THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1912. RfeAL ESTATE CITV PBOPERTV FOR SALE 2 NEW BUNGALOWS NEAR MONMOUTH PARK SCHOOL On three-room and on four-room; both have electric lights, city water, good cemented basements, large lot, with good sired chicken house and all fenced In. Near 41st and. Grand Ave; one-half block to car, handy to school and store. A few hundred down, balance like rent, will handle these deal:. Call up or ask SCOTT & HILL Both 'Piloses. 307 McCague Bldg. 7 ROOMS AND 4 IXTS. $1,600; easy terms; a comfortable house in excellent repair and with four fin south front lots 44x120 ft. each, on corner 2d Ave. and 15th St., near both Omaha and 5th Ave. car lines; good barn and a lot of young fruit on the lots. Death in owner's family compels htm to leave the city. You can get this property at a price that will make you money. Before buying In Omaha, see this Council Bluffs bargain. , McGee Real Estate Co., 106 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. TO BUY, SKLi, UK KENT. KIKST MES JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1 KARNAM WV. LARQK modern residence, 17 rooms, In cluding the basement, with good barn located near high school and Crelghton college. No. 2519 Chicago St. Inquire of W. H. Griffith, 2523 Chicago St. LARGE 6-room cott, at 4209 iake, IloO down, balance J18.S0 per mo. Set owner. 877 Brandels Bilg. A BARGAIN. Lot 15, block 130, ' First add. to South Omaha, 22d and I streets. For nriee and terms see R. J. Watts. 323. N Jrrth K rftmnh " TWO-ROOM house, barn and other outouuaings; good well; two lots, on cor tier; 350 cash, balance monthly. Phone weDsier twos, sm n. 47th Ave. OWNER LEAVING CITY ; MUST SELL Seven-room, modern except heat, cot tage; reception hall, parlor, dining room, S bedrooms a:id kitchen, (all good slaed rooms;, on nrst tloor; j bedrooms and bath on Second floor. Has elactrla Ifrhra good cistern with pump in kitchen, east num., among nice snaae trees, lot 25X108. Can be bought for 2,100-$150 cash. bal. ance 320 a month. Let us show you this. SUUTT & HILL I Both 'Phones. 307 McCague Bldg. A Big Bargain Oiferimg Corner lot 55x110 feet. Paved street. 7. room house, all modern. Room for double iiai. uwner zw no. 18th Bt. JUST completed, sell on easy terms; 1400 uown, oaiance same as rent, bix rooms, strictly modern. 2707 Woolworth. A. E. Olander, 1309 So. 25th. Ave. A-1434.- BEAL ESTATE FARM t RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Call torn la. CALIFORNIA ranch, J00 acres midway between Sacramento and Stockton, finest grape and fruit section, 30 acres In full bearing wine cranes, fine house, hern wells, etc., four miles to R. R. town: 360 per acre; one-quarter cash, balance to nun ouyer. joest lano oargain in state. Ettelson & Nathan, 61V K St., Sacra mento, Cal. Colorado. IF you want a Colorado stock ranch that will make you money, writ me your wants ana i win supply them. C. w. Reed. Elisabeth. Colo. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. AH the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write . ; W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Passenger Agent, ' ATLANTA, OA. soma. THE easiest way to find a buyer fot your farm l to insert a small want & In the iJes Moines Capital. Largest cir culation la the state or Iowa, u.uuu daily. The Casual ia read oy and oeuevud la by the standpatters ot loWa, who siinpiy re fuso to penult iny utiier paper lu their humes., l cnt a word a day; LU per line pei montu; count mm uiomary words to the une. Addre u jauiuee Capital. Dvs Aloines. law Improved Iowa Farm, Price J 25 Per Acre Must Be Sold at Once to Satisfy Creditors I offer for quick saiu tor cash, 320 acres Improved farm In Monona, Ia. Price, 25 per acre. (Jan arrange ior loan tor one third purchase price. Traders and those without money bave stamp. : James L. Dowd, Trustee, 1317 S. X!d bt., (jiiiafctt. Nab. , juuutaua. RANCHES-320,000 to $100,000. Send for list. Shopen ee Co., Ranch Dealors, maha Neb. Aebraslta. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES for $1,200 in Cherry county, Nebraska. Fronts on the best hunting and fismntf lake in state. First man with the cash gets it W. S. FRANK, 1025 City National Bank, Omaha, Neb. CHEYENNE COUNT IT. Fine 'i section, level, good eoII. six miles of R. It; covered with grama grass; reasonable terms. JEWELL THE LAND MAN. 220 Board of Trade. sou in Dakota. HAVING decided to go to Germany to live, will sell my farm, 100 acres, im ' proved. 7 miles from Winner, S. D.; one third crop to purchaser if sold by Sept 1; will show land. Address George Koch. Dexter, Ia. ' Texas.. 15,382 ACRES. Must sell in a body, no trading. It will interest you to see a description and Uarn the price of this land. Write ti ". H. Graham, Cuero, Tex. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returna LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ment receive prompt and careful atten tion. . - " Live Stock Commission Merchant Byers Brcs. & Co. Strong and responsible, WOOD BROS., 24-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West Cum. Co.. Omaha & Denver. Clay. Kobiton He Co., 200 Exciiange BldgT CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg! Martin Broe. & Co.. Kxch. Bldg. TAGG BROS., handle cattle, beg, sheep. OCEAN' STEAMSHIPS j WHITE STARw I Dominion Canadian Srvc6 iMotrrREAL-QuEBEC-LiwRppa ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA Meitntfc.44.eJI.5-3 Teutonlc,Ar.l0.Sep.7,Oc. UnrentlcAl.l7.Se.l4.Oc.l2 CiMrt.Aw.24,Se.2.'Vt.H First 3M.50, SceoeS S. OnCltuCibhi(ll) $504SS Third Class 321 JS ft 32.50 Arrange Bookings with Local Agent or Company's Offlos, Chicago, III. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Nothing Encouraging Develops for Bull Operators in .Wheat COM PESSIMISTS ARE TALKING ea ia Reports from scattered 8ee Ioaa Aboat To Mack Molstore asd Nat Enough Warm Weather. OMAHA. July 29, 1913. Trade in wheat is In a position where there ia nothing very encouraging for bull operations unless there is a spread of black rust. On the other hand the market is so near an export level, where active foreign selling may develop that there appears little chance for any Im portant decline from the present level. 1'hia make the market about a stand otf. Until all chance for black rust damage is out of the way traders think it advisable to take the buying side on aepressluns caused by local bear pressure. Cash wheat unchanged. Traders In corn cannot Ignore the wea ther map. The southwest claims Injury to crop due from hot, dry weather. B. W. Snow, the crop expert, wires, "My reports on corn are coming very bad. East of the Mississippi river it has been cool and wet and the crop is weedy and It Is fully as late as it was on July 1. In Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma the crop is already hurt by dry weather just when It was tassellng. Iowa and Mis court are holding about the same posi tion as last montn, it is late and uneven, out will pe an riant it tiie season is Mi.tii,, .w.. i. .... t..,.. , VI long enough. The general prospect is I --...., j rwist iV W ttV ! Ul A J- cause a uiuiitn has passed and none of tne poor start has been mad up." The season Is go wet that the corn crop is badly damaged and it cannot be culti vated, it has rained most every day since June 11. Cash corn, to to lVfeo higher. Tne feeling continues bearish wan spas modic action in the July option, wnlch will soon be out of tne way. The har vesting is progressing under very favor able conditions in most states. Peoria wires: "Sam pretty big yields her in oats. As high as eighty bushels to the acre and from that oown to sixty." Cash oats Hi&lc higher. Wheat at Liverpool closed' unchanged to a lower. Corn fed higher. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 86V489tto; No. S hard. safoSSHc; No. 4 hard, so$c. CORN-No. 2 whit. i?Vititsc; No. 3 white, 77tt4jnvc; No. 4 wnite, 75760 ; No. 2 yeuow, i&'72c; No. S yellow, 71 & 71o ; No. 2, 714J71HC; No. 1, 71∾ IMO. 4, 6!ttitttc; no grade, 647c. OATS-No. white, 464j4c; standard, 46HS45c; No. 3 white, o846Vio; No. 1 white, 4444Hc. itAKLbif-Maltlng. OS70c; No. 1 feed, 34 4oc. RYE No. 2, 02c; No. 3, 670c. Primary wheat receipts were 2,289,000" bushels and shipments were 939,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 1,779,000 busheis and shipments of 844,000 busneis. primary corn receipts were 443,ouo bush els and shipments were 281,000 busheis, against receipts last year of 862,000 bush els and shipments of 462,000 bushels. - Primary oats receipt were 463,000 bush els and shipments were 214,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 1,061,000 bush eis and shlpmenes of 3S1.000 bushels. The following cash sales were reported Wheat: No. t hard winter (Turkey), 1 car, &c; 1 car (dark), 89c; 4 cars, 88Vio; 8 cars, 88c; 1 car, SiC; t can, 87VC; 2 cars, 17c; l car, 86c. No. S hard winter, old, 1 car, 88Uo; 1 car 88c; 2 cars, t7Hc; 1 oar, 87c; 2 cars, 8c; 8 cars, 86c. Corn: No. 3 white, S cars, TTVic; No. yellow, 1 car, 72c; No. 4 yellow, t cars, 7lc; 1 car, 71C. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 7154c; 1 car, 71c. No. 4 mixed, 4 cars, 69c; 1 car, mc. No grade, 1 car, 87c; 1 car, 86c; t car, 66o. Oats: No. 4 white, 1 car, 44ft; I car, 44c. No, grade, 1 car, 40c. Carlot ReuelptS. Wheat.Corn.Oats Chicago Minneapolis .. Duluth ..: Omaha Kansas City.. St. Louis...... Winnipeg ...... .... 277 S6 .... 183. .... W .... 88 .... 704 .... 82S .... 108 (1 42 8a 4 U 171 IHII AGO UHAl.l AH O PROVISIONS 7 Features of tne Trading" and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 29-Damage of black rust to a greater extent than previous estimates put the wheat market today on the upgrade. Closing prices were firm at 5?Hc to He net advance. Exporters aoneared to have seen new light regarding rust danger to wheat if the weather were to take an unfavor able turn. Humid days, it was stated, would quickly give rise to a serious con dition, especially in blue-etem rieids. where the grain yet needs nearly two weeks more to mature. On this account, a half perhaps instead of a quarter of the North Dakota crop was flgntred as still being under menace. Export sales of thirty boat loads helped offset the early bearish effects of fine cool winds in the spring crop belt and of huge re ceipts southwest. ' September fluctuated from 92'ic to 94Uc with last sales 94ic, a jump of Vic above th level of forty- eight hours oetore. Extreme neat and inadequate rainiau in Kansas and Oklahoma where corn is in tassel made tne price 01 tne cereai take a rapid ascent. September ranged from 654 to 66TIC, Cosing strong H4'14o ud at 66c. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow. 7474o. Oats advanced in sympathy with corn. It was also said that the bearish show ing in reports would be reversed in a short time. High and low points touched by September were 83c and 32Tc, with the close c up at 33c. . gumrort from backers lent steadiness 10 th provision market despite larger ar rivals of hogs than were looked for. At the end of the session prices for the most part ruled within 5 cents either way of the figures current at the pre vious close. Closing quotations on futures were: Artlclej Open. I High. I Low. CIose.iYes'y. Vi heat 1 July Sept 9898V4 97 9S 93 ml m 93 964l96lS 96T4 99HI 100H 10 84U Dec. Mav. 86HH! 99H 1 00 Corn j .1 juiy. Sept. T2tt 714 66H 56 7W 71H 6766f 5VsVi 6674 67' 5767Ti59 67 68 juiy. Sept. 47 46 46H 4H 83 34 86 3274S32 3SHI 36 33 Dec May.36Vil m 371 Porh..l July. 18 05 Sept. 18 26 Oct.. 118 36-87 18 10 18 06 18 36 18 25 IS 40 18 32-33 IS 67 1847 1107 18 27-M U27 IS 32-351 H 34 Jan.. 18 67HI 18 t7! IS Lara-l 1 July. 10 72 10 72 10 67 10 77 10 80 10 42 10 67: 10 $2 Sept. 10 82 10 10 90 I 10 90 10 80 10 35 10 37 Oct. Jan.. Sept.1 10 4210 46-471 10 42 10 42H I 10 67 10 60 ! 10 65 I 10 57 10 67 10 TO 38 10 62-66 10 62 10 80 9 75 Oct. 10 67-ffl 10 62! 10 60 9 72 100 180 I Jan..9 7677 980 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. U.ttx 4.70; straights, 4.10J?4.60; spring patents, S4.705.9O; straights, 34.604.7O; bakers, 34.00 RYENo.3, mWS- , tnn BARLEY Feed or mixing, new, 5060c; fair to choice malting, 707sc. SEEDS-Timothy, 36.507.00. Clover, 31000216.00. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, 318.1218.25. Lard (in Heroes), $10.67. Short ribs (loose), 310.82. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 130.000 bu. Primary re ceipts were 2.239.0C.0 bu., compared with 1,779.000 bu. the corresponding dsy a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the United States Increased 72,000 bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased 920,000 bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 460 cars; eorn. 189 cars; oats, 296 cars: hogs, 19.000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 99cC1.01; No. 3 red, 7cflH.0(Wi; No. 2 hard, i&4e; No. 3 hard, Wtf S7c; No. 1 noithern, 31.06S1.13; No. 2 northern, Si.04igl.09; No. 3 northern, 31039 1 10; No. S spring. S1001.08; No. S sprinj, 98ctJ31.07; No. 4 spring. 94cfl1.06: velvet chaff, SlOOflOS: durum, 31.O0U1.O8. Corn: No. 2. 734C! No. S whlte. 7Sf 76c; No. 2 yellow, 74f 74c; No. 3, 72f 73c; No. 3 white, 75f 6e; No. 8 yellow. 7374c; No. 4. 7071c; No. 4 white. 78T74c; No. 4 yellow, 72573c Oats: No. S new, 420 43c; No. 2 white, old, SOffsSc; new, 4v 4H; No. 8 whit, old, 4.Jj30fcc; new, 43 tSc; No. 4 white, old, ITW-lSc; new. S542c; standard, old, Mo3Hc; new, 45$4c. Rye: No. 2, T4$75o; No. t, 7S7ic, Barley; 48483c Timothy seed: 35.507.00. Clover seed: tlO.OOflS.00. BUTTER Steady; creameries, tSfiCSc; dairies, 21i4c. EGGS-Steady; receipts, 10,221 cases; at mark, cases included, 13H4F164e; ordinary firsts, ISHci firsts, 18c. CHEESE-teady; daisies. 16fi5Hc: twins, 14ai5c; young Americas, 14 3 ISHc; long norns. USl&ViC. POULTRY-AUve. weak; turkeys, Vte; chtckens, 13c; springs, I618c. VEAL-Strong: 4l3c. POTATOES Easy ; receipts 0 cars; Illinois. 6o&70c; Kansas and Missouri, 7&j) 78c; Minnesota, 70ff74c;' Jersey cobblers, ll.O0Cl.06. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET daotattons f tb Day est Vartoas Commodities. NEW YORK. July 29. FLOUR Steady ; spring patents, 3.iC5.if; winter Straights. 34.664.t; winter patents, 4.80 spring clears.; winter ex tras, No. 1, 84.2U&4.30; winter extras, No. 3, 24.00ff4.l0: Kansas straights. 34.60ff4.7i. Rye flour, easy; fair to good, 34.2594.40; cnoice to lancy, CORNMEAL Easy; fin whit and yel low, 31.661.70; coarse. l.0f 1.66; kiln dried, S4.06. RVE-Steady; No. 2 western, 76c, f. 6. b. afloat. WHEAT Spot market firm; export, 11.11, afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31.16', t o. b., afloat. Futures market closed easy, o net higher; July closed, J1.08V, September, il.0l: December. 3103 12-18. CORN-Spot market firm; export, 81c, f. o. b.. afloat Receipts. (.626 bu. OAT-pot market steady. Receipts. du. , HAY-Steady; prim. H.26$1.40; No. 1, I1.80R1.3B; NO. S, Sl.VMri.20; NO. 3. WMOTttC, HIDES - Steady; Central American, 24ic; BogoU, 2426c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 260 nc; seconds, 245j;tc; thirds, sityac; re jects, 15c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. 32O.C020.5O; tamlly, 320.004j21.0O; short clears, 3l9-2620.?5. Beef, steady; mess, J15.Oo15.60; family, 31S.0018.50; beet hams. 328 0031.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, 31100$ U.0U; pickled hams, 8i2.ouis.w. iaro, firm; middle west prime, 3io.60ao.70; rt fined, firm; continent. 3U-10. CHEESE Irregular; receipts, 449 boxes; state whole milk, new, white, 15416Via; sKim8, SMii2V4c. EGGS Steady; receipts, ll.ois cases; fresh gathered, extras, 23i24c; extra firsts. 2022c; firsts. 19Vi19ViC; western gathered whites, 2024c. POULTRY Dressed, irregular; western broilers, 2lZ7c; fowls, i4H$l7c; turkeys, 1I17C. . ' it. tools General Market. ST. LOUIS, July .-WHEAT-Cash, firm; new track. No. 2 red, 31.0OQO.O3; Kn. 2 hard. 9336o. CORN-Strong, track, No. 2, 73c; No. 3 white, 80C. OATS Lower; track. No. 2. 32&38c; No. 3 white, 87H3Sc. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Futures, higher; September, 33Tsc; December, 98Vi96c. CORN-Hlgher; September, 63Hff3ftc; December, 5oc. OATS-Hlgher; September, 3214 ; De cember, 3g33Hc ' RYE-Higher; 75c. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents. $5.00 036.40; extra ancy and straight, 34.26 4 90; hard winter clears, 83.403.90. SEED-Tlmothy, 310.00. CORNMEAL-33.00. 1 BRAN Lower; sacked, easy, 9Sc31.03. HAY Lower; timothy, 311.0018.00; prai rie, $8.00ll.O9. - PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job bing, 316.624. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, 3l0.O2Vilo.l7. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, 10c; clear ribs, 104c; short clears, 11c. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra short, 11 "4c; clear ribs, 114.C; short clears, 12c POULTRY-Quiet; chickens, 124c; springs, 1720c; turkeys, 16S0c; ducks, 9H12c; geese, 5llc. BUTTER Slow; creamery, 22V4J6o. EGGS I6H0. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 20.000 9,000 Wheat, bu 627.000 130,000 Corn. bu. 85,000 19,000 OatS. bu ;.. 172,000 19.00& .... r- artn and Provisions KANSAS CITY, July 29. WHEAT Cash, unchanged to c higher; No. 2 hard, 87ff92c; No. 3, 8690c; NO. 2 red, 9697c; No. 8, 91&6c. : CORN-Ic higher; No. 2 mlxd, 7676cj No. 3, 76c; No. 2 white. 79 80c; No. 3, 79c. OATS-KUflc lower; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 2 mixed, 36S8e. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-September, 88c; Dcmbr, 90UC. CORN September, 6666c; December. 56c; May, 67c. . ' OATS-September, 33f33e. RYE-7c. - HAY Steady; choice timothy, $14.60 18.00; choice prairie, 39.00S9.26. BUTTER-Creamery, 24c; firsts, 22c; seconds, 20c; packing stock, 2020c. EGGS Extras, 19c; flrsU, 17c; seconds, 13c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu. 269,000 294,000 Corn, bu 42,000 14.000 Oats, bu ...i,... 12,000 . 2,000 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Juiy 29.-The visible sup ply of grain in the United States Satur day, July 27, as compiled by the New York produce exchange was as follows: Wheat 18,848,000- bu., Increase. 62,000 bu. Wrheat in bond 2.22S.0OO bu decrease 88,000 bu. Corn 3,636,000 bu., decrease 1,166.000 bu. Oats 1,034.000 bu., decrease 612,000 bu. Oats in bond 260,000 bu., de crease 42.000 bu. Rye 803.000 bu., decrease 81,000 bu. Barley 384,000 bu., Increase 85,000 bu. Barley In bond 66,000 bu., de crease 22,000 bu. The visible supply of wheat in Canada last Saturday was 8.906, 000 bu., a decrease of 633,000 bu. - Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 29. WHEAT July, 31.07; September, 96c; December, 96c; May. 994c Cash: No. I hard, 31.07; No. 1 northern, 3107; No. J. northern, tl.0MH.06; No. 3. tl.O21.03. FLAX-S1.90. BARLEY45880e. CORN-No. 8 yellow, 7f77c. OATS-No. 3 white, 489c. RYE No. 2. 69e. BRAN In 100 lb. Sacks, 19.5030.0D. FLOUR First patents, 36 00(35.35; sec ond patents, $4.706.00; first clears, 33.50 Q3.75; second clears, 32.402.70. Mil ankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. July 29-WHEAT-No. j northern. tl.l0l.U: No. 2 northern. tl.071.09; No. 3 hard winter, 9497c; September, 94c; December, 96e. CORN-No. S yellow. 7475c; No. 8 white, 78ci No. 3. 72c; September, t6 66c; December, 88c. OATS-Standard, 51534c. BARLEY Malting, 6680c. I . . , . I.lverpol Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, July 29. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 8 Manitoba, 7s Ud; No. 3 red western winter, no stock; future easy; July, 7s 8d; October, 7s 3d; De cember. 7s 2Vid. CORN Spot, quiet; 01a American mixed, 6s lM4d; new Amerlesn, kiln dried. 6s 9d; futures, steady; September, 4s 9ikd; December, 4s lOd. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., July 29.-CORN-Market c higher; No. 2 yellow, 72c; No. 3 yel low, vic; No. i yellow, 70c; No. 3 mixed. 71c; No. 4 mixed, 70c; eampl. 660. OATS Old unchanged, e lower; new lc lower; standard, old, 46c; new, 89c; No- 3 white, 44c; new, 88c; No. 4 white. 37$37c. 1 , Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 29.-COTTON-8pot, closed quiet, 15 points higher; middling uplands, 13.40c; middling gulf, 13.85c. Ssles. 1,200 pales. - Cotton xutures ciosea steaoy. closing bids: July, 12.85c; August, 12.86c; Septem ber, 12.94c; October, 13.06c; November, 18.05c; December, 13.12c; January, 13.09c; February, 13.13c; March, 13.19c; May, 13.20c. Omaha Hay Mnrket. OMAHA. Jely 29.-HAY-New, No. 1. 312.00(802.60; No. t. S10.0012.00; No. S. 38.00 10.00; No. 1 asldland. lll.W130; No. 1 31O.O011.00; No. 3, 3S.0010.00; No. 1 low land. S10.0011.00; No. a 3S.001&.0; No. 3, S6.008.08. NEW YORK jiTOCK MARKET Week Opens with Continuance of Irregular Conditions. POLITICAL OUTLOOK NOT LIKED Confidence felt In Crop Prospects Offset, Temporarily at Least, by Other Influences Steel lesne Sold. NEW YORK. July 29.-Th week in th stock market opened with a continuance ot the very dull and Irregular conditions that have marked operations on the ex change during the past fortnight, the only appreciable difference being an in crease of bearish sentiment, augmented by small activity from the same quarter. The confidence felt In crop prospects seems to M onset, temporarily at least, by other influences, among which might be cited the political outlook. The minority report of the conces sional commute which investigated the 1 niteo Mates steel corporation, calling for federal regulation of ail corporations whose capital exceeds a fixed amount and other criticisms leveled against lareo corporate interests was used as a basis tor the selling of steel shares In the early part of today's session, with sym pathetic recessions in other speculative lavoruea. American Sugar and beet sugar Issues also declined sharply. Bonds Were lrreaular. wfth weakness In Missouri Pacific. Total sales par value mounted 10 ii.& United states government bonds were unchanged on call. , Number of sales ana teadtr.g quotations en stocks were a follows: Sln. Hita. Low Clou. 'Amalgamates Coppr American Agricultural ., Arotrlcan BK Sugar.,.. , Amarlcu Caa ., American Can pfd American C. a F AmarlraB Cotton Oil , Am. Ice Securities American Linseed American Locomotlre . ... Americas S. a R Am. 8. A F. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. T. T Americas Tobacce Anaconda Mining Co Atchlsoa Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Une Baltimore Ohio........ Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr. ...... Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chesapeake it Ohio Chinese. 0. W Chicago. M. A St. p.... Chicago a N. W Colarado F. A 1 Consolidated Cat Corn Products Delaware a Hudson Denver & Rio Grand. ... D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities .... Erie Erie 1st pfd... Erie 3d pfd General Electric Great Northern pfd... a.. Great Northern Ore ctft.. Illinois Central i Inlerborough Met Inter. Met. pfd International Harvester .. Inter-Marln pfd International Paper ...... International Pump Kanaaa City Southern.... Laclede Gaa ,. Lehigh Valley Leulsville A Nashville.. M., St. P. A 8. 8. at... Missouri, K. A T Mteeourl Pacific 14, M0 U M S1H too o4 o t,6oo (114 h 3.100 M4 US soo ltH litis ns tOO 6TH i1 7 M0 M 4(K) 17 200 13 M0 4H tl) H4 ii IS 41 4 3 IS S24 4.70 117 600 144 m4 U4H 1M IWVi 1,400 ll IM 00 41H 41 41 I.J00 10S IM H 108 101H 13H l.too lioi ms ioh 100 u ss u 1,100 l?t 81 H S1V4 4,M MS "4 261 'i t4 00 MH 14 H 00 tOH 30 100 IT IT IT 1,400 103 10S lflSVi 104 1S9H 111 111 200 10 30 30 1.900 144 148 400 14 14Vi 1434 V4 lUVs It SS S3 S6 63 41 100 tl 13H 1.IM Si 16H 100 M. 6av, 300 44 4S toot 111 m in 1.100 140 1U 13t DO II 48 4t KM 133 131 400 30 19 1,000 BS 67 404 110 lit 111 It 61 111 16 4 14 . 14 too It It 100 31 1O0 104 15 104 106 let 167 1.300 17 144 300 168 161 TOO 147 144 144 IT 1.000 84 36 86 1,80 114 lit 138 300 8 88 18 m 100 116 lit Hi 1(H) 33 3J U 10.000 us in in 300 82 83 88 1.70ft 123 131 IN gjti "O0 IM 133 US (00 lit 114 116 700 108 101 108 30 , 86 400 141 13 11 86,400 146 148 18 National Biscuit ......... National Lad K. R. R. of M. 3d eta.. New York Central... N. Y., o. a W Norfolk A Westers North American Northern Paeitle Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gag P.. C, C. a St. L PlttsburRh Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Reading Republic I. a 8 1 800 26 88 36 Republic 4. B. pia.... 100 84 84 84 Rock island Co..... Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. a 8. F. 3d pf... 300 "j'oo . 100 100 M 24 24 48 84 84 38 63 34 33 63 Seaboard Air Una Seaboard A. L- P'd Sloes-Sheffield 8. a I.-- Southern Pacific Southern Railway 80. Railway pfd... 63 7 64 1,000 110 108 110 800 28 38- 28 SOO 77 l ''4 41 600 31 20 20 14,800 169 167 17 , SO ." S3 800 2 62 t3 83,004 70 48 68 1,100 112 112 11! 800 41 41 41 Tennessee 'Copper Texaa & Paclflo Union Pacific I'nton Paclflo pfd United 8tates Realty...... United Statea Rubber.... United gtatea Bteei U. S. Steel pfd iTtsti fJoooer Va.-Carollna Chamtcal .... Wabash Wabash pfd 100 600 200 loo 800 1,800 , 48 48 48 & 68 83 78 t 4 13 68 82 78 13 68 83 80 Western Maryiana Western Union Westlnshouse Electric TniiM ; - . mum .h.F Total sales tor ino at. . Mow York Money Market. vnot.- Julv 29. MONET On callsteadVT Zhfk per cent; puling rate L ner cent; closing bid. Vi per cent, oi fered at 2 PW cent. Time loans, strong; sfxty days M P' cant ininety days. 3H PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4 PSTERUNO EXCHANGE-Steadv with ctual business in bankers' bills at 14.84-6 for slxty-oay mn. " V"" mand. Commercial bills, 14.84. ,, SILVER-uar, ou'c. 48c. ,.itrni4 BONDB viovernniem, 1 Irregular. fl 4f Closing quotavwu"" HH follOWS 100 K. C. Bo. rf. J! 100 1 8. deb. 4t 1831... 83 ios a k. uni. 4... h 104 M. K. A T. Ut 4s 84 111 "do sen- 4t 84 113 Mo. Pacific 4s 73 TJ. 8. tt- 3i, tS So coupon O. S. ta. res de coupon ...... V. 8. 4s, reg do eoupoa 1014k a sen. (e .e:arvBc".''K imour Co. 4... 31 . 1. !: Z (a 108 No. Pacltlo 4t f a g L. ia 4t m d. ta Sal. Ohio 4 W0. S. I rt J!,. d Ss Pnn. c. 8a 1111.. J-Jj Broik. Tr. CT. 4s... .? docon. 4a. Cen. Leather es " " Mi. c 4. m d. VV4i U Chlcase A- 46 8 A. I 6i ta, . . . do gen 4s 6 do cv. ,4...... v0mc-4.::"i a a H. cv. a H do a. 4s ..... 5 a R O. rt. ts.. 83 o l.t . ref. 4a.. 87 "',,.!:. ...... 730 8., Rubber 4a 101 L' 11 . .77Va..Car. Chem. ta.. 98 f ra. m i B iSSwabssb 1 J5 til cVn M s. 8tW..t.rn Md. 4. .... M Inter. M, at. ass.. v,ts". Jsoan 4a 1 Bid- Offered. : 1 Boston Stock Market. B06TON. July 29.-Closlng quotations Orl StOCkS wer a i ; " 46 Nerada Cen. AwST Copp tlNiplialnt Ml. Amai. fft 80 Korth Butte 11 'i 80 6 ft 116 tt 1. 47 I 41 46 48 "H 41 I ml 23 Iriune Com. .... 811-ltKorth Lah B A C. C. a 8. M 7 Old Dominion .... Cal. a ArUon...-. 7t Osceola , 130 Qutncf 33 shannon t7 Buperler 13 Superior A B. M. 10Tamarack ......... 4U. 8. 8. R. A M. 68i,i, do pfd 31. a Heela. Centennial Cop. Range C. C. East Butte C M... Franklls Qiroux Con. Oranby Con reeee Canaries 10 cub Con. Xl. Royals Copper.- 34ttah Copper Co Lake coppw 34 Wolverine ... tl Salle Copper 4 Miami Copper Mohawk 17 ' Condition of Trensnrr. WASHINGTON, July 29.-At the begin ning of business today the condHlin of the United States treasury was: Working balance in treasury offices. 394.836.0ft6. In bank and Philippine treasury 8K.908.lfiB, total ot the general fund. 3160,784,692; re ceipt Saturday. 33,09,084; disbursements, 31,807,765; deficit to dat thl fiscal year 32,469 868, as against a deficit of 318.207.963 at this time iaat year. These figure ex- elude Panama canal and public debt transaction. .New York Mrntna- Stooks. NEW YORK. July .-Cloaing quota tions on mining stock, were: Allc .S50 Little Chief .. . 10 Unlet a . U Onttrla . 43 Opstr .......... .169 Standard ... 4 ...310 ...150 ...IW ...100 ... I Com. Tuoatl ttook. do bands Ceo. Cel. A V ... Iron Sllrer L4yH1 Cob. ... Otferee. 10 London Stock Market. LONDON, July 1&-Amrlcan securities were quiet and featureless during the early trading today. At noon th mar ket was dull with prices ranging from unchanged to He higher than Saturday's New York closing. Bank Clearing. OMAHA. July .-Bank clearings for today were 12,490.616.33 and for th cor responding day last year 11,411.535 U- OMAHA GENERA. MARKET. BUTTER No. l, i-ib. cartons, We; No. L In 60-lb. tubs. 27c; No. 1, 26c; peek ing, 28c. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 33c; Ameri can Swiss, c; block Swiss, 340; twins. 174c; daisies, ISo; triplets, 18c; Young Americas, 13c; blue label brick, UVte; limberger, Mb., 20c; Mb., 2Jc. POULTRY Broilers, &40e per lb., hens, 16c; cocks, 9ft 10c; ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 3c; pigeons, per Cos, 1L50. Alive: Hens, KKsjllc; old roosters, 6Vtc; stags, 5 He; old ducks, full feathered. So; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkeys, 12c; pigeons, per dos., 90c; homers, 32.S0; squabs, No. 1, 11. oO; No. 2, 50c. BEEF CUT PRICES-Th wholesale pi Ices of beef cuts, effective July 2$, will oe a follows: Kibs-.No. 1. llVko; No, 2. lbc; No. 3. ll4c. Loms-o. 1, 24c; No. i, lie; No.' 3, l4c. Cnucks-No. 1 10c; No. 2, 74c; No. 3. fta. Round-No. L 14c; No. a, 1212Hc: No. 3. WlOo. Plates-No. 3c; No. 3, 96tie; No. 3, 64j6c. rU6H (freshl-Plckeree, tc; white, ISo; pike, lie; trout, 14c; large ci apples, 110 16c; Spanish mackerel, lSv; eel, IM; had docks, Uc; flounders, lie; green oatflsh, 16c; rose shsd, S6o each; shad roe, per pair, 46c; salmon. 15c; halibut. So; yellow peich, o; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, SViC FRUITS, ETC.-Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, tX26Q3.SO; Jumbo, per bunch, 2.;6Q3.76. Dates, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, Drome dary brand, new. 30 1-lb. pkgs in box, per box, 33.00. Figs, California, per case Of 11 No. 11 pkgs., S3c; per case of M No. 12 pkgs., 12.64; per case of 60 No. pkgs., 32.00; bulk, In 16 and 60-lb boxes, per lb., 10c; new Turkish, i-crown, In 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c; 6-crown, In 30-lb. box, per lb., 16c; 7-crown In SO-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c- Lemons, Llmonlera, selected brand, extra fancy, 300-300 slses, per box. 37.30; Loma Ltmonelra, f ancy, 100-360 slses, per box. 16.60; 240-620 sites. 60c per box less; California, choice, KxV3fi0 slses, per box, 16.60. Oranges, California Elephant Moon brand, extra fancy, IW-12S slses, per box, 14.00; extra fancy, all else, per box, 34.16; Valencia oranges, all slses, 14.00. Peaches, California, 86c. Wax beans, per basket, 76c; green beans, per basket, 110. Cantaloupes, California, 4t sis, 13.00. Watermelons, per lb., IHc Peaches, Texas, 4 baskets. 30c. VEGETABLES Cabbage, horn grown, per lb., 14o. Celery, Michigan, per dos., 86c. Cucumbers, hot house, per box, 0o. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per dos.. 3300. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per dos., 16s. T.Ptttic. extra fancy, white, per dos.. 26c. Onions, white, in crate, 31.00; yellow, per crate, 3110. Parsley, fancy southers, per doi. bunches, 6CK&76C. Potatoes, horn grown, new. pr bu., 86c. Tomato, Tennessee, per 4-basket carrier, Wo. CHICAGO LIVE 8TOCK MARKET Demand for hep Steady xCattl . and Hons Lower. CHICAGO, July 29.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 31,000 head; market steady, ino of f: beeves, 35.30fi9.76; Texas steers, 4.30Cr.l0; west ern steers, 16.867-W; stockers and teeders, 34.10(g.30', ews and heifers, J2.80S8.26; calves, 17.0ftjrio.00. HOOS-Recelpts. 48,000 head; market fairly active; KXflRc off; light. 37.80tf8.SJ; mixed, 17.36Sif8.16; hesry,37.ft88.06; rough, t7.167.36; pigs, 3)6.TBoJ.00: bulk of sales. S7 BtV??8 On SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 24,000 head; market strong, 10Wc up; native, 13.20f6.00; western. 83.86SJ4.86; yearlings, 34.16(8.66; lambs, native, 84.25ig7.65; west ern. 34.40f7.85. ira.u. ritv Mae Stock Market, KANSAS CITY. July 39, CATTLE Re ceipts, 12.000 head, including 8,200 head southerns; market steady to 10c higher: top, 39.76; dressed beef and export, 38.00 9.76; fair to good, 86.768.0O; wstrn steers, 8B.35(S.0; stockr and . tfllJ. 34.867.85, southern steers, 34.60C6.86; southern i cows. 13.6000.60; natlv cows, 83.006.60; native hlfers, 34.26fl.50; bulls, 34.005.60; calves, K608.25. HOQS-Rcelpts, 8,000 head; market 10c lower; bulk of sales. 37.8O.00; hesvjA 37,76(317.88; packers and butchers, 37.0 8.06; lights, 37.86V3i8.00; pigs, 36.0Ot6.88. - SHEEP AND LAMB8 Reoelpts, 8,000 head; market steady to 10c higher; lambs, 16.60m.66; yearlings, 14.25.00; wethers, 13.7634.25; ewes, 13.604.10; stockers and feeders, 12.604.00, ' St. Lonte Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, July 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10.000 head, Including 6,200 head Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 38.00Q9.tO; dressed and butcher steers, 86008.50; stockers and feeders, 34.60iS4.60; cow and heifers, 34.60 8.76; canners, 32.76VJ3.28; bulls, 34.00ifj6.60; calves, 8.003.; Texas and Indian steers, 4.508.25; cows and heifers, 13bO7.W. HOOS-Recelpts, 9,700 head; market steady to 10c lower; pigs and lights, 36.78 t.35; packers, 88.15fr8.3iiViH butchers and best heavy, 381008.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,400 head; market strong; native muttons, 33.75 4.75; lambs, 36.607.60; culls and bucks, 11.SO33.50; stockers, 12.00ff3.00. tock In Sight. ' Receipts ot llv stock at the fiv prin cipal western markets yesterday; iauie. nuge. ouoop South Omaha.. St. Joseph .... Kansas City St. Louis .... Chicago Totals . 8,400 . 1,300 .12,000 .10,000 .21,000 4,800 K.900 8,000 8,000 6,309 24,000 6,000 8,000 9,700 48.000 .47,700 76,600 . 66,300 at. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. July 29. CATTLE-. Re- oeiptS, l.SW ncaui m """ri voie, 36.76(89.60; cows snd heifers, 83J6Q.00i calves. 34.60li8.2a. wnr.R-RacelDts. 8.000 head; market 39 10c lower; top, 18.06; bulk ot sales, 37.65(0 7 95 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000 bead; market slow; lambs, 38.007.16. Wool Mnrket. BT. LOUIS, July .-WOOL-r-Bteady; territory and western mediums, 203240; fin medium, l&poe; tin, l317o. LONDON, July 29.-The offerings at th wcol auction sales today wer chlfly cross breds, amounting to 3.562 bales. Tn demand was quiet and prices wer in buyers' favof. Price are now about 7 per cent higher and grade suitable for America ten per cent dearer. Metal Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 29 METALS Lead, dull at 34.60; spelter, firm at 37.20. I Eln Batter Market. rrjrv m.. Julv 29. The tiuotation committee of the Elgin Board of Trad thl afternoon aeciarea outter steaay ai 26 cents. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, July 29.-COFFEE-FU. ttires market closed barly steady at a net decline of 615 point, gales, 58,000 bag. Julv, 12.97c: August. 12.96e; 8ep tember, 13.01c; October, 1808c; November. 13.13c; December. 13.19c; January, 18.32c; February, 13.20c- March. 18.28c; April, 13.80c; May and June, 13.34c. Spot coffee, nulet; Rio No. .2, 12V4&14,c; Santos, 4s, 16c. . ' Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. July 29. American prices win h ejlvanced Auarust 1. K'tC a yard to a basis of 5'4c. Trade with the Jobbers in dress goods Is more active. Cotton yarn are higher with demand light. Oil and Bosln. SAVANNAH. July 29. TURPENTINE Firm: 43e. ROSIN-Firm; F and O, 86.80. Key to th Situation Bee Advertising. OMAHA LMJ10CK MARKET Cattle of All Kindi Command Good Steady Prices. ' LIITLE CHANGE IN HOG PEICES Reeeipta of Sheep and Lambs Largest Store Month of Majreh, Bat Price Show llttl or No Change of lmportnnc. , SOUTH OMAHA, July , 1311 ' Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. BheeP. Estimate Monday 3,408 4.831 14M aame oay last week... 4,v?6 4,eu8 M tam X weeks ago 1.U4 4,uso Same A weeks ago l.tuO S,v4l . tame 4 weeks ago l.itti W'i bam dsy last year.... Loll 4,803 Th following table shows th racaiptt ot cattle, hogs and sneep at South Omaha tor ta year to date as ootnpsu-ea wttu last year; im isu. Ino. Deo. cattle 46e,7b7 W.0J8 M,3lt Hogs 1udo,i l.sui.uil 449,364 bhetip l,mM h,M lai.nU The following table shutvs tho range ot price for hogs at South Omaha tor the ist few oaa, witn coinpaneons: Data UU. iaU.jjliO.inw.Uo.ia.WI July 13 1 19 361 1 361 7 761 j 6 741 8 61 t 81 8 31 8 j Uel S S3 3 I0 U 6 3?ai7!017 841 7 244i o mi t 4ei I sot a Mi I 8i July 30. July 31. juiy u Julv i: 7 33)si 33 7 6V i 341 Ui 3 July 34 7 37H ? Si W l w 7 4oj ! I 28i i s t W 64 7 tWl l U I (89 6 81) 7 64 iei I 31 7 4J li 8 7 8 44 1M ill 7. l45 IH iW ll. 14 3 04! juiy . Julv at July 3 aUy 38 July W ounday. CATTLE Recel ptt ot catUa wer eon sldtrabiy lignter than on Monday of last week aud less tnaa naif wnat they were th corresponding day last year. At th earn time cnicafo reported vary large receipts and a snarply lower mat keu Unaer th innuenc of in dtcant at other points, th jeellng nr wsa naturally weak at tn opeiunt, but tne local ouyinc demand proved to be so good thai uttl or no coaago tqok place in prlcaa Beet steers were in good demand and anyinina oeslrabie sold in very lair sea. son in the morning at prlcas that wer generally steaay wita last waoas close, vv nil Ultra wei e no enoioe cornted sttai t in sight to mak a top on the market tnr wr uauio goot) tnougn to bring 6.3u , oood western beef eoramanJM iuuy steaay prtoet. Cow ana heitert wers in good demand ana in epite oi the tact torn tner was a Uttl sprinkling on sal, practically every nuns in sunt cnaugod nana in good season in tne mornm. Tn prices iaia were in tne main, in came as pre vaiied at the close of last week. clock came anu leeuers were also in good demand and If anyiuing th taellng on in mure aesiraoie sina was strong with utner graae at least steady, it was In tact a good nealiny maiaet from start to tinisn. quotations on Native CattlawOood to choioo beet steers, t8.eutf8.Bo; tair to good beet steers, fa.uufe.DU; common to lair beef steer, te.(Mg.ev; gooa to choice hetiers, t-t.2i good vo choice cows, o.i(at).a: i air to sood cows,; common to lair cows, l.(6(fjt.ili; good to choice stocker ana iseaers, t.i.5a; tair to good stocked and tsederi, Hsuq; common to fair stockers and ,tea ers, j.tpy.4.oo; stock cpwa and hellers, j.iio&4.76; veal etives, 4-00j'US; bulls, etags, etc., n.76(&.ilt. quotations on itwigs Cattle Good ta choic oeet steers, i.v(fe.u; fair to good ueei steers, tti.ani.ui; common to itvr iwef steer, 3e.0U4jni.16. Ktprebentauv aies: BtCEF SXKERS. Ne. Avi tt. No. At. ft. 7 8110 4 44, 11 UM t 11 lie I 10 88 U84 tt II 1031 I 14 ' 84 Uat Ik WWB. I.. ........ 1:: u ;. it.. u ..... 3. 4 I..... 81 .., , ttt , Mi) , MO i net , m . m TOO , 7IT , see lit 1.. ..1011 I 34 ..tost I It -.1031 4t .. fc.t I to ..1070 I 44 4 40 4 tt 4 40 I 00 I It 11 I..... I 1 HEIFERS. I 8 I 4 0 1 4 00 I 4 10 I BULLS. 4 U I 4 M 1 4 to I 4 85 1 418 no 481 ...... TTl T7T .....1440 .....1330 100 861 411 4M 4tt tit til 4 40 ! 440 400 .....ltOft 1171 ... 769 1400 CALVES. 44 t lit 4 60 134 4 71 3M I 40 t4 4 10 . too I to 1 i. I I 11 ISO no ISO 180 134 7 00 lit 7 38 140 7 10 111 171 1 130 7 71 &TOCKERI4 AND FtfKDUKS. 771 4 71 I 00 I 10 14.. 137 717 8 tt f 78 I 10 110 8 I 30 -I to , 880 681 414 787 1010 ...... 46! ,..,. 4.... 11.... 61.,.. 14.... 37,... .... t6 tw ....1011 .... 84 ....1011 810 8 It 3 :o I u NEBRASKA 14 feeders.. 687 6 00 13 steer.. ..1062 8 76 9 feeders.. 70) 6 so li steers.. ..1210 7 00 It) Steers... .1X28 6 10 9 cows 964 I 09 1 es. echs. 941 I 81 IT Cow 1081 168 3 baiters.. 712 4 39 S belters., m I 30 80 cow.... .1018 6 49 27 steers.. ..1206 7 41 28 oews 967 6 IS 18 heifers.. 888 6 U 16 feeder. .13u7 86 00 66 18 Steer. ...1036 13 c. tt h. 8t6 8 feeder., lit I sow.., .4084 46 steers.... m 8 cow..... 860 13oowa... 998 7 haifara.t 796 29 oowa 990 37 steer., ..1J62 33V 48 176 3 96 Its 6 26 7 7t Hy Bosle-Neb. 9 feeders.. 681 S M 4 heifers. calve... 241 810 7 cow.... V. Q. Uoxle-Neb. 4 65 816 19 Steer.. ..1481 7 86 3 teeders.. 843 6 00 Qeorga Mofllnley Neb. U steers. .1387 8 36 at heifers.. 1060 3 74 iW steers.. ..1223 7 70 t cow..;..W7t t 60 7 cows U05 S 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. 6 feeders.. 670 6 60 9 heifers.. 3 calves... SOO 7 00 1 calves... I Cows 760 3 86 9 c. & bs. 3 bun 1L0 4 76 BS7 166 913 116 7 76 5 60 WYOMING. 3 oows 1006 4 76 14 Stora....lOU 3 60 So cow 962 6 46 COLORADO. 7 cows 1011 4 66 18 cs. tt hs. &$4 8 80 HOGS-In spits ot large receipts and lower price at Chicago tne hog market her opened in good teason with ship pers buying bogs ef good quality exciu slvtiy at price fully steady and in spots mong when compared with Saturday's market. As usuat packers were th small est buyer at the opening and did not fill the bulk of their order until th shipper had practically ' dropped out. PacKing hogs and the mixed kinds sold mostly steaay, anytnlng on the common and rougn heavy order changing hands at figures weak to a tittles lower. Trad was fairly active tront the start, ss ptactlcaiiy vrytnlng was disposed ef oy lo :o o'clock. Th general market may be quoted a being pretty oios to steady with Saturday's prices, snippers buying several loads ot choice (hipping hogs at the top price, 37.90. Hepresematlve tales: Jo. AT. Sk. IT. Ne. A. 40 T 10 74 IS NTH M.......S8I ... t 77 114 SO 7 SO 78 84 ... 7 M 71 184 140 fit II 331 ... 7 tt 88 141 ... 7 84 130 327 80 7 tt 84 80S 10 7 tt St..... ..123 180 7 40 SS HI 130 7 40 SI ITS 100 I SO SO 174 ... 1 40 IS ..318 ... T 44 78 344 40 t 40 4t 390 300 T 10 17 17 130 7 40 81 21S ... 7 80 7 314 80 7 44 U 30 44 7 40 77.. 304 130 7 40 81 33S ... 7 40 78 13 II 7 40 7S.......213 240 7 40 44. ..t... 337 ... I 10 80 17 IM 7 61 70 18 SO 7 48 .. SI.. tit 140 7 48 SS Ut 180 7 44 81 ..ttt Sk. ft. ... 7 48 St 748 ... ft) 40 170 80 7 70 49 7 TO ... 7 71 ... 7 70 ... 7 74 ... I 70 100 7 70 40 7 70 ... 7 "0 ... 7 70 771 100 7 74 t 771 ... 7 7t . 11 7 71 ' 110 T76 W 7 71 ... 7 78 40 7 71 80 7 SO ... 7 SO 10 7 88 ... 7 80 ... 7 80 ,.. 7 80 .... IN 44... 71... ... ft... tt... el... 33... S3... tl... 83... 77... 71... 70... ..MO ..lit ..384 .-m ..388 ..143 ..113 ,...t3 .,..388 ....333 ....388 ...,T ....331 24. 48... 74... 73... 68... 44... ..340 ..88 ..3 ..181 ..334 78 333 73 337 88 811 SB 814 70 334 48.;..,. .)I2 M 378 78 187 1 143 41 14 ...tit ..,....! 7 4( KHEEP About fifty-Seven cars f sheen and lamb were yarded thl morning, it being th lrgit run sine March 28. The receipts Included shipments from Montana, Idaho, California and th eorn belt, bulk of the stuff coming from Idaho. Fst sheep and lamb wer about equally represented among th tqtal re ceipts. With the exception of a few loads of good wthrs, duality was simi lar to that at recent shipments. Al though the mum? of lambs was a little large? that; usual, there were no real goo", iarnibs on sale. Buyers were out fairly early In the morning looking over the large receipts for anything that would make desirable killers. There was a good demand for real good stuff, but as comparatively lit tl of that kind was on the market, trade at the best was only fairly active.' In the end buyers and sellers got 'to gether and th big bulk ot the supply was disposed of In fairly good season. Prices paid for sheep and lambs were . generally steady with the close of last ' week. Some fairly good Idaho lambs brought 37.30 and a amall bunch of year lings sold as high a 36.00. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, 37.00$'7.60; lambs, fair to good. 36.26(7.00; lambs, feeders. 34.50i35.t0; y earlings, light, 34.755.16; yearlings. heavy. $6-6004.76; yearling, feeders, 33.603) i 4.26; wethers, good to choice, H10U0; wethers, fair to good. 33.76&4.10; wether, 1 feeders, 33.2608.75; wes, good to Choice. 13.1644.00; wes, fair to good, 13.00S1.73; ewes, feeders, 31.00i$3.00. Representative sales: ISO. AV. .- 63 . 105 . 105 . 103 . 108 . 66 . 65 . 78 . 82 . 85 . 87 . 130 . Ill . 84 . 88 . 8$ . 93 . 89 . 92 . 6$ Pr. 6 25 8 To 3 76 3 75 i25 7 txi 7 26 4 15 485 4 7o ' 4 75 , 4 So 410 2 50 3 i5" 3 75 46 4 76 4 75 5 50 710 ii native lambs 17 Idaho ewes 37 Idaho ewe 326 Idaho ewes 40 Idaho wethers 151 Idaho lambs 445 Idaho wethers 291 Idaho yearling 630 Idaho yearling 59 Idaho yearlings 148 Idaho yearlings 603 Montana wether 510 Montana wethera 15 ewe, culls 56 native ewes 56 native ewes 38 native wether 78 Idaho yearlings 825 Idaho yearlings ISO Idaho lambs 419 Idaho lambs ................ 60 Idaho lambs 137 Idaho lambs 114 native lambs 11 native ewes 37 yearling wether, culls..., M Idaho wethera and ewe.., 48 ' I 4 ) - 84 , 7 W 7 00 8 75 4 15 . 430 118 84 85 More Militiamen ; Ranr. tn Pa. int. HrAfilr to Suppress Eiots ! CHARLESTON, W, Vtu, July J9.-The f Third battalion of th Wst Virginia Na . tlonal guard was ordered tonight to pro ceed at one from Mount Gretna, Pa., to th Paint Crek mining district of ; Uila stat, where a strike has been on t for months. This is the second call sent , to Mount Gretna, whr th guardsmen ; hav been attending a aummer school of . instructions, witnin a iw oay. y to morrow 465 stat soldirs will b scat Urd throughout th mining district in an effort to put a stop to th rioting and bloodshed of th last few weeks. James Roberts, a bookkeeper at on of th Lewi mines at Chelyan, was shot in the hip today as h walked toward a train. At th tlm many miners wer congregated about th railroad station. Warrant for th arrest of some of tho miners wer issued tonight and an at tempt will b mad to serve them in th morning. A preliminary hearing has been at (or tomorrow aiurnoon and a com. pany ot militia has been tent to Chelyan. Th situation at Mucklow and Toms, burg, scenes of violence last week, is re ported as e.ult, although further out- ntor Glasscock did not Issue a procla mation today declaring martial law. Such action had ben rumored. ,It Is said th avAin(v and hla advisers believe there should be a greater foroe of militia pres ent before taking this step. Th miners at many polnta held meet ings today. Th principal speakers war socialists who ars candidates for offices on the legislative and county tickets. Arctic Explorers , Resemble Animals When Found July 17 CHRISTIANA, ' July 29.-Captaln EJna Mlkkelsen, the Danish Arctic explorer, and the engineer. lvrn. who were resaued July 17 on th coast of Greenland, by a Norwegian fishing vsssl, after aav. ' Ing spent mors than two years in that region, looked like wild animals when their retcuer found them. They had spent the previous winter at Bass Rod; Island, not Shamrock Island, as previously stated, and it wa there tnat th Nor weglans came upon them in a camn which they had built. Th first sign that there were human beings on th island was a wooden bar with the dat 1912 cut in it, set up as Signal, which th Norwegian fishermen happened upon. Investigation disclosed th cabin. Th fishermen knocked on Am i MllrkttlaAn Snri .'Ivftraait rushed out, nearly naked, with guns In their hands, under the impression that th knocking was caused by beasts of MM. ' rio. Mlkkelsen had been very 111 on th long Journey to Bass Bock island and lversen had dragged him 100 miles on a sledge. Fortunately the men had enough ammu nition to enable them at all times to pro our food. Old Catholic Decree Not Revoked By, Pope ROME, July 9.-Tha report that th pep has repealed th decree "Ne Temrc" I absolutely unfounded nor is it likely ever to be revoked as it embodies provis. Ions, which hav governed th aiiurch procedure for two centuries. It 1 probabl that th misunderstand ing with respect to the repeal of the decree arose through the suspension of the provision relating to mixed marriages In Germany and Hungary. The other provisions of th "Ne Temre," however, are in full force in those two countries, whll in th United States and England all provisions of th decree without ex ception ar still in fore. Thus a mar- ' rlage between Catholic and Protestant without th Sanction of th parish priest is null. It is declared that possibly the United States and England may later obtain a change In that provision. . , GOVERNOR COLQUITT GIVEN BIG VOTE IN TEXAS PRIMARY DALLAS, Tax.. July M.-with prac- ucaiiy m per teni ui ma vuis vosi in ine democratic primary election of yesterday accounted for in present returns it is Indicated that Governor Colquitt 'will hav , a majority of about 40.000 over Judge W. F. Ramsey and that Congress man Morris Bheppard will have nearly as many popular votes as his three oppon ents combined and a majority of the dis trict , instructions to member ot the - legislature. ' '."'': v In twelve congressional districts tho incumbents had no opposition. Congress- man Dies, Young and Callaway have, woo in their districts. Th nomination in the - First district has ben won. by Horace WY Vaughan, in th Fourth by Samuel Rayburn and in th Eighth hy Joseph & Eagla