Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1912, Page 8, Image 8
XT THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1912. unvu vAiTUP TDTUC TJ ft 1TDVEC M0,n" coum "Ul u" 01 lUumi imiiiJ nuuiuiiiu wichita. AH K. c BBSaSnnMMa--M I 1 - . I .. - W I u fiht it cli:, 1 II oo ' o Bt 1 X " Tn ! MlSTo JNtTTt , 1 li&Z "M 1 NVe F I HAD 19 -VCJV3 1 ' T"woeN'-wu mkLXi riik Had anyone. To now ro M kMM- T-Post n. JWMk PLY W,TH BUT You ) rf ToTy Thou' if . q. . tl AT V ) H B L-LJ -1 i ; i I 1 i . YiV M F : : : , ' ! ! s t ccf' J wMen&iflft mnu use to tigers i,)4.i.-v. a w 11 1 i .'lluuenvii, v.... Bids Western League jareweii oj i Hughe, 2b i iPettigrew, If 4 Winning ixamc. ELEVEN HITS OFF KAW HURLER Omaha Rallies of Brief Dnratlon and Topeka Catche I p Bert Mehoff Score Both Rous. By MA SOX VOILD. TOPEKA, Kan., July Sl.-peclal Tole-rm.)-"Cy" Young, who waj iold yes terday to the Detroit team pitched hli Bt game in the western league today and won from the Rourkes by 4 to 1 The Kaws played great ball and Ben Mtlonal lieldlng In the pir.chea kept the ftourkea from ever getUng In the lead. Young waa found for eleven hita but the moat Omaha could make out ' o them waa two runa. In the aecond I Inning Omaha made four mta ana( lecured a walk but even then could not ! et a run arrow. With one down Nl 'hoff beat out a bunt but was caught : napping. Bills and Arbogaat each landed ' safe on singles and Ryan wm walked. Justice then fouled, out. ; In the fourth Omaha had two men on bases with one out and the Kaws pulled off a swift double and retired the side. : In the eighth, the Omaha tem had two , on bases and Kane batted Into a double. ! Omaha started a rally In the ninth but : It only netted onr run. Nlehoff tripled '. and Bills doubled scoring Nlehoff. Johnson waa an easy out. Patterson to Gardner. Scanlon went In to bat for Ryan and flw out to King. Tted lor Brief Time. Omaha tied up the one run lead held by. the Kaws In the seventh Inning but they took the lead.Rgaln in their half of the seventh and Dale Gear put the game f.n Ice with a home run with a man on base In the eighth. Topeka took the lead in the fourth Inning. Lee singled to center, went to Kecond on Gardners' Infield hit Gear singled putting Lee on the third and he scored on a single by Frants Miwf aineled In the seventh. Bills beat out a bunt. Arbogast waa hit by a pitched ball and left the game. Ryan cent a sacrifice fly to Lee and Nlehoff rcored. v " Patterson landed safe In the seventh on Justice's eiror. Bchmtdt sacrificed. Walsh singled scoring Patterson, Lee beat out a bunt In the eighth and Gear Kfnred two with a home run. Nlehoff tripled in the ninth and scored on Bills' double. 6core: TOPEKA. AB. R. H. O. Walsh. 2b . 4 0 X lCIng, cf 0 0 le. If 4 J J Ourdner. lb I J 1 (."ear, rf 4 1 Franti. 3b 4 Patterson, ss 4 1 Schmidt, c 3 0 I Young, p t Davis, rf Callahan, ss 4 Koerner, lb 4 Mee. 3b 4 demons, c 4 Jordan, p J Perrv. d 2 -SO.-4T5 Agrc3oC;U4: Totals . " DES MOINES. AB. R. H Curtis, cf Claire, 3b 4 Hahn. rf 4 Belden, If . J Kores, ss '.. 4 JoneM, lb 4 Rellly, 3b 4 T'latowski, c 4 Faber. p J Leonard Sweet, P J Chounlnard 1 0 s 9 15 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 37 3 9 24 7 S Batted for Faber In fourth. Batted for Sweet In ninth. Wichita 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Des Moines 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0-3 Two-baau nlta: demon u, w-o, v.m- tls. Jones. Hits: Off reir. . in inree and a third; off Ferry. 2 In four and two-tlilrd innings; off 8wet. 4 In five Innings. BUuck oui: oy '" bv Jordan, 3; by Perry. ; by Sweet, . Baws onbal.s; Off Faber, t; off Sweet, L Time; 3:00. fmpire: Beess. LIXCOL5 OfTBATB HlOtA CITV Antelopes Beat the Indian by Eight to Six. LINCOLN. Neb.. July a. Lincoln took the opening game of the bloux Uty series. I to by bunching hits on both Brown and Sage. Krrors behind smitn. who pitched well, factored In the runs of the visitors. Score: LINCOLN. . A , ar R H. O. A. K. 5 1 2 3 1 1 3 6 Lloyd. Sf Miller, cf Cobb, rf McCormlck, If. Cole. 2b Barbour, 3b. .. Mullen, lb. .. Carney, c .... Smith, p H. 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 O. if 0 2 1 3 13 3 2 Totals , 8 18 27 13 4 SIOUX CITY. AB. R, H. O. 2 1 4 13 0 1 8 8 0 A. 1 0 0 . 0 0 1 4 0 Clarke, cf Evans, 3b. .... Smith, ss Myers, If. .... Tennant. lb. . Breen. cf. Andreas, 2b. . Orendorff, c. Brown. P. Sage, p Totals .... Lincoln gloux City ... Home run: S S 4 6 4 4 4 2 1 2 A. 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 Standing of Teams ...38 8 24 X ,000700lO- .. 003OO880O- Smith. Two-base hits! tj.ft on bases: Lincoln, , Total 83 4 10 2T 13 Justice, ra 'Covle. rf Ithomason, cf i Kane, lb .... Schlpke, Xb OMAHA. ab, r. a 4 . 4 4 .. 4 .. 8 'Nlehoff. 3b 4 Bills, rf Arbogast, c 2 I Johnson. 0 - 1 I Ryan, p .. I 1 Scanlon 1 1 1 3 0 o 8 3 0 0 0 A. E. 3 1 Cobb, Sag. Left on oases: 2- off Brown, 3; off Sage. 3. Time. i.w. Cmplres: Flynn and Knapp. i . , ; , . . , Athletic Victors Back from Sweden ; Totals .......... 33 J 11 24 18 I . Batted for Ryan In tne ninth. Topeka 000100ll-4 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-2 1 Home run: Gear. Three-base hit: Nle hoff. Two-base hits: Schmidt, Bills. Sacrifice hits: Gardner, Schmidt. Double !! Patterson to Gardner (2). Stolen Thomaion. Bases on balls. Off I Ryan.. 1; off Young, 1. Struck out: By lvnl.m i: bv Rvan. 4. Wild pitch: Young. i Time: 1:25. Umpires: O'Toole and John- son. i. joEXYER GAINS FIRST PLACE I t. Joseph Allowed Only Three Hit by Schrelber. mrvvTCR. Julv 81. The locals defeated St. Joseph this afternoon and Denver is ,now leading the league, ecnreioer a lowed but three hits. core: DEN V kit. AB. R. Kenworthy, ss 4 iGilmote. If 4 JCassldy, rf.. ucau. ci lyulllln, 3b.... French, 2b... 'Lindsay, lb.. ! Block, c. eee 3 2 4 . 3 1 ..:s ; Schrelber, p S Totals H. 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 8 0 A. E. 5 O. 3 3 3 3 0 2 . 9 0 0 2 NEW YORK, July SL-The advance guard of the army of American athletes returning from the Olymplo gamos at Stockholm, where they carries me or. and Stripes so often to victory, arrived here today on board the team Vader. land. The liner docked about o'clock, and on the wharf waiting to meet the ath- letea was a crowd of relatives, rnenas and admirers. Under the charge of Michael J. Mur phy, Harry Burmeyer and Glen Warner were twenty-one track and neia atnietes, Including S. H. Bellah, Multnomah Ath- letlo club. Oregon; R. L. Byrd, Adrian college, who was placed second in the discus throwing, best hand; Ira N. Dav enport, University , of Chicago, third In the 800-meter flat race; Clarence h. M mundson. Seattle Athletic association; Joseph Erzleben, Missouri Athletic club, St. Louis; A. M. Mucks. Chicago Athletic association, and John P. Nicholson, Unl verslty of Missouri. The shooting team also came back on the Vaderland, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel W. Llbbey. Not one of the Americans had a iad word to say for the arrangements ft Stockholm and the work of the judges In the stadium was praised by all. As the athletes landed each was given a card of Invitation to the reception on August 21, when the entire team, vho will by that time have reassembled, will parade through the city of New York. WEST. LEAOUF. i NAT. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct. W.UPct. Denver r& M .!:! New York. ..67 24 .i3S St. Joseph ..56 t& .5'j4 Chicago 67 34 . Omaha 56 47 I'lttaburgh. 52 36 .601 Des Moines 6S 47 .530', Phiia 44 43 .506 Sioux City.. 61 4 .510, Cincinnati. 45 49 . 479 Wichita .... 53 .455 St. Louis.. ..41 66 .427 Lincoln ....46 4 .m, Brooklyn.. .35 69.372 Topeka ....U .3M Boston 23 66 .275 AMER. LEAGUE. AMEli. ASS'N. W.L.Pet . W.L.Pct. Boston : .9l Minneapolis 69 39 . 639 Washington 0 Zl .819! Columbus ..6S 40 . 630 Phlla a .573 J"ldo 67 40 . 627 Chlcego ... :. v. .Mi, Kansas Oty.53 55 . 491 Detroit V W .4:A e'. Taul 49 63 .441 C'eveland. 43 62 .4641 Milwaukee. 47 80 .439 New York. .31 61 X7. Louisville ..43 66 .8S9 St. Louis ...29 66 . 305: iKl'napolls 40 73 . 354 NEE. LTAGUE. I . MINK LEAGUE. W UFct ' ' W.L.fct. Fremont ..43 29 .6971 City..48 88 .ww Kearney ..40 34 .641 Auburn 42 29 .592 Columbus ..88 83 W Neb. City... 40 33 . 55 Seward ....38 n 5eat'lc -33 37 . 471 Hustings ..38 84 ,W8 Humboldt ..30 41 An Gr. Island.. 37 35 . 614 Hiawatha ..25 46 . 352 York !9 40.43t Superior ..23 48 .3241 Yesterday's Reaalta. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha, 2; Topeka, 4. Des Moines, 3; Wichita, 6. Sioux City, 6; Lincoln, 8. St. Joseph, 0; Denver, 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Cincinnati. 0: New York, 7. Chicago, 11; Brooklyn, 4. Pittsburgh, 7; Boston, 6. Nineteen in nings. St. Lout. 4-0: Philadelphia, 5-6. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Boston, 4; St. Louis, 1. New York, 1?; Chicago, 3. Washington, 1; Detroit, 4. Philadelphia-Cleveland; rain. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Milwaukee. 2; Columbus. 4. St. Paul, -T; Indianapolis, 7-2. Minneapolis, 8-0; Toledo. 0-2. Kansas City, 3-1; Louisville, 4-8. Game Today. Western League Omaha at Toneka Des Moines at Wichita, Sioux City at Liincoin, i. josepn at Denver National League Cincinnati at New York, Chicago at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at Boston, St. Louis at Philadelphia. American League Boston at St. Louis, New York at Chicago, Washington at Detroit, Philadelphia at Cleveland. American Association Milwaukee at Columbus. St. Paul at Indianapolis, Minneapolis at Toledo, Kansas City at jjouisvme. Nebraska State League Fremont at Hastings, Kearney at Superior. Columbus at York. Grand Island at Seward. Mink League Auburn at Falls Cltv. Nebraska City at Beatrice, Hiawatha at Humboldt. PIRATES WINJHNIHETEENTH Hesg for Boston Weakens in the Eighteenth Inning. NINE SCORES IN TWO INNINGS Two Teams Struggle Hard In Last Two Torn at Bat, bat Game ' End Seven to Six for Plttabnrgh. HERSHE STARS AT THE BAT Mtings Pitcher Has Splendid Control Besides. Rellly. 3b Powell, If ZwllUng, 2b., Watson, if.. Barton, lb..., Kelly, cf Meinke. ss.; Goseett. C... Cruicher, P Griffith .... Johnson, p.. Totals ... St. Joseph .. Denver 27 4 8 ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. H, 4 0 ' 1 3 3 0 , 0 27 O. A. E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..31 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 6 1 7 S 1 0 0 34 16 OHM 0 0 0 4 0 Batted for Crutcher In eighth. Two-base hit: Lindsay. Struck out:. By Crutcher, 5: by Schrelber. 9. Banes on balls: Off Crutcher, 4; off Schrelber, a. Double ulaya: Zwllling to Meinke to Bar ton. Meinke to Zwllltng to Barton, Ken worthy to Lindsay, Worthy to French to Lindsay. Umpire: Everett WICHITA TAKES EARLY LEAD Dea Holnea Take Beating; by Six to 8 Three Score WICHITA, July 31.-Wichita hit Faber hard In the eariy innings ana pnea up a Beatrice Gathers " Two of the Series BEATRICE, Neb.. July 31,-(Special Tel egram.) Beatrice made It two out of three by winning today's gamo from Hiawatha, by the score of J to 2. A home run by Deal of Hiawatha in the sixth .and the support given Pitcher Qmnn nf Beatrice featured. Maxey Of Hiawatha was put out of the tame for questioning a decision of the umpire. Sore: R.H.E. Hiawatha ....0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2 1 Beatrice 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0-3 8 Batteries: Culvert. Maxey and McNeil Quinn and Darrow. MUler Win from Elm Creek. MILLER, Neb.. Julv Sl.-(SDeclal.W Mlller base ball team again defeated Elm iree eunaay, oy tni score or lj to 3. ocori. r.h Miller 00060060 4-12 18 Elm Creek 010000010-8 Batteries: Miller, Robblns and ' Davis Kim Creek, Bryant Shannon, Whaley Miannon ana emannon. Galde Rock Blanked Again. ALMA. Neb.. July Sl.-Spelal.)-The ; Alma ball team went down to Guide Rock touny ana iur ine second ume wiinin the last ten days blanked the Guide Reck team. Alma won, 3 to 0. Reynolds, the new recruit on the Alma pitching staff ha won evry gam since be Joined the team. This makes six straight gamea won and a winning of nine out ci thirteen Piaye" IACHANT MAKES LONG DOUBLE mree Tno-Baager and an Error Give Fremont It Only Ron In Eighth Inning--Thlessen I Wild. HA8T1NGS, Neb., July ffl.-rspeclal Telegram l-Haatings bunched hits and profited by Thlessen's wildness to win, inree two-oaggera jtnd an error gave Fremont their only runs In the eighth. Hershe bad splendid control. Hershes home run and Bachant's long double, scoring two, were features. Score: R.H.E. rremont .... 00000003 0-8 6 Hastings .... 00800300 a I Batteries: Fremont. Thleiwen anil Naff Hastings. Hershe and Bachant. Umpire uraves. , Seward Win In the Ninth. SEWARD. Neb., July Sl.-(Special Tele- gram ) Seward won today's game from Grand) Island, 4 to 8. It was a pitchers' battle throughout the entire contest, Connors winning his own game In tlio ninth Inning with two men out. A sacrifice fly by him assisted by a two base hit by Weidell brought In the win cing score. Score: R.H E. Seward 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2442 Grand Island M S 0 M M SI Batteries: Connors and CamDfield: Fentress and Jokerst. Struck out: By Connor, 1: by Fentress, 3. Bases on balls: Off Connor, t; off Fentress, 5. Hit by pitched ball: Flersteln. Two base hits: Weidell (2). Double plav: Deconley to Flersteln; Neff (unassisted). tmpire: MCDermott. York In Winning; Form. YORK, Neb.. July 81.-(Speclal Tele gram.) York Pets were too swift for the Discoverers today, defeating them 13 to 1 The one-hand stop of Ellis was a tar play. Jelly made a home run, put ting the ball over the east fence. This la the second In that direction, the other was by a Hastings player. 8core: R.H.E. Columbus . . 301000000-391 York ........ HMMI1 -U 12 0 Batteries: Columbus, Green and Metz; York, Osborn and Wllley. i - BlnomfletC Defeat Wayne. BLOOMFIELP. Neb.. July 31. (Spe clal.) Bloomfield defeated Wayne on the home grounds by a score of i to S, the features of the game was Stone's field ing and West s batting for - Bloomfield. Score: v R.H.E. Bloomfield 1 0 3 t 0 0 1 0 -? 10 4 Wayne 002008000-8 10 1 Batteries: Bloomfield. Dunaway and West: Wayne, Guernesa and Depew. Umpire: John McQuistan. BOSTON, July 31. Pittsburgh won a nlneteen-inning game today from Boston. Hess pitched a fine game up to the eighteenth but then he weakened and the visitors scored two runs, Boston how ever, tallied twice In Its half, aided by Robinson's wildness and Devlin's single eff CamnlU. Hess was hit even harder in the nineteenth, Pittsburgh getting three runs. Boston came back strong and scored two runs but could not muster another. O'Toole pitched a good game for Pittsburgh until taken out to allow a man to run for him. Score: BOSTON. PITTSBVROH. AB H O. A E. AB.H. O.A.I. McDonald,3b Mil 1 Mentor, cf.. i I I H Campbell, cf 2 4 0 vcarry. If ... 11110 Sweeney, !bl II I OByrne. 3b... 3 0 10 8 Jackiwu. If. 7 0 I 1 OMcK'le, lb. I t 0 10 TMus, rf.... 13 1 OVIoux. Sb... i 1110 Devlin, lb.. 3 H 4 GWainer at. 6 1 4 4 1 O'Rourke, ea 7 1 4 7 2 J. Millar, lb 7 0 33 t ILarlden, c. 1 1 ( 4 0 Wilson, if.. M I M Heaa, p tl 1 ODonlln. rf.. 0 0 8 6 Hounar .... 1 1 0 0 OMcCarthjr.tb I 1 4 t 0 Kelly, e I I 11 0 0 ToUla ....86 15 57 33 3 O'Toole, p . I I 0 t 0 flnblnaon. p 1 0 0 1 0 CamnUl, p 1 1 0 2 A Dodd 0 0 0 0 0 Hendrlx ...1 0 0 0 0 Olbton .... 11111 Totals ... 4 14 57 2 3 Ran for O'Toftle In thirteenth. Batted for McKechnle in thirteenth. Batted for Wilson in eighteenth. Boston . .0 000020000000000022-8 Plttab'gh 100000100000000002 3-7 Two-base hits: Titus, Sweeney. Bases on balls: Off Hese, 8; off O'Toole. 4; off Robinson. 3; off Camnlti, 1. strucK oui. by Hess, 3; by O'Toole, 8; by Robinson. 6. Time: 3:52. Umpires: Johnstone and Easoa. Cardinal and Phillies Kren. pmi.ADKl.PHIA. Julv 31. St. Louis and Philadelphia broke even In a double- header here today, hi. uoma won me first same. 4 to 2. and the home team took the second. 8 to 0. In the closing contest Brennan held ht. ixmis 10 jwo hits and gave them only one pass. As two of the base runners were victims of double plays, St. Louis had only twenty- eight step to the piaie in mis President uyncn oi me iauunm ica wUnoort the romea In order to watch the debut of Al Orth, the former major league pitcher, as an umpire. Orth did excellent work. Score, flrat game: 8T. LOUIS PHIUAD15WI1IA. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H.O. VK. Hugglne, lb I 1 I I OPaakert, '-( 3 0 3 0 0 L. Magee, If 4 1 J 0 uLobert, 3b.. 4 15 0 0 Mowrey, Sb. 4 1 0 t 08. Masee. If 4 3 0 1 0 3 113 0 OS. Magee, It 4 3 0 1 0 Kvann, rf.., 3 0 0 0 lfravath, rf. 4 0 3 0 0 Hauaer, aa.. 4 1 1 4 OLuderue, lb. 4 1 Oakea. et... 4 114 OKnabe. 3b.. 3 10 4 0 Oakea, ct... 4 1 4 0 ODoolan. .. J 1 4 1 1 Wlngo, e... 8 14 1 OKelllher. e.. 4 1 4 0 Steele, p.... 4 3 0 3 OMoore, p... 1 0 0 1 0 Beaton, p... 1 0 t 1 0 Totala 34 11 3? IT l'Mlller .... t 0 0 0 0 .Walah 1 0 0 0 Sacrifice hits: Archer, Fisher, Allen. tJases on errors: Brooklyn, 2. fctoien basen: Zimmerman. Leach, Moran. L-oubie plays: fcvei to Tinker to ssaier; Liefleid to; Cutsnaw to Hummel to r.sner to Cutsnaw. Bases on bails: Ott Curtis, 6; ott Knetser, 1; oft Kent, 2; off Lietieul, 4. Struck out: By Alien. 1; Dy tvnetzer, 2: by Uefieid, 2. Hits: Oif Alien, 1 in two and one-haif inuinss; off cuius, 1 In one and two-thirds innings, nona out in lourtn; oif Knetzer, i in tour innings; ott Kent, 3 in one inning. Time: 2:a. L'mplies: uwen and Ureii- nan. A me Shnta Unt Red. NEW YORK, July 31. Ames easily shut out Cincinnati. Fromme pitcned a Kood kime lor Cinctnali, but a li.ncn tin ler batuu tor him in tne eitjtui) ana .uooie. who iHtcneu the e.ghtu tir me viSito.b, yielded ihe runs, ocore: CINCINNATI. NEW YOKK. Beecker. If.. 4 1 0 0 0 AB.H.O.A.K. Batea. cf.... 3 3 0 uSnodgreis. Ill t (0 Marwna cf. 1 13 0 u Doyle. 2b... S 3 i 4 1 0 3 3 0 Becker, cf . 3 2 3 Grant. 3b.... 8 0 3 3 oMerkle, lb. 3 0 13 1 Egan, Sb.... S 0 3 3 tMurray, rf. 4 1 0 Eainood, . 3 1 3 3 jHeriog. Ik. H I I McLean, e.. I 1 3 3 eMyere, e.... 4 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wilson, e... v v v 1 i v l sFletcber. all 1 I 1 0 0 0 OAmea, p till SOOIO Totals ....34 n i a t it u a .. .ii.'h rnr UVnmme in the eighth. New York 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 -7 Cincinnati 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Bases on balls: Off Ames. 1; oft Fromme. 4; off Moore, 1. Struck out: By Ames, 3; by Fromme. 2. Hits. Oft Fromme, 4 in seven innings; off Moou, 6 In one Inning. Time: 1:53. Umpires: Rlgler and Flnneran; Clark, e... Femme, p. McDonald Moore, p. .. ToUlt Pitchers Lake and Cashion Both Twirl Good Ball. FINAL SCORE Bedient, Totals Lake Hit Heme Run Over Left Field Fence and Gandll and Stauage Get Three-Base Hits Nine Strike Oat. Rain Stops Races at West oint Track WEST POINT, Neb.. July 31.-(Speclal Telegram.)-The second day's races at West Point were spoiled by a heavy rain at 4 o'clock. Only two heats were run In each race and the contemplated run ning event did not come off. Summaries: Pacing, 2:13 class: Frank Fierce (Pike) J J Buxz (Bauer, Baker) - Anoka (Wray) J Speed On (Thomas) Time, 2:134. 2:12. Trotting, 8:14 class: Louise (Mitchell)..... - 1 Tommy Horn (Schinstock) 1 4 Gladiola (Mitchell) - J J Baron Bowles (Owen) Time. 2:164. 2:16V. Trotting. 2:24 class: William Piper (Shank) ; J l Teddy Kay (Moore) - Hentolus (Fox) J Lord Duke. (Schinstock) .Time, 2:23, 2:244. DETROIT. Mich, July a.-Washington was defeated by Detroit today. 4 tol. Both Lake and Cashion pitched good ball. Lake hit a home run over the left field fence. Score: WASHINGTON. DETROIT. AB H.O.A E. AB.H 0. A. E. Mooller. rf 4 3 i 1 OBarfhang. If. J 1 1 0 0 Foster. 3b.. Sill OBuih. a.... 3 3 4 4 0 Milan, cf... 4 0 10 OCobb. cf 4 13 0 0 Oandil. lb.. 3 1 t 0 OCrawfort, rf 4 0 0 0 0 Morgan, lb. 4 0 1 3 0 Louden. Jb. 8 1 3 0 Alnaralth, e. 4 1 t 0 lMortarty. lb( " ...r,.,. ..4144 ADhI Sb 4 0 3 3 u Q I -I.. 1, A 1 A ACRl.n.M. fi. 8 1 4 1 U Cublon, p. 3 0 0 0Lke. p. Speaker, cf . 5 1 3 0 OPratt. Sb.... 4 13 3k Lewie, If.... 3 0 2 0 UKutlna. lb. 8 0 3 0 0 Gardner, 3b.. 4 1 0 3 n Williams, rf 3 8 10 9 K M, lb. .. 3 li i Daly, as 8 0 3 3 1 Wagner, as.. 3 1 4 5 0 Hogao, If... 1 0 4 0 3 Carrlean. e. 4 1 6 3 0 Snoll. c 3 0 3 1 0 p.. 3 1 u 3 UKMtcneu, c. o Adams, p... 3 0 0 0 0 ....34 8 37 15 OK. Brown, p 0 0 0 1 8 Laporte ... 1 0 o o v Compton, If. 1 1 0 0 0 Stovall .... 1 0 0 0 0 TotaU ... 38 8 37 11 3 Batted for Hogan in the ninth. Eatted for Adams In the ninth. Boston 0 O1OO3O0O-4 ,t. Louis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Double piavs. Pratt to Daly to Kutnla; ! Yerkes to Wagner to Stahl. Bases oil , balls: Off Adams. 3; off Bedient. 2. Ptruck out: Bv Adams, 3; by E. Brown, 1; bv Bedient, S. Hits: Off Adams. 7 in eight Innings; off E. Brown, 1 in one in- ning. Time: 1:45. Umpires: O'Brien and , Dlneen. 3 10 3 0 Totals ... 33 8 24 8 1 Totals ....31 8 27 16 0 Washington 0 0 o 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 Detroit 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 -4 Three-base hits: Gandil, Stanage. Home run: Lake. Stolen bases: Moel ler 2, Shanks. Cobb. Crawford. Left on bases: Washington, 6; Detroit, . Bases on balls: Off Cashion. S: off ake, 2. Struck out: By Cashion, 5; by Lake. 4. Balk: Cashion. Time: Lob. Umpires: Hart and Connolly. White Sox Make Error. CHICAGO, July 31. Errors by Chicago, coupled with bunched hits by New York, gave the visitors the opening game of the series here today, 13 to 3. Sweeney's batting was a feature. Score: CHICAGO. NEW YORK. AB. 11.0. AS. AB.H.u.At". Rath, lb.... 4 2 3 3 l Daniels, If.. 8 13 0 0 Zelder, lb... 5 8 10 3 OChaae, lb... 18 10 Colllai, cf.. 5 8 1 0 OSterrett. cf. 8 0 1 1 0 Lord. 8b.... 5 13 3 Oginn. rt 6. i s w 0 4 0 OSImmone, IB 1 3 a i i 1 0 0 Paddock, 8b 5 3 2 3 0 3 5 4 Martin, sa. 5 2 3 3 0 0 1 OSweeney. c. 5 5 5 0 0 2 0 OFord, p 5 2 13 1 1 o 0 0 1 1 Total! ... 48 16 37 11 3 1 0.1 MILLERS SPfflJJOUBLE BILL Minneapolis and Toledo Take Turns Drawing Blanks. FINE PLAYING SEEN IN BOTH Visitors Captnre First Contest Three to Xothlnjt and Lose Second by Two to Nothing;. by Callahan. If 4 1 Bodle. rf... 3 2 Weaver, ei.. 4 0 Kuan, c 0 0 Block, c... 2 0 Mayer, o--.. 3 0 Clcotte, p.. 3 0 Peters, p... 2 0 Rourke Buys Fugate From Topeka Club TOPEKA, Kan., July 31. (Special Tele-gram.)-Pa Rourke today bought from the Topeka club Jack Fugate, considered the best southpaw pitcher in the league. He was not playing for Gear and Hourk3 managed to get him. "Dusty" Rhodes and Eddie Allen were sent back to Omaha tonight. St. Edward Defeat Madison. ST. EDWARD, Neb., July 31,-(Special.) St. Edward defeated Madison at New man Grove after the Chautauqua, before a large crowd. This makes three de feats out of four St. Edward has ad ministered to this team. AH games won ministered to this team. All games were won by a margin of one score. Score: R.H.E. Kt Mnril . 0 0080000 03 4 Madison 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-2 W Batteries: St. Edward, Balllett and Ag new; Madison, Pyers and Wlthrowe. Um pires: Johnston and Thele. Totals ....38 10 37 18 7 New York 5 0 0 0 2 1 4 0 0-12 Chicago 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 Two-base hits: Collins (2). Bodie, Sim mons, Daniels. Home run: Zeider. Hits: Off Clcotte. 1 in five innings; off Peter. 6 In four Innings. Sacrifice fly: Chase. Stolen bases: Sterrett (2), Chase, Zinn. Left on bases: Chicago. 10; New York, 10. Bases on balls: Off Clcotte, 2;. off Ford, 2. Struck out: By Vord, 1: by Clcotte. 1. Passed ball: Mayer. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Egan and Sheridan. Bonton Outplaj-x St. Louis. BOSTON. July Sl.-Bo.'ton won the opening frame of the series with 8t. Louis. Errors figured in the visitors' scoring. Score: BOSTON. ST. L0CI8. AB.H O A E. AB.H.O.A.K. Hooper, rt.. 4 1 1 0 OShottea. ct.. 4 13 0 0 Yerkes, b.. 5 2 3 Austin, 3b.. 4 3 3 3 0 TOLEDO, July 31. Toledo and Minne apolis divided a double-header here this afternoon, the visitors taking the first game, 3 to 0, and losing the second, I to o. ; Mitchell's Wildness and Olmstead's fine' support won the first game, while! George's brilliant work on the mound,; coupled with Minneapolis' errors, gave the Toledoans the runs necessary to win the second game. Score, first game: Batted for Mitchell In eighth. Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Minneapolis 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-3; Two-base hit: Altlzer. Three-base hit: ; Clymer. Stolen bases: Killifer. Ferris, Altizer, Mitchell, Chapman. Sacrifice fly: ' Ferris. Sacrifice hit: Altizer. Bases on , balls: Off Mitchell, 6 off Olmstead. 1. . Struck out: By Mitchell, 3; by Olmstead, 1. Hits: Off Mitchell, in el-'-t Innings. . eLft on bases: Minneapolis. 'olt-do. 5. Wild pitches: Mitchell (2). I pitched i ball: Killifer. Time: 15u. Umpires: Cahill and Anderson. Score, second game: Alhee Weakens In Slith. GLENWOOD. Ia.. July 31. (Special , Telegram.) Albee weakened In the s'xtlii inning In today's ball game between ' Henderson and Glenwood and lost a ', game that had been very interesting up to that time. Score: Glenwood 20000200 1-3 Henderson 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 4 1-9 Umpire: Prof. William Moore. The Persistent and Judicious Use of : Newspaper Advertising is th Road to Business Success. Brur Badger A Continued Story fit Picture by "FananuNo. 40 Key to the Bltuation-Bee Advertising. I Total! ....3! I 21 14 3 Batted for Moore in tne fitth. Batted for Seaton in the ninth. St. Lou s 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-4 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 011 Sacrifice flv: Knabe. Stolen bases: Oakes. Cravath. Double play: Hauser to Hugglns to Knoetchy. Lett on bases: St. Louis, 7; Pniiadelphla, 7. Baee3 on balls: Off Steele. 2; off Moore, 2; off Seaton, J. Bases on errors: St. Lpms. 2; Philadelphia, 1. Hit by pitched bail: By Steele, Pakert. Struck out: By Steele, 3; by Mooie, 2; by Seaton, 4. Hits: Off Moore, 10 In five Innings; otf Seaton, 1 in four inninas. Time: Umpires: Orth and Klem. Score, second game; ST. LOUS PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.H O A K. Hur.lni. IbM 1 1 OPaakert, cf. 6 2 3 0 0 U Magee, It 4 0 1 0 oLebert. 3b.. 3 8 110 Mowrey. 3b. 3 1 2 8 OS. Mafe. If 2 0 8 0 A A t.rfra 1h a t a ft ft I i ' a v v v - - - - . 8 0 1 1 1 Knabe. 3b.. 3 1 0 4 Oekea. cf... 3 0 8 1 ODoolaB, e . 3 1 3 3 0 Breanabaa.e 3 0 8 1 ODootn, 4 14 8 0 Geyer. p.... 8 0 18 OBrenaan. p. 4 3 4 1 0 Killifer ...1 0 0 0 8 - - - - - Totals ....31 IS it 3 9 Totala ... 3 34 1 eaued tor Ueyer in the ninth. Philadelphia 0 0 1 2 I 0 1 l - tit Louis 0 00000000-0 Two-base hits: Hugglns. Luderus, Lo bert. Tnree-baae hit: Brennan, Doolln. Sacrifice hits: Lobert. S. Magee, Doo lan. Sacrifice fly: 8. Magee. Stolen bases: Paskert 2). Double plays: Cra ath to Doolan to Knabe: Doolan to Lu derus. Lett on bases: St. Louis. 1; Phil adelphia. 7. Bases on balls: Off Geyer, i; otf B.ennan. 1. Ba e on errois: Phil atielpliia, 1. r-tiuck out: By Geyer, 4; by Brennan, 3. Time: 1:30. Umpires: Klem anu Orth. enns Overcome Brooklyn. RROfiKLTS. July 31. Cnicago won fmm Hrruikivn todav. The visitors batted Allen out ot the box ana were in a rair way to treat urxi i.kis. w nn , ager Dahlen substituted Knetier. The latter was iSJten oui o iei reiij ui j for him and Kent was hit hard in the! final. Liefleid was effective atter the second Inning. Score: j CHICAGO. BRUOKUJ, AB.H 0. A G. AB.H.ti .t. Rhockard. If 3 0 0 Moran, ct... 13 18 scbulte, rl.. 4 1 1 0 oNobtnea. rf 4 8 1 0 Tinker, aa.. 4 t 8 4 0 Smith. 8b... 4 10 3 0 glrn'man, 8b 8 I 8 i 1 Wheat. If... 4 14 8 1 Leech, ct... I 1 4 8 Cuta. 3k 3 1 3 4 8 Baler, lb.... 4 1 14 OPteher. a.. 3 t 1 1 Evert,' to.... 3 13 4 1 Hummel, lb 4 113 1 8 Archer. ... 4 118 Miller. ... 4 18 10 UltleU, p.. 4 1 1 0Alle, p.... e 01 1 Ourtte. p... 18 8 8 8 Totalt ....88 14 37 18 3Knter. p.. 1 8 1 Phelps. ...1888 ( .Kent, p 8 8 0 1 0 Total .. . 83 3 ST 13 1 Batted for Knetier in the eighth. Chicago 0 t 4 0 1 0 1 8-11 Brooklyn 0 J 0 0 0 0 1-4 Left on bases: Chicago. 11; Brooklyn. 7. Two-base hits: Sheckara. Tinker, Saler, Moran. Three-base hits; Zimmer man, Archer. Sacrifice fly; , Northen. Farrell and Hatch Winners in Doubles Ray Farrell and Kenneth Hatch won the 1912 doubles championship of the Rod and Gun club by trouncing George Bier man and Howard Farrell In the challenge round of the summer tournament at the club courts last evening In straight sets, score, 6-1, 6-2. R. Farrell and Hatch re tain possession of the Rod and Gun silver trophy doubles cups which they won for the first time last August. On account of darkness the final match for the singles honors between Ray and Howard Farrell had to be postponed at the conclusion of the first set. Ray Far rell won the first set. 6-2. The match will be continued this evening at 6 o'clock. Madison Blanks Genoa. MADISON. July Sl.-(Speclal.)-Madlson defeated Genoa this afternoon on the lo cal diamond by a score of 7 to 0. Madi son played tight ball and the vtsltors were unable to break through. Score: R H B Madison 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 -7 6 i Genoa 0 00000000-035 Batteries: Madison. Zadaville. Ballou and WSthrow; Genoa. Todenhoff and Wolf. Struck out: By Zadaville, 7; by Todenhoff, 6. The game Thursday afternoon between Madison and Norfolk on the local diamond promises to be one of the best of the season. Tire Teams Want Game. The Armour base ball team Is Anxious to book games for Saturday inj Sunday. The Townaend Gun company club Is without a game tor Sunday on account of having two games canceled. Any class A club, or out-of-town team want ing a gaire may notify . 1'. Mullen, Webster 44L after T o'clock, or add: ess him at 2215 Grace street. i cg WELL, WELL'. HOt f$AY, SLEEPS HEAD, : IT'S NOON AND J I VVAKE OP AND HEAR I ' BlUY POSSUM'S V TH BIRDIE I ASLEEP YCT. VIU X , y ' 3 1 I J J rJTJ T-ts-M kd I "N. J fill rr-f-in- sjSr6 T ILL BET HESONLH I HEY! UZYBONSi I PLAXINS. 'POSSUM wth L I , But hows a -4 j "J EU)W TP f I've .Cot am) f WILL YOU TRY Vf (CrTS I ipEAl , ' A BOTTLE OF : YOtJ 1 J tfJSti tjUNO'S PtEfcLESi J BET: j Shelby Defeat Stromabhrc SHELBY. Neb., July 31. tSpeclal.) A hot came of ball was Played on the local diamond between Shelby and Stromsburg, resulting in a score or Z to l in tavor or Shelby. This game makes these two towns tied for the highest percentage In the Polk county league. Batteries: Shelby. Jobst, Boekmuhl and Ramsey; Stroms burg, Anderson. Pickering and Pickering. , . . Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Kewspaper Advertisings it the Road to Business Success I SPOE HE'LL Be trying The Same Trick on m. Every day, mow You canVplay possum" in the business would. You must "have the goods" and be "wide awake" every moment. is brewed for people who know good beer. It is brewed in a Peerless way and is consid ered perfect by those who have used it the longest. If youTl order a case today you'll agree with us that there is nothing betterbrewed. W.C. HEYDEN, Maaarer, laWinei. auiui urn V t 4 1 T A CARL FURTH, Diatribatar, TU South 16th Street 11 n Pboswk BUOeaslM434 AoteA-2520 L&CrOSSe WlS. ; Otp ffteie PeerUt Cartoon, Yott trnll want fV enfi'ro ttritt. i