I! f- THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1912. in i I 4 I 1 Knt IllIIIIII.il- 1 1 III fiiiHir. 1 1 I ( Ureases. Shirt. 111 f IV, ml f SEE-SAW GAME TO SEWARD Hot Contest, Thougfh Score Bum Hp High. ; .TEEMONT LOSES BY ONE RUN Siptrior Drtwi Cipher la Coatcst t wit Grand Islaad, ' Third 7 City PH1 VP t SEWARD. Neb., July 2t-(Spec1aJ Telegram.)-The Seward-Premont gam furnished excitement throughout ltt pro tress. The scoreboard showed a eee saw from inning to inning-. Henry" kitting featured, he securing five hlU .out of five times up. Poor umpiring of Brown on strikes and ball! and tha er rors of the home team were character jEtlca Score: , Reward .J. J lH & is I ly Laftamboy. S; by Kingdom, 1. Bases n balla: Off Conner. 1; off Upton,. . TwoS hit: Laftamboy. Henry. Cur pln. Three-base hit.: Laftamboy. Thomp ion. Cmpiree: Brown and Graves. Blank for Superior. "-SUPERIOR. Neb., July 21 (Special Telegram.)-Superior lost again today In g well played game by the score of to 0. Bunched hits at opportune times ere responsible for the visitors win W Score: m tlrand Island 1 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 4 4 1 Superior ..- M0M0M - i Uisette; Superior, Fentress and Joker ski Merrhe Up la Balloon. '"v-KEARNET. Neb.. July 2t,-(Buecial ri.irrim.WKarney everlastingly ham mered Horoh in today's game, getting I twenty-two runs off him in the eight "innings he pitched before being reueveu i hv Tacke. who ended the game. : Tor the first three Innings the game y'as close, both pitchers showing eariy symptoms of ballooning, but Trlmbls set itled and pitched a steady game. Score: r-Hastlngs ! 1 1 0 0 0 0 - tt 6 'Kearney ... I 1 1 Jf 84 I Batteries: Hastings, Herche, Tacke and Downey: Kearney, xnnium i 1 V- THmhl 1: Hlrsehe. 7. ' fiSS. ,.r.- u.hl 7 4- Trimble. 7. I ?,1. .,... ni7 Downey. L Two- . hlta: Hersche. Bhellman (2), Gray ' (2). Time: 2:10. Her- Home runs: . Umpire: Mc- rintt fevnek. 1 Ragles, Gray. IjDermott. ; COLUMBUS, Neb.. July 3C -(Special ,r!rram.W-Columbus lumped Into aeo- I Tnd place today by defeating York in one of the best games of trie season. ' it was a Ditchers' battle for ten innings In which Fulwider had the best of it. ' allowing Tork only two wis in in ion tuninn and on of them scrawny, ;;Hargis tied the score in the seventh With a home run and Bacom won t m h tenth with a clean single. Bacoms playing at first was the feature as his VOrk there was nothing soon oi marvoi . All! -. Wllklns. for , Tork. pitched good ball, but his support was not the best. By me Mrtuinn ft Fulwider and Bacom the pawnees have been strengthened won- Arfiiiiv. Soon: 'v..b i ii t t n 0 to M I l Y-nlnmh'tl. HI 1 M J 0 0 i-l U - -omm' ' fntiimtma. Fulwider and Tnrlr. Wllklns aud Kills. i ir:..i. ..... T,.ioiii.r t: hr Wllklns. ,7. Bases on balls: Off Fulwider, 4; off Wllklns, L Two-baa hit. BX Brown. Three-bass hit: Black. Horns runt Har gls. Umpire: Colons. SLOW TRACK PREVENTS 1 FAST TIME AT FREMONT t FREMONT, Neb., July t4-(Speclal Tel-gram.)-Th second day of the races brought out a better crowd. The track near . the home stretch was heavy and fully two seconds slow. In the 1:18 Pace Franklin Pleroa was closely pushed by Buss and Ancona ltt the first beat, and in the second heat the three leaders came under tha wire al ost together. Tommy Horn took the J:14 trot without txlng pushed. In the second heat he led Oladlola by ten lengths-4n the last half :nd had It not been for the heavy track fa front of the grandstand would hav !ut It at least two seconds. In this race ' touls broke badly ln-th second quarter but by a wonderful burst of speed escaped the distance flag.. ' Five heats were necessary to deoid the 1:24 trot which was th best race. Teddy K took tha first two heats of a hard-fought, fight with Hentoius ana . Piper, with the Allerton horse close up. Huntlna took he third and fourth heats, but the pace was too fast ana ueaay a. won the race. Summary: ; 1uHn(. 1:11 class: ' Franklin Piero. b. g by Dunton WUkes (Pike) J Ancona, oh. m. I Corporal Joe, cn. s. T SUSS. b. I M,A,HIMN4H,I 1 Sunny Jim, b. g. Maud H.. s. m. J Speed On, ch. g Kscluslve Beeis. br. g.... Time. 1:14. J4H. J:1J. Trot, 1:14 class, Tommy Horn, b. g., by Otto Wilkes (Owens).... J Oladlola, g. m.... Louise, br. m...... Rnwlca. b. m 4 Tims: 1:11. I, 116. Trot, 1:14 class: - Teddy K., br. g., by Bed Toler . (Moore) J J J Hentoius, b. g., s l I s Patsy Allerton, b. s.. 4 4 111 William Piper. Wk. 1 I 4 4 Depacey, b. g 1.1 l I Tlm!J3. t:S. !:. : Running race, -mile: Blue won. Van cena second. Caravone, third. Time, Visiting Nurse , ; Dispensary Opens v Doors to the Public II I I I The Visiting Nurse instructive dispen sary opened formally- yesterday with a reception to physicians and surgeons. Every doctor in the city was invited .to Inspect tho headquarters In Gardner Memorial ball and to hear the aim of the new enterprise, which is to dispense In struction and care to anyone suitenng from a contagious or infectious disease- especially tuberculosis. Miss Lillian Stuff, head of the ' dls Denaanr. told of Its clans. Directors of the Visiting Nurse association, which is financing and managing the institution, received the doctors. Mrs. J. P. Lord was chairman of the committee. ! The dispensary committee, composed of Mrs. Philip Potter, chairman; Mrs. Victor Rose water, Mrs. Herbert 'M. Rogers and Mrs. Ralph W. Connell, received from S o'clock till t Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrick and ir XTaa wam In Ahs.A fmm 1 in 4; Mrs. Arthur Lock wood and Mrs. O. L. Bradley from 4 to t; Mrs. F. J. McShans and Miss Alice Buchanan from f to (. ; Burglars Caught With the Goods Le Roy Mitchell and James Thompson, colored, were arrested by Detectives Dunn and Fleming at noon yesterday for robbing the home of U. Qlanakes, nis Leavenworth street, July 11 The two men -stole 1120 and a gold watch from this place. When arrested Mitchell had the pawn ticket for the watch. , The two thieves spent the money for new clothes. They are thought to have been responsible for the many strong arm holdups In the last few months. MERRIAM REFUSES TO ACT ON NOTIFICATION COMMITTEE Nathan Morrlam of Omaha, on of tha delegates at large at the republican con vention at Chicago, has been notified by the secretary of the convention tnat be waa designated as the man to represent Nebraska on tha committee appointed to notify President Taft of his renomlnauon. Mr. Merrlam has ' declined to serve on the committee. In a letter to the Secre tary Oleason of the republican national convention. Mr. Merrlam said, in Dart: "I was elected a delegate-at-iarg by tns people of Nebraska to the national con vention on account of the strong posi tion I took against Canadian reciprocity, Mr, Taft's favorite policy. I was elected a Roosevelt delegate. " I 'was cine of tha lara-a number of delegates who refused to vote for . president at the ' Chicago national convention- on account or axist- ins- conditions. I , participated In -, the Orchestra hall convention at that time which nominated Theodore Roosevelt for "resident. I was strong for Mr. Koose- vlt then, and have not since changed my mind for one - moment. My actions at Chtcaffo met the hearty approval of the people of Nebraska, I have fully appre ciated the high honor of being elected the republican national convention hv as a member of your honorable commit tee; and in declining to serve I fully realise that I am foregoing what other wise might have been a great pleasure to me.' i '" v 1 hasten to reply by wire in order that vou may have Plenty of time to select someone else to represent Nebraska on your notification delegation wno would ba dsllshted to take my place, and : at your suggestion i snouia df pieasea xo iriv this iniormation tne oniy manner la which I can serve you at this time." WM. J. BOEKHOFF, s : Scan Deals : Phones-S . 1. , - Tsks a Oar Bid to LAKEIIANAWA "40 Klnntes from Omaha." Xt has many attracttoM . DANCING In the Oread, Spacious Bail ooa every afternoon and evening on. tlanes to s a big attraction. Bmsio by . Arthur B. Smith's orchestra BATBXWCK BOATXBO, BOULBB C0A8TBK, MSBBT-OO-v bouvd, arxo. F03 THE SADE STYLES OF LADIES' FOOTOEAn YOOTIE DEEd PAYIIIO $5 G$4.UEGnnPnOUEIT. TfTdtirabttdcv t&n, velvet roecte and all the . new styles in low and bla shoes. , f) 1 GTOStlirJGG FREE Ws.gtv m aay pata f toaungs nn feU saateh yw ateea) with every pals NM paU( rxvmSBAT. Be -chargV or aeUvwrles. rOmTilG buu o n e y 222 COUTII CDLTXUHiTU CT2XST. New Arrivals o! ; WOMEN'S Silfe Presses Nade to Sell up QQ Q to 57.60. at. VO.UCJ These dresses are made) of pretty foulards, shantungs, taffetas and messalines every dress is a new, mid-summer style every desirable color is here all Bizes are repre sented. They were A made to sell up to n& llH $10.00; Thursday at. . V WW Women's Loni Coats Made of linen, tan pongee, taffeta, etc they are splendid for motor- ba AO L. lng, for traveling, etc., iflil.slll at Women's Sommer Waists at 88c Beautifully made mld-eilmmer models lace and embroidery trimmed plain tailored embroidered fronts, etc worth up to $2.00, &t - 88c 27-ia Embroidered Flounciags at 29c Tfard Sheer Swiss and Batiste in new floral, eyelet, blind relief and new combination designs, also neat AAA baby patterns worth up to 60c a yard; tj on big bargain square at, a yard u New Trimming Laces' and Wide Bands - Macrame, filet, cluny, BohemianCarrickmacross effects, etc. up to 8 inches wide and worth up to 50c; OCa at, a yard. . ... . ... ..... . . . ;.';.'.vi.WC .' Tif'lsZtra. Specials in Brandeis Easement Embroidered White Goods at 15c Beautiful, imported White Swisses, in a great variety of "neat and elaborately embroidered patterns. Much used for making fine waists and dresses. Begular 7 a f i price isf25c to 40c a yard from the bolt, J in basement atj yard. . .................... . . Light Colored Dress Prints at 2ic And Fancy Colored Lawns, a remarkable bargain from the bolt Thursday. uro Chocolate Day Delicious Pompeian Bitter Sweet Chocolates with puro crushed fruit and nut centers our regular 40c ar chocolates at, per. pound. , .aDC Next Saturday GREAT SEMI ANNUAL SALE of Manhattan & E. & W. Shirts for Men. Prices Greatly Reduced. See the windows. BRANDEIS STORES . 1913 Models ' We :respectfully' refer the public to the announcement of Chalmers cars for 1913 in vthe current 'issue of the Saturday Evening 1 Post ."We believe Chalmers cars for 1913 of f er greater v values than ever before. Bead ; about the new cars in" the Post; then let us show-them to you at your convenience. ( v : - - - .' . -v ' ... . . - - II. E. Frcdri:i3D Astonobilo Co. ' ? 2044 Tainam Street V- ORKIN BROTHERS, Successors to STORE CLOSES AT 5 O'CLOCK Entire Stock of Men's Suits Has New Prices Thursday More radical measures than ever have been brought to bear in the men's suit department. So Thursday, you will find pricing that should bring you to the store with the opening of the doors. All Men's Up to $20.00 Suits. $9.75 All Men's UP to $35.00 Suits. $12.50 This means that every suit in the house goes and that your choice at the above prices is unrestricted. Fancy and plain weaves in blacks, blues and patterns of ultra fashionable designs, for both men and young men. We're Selling the Boys' Wash Suits at a great deal less than you have ever known for like qualities. All styles and tub-tested materials to fit boys from three years old'upwards. $1.00 values at 69c; $1.25 values at 8C; $1.50 values at 98c. 1 Boys' sailor & Russian blouse wash suits worth ; ; from $2.50 to $5 in two lots at $1.49 and $1.69 The boys' wool suits have also been repriced to close them out quickly.. Up to $5 values are marked at $1.75 and $2.75 and up to $10 values will go at $3.75 and $4.75. One lot of boy's 35c overalls at 19c. Wash Dresses Reduced Wash dresses of lawns, percales and cambrics In a great variety of styles; women's, misses and juniors' sizes; formerly priced at $2.50, xnursaay, 91.25. Wash dresses of tissue ginghams, chambrays and lawns In plain colors; some Norfolk dress style Included In this lot; many are lac trimmed; $5.00 values, specially priced for Thursday at $2.50. White and colored French linen dresses with the long apron effects; ..sailor collars and cuffs trimmed with a con. vn ft IP trasting color; white kid belts; $13.50 values at . . 6.95 Norfolk Dresses Norfolk dresses in shawl collar and short sleeve styles; striped jacket with white pique cuffs and skirts, $7.50 values, special for Thursday, or while they last- $3.95 Child'nV Dresses Children's middies and two-piece dresses of white linen with navy blue and white braid ' trimmings; ages 8 to 18; $3.75 values, Thursday, or while they last- $2.49 Waists : White, cotton and sol sette waists with low turn-down collars , and wash . ties; cuffs and pocket . trimmed with contrasting color; $1.75 values at . , 98c 89c Combination Suits, Thursday Only, 59c Combination suits of corset cover and skirt, or corset covers and drawers; imitation hand embroidery trimmed and edged with linen lace; good wearing materials; 89c values at 59c. Thursday's Pure Food Store Specials 2-lb. can Bennett's Breakfast coffee for ' 48c 68c assorted teas, lb. ....48c 15c tea sittings, lb. ...... 18c 19 lbs. granulated sugar, $1.00 1-quart Mason jar olives. .80c 1- lb. can Bennett's Capitol bak- lng powder for .20c Bennett's Capitol vanilla or lemon extract, bottle .... 13c 25c can Batavia asparagus tips for 18c 2- lb. can Snlder's pork and beans for: 11c Shredded wheat biscuit, pack age for 10c 1-pint can Gaillard's pure olive oil for . ;". 40c 3 cans Evergreen corn for 25c -lb. cake Baker's Premium chocolate for ......... . 15c 2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol wheat for 8c 4 pkgs. Toafito corn' flakes, 250 15c pkg. imported macaroni, for 10c Cracker Jack Brand salmon, can for 12c 3 botjlea assorted pickles, 25c 2-lb. roll Premium butterine tor 40c Full cream cheese, lb 20c inree w v&ss. cracsers, zoc Bulk cocoa, lb. ......... .20c Onion salt, bottle ........ 12c 10 bars "Beat-'Em-All" soap for 25c 4 lbs. chicken feed . . .... .10c Pure Candies 20c box salted peanuts for 10c Assorted chocolates, lb. ... 20c Three 5c pkgs. Hershey's milk chocolate for , . 10c MEATS 8 lbs. SHOULDER STEAK, 25c 3 lbs. CORNED BEEP ... .25c 8 lbs. HAMBURGER .... .25c S lbs. PORK SAUSAGE . . .25c a lbs. LAMB CHOPS .....25c 2-lb. can COTTOLENE 25c STEER POT ROAST ..... 10c ROUND STEAK .15c PORTERHOUSE STEAK . .15c 1 , . .. FULL SUIT and Extra Trousers For Price of Suit Alone We want to keep our best tailor busy -during July and to do so will offer you an extra pair of Trousers with your Order for r the price of the suit aione. Suit anij Extra Trousers $25 to $45 BLUE SERGE SPECIAL DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST A. Full Blue. Black or- Grey Serge with An inn nur u Dual " ' " trousers or tne same ' striped material ? 025 , . m'SBBS, - BBBBB m H 5FAI1L W1LUAM JERREMS SOH 209-11 South 15th Street I54M Fanuua 0. , , Platw ta.OOUa Kxtnctlns . . ... .S5c Cf FUlbiss .... ....0Oe7 Crcwas ... .'. . .tiuaa Cm Phone Dong. 17M MtosiBC Teeth aaprUed without Ptatw o BrMge work. erres removsN) without pain. Work gsr aaeel 1 it' 9 Urt.i'S -I Modern Equipment Convenient Schedules Incomparable Dining Car Service The Direct Route to the East to Points East Spedal low summer rickets vis the Chicago and North Wuttrn Ry. on ssle dsily nntil Sept. 30, 1912, to Detroit, Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls, New York City, Atlantic City, Boston, Toronto, Montreal andothsr seaside and mountain resorts. ' V . .. . ' J A splendid opportunity to enjoy a vacation back East, away from the. usual routine of every day life. . . . Q The North Wtttrn Line maintains superb daily train service to Chicago. -; - 9 The route lies over a smooth, rock-ballasted roadbed ; automatic electric signals safeguard the journey all the way. 4 ; , J The palatial New Passenger Terminal at Chicago, at which all trains arrive, marks a new era in railway station architecture In the West. It is the most modern railway station in the world. .' , ' . v 9 Direct connections at Chicago with fast trains of all lines east Choice of routes. .. . y Tot fares, dates and reservation!, apply to - Chicago and North Western r Railway r i ) r 1 A r I V