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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1912)
Daily Bee All The News All Ike Tim Bm rives Ha waders a tally 9aor m of tli fcappanlaga . '- of tha vfcola world. THE WEATHER.. Fair; Warner VOL. XLH-NO.' 29. OMAHA,",. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1912 TEjtf PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO: CENTS. Omaha h h; HUGO BRAflDEIS DEAD FAILS TO RALLY FROM Youngest Member of the Firm of J. L Brandeis & Sons is Called to Rest. WAS OPERATED ON WEDNESDAY Turn: for the Worse with Sjnking Spell at 3 a. m. Sunday. HE IS CONSCIOUS TO THE LAST Surrounded by His Family and Some Immediate Friends. GRIEVES DEATH OF BROTHER Haco Baaudeta Wii Not Well When ' Brother Emil AVent to Watery Grare with Titanic Fnneral . " la to Be Held Taeadajr. Hugo Brandeis, youngest son of Jonas L. Brandeis .pioneer founder of all the Brandeis mercantile interests In Omaha, succumbed at the Wise ' Memorial hos pital yesterday afternoon at o'clock. His. wife, his brother, Arthuh Brandels, Mrs. ; Arthur Brandels, a , few close friends . and ' the attending; physicians were at his bedside when the grim reaper beckoned. Mr.. Brandels gradually weakened from the shock of an operation for obstruction of the bowels, performed at the hopsital by.Drs. Bridges and. Jonas last Wednes day, and after several slight turns for the better had a serious setback about S o'clock Sunday morning when he grew restless, from want of sleep. His condi tion gradually grew worse and his rela tives and friends were .hurriedly sum moned to the bedside. . ; , ' . , ; -..End Comes Suddenly. The end came at 6:50 p. m., when he lost consciousness,' and when the next ten minutes were over the little gather ing In the silent chamber, heads bowed and murmertng In prayer, knew that the end had come. . Up until - the last ten minutes Mr. Brandels was conscious and appeared . to . recognize . persons in . the room. ' ' v ', ' ' '' " Since the recent Titanic disaster, which carried Erall Brandels, his eldest brother, to a watery grave, Hugo Brandels, who had himself been ailing for some time, showed the strain caused by the great shock.' -Attending-physicians say that he was in a-precarious condition prior to the operation, and that the surgeons' knife was the last desperate resort Mr. and Mrs. Irving Srn (nee Miss Ruth Brandels) of New T?rk City were notified and are en route to Omaha- Mrs. ' Arthur Brandels -returned home from Colorado Springs Friday in re sponse to a telephone call sent Thursday. Her pm'Ervine Brandeia, had started on a trip to Pikes pak at the time And arrive the - nSxraarT'- Ty:ZX2 ! , Fail to Locate Slater. A cablegram waa sent last week to Mrs. Herman Conn," a sister of the deceased, who is traveling in Switzer land, but she has not. been heard from. H. Hugo Brandels was born In Manitowoc, , Wis., in 1868 and ' therefore 44 years old. He was a son of Mrs. and Mrs. Jonas I Brandels, his father being the founder of the immense mercantile firm of which, the Brandels sons later became' mebers and built up and at tained. ' ' ' , When the Brandels family . came to Omaha, the youngest son, Hugo, was 14 years of age. Like ' his brothers, Em 11 and Arthur. Hugo developed a fitness for business life.' He Is given credit for a good share of the work In expanding the Brandels stores into one of the largest mercantile Institutions in the middle west . .... ",. A little more than twelve years age Hugo Brandels was ' married to Miss Lyela Edelman of. Los Angeles and since that time they .have resided in Omaha West Farnam district - - Had Commercial Instinct. : Mr. Brandels never held any public office, being content to use his energies towards furthering the commercial estab lishment which grew at an amazing pace under the guidance of the three brothers. For the last several ' months he had been under . the care ; of an attnding physician and although able to be at his desk with regularity, his vitality was low and the sudden attack of obstruction of the bowels found his physiclally unable to resist the shock of the attendant op eration. Only tentative arrangements for the funeral have yet been made. The serv ices will take place Tuesday from the late residence of the deceased, 2870 Taciflc street and interment will be in the family plot at Pleasant H1U ceme tery. :" ' ' .' The Weather Forecast for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska Fair. . For Iowa Rain. Temperature at Omaha Teiterdsr. jJL a. m. .63 7 m cr A 8 a. m 3 Uii a. m. er M 1 P. m. 71 c. P. m..., .76 ! 1 fl P- m............. 77 AiVi 6 p. m 79 I 6 p.m. 78 7 p. m.... . 78 Comparative Local Record. 1912. 1911. 1910. 190. Highest yesterday .... 79 83 - 95 92 Lowest yesterday 63 .65 70 72 -Mean temperature 71 74 82 82 Precipitation 00 .00 .02 T Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 77 Deficiency for the day 6 Total deficiency since March 1 123 .-Normal precipitation i incites Deficiency for the day 14 Inches Total rainfall since March 19. 76 Inches Deficiency since March 1.... 7.21 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1911 8.82 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1910.12.95 Inches SERIOUS OPERATIOf SEEK TO COYER PRIMARIES T. R, Men in Lancaster Engineer ' Secret Meetings. PAUL CLARK AT THE THROTTLE Provreeslve Candidate for Congress la First District Had Plan to Hold Seaaiona Wlthont Glv ins; Previona Notice. (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN, , Neb., July a.-(Speclal.)-That the - honesty and fairness of the Teddyites is unquestioned when it comes to the political game is evidenced by the action of the Lancaster bull moose rs in trying to keep the public from knowing when and where the primaries for this county are to be held. The county or ganisation is strongly "progressive," that is, the official part of it and it is said that a scheme which emanated in the brain of Paul Clark was to keep qu'vt as to the place of the, primaries so that the public would not know anything about it and then tip off the faithful and thus win enough bull moose delegates to con trol the county convention. Unfortunately for the scheme, "Bill" Clark, a former well-known Burlington political steerer, tipped off a Taft man, supposing him to be a bull mooser, and the game leaked out Fortunately for the republicans of the county, the call was finally' published this morning, one day only before the primary for the conven tion, giving the time 'and place for hold ing the primaries and there is some pub licity given to the call, which may result in knocking out the scheme of the T. R. men. , . Paul Clark recognizes the fact that if the Lancaster county republican conven tion should send a regular republican del egation to the state convention that it will hurt his chances for being elected to congress from this district; therefore, It was necessary to pull off some kind of a deal which would disfranchise the regular republicans and give the Clark fellows a chance to pack the primaries. Whether this can be harmonized with the bull moose war cry, "Thou shalt not steal.", is a question yet to be settled. ! In any event, Monday will be a busy day in Lancaster county politics, and, while the "progressives" may win on ac count of the non-publicity given the primaries until the day before the time for holding them, . yet the fact that the opposition to President Taft has found It necessary to resort to secrecy in the call of the primary is evidence thatXhey have little confidence that they could win in an open and above board primary. Omaha Road Paya. The Minneapolis St Omaha railroad paid its occupation tax of 8200 into the office of the secretary of state Saturday and the Milwaukee & St. Paul followed suit with a like amount. The democrats of Lancaster county are bringing a great deal of presure to bear upon ex-Chancellor Andrews of the state university to induce him to become a candidate- for the- legislature. They seem to think that if they can induce Prof. Andrews to make the race and stump the county that - l'-w4H -fcelp-not- only-tha county, but the state and national ticket t ' Seymonr Sends Ont Word. Secretary Seymour of thevstate board of equalization- is anxlouslr waiting the re sult of the messagessent out last Thurs day to ' the" county assessors who have not yet sent in the assessment reports. Eighty-four counties have reported so far, leaving eight which have not reported, though the time was up July 10. These counties are Box Butte, Custer, Dawson, Dodge, Lancaster, Sootts Bluff, Stanton and Thomas. ! The assessors valuation differ consider ably from those fixed by the United States census of 1910. By that authority Douglas county 'has the most valuable land in the state, being $131.99 per acre. The lowest price land is' shown to be Hooker county, according to the census, which puts it at $5.73 per acre while the assessor lists it at $2.84. The counties which showed the highest values are: Burt, $92.64; Clay, $76.54; Col fax,' $77.61; Cuming, $77.30; Douglas, $90.33r Hamilton, $75.12; Nemaha, $80.08; Otoe, $79.36; Polk, $76.64; Sarpy, $79,27; Seward, $85.35; Washington, $93.03, and York, $86.07. The counties showing the least valua tion are: Banner, $432; Blaine, $4.97; Cherry, $3.79; Dawes, $4.85; Dundy, $4.65; Grant, $3.81; Hooker. $2.84; Logan, $4.71; McPherson, $4.06, and Sioux, $3.91. For city and town lots Douglass stands the highest with $1,794.43, with Lancaster second and Polk third. As an indication that live stock is not the same kind all over the state or that the assessors- look at them from a different angle, horses are valued at $102.08 in Gage county, while Hooker only returns them at $35.15. Mules in Nemaha county are worth ' $119.15, but Hooker holds them only it $31.75. Cattle are valued in Douglas county at $29.55 per head, but out in Perkins county they are placed at an even $15. Cass county like her hogs so well that she holds them at an average of only $1.90 per head, while up in Banner county hogs are valued at $3.05. Call First Muster ; of the New Guard NEW YORK, July 2L The first muster of wheat is called the "new guard," the provisional county chairman of the na tional progressive party, will be held at state headquarters In the Metropolitan tower Tuesday. The' call went out today. Colonel Roosevelt it is . announced, will be present and make a brief address. . William H. Hotchklss, the provisional state chairman, said today that within the last ten days provisional organiza tions had been formed in fifty-two of the sixty-one counties. Co-ordination of activity and reports and conferences as to conditions through out the state are the objects of the com ing meeting. Instructions will be given as to holding district conventions, to choose delegates to the national convention at Chicago. Several district conventions will be held this week and the remainder be fore August 1. Candidates, both state and local, It Is given out will not be taken up until later. . ' ; Arrangements already being made, it Is announced, for a special train to be used by the delegates and. alternates to the Chicago convention. It will leave New York Friday, August 2.' OF IS Physicians Believe Mikado's Heart Too Weak to Bring Hun to Health. ALL SYMPTOMS' DEC ING vort . A Leader Unable aV J a SUBJECpA J,m IN ANXIETY Foreigners Also Join Japanese in Grief Expression for Majesty. CROWN PRINCE GETTING" WELL Young Heir Apparent Will VUlt Royal Sick Room Today if Em peror Survives Night of Terrible Safferlns;. TOKIO. July 21.-What little change was noted in the condition of the emperor today emphasized the seriousness of his illness. Following their first consultation this morning the court physicians an nounced 'that the patient's pulse, was weaker. The bulletin was issued at 12:20 p. m. ' .This day of suspension closed with a bulletin from the imperial bedside that practically excluded hope for the recovery of Mutsihlto, emperor of Japan. At 9:10 p. m. tho four physicians in consultation at the palace announced that his majesty's symptoms were discourag-. ing. The emperor has been unable to sleep and was delirious. His heart action was weak, his pulse eighty-two and his respiration thirty-four. The emperor's subjects and foreigners' who have lived under his rule are united tonight in their anxiety. All day long members of the cabinet and , high offi cials gathered In the outer rooms of the palace awaiting word fom the sick chamber, while a continuous stream of callers registered their names with mes sages of sympathy. Regulations prohibiting unnecessary noises and all forms of enjoyment were unnecessary for, although the Japanese are an undemonstrative people, enduring personal and private troubles with stoic ism, in the present situation the great est depression and anxiety, are apparent everywhere. v' . Crown Prince Recovering". Information from the sick room of the Crown Prince Yoshito, who ' is con valescing from chickenpox, is that the heir apparent Is so nearly recovered that he may be permitted to visit the em peror's bedsieV tomorrow. Significant of the general belief that the emperor can not recover is the fact that most of the callers at the imperial palace paid their respects at "the residence of the crown prince. . It is understood that Kateura, th for mr nremier. who 'left vil Ivm' J On a mission to Europe, Is awaiting the request of Marquis SaionJI, president of the p4vy. council, for his return. This request,, it. is believed, . will be issued the moment hope of the emperor's recovery is abandoned Eepublican Report ' On Steel Inquiry to Favor Curbing Trust WASHINGTON, July 21.-The repub lican members of the Stanley ' steel trust investigating committee worked today on a report of their views of the results of the steel inquiry, and when it, is sub mitted to the house It will create more of a sensation than that prepared by Chairman Stanley. This assertion was made by a member of the committee today. He said the re publican recommendations would be more far-reaching than those made .by the democrats and that the bills to be sug gested to the house would be for con structive legislation to amend the trust laws, rather than to censure the officials who failed to curb the growth of the steel trust. ', The republicans will find much to praise in the Stanley report, but will differ from its conclusiona The finding of the Stanley faction of the committee will not be accepted by the republicans, but some of the legislation proposed in the Stanley report will' be endorsed. Representative Gardner -at Massa chusetts will resist the suggestion of Chairman . Stanley that the reports and data gathered by the commissioner of corporations be made available to con gress. He fears If the law is changed the bureau of corporations will be un able to get Information in the future. Representative Gardner will stand by Representative Stanley on the bill amending the Sherman act by putting the burden on defendants to prove that their combination Is "not in unreasonable restraint" of trade. The republican members will not recom mend the dissolution of the steel trust They say that the committee long ago decided that no move was to be made to embarrass the government's suit against the steel corporation, and they will adhere to this decision. HIBERNIAN LADIES ELECT THEIR OFFICERS CHICAGO, July 2X-The ladies' auxil iary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians today elected these officers:. President, Mrs. Ellen Ryan Jolly, Paw- tucket, R. I.; vice president Miss B. A. Mahoney, Calumet, Mich.; secretary, Mrs, Adella Christy, Columbus, O.; treasurer, Mrs. Mary Connolly, Amsterdam, N. Y. WASHBURN RACING HOME TO DIEUNDERHIS OWN ROOF MINNEAPOLIS, July 21. Former United States Senator W. D. Washburn h: being brought here on a special train in the hope that his home may be reached before death overtakes him. He was taken 111 on his return from Europe. Sir. Washburn Is 82 years old. He served one term in the senate, which expired in 18S5. ' EMPEROR JAPAN BEYOND RECVEP From the Indianapolis News. FULL II0KEH0G0 IN FIELD Michigan , Progressive Republicans Leave Grand Old Party. 0SB0RN WILL HAVE OPPONENT Senator' Dixon Bring Word from Roosevelt that He Wind En tirely New Party and Ends Opposition. JACKSON, Mich.. July 21.-Mlchlgan progressive republicans divorced them selves from the republican party in their state convention yesterday. By almost a unanimous vote the dele gates went on record as favoring the placing of an entire ticket, both state and national, into the field. A few Instructed delegates voted against the move in order to record the sentiment of their home counties, but explained to the convention that personally they were for separation from tne qio party. . .Delegates to the national progressive party convention In Chicago, presidential electors,, members ef the state central committee, were chosen today. ' !' ' Wntklns for' Governor. ' Members of the state. central committee recommended State Senator L. .Whitney Wat king of .Jackson for governor and Theodore M. Joslyn of Adrian for United States senator. Friends of Governor , Osborn . protested vigorously, but futllely, against the 'en dorsement by the convention of a can didate for governor. They Insisted the people should not be offered any sug: gestlons regarding candidates. . When the convention endorsed Senator Watklns circulation of Osborn petitions was be gun immediately. Nathan P.'. Hull of Diamondale was recommended by the convention for can didate for congressman-at-large, but he declined to make the race. The recommendation of the committee does not mean nomination by convention, however. - By ' trie provisions of the Michigan primary law any man can file a petition for any nomination on the progressive ticket If he has a suf ficlent number of names. Only six days remain In which the petitions may be filed with the secretary of state. Many petitions were put in circulation st the close of the day's session of the con vention. Dixon BrtnKS Message. The coming of Senator Joseph M. Dlxoq probably had as much to do wUh carrying the "full ticket" plan as any thing. The factions for a "stub" ticket or the nomlnatloon of presidential elec tors only, and the "full ticket" crowd were lined up" for a bitter fight, when he arrived. But he told them that Colonel Roosevelt - wanted a full state ticket and after that It was all over but the shouting. The shouting, however, re quired much time, for the convention was as enthusiastlo as the 1,000 or more delegates and a brass band could make it Frank W. . Knox, who had been head ing the "stub" ticket faction and favor ing an endorsement of Governor Osborn as a republican candidate, was the first man to taxe toe noor oi tne conven tion and give up the fight. Senator Dixon, while addressing the convention, declared: . i . . 'It is a better chance now that Roose velt will be elected than it was last March that he would be nominated." Henry M. Wallace of Detroit was unanimously elected Michigan national committeeman. T. K. DENIES DISCORD EXISTS Roosevelt Makes Only Two Rnlea to Bind Aaalstanta. CHICAGO. July a.-Three possibly rule" Is to be the policy in the formation of the national progressive party. After a long conference with leaders from a num ber of states Colonel Roosevelt said to night that each state would work out its own problems. "Is there any truth in reports of seri ous discord in several states T' he was asked. The colonel laughed. He denied that there was any foundation for the reports and referred to the spirit in which the movement was begun and the common purpose of the founders of the party, as shown at its birth in Chicago, as evidence that there was no room for any serious differences.. 'Those of you who were present at the convention In Chicago," he said, "know (Continued on Second Page.) QKHi33& v eSS !IE (US W MEMBER OF OMAHA'S GREAT RE ' TAIL FIRM DEAD. ,H. HUGO BRANDEIS.. NEBRASKA FARMERS GET RICH Tom Newell Has Something Better Than a Gold Mine. V MAKES MONEY FIRST SEASON Thle la Only One Instance of Many that Told Abont In Loup , ( and Wood River ' Dlatrlcta. . 'The Nebraska farmers are tha bova who are making money," said P.G. Law rence of Claro, who was in the city over Sunday at the Paxton. "On particular instance that I have in mind Is that of T. C. Newell, a farmer living northeast of town, in' Loup Fork township, Howard county. This county lies directly north of Hall and while it Is mighty good, it is no better than fifty others In the state. "Tom Newell came to Howard county five years ago and bought land of the (Union Pacific, paying about $15 per per acre for 160 acres. It was about the time the company was closing out the last of Its Nebraska land and this tract was not considered choice. However, there was about 120 acres of level land and the balance was creek bottom and hilly. "Newell did not have much money after making his payment building a shack and buying a team, but he had plenty of energy. He ran in debt for a few cows and the first year his butter and milk, and eggs from 100 henks, kept the family and enabled him to lay aside a little, cash. That year he broke out 100 acres. Next season he cropped this and from the returns . made enough to pay off all his debts and build an addition to his home. Makes n Big Killing. 'This year, Newell is making his big killing. Last fall he put In 100 acres of winter wheat and his net returns from the crop is going to be not far from $2,500. Every; year slnoe Newell has had the land, It has made him a living and enabled him 'to lay by something. "Newell has .finished cutting his wheat and has threshed some. The samples indi cate, an average yield of 40 bushels per acre, which ' in , the aggregate would mean' $4,000 and if sold at 90 cents per bushel, a fair price out at Cairo would mean $3,000 gross for the crop.. To plant mature and gather the crop has cost not to exceed $1,300, which leaves a net return of $2,400 from 100 acres, which is not so bad. , - Now this looks big, but It Is nothing more than dozens of other farmers up and down the , Loup and Wood , rivers have done this season.' Red Clond Woman Hurt In Runaway ' RED CLOUD, Neb., July 2L (Special. )T Whlle Mrg. Ruth Pegg was driving through town Saturday, her horse became frightened at something and ran away. On Webster street the horee collided with a telephone pole, upsc. the buggy and threw Mrs. Pegg violently to the ground, breaking her leg and brulslna her severely. She will recover- ''I t' V ; ; v V1 WILL PARADEJjABOR DAY Committees Are Appointed to Ar range for the Celebration. SUBURBS WILL JOIN LOCALS Meeting to Be Held Next Bandar to : Arrange for ' Gronnda tor a ' Picnic and Other Inci dental. . . The Labor day committee of the Central Labor union together with representatives from the different unions of the city took the first step towards planning the an nual Labor day exercises at a meeting held at the Labor temple, 1310 Douglas street, yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Committees were appointed and perma nent officers to have charge ofthe cele bration elected. : Labor day comes on September J this year and aa' usual a parade wlil be held in the morning, followed by a plcnlo and program of speaking and sport features, at one of the nearby parks In the after noon. Definite arrangements for the parade and afternoon program will be made at a meeting bf the committees In charge next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. I Labor organizations of ..South , Omaha, Council' 'Bluffs, . Florence," and Ben son will be invited ' to ' attend and take part in the local exercises. Officers in charge of the exercises will be as follows: J. J. Kerrigan,, president; W. E., Bryans, secretary; Bjork Swan, vice president; and W. J. Marks, treas urer. , ., , : , ,;, :,'' : ' Committee chairmen elected yesterday were; ' , Grounds and concessions, J. W. Light Laws and orders, Frank McNulty. ( Speakers. Henry F. Sarman. , . Printing, John Pollan. Sports, W. L. Turner. . Women's Clubs Beat Clergymen at Polls t DULUTH, Minn.. July 3L The impo sition to make the public school build ings In Duluth social centers and. to al low dancing In them was carried at a hotly contested election here today. The women's clubs of the city were arrayed In favor o'f the proposition, against the combined efforts of the clergymen, the women winning out by a large majority. The campaign waged by the women was so vigorous that the leaders were warned on the day before the election that they were violating the provisions of the cor rupt practices law, passed at the recent special session of the MTnnesota legis lature. . GreshamHas Plans ' for Its Anniversary 'GRESHAM, Neb., July 2L-(8peclal.)-At a special meeting of the Com mercial club last evening It was decided to ' hold a celebration on Wednesday, August 28, in honor of the Twenty-fifth anniversary of this town It is planned to have a free ball game in the forenoon and a State league game in the afternoon, . at least two prominent speakers and short; talks by. members of the Old Guard, who helped to organize the town, free vaudeville, a good band and; singers, races -anJ. contests' and, a balloon , ascension.'. Herman Dlera ' is in charge of arrangements. , ; ' BRIDE SERIOUSLY BURNED BY ; EXPLOSION OF KEROSENE i SIOUX I FALLS, & D.,4-JuIy-a.-(Spe. clal.) Sin. Charles Drew, a bride of only a few woeks, while attempting to kindle a fire with kerosene at her home" in Howard was seriously burned. There were dead coals In tha range and 'the flames ran up Into the can of kerosene, which exploded-with' a noise heard all over town. With her clothing " ablaze Mrs. Drew ran into the street Oie Hoel chanced to be' near, at' hand' and after strenuous efforts of himself and others who had rushed to the assistance of the woman succeeded in extinguishing the flames, but not until the - unfortunate young woman had been terribly burned on the side and shoulder and both arms and hands. In saving her life, Hoel and others who assisted her also were badly burned. STATE - REPUBLICANS E DECLARATII Representative Bodies from Over Nebraska Convene to Decide , Upon Their Policies. STANTON MEN ENDORSE TAFT Declare Full Confidence in the Re publican Party. CHERRY TAKES SAME POSITION Votes Down Motion to Split Tote of " Delegation, SLOAN IS FILLMORE'S FAVORITE Congressman from Fifth District Se ' cares Cnqnalifled Endorsement from Home Coanty Norrt ) Gets Western Counties. STANTON, Neb., July 21.-SpeclaL The republican delegate convention of this county met here to day and selected' the following as , their representative), delegates to the state convention at Lin coln: W. W. Young, Charles McLoad, Louis Smlthberger, Ed. Daniel, and Sol D. Denney, AU go as aft men. The following resolutions were adopted with but one dissenting vote In the sixty nine votes which made up the conven tion: v - : "Whereas, plain speaking and common honesty demand that we fairly state our position as Republicans on tha questions that are presented to us as members of a great and historic party; and that we give due recognition to the conditions that confront us; therefore, be it "Resolved, .That, the republicans of Stanton county,, in convention duly as sembled, express our pride la snd ap proval o fthe grand and mighty accom plishments achieved n our national life by and through republican men and re publican measures. We especially , com mend the general course of legislation, and measures promoted by our party rep resentatives during the administration of McKlnley, Roosevelt and Taft ' '- " ' "In the' face of the record of a half i century of our party's history, wa feel that there can be but one rightful con clusion and that is: that the necessity for a third party does not exist and that the' best Interest bf our common country demand the perpetuation of tha republican, party, and that its policies and administrations be sustained. "Therefore we, of this convention made up of republicans, some of whom at the late presidential, primary were followers of William Howard Taft some of whom there supported Theodore Roosevelt;' and some of whom endorsed .the favored son of Wisconsin, Robert La FallsUe, unit ing upon comnvin ground Ioihe-inKK'' tlon of what we deem best for tha com mon ' good, hereby join in the solemn declaration that our country's wellfare, demands .the .acceptance of the- results f the .national .republican, convention at . Chicago, : and the hearty and loyal sup port; of Us candidate , William Howard , Taft; and be it further , , "Resolved, That good faith and publlo, honesty demand, that the custom estab lished by more than eighty years of our . political history be observed and adhered to; that we hereby express as the moral ' conviction of this convention our solemn , belief ' and conclusion, that . no presi dential - elector heretofore nominated as a republican, or whose name may here after appear on the ticket as such, can In any manner be justified In cssting his vote aa such electof for any candidate . other than William Howard Taft, who we recognize as the regular nominee of the , duly called national republican conven- Uon. .' .-'.'.'. :'.; ,' ' .-v 'v t - "And we further expressly instruct tha delegates chosen at this convention to attend the state platform convention, to as far as possibly carry out and promota the sentiments expressed in these reso lutions." i -''-;,: . VALENTINE, Neb., July 21.-(Speclal.) . The republican county convention yes-, terday afternoon elected delegates to : the : state convention and Instructed them to support the present 'administration. W. S. Barker was elected, . chairman, and Woodruff Ball, secretary. The "bull moosers" were In evidence at the con-; Ventlon, but there were very much In the minority. A motion was made by " them that the delegates be instructed . three and a half for Taft and three and , a half . unlnstructed. This otlon, how- , ever, did not get very far. 1 ' Resolutions were carried which en-, dorsed President Taft and also endorsed all candidates on.the republican ticket , who are in sympathy with and who sup port' the national republican ticket and platform. The following delegates were : Peoople who read Bee "jj want ads keep in touch with EVERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Any business chances worth 'looking : into appear in this paper. Men with good propo sitions know that The Bee will get them the right results.' 'That's the reason real estate men use the Bee more ; than any other paper. That's the reason every body studies The Bee want ads. Turn to them now. Tylers 10DO. I ONCIPIH ISSUES