Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    f; . . . . . . . - . .- .- .. . 1 : : : : : ,
. -t .
Tea Progressives Join Democrats in
Passing La Follette Bill.
i -
Penrose Compromise Act U First
Adapted by a close oti
session Prove to Be Fall
I of Surprises.
WASHINGTON, July M.-Ten . pro
gressive republican! overthrew the reg
ular republicans in the senate lata last
night by Joining with the democie-ts In
passing the La Follette woolen tariff
revision bill as a. substitute for the dem
ocratic measure framed by the bouse
of renfsentativts. The La Follette bill
was Adopted by a vow of trirty
seven to twenty less than two hours titer
the. republican loaders had achieved
what they believed was a victory when
a 'Compromise submitted by Senator Pen
rose was passed in the committee of Hie
' whole.! ''
The ; sudden termination, of ..the ... wool,
tariff fight came as a climax of a day
ful) ' of surprising events. The demo-
cratic house bill for a revision of the
wool tariff was technically before the
senate, The progressives first voted for
Senator Cummins' substitute, the rate
of which were slightly above those of
the democrats bill. They were defeated,
fifty-seven to . fourteen. Then , Senator
Penrose came forward, with a compro.'
mlse measure considerably higher than
the democratic bill, which regular and
progressive republicans ' believed they
could agree ' upon. Z ' ' ' '
Ledy the-defeated: Senator Cammlna.
who said he would accept the Penrose
bill -as a "step . In- the. .right ; direction.'
an but three of 'the"" progressive rallied
to the support (of the Penrose , measure
and ;ft was adopted by'ayotiof thirty,
(our to thlrtywy.'' Tle took" place in
what "was" known 'f,''the Committee of
the hole. The- amended .' inesure thert ,
passed into the senate; propel!.. '
t; Fellette Seise Opportunity.
In ;the' meantime Senator La Follette,
who,' with Senators Clapp and Kenyon,
bad' Joined the democrats In voting
against the Penrose substitute, saw an
opportunity again to pass bis , bill of
1911 which President jaft had "vetoed.,
there was a, quick rajly.oj progressive
forces dtfi- the ro'Uue ; hill' was. In
troduced" as a substitute for the already
amended MIL It beeame the substitute
for the democratic house bill ini i
"such the senate' finally passed It
The progressives, who joined with 'the
democrats In adopting the L Follette
substitute, were Bofahi Brlstow, -Claps,
, Crawford, '- Cummins! Gronnaf Kenyon.
ta Follette, Polndeater and Works. Ths
-gonsnded hltt goes' baok t. the house et
Representatives and,-, the resulting .4erlfJ
Sutuatlon- IsVexeoWthat 'which existed
the special session of 1311.
' 1 Situation Like that ( Laet Year.
: if The La FoUeUe bill is the same .as
'passed then by the senate with a weol
: jfuty ot SO per cent and an average.duty
"''At SS percent on manufactured goods.
I The house Dill is the same as then passed
f jby the house with a Taw wool duty of
I ftp per cent. Out ot" these two measures
1 the conference committee last year
jOvolved 4 compromise, which President
Taft vetoed, because . the tariff baard
r had not 'sopBpleied its woolen investlga.
rjnon. A. oontecaact committee will again
S take up the two bills and attempt to
fjframe a substitute to send to the presi
'dent ) iV .. . ' : ''-: V ' "
H, Senator. Bourne voted against the La
Follette bill as a substitute, but later
voted for the amended measure pn In
lnal paietsge.
I u The republican measure mads material
reductions -in the existing woolen tariff.
' (Senator Penrose said it represented the
' Views of; the majority of the republicans..
!as soon as it had been adopted the bill
.passed technically Into the senate, where
! Senator Cummins ' secured the addition
, fOf an amendment for the creation of
, 'permanent tariff commission.
. rt The republican substitute was submit
jea after, jthe senate had been in ses
sion nearly- -seven hours. Senator Pen
' srose explained it; a comparison of duties
; jas given by Senator Smoot, and with
debate of less than three hours, the
' ;ew measure was adopted In place of
; he 'democratic,: house) bin.
' Republican senators voting against the
'; (bull were Clapp, Kenyon and La Follette.
Qn;. the, first .test vote that fame .after
the La. ' Follette amendment had been
laid' before "the" senate the " democrats
and ?reressives,; "' def sated -; Senator
Lodge's amendment for a tartjf eore
' mission by a tote of thirty-five to thirty
, one.'-. Republican progressives, -.who
changed from support of tht republican
to the opposition aids in aiding to
; defeat the Lodge ameadmsnt, were Brie
, tow. Crawford. Oronna, Polndexur and
'Works.',.; . " '-
Senator McCumber then offered an
Goat and Pants
l-'fshl from ;
$25 and $30
...... 1
, , To keep our tailors
busy : and reduce pur
stock we offer big cut
prices on alrour nne
j woolens.
I Everygarmejit well
lined and guaranteed
perfect in fit and style,
304408 South 16th St
Sale of Men's Manhattan and
Tie First Price Reduction of the Season On These Shirts oi
Brandeis Semi-Annual
Clearing Sale
Summer and Outing Suits
In the Choicest, Newest 2 and 3-piece Models.
These suits have been selling -;
at $15, $17.50 and $20. Y ' r
f - -" i i .
AU'Our Men's N .
Outing Pants
and Summer Pants v
All our $5, $6 and7 Oiting f
All our $4.00 andJ4.50 Outr :
ing and Summer CO HO 1
Pants. :W;9i5
All our $3,00 and. $3.5(0 Qut- ;:
ing and Summer fff Qo
; pants. h..;..VlttfO
smnront for th rspeal of ths'C
badtsn rsclprootty law. Ssnstor Clsjtp
114 that a similar amendment hs4 al-
rssay sesn passed on tns , stsei tariff
bill which ta noW1 in conference between
ths two house. Senator Penrose re-
torteQ that It would do no harm to at
tach the amendment to every bill which
was pad' Stnatop MeCumber's amend
ment was lost 5
Turkish Officers
: . Demand Closing of
; Deputies Chamber
prssldent of the chamber of deputies an
nounced 'n ths chamber this afternoon
that a group of Turkish military officers
had lodged a demand for the dlssolu
tlou of ths chamber,.,
Ths announcement provoked utjroarmis
sccnsi. The demand reached tlie pres
ident In th form of a letter bearing
ths seal of the military league and was
couched tn vigorous .language.
Violent speeches were made by several
deputies, who declared they "would not
move except at point of the bayonet.
4, -At
Left to PJghtCaptaln Theodore Overeamp. Lrons. la.; Captain C.-M.' Richards, Omaha: Captain K. B. Kin;?, Davenport; Captain W. E. Sanford, Lin
coln; Lloutenant J. L. Butler. South Omaha;' Captain P. T. Powers,-South Omaha; Acting Major M. V. Balrd, Greenfield. Ia.; Captain ' J. V. Toad, Benson;
Colonel C. L. Mather, officer in charge of camp, Omaha; taptatn L. Jasperson, Omaha; AcUng AdJuUnt Martin Zuber, Waterloo; Captain H. L. fettir. Caunc'l ,
Bluffs; Captain A. C, McFarland. Lynch, Neb-s Lleutenknt F. R, Powers. 8quth Omaha; captain w. o. spencer, bioux
Your Choice of all
the Men's
in our entire stock
hare been selling at
$22.50, $25
and $30, at
; . Your Choice of . .
Worth op to $20,
Ths minister Of war, Masln Pasha, In
behalf of the cabinet and professing h
was not aware, of the existence ot ths
league, ' announced that the government
would endeavor to discover and punish
the authors of ths letter. Ths chamber
then roes. . ,
The expiration of the forty-sight hours'
grscs . Is awaited with ths greatest
anxiety. In spits of Nssln Pasha's pro
nouncsment, It is understood that the
government realises ths necessity for dis
solution, but Is seeking a means to ac
complish thli in a constitutional way
and will try to dissuade the. league from
violent measures. It Is even stated en
good , authority that ths grand vliier,
Ghssi Moukhur Pasha, will shortly visit
Albania In order to second the efforts
6(f a peace mission, which left" tor that
district tonight r. . , v --...
Two Boys protwaeA
PRJ1BBURO. 111. ' JTuly S6. -Joseph
Darobacher, Jr., and. George Llnkey,
each years old, were drowned today
tn a pond near here. , The boys wsnt to
tho pond to swim. ,
The Persistent and judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success. ;:
MS ' ...
Officers of the W. O. W. Encampment
, - !
DllU.''j"!-Mo W O (.;. ' I
Thousands of Omaha's jest dressed men wait for this sale. It
you can purchase the "best shirts made at about one-third off.
$1.50 and $1.75 Manhattan and E. & W. Skirts $1.15
' : t
and $2.50 Manhattan
and $3.50 Manhattan
to $6 Manhattan and E; k W. Shirts
Finest Silk and Silk and Linen ihirts in oar stock at, each
I i '
Men's 75c
pair fori r -ftr
or, per pair . . . vvy
Men's Plain & Fancy
LISLE KOSE-Regu-"lar25cval-ues
at, pair. . Ifcl2v
- . Men's Lisle
Short or long sleeves,
values up to $1.50 at
50c and 75c
Men's Negligee and
Values up i(l0
to $1 at, ea. . .Twv
Basement Special. '
Men 's Fine Lisle Undershirts and
Drapers; yalues up to qr '
$1.00, at.;.;v!v... Wt
Brandeis Store for Men
Bull Moosers Scheme to Seize Kepub
1 lican Organizations.
RoossTelt's Name to Be 'Substituted
... for Taff, bat State and Con-g-rcsslonai
Tickets Will
Remain Unchanged. .
OT8TER BAT, N. T., July 2.-6tx
staunch republican states have adopted
a plan, Colonel- Roosevelt said "tonight
for the bodily -capture of the republican
organisations by the national progress
ive party. The states he named are
Kansas, Minnesota, South Dakota, Idaho,
California and - Washington.
In each, of these states, according to
Roosevelt leaders; Who have talked with
the ex-presldent.or his aides, ths repub
lican organisation Is in control of the
supporters ot the, new party to an ex
tent sufficient to enable thera to trans
fer the organisation virtually intact to
Colonel Roosevelt's support In eacu
case It is the Intention to retain the
'I .s
f 1
t;K!.L Alt-. :UV ' l.S t...
-. ...;. J '
and E. & W. Shirts at $1.38
and E. & W. Shirts at $1.88
Men's Outing and
values up
to to $1,
Men's Lisle :
up to $1, at " TAa
35c and wvt
Basement Special. :
Men's 50c and 75ciBalbriggan
Undershirts and Drawers; St C
on'sale at . MvL
name republican ' and place candidates
for' congress and state offices on the
regular republican ticket. '"
. In states in which the law requires
that the names of Taft and Sherman
be" placed on the ballot as the republican
nominees, the1" Roosevelt candidates for
electors will go In a separate column.
Where the law does not exact this, the
Roosevelt candidates probably will be
placed, under the regular republican em
blem on the theory that Colonel Roose
velt Is the legitimate nominee of the party.
Changres His Mind.
It waa Colonel Roosevelt's expectation
that no decision would be reached as to
the procedure in these . states . until the
general situation was discussed at the
Chicago convention of the new party
next month.- It has been represented to
bim," however, that the jnovement had
advanced more' rapidly ' than' ' was' ex
pected and that there is no reason for
delaying the work' longer. ' In South Da
kota, Colonel Roosevelt ' said, the plan
already had been put Into effect. '
The Minnesota situation was cleared
at a conference which Colonel Roosevelt
had today with ; IJeutenant Governor
Earn Gordon and C. J. Knapp from that
state. The " impression was obtains
from Mr. Gordon that no Independent
1- M
. il
vuy; uapt. a. a. tinaver, bigourncy, ia.
E. & W.
Highest Class for Hen
Must Qq at Once
Any Man's $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 or $5.00 Straw GA IF
' Hat in our entire stock, Saturday ah ,. . . vX5w
Men's $2.00 Straw Hats at ...... .., . , t . . t,X:..d5.C,'
. Men 's. $1.00 Straw Hats at . . ?450
Men's 50c Straw Hats at 7 . V. . ,253 ;
Men's and Boys' 25c Straw Hats at .,. .1 .,10c
Any Panama Hat in our entire stock worth j'p';
. up to, $5.00 in one big lot Saturday at. .. . ;. V.JU4 9.
Men's $3.00 Felt Hats at
t ,$1 Odd lots and sam
' ' pies of men's soft and
stiff hats, worth up to
' $3.00, in one tf
big lot at . .
; At Wonderful Price Reductions Saturday
Men's Oxfords In tan 'and
black leathers, smart com
fortable styles regular $3,
$3.50 and $4 val
; ues, in all sizes,
at, per. pair.
Men's $4 and $5
From the famous T. D.
tactory, Urockton, Mass. weu maae,, iA rp
stylish footwear, in tans and blacks- m ft
75c and $1.00 Knickerbocker , Boys' $3.50 and $4 Suits
" Dante Af A C. I . . . ,.T -
Boys' $1.00 Wash Suits, special
at ... ......... .494k
ticket would be run in - Minnesota.!
Colonel Roosevelt said, however, that
as he understood ' It, this decision applied
merely to the candidates for state and
congressional offices and that the re
publican candidates for electors, who are
Roosevelt men, will resign and run oh
the - national ' progressive ticket. The
other republican candidates are to be
supported by the followers of Colonel
Roosevelt working through the repub
lican, organization, ' '
Beveridge to Be Chairman.
CHICAGO, July 25. Announcement ot
the selection of Albert J. Beveridge,
former United State senator from In
diana, as, temporary chairman of the
national - progressive convention to be
held In Chicago, August 5, was the chief
development In political circles here to
day. The announcement was made by
United States Senator . Joseph M-v Dixon
of Montana, . dif ictor, of Colonel Roose
velt's campaign for ths progressive
presidential nomination.
At the same time a letter from Mr.
Beveridge . to , William Holton Bye of
Indianapolis, was made public. This let
ter sets forth Mr. Beveridge's' attitude
in the present, political crisis and marks
his withdrawal from the republican
party,. in which-he .has taken a promi
nent part. The, letter has been utilised.,
by leaders In the third party movement
as a . bill of . progressive principles and
will be given wide distribution.
In his letter Mr. Beveridge finds fault
with both the old parties and urges all
progressives, irrespective cf party, ; to
rally to the Roosevelt, third party move
ment. Separate Electors to Be Named. '
BALTIMORE, Md.. July 2.-The Mary
land progressive .republicans assembled
here in mass convention today: and " se
lected sixteen delegates with half a vote
each and a like number of alternates to
the national- progressive convention at
Chicago August 5. Resolutions were
Choice of Any Straw Hat
in the House at
B fr am m
: : -I f , : a
Boys', and Children's Fine.Mt-;
lan Braid Straw Hats; QQa '
worth $3.00, at. . : '. i. vOZ
Children's Straw Hats,
-Well made, excellent.
materials at,::;$X98J
adopted empowering. ; a. r committee of
seven to select eight presidential -electors
Independent of those named on. the5regu
lar Taft ticket, and declaring that no
elector now on the Taft ticket shall be
placed on the progressive ticket ! unless
he first resigns. . '- . r ..
The significance of this latter" clause
lies In the tact that six of the' existing
electors on the republican tickst are
Roosevelt men. ' t --':
Convention In "Oregon.-''' ' '
PORTLAND, Ore., Juljr M.-The state
convention of the national progressive
party here today elected live delegates
Instructed ' for Roosevelt praised" bis
"manly integrity,' 'condemned 'President
Taft and disavowed" any arid air Sota of
the Chicago convention; of the' republican'
party.-' ' . .'' "f"-
Ralph Kitchen yesterdy; took "over the
Murray hotel, which will be -made an an
nex to ' the Paxtoh. The consideration
was not given. ' ,;' 'r'-
. - "Died of Pneumonia"
is, never written of: . those . whe iure
coughs and colds with D?. King'. New
Discovery Guaranteed. $0c and tl.00.. For
sale by Beaton Drug .Co.-, -; -
Persistent Advertising is. the .Road to
Big Returns.
Movement ( Oceatn 'Steamers.
JL LalH. . .. i
..AerUllc. '
Frt, tk .-'VltMesjte.
OTmnKSTOWNCrarle Malntie
ANTWER P. :......K.t. Marguettei'
BARCELONA;. Buuw Arret-..-
KOBE Lord Drbr..C.. . .
NAPLES '.Caaople '
BOSTON...:... Artble. ..........
BOULOOE...N.Amte4n.. ' '
YOKOHAMA... Crclopf .'