Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1912, Page 16, Image 16
16 THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1912. TO INSPECT X-RAY MACHINES Committee of Electrician and Phy- wcians to lack Over Devices.' SOME ARE REAL FIEE MENACE Koepltals and Physicians' Offices to Be Visited to Look Orer the Alleged Fire Hasard Ap- ' pa rata a. ;X-ray machine and all electro-therapeutic devices used In the medical profes sion in Omaha will be Inspected by a committee tfrom the electrical organiza tion and the medical society to determine to what degree they constitute a fire menace. ' . Clty Electrician Michaelsen has con demned three new X-ray machines as un ,eafe and vibrators and electrifiers . are being Inspected. Physicians will' be required to .have these devices Installed under the direction (if the city, electrical Inspection depart ment which they have not been doing heretofore. - ' Several hospitals and physicians' offices Mil be forced to either abandon machines Bow in use or throw sufficient safeguards about them to satisfy the ordinance. iMr. Michaelsen has taken the matter i'p with the manufacturers of X-ray machines and charged them with "not keeping step with the electrical profes sion," In that they build unsafe machines. -"Many of these machines, we have found, constitute a great fire hazard," said Michaelsen, "and we have taken ileps to have the 100 or more X-ray machines and other electrical apparatus used In the hospitals inspected. . ... ' t"Wa do not want to work a hardship en physicians and so will have a Joint Committee of electricians and physicians make the Inspection. :""':, . ' -"Some of these expensive X-rays draw m much as seventy-five amperes, which is equivalent to 300 small incandescent. There are other machines, like the Fin sen ray. used to cure 'disease by light rays, that -use a' great amount of elec tricity." ' : Mr. Michaelsen says that from an elec trical standpoint many ' of the most ex pensive electrical- devices are not prop erly constructed. Omaha physicians are Well supplied with these machines, which, are being constantly elaborated. ' Elopes with Blonde, I Runs Into His Wife ; ' ' , S . . i; t IfUy Hall, a traveling salesman, giving bis residence as Omaha,' was arrested in Minneapolis on the charge of abducting Miss Jeannette Bell B levins. 19 years old, at pretty blonde telephone operator; said also to 'live here. 'Neither name is found lJ5 the Omaha city directory.- ', lHall,- It' is said.' induced 1 the ''girl W rpn away-wltli' him ' with promises of marriage.1 Although he'lrf married ihd has small baby, he deserted his wife. Mrs.' Hall and the baby met Hall at Minneap olis, but he refused to1 recognise them. S . . .' '.' v.i Persistent Advertising Is the Road to : Big Returns. ; . . ':':: '.;,-' I S O Sis 0 :6 f Si. ? 3 i a lis . 2 w n :, lb. CI ' i K J5 ;.C ft 2 & t , P sAm 92o. z . fl -AS B Is o (0 (A (J) e5 I J o ' 2?l:i 0) S 311 5 ? O S " !Si il 2 at (J) ' h dsj S o s Bi - J s I 1 1 van Fag row. BIG PURCHASE of THOUSANDS of Sample Handkerchiefs and Odd Lots at a Great Sacrifice There are thousands, of these handkerchiefs in all sizes for men and women they are all fresh and perfect made of linen plain white hemstitched fabrics silk finished mercerized, etc. some hand embroidered, some lace edged, some with fancy borders many are initialed mo,re than 100 styles to select from on our main floor. WORTH UP TO 25c 2 8ij Lots, Each 5Candl0c AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN Fine Timming Laces and Yide Bands Many Worth Up to 35c Yard, at 15c Yard Very effective new designs in Macrame, Ouny, Bohem ian, Filet, Carrickmacross, new shadow effects and com binations from 4 to 9 inches wide, in wnue, cream ana ecru worm up to II f 35c very special, per yard, ; 1 1 fl )) at. SALE OF SILK HOSIERY .Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery with widelisle herni tops, lisle double soles, high Spliced heels and toes z A r special at, a pair. , 4?. .... ... . . . ; .0 VC Women's' Pure Thread Silk Hosiery with wide silk hem tops and wjde lisle hem tops, lisle double soles, high OPn spliced heels and toes ; at, a pair. . VOC Women's Pure Thread Silk Boot Hosiery, with wide mer cerized llele garter topa, lisle double soles, high, spliced beels and toes black.' tan and white colors, at. 4Qj per pair .... .... . . ."?C Men's Pure Thread Silk Hos iery, ' with double lisle soles, high,' spliced heels and toes worth 50c, at, per Women's Lisle and Mercerized Lisle Hosiery, boot effects, dou ble soles, high, spliced heels and toes black, white, tan and light colon special OP. at, a pair 29C Women's and Men's Cotton and Mercerized Lisle Finished Hos iery, with double soles, high, spliced heels and toes, regular and out sizes tan, black, white ana xancy, at, a pair ..... 15c Women's Light Weight Underwear .Women '8 Swiss Ribbed Lisle Union Suits with hand cro chet tops and umbrella knee lace trimmed the $1.50 quality at, a suit... .......... Women's Fine 8wiss Ribbed Cotton and Lisle Vests, plain or lace trimmed, 2 So quality 'I Sl at. each....2t $1 Boys' Genuine Poros Knit Union Suits, short sleeves and knee length, all sizes, 60o qual ity, at a 9C. suit OilC Women's Fine Lisle "Nu shape" Union Suits, cuff knee and umbrella style, lace trimmed, - most comfort able and perfect fit ting suits, worth 76c, at, a suit Boys' r Swiss Ribbed Athletio Shirts and Drawers, r e g u 1 ar 25c values, at, garment 50c 8ic SATURDAY CANDY SPECIALS Sweetiand In Pompeiah Room Chewing Gum all the best kinds, at, 2 pkgs for. .6e Barking , Dogs regularly worth 25c, on sale at, each 10c Assorted Cocqanut Kisses our own. makes fresh and deli cious strawberry, chocolate ' and vanilla flavors at, lb. .15c Bulk Marshmallows fine for toasting at, per lb.. 10c Boxed Marshmallows, extra qual ity 8c box or 2 boxes.... 15c Pompelan Bitter Sweet Choco lates and Swiss Milk Choco lates with soft, creamy centers; special at, per lb .29c FREE A Toy Candy Store to Every Customer . Saturday. BR ANDEIS STORES M .1 Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale NOW AT ITS BEST Greater bargains than ever. Every department is rep resented in this bargain giving sale. MEN'S SUITS REDUCED FOR QUICK SELLING Every, suit a 1912 model. The fabrics are worsteds and cheviots. ' BUtS A worth w I up to $12.50. 9XO.W. SUltS A worth O up to $22.50. Pants Prices Demolished Never before have such bargains been offered as you'll find here Saturday. Pants $ worth $2.50 and5 $300 i i 85 Pants . worth $3.50 and $400 z 45 STRAW HATS OFF PANAMAS $5 and $7 grades $2.95 and $3.95 FURNISHINGS AT LESS SILK HOSE Pare thread silk, scy quality.. 17c SILK KNIT TIES 45c The dollar kind, , plain and stripe effects WARM WEATHER SKIRTS Military collar and soft attached collar Shirts, worth up to QQa $2.00, at. 00b Slashed Prices Thursday our store was crowded with wise shoppers , taking advantage of the exceptional bargains On Our Low Cuts Prices for Women $1.45 Prices fr Men $6.00 and $6.50 Hanan and Clapp Oxfords,. AC sale price pair. ,'flJ)'xT,0 $6.00 and $5.50 McDonald, Kiley A Forbush Oxfords, au extra special, d Q Q C atr a 'pair. . . .7 &)0OD $4.00 and $4.50 Howard & Foster and Tilt Oxfords, to sell them quick- dQ Q ly, all at. pair. , jDtU $3.50 Oxfords, miscellan eous lot, Satur- j-f-day at, a pair. . spcQD 100 pairs Men's Oxfords, broken lots in small sizes. regular $4.00 values, in tan ana patent colt, at, pair .... Boy Scout Shoes The real shoe for the boy in summer. ' $2,50 grade at, f or per pair fPltOD $2.00 grade at, ff" per pair. ... . . ' v 1 00 Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Oxfords, in Russia and gun metal calf and pat- a"t.c.o.I!'..n.ow.20 Off Misses', O h i 1 d r e n's and Young Ladies' Low Oxfords, Pumps and Roman Sandals, 20 0!f 100 pairs . of Misses' and Children's White. Blue and Fink Canvas Oxfords. $1.50 and $2.00 values, sale price, pair. . , 200 pairs of Misses' Strap Sandals and Pumps, patent and tan, $2.00 and $2.50 values, sale price, per pair $6.00 Women's Oxfords, Ha nan and Foster, CJQ $5.00 and $5.50 Hanan, Fos ter, Wright & Peters, pair . . . $4.00 Armstrong's Oxfords, twenty complete lines, pair. . $3.50 Kippendorf Selby Ox fords, in the new shapes, fif teen lines, at, n gg $3.85 $2.90 per pair.;. lines, 50c 95c $3.00 Miscellaneous welt soles, all J0 OP go at, a pair , .&)mCiD Women's High Grade White Canvas, in button; $4.00 values $2.90: CO CC $3.50 values.. $4.00 Two-strap White Nu buck Pumps, at, d0 QA a pair Div . $5.00 broken lines Bronze Pumps. at, a d1 QC pair ..... V $5.00 and $4.00 Cray Suede Strap Pumps 1 AA and Oxfords at P,1 VV 200 pairs small sizes, $3.00 and $3.60 values, in PA this sale, pair..... OUC 500 pairs Oxfords, broken lines, small sizes, $4.00 and $5.00 values, patent colt, Russia and gun metal calf, tan kid, excep tional values g i f( at, a pair... PlUU $1.50 and $2.00 Canvas Oxfords, broken lots, in white, pink and f blue, at, pair... OUC Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farn&irn Street You can read The Omaha Sunday Bee knowing that you will not miss any news of Omaha or the rest of the world. In addition you will find several exclusive, high class fea tures in The Bee that will appear in no other paper. Here are a few of them: In My Old Paris Garden by Lady Duff-Gordon, whose fashion hints are the best in the world. " A Woman's Duel for a v Pirate Treasure The adventurous quest of two rival expeditions, led by women, for a $30,000,000 group of jewels. Does Writing Poetry Induce Insanity and Sickness Poet Viereck' explains how wooing the muse caused the goldfish to stare and changed dog fish into lobsters. Aquatic Sports in and -About Omaha A hot weather feature, showing our best sum mer resorts at their best. The Omaha Sunday Bee goes into more Omaha homes than all the other Omaha Sunday papers combined. That's a good fact to keep in mind when you are adver tising.. . : You will find most interesting reading on the wanted pages. - Have you read the want ads yet today? There are a great many restaur. , ants in Omaha, but there is only one ' Belmont Restaurant and the ' name it symbolic ' of everything that la rood. We will gtv you quick service when In a hurry or when you have n.ore time to enjoy the savory, delicious ' food served to suit the most par ticular patronage you will appre ciate the variety offered for your . selection and the amount of the check will be a pleasant surprise. 151S Dodge St. Open AH Vlght. O. M. MALL, Prop. -.- Look for Large Electric Sign. AMUSEMENTS. Take a Car Kids to . LAKE IIANAWA "40 maates from Omaha." It has many attractions DANCING la the Grand, fepaolous Ball Boom every afternoon and evening con tinues to be a big attraction. Mutio by Arthox . Smith's orchestra. BAXHIETO, BOATXHO, SOX.LSB COASTSB, MBBBT-OO. souirs, ETC. Drug Store Economy Economise on your drug bill each month by watch ing our weekly special prices. Here are a few money savers for this week: Patent Medicines $1.00 Gray's Glycerine Tonic... 89o Eskay's Food aso, 450, 66o "$1.00 Wine of Cardui for. 8o Dr. Cooper's Medicine.... ..4So, 89o $1.00 Hostettier's Bitters v.....89o $1.00 Squibb's Sarsaparllla 78o Osomulslon 40. 9 Rexall Orderlies lOo, SSo, 60o Scott's Emulsion 48c, 89o Vinol, always ;....1.00 Hays' Hair Health ....... 480, 89o Listertne.. 18c. as, Rexall Kidney Cure 480, 69o Excelsior Springs, Mo., ; Mineral Water Crystal Uthia Water. I gallon. jug $S-00 . Bait Sulphur Water, t gallon ;' jug .. . ..;..aa.a Bait Sea Water, S gal. jug Sa.SS Regent Water, case 60 qts....$8.0Q Bulpho-Saline Water, case 60 quarts .. v. .fAOO Bulpho-Saline Water, case SO pints 180 Diamond Llthla Water, case 1$H gallons, for 84.00 Soterian Ginger Ale, case 80 quarts .88.00 We handle 100 kinds of Mineral Waters plain and carbonated in splits, pints, quarts, H gaL and 5 gal. sealed bottles and jugs. Free , delivery to any part of the three cities. 'Phone, mall or telegraph orders given prompt attention. Heirs' Root Beer 25o size for.. ...14o One bottle makes 5 gallons Root Beer. - - TOILET GOODS SPECIALS 2$c Sanitol Tooth Paste 18o 60c Violet Cream for 19o. 60c Malvlna Cream 89o 60c Java Rice Powder for ... .84o Harmony Rose or Violet Toilet Water for 880. 60o and 75o EOo Pompelan Massage Cream . . 89o 26c Babcock Corylopsls on sale for l$o Empress ' Instantaneous Hair - Color Restorer (10 shades) fSo Seven, Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower 45c-89o Soap Bargains Peroxide, Bath Soap, big cake.... 7e Jap Rose Soap 7c 4 cakes Wool Soap... ...18e 4 cakes -Life Buoy 15c I MASSAGE I V CREAM I v? TO SICK PEOPLE The gratifying success of onr "United" system of medicine In the treatment of chronic diseases has not only convinced the people that "United" treatment often succeeds after ordinary doctors have failed; hut our success has also convinced some unscrupulous doctors , that they can reap.a reward by pretending to be agents for, or pretending to be con nected with us in some way. , . :' We have been informed that doctors are traveling over the western states reaping a rich harvest from sick people representing themselves to be our agents or using some name so similar to ours as to be confusing to slck people. . . ' ... r , .. '( .. Therefore, we make the following statements in order to prevent sick people from becoming confused in regard to where they can receive the United Doctors' treatment " We have only one office in Nebraska located in Omaha on the second floor of the Neville block, corner 16th and Harney streets. We have no institutions in either of the Dakotas, Minnesota or Iowa. We have no traveling representatives in 'either of the above states or in Nebraska. . . We do not conduct any institutes or offices anywhere under the names "Associated Doctors" or "Northwestern United Doctors" or any similar sounding names. The only name under which we do business anywhere is just plain United Doctors. Any sick person who has been defrauded by any doctor or persons who fraudulently represented that he was our agent or was connected Vitb us may compel such doctor or person to return the money and also convict him of swindling by obtainingmoney by false representation. $100 IMi v We will pay $100 reward to any person in Nebraska, Iowa or Minne sota or the Dakotas who convicts any doctor or person of fraudulently obtaining money by pretending to be our agents. . UNITED PTIS PURE PARIS GREEN ' 2-lb. package 6-lb. package . 14!b. package .. H-lb. package . H-lb: package . 1-lb. package 1 . .. .440 ...81.08 ...32.80 ....10c 140 ....83c A 50c MAIL BOX FREE WITH EVERY 15c PURCHASE SATURDAY The Rexall Stores - SXBBKAJT ft KeCOHIfSUi DBVO CO., IStb and Dodge. OW1 DUO CO., 16tn and Karney. Z.OTAX. PHARKACT, loyal Hotel. HABYASB FXASKACT, S4tb and ffii-iiu. ' Free facts about any land will be givn to you by The Twentieth Century Parmer, which maintainB a land information bureau for the use of its readers. Ask us about land laws, conditions in any lo cality, climatic conditions, and the Land WoMation Bureau will promptly answer them if you enclose return postage at no other expense to you. You can learn how to get irrigation lands, where land offices are located, what laws govern ". lands, and where best sections for any particular purpose re located Write plainly and concisely to the Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska. Over 100,000 farm families read it. y "''""'MTii' ' 7 ,