Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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State of Nebraska. County of Douglas ss.
K. P Fail, bustne. manager of Th
Be Publishing - company. w"g11,"iy
wrn, says that toe average daUy c
eaiatlon for th month - of Jn-. BI
-v- : wJUtfE&t
Subscribed la my presence and worn
t befor, me thteMtt ids,
Notary. Public.
: 'i .. .... . ( ,
' U ' ' '
! r8bcrtber leartug h " city
temporarily ahoald kve Th
Be walled to them. Adde
vvlll be ekaB54'a . m ':
qacsted. -:;
Tbanks. Mr.
Efaall favors. -
Weatherman, tor
''As the tax asBessment goes up the
Us rate ougntjo come uown, k
' Congressman Pepper is after the
Powder trust. Hot fight, that. ',
' In all probability Judge Budge of
Idaho is a confirmed stand-patter.
- Look to the Levy -
, The municipal affairs committee
of the Commercial club, and the
other civic organizations that keep
In touch with our local government,
will do well, to look to the Impending
tax levy,.
Property valuations have been
greatly Increased under the new as
sessment and unless the rate is held
down the tax burden for the coming
year will be heavier than ever.
The tax rate Is made up by a com
bination of levies fixed by the state,
school and city authorities.
The county rate; which last' year
was. 17 mills, can,, and should, be ma
terially reduced.
The city tax levy is subject to
charter limitations, which should
make the new rate less than the last
one. it would ao so more nouceaoiy
were." it not for the demand of the
V'ater board-for 1100,000 to supple
ment current revenues, from which
had been' promised a net profit of
over'; $200,000. ' ( ' .'- . , '
'" The school levy has been running
wild .'for 'years, owing to what we be
lieve to be an Illegal diversion of tax
revenue to- building and site funds.
If the School board Vould go back
to first principles " It, too, could re
duce its' levy, or at least avoid an in
crease.'.. '.. ' v '. ; ' ;.'
If the. taxing authorities, however,
are permitted to become Imbued with
the notion that' the taxpayers do not
care whether the tax rate Is high or
low ? there will ; be no Incentive for
them vto hold the levy down.
And now Orosco ia chafing under
tie grind of the Madero steam. roller.
It turns out that Colonel Yeiser
i something of a steam roller him
self. '': ' ' -"'
; The independent party movement
IB Mexico is still encountering obsta
; . Just a Little Oversight.
" The member from Nebraska of the
committee appointed by the Chicago
convention ' to notify, the candidate
announces that owing to "conditions'
he cannot serve, having been elected
as "a Roosevelt delegate" and having
answered "present but not voting"
or the nomination roll calls. Our
member' of the notification commit
tee is evidently the victim of a little
oversight on his part When he
sought and accepted this honor from
the convention he should have at
tached a proviso conditional on the
nomination of his preferred ' candi
date. Perhaps in future conventions
of all parties notification committees
will be made up in duplicate or tripli
cate, or, rather, In as many told as
there are candidates in the field, so
that no delegate may be called on to
notify anyone except his own per
sonal choice.
How a Maryland Electoral Nominee Views the Proposition.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
There ia at least one ardent supporter
of Roosevelt whose moral sense ha not
been deadened by the example of his Idol.
Even though the colonel may himself in
terpret "under no circumstance'" to mean
merely "until it Is to my own advantage
to repudiate my pledge," Joseph R. Bald
win, one of the presidential electors of
Maryland, takes the honorable view of
the question. He says:
No gentleman on the regular republican
ticket will vote for Roosevelt; it makes
no difference how mucn he aamirei
Roosevelt. Electors are not under com-
nulslon of any written law to cast their
votes, but they are under compulsion of
moral law. The candidates for electors
were nominated with the understanding
that they would support the regular re
publican candidate. They nave no ngut,
n my opinion, to violate this understand
ing because they are aggrieved, no mora
than they woilld have for a bribe. Both
parties have safely relied upon tne nonor
of electors heretofore, and I, for one,
should I remain on the republican ticket,
propose to vote according to the instruc
tions given by the republican convention
of Maryland, as stated above, no gen
tleman could do otherwise.
There Is the kernel of the Issue con
cerning the electors who refuse to abide
by the action of the party which named
them. It la not a legal question at all,
but on of gentlemanly conduct, of
morals. "No gentleman," as this Auury
land gentleman puts It, would put a stain
upon the honor of the electors, which has
been Inviolate for more than a century
of the nation's history. No fait pre
tense of "regularity" would Justify an
elector remaining upon the ticket of a
party while he professes at the same time
allegiance to those who are striving to
destroy It. '
In war short shrift would be made ot
the soldier, or officer who, while he
wore the uniform and bore the arms of
one side, aided and supported the
enemy. Perhaps there is no way to
act In such summary fashion with elect
ors who refuse to obey the directions
of the party whose commission they hold,
but unless they are dead to every rule
which baa heretofore controlled honor
able elector they will cease to cling to
the livery of republicanism and come into
the open and proclaim themselves what
they are.
There Is nothing discreditable to them
In preferring Roosevelt and a third party.
but there is something peculiarly dis
honorable In taking shelter under a flag
which they repudiate, in seeking to con
fuse the voters by retaining a false po
sition, and in violating the confidence
which has always been placed in presi
dential electors. It has remained for
Fllnn, under the Inspiration of Roosevelt,
to propose to electors an act of dishonor
of which not one elector has ever before
been guilty, and which has not once been
suggested as possible. ' ' .
Tet this Is the program of a party
which hopes to come Into bemg as a
protest against "political dishonesty"!
Verily, the example of personal perfidy
and repudiated word,' ' represented by
the Roosevelt candidacy, has bad a pro
foundly disturbing effect uppon the moral
sense of the nation, or a part of It, but
the appeal to the moral law made by the
Maryland gentleman, already quoted, will
doubtless touch the consciences of elect
ors who for the moment are blinded by
partisan passion, and disappointment to
the moral side of the Issue.
ThlsDay In Omaha
JULY 25.
I p in i hS
Not Taft Nor WilsonIf Any, It Is the Colonel.
I Nw York Financial World.
Yes, hut how Colonel Yeiser let an
unknown ty the name ot Judge Wray
beat him to it beats all.
Organised base ball recognizes
only two major leagues, and the bull
xnoosers is not one of them.
' Old Doe Cook Bays he will have a
book out In V few, ' days " that will
prove it all. It Is not copyrighted in
Denmark. ;.-v t
The new solicitor general, Mr. Bui
litt of Kentucky, may be expected to
do some fast firing on predatory cor
porations.' ;. '' ' 1 ' ' .f-.1)
Colonel,, Yeiser , Invited rPUD
licins" to attend his mass meeting,
but it was evidently intended for ex
republicans. "' , '
Lorimer.says that after the fall
campaign, he. will tell the people the
truth. Then what did he tell them
in that three-day speech in the
senate?" '
Old Fort McHenry. from which
Francis Scott Key saw the ; "Star
Spangfed Banner, in, triumph yet
wave." Is to be demolished. a But the
old flag wyi wave on. ,
Canal Tolls a Hague Question.
Discussing the question of Panama
canal tolls in the senate the other
day, Senator Root said:
I shall content myself with suggesting
to the senate that any legislation' which
may be enacted ought to be framed with
view to the fact that this Is matter
about which we (the senste) cannot
finally decide. If the Judgment of the
senate shall be in favor of the policy of
discrimination and mine Is not! I think
is wholly unJustlfluNe and unneoes
nary nevertheless w should exercise our
power of legislation with a view .to the
fact that the question of our right to
legislate In such a way as to dlscrim
Inate is on which may be decided
against us by the international tribunal
to whtoh w axe bound to submit.
Coming from a senator of his
standing and experience, who has
served as secretary of state, these
words of Senator Root's are bound
to have an important bearing upon
the senate's action, whether we
now exempt our Am'erlcan ships from
tolls levied upon ships of other coun
tries or not would be less vital If the
question is to revert finally to The
Hague for. arbitration, and, since
there Is such sharp difference of
opinon, even among good Americans,
as to the advisability, to say nothing
of validity, ot such exemption, noth
ing la to be gained by urging It as
an ultimatum at this tiroel
In addition to-being a very, strong
man, Samson must have been an
extremely patient one to , wear all
those whiskers both summer' and
winter.. ..... .... ,
, "Colonel Roosevelt is no longer a
republican," says Senator Dixon, his
cam Dai en manager. Why, then
Bhould his followers want to' doml
nate republican caucuses, primaries
and conventions?
Texas has been held up to. con
tumely by "the- -fact that -Andrew
Jackson Houston ot that state was
mentioned In connection ? with ) the
prohibition . presidential ' nomination
'for sname: - ,
( Tbe -preacher, .who, prays .tor. en
tther Bob Ingersoll to shake the, dry
bones of his parlshoners evidently
does not share the ' view" that ' the
world, and 'not the church, Is oh
structlng churchly progress. . ... .
V Those old codgers who died seek'
ing the fountain' of 'perpetual youth
might nave lived forever If they, had
only waited to take in the wonderful
circus with which Klag Ak-Sar-Ben
Is regaling bis subjects this year.
, Though Phidias' cut his name on
the shield of Minerva and Byron left
his inscription , on the shield,
Apollo, the ball player who hits the
bull sign, not only cops 50 cash
but puts these other notable out
of. the rnnaingv-'" :'- -
r John Wesley Gaines, some time
; congressman from Tennessee, leaped
, into an auto the other day and wal-
; loped the chauffeur, who had nearly
run over hire. Well, why not; if the
chauffeur had succeeded John", Wes
1 ley Gaines would not have been able
to wallop hlm?-
Newspafiers and politicians opposed to a
re-election of President Taft are trying
to create the impression that he is the
favorite of Wall street, which means the
financial, railroad and big Industrial in
terests of the country. There Is not the
slightest proof of this. Neither th big
Interests, as far as the trusts are meant.
nor the railroads have evidenced any en
thusiasm for the president. While he has
not talked about "rich malefactors" and
wealth acquired by wicked methods, as
has his predecessor, he hts -acted In a
way to displease' Wall street. It is Mr.
Taft who has hit more trusts than Mr.
Roosevelt. It was Mr. Taft's attorney
general, who, In 1910, frustrated by In
junction proceedings' the railroads' plans
to. raise freight rates. The Sugar trust
has been hit by Taft, so, too, the Steel
trust, so the Powder trust, the Bathtub
trust, the Shoe Machinery trust, the Har
vester trust and others. Wall stmt men
did not lift a finger to help th presi
dent In the campaign preceding his nomi
The Standard OH people are not at
present In politic. Their combination
stands dissolved and it seems tha they
do not care who may be the next occu
pant ot th Whit House. They Seem to
rely for their salvation, not on political
pull, but on their own business ingenuity.
Whatever money has been furnished by
Wall street men to help a presidential
candidate has been used In behalf of the
noisy colonel for the simple reason that
the Perkins element hate Taft for the
reason that he went, after the Steel trust
and the Harvester trust, the two trusts
which, under Roosevelt's administration,
enjoyed immunity.
These two biggest trusts and their
beneficiaries contributed, according to
current estimates, about $2,500,000 to re
nominate Mr. Roosevelt and they stand
ready to contribute more shoud he run
as a third candidate. Perkins is the chief
figure now at Oyster Bay. He and his
men don't expect Roosevelt to win, but
only to use him to defeat Taft's re-elec
tlon. This would not give them a presl
dent of their liking, but enable them to
get even with Taft for his attacks on
their pet trusts, but If they cannot carry
their point, they want at least vengeance
and vengeance Is sweet to such as they.
Just as Taft is not a Wall street candi
date, so Woodrow Wilson is not. There
are in Wall street probably as many in
favor of Wilson as. there are for Taft.
Th Wilson men of Wall street are either
Princeton alumni or are those , against
both Taft and Roosevelt .There are also
In Wall street many who look upon Wil
son as a harmless theoretician.
As matters stand, Wall street as an
entity ha no favorite at present, but If
any candidate can be called Wall street's
favorite, it la the colonel,, because In
furtherance of his political fortunes more
money has come from Wall street men
than ever before for any presidential candidate.
Thirty Years Ago
Another wedding of Importance was that
of Mr. Aueust Williams, better known
as "Gus" WilHama, assistant foreman
of Pioneer Hook and Ladder company
No. ,1 and Miss Clara Maylander at St.
Mary Magdalene's church. Among the
many and handsome present are enum
erated a handsome marble table from
fhe Hook and Ladder company, silver
castor from F. H. Koster, a set of flat-
irons from T. and H. Drexel, and many
others, to say nothing of the fine diamond
ring presented to the bride by the groom.
The alley back of the old court house
Is being graded. . . -
Judge Savage ha formally resigned his
position as district judge.
Uncle Sam's letter boxes, forty In num
ber, have all received, a new, bright coat
ot green paint. The artist wa T:. T.
Galllgan. , , ,
Two new cars nay.e been added to the
Red line of the Omaha Horse Car com
pany, making seven cars in all. The Park
and Green lines run four tears each.' ,
CieneraJ orders No 1 from headquarters
of the Grand Army of the Republic at
Omaha has been Issued by Paul Van-
Dervoort, the new national commander-in-chief.
Charles Saunders has been appointed
deputy United States marshal. .
Samuel R. Johnson of Steel, Johnson &
Co., has gone to Ogden. ,
Mrs. Andrew Bevin la back from a two
months' visit to relatives.
"Have you selected your party em
"No." replied th amateur suffragette.
"There are only a few animals that can
be used for hat trimming, and they go
out of style so rapidly!" Washington
What's th trouble with the campaign
glee club?"
"Disbanded. Our best tenor got teaious
because he thought the candidate was
getting more attention than he was."
-rBaltlmor American.
"My duaghter wants to marry a duke."
"Mine wants to marry a poet"
"Well, I believe I'd rather support a
poet than a duke. From all accounts a
poet won't eat much, and I don't think
he'll want to play the stock market all
the time." Kansas City Journal. 1
"Papa, you know that George, who pro
posed to me last night, Is coming for his
answer this evening, don't you?"
"O, thank you, papa! That ia the an
swer I was going to give him anyway!"
Chicago Tribune. r
Galleigh Here's the dress suit you
loaned me, old man, and thanks. It
didn't fit me very well so I had the
tailnr mult a faw alterations. ! i
Green The deuce you did! Well, of
all th '
Gallelgh-Oh. It's all right; I told him
to send the bill to me. Boston Trans.
CriPt . j ; ; '!
"Mr. Chugglns considers himself a pub
lic benefactor because ne owns an auto
mobile." ' .
He likes to take his friend ncungr
The Colonel's Ignorance of the Steam Roller of 1908.
New York Post (lnd.).
Passing of Roomy Hotels.
Roomy hotels, those that furnish
a guest with all the space be wants,
are fast going out of business. Real
estate values cut a big figure these
days and the hostelry with spacious
halls and large rooms Is not the one
yielding the richest revenues. So
the old Southern hotel of St. Louis
is to be abandoned. It was an Ideal
hotel In many ways, but it covered
too much ground space for Its' alti
tude to suit these days. It gave the
guest too much for his money.
A wonderful history clusters about
this old landmark. It has been the
headquarters for southerners ' and
politicians tor thirty years. Here
occurred the famous Maxwell-Preller
tragedy In the '80s.: Hugh Brookes,
alias Hugh lyjaxwell, an Impecunious
young Englishman, chloroformed his
friend and - benefactor, Arthur
Preller, and stuck his body In a
trunk, which was found by a maid.
Here were entertained world-tamed
visitors to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition, and here centered politi
cal wires, that nominated McKlnley
in 1896 and Parker In 1904.
The colonel is really too Innocent for
this wicked world. He had never heard,
bsfore this year, of any stam-roller
methods in a republican convention. He
writes: r
"In 1908, when Mr. Taft wss fairly nom
inated, there wr no "stsam-roller meth
ods, as far as I know, and It anything dis
honest or improper was don in the effort
to nominate him, it was without my
knowledge, and it It had been brought to
my stuntion and I had had any power in
the matter X would have interfered
with It."
Ther is much virtue in these "its,"
and another on is suggested by turning
back to Washington dispatches in IMS.
If they did not greatly misrepresent
President Roosevelt, he was chuckling
over the way in which his steam-roller
was day after day crushing th antl
Taft force's flat. And he must have been
the- least Informed of men It he did not
know that a number ot contests, almost
as great as this year, were Ironed out by
his own steam-roller four years ago.
Last month, th number was 263, and in
1908 it was 316. Mr. Victor Rosewater,
who sat with the national committee on
both occasions, writes in this week's
Independent: . i
"Four years ago the fact soon developed
that of the Hi contest presented to the
national committee, the vast majority of
them I should say nine-tenths of them
were absolutely fictitious and trumped up
by inspiration of trouble-breeders. That
th same was true to almost as great an
extent this year, when the number ot
contests totalled 262, likewise quickly be
came apparent
But. of course, the colonel knew nothing
of aU this. He Is not even so well aware
ot the tacts as a foreigner, the editor ot
the Economists Frenoals, who declares of
these contests in the republican party
that they constitute a sort of '.'fraud
ehronlque." As another bit of apposite
French opinion, w may cite the conclu
sion of th Paris Temps that th nom
ination of Wilson was ."un coup terribl'
to Mr. Roosevelt. Americans had guessed
Twenty Years Ago i
The West End Improvement club met
at Forty-fourth and Leavenworth streets
and discussed ways and means of per
suading the city to begin Improvements
In that end of town. P. Schronk was
chairman and A. Drum secretary. The
boosters wanted Leavenworth street paved
from Fortieth to Forty-sixth.
The First Presbyterian church at Sev
enteenth and Dodge streets was under
going a thorough renovation, being
painted without and decorated within.'
Samuel Orchard, who was thrown out
of his buggy In a runaway when he and
hi son were returning from Courtland
beaoh, was progressing nicely, but still
confined to his bed.
jonn Mcinery, an easterner, proved a
plaything in the hands of Farmer Burn
in a wrestling match before the Omaha
Athletic club.
It was a hot night and Luke Morgan, a
lodger at the Home hotel, 412 South Thir
teenth street, took his blanket and pillow
and laid down to sleep on the window-
sill, where he would get all the air going
About 10 o'clock Coroner Maul received
a telephone message that a man had fal
len out of a window at the Home. Mor
gan was evidently asleep when he fell,
and he never awoke. His neck was
Governor Boyd was unable to go to
Lincoln owing to a severe attack of
cholera morbus.
Ben 8. Baker left for Broken Bow to
make a republican speech to the people
of Custer county.
Lieutenant Quay, eon of Mathew S.
Quay of Pennsylvania, was at the Pax
ton, having come to report for military
duty to General Brooke. -','
Ten Tears Ago-
The body of Mrs. Robert Robertson,
who died at an Omaha hospital, was
taken to Lyons, Neb., where the family
resided, by her son, William Robertson
of Cotad, for burial.
A gorgeously feathered parrot fluttered
through the window of License Inspector
Sam Scott's office and perched on Sam's
good right arm as if It was his long
lost brother. Sam took the bird In and
christened it the mascot ot the city hall.
Major R. . W. McClaughrey, warden of
the federal prison at Leavenworth, wa a
guest at the Millard.
Lieutenant Jamea Wallace Broatch, who
had been visiting his father, W. J.
Broatch, and friends In Omaha, received
orders to report for duty at League
Island, in the Philippines. It was said
to be one of the most desirable assign
ments a young officer could receive.
Charles Grollemunt was found dead In
his rooms at 802H South Thirteenth street
His death was caused by heart disease,
it was said. He was a Swiss, about 46
years old, and employed at the Her ware
house. Under his bed in a battered old tin
can was found $540.
! he figure on 1 th crowd he always en- i
1 t.rtaina when the motor stops and ne
ets out and trie to iix it. -nwmuj j
- ' . ' !
: New York 8un. '
The daisy Is an inoffeneiv Cower.
Likewise tn clover; , . .
And yet you stand and beat them for an
nour . (
Though dandelions are a nerve reviver,
One Is not meant to piuc wu -driver.
His garden wall delights. I have no
. iIm. t1rihnr?
To pummel it and. try. to knock it out
Is waste Of laoor; .
Tou cannot overthrow . those stones ana
mortar '
With balls that cost a dollar and a quar
I , ter. ' .,. '''''
Those bushes were a constant' source of
pride , '.
To all beholders,
Now branchless, they adorn the oountry
; . side,
Mixed up with the boulders.
Naught could have caused this devasa-
- tlon utter '
Save dynamite or your destructive putter.
The landscape all has changed' since you
have been ' ,
Our fellow-member; " ' "
Those lawns are scarred, and torn tnai
seemed so green
. But last September; " ' .,
And so I state In language that's befitting
How much I hop you'll stick henceforth.
to knitting.
The call for a third party state
convention to select delegates to rep
resent Nebraska In the Bull Moose
national gathering Is accommo
datingly fixed for Lincoln on the day
after the republican platform "con
vention, so that the same delegates
may participate as republicans In the
evening and as bull moosere the next
morning. It would not do to have
to show third party colors tn ad
vance. ; '. -. .'
"Mrs. H. T. Howe and husband"
Is the inscription on a hotel register,
where some suffragettes were stop
ping. Wonder, how Howe likes it? j demise
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: Only one
question will be ' asked by the colonel
when a .third, party delegate presents
himself: "Are you a gttd listener?"
Denver Republican: Some day Mr, Bel
mont and Mr. Perkins Will get together
and have a good long talk about how
fast the money goes when one tries to
make a man president against the will
of the popl.
Brooklyn Eagle: Ten dollars, 115. and 120
a seat are stiff prices to pay for ad
mission to the third party convention. In
tending spectators should compare the
charges with those for regular vaudeville
and govern themselves accordingly.
Indianapolis News: With the regular re
publicans determined to have nothing to
do with th bull moosers and the bull
moose determined to have nothing to do
with the regular republicans, a political
agreement 1 apparent that makes it look
as It th campaign were going to be a
good deal more harmonious than It may
turn out to be.
Boston Transcript; Senator, Borah, who
won his fight in the primaries tos re
election, files his bill of expenses as
1000,000. This is a fsoetlous way ot doing
It but it should not obscure to any
observer the big tact namely, that
Borah's campaign was won by honest
means and without a eontoat. It should
furthermore serve to call attention to the
fact that Borah is a really big man. He
is a progressive and radical In many
ways, but b is opposed to the recall ot
Judge and refused to follow Mr. Roose
velt Into th third party. Such a rne
and strong champion ot moderation In
politic ought to have a splendid- future.
: Scream astd Sileatce
Pittsburgh Dlseatch.
General Oroico and General Reyes are
complaining of th Mexican tam rollr.
The Cuban insurgents are not complain
ing, owing to disability imposed by their
Proposed Amendment to th Patent
New York World.
Three amendment to the patent laws
are urged by the house committee on pat
ents to meet the diclsion of the supreme
court In the Dick mimeograph case. They
U) prohibit the purchase of patents de
signed to secure a monopoly of patents
In a general Industrie! line; (2) permit
the use of patented machines with mater
ials not specified as a restriction upon
their use, and (3) amend the Sherman law
to punish patent monopolies.
It is hardly to be doubted thftt the Sher.
man lsw is adequate now for the prohibi
tion or monopolies !n patent monopoly
such as are referred to in the first of the
above provisions. The second of the three
Is therefore the Important one and should
be enacted speedily.
This Is the way to overcome the four-
to-three decision in the Dick mimeograph
case, which has the effect of letting pat
ent holder extend their monopoly to any
material for use by the patented machine.
The court never decided that this waa a
proper power for patentees to' hold.. It
merely decided that such power is allow
ed by existing law.
It l th law which reeds amendment
not the decision which needs to be re
viewed and reversed. Congress can cor
rect the situation within a week, and its
failure to do so at this session will be
without excuse.
People Talked About
' ' Jey of Persistence.
Cleveland Plain Dealer. !
The Portuguese royalists are about as
persistent and fully as successful as the
prohibition party in the United States.'
A Marked Difference.
St Paul Dispatch..
A study of new every day leads to
the conviction that too many people grow
confused over the difference between the
high cost of living and the cost of high
living. Tet the difference is plain and
simple. y : -
Everybody Is wondering how Joe Orkln
working head of Orkln Bros., is going
to find arms to take care of his business
interests it he continues to branch out
In the next ten years as he has In the
last few. Master Joe ts so young, and
looks so young, that his looks deceive
strangers. A book agent1 tried to sell
him a set of histories the other day,
arguing that Joe would need them before
he had finished college.
Over !,000 more marriages took place
la California th year women worked
te get the vote than the. year before.
The militant suffragette leaving home
and mother to fight for the ballot touches
the heart of man and he marries ber
to protect her temporarily until the vote
arrivea . How else can the fleunw be
(explained? .
Even the fop would pot buy
a hundred pound coat, Bim
ply because it looked well.
Superfluous weight in an auto
mobile is ever a source of
danger, expense and discom
fort. The Ford is the car of
the millions and the million
aire, because it is light, right
and economical.
More than 75,000 new Fords into service
this season proof that they must be right.
Three passenger Roadster' $590 -five
passenger touring car $690 delivery car
$700 f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment.
Catalogue from Ford Motor Company,
1916 Harney St., Omaha, or direct from
Detroit factory. Phone Douglas 4500.
Perfect for Iced Tea. Making the
Ideal Cummer Beverage
Published by the Growers ol India Tea
Nffliimiiimiraiini!!"" mwm wm
inm v n jw
bsmhV fl M
iim,d ililm lUUbHliHHiktllllUlllllllUlwiiUlti
r 30-Day Round-Trip Tickets
Direct Route or via Washington ,
New York
Atlantic City
Cape May
and Other Seashore Resorts
Daily to September 30
',. over" ,
-;-:-r- Lines
Variable -Route Tickets
-To Boston or New York
Choice of Routes All-Rail Direct, or via
Washington or Norfolk
' Also Rait and Steamer, taking In principal cities of th Et.
and Montreal, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Cleveland, etc.
Go One Route Return Another
Ticket Arentt of Western Railways selling; through tickets to the East wfll
to travelers the fceeeftt e( redoee4 fare If they ask lor tickets over th
?enasy)vBi Lines: er rail Infonnatio may be obtained by eommnnicatinfr
with the undersigned. Ask (or illustrated descrtptlT booklet. It' worth
feaviac II roa are coins Bast
W. H. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent
1W City Nstkrual Bank BuiUuif . OMAHA. NEB. "