Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Insurance Top-Notchers
When the country settles down to a
;sane basis after the bull moos, the
1 O. O. P. elephant and the Wilson donkey
''have been tamed and caged in the aoo,
' "they" are going' to organise a, society
, whose purpois will N to raise fundi for
'the erecting of monument to the mem
ory of the man who Invented Insurance.
, If a search Into the records of the days
:, before people began living In flats' re
" veals the fact that there were two In
i'ventors one for life Insurance and one
'for fire-then there wilt' be erected two
'monuments, provided the association can
raise sufficient coin of the realm for
' constructing the second memorial.
Now, when the' charter members of
this proposed association begin gathering
for the purpose of adopting a 'const!
. tutlon every society has a constitution,
, Gross Receipt! at Reported to the
., City Show Increase.
Report at AH shew They Have
Done BO,000 More Bastaea la
' April, May and Jane '
Than Last Year,
Gross receipts of the street railway com-
pany for the second quarter of the year
1S0J were $472,(43.3 against total gross re.
celpts for the same period of lilt of $459,.', being an Increase for this year of
$12, 170. U, according to the statement tiled
tr the company with the city comptroller.
. Occupation taxes In the sum of $14,185.80
Were paid by the street railway company
for the second quarter of this year. This
!ma more than twice the amount paid by
any other corporation. - The company paid
. U,7M. IS for the second quarter of 1911.
1 All corporations have, now paid their
I occupation taxes, These taxes show aa
.Increase in business for the months of
; April, May and June of. this year of
' nearly 130,000 over the business transacted
during the same period last year.
Police Officer is ;
Sued for Assault
8. B. Sigh ton,, an attorney, baa started
suit for $3,009 damages tor assault and
false arrest against Health Officer Ed-
- ward F. Morrison m district court,' nam.
log fho officer's bondsmen, the Ameri
can Bonding company of Baltimore, as
ce-defendan. ' '
- The suit Is the result of a fight be
tween Morrison and W. N. Hellen of the
Independent Auto Repair company, in
which Dighton interfered.
: Morrison started an action to replevin
;an automobile from Hellen and accom
panied a constable to the repair com
pany's shop.- Hellen summoned Dtghton
far legal advice. It Is alleged that Mor-
irfson and Hellen quarreled and Morrison
attacked Hellen, Dighton interfering to
'protect his client. A second time Mor
rison attacked Hellen, says the petition,
and again Dighton Interfered. Morrison
then showed his star and arrested Digh
ton. On the way to the police station It
Is alleged Morrison beat the attorney,
though he offered no resistance, and
' applied uncomplimentary epithets to Mm.
! Clghtop was exonerated in police court
: Pat Crow, arrested Friday after
noon on a vagrancy charge, was given a
Sinety-day suspended sentence in police
court, with tha jrovlzlca -fit Jift-JsSJre
jows t nncc.
whether It deals with monuments or not),
It Is going to be suggested that the two
head officers Of the organisation be
filled by Omaha men-Jay Foster and Joe
Barker. I ,m not strange at ; all that
these two men should be suggested for
these positions, for what Jay and Joe
do not know about Insurance1 would
make an atom ashamed of Its stse.
Neither Jay Foster nor Joe Barker
know that they will be mentioned for
these positions; the truth la they do
not know such a society Is going to be
formed. The promoters of the new or
ganlsatlon do not care much whether
the two Omahaps know anything about
the proposed society or not; these peo
ple are, going to form the society,, and
then they are going to elect these two
insurance men to the bead Jobs. If Jay
and Joe (everybody likes to call them
Jay and Joe), decline to aervs on Invi
tation they will be dratted, even If the
isoners to 1
Work on Streets
Beginning Monday morning, Folic
Judge Foster wilt make all able-bodied
men given jail sentence work on the
1 ' fWJTi
I ! T 13&J
11118 oSSohSian' cfoBNKLSptoil? WOgXJfl.&TKn AT, THIS MTFfiT.WPI JUMig jUEyOERFEST; A; 8T, PATJlggSCIpB
assistance of Colonel Roosevelt is re
quired : to scare them into taking the
position. . .
Everybody In Omaha knows that Jay
and :Je know more about Insurance than
anyone else dare try to know. Jay Foster
is so hampered with facts about insur
ance that hie tailor always provides ex
tra pockets In his suits, ' 30 when these
bits of Information go t .moling out of
Jay's head they wll have a repository
where they may rest until they shall be
needed In the future. People who know
Jay (and that's about everybody who baa
been In Omaha very long), will not get
into an argument with him on the sub
ject of insurance. There would be no
use. He knows insurance from A'Pba to
Omega and beyond, if there is any be
yond. Jf Jay thinks a man ought to have
insurance he tells him so. And it he
tells him he ought to have Insurance, he
ought to have, for Jay Foster knows
streets. Sine the rock pile was abolished
all the prisoners have had to do is loaf
around in the county Jail. 'The streets
are in need of cleaning.. ,
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Omaha Concordia
V) B $ j, ft B
.rJ-f ' w mw m& w4&w&v--&$h
Take Over Business of Old Firm (
1r "
positively whether you' or I or he ought
to be carrying a policy on our life or on
our home. He knows what is best for 11 ,
and that's more than most of us know.
It la related (there Is no copyright on
this "It Is related," so we employ it now),
Viat Jay Foster once went Into the office
of a prominent Omahan, and declared,
"Johiv you nd $300,000 on your life."
The informed looked up In rather a
startled manner. His thoughts came
fast: That was Jay Foster before htm:
wouldn't be of any use arguing with nhn.
Might be that Jay Foster, during the
argument would conclude that he needed
1500.000. Better take 1300,000 and not hav
any argument. So the first words from
the mouth of the man addressed were:
"Air right, Jay, give me what you know
I need. I'm not going to meddle in your
business. If I need a little more give it
to me." . '
"That's all you should have now," ex
,r 1
From Omaha and other Missouri river
gateway points the rate for the forty
sixth national encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic to be held In Los
Damenchor to
21, 1912.
plained Foster, "I'll take care of your
case and when your condition Is such
that you need more, I'll give It to you,
and tell you about it afterwards."
' This story, remember, Is not guaranteed
free from coloring. Still it has an ink
ling of truth and you may take it for
v.' will. No one will be offended.
Joe Barker is a close second to his
partner in knowing insurance. He is
actively engaged in It nearly every hour
of the day. But Joe Barker has other
duties this year which are more Impor
tant to the growth of our city. He's our
kink. He rules with a high hand over
the kingdom of Ak-6ar-Ben. He is royal
nobs No. XVII. And In the words of
some of our beet grammarians, "He's some
kink." For some time he has been a
member of the board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben.
He made such a brilliant show
ing there that the governors declared
right out In meeting one day, "We don't
Angeles September 9-U has been fixed at
$55 to $70 for the round trip. The $55 rate
brings ticket holders home by the direct
route, by way of San Francisco, while
the higher rate takes them up the coast,
through British America and home by
way of St.. Paul. October 31 In the final
return limit.
Sing at St. Paul
want you In here any longer; we want a
little of the spotlight ourselves. Tou've
got to be kink." So kink he became and
now we are ruled by his high hand- Be
fore Joseph Barker entered the insurance
business he was a soliciting freight agent
for the Milwaukee road. He brought In
so much business that the Milwaukee was
forced to increase 'its rolling stock in
order to take care of the traffic.
Both Foster and Barker ara prominent
in every line of endeavor in Omaha. They
are club members, commercial and social.
The public spirit in them flows over at
every opportunity. ,
The official title under which they con
duct their insurance business is the
Foster-Barker company. Until Just re
cently this firm has always been known
as H. E. Palmer, Son & Co., but both
Captain H. E. Palmer and George H.
Palmer are deceased, and for several
years before their death were retired
The first pay roll un3r municipal own
ership of the water plant was passed
at a' meeting of the Water board.
The pay roll, including $125 salaries
from active managment of the company.
Mr. Foster was associated as a partner
with the firm of if. E. Palmer. Son & Co.
for more than twenty years.
A letter from Jay and Joe last week i
announced that they had changed the !
name of the firm. ' Everybody wondered !
why they had not done so before, since 1
they had been managing the business for .
years. They were content all the time,
though, to do the work and get the-well,
they did the work, and that's enough.
Everybody in Omaha knows they are
the active managers of the company and
have been. The altering of the name will
do no more than to permit newcomers to
learn this fact. In the meantime the pro
moters of the Insurance Inventors' Me
morial society are busy, and Joe Barker
and Jay Foster will soon have new duties.
It's great to be popular, but it's greater to
be in the Insurance business and be popu
lar at the same time.
for board , members, and not including $70
tor a rodman and engineer employed for
the last half month, amounts to $8,082.92
for the first half of July. This Is nearly
$600 less than the pay roll of the water
company for the seme period for vhe year
1911. The water company's pay roll,
amounting to $6,680.11, including the sal
aries of all the officers, who alone re
ceived $1,565.83.
Omaha Man Arrested
for Working Alleged
Fraud at Kansas City
Harry H. Cannon, 150$ Yates street,
bas Just been placed under arrest in
Kansas City by federal officers there on
complaint drawn up by United States
District Attorney Howell of Omaha,
charging him with using the mails to
defraud. Two Omaha women, Mrs. Bessie
Huttoi and Mrs. Mary Llnnehan, having
been victims of fraud, rurnlshed the In
formation that revealed his game. About
July 1, Cannon engaged rooms at the
Henshaw and advertised in a dally paper
her, calling for lady demonstrators and
saleswomen for what he called a
"duplex powder ejector." To Mrs. Hut-
ton and Mrs. IJnnehan he sold the "ex
clusive right" to canvass the territory
adjacent to Grand Island. They were to
pay htm $30 for the territory. They paid '
him $25 and promised to pay the rest later
when they should have done some sell
ing in the territory.
When they had taken a number of
orders they sent an order for their goods
to the firm that he said was manufactur
ing the article In Ban Angela, Tex. They
received a reply to the effect that tha
goods had been shipped to Mann &
Bowser at Omaha. Inquiry showed
there was no such firm her.
Molli Dixon was given nlnerr dv tn
Jail In police court for stealing $110 from
O. Bangs, who says he bails from Chi
cago. Bangs got Into town Fridav vn-
Ing and struck up an acqaintance with
Motile, with bad results to his financial
C. E. Johnson met Lisal Williams
about tha same (time in the same neigh
bodhoed and paid $84 for the honor.
While talking to him, Iixxle reached la
bis pocket and removed the roll of bffia.
About an hour later Ed Vandecg came
Into the police station and said he bad
been robbed of $35 by Myrtle Blantey.
All three men appeared against the
women !n police court and had the satis
faction of seeing them sentenced to
ninety days each in Jail.
; ;
An Axaerteam Kins
to the great king of cores. Dr. King's New
Discovery, the quick, aafa, raw cough
and cold remedy. 60c and fLOa, For i
br .Beaton Drag Co.
) I