Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1912, Page 5, Image 5
liiE BEE: OMAHA, THUKSDAY, AUGUST 1, nnnn JVU UVL All seasonable fabrics entered for THE FINALS which start 9 m nils rum B.! 11 Ei3 ft 1 ft 17V J I 49c REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS IN UN- DERMUSLINS AND CORSETS. Two Corset Specials No. 1 Priced at 49c, to close out broken lines and sizes of Royal "Worcester, Kabo and G. D.; sold formerly at $1.00 and $1.50, Thursday at ' No. 2 Priced at 98c A wonderful bargain in this lot; odd lots of Madame Irene, Eon Tori, Kabo, etc.; sold formerly as QOn high as $5, Thursday at 5JUv We quote only a few indicators in Under nmslins; Ladies' Cambric Drawers, India Linen, Tucked Ruffle; the value 30c a pair, the price Thursday, per 4 a pair, at 1 f C On one table many odd lots, fancy trimmed drawers; fine lace and embroidery edging and insertion; the values, 65c to $1 QAA a pair, the price Thursday, pair. . . V7v r- Petticoat Prices Pruned Fine white petti coats, trimmed with deep embroidery flounce and circular lace flounce; sold be fore up to $2.75; pruned for Oft a Thursday, each at On another table a lot, which are mussed slightly from handling during the sale; some sold as high as $5 each; QC petticoat pick of the lot, each at V Let's Talk Tumblers-While awaiting more copy; Colonial tumblers will sell .Thursday, 6 for 15c; usually 35c the V-i dozen; you wil take these with you, please; cost of delivery and risk of breakage too great for us to take at the price. Fine etched tumblers, usually 45c for six; Thursday 19c for half dozen. No de livery. The Tumblers will be Sold in the Basement. Now for a Shoe Story A Story Which Can Only Be Told Truthfully Once and a Salt Which Can Never be Repeated 25 Per Cent Off Women's and Children's Shoes Nothing unusual, perhaps, about the statement; this, however, is a new stock, made and bought for this season's trade not a single pair a carry-over; and here are some foolish prices on other lots all new styles, also of high quality: Firstly Women's white canvas pumps and button boots, newest models, quality fine $3.50 and $4.00 the A A ftp worth, Thursday, at yZillD Secondly Some beautiful pumps and Colonials, in dull patent, tan and satin. Mr. Tuttle says, "the prettiest ever," late style, of course; $5.00 regular price; only seen in high grade stores. Thursday, $3.35 a pair. There will be a scramble for this lot. Thirdly To cause real excitement All that remains from the big July Pur chasepatent leather pumps and Oxfords, velooze pumps in brown and gray tan pumps and oxfords also Moire silk pumps; $5.00 grades, 41 QE on Thursday, per pair, at ylivv Remember entire stock is new not an old style in the store. t It Is especially Important that you visit the Shoe Section in the morning:. In the after noon it will be difficult to get a seat or a salesman for Thursday will be a Big Day. IG BASEMENT BARGAINS -j Thursday a grand clean-up of Domestic Tissues and Borders; sold up to 15c, per yard at Dress Ginghams, sold formerly 71 a up to 12y2c, per yard at 2v Wash Goods, Batiste, Flaxon, Voile, Suitings, Repps, Shrunk Linens, Madras, Etc.; sold up to 35c, will close ! fl out, per yard at You'll linger long in Basement Thurs day, for apart from the marvelous bargains basement is Enticingly Cool Make a bee line for what you are most interested in and visit the other depart ments afterwards we give you this word of warning, as All Sales Start at 8 A. M. 15 lines of Women's Underwear divided into 2 lots These are vests, our regular numbers, selected with our usual regard for fit, shape and wear; made from lisle and fine mercerized yarn; sold formerly up to 50c. On Thursday each, at 15c and 25c 3 Prices on Summer Union Suits All shapes and trimmings, of the Kilpatrick Standard; Suits were 50c, at 35c; were $1.00 at 59c ; sold at $1.50 at. . . . . .88c Children's Underwear, just right Summer weight; Athletic Shape or Sleeves, Knee or Ankle Drawers, sold formerly at 25c and 35c, Thursday at 15c Two very important offerings of Women's Hosiery Number One Lisles, black, plain colors, a few novelties in mercerized and lisle yarns; Bold up to $1.00 per pair, Thurs day, per pair at . 25c Number Two Silk Hose Pure thread . silk at that; blacks and colors; sold at $1,00 and $1.50; Thursday at 79c . One lot of Children's Hose, the kind for "Dear old Golden Rule days;" black, tan and white; who mentioned "School , days;" per pair at 15c The copy reaches us as if it had passed through the Steam Roller of a Bull Moose or some other convention. Now we come to items for Men This is not a bad place to tell about them, so here goes Under wear, Grand Clean-up of Shirts and Drawers; mostly 50c goods, including nainsook, some 6 or 7 lines, all at. .25c Union Suits $1.00 qualities, white ribbed and athletic flat, at 79c $1.50 fine lisle ribbed and nainsook, 88c $2.00 mercerized and nainsook, at $1.29 Men's Shirts There will be a big quantity of good one dollar shirts to sell, each, &t 49c And that's not all of the shirt story, for we will place on sale all our Fine Summer Shirts; shirts with a pedigree, the very Aristocrats of Shirtdom $1.50 shirts at $1.29 $2.00 shirts at $1.59 $3.00 shirts at $1.95 Silk Socks, per pair at 25c 25c Wash Four-in-hands 10c 50c kind, 3 for .....$1.00 Back again to Women's Wear, but the chase is a merry one, because of money saving opportunities We would not will ingly carry over one yard of Fine Cotton Goods, hence the prices which follow Dimities, Linens, Tissues, Organdy, Bor ders, goods which sold at 25c and 35c, per yard at 12C Voiles, Jacquards, Linen, 45-inch mercer ized borders, Silk Warps, too; fabrics which sold up to 50c, Thursday 19c And the High Class Imported French Voiles, Organdies, Carreaux, novelty pat terns, many exclusive; sold up to 75c, per yard at :.. 25c Additional interest added by the sale of $1.00 Ratine; pink, white and popular, per yard at .69c Thursday we propose to start a Suit Salewhich will cause a Real Sensation one big aggregation priced so low asto seem ridiculous values so apparent as to strike home with force at once. Yes, bargains so wonder ful as to make the occasion historic and have you date events from The Day of the Big Suit Sale at Kilpatriclt's Entire Stock of Tailored Suits no matter what the former price was and utterly without regard to the cost of production without limit and without restriction. Whoever has the price can get one suits made from fine imported fabrics Woolens and Silks from the best makers in America. Fashionably shaped and made by expert men tailors. Woolen suits and silk suits which sold before at $30, $40, $45, $50, $60, $75 go at One Price iOA.r,i. Thursday No Alterations No Exchanges -We were about to sav we wouldn't even deliver them, but weather is too warm to ask purchasers to take Suits home themselves You won't mind the no alterations and you won't want to exchange; bargains so genuine; the price will compen sate for any trifling changes. Intending purchasers please us by not holding on to more than you want when you see that the selection is not just right drop it please give someone else a chance. Ladies really enjoy our sales. Our patrons are never boorish always good natured. Summer Dresses must go into the cash drawer also. Here's the how of it Entire stock of Sheer Colored Dresses and handsome embroidered and lace lingerie Gowns (Pronounced for this occasion. Lon, jay, ray). Dresses which were $5.00, Thursday at $1.98 Dresses sold up to $8.50, Thursday at. $3.98 Dresses sold up to $12.50, Thursday at $7.45 Dresses sold up to $22.50, Thursday at $10.75 Dresses sold up to $35.00, Thursday at $16.50 Any and every Linen or White Pique Suit in the stock, natural cadet, pink and lavender, at $5.00; never mind former prices. Waists Tabled for Quick Selling-50c, 98c, $1.98 and $2.98; all worth more than twice the price. Silk Dresses Oh, we mean business in this sale, abso lutely no reserve; dresses sold up to $50100 each, Thurs day, each at $12.50. This Section of This Ad Must interest every home in which there is a girl, Big or Little. Dresses of cotton in 3 lots, priced so low as to figure in most cases less than the material without cost of making Lot 1 Hundreds of dresses, made from ginghams or percales; sold before at $1.50, Thursday 850 Lot 2 A spendid lot of fine materials, imported ging hams, sheer, batiste, twills, etc.; sold before up to $3.50, Thursday, each at $1.69 Lot 3 Perhaps the most important, as it contains the cream of our stock; linens, repps', sheer fabrics, splen didly made, many indeed tastefully trimmed by hand, some embroidered beautifully; sold up to $6.00, each at -...$2.65 Junior Dresses, sizes 13, 15 and 17, 3 lots again Those which sold up to $2.50, each at $1.39 Those which sold up to $3.50, each at $1.90 Those which sold up to $6.00, each at ......$2.95 Children's White Dresses, very pleasing prices also Small sizes up to 6 years, sold up to $2.00 at. 98c Ages from 6 to 14, sold up to $2.25, at $1.15 Ages from 6 to 14, sold up to $3.00, at $1.75 Ages from 6 to 14, sold up to $5.00, at. .$2.98 Ages from 6 to 14, sold up to $10.00, at $5.00 Only 4 Junior Wool Suits Left they were $20.00 and $25.00. Take them away Thursday, each at.. $10.00 10 Pique and Linen Suits, sold at $8.50, each at $4.90 New Parasols Main floor, just 2 prices on stock One lot sold at $3.00 to $5.00, Thursday, each... .$1.59 Other lot sold up to $2.75, Thursday, each at 98c White Linen Parasols, embroidered ruffle, worth $1.50, at 79c Ladies' All Linen Handkerchiefs, plain and initial, 3VC Men's All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 8V&C We wish we could send everybody a sample of the Big Value Ribbon on sale Thursday, per yard, at 10c Fancy ribbons, Dresden figures, printed warps, satin stripes and checks as well; All Silk, worth 20c and 25o, Thursday at 10c Methinks if adds are read there won't be much left at closipg time. V& price is the Slogan on broken lots or sets of em broidery as the season nears its close 45 inch Dress Flouncings, which sold from $2.00 to $6.00 Thursday, per yard, at $1.00 to $3.00 Same rule prevails on 27-inch flounces and insertions and edgings. 59o per yard for a lot of 45-inch voile flouncing and deep embroidery, sold previously up to $1.25 per yard. The browning of the leaves leads us to moralize and reflect that the season's wheel is ever revolv ing, and that now as ever, "Summer and Winter shall not cease." Seems early to think of Fall, much less write about it. But time is on the wing and ere we are aware, Autumn will be here. Fitting therefore to think of preparations and here's where taking the Old Father by the forelock is profitable. Thursday 5 lots of Curtains, consisting of 1 to 4 pairs of a kind, bunched to make a clean sweep for us, and a mighty handy thing for you to have on hand next month if not today. Lot 1 Saxony Brussels, Point de Lucerne, Scrims, Marie Antoinette and Antiques; sold up to $15.00 a pair, choice per pair at. $5.00 Lot 2 Point de Luxe, Scrims, Brussels Net, Bat tenburg and Colored Border Curtains; sold up to $10.00 a pair, Thursday, per pair at $2.98 Lot 3 Consists of Battenburg, Cluny, Scrims, All over Nets and Loom Woven Curtains; sold up to $4.50 a pair, Thursday, per pair at $1.65 Lot 4 Cable Net, Nottingham, Battenburg, Cluny and Colored Madras; sold up to $2.50 a pair, close them out, per pair at 95c Lot 5 Is odds and ends, Odd Curtains, indeed only one of a kind; Nottingham, Cross Stripe and Mus lin, sold up to $2.00 the pair just one single cur tain of a kind remember; will go at 39c Now we are conscious of the fact that names and descriptions avail but little. You must take our word for assurance of values. Those of you who know us need no guarantee. Hundreds we be lieve who have not known us will have an oppor tunity to distinguish during this sale between the false and the true. Store opens at 8. Come early for things will surely hum on Thursday. Preparing for a great Silk sale Saturday. Scores of sample pieces shown in window. Tell your friends. Don't forget to look in window. Many have asked for reservations but justice to all compels us to decline to lay aside or re serve any for anybody. Peddlers and dealers refused. V m m mm m m. m "MM"' - - ---irnnj-Lnnj-lnj-n - n ---- -u-J-runj-u-iru-u-u-x 1 0 pns. 3E 2