Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1912, Page 11, Image 11
V ,.K BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1912. REAL ESTATE LOA XS WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam Smlt & Co., 1330 Farnam St OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O KEEFE KEAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. REAL ESTATE CTTV PROPERTY FOR SALE 6 riTT t havq t i 1 - i' ii J100 to J10.900 made promptly. F. D. wead. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Brow. GAEVIN BROS? lj0MS-im nd u Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co.. Oma. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties. 11.000 to $500,00. W. U. THOMAS, 603 First Natl Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS Farm nnri Mtv nmnartu J H. Dumont & Son. 1602 Farnam St. WANTED TO BUY. Household gds. clothes & shoes. DJ971 B196 bottles. Call Flnkelstein. Doug. 7610. Bachroan buys, sells f urn't're. 2103 Cuming Highest price paid for men's cant-off clothing. 5a No. 16th. Douglas 7726. BOTTLES Buy, sell and 'exchange. N. Steinberg. WOULD like to buy small grocery store In north part of city; must be cheap, and in good location. Address L-399, care of Be. WAIVTED TO KEXT WANTED To rent a room suitable for a coffee roasting plant, nei approxim ately 1,200 square feet floor space, oan UBe upper floor if elevator or cheap store room or sub-divided room with other tenant. Low rent essential. E 496 Boa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Cheaply, or trade, lots at 16th and Q Sta. and 34th and Z Sta, So. Omaha. J. G. Loos. 615 Bee Bldg. Doug. ?402. GRANT, 211 Brandeis Theater. D. m). FOR SALE or trade, a new, JM.000 stock of general merchandise, in a good town. Must be one-half cnsh and will consider land trade on the balance. Only those wanting 10 do business need answer. Write or call on H. E. Ay Is worth. Aurora, Nei.. at once. IMPROVED 40 in Southern Missouri to trade for Western Nebraska land. Ad dress Roy De Forest. Sargent, Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A splen did lot located at 2626 Franklin St., on paved street; cement walks, sewer and water pipes are laid ready to be con nected. Telephone owner. Red 4301. REAL ESTATE ABSXHACi!) OV 11 ILK. Peed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flee in Nebraska. 20ft Brandeis Theater. BUILDERS' 1NFOKS1AHOA. Idesl Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming Sta Fuchs, Son ft Blind, painting. decorating. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE HOME BUYERS TAKE NOTICE. I have for gale one of the best 6-room, 8-fctory (built bungalow effect) homes in the city. It Is new and has never been occupied; was constructed by day labor throughout, has large front room. 26x12, with open stairs, beamed celling in front and dining room all finished in selected oak, enameled tile bath, tile vestibule, has 3 nice bed rooms above, with sleep ing porch and stairs to attic all finished complete, decorated, shades, screens and fine combination fixtures, on large lot, paved street, permanent walks, car line, xpectals all paid: also 3 years' insurance pnd this year s taxes; situated north side of Kountze place. Price, $1,660; reason able terms. This Is $250 less than actual cost. See it and be convinced. Phone Owner. Web. 22tS3. If Sold This Week Will accept a first payment of $300.00 on the new 6-room stricuy moaern noma at 911 No. 51st St., Dundee. This house is well , built, has oak floors and finish on first! Hloor bed rooms and . bath, room finished In white enamel, two large, light airy closets; sleeping porch; fireplace. Better eee this house- Key at our office. 2635 No. 19th St. This is a good 6-room modern, except heat, house. Can be sold on very easy payments $300 cash and 120.00 per month. CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY MUST SELL Seven-room, modern exxcept heat, cot tage; receiptlon hall, parlor, dining room, 2 bedrooms and kitchen, (all good sized rooms), on first floor; 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor. Has electric lights, good cistern with pump in kitchen, east front, among nice shade, trees, lot 25xl0S. Can be bought for $2,100 $150 cash, bal ance $20 a month. Let us show you this. SCOTT & HILL Both 'Phones. 307 McCague Bldg. Will Sacrifice . Non-rcsidqht owner of a good house In Bemls Park, 8 rooms, modern, with hot water heat, lare lot. Write us to get offer for his home. Lot worth $2,000 and house worth $3,500, but would take as low as $4,000 for the property. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, 1219-22 City National. Doug. 3963. N. W. Corner 43d Ave. and Dodge, south and east front lot, 48x100; permanent side walks and paving on Dodge St. In and tinirt for. Prir S7R0.00. t O 'Neil Real Est. & Ins. Agcy. 1505 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler 1024. Ind. A-3313. 5-ROOM All modern excepting heat, large east front lot, one block from Ames Ave. car line. Price, $2,3; $.'!00 cash, balance same as rent. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandeis Theater. 7 ROOMS, large reception hall, bath, fully modern, full lot; cement walks and cellar. Browne St.. near 24th.; price $3,725. Owner will exchange $2,200 equity for p-room house; must be fully modern and in a good neighborhood. DEUEL & HARGINSON. 301 Paxton Block. D. 2S77. PARK AVE. HOME CHEAP 8-room house all modern, iot 33x168, pav ing all paid; fine lawn, large shade trees; east front near Mason street, l-rioe, $3,750. BLRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, dairy, bakery goods, notions, news, cigars, to bacco, good soda fountain; 4 living rooms; rent $20; $460. H. 3742. ELEGANT FIELD CLUB HOME, ONLY $7,250 On account of & change In territory the owner of that very swell home at 1340 8. 3th Ave. is obliged to sell and leave Omaha permanently. We are therefore prepared to offer someone a rare bar gain. The owner built the house for a home 2Vt years ago and it was built right There are 8 good, weil-arranged rooms, ail beautifully decorated; very elegant electric light fixtures; fine quarter sawed oak finish; first-class hot water heating plant; large lot, 54X123H ft, and only one block from the Fleid club en trance. The house, especially on the In side, is certainly a beauty and we want you to fee it Call us for an appointment PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 1781, A-118S. Beautiful West Farnam Home $5,000 A 13-room. strictly modern residence on 41st St., Just one block west of Mr. Jos lyn's castle. House is r.ot new. but is well built and in excellent condition. First time offered at this figure. Shown by appointment at any time. The Byron Reed Co. Eoth Phones. 212 So. 17th. 2 NEW BUNGALOWS NEAR MONMOUTH ' PARK SCHOOL One three-room and one four-room: both have electric lights, city water, good cemented basements, large lot, with good sized chicken house and all fenced In. Near 41st and Grand Ave.; one-half block to car; handy to school and stores. One hundred and fifty dollars down, balance like rent, will handle these deals. Call up or ask SCOTT & HILL Both) Phones. 307 McCague Bldg. Chance for a Home $100 down and $3 monthly for this fcorae for $2.800 a brand new 5-room house, electric ilght gas, bath and good furnace, full cement basement, good walks, east front lot, 42x129 feet and only one block from Ames Ave. car. Will .make terms to suit anyone's pocketbook See Mr. Knott at 4616 N. 26tn St Web- !ir 6596 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW Just completed, 5 large rooms; oak finish, square colonnade openings; enamel tile and bath; full basement; laundry connections; guaranteed furnace; lot, 6Cx 1S3; sodded; paved street; close to car and school; In Hanscom park district; about $500 cash; rest same as rent. RASP BROS. 106 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1653. CHANCE FOR A HOME $100 DOWN . and $25 monthly for this home for $2,300 a brand new 5-room house, electric light, gas. bath and good furnace, full ce mented basement, good walks, east front lot, 42x129 feet, and only one block from Ames Ave. car. Will make terms to suit anyone's pocketbook. See Mr. Knott at 4616 N. 36th St. Webster 6596. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH l.WDS FOR SALE Minnesota. FINE Improved farm of 510 acres, 124 miles from St. Paul union depot; SO0 acres In crop, balance pasture; all fenced and cross-fenced; good S-room house, fine grove and orchard, Mock barn, 54x100. horse bam 24x50; all in good condition; henhouse, cribs, gran aries and engine house; tubular woll. windmill with 400-barrel tank, water piped to barn and yards; telephone and rural free delivery; hourly trains;, tim ber enough for fuel and posts; good soil; price $65 per acre. Where can you beat this right Joining cities of u. half million people? Come and see it before it is sold. EARLE F. ANDRl'S, 328, 330, 332 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Rare Bargain A new all modern 8-room house at less than cost. Finished in oak, birch, white enamel, tile and hard pine. Fireplace, beamed celling and panelled walls; extra toilet room, laundry, etc. This goes on the best of terms. Telephone Harney 60. HARRY H. PUTMAN. 2710 Cass St. NEAR HANSCOM PARK, $2,000 Look at that splendid, large, 7-room house at 34th and Gold, only two blocks from the West Side car; large lot, 52x182, and on reasonable terms. A few dollars Judiciously expended would make this look like a $5,000 property. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 1781, A-11&. NINE-ROOM house, 2920 S. 20th St.; ex. ceptionally fine plumbing, hot water heat; can be bought right to close up an estate. Inquire, 401 City Nat'l bank. NEW NORTH SIDE COTTAGE $2,250 buys a brand new cottage on Man. derson St., size. 24x42; lot, 60x125. Tho property Is worth a great deal more, but owner intends leaving the city and Is willing to sacrifice. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 1781, A-1188. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, indexed, mailed free on application. Charles E. Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals, care of property, Omaha. LARGE 6-room cottar, at 4209 mke. $150 down, balance JW.20 per mo. So owner, 877 Brandeis Biig. TO BUY, BULL UK RENT. FIRST SKfl JOHN VI. ROBBLNS. 1802 FARNAM ACREAGE FOR S1LB, ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. OrinS. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 20 ACRES of land, 14 acres in pasture, 4 acres in alfalfa and 2 under cultivation. 1 mile west Leavenworth St car line. Doug. 79881. REAL ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Canada. No. 11, 320 acres. No. 12, 4S0 acres. No. 13, 400 acres. No. 14, 480 acres. No. 15, 160 acres. No. 16, 240 acres. No. 17, 160 acres. No. 18, 190 acres. No. 20, 160 acres. No. 21, 320 acres. No. 22, 320 acres. No. 23, 480 acres. No. 24, 240 acres. No. 25, ISO acres. No. 26, 3fl acres. No. 27, 320 aores. This land is all close to Winnipeg and near railroads. Improved land, $30 per acre; unimproved, $15 per acre; one-fourth cash, balance crop payments. Also 20,000 acres in Minnesota from $20 to $25 per acre, in tracts of SO to 360 acres. Cheap excursions first and third Tues days of each month. For complete information write GEORGE CATHRO. Agent. 1703 8. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Colorado. IF you want a Colorado stock ranch that will make you money, write me your wants and I will supply them. C. W. Reed, Elisabeth, Colo. COLORADO IRRIGATED FARMS. Farming by irrigation offers many protit-maulng opportunities. GRAIN FARMING in the San Luis valley brings splendid returns. Fifty bushels wheat to the acre and 100 bushels of oats to the acre are common and very profitable. HOGS, sheep and cattle offer equally good profits. Two hundred thousand acres of field peas are annually raised and fed to stock. Sugar beets, potatoes and garden truck bring from $7a to $300 per acre. You can buy land trom us that will produce such crops at from $75 to 4125 per acre. Easy terms If desired. THE CHARLES E GIBSON COMPANY, 1017 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. crops. AH the money crops of the south .rig Willi till coming country. Its soli, climate, church and school advantages. W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want a4 in the Dec Moloen Capital. Largent cir culation in the state of Iowa, t&uvo dally. The Capital is read oy and believed la h) the standpatters of Iowa, who simply rs fuse to permit a&y oiber paper in their homes. Rates. 1 cunt a word a day; per line per montn; count, wa 01 dinar words to the Una. Address ixt AIowm capital. Dea Moines, la. Improved Iowa farm, price $26 per acre; must be sold at once to satisfy creditors. I offer for auick sal for cash. 820 acres Improved farm In Monona, la. Price, $26 per acre. Can arrange for loan for one- third purchase price. Traders and those without money save stamps. unies L. Dowd, Trustee, 1317 S. 32d. St., Omha, Neb. 3Ilnaourl. 64-ACRE farm, well Improved, lays well, 2 miles good railroad town. 35 miles i t. Springfield, Mo. For information write W. J. Hatfield, Seymour, Mo. rtoutana. RANCHES-,000 to $100,000. Send for list. Shopen & Co., Ranch Dealors, ma ha Nob. - Nebraska. SECOND BOTTOM FARM NEAR OMAHA. W ACRES SECOND BOTTOM LAND, fenced and cross-fenced; good buildings, mostly new; 90 acres In crops, 70 acres in n&8tlirA njTAM nfttlr. ... ... ..u ,4 , ... C acres In grove, garden and feed lot; rich oiacK son, no stone or gravel, very little sand, no overflow. All can he cultivated if desired; 16 acres will be seeded to al falfa this fall. Located 30 miles from . ,9 ........ . v II. IIUIII'MJ IU TT II. Possession March 1. Extra good tenant will stay if desired. Price, $106 per acre; no trades. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phone Doug. 630. 1603 Farnam St., Omaha. Special This Week 135'i ACRES; 130 acres can be culti vated, balance pasture; no improvements, but in. good location, three miles from two good towns, 13 miles from Benson, good road entire distance, mostly mac adam. This Is an estate and they say sell; no trade considered, although exceedingly easy terms. Do not answer this unless ou wish something, but then do not fail to. EXTRA BARGAIN, $76.00 per acre. Choice neighborhood. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, 1213-1214 City NaUonal Bank Bldg. STIMSON ON WATER POWERS 1 i Secretary Criticises Omnibus Bill Framed by House Committee. HA? L SOLUTION OF DISPUTE Asko Authority froo. Congress to Exact Compensation front Grantees of Mater Power Sites tn In terest of Majority. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 TO $35 PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yields for 12 years, Including 1910 and 1911, average with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY. NEB. Texaa. 15.382 ACRES. Must sell in a body, no trading. It will Interest you to see a description and learn the price of this land. Write tu iv. H. Graham, Cuero. Tex. Wyoming:. Irrigated Alfalfa Farm IN PLATTE VALLEY. EASTERN WYOMING. 240 acres 182 acres under ditch; 90 acres In alfalfa (large crop cut this year), 92 acres undeveloped; 68 acres pasture (will go free.) Laterals and ditches all made and in good shape; fenced and cross fenced; 6-r. house, barn for 10 horses; good well and windmill; li mile from county seat. Ownar has farm adjoin ing and too much uncultivated land. Price $50 per acre for 182 acres-$9,100. $3,000 will turn deal. Water alone from government would cost $60 per acre now. Write D-497, care Bee for particulars and owner's address. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Success. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchant Byers Brcs. & Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha & Denver. Clay, Roblson & Co., 200. Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. Martin Bros. & Co., Exch. Bldg. TAGG BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep. LEGAL NOTIICE. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE AND Bedding Chief Quartermaster's Office, Federal Building, Chicago. Illinois, July 6, 1612. Sealed proposals will be received here until U a. m., August 6, 1912, for furnishing a nine months' supply of forage and bedding, commencing October t next at posts In the Central Division. Information furnished upon application, COL. JNO. L. CLEM, Chicago Quarter-Jy--9-10-lL A-l-2. Swindling Game Checked by Sanger SIOUX CITY. Ia., July 3L John L. Bowers of San Angela, Tex M. O. Wll keAson of Yoakum, Tex. W. fc. McIDn ney af Hot Springs, Ark., and Arthur Mann of Fort Worth, Tex., were arrested in their roams at a local hotel here to night by the police at the direction of a United States federal officer. The men are accused af using the mails to de fraud. F. W. Oltman. proprietor of the Gibson hotel here declares he was swindled out of $2,000 by the men in signing a con tract for the exclusive right to sell a powder ejector In tne state at Minnesota. The arrest of the gang Is the direct result of a visit at Charles S. Banger. poBtotDce inspector of the St Louis dis trict who arrived hare Monday. Inspector Ranger first visited Omaha, but learned the accused man had come to Sioux City. He alleged they have bean operating extensive swindling games through the middle west. The quartet was lodged In the county iall to await a preliminary hearing. POOR FARM CHARGE HURT BY FALL ON LEAVENWORTH CAR John Blxtnn, a chsre at the county poor farm, fell to ihe f.ocr of the plat form of a LeaTenw jrth street ear n?ar Elmwood park at 9 o' click Inst rr-iiht, cutting his head ba'fly and brnlsUii Ms face. According to vi.t7 vc-v be wis very drunk wban ir. ti He wr,s carried down town on ths car and at Fifteenth and Dodge struts, he was met by the police patrol and taken to head quarters, where no lice surgonr atterdfd his tnjurlea When officers rut h:m into the police emrgenjy car to take h'm back to the hospital, h suddenly beca-ne abusive and violent, so they locked h m up In Jail Instead. . WASHINGTON. July 31. -Another crit icism of the omnibus water power site bill, framed by the house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce, was forwarded to Chairman Adamson of the committee today by Secretary of War Stlmson. Secretary Stlmson takes the position that grants of power rights to private persons or concerns should give the secretary of war power to assess a portion of the proceefte of the power de veloped to be expended In the further Improvement of rivers. The water power site bill in the house Is the result of a bitter opposition to all individual measures of this character by a Kioup of representatives who contend that no more power rights should be granted by the government until a fixed policy has ben adopted to prevent the concentration of water power site con trol In the hands of private Interesta Secretary Stimson potnts out what he as serts Is a solution. His letter to Chairman Adamson sets forth that the department is at present using the "slack water" method of river Improvement by which a series of dams deepens and broadens the improved streams. This method, he says, is avail able on all of the rivers mentioned in the omnibus dams bill. Wonld Lessen iti Burden. "Most of the dams thus constructed In a slack water Improvement," said the letter, "particularly In the rapid portions of the streams, will create water power of commercial value. Now It Is mani fest that unless the rommeclal value of the water power thus created can be applied by congress towards continuing and extending this method of Improv- ment of the stream In question, a very much greater financial burden for the Improvement cf the stream will fall on the general taxpayers of the country and therefore will necessarily retard and postpone the Improvement of our rivers tor navigation. On the other hand, if congress avails itself of this asset and applies It to the Improvement of our riv ers, the nation will be very much more speedily placed in condition to have all it a rivers available for commerce. "Again, as a matter of constitutional law. I cannnv. se that It makes the slightest difference whether the federal government built'.!; these dams In the first place st Itr own expenst.. thereby, as is generally agreeri. obtaining for it self the value of the wate.- power thus created, or whethet. assuming that the stream Is navigable ami the dam an element In the improvement of the stream the government chooses to have the dam constructed by a private person as its asent, giving to the private per son in return for his action a portion of the value of the water power created." The secretary points out that under the present law he has no authority or has but questionable authority to exact compensation from the grantees of water power sites. He asks that the omnibus bill be amended to give him this spe cific authority. STAT? VALUES GO HIGHER Tot&i Valuation of Nebraska Prop erty Fixed by Board. INCREASE OF FIFTY MILLIONS Boi Roll, lonnty Makes Report to State Board of Asuessmeat, with Increase of Two Hnndred Thousand Dollars. Rock Island Train Goes in the Ditch PUEBLO. Colo.. July 31,-Englneer O. W. Swearengen of Pueblo and J. M. Dun can, porter, were killed, and several passengers were Injured when Rock Island passenger train No. . known as the Chicago express, went Into the ditch near Pueblo late tonight. Heavy rains weakening the roadbed caused the wreck. The engine and all the cars save the Pull mans, plungd Into the Fountain river. The Injured are: C M. EIrod, fireman, Llmon, Colo., leg fractured, hurt about hesd. A. E. Bannister, Elreno, Ok!., injured about body, not seriously. Mrs. Geo. McDonald, Herrlngton, Kan spine Injured. Robert C. Freeman, Council Bluffs, la., Injured about head. The Rock Island runs what Is known as a "stub" train over the Rio Grande tracks between here and Llmon, Colo., and there were few passengers In the ooaches which were overturned. ! (From a Staff Correspondent ) 1 LINCOLN. July Sl.-Ooecial.l-After a long wait Box Butte county has made Its report to the secretary of (he Stat Asessment board and finishes the assess ment of the entire state. Box Buttu shows a total valuation of $2,13!,203 and shows an Increase of $221,564, which makes an increase In the state of $50. 247,129. The total assessed valuation of the state Is, therefore, f445.907.2O4. Its one fifth value. Following Is a valuation of the state by counties: Ratio of assess d to Tot. census IftU. value. 7.63S.&4 & 6,2,2,4,5 W 406,972 SI Mi.iiW A3 2.1SMM .. 2,6SW.WS 70 1.751.WU -8 1.647.7VV 1U0 7,074,781 7 8,408,71 12 t.m,m Mi l,vl4,ul 41 8,8km. X7 60 2.614,43 46 ,$2,6;$ so 6,80f.U23 70 i,m,u u 7,6,44 6 8.1M.4S4 77 tm,m u b,UH,ti.' 0 1,179.238 31 4,10,V4j) 69 t,6S8.82t 60 46,18,767 i,a4.a04 u 7,403,B8 70 M4.U ? 2.&O.W7 a t.aM.46 1 ll.UM.2;7 49 708,80 66 1,939.9a 80 717,439 7 i Tot: Counties. mil. Adams $ 6,742,421 Antelope 4,oi)0, Banner JS7.241 Blaine 4U.4 Boone .' 6,186,646 Box Butte 1,916,631 Boyd 1,433,507 Brown 1.3t,iu9 Buffalo 7.167.M Burt 6,716. 764 Butler 7,OOS,820 Cass 7,S77,69 Cedar 6,618,981 Cnase 1.041,821 Cherry $.91,894 Cheyenne $,220,036 Clay 6.8S1.694 Colfax ,072.049 Cuming 6,831,1110 Custer 7,818.949 Dakota 2,589,28 Dawes 2,1.10, 78 Dawson ,2D2,2tf Deuel 1,089.917 Dixon 4,077.420 Dodge 8,491.441 Douglas 40,24t,26 Dunuy L446.80H Fllimore 6.964.1H6 Franklin 8,878,10$ Frontier 2.657,177 Furnas 4.143,118 ttage 1UU.036 Garden 806.2U Garfield 606,010 Gosper S.122.1t7 Grant 711.9R8 Greeley ,168,6S7 8,406,006 go 11 Hall .' 6,929.044 7,747.792 69. Hamilton 8,66b,509 7,S6o,So8 0' Harlan 3,6S4.t4 3,042.55 45) Hayes 744,207 690.566 89 Hitchcock 1.873,991 1,733,597 40 Holt a,773.607 4,712,856 47, Hooker 468,649 482,811 50: Howard 8,3o,I30 4.465. l5 6t) Jefferson 6.787.853 . 6,943,754 77! Johnson 4.252,368 4,420.665 70 Kearney 4,145,663 4,280,619 64 1 Keith 2.013.241 2.055.466 Bit Keys Paha.. 886,657 966,2. 45 Kimball 1367.482 , 1,529,500 ! Knox 4,918,616 5,342.7oa 67j Lancaster 21.003,678 23,604,189 78 Lincoln 4,938,696 5,m.(0 4 Logan 308,347 846,294 49 i Loup 317.136 396,616 00' Madison 6,016,568 6,826.376 76 McPherson 865.143 489,368 60 i Merrick 4,365,685 6.092,034 16 Morrill 1,136,211 1.441.660 43 1 Nance 3,358,890 4,179,771 77; Nemaha 6,403.809 6.162.206 84. Nuckolls 5,483.838 6,046,617 60 Otoe 8,476,003 9,316.630 84 Pawnee 6,042,261. 6,420,959 82! Perkins 1,08., 670 1,319,87 47' Phelps 4.645,181 - 4,383,029 J9 Pierce 4,(X,S18 4V.618.OS3 67; Platte 7,764,641 - 8.6S6.448 69, Polk 6.041.JO5 6.866,038 81 1 Red Willow 3.299,230 8,069,500 55: Richardson 7,018,237 7,084,074 70; Roek 920,820 1,106,885 66) Saline 7,892,201 8,886,834 76, Sarpy 8,788,885 , 4.164,753 76; Baunders 9,407,973 8-.688.198 a' Scott's Bluff L796.289 , 2,158,790 66, Seward 6.969,746 j 8,119,374 87 Sheridan 2,768,7v6 $.292,116 68 Sherman J.769,706 8,262,116 8! bloux 1,221,589 UVS,8U 49 1 Stanton 8.759.182. 4,411829 75 Thayer 6.789,504 .. ,09Ai8 67 Thomas 634,848 618.877 67 Thutston 2,840,891 8.667.928 110 Valley 8,088,689 1,683,027 W Washington 6,184,589 e.?.a W Wavne 4.46S.7Z1 6,670,897 76 Webster 4,446.038 6,304,368 78 Wheeler 658,899 667,672 70 York 7,872,119 9.877,616 81 Totals .1416,670,076 8468,768.001 .. FAITHFUL TO EMPLOYERS; NEARLY DIES FROM HURTS Because the Stafford-Dickey lea com pany s short-handed. nd he feared that If he quit for a few hours he would leave his employers In 'he luroh, George Burps, , who boards at 403 North Fifteenth street, continued, working since Monday noon, when he accidentally punctured a rein In his left log near the knee. Last night the wound started tt bl4 afresh, end the man would have died front loss of blood hut for the assistance of police surgeons who attended the Injury. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. GET IT! The Great 9th Section of the Long-Lost Brady War Photographs contammg the thrilluig narrative of tho attl e Getty mm and a detailed authentic description of Fickeits GJaarge Complete With 20 Pages of War-Time Pictures Among Which are the Following: Where Lincoln Spoke at Gettysbtrre, November 19, 1863, (Two photographs). "Th.e Crisis Brings Forth the Man," Major-General George C Meade and StzK. Robert E. Lee in 1863, Hancock, The Superb." Mute Pleaders in the Cause of Peace Men of the Irish Brigade. The First Day's ToIh-McPherson's Woods. Federal Dead at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863 Seminary Ridge, Beyond Gettysburg. Ia the Peril's Den. The Unguarded Link. (Little Round Top). The Height of the BatlJe-Tide. (Cemetery at Gettysburg). Pickett, the Marshall Ney of Gettysburg Meade's Head' quarters on Cemetery Ridjge. j Where Pickett Charged General L A. Ann stead, C, S. A. 'The Man Who Held the Center," Brigadier-General Alex ander S. Webb. Major-General George Armstrong Custer with General Plea santon. Fort Sumter. (From Confederate Fort Johnson). Where Shot and Shell Struck SrrrnterSome of the 450 Shot a Day The Lighthouse Aboye the Debris, , The uS"wamp Angel," one of the Famous Guns of '63 After the 37th Shot, the "Swamp Angel" burst. . , In Charleston After the Bombardment. Scene f the Night Attack on Sumter, September 8, 1863 and A Colored Frontispiece, "Pickett's Charge" Ready For Framing SoeCial 'Notice CTt ont the War Sc"venir Coupon and bring or send it to our office with 10 cent to cover necessary expenses such as cost of material, handling, clerk hire, etc., and get yocr copy of Section 9. If yon haven't received Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, you may use the one couoon and s-nr ., w r.r ii ' - w 1 ' wrua- W4 first nine sections at 10c each REMEMBER, The Original Brady War Photographs and Ebon's Newly Written History of the Giol War Can Be Only Obtained In This City Through This Paper' A