 12.65e; September. 12.75c; October. 12.82c; November. 128c; December. Ii95c; January and February, 12.97c; March, U07c; April, 13.07c; May snd June. 13.10c; July. li.03c. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio No. 7 Hike: Santos No. 4, 15V. Mild, dull; Cordova, 1671Sc. otton Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-COTTON-.Spnt closed fteady; middling uplands, IS.lCc; middling gulf, 13.35c: sales, 1.721 bales. Cotton futures closf-d ensy. CJosins bids: Atigurt. 12.5c; September. ir.t'iOi': flitober, 12.74"; November, 1U.7.K': Decem ber, K.c; Jantmry. 12.71c: February. ill'.'.Sc; March, 12.S2c; May, 12.90c. OMAKA LIVE STOCK MARKET Few Cattle Here and All Kinds Are Fully Steady. HOGS ABE FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Sheep and Lambs In Very Light Supply-Prices Show Mttlt or No t bonne More esteriln) . ftecelpts were: Official Monday ... Oflicial Tuesday ... Official Wednesday. Official Thursdsy.... Estimate Friday , cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.941 15,227 3.06ti . 2.0M 1,967 672 Km 6.208 7.007 b.Ml 9.306 12,2ii;l 9.117 71 Five days this week.. 11.214 33,727 45,1 Same days hist week.. 11.932 3,81! 3.1,718 Same days 2 weeks a to 12,224 47.284 34,025 Same days S weeks ago. 7,0f.;. 48,7fi5 27,53 Same days 4 weeks ago. 7,73 44,71 16,777 Same days last year...24,9 42,371 " tow 'Ihe tciilowinb' taule shows too receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South: Omaha for the year u date as compared with Inst year: lint 1911. Tntf Pec, Cattle 474,663 684,0t ....... 109.606 Hoss 2.079.S71 1,632.464 447,407 '. Sheep l,065,2t)0 80S.157 147,103 The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons: Dute. I 1912. li.H.liHi.iliwj.lJUl.lWff.H90.- 7 S?Vti 391 IT 171 811 5 4 6 ti 7 4ti''.l 6 M S 21 (211 6 9.1 6 62 1 66Vs 46, 8 27 7 lj W W 7 64ii 6 &ji 8 311 I 4d1 6 131 6 971 6 44 6 M 7 64 6 6! 7fl 8 23 7 3.1 6 07i I 6 4j 7 98! 7 2.' 6 14 6 04 7 71 f 40j 6 M 06! 37 1 7 , 6 411 8 011 8 85 7 r.'js, 6 69 7 76i 64 7 601 1 I 441 5 931 15 84 69 7 W 74D - i ui -jiuiiiay. . . ',.. Receipts and dUposlllon of live stock at the Umon Stock Yards, youth omitha, for twent-for hours ending at 3 o'clock yea- U'l'iia.v. . . RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. C. M. & St. P. Ry. Wabash R, JR. .'. Mo. Pac. Ry C. A N. W. Ry.. east. .. C. & N. W. Ry., west.. C. St, P. M. & O. Ry.... C. R. A Q . east C. U. & J., west C. R I. & P., east C. R. I. A P., west Illinois Central Ry C. U. W. Ry 3 17 2 1 6 2 ii i '' 1 l 14 II 20 1 "l 2 totul ROcVipts .27 101 PIS? POSITION-HEAD. July 24. July 23. July Ii. July 27. Uu.y 2S. July 29. July 30. July Si. Aug. 1.. Aug. 2.. 1 I .Cattle.Hogs.Sheep. Swift and Company.... 41 , 15 , . 66 Cudahy Packing Co.... 27 1.6U 73 Armour & Co 129 816 987 Schwarts-Bolen Co : 478 .)... Morris 3 297 Murphy 2.8SO Morrill 35 W. B. Vansant Co ltf Kenton, Vansant A L. 26 Hill A Son 4 ..... Huston A Co... I J. H, Root & Co 17 J. II. Bulla 25 S. Werthelmer 19 H. F. Hamilton 5 , Other buyers SO 822 Totals 794 7,517; Vfa CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very light, only 012 head being reported in, Tills makes the total 11,214 head for the live days tills week as against 24,8tti head lor tne same days a yea. ago. . What tew cattle mere were tiers commanded good steady prices and practically every tiling was disposed 01 early in the morn ing. ror the week alt kinds of cattle are hlgiter. The medium to pretty good kinds ot beef steers are ig-ftc nlgner tnan lust week, with cows und halters i'Ai'WC nigner and feeders loiuc higner. From a seller's standpoint tne market through out tne week has Deen in splendid con dition and entirely satlstscory with the exception that . receipts have been alto gettier too lignt . . Quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 7.008.00; fair to good beef steers, $o.i57.oi; comniou to fair beef steers. $&.0uj.t). Representative sales: tSt' S5T1CERS. No, is... it... I... AT. ft. , 89 6 86 tit. A, ..1130 ,. 87 ..118 Pr. i 71 I 90 I 9 ii... it... It... COVvti. 1... ' 4... ... J... ' ' T... 7... J... .1606 7 It .1021 8 H . 990 8 65 ,u; I 78 .7(13 4 00 . m 4 00 . tffi 4 M . m 4 oi . 7:0 4 15 i... 1... 1... 1... 2... 1... 4... 2... .... M .... 88 . 4 Tt 4 78 , .... m I 0 ....1070 t 80 871 t m ...;1M1 189 .... DM ....1033 I u . 734 . 775 4 15 3... I 0 4 16 HEIFERS. 4 80 12 4 83 4 10 t 3 US 787 t 23 892 ( tt fit t 16 . 4 7u I m 830 4 0 BULLS. 4 40 t . .UIO 4 60 ,.iis 1 oe .. 215 8 00 .. 10 ( 0O- .. 130 8 00 . . 360 . i 110 8 00 ,1S 4 48 1...... CALVES. 270 7 00 ! 7 00 200 7 80 14 7 W 4 1. 2. 1. 1. 160 7 T5 14'1 8 "0 1... 80 t 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 618 4 AO I 4fl 8 38 U 515 i 00 7 , 87t I 28. a 604 A IS 1 m 8 35 I 475 8 15 t 708 I M WESTERNS. Nebraska, , 19 feeders.. 628 6 25 5 Tielfers... tfitf 6,50 9 cdws 911 6 15 ' 6 cdWS.V... 883 8 90 7 steers.,.. 1472 7 75 6 steers.. .,1300 7 90 S feeders.. 860 6 80 2 feeders.. 0tV B 66 3 feeders.. 850 6 86 13 steers.... 929 6 30 3 feeders.. 773 6 65 ' 9 feeders.. 664 6 40 feeders.. 838 8 40 HOGS Trade in hogs today was again active and about 6 to 10c higher: than yesterday's market. Business - started early with shippers the strongest buyers, packers waiting until a little later In the morning before filling the bulk of their orders. In most cases shipping ' hogs were a nickel higher and some sales were made a dime higher. The mixed and packing grades changed hands 6c higher than yesterday with the common kinds siiowlng about the same advance. Of late, the- spread in prices between choice light and common heavy bogs has been becoming narrow, but this morning common hogs did not sell to as good aa. sntas- aa on yesterday. On the whole there km a good demand. Trade was actlvo from the opening and prac tically everything was disposed of by 10:3 o'clock. Several loads ot good light hogs wero bought by shippers at $. 10. the top price of tha Oa-y. This is the highest price for hogs since November, I'M. th( same price having been paid In jiuunry. 1911. Until today the highest point touched by the hog market this year as shown by the average price was on April 2, when ail tho hogs neie aveiagcd $7.79. Today tne average) of. .all tne saius was $7.&, toe highest of any day since January, toll, wneri the hlgn point of that year was $8.J2. Representative sales: No. A. Ba. Pr. No. Av. gh. Pr. 22 ISO ... 7W 70 224 tm 7 S5 65 28 12 7 M 28! 40 7 85 69 27 iO 7 Ii 88 221 ... 7 Hi - 6 330 ... 7 70 20 7. 8 37 277 ....770 St....'.,, Ilk ... 785 202 40 7 79 62, 242 M 7 S5 60 2K7 40 7 70 . 77 226 40 7 5 46 277 SO 7 70 71 235 40 7 85 80 27 18 7 7V, 74 227 t) 7 J 68 2 20 7 724 '.i 202 40- 1 ii 23 201 120 7 75 189 40 7 85 31 2 ... 1 7 41. ....... 38 M 1 25 302 ... 7 75 21 167 ... 7 85' 64 268 120 7 75 45...... 177 ... 7 IS 71 260 3JO T 75 69 .225 49 7 Ti 50 204 28 7 75 2 224 80 7 66 Hi ... 7 75 . 26.. 227 80 7 80 66 200 7 75 53 220 40 7 !W 61 25 ... 7 75 5 28 ... T SVV 58 250 Jl 7 75 2 228 40 7 1 84 274 20(1 7 75 ...'....$ ... 7 90 57 292 W 7 75 IS 23 ... 7 71.. 244 820 7 75 7J 21 T 90 67 240 ... 7 75 69 211 2S0 T-90 65 25 1(W 7 75 7 224 1 7 w J 2 129 7 75 7J.......2 40 7 IS, 164 214 200 7 77'i 84 181 . 4fl 7 90 ' 68 202 60 7 80 ...... ..215 12ft 7 90 65 2 ... t tt J84- 4 7 W 54 tS4 lf' 7 80 7 218 4 7 5 42 219 4fl 7 SO , 79 223 49 7 95 14 W 200 7 fl 2 254 m 7 98 4k 202 ' 7 220 Ml 7 95 67 251 . 7 M 67 23 1 40 7 95 i 79 1W SO 7 0 7J 230 40 J 95 ' 67 S48 W 7 80 ITS ... f i 69 22 240- 1 .'.' 77 22 120 IS 66 255 40 7 SO 74 224 ... 7 Oj 89 256 ( 7 80 77 210 ... T 95 (,4 2M ... 7 8 TI K 13S 1 n 71 J20 go 7 . SS. ...... 21 4 80 795 219 ... 7 fi 7l.i.... ;25.t 40 5 8 HI 4i ill 120 7 80 tU 193 ... 8 00 ! 2S0 lilt 80 7 80 SO T 60 82.. 4.. 75.. 7.. 50.. W.. 63.. 81.. S3.. .197 .253 .ISO . 201 ..203 . .227 ..190 ..US ..193 .194 , 20 S 01 .. . 8 00 ... I 00 20 8 0s 40 .8 05 34 I 10 40 S 10 . Ill 8 10 ... 110 40 I 10 J4 S40 7 80 376 7 80 ? 80 7 13 H 30 290 10 231 63 254 40 7 2H 40 189 200 T 35 4 227 120 7 16 !6 32(1 40 7 85 SHL'EP Yesterday's market was very slow and dull all (lav, but pretty mucn everything was disposed of before the clone, and at prices that were generally steady with the previous day. This morning tne receipts were very light, only three cars of Montana wethers. a car or rainy good uano lanms ana a deck of native 'laoibs being reported in. As has been the case pretty' much every day this week the trade was slow and dull in ;p!t of tit fact that receipts we:e light. While total receipts of fat sheep have, been very large here this -week as well as at other market centers choice fat .wethers, ewes , and ..yearlings are only about KH&lic lower thart tjie close of Ja.-t week, tlv demnnrt has been good ror really desirable klllera-ih spite of the fact. trlit the nenerai trade? laB Seen slow. Unfortunately the market has aimuit been flooded with rheep on the in-bet wee i order, and in t n.ejVerHii.t:aoe on ti at eta s oV stock I as mIio-Vii greater;, beln aioun'l IuIj.jc lower tuan last week. No great change has- taken place tn tne lamb ma:ket. the choice kinds being fully tteady with other grades weak to Uttle lower. Quotations on sheep t;id Uimbs: LkiiiLij. good to choice. 7.O0'7.DO; lambs, fair tu food, $S.257.0O; lambs, feeders, $4.505.40; yearlings. light. J.7Iti5.1"; yearllnss. heavy. J4.50g:4.75; -yettrllnj;s, feeders, $3.6iJ 4.2a; wet.'ic.-f. gootlV'to ehblce, $4.1Wi4.iO; wetherl. fair to good. 3.TS4.tO; wethers, feeders, $.i.aji3.73; ewes, good to cliolco. $3.7534.00; ewes, fair to good. $3.003.73; ewes, feeders. $2.0OS.O9. Representative sales,:. No. 170 fat yearlings 75i'0 Idaho lambs 1R5 Idaho lambs, culls..'...' Av.c; Pr. .. 79 4 75 .. 68 7 f . .. 68- 6 W lis-Idaho yearling feeder. .. 71- 4 141 Idaho wether feeders.,. 11& Idaho wethers 93 . 3 : 3 3P 4 .. 104 t'HIf AGO LIVE ' STOCK -THARKatT feninnd for Cattle Mcndr Hog and Sheep TUsrher. mA -v ' CHICAGO, Aug. 2.-CATTLK-Recelpts. 23.000 head; market, steady: beeves, $5.75 W9.&-; texas steers, $o.007.10; western steers. $5.8&!fj7.80; stockers , and - feeders, J4.00ip.90;' cows and heifers,. flfapjtO; calves. tfl.7WfW.25.' - " HOGS Kerelpts, 11.000 head: market. 6n tn 10c up; light. WoOiS.)- mixed, tf.00 CS.55; heavy. $7,1.15; rough. 7.157.83; pls. (i.70iS.fl0; 'bulk of sales, I7.ttc3i8.l5. SHEEP AND. LAMBS Receipts, W.OOfi head: markot, steady to 10c up) atiVe, $3;)ffri.75; western. 3.50((J4.fl8; yearlings, t4 60i".6o: "ftrnbs, naUve, $4.507.75; 'West ern. J4.WX&7.85. . .. ,. ... Kansas City Lire Stoek Market., KANSAS CITY. Aug.' l-CATTLR-Recelpts. 1,900 head. Including 1.300 south ems; market, strong: southerns,' Btronjf to 10c higher; calves, 25o higher; dressed beef and export steers, $S.259.75; fair to good, t-60(f8.15; western steers, tfi.5W 9.00; stockers and feeders, $4.507.5O; southern steers, tB.OOrgfi.SO; southern coWs, t3.60ft5.50: native cows, $3.50(fJ7.00; native heifers. $6.0O8.75; bulls, t3.75(fT.25; calves, t5.O0eW.OO.' HOGS-Recelpts, 2,300 head; market, 10c higher: bulk of sales, $8.05trs.20; heavy. 17.fri(S.fl0; packers and butchers. 1 $8.05i9 8.25: light, $8.00p.26; pigs'. $8.0CrtW.OO. " ' SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,W head; market, Iteady; lambs. fUKVrJT.SO; yrarllngs. M-OOcatOO; wethers. timiM; ewes, $3.fl64.00; stockers and feeders, 52.60(51.00. t St. Lonla Live Itock Blarket. - &T. LOUIS, Aug. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head. Including 100 Texans; market, rteady: native shipping and ex port steers. $8.701.04; dressed and butcher steers. Jti.004r8.50; stockers and feeders. t4.50thS.50; cows and ."heifers, . t4.00fl.7': cannei'B, $2.76tfi3.2ft; bulls, - t4.005.3O; calves, $6.0Wrtt,25; Texas and -Oklahoma steers, t4.&0&'8.26; cows and heifers, $32kl 7.50. . i HOGS-Recelpts, 4.S0O head; market. -'V higher; pigs and light. t75o? 8.55; mixed and butchers, $8.30fg8.5rt; good hetfvy, $s.3D C4.45. . . SHEEP AND', 'LA M4J8 Receipt s. "..HtO head; market, fteoily;, muttons, $3.751.75; lumbs. $5.&0(j7,60; culls and. bucks,, tl.jyt 3,50; stockers, ooa, . .. t . , . . . , o . ftt. Joseph Stock Jlarket, ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 2.-CATTLH-Recelpm. 300 head: market, steady; Sters, $6.60ti.6; cows , and heifers, $J.0o74'); calves, $4.60gi8.75. a HOGS-Recelpts," 2,500 head; market Tic higher; topi W i ' DU'k ot ' fi-wl 8.15. -; SHEEP - AND LAMBS Receipts. "' $0(1 head; ma'rVet steady to 15c higher; latrlMs, $6.50.50. ' , Stock In Sight " ' Receipts of live stock "at the five prgi clpal western markets yesterday: T , t aitie. mors, sneep. fiuth Omaha..;..; 78 ' fl.soo St. Joseph , 300 2,500 Kansas City.".'....'. l.tuO ' 2,$i St. lxiuls 2,000 4.300 : $0 7.700 9,'l00 10,000 Chicago 25,000 11,000 Totals 29175 27,000 17,050 New York Money . Market. . NEW YORK. Aug. 2.-MONEY-6n i?aU steady. 2'4f2 per cent; ruling rate, viH per cent; closing bid, 24 per cent;-offefed at 2 per cent. Time loans, strong; sixty days, 3V4 per cent; ninety days, S-l&l per cent; six months. 4i(??3 per' cent.. Mi ner cent. Sterling exchange, weak, with actoal business In bankers' bills at $4.8CW for ilxtv-dav bills and at f4.87UD lor w- mand. Coitimercfal bills; $4.83; - . SILVER Bar, 0c; Mexican dollars.' c. BONDS Oovernment, steady; railroad, firm, s . . . . Closing quotations on bonds today wer as follows: 0. 8. rtf. ii, m...liK. c. SO. nt. (... 4a ooupon 100 U B. dab. 4s 1M1... m O. t. la, ri 101 "L. & .V. unl. 4,. 8a S do coupon 10i M, K. AT. 1st tt. 4r, C, S. 4a, nt -t 4t , .. .it, do ooupon ..112 Mo. Facllta 4 Panama, 3a, coupon.;10t do coa. fa Panama U, coup. . .101 R R of M U4 t A1ll-Chl. Ut 61.. 1 N. Y. C. s. ti' Amar. Af. 5s. .. 101V4 do deb. 48 'ti- A T. a T. 0. 4S..11444S.-T. K: H. H.W. Am. Tobacco 6a.. ..120. .. cr. .. JH Armour & Co. 4V4- SK a W. lat e. to,. ivi Atcbiaon gen. 4... 7V4 do ov. 4a...-....'...fl7 do cv. 4s 1960 l04'4No. Pete..4......&A do ev. 5a 108H do la 9 A. C. V lat 4t.... 94HO. 8. L. rfdg.. 4... 24 Bal. ft Obto '41 tHiPann. 'rr. jra 1U.. 71 in J',j 91 do . con. 4a. 1024, Brooklyn Tr. cv. 4. Si'iTtaadlns gen. '4s.... Cen. of Oa. in 109'4 8. l. & g. F. fg 4j 79 tVn. Lesther 6a..-.i.1H do gas. -U... 'n t-hes. OWo 4sa...99'i8t. U 8., W. e. 4s. (OS do con. 4ts WH8. A. U dj. Is.... 79 Oilciigo a A. Zri.- 4,48(). Pac. col. 49.... S4 I C. B. W f. 4.. S4s do c. 4tfc-4l. A:-.i. 44H do gs. 4a k 'do Vat nt. ,4..MU C. R. I. & P- c So. Railway St.-... tin do ftg. 4a'. H 4 tm 4. C. 41 S. r. ft a. 4H95 Usjon Pacific' t:::.t- D. it R. cv. 4a 9S1 do ct. 4 105, C 4 R. O. rf. 8. 8-7K- "do Ut ft nf. 4S7: DIt1Ilr' 58' ....... 73,tl. s. Rubtwr ,... ll Eds p. 1. 4 89 V. 8. Steel id t:...VH do ran. 4a. ...... ..78 Va.-C'ar. Ctmn, 5a.. 9S', do (. 4. sr. B. 78iWabaah i ft ex. 49 S', ni. Cm., 1st ret. 4i, 95Hwestani MA 4.;... 86', Intor.Mot. 4Vi smwast.. Klec. e. Sa. ja Inter. M. If. is.. 841, Vin. .Central 4e .,' Jspsn If Ila " '. ..' Bid. Offred. ..'. .,t,; Boston S"toelc .Market. ;j BOSTON-. Aug. . ? .--Closing r -quotations on stocks were- as follows: " ; -, ; Alleoex 47 Mohawk '.'. & Amal. Copper '84fcNevad Con. ....... 'Sly. A. Z. L. & S..,- 31 .Klptsslng Mfnes 1H Arlrosa. Cm. M North Butte M B C C ft 8. M. 7 NertS Lake ,..-!, Csl. ft Arltons 76',,01d Domtnlos ...:. r.T Cl. Heel 128 Ketala OnteaaM . Qslncj Ti Ces. Ranse C. C . 5" Shannon U i Kaet Butte C. M ... 11 Snpertor .."..1'4Ti'1 Pmkttt ti '4 Superior ft B. M V; Olmf On. - :1 Tanmrark '.,.....'..,.. IR' r.raabt fo. .'. 54'. B. S. 8 fl.- ft M: .. f"i 43rsne jCsnMw . ... t4 pf(f "...';'..;...'. 4 Rrl Copr.. S5 ITiah Con. i.I.. ..A:'. O'j Kerr Lako "4 l;'tr Copper, Cp. : .'C'i l.ak Cooper .'. S7'4Wlnonk . ".', ts Ckpner-v." . Welverlne . -.JlM? Miami Copper ...... 2J' , - .- k.:- f z. York MIiiIhic itoekau, -r-f sr.vr -toriC Am' loosing iW';- tlrins on mining stocK weYe:' ' ; . A)ic w ttie Chief .v....iv ir Corji. Tunrid ftocV. t Meirs t. i.vT."?" S: do bonds 15 Ostatto ,.....'.t.i4)i Con. Csl. ft Vs.... r Ophir Iron Slh-er 0 Hiodard' .'..'.!...lfui laadillle Con.,... 10 .Tello, Jacket SJ ' - saaar .Market. ' t ". : . NKW Y.ORK.. Ai. 2,-SL OVR-Riw . nominal; muscovadA. SJ ;test. ;34So; cjriji trlfugal. 9H test, XWc: molasses sugar.- 49 test, 3.23c. Refined Is quiet 1 64. in. 30