Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1912, Page 12, Image 12
The "Higher rr : T" i , j S"AV, FtUUsR NOW THAT VCS- UT HAVE t MS 7(), f B6teR.rt ((VCHEti; WHM,TH6 Yov KNOW - BuSrr6 SS J 4 THANKS, , ( THe-MWXHi4H6R. up. Business NOw.-ST Follow how nvolh ' t r KAlow TMC MAM ' " T't-U SHOW FART He f. ? I ( JuiT THAT'S THE r,;- Ihi rtcsHovy 1 I him to you J L J AROwNO , hhgr. ;i v.t 'iwttLs .'i if : r i. .nm mils . vkVirT . s .- gmmm i WANT ADS .. Want atis received at any time, bat to insure proper clarification must be presented before 12 o'clock in. (or the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tion. Want ads received after such ., hours will nave their first insertion under the heading "Too Late to Llaasilj. ' CASH RATEsToR WANT AD9. ! REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ons insertion 1 H cenU per word and 1 . cent per word for each subsequent ' consecutive insertion. Each inser lion mnde on odd daft ltt cent per V word; 8)1.50 per line per month when ad la ran without change of eopjr. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. O'BRIEN Jami, aged 73. at Winner, " 8. D., July 31 Funeral from residence of his . son, John W. O'Brien. 3316 Nortn 14th, Sat- ' arday at 9:30 o'clock; to 8acrd Heart church, 10 a. m. , Interment Holy Sep ulchre cemetery. , CARD OF THANKS.' ' ' We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy and many beautiful floral offerings dur ing our late bereavement over the death of our beloved mother and sister. Mrs. H.. Q. Luplnske, William Lyons. Thomas Lyons, John Conway and William Con way. LODGE NOTICE. A. 0. U. W. FUNERAL NOTICE. The members of North Omaha lodge No. 15y arc rcquestod to attend the funeral ot Brother W. H. OalUgan Sat i urday morning at 8:W from residence, 2314 Blnney, to the Sacred Heart church at 9 a. m. (Signed.) ALFRED WATT, Master Workman. ; F. M: MoCULLOUOH. Recorder. '! B1KT1IS AND DEATHS. " ' Births-John II. and EUstbeth Beaton. SOui Harney street, boy; H. and Pearl Chase, AlbrlgHt, boy; Moe and Barah Cohen, 0 North Sixteenth street, girl; - Louis and Emma Elpperle, 4319 South Thirteenth, boy; N. D. and Blanch Franks. Urban apartments, boy; Martin and Rose Csore, sis Poppleton avenue, . g rl; H. P. and Nina J. OoldbrsUh, 2SM ' Jcnes street, boy; Nels and Anna John iiwn, 113 North Twsnty-s'fhth avenue, ' Ctrl; George S. and Lois Johnston, 113 'South Thirty-sixth street, girl; Charles W. and Alberta Schmidt, 1923 South Twenty-third, boy; Leo J. and Amber Tracey, 81S North Forty-ssoond, boy; Charles and Mary Walther, 60S South wenty-elghth street, girl. DeathsHeyman Btolek, 9 years, nos-'- pltal; Mrs. A. Main, 68 years, hos , pltal; Mary Carr Thomas, i days, hos--i .pltal. ; ; , BUILDING PERMITS. , C. H. Bean, 8711 Marcy street, frame dwelling, 83.500; C. Norpe, 8eventh and Dorcas streets, frame dwelling, 8L2O0; A. W. Fltisimmons, 1021 Spencer street - frame dwelling. 32.500; James Neville, 107- it'll North Sixteenth street, brick stores land office building. 840,000; C. N. Moore, J 2313 Ogden street, frame dwelling, 32,500; Charles Horn, zsa ugaen street, ireme dwelling. 12.50. and 1219 Ogden street frame dwelling. 82,500; CrelghWn univer sity, Twenty-sixth and California streets, frame grand stand, 82,000. MARRIAGE LICENSES. -The following marriage licenses have .ttn issued: .Name and Residence. Age. 'John C. Skomal, Omaha 28 iMayme Hermansky, Omaha 23 t'Frank C. Johnson, Omaha 21 .Margaret M. Corrlgan. Omaha. 18 .Fred A. Slay den, Omaha 24 (Bessie Clark. Omaha 23 Mullon Ehrllch, Chicago si 'Anna Jensen, Story City, la 23 1" HELP WANTED FEMALE j Ageate and Salevwoiuen. LADY solicitor wanted. 503 Bee Bldg. ' : Factory aud Tradva. APPRENTICE girl to learn hairdreasing. jOppenhelm parlorg, 2d Fl, City National. i ..WANTED Man and wife to work on 'jfarm, near Omaha; good place for right ;lrty. Address C 438, Bee. 'Glrla to learn millinery trade. 627 Paxton. ... lloaatekvepera aad Domestic. "'THE SERVANT GIRI, PROBLEM J ; SOLVED The Bee will run a ServaTi rUu-i Wanted Ad FREE until you (tt tn iaeaired results. This applies to resident ol Omaha, Bouth Omaua and Council ijUiuiU Bring your ad to The Bee ouics . in- u-'epnone Tyler. UNA. ' WANTED Experienced nurse gitl 'with, references. Mrs. H. A. Tukey, 123 , ,n, uiin. r none iiarney i. WANTED A good girl for general housework. M22 Lothrop 8L ' WANTED Young girl to assist with ,nuuaewurK. n. i&as. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- .wora. n. loub 8. isth. ' WANTED Younc rtrt tn ( i. (light housework at Raklgo cottage. Rod ikiiu una craw, no pnone oaus answered .piust apply in person. WANTED Girt for central hoiunnrir 'it w in lamny, let, narney JTb .. r.t oT ,7 MIDDLE aged lady wants position as housekeeper for respectable gentleman, in icuy prazerreo. u SDiS. 1 WANTED Glri tot general housework. ft . iu. iws d. mo. BOMS one- to do good laundry work twho will take tt home. 1S & 33d St Call iiarney nu. r WANTED-Oirl to work for music ks- isons ana small wages. Mrs. u F. Gil' igora, w . snu. xet. w, ir Up" is the Guy I I I I I I ' HELP WANTEDFEMALE ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS PERSONALS OFFERED FOR RENT OFI KKKH r JK it ft i MicelIaneoaa. TOUNG women coming to Omaha si trangers aro Invited to visit the Touns Women's Christian association bulldlnc t St. Mary's Ave., and 17th. St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tbe Union station. WANTED 1 dining room girl; 1 cham ber meld; 1 dish washer. Write or phone Grand hotel. Grant City. Mo. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Balcamra aad Solicitors. WANTED Man with road experience for city work. No door bells. Cull 192U Farnam St., Room 14. Also want lady to take orders. aO-WANTED-38. Men of good moral character, over the age of 21, to solicit in Omaha and South Omaha. A good proposition for ths right parties; must furnish references. Call at Room 610, Paxton Bldg. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and (1 to 8 p. in. J. A. Schroeder. National Director. WAN'i'&u fciieni man with a little cash to take active interest in estab lished wholesale nous. Address L &Q Bee. I'LL send you PREPAID a big set of winning MAIL ORDER PLANS on AP PROVAL; If accepted $3 covers total cost, otherwise return; Include 7c mailing cost EXPERT, box 1615, New York. AGENTH, crew managers, if you are not making 850.00 a week, you are handling the wrong article. See Jaeger Bros. Mfg. Co., 607 Brandels theater. A FEW salesmen to sell stock and poultry remedies. Direct 1506 Cuming. D. 3702. , AGENTS Big money to be made; free; a new leader; attractive proposition. Write for the sample. Kramer, (Star-buck, Wash. PERMANENT work with a lrge com pany for the right kind of a business get ter; good commissions and a good seller; every man a prospect ana every case should reduce to a sale. If you have real ginger and want to build a fine busi ness for yourself, communicate with Accident Insurance Department, National Fidelity and Casualty company, 12th and Farnam streets, Omaha. AOENTS-Sell our wonderful skin and scalp soap; if you mean business, send for sample and terms. Hoptlnger & Roth St. Louis, Mo. Clerical and office. BTrr.T. mill A nr..r 4M. f. ul.' mimn fsi rant il firt ... it Eft Mi-u. JOHN FELDMAN. 806 N. 17th. D. 3128. Faeiwrr aad Trade. Prtig store insp Jobs. Wnlejit. B BM? WANTKD An all around blacksmith at once. W. H. Rogern, Hooper, Neb. 78 MEN, 20 to 30 years old. wanted at once for railroad firemen and brakemen, 8M to 3140 a month; experience unneces sary; no strike. For application blank address Y 7. care of Bee. WANTED Dru clerk. E. H. Dort. Auburn. Neb. WANTED Experienced upholsterers. Factory operates on piece work nlan. Ad dress Lincoln Upholstering Company, Lin- coin, MCD. WANTED Good blacksmith and horse- Shoer who can do all kinds of srenerai work. Steady job and good pay for good workman. Gorham Bros., P. O.'Box 265, Dunlap, la. WANTJCtV Man tn Iniarn h trade. Few weeks completes. Tools given. Wages while learning. You can Join ua with imaurAnrvi von will iiuvmiI inni " ..... '' I J form country or city. Moler Barber Col- lege, iiu o. ifi n oi. Mlacelianeoaa, GOVERNMENT lobs ortm. Writ for list. Franklin Institute, Dept HI R Rochester, N. Y. 5e night rooms Carey Hotel. 422 & ith. TELEGRAPH by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your training la our school. Praotl" on H. R. wires. Ad dress for partlculs rt. H. B. Boyles, Pres. pojriei ioueirt, uivuia, weo. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de mand and command 'arse salaries: ore. pare yourself in ou' large training shops. wnvra you learn now to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn. 2814 N. 20th St. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN and women wanted for govern ment positions, ISO month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept 117 R. Rochester. N. I. WANTED SITUATIONS niTilt in ... .... . luu vi . pirn, m uukii ru. aio. un.k jlu ttC . .1 . ,T L. liiM DAY work or washing and ironing by colored- lady. Phone 2269. 2269 N. 26th. SITUATION wanted as second girl or sewing, cleaning or ironing, by colored girl. Address B m, Bee. YOIINfl lndv lhu nnnltlnn ..,.. ographer; can operate any machine. Call YOUNG girl wants position as nurse glri. Call Douglas 3668. Bundle or day work. W. 8427. (Colored.) MAN and wife want position on farm. D. 2679. 1723 Dodge. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. H. 5442. GOOD carpenter. 85c Per hour. wh B411 ELDERLY Christian man wants work. Call Web. 7225. EXPERIENCED elevator conductor, married, would like position with some office bldg. In city. Have city license. Edward R. Haenne, 630 N. 18th 8t., South umana. Bundle A family wash. Guaranteed. WS677. COLORED man and wife wants to do general nousewora ana a servant room: mi cuuurvn. . oua. n. Jones. WOMAN wants day work. Call Web. 7115. LAUNDRESS wants work by day. H 4787. Washing snd lace eurUlns done. H. S63o WANTED Plain sewing by day, call riea B.w. Steady young girl, age 17, wants posi tion as nurse girl. Inquire 815 No. 24th THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST Higher Up, Says Y. W. C. A. SWIMMING POOL EIGHT LESSONS FOR 82. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. JOIN NOW And Enjoy a Cool Plunge During These Hot Days. MONEY; ro LOAN -LOW rate, in sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 2904. UNION LOAN CO. Wallialla for vacation. Ask Beal. D. 4171. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. D. y. Gritfith. wig mfr.. It Ftenter Blk. Plumes Renovated gfkomD5u;ai Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both 'phones. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel Douglas 881 Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices, HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Ht.i., South Omaha. Estimates furnished free on house paint- ln. Oliver Cole. Doug. 3758. 3855 Parker. Flour is Down Tb best flour in the market. Satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded. Forty-eight-pound sack, 31.25. WAGNER 801 North 16th St ALL will be forgiven. Mary, if you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on loth and uougias streets. That Is where BRODEGAAUD ulls lliose lucky wedding rings. B. H. Cole Hlgn Co. D. a,.. U16 Farnam. Omaha Bill Posting Co., 1915 Har. D. mi Gunrnnteo Laundry. l'ne work. D. 3378, TRY our 10c cream bread, always fresh. Leavenworth St. Bakery, 2707 Leav. Wedding announcement:!. Doug. fit. Co. Ulio..-tei (.Uuo, ruin, rap. aKH Far. EL CONTENTO HABANA ClUAa not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON drug cu, iUB jrarnam. umana. NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 606 Paxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex perts of Multlgraph and Neou'vie. SWIMMING Learn now at the Metropolitan. No bet ter pool in United States. Filtered run ning water. Classes and swimming par ties for men, women and children. Tele pone Douglas 417. Ni. l-.. M r. II., cmna paint. 833 Brandwls Tn TrmiArfR Eastern goods, complete lYUiAflJYD itocKl Largest finishing deportment In the west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1813 Farnam St. and 308 S. 15th St. Cellar dlggiiiK and g.ading. Call W. 6433. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 316 8. 15TH. UPSTAIRS. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. 807 N. 17th. Phone Bed 814. GRANDMAS Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. DELIGHTFULLY cool, downstairs soda water rooms. "SODOASIS," 16th and Dodge: "Ow n Nest" 16th and Harney. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., props. General contracting, painting and pa- perhanglng. Baker HOT Clark. Web. 6638. Alfred C.Kennedy ance. 209 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 728. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. n Motion picture machine and film bargains CLAN GORDON picnic. Krug Park, Eaturday, August 3. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND 2 White Steam cars, late models, fine condition. 8600 and 8650. Murphy Did ItSf Industrial Garage REPAIRING AND STORAGE. On 20tl. between Harney and Howard St. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO., Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, 2301 Farnam. 'Phone Tyler 1551 TIRE REPAIRING voM tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest prioed and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Scors Auto Supply Co., 3020 Far nam. FOR BALE "Welch" eO-horsepower i-iassengor touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims. Klaxon horn and rresto-O-Llte tank. The car te In first-class condition and a bar gain. First cash ifter of 31,200 takes it Addiess, Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Blulfj. la. lour TIKE EXPENSES cut in two. Expert tire repairing; work guaranteed. ALTO TIKE RKPAIR CO.. 1921 Farnam. FOR SALE 1912 automobile. 43 hone Dower, new. used two . months, best make, fullv equipped; cost 81.9T0. Owner going abroad nnu win taKo xi.& o cash or good securi ties. Phone Harney 307. SECOND HA.VD A UTOM OBTLEB FOR SALE-1911 Hupmoblle In first class condition; equipped with Presto tank, full set tools and big Solar head lights, for 33C0; will pass Inspection. This Is a bargain. Address Y 108. Omaha Bee. 1911 CARTER CAR, four-passenger; WOO casn; no trade, sjig N. 24 tn. 'Phone weaner 57iw. Motorcycles. WRTTE for list of used motorcycles. We carry a full line of Thor and Excelsior parts. Any make of motorcycle repaired. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Omaha. Yale, Harley-Davtdson and used motor cycles. Victor U. Rooi. J703 Leavenworth. Jeff DRUG store for sale; elegant store room; good town; clean stock; doing good business; at a bargain; no trace. Address Y 103. Omaha Bee, RELIABLE party with capital can se cure permanent position. Franklin, 6S1 Brandels Bldg Ed Rothery, Business and Real Estate Exchange Co.. Room 319 McC'ague Bldg. BUTCHER'S ice box and patent oil tank for sale. See Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. Douglas 2724. TO ret in or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, dairy, bakery goods, notions, news, cigars, to bacco, good soda fountain; 4 living rooms; rent 330; 3450. H. 8742. - STOCK and bond house of reputation. with best of connections, that can fur nish references of corporations where is sues of stocks and bonds have been sold during the last five years, will consider the sale of an Issue of stocks and bonds In corporation of merit; new projects or ganised ana securities sola. Horace n. Hastings & Co., Rockefeller Bldg., Cleve land, O, HoomtnK Houses for Sale. NICELY furnished rooming house; clean place, good money making place; good reasons for selling. Call Omaha Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. BUSINESS PERSONALS Bag Manufacturers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Net. Chiropodists. DR. ROY. 1506 Farnam. Dotfg'-ag 6497. Clothing; Manufacturers. Wear Ideal dreis shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creameries, Dairies aud Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMER If COMPANY Cornice und Steel Ceiling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Detective. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1135. L. W. LONGNECKER. 517 K inc. Omaha Secret Serv. 4-8 Paxton Blk. I. lii. Dentist. Bailey, the dentist. City Nafl. P. 236. Mach Mach, 3d floor laxton. D. 1085. 'faffs dental rooms. 1617 Doug. D. glad. UreaamaitiuK. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3999. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th ft Far 1-piece dress special; reasonable. H 5921). Everything- for Women. LADLES invited to call on the Western Millinery school, Inspect our work and get our prices, szi raxton oiocs Everything; Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co.. 1611 Howard. D. 681. Fed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 2332 Isard. ' Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A -1001 HESS ft SWOBODA, 1 15 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON Mils Farnaui. D. U'a. Hospital. PRESBYTERIAN Hospital. 1240 So. 10th St Foundries. McDonald brass and bronse foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Moving, Storatte aud (.leaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. . Furniture packing, piano moving. Olflce 218 s. mn wt. uoug. sn, UnT .,M JL Ann Van A S X-hnre Van. 1 men, 31.16 nr.; 1 hrs, 81 hr. D 4338. W 54. tiiinin mnvinv Cole storage and ex press, 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670. A-3D3.'. Furn. Moving; 1 men, 81 per hr. W. 274S. Music, Art aad Lanauamea. ALVIN POOLE, violin lessons. 2219 PIANO LESSONS reasonable. Doug. 4S61. - Karserles and Meeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Patents. H A. STURai8 registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 614 Brandels Theater Bldg, rrone v. w. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Optician. B. F. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels. Prlutiag. Lew W. RaberTPrinter, Sf,, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lyngstud Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A -263) for good printing. Rels-Kall Pu. j . i ,x. Ind. A-3534. t'hotoitrunSiers. Rltiehart. photographer. 18th ft Farnam. Teats and Awning. OMAHA TENT CO.,' Tel. Douglas S2t- Traaka and Salt Caae. Frellne ft Stein le. i'i Farnam St. UiiropHiny. Allca Johnson, 30S-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Kst'i.-ryn NIcKolas. 634-6 rirandels The. Steasgraphers and Coart Reaorters. Myrtle A. Kelly. 748 Bran. The. D. 6682. Steel Tank aad Calvert Companle. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. 14th and Nicholas Doug. Sissa, Store and Office Fixtures. WE BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 13th. near Howard. D. 3:24. " Wines cad Lienors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars sandwiches. Alex Jeles. 601-8 8. 13th St. 3, 1912. Drawn VIRGINIA DARE wine. 65c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 522 N. 16th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. GOOD horse 'for sale cheap. Somer Bros., ?Sth and Farnam. Buggies, surrles and runabouts at less than wholesale price to close out JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO.. 10th and Jones Sts. 1ST clash livery. Sherman, 24th & Clark. Snaps in Buggies 2 delivery wagons and several cholc iggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses in Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free tor the asking. Call, wi'ite or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boyles College, Omaha. Nebraska LOST AND FOUND BOY LOST $50 REWARD Charles Lewis, aged 15, tall, weighs IK pounds, brown hair, light brown eyes, blue mark in front of left ear. Wears glasses or near-sighted. Left home with a larger boy, Clifton Plauck. Detain and wire chief of police, JOHN J. DONAHUE, OMAHA. PERSON S naving lost some article would do well to catl up the otllce of the Omaha ft Council Bluifs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lent it in trie street cars. Many articles each day are turned in aud uie company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug iu 46. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST. Gtnt's go.d watch and chain, be tween Farnam and Douglas, on 9th. Fincer reiurn to Bee office. LODGE NOTICE vbgkJJ LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ilort.'a mul venlelea. THE BEST" BUGGIES are the cheapest. We have the best and at the right price. Let us show you. OPEN UNTIL 4- P. M. CENTRAL IMP. CO., 111 Farnam. Birds and o.iiif fct Stock. YOUNG canary birds; good singers. Lena Schoitmg, 2335 Monroe, South Omaha. South fc'S2. Dark singers, $1.60. MEDICAL. Dr. BabcocKr spec.aiist; both sexes; Wi Wilhneli Biog.. lath and Harney ats. SPECIALIST for VvU.u&N. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Vistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, i iatuia and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write tor book ou rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. K. TAKRf. Bee Biag., Omaha. SOY J EE HON I HERB CO. Chinese herbs and neroai remedies for all trouble of the human ayhieni; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, i.eart, dropsy and female trouble. Tel. D ft7&. 2u2 N. lativ. Dr. Race, specialist, 2413 Harney. D. 3943. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Vare blk. DE MARS' whirling spray syringe, the most sanitary and practical on the mar ket, 33; postage prepaid. Beaton Drug Co., lbuS Farnam at., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ulK.- uml l null!, Mou furniture, pianos and lf1fTr real estate at a very low wv"7 ihis ol Interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-135C. NOTICE Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rates and confidential. We will appre ciate your call. BIGGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST. RKLXABE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. 217 8. 18th St Tel. Doug 1411 or Ind. A-141L NOTICE Anyone wishing a square deal on salary or household loans see me. C. R. Fahringer, 1003 FARNAM STREET. Room 215. Tels. Dous. 22. Ind. A-10TL MONEY LOAN&D SALARIED PEO PLE and otners on their own name; cheap rates, easy Davmenis; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 503 New Omaha .ui i Hank Bldg. HOME LOAN CO. ' Most reasonab e .atf-s In the city. Write or 'phone l. . 1613 Farnam at.. R. 8. Patterson Blk. DIAMOND LOANS at 2ft and 6 per cant FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St. Te;. Hed 56 IS. CHATTEL LOANS. 85 to 310o. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO., iXjl Paxton Block. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aud ttoonta. O. M. E. hsuT. trunks. D. 11. A-26Ji. FIRST-CLASS rooms; excellent board. '38 S. lt'i. Dougis s lifts. PLEA8ANT, cool room and suite; excel lent board; West Farnam; private. Phono Harney 45. Wine and Llquora. Board and Roubh. for The Bee by CAN accommodate a few more table boarders; meal tickets if desired. 709 Georgia Ave. Phone Harney 3389. Furnished Rooms. BAfinAfTE1. messenger service and ALrliAUrj nsnt hauling; prompt service: reasonable rates. Auto Del.ft Ms. Co.. 1715 Douglas St. Tele. D. 3946: A-3496. 25M ST. MARYS; strictly modern; prl vate family; walking distance. Red 2977. SOL TH 2W' H, 113-Modern rooms, singie or double, 82 and up. Tyler 1147. TWO or more rooms furnished, or light housakeeptng. H. 4254. 2565 ST. MARY'S Ave., strictly modern; nicely furnished front parlor with piano. Doug. 4432. Unfurnished Rooms. 620 S. 18th St. 8 rooms close to town with water, gas and toilet" 11 J itpu lUf! unfurnished rooms on ground floor. Can be had in suite of 2 or 3. Tel. Doug. 4960. Furnished Bosses, 6-ROOM furnished house;, piano; 130. Phone W. 2436. Furnished Housekeeping Room, 1039 PARK Ave.,' three furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping; parlor floor; gas furnished. FOUR nice furnished rooms, all mod ern. for housekeeping. 8306 North 21st DOUGLAS St, 1808-Two modern rooms, furnished completely for housekeeping. A-1766, uougias rau. aZi art nrpii 1 tfPV Ninalfr furnished rooms for housekeeping or sleeping rooms. Tel. Doug, 4680. THREE modern, 8S.B0, 84, 84.60, com pletely furnished, private family. 1509 S. 28th. Hotels aad Apartments. OXFORD and Aoa4e, special wkly rate. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. ROOMS, cheap. Harney 6610. Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM, modern apartment Web. 6975. Large moving vana, i.2a per hour. D. 391 oiTirrh nA tltktm nlAalv dastfiralaiL sinks. i HU HVT H-m, 1 ' gas, toilet and water. 8418 Leavenworth, J. I. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth. Doug. 988, Ind. A-1888. BIN 1 IKe. 2d floor, 3011 Webster, 111. kttcw iiraainr. 1 and 6-room. all modern with Janitor service. 17 Maple. Doug. 3402. MENGEDOHT. Web. S718. CHEAPEST rent in Omaha. Northeast corner of 2oth and Burdette. owner, 2211 N. loth. 4-room apartment, walking distance. 28d and Mason; only 813. J. N. Snitzer, 423 1-axtnn Blk. D. 2161. 6-ROoM apart in the California, See janitor. D. 5327. Houses und Cottages. MODERN eight-room house at 220 N. 17th St.; cement basement; will be for tent August 1, at 84 per month. Apply Conrad H. Young, 822 Brandels Theater bldg.- MOVING, packing and storing ol house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., flreprooi storage. 806 8, Mth, by the viaduct. Branch office. 309 8. 17th St Tel. D. 4163; u:l'bt riHKiM-N'tw brtck. 5 bed room und 2 Jjatns. 315 N. 38th Ave. LARGE 6-room cottage at 4209 Lake St.,- 816. 877 Branaeis Biag. ,...iAur. vim ivn HTORAfJE CO.. pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to ' olflce. Doug. 14W or p-raa, ciTnuT.ujuu hniii, naw. !l:Uti Oirden. block from boulevard and block from Fort ' GOOD HOUSES-LOW RENT. 820.00 7-room modern, 4201 California. $20.00-8-r.. part mod., 3861 Charles. 118.00-6-r., part mod., 26th and Franklin. f00 3-r., part mod., 18th and Vinton. PHONE HARNEY 435, EVENINGS. FIVE-ROOM cottage. 829 3. 24th St 572 8. ath St. S rooms, completely mortem; fcB.50. Hall. m IUmg", D. 7406; A-4406. 1616 HALJ AVE.. 330.00; 7 rooms, mod ern. Titos. F. Hiih. 4 Ramge. Boffi phooes llUUfcea Creigh Sons ft Co.. Bee Blag HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap fre'ght ratea; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. TeV Doug. 394; office. 216 S. 17th St. TWO seven-room nouses At 41ed Cass and 4012 Farnam St C&ll Douglas 4040, or Harney 135. TWO 6-room cottages; modern exoept heat; 33d and Web&ier. Phone Harney 2362. S-ROOM house, newiy papered and painted. 2017 N. 19th. 816. Call D. 6R06. 7-ROOM. modern house, store attached, tor sale reasonable if taken soon. 27th and Franklin. Web. 1162. 626 CHARLES, six-room; modern ex- cept lurnace; lis. spect; oak finish downstairs; tiied bath room; tas ctove in kitchen, hot water heat attached; $40 per month to good ten ant. l'2 Jackson St Key next door east or at orrice. Inquire of owner, 4ul city Nat'l bank. FOURROOM, modern, except beat good repair, close to store, near 2 car lines. Webster 4661. K07 Grant street THREE and four-room apts., 29th and Douglas St., 810 to 812.50 per month. 8 rooms. 35th and Seward Sts.. 820. Douglas 3607. IF you want your house rented list it with Creigh, Sons ft Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. 8-ROOM, all. modern house for rent Phone H. 4811 FOR RENT Nice 4-room house, all modern, 116 2617 Cass. Inquire 2440 8. 10th St HAN SCO M park residence, nine rooms besides laundry, bath and pantry; mod ern, nice porches; good shade and lawn: southeast eorner Thirty-first and Pop pleton avenue, 840.00 per month. Inquire of owner. S. A. Searle, 648 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. FOR RENT An all modern new 6-room cottage, floors and wood work oiled and varnished, 822.00 per month. Owner pays water rent 1418 Ohio St Apply 1818 Loth rop St. 6-room house, modern except heat. S33 S. 21. $22.50. Har. 2705. "Bud" Fisher ftf Honsca and Cottnue. RENTAL BARGAINS. $;6.00-6-room, modern except heat, corner .of 10th ft Center. 82100 9-room modern, no heat. 1518 Ohio $S.00-6-room all modern. St. Louis Flat, 1608 N. 80th St. $30.00 6-room modern. 820 N. lbth fct H. A. WOLF 4?,2 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8068 "8-ROOM house, newly decorated throughout, 2511 Corby; key at first door west, ?z.'.6U.' 22D AND CALIFORNIA 8-R. brick, roomers, S42.D0. 24TH AND CALIFORNIA 5-R. apartment, $35. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nati Bank. 25TH AND FARNAM, strictly modern, new eight-room house. 'Phone Harney 4709. . i .... lonrn elntrlf llfifht. A real numo, vicnj "cMV all modern, 9-r., 846. 725 S. 37th. W. 2590. TP77r Kr.ii - i''ri.(fl tier month. 3527 Charles street. Tel. D. 778 or D. 1017. wTTmt-rM mnrlorn cottasre. furnace, lawn, shade, walking distance. 1040 S. 22d. D. 6422. ' ' : 2818 N. 19TH AVE. Eiglit-room modern house; newly painted and decorated; water paid; rent 325. MoEachron Realty (jo,, autn ana juane ou. AI'4V T-, r.-v hnim. oil mndfrn eXCOPt heat, U08 N. 23d St, South Omaha. Phone Douglas bb. 16 per mo. 1 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2107. 87TH AND DAVENPORT. 9-room, hot water heat; full basement; laundry downstairs; reception hall, par lor, dining room, kitchen, . maid's room adjoining; upstairs: four large rooms, closets, bath, gas and electric lights; oorner lot; paved; 840. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Store and Office. M'CAGUE BLDG, 15TH AND DODGE Attractive offices; moderate prices, APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. WE have at this time several very desirable office suites especially adapted for wholesale or brokerage firms; both retail and wholesale districts within a radius of a few blocks; will make a good proposition to the right parties; rent reasonable; for further Information call or write National Fidelity and Casualty company, latn ana rnnim. 1605 Davenport U. B. Balcombe. Warehouse. THREE-STORY warehouse with ele vator 14th and Nicholas Sts. Call Ben son 162. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. NEW gas stoves for sale, cheap. 1919 Clark street. "AM LEAVING town; must sell out our entire stock of furniture and carpets. turning. TTumtture for sale, owner going abroad. 2117 So. Mth St. , FURNITURE for sale, Ji new style sewing WJX of 5 modern rooms, $100. 1509 B. Z6tn. RENT from the manufacturers direct No 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, 34.00. Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type- w n ier wip" from 7-room house, reasonable. Leaving oitv m So. 81st St. Mualcul Instrument. FOR BALE A new 8200 Vlctrola; has never been used.- If interested ask tor price, m wi, Miscellaneous. OLD SAFES. DERIGHT. 1818 Farnam St SAFES Overstocked with second-hana safes; all slses and makes; bargains. American wupiuy o.. m a. myvn n i T 17 o T .lham Mnnitnr wlrn pamphlet stitchers, No. 2tt. In first class condition; power pulleys attaohed. Apply to the Omaha Bee. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. To Brunswlok-Balke-Collender CO.. 407-409 10th street DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, etc.; see us first. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. "yOOlTtabiea, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy. 2610 N. So. Omaha. ICEBOX FOR SALE Double door Heirlck refrigerator. 36 x-14xl9, in good condition. 210 So. 36th St Phone Harney 2566. PEI M-riAV HLOflll REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Ann D. Fisher. !l Ware piock. aw a. un. Massage Mis. au8 Boston Bid THE SALVATiON ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. Uth St.. for cost of colieotlon, to the worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and MASSEOTHERPYE1 LowM"d Allen of Chicago, iw a. nt". w ii. u. iw. vni'il urjtmain oAmlno' tr Oma hnV fhfl strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look lot our travelers' aid at the Union station. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew tng machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO:. 15th and Harney Sts. Body Massage. 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 77a f A Qi! A flVT Swedish movement Ap't jJlAOOiluri 2. 1802 Farnam. D. 6240. M An MTTTTP treatment E. Brott T10 .1AU1XLiJ.1Vs Kth 2d floor. D. 6289. ANNA H. MARKS ; nam. Davldge Blk. Ap't 8. ' Red 7529. BATHS, Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th ft Pierce. D. 436ft PERSONAL Big family surprise pack age; of dally necessity; 25c value. Thll package contains 6 useful articles, an) of which retail at 6c each. Will be mailed to any address for 10c. Satlafaos guaranteed. Novelty Mall Order Co., Gary. Ind. MSSGEExpert treatment. Mis. jidoOAun steeIe ics a ust. R.32i i t