THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1912. 1 1 ) 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 m m 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 u u i i'i i ii 1 1 1 in Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiil August Salt Pricings That Will Uurry Oat Sumner Goods You only need to compare our offerings, quality for quality, price for price, to quickly decide it pays to TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST. See Thursday's Bargains You cannot afford to miss the Vacation Economies made possible by our August Sales. Only a very limited number can be here given. Clearance BASE Attracts Wis: Shoe Buyer; A Great August Sale of Vomen's Summer Dresses, Waists, Suits and Skirts Starts Thursday Special Manufacturers Stock Purchase, including 3,000 Waists, 2,500 Dresses and over 1,000 Skirts; also a strong line of Summer Suits and Coats offers bargain oppor tunities to the buyer Thursday that are nothing short of marvelous. Grasp these op portunities. SHOE i 4 X , y i No 11 Low prices and exceptional values have brought many wise shoe buyers to our store -this week. These prices will show you why. Men's Oxfords $6.00 and $6.50 Hanan and Clapp Oxfords 84.45 $3.50 Oxfords, miscellaneous lot ....-S2.55 100 pairs of Men's Oxfords, $4.00 values, in tan and pat ent colt 81.45 JL ! ! DEPT SENSATIONAL BARGAIN EVENT! i .1 One D oiiar 3 Days Beginning THURSDAY, August 1st Women's Ribbon Tie Oxfords Black suede with 3 eyelets, k a a 4 turned and sewed soles, plain toes, short tvamps; at, per. J. pair Thousands oi Pairs of Good, Up-to-Date Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Hade to Sell at $2, $2.50 and $3, at $1 a Pair Our shoe buyer searched the shoe markets of America and bought immense stocks of summer shoes that were left on hand on account of the light demand in the east. Never has any store in America offered shoe bargains to compare with these. Immense bar gain tables in our basement Thursday. $1 MEN'S SHOES Serviceable satin calf leather in blucher lace styles durable soles, neat appearing straight, comfort able lasts that will stand hard ser vice-: wide widths in -sizes 6 to 11; ' special at, per pair Women's Stylish Pumps Patent leather with flat silk bowB, snug fit ting tops, all sizes and widths, "worth $2.50 and $3; at, pair- $1 Rich Brown Velvet Pumps, in semi-Colonial .styles with small covered buckles, hand turned and sewed soles, leather Cuban heels all sizes and widths, worth $2.50 and $3.00. . Women's One-eyelet Pumps; one-eyelet tie and ankle straps, high leather heels, sizes 2V to 7 Children's Shoes, wide widths, in Sizes 5 to 11.. Misses' White Canvas Shoes, In sizes ,11 to 2 : Women's Blucher Lace Oxfords, sizes 2 to 8. Girls Two-Strap Slippers, in sizes 8 to 11 and 11 to 2. mmm mmi mm mmi IS 181 I Women's Strap Pumps made of handsome black suede new short perforated vamps with dainty jet ornaments hand turned and sewed soles regu lar $2.50 values, in all sizes. Women's and Misses1 Pumps, pop ular styles In white canvas, white nu buck, tan and gun metal calfskin, in sizes 8 to 2 for children, and sizes 2 to 6 for girls and women. Women's 'Ribbon Tie (Oxfords, white canvas, all sizes. Women's 4-Ejelet Lace Oxfords, sizes 3 to 8. Muck, all sizes. Women's Tan Russia Calf Ankle Strap Pumps Lea ther heels, in widths C,Dand E, sizes 3 f to 8; at, 5 per pair. ... Women' 1 -St rap Pumps, wide, widths. In sizes 3 to 7, Girls' Roman Sandals, strap styles, in patent leather, with dull tops patent leather collar and tassel. Women's Pumps, 1-Btrap styles, in all sizes. Women's Juliet House Slippers, in sizes 3 to 8. Women's White Sea Island Duck Colonial Pumps With tongue and buckle, in sizes 2f t0 8' $1 ON SALE Boys' and Girls' . Barefoot Sandals, protected toes, all sizes, at . ...39c Infant's Soft Sole shoes, worth 50c; special, pr., 25c Men's and Wo men's Bath Slip pers, all sizes at, a pair 25c Japanese Bath Slippers; at, per pair ....i..lOc White Canvas Shoe Cleaner, 10c bot tles at 5c 10c Tubes Shoe Blacking; at, per tube 5c BEGINNING THURSDAY in BRANDEIS BASEMENT Thursday We Place on Sale Our Special Purchase I 1000 Vomen's Silk .? Wool Skirts Bought at Just a Fraction of Their Value Together with this great purchase we offer all our sDrins t and summer skirts in stock and' the bargains are the most re- I markable we have ever offered. - Thousands of Women's Wash Skirts, 0so"petto $ 1 50 'r ' These are the latest and most desirable styles; cotton corduroy, fine 1 1 ! '. ' repps, fine Bedford cords, khaki cloth and novelty colored effects, ratine, etc. t '. dressy- wash skirts that have been marked to sell as high as $3.50. 500 Women's Dress and Walking Skirts Made to sell at $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 Smart, pp-to-date styles, plain g white and striped serge, plain and trimmed taffeta, IymB sua. oKiriQ line voiies, novelty cioms, piain ana iancy .'worsteds; in one big group on second floor Hundreds of Women's Dress and Walking Skirts Made to sell at $3.00 ; ; end $4.00 All good, practical skirts, very well tf A C ; ; made in new styles, serviceable for now or for V II yw later wear all sizes variety of fabrics extra special at Your Choice for One Day OnlyAny Women's Spring or Summer Skirt in Our Entire Stock All the silks, all the wools, all the fine linens, etc regardless of marked price- Thursday, at . . 1' t $5 MILLINERY SPECIALS THURSDAY 1' 50 Dozen New, Midsummer Untrimmed,Hats Includ ing one big lot of real hemp shapes, some burnt chips V and white and black Milan sailors all X pretty and popular shapes, worth up to f $2.50; on sale at................... 39c For Thursday we offer choice of Any Trimmed Hat in our base ment millinery de partment, worth up to $7.50, at $1 I Braiideis Stores, Omaha Boys' Low Cuts 20 OFF on all Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Oxfords. BOY SCOUT SHOES. $2.50 grade 81.85 $2.00 grade S1.55 Women's Lew Guts $6.00 Women's Oxfords,-Hanan and Foster --$4.50 $5.50 and. $5.00 Women's Ox fords, Hanan, Foster, Wright and Peters $3.85 $4.00 Armstrong Oxfords at 82.90 $5.00 Bronze Pumps. . .$1.95 $5.00 and $4.00 gray suede Strap Pumps and Oxfords 'or 81.00 200 pairs Oxfords, broken sizes, $3.00 and $3.50 values.. 50 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. Misses' and Children's Oxfords, Pumps and Roman Sandals all 20 OFF 100 pairs Misses' and Children's White, Blue and Pink Canvas Oxfords, $1.50 and $2.00 val ues 50J 200 pairs of Misses' Strap San dals and Pumps, $2.00 and $2.50 values 95 s 1419 fainm St. WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Stall DmIhl Phones .Don- lM ruuues lad. A-au Want Ads J0p J SCHOOLS. TWCNTYoMvnrm sbason ' 1 Kimball Hall American sfr Conservatory &&Sf5 Music ZAPX Modem eoarM mMtorfallT tansht tT IS mlDMitartlM. Saperlor Konul Train. low sebool tapF'w tonkra far tchoola and eoltM. Fablle ielolBsuate. Lae Twenb tree trholtretitp tmrded. nil tana Wtm Uoadar, Seotembw h. Illiutrskid esio cwlW (re. KHS J. HATTSTAEDT, AMUSEMENTS. $1.00 Waists at 25c Pretty white lawns and lingeries, also tailored skirts, all sizes good assort ment, choice, at 25c $1.50 and $2.00 Waists 69c "White lawns, lingeries, all over embroid eries, . e t c trimmed with pretty laces and embroid eries, at 69c $2.50 and $3.00 Waists 95c White marquisettes, lin geries and embroideries wide range of styles, all sizes .... 95c $7.50 Linen Suits $3.95 All sizes, both women's and misses', including the Women's Long Linen and Shantung Coats that sell regularly at $7.50 and $10.00, the season's choicest styles, at.... ...$2.95 500 Handsome New Fall Suits just received for Thursday; you should not miss seeing this advanced display of fall styles at. $14.90, $19.50, $25.00 Up popular Norfolks, $7.50 and $10.00 values, all in one big lot $3.95 Beautiful Silk Waists and fine white waists, worth $3.50 to $5.00, most want ed styles, colors and fab rics; your choice Thurs day at ...... ....$1.39 Women's Wash Dresses $1.50 values, in all sizes and big assoortment at 50c $3.00 to $4.00 Dresses $1.00 Dainty summer styles, immense variety for your selection, at.. .$1 $7.50 Dresses $2.95 Almost unlimit ed variety of the season's most wanted materials and colorings, in very large assort ment of designs at $2.95 1,000 Stylish Dress Skirts Cream serges, voiles, eta, both plain colors, stripes and fancies, latest styles, all sizes, made to sell up to $7.50; choice Thursday fit ' 2)0 Infants' Wear Bargains for Thursday You'll find our baby bazaar the most sat isfying, profitable place to buy. 25c Sacques, Bootees, Bonnets, Hose and many other articles, choice. ...... , . 10c Baby Slips, Bonnets, Kimonos, Sacques, Shoes, etc., 50c values, at, choice. . . .19c Children's $2.50 Straw Bonnets at. . . .50c Embroidery Sale Extraordinary An elegant line of fine Combination Embroidery Suitings, consisting of Bands, Flouncings and Allovers to match. Bands, worth 50c yard, at 25 Flouncings, worth 75c yard, choice. . . .35 AUover Embroideries, worth $1 yard, at 49 As Shown In Sixteenth Street Windows Summer Sale of Laces A big line of beautiful Laces, both bands and edges, go on sale Thursday at prices that mean half and more saved. LACES worth 25c, at 10c yd. LACES worth 35c, at 19c yd. LACES worth 50c, at 25c yd. Great Clearance Sale Summer Millinery 1 200 Pretty Trimmed Hats that? sold to $8.50 go in Thursday's sakat .....$1.00 Your Choice of All Our Trimmed Straw Hats (except willow plume hats), no matter what the former selling price, in Thurs day's sale at... $2.50 New Felt and Moire Silk Hats Shown in Delightful . Assortment, Attractively Priced. LAKE HANAIVA "40 Kinatei from Omaha." Most BMatifal Amusmnt Park la th Klddl WcU BATHING BOATING DANCING Xortnff PlotwM Srwy uAwr oTsrm attbactxoits. the Busy Domestic Room Thursday West Wind Bleached Muslin, 8ftc value, 36 inches wide, yard 6 10c Brown Crash ToweUng, 18 ins. wide; on sale. yd. .7tf Pretty Lawns and Batistes, to 12 Vic yard values; choice, yard 5 35c Mercerized Table Damask, 60 inches wide, good patterns, yard 35d 7c Apron Check Ginghams, In digo blues; at, yard 5 Dress Voiles, plain colors and stripes, to 18c values; on sale at 8H India Lawns and Long Cloths, to 12 o values; at, yd.7H 12 c Dress Ginghams, plaids and stripes, good colors 7 Hk 15c White Curtain Scrim, . 36 inches wide; Thursday at, yard Od 25c Bedford Cords, 36 inches wide; on sale at, yard. -18 Bargains in Men's Furnishings Greatest Values Ever Offered Yon. Men's $1.50 Pajamas at 49c Fine madras, light and med ium colors; guaranteed per fect; greatest snap ever. Men's 85c Silk Socks at 19c Black, navy blue, grays and tan; every pair guaranteed perfect. See them. Men's $1.00 Athletic Union Suite 49c Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Lisle and Cotton Union Suits, all styles, white or ecru on sale at. -69 and $2.0o to $3.50 Negligee Shirts 98! The choicest assortment and ' greatest values ever - shown in Omaha at anything approaching our sale price. $1.50 Shirts, all styles and col ors 49 Special Prices for Wednesday in Our Grocery DEpt. 4g-lb. sack of our Diamond n Flour 1 lbs. of Cane GranuUted Sugar .$1.25 $1.00 n k.m -Rant 'Km All. Lenox or Diamond C Soap. C cans Lu Lu Scoring Polish 8So 1 cakes of Sllexo a No. 1 Scouring- Soap 10 10 lbs. White or Tellow Corn meal - 180 8 lbs. Rolled Oatn.eal 8So 8 lbs. Best Laundry Starch 85o Three 8-lb. cans Baked Beans, tomato sauce So The Best Tea Sittings, lb lOo Golden Santos Coffee, lb 5o A Mixed Tea for ice tea, lb 350 Butter, Bffgs and Cheese Sepl The best Creamery Butter, tub or carton, lb 88o No. 1 Country Butter, lb 8So The best Cooking Butter, lb....93o The best Full Cream Cheese, lb. 80c Brick Cheese, lb 30o Trash Fruit and Vegetable Sept. 8-lb. basket Preserving Plums.. S0C 4-basket crate Italian Blue Plums $1.40 4-basket crate Elberta Peaches r.SSo Bu. basket Elberta Peaches. . .$1 JO 6 bunches Beets, Carrots or Tur nips Se ( bunches Leaf Lettuce. So 8 bunches Radishes So 4 bunches Parsley Bo Large Summer Squash, each Bo 8 large Cucumbers Bo 5 large heads Cabbage lOo S heads Cauliflower.... lOo Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb... So Cantaloupes, each ....Bo, 7 Mo, 8Ho 8 stalks Fresh Celery lOo Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, basket... Soo , Men, Here's Your Chance 4; Doz. Panama Hats Left Bought to sell and well worth t.from $4.00 to $8.00; we're closing at one price your choice . . w $2.95 $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Straw Hats, $1.45 Just 15 dozen in the lot the very hest shapes and qualities to be obtained. $2.00 and $2.50 Straw Hats at $1.00 -A broad range of the season's best weaves and styles for your selection. Boys' and Children's Straw Hats 25c to $1.00 values all priced for quick clearance in two big lots; your choice at 10s and 25 Trunks, Grips, Suit Cases tor your vacation trip. Offered at most attractive bargain prices here. "ays Try Hayden's First Home circulation brings advertising returns The Bee reaches twice as many homes as any other Omaha paper. . You can cover Omaha with only one paper 4- ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i m 1 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ) ; 1 1 1 1 1