Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 10

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Will Entertain the Women Folks at
Seymour lake Clnb.
J. W. Griffith Springs Swrprtse 01
His iHOtUtti at Country Clb
Many Omahans Seek
Cooler Climes.
Social Calendar.
MONTJAT Chllden's matinee dance at
. Field club; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar
' tin and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Martin,
travelogue party for Mrs. Burgert and
Miss Burgert of Toledo; Mrs. J. U. los
' ter, bridge at Field club.
TUESDAY Mrs. A. F. Jonas, luncheon
at Happy Uoliow club for Mrs. C'srke
of Denver; ladles' day at Country and
Happy Hollow clubs; matinee dance,
dinner and evening dunce at Happy
WEDNESDAY-Mrs. A, C. Anderson, suf
frage tea; Columbian circle, card party;
dinner and dance fct Country and Field
clubs,. .. . .
THURSDAY Elks' picnic and dans at
Seymour Lake Country club; Omikron
club, dance at Happy Hollow club;
Kappa Kappa Gamma soroi-Hy, h'tich
eon at Happy Hollow; ladies' day at
Happy Hollow; Mrs. Thomas Blown,
suffrage tea: Golden Glow Card club
picnic at Elmwood park.
FRIDAY Auto-Motor club, dinner and
dance at Seymour Lake Ccnmtry club;
Mrs. F. J. Despecher, brido luncheon
at Lake Manawa; dinner and dance at
Seymour Lake Country club.
SATURDAY Dinner and dance at Coun
try club; dinner and dance at Field
' club; dinner and dance at Happy Hol-
, low; dinner and dance at Rod and Gun
1 Thursday evening the annual ladles
, touting of the Elks' lodge will be held at
' Seymour Lake Country club, with full
J use of the beautiful new club house, ltt
dancing floor, the lake for bathing and
boating, and an athletic program. Spe
cial street cars on the Ralston line leave
Sixteenth and Capitol avenue at 3 p. m.,
and thereafter, eleven through trips being
tnads up to 8:16; last cars leave the lake
at 11:30. ,
Dr. Hayes Geantar of the ladles' social
-committee is getting acceptances to the
Invitations that lndlcata-aa attendance of
about SOIL ,
Either basket lunches or table d'hote
sunners will be in order.
I dalet Man Springs Sarprls.
J. W. Griffith Is known among his as
itoclates as a retiring man, in tact, he
1 htm actually retired as purchasing agent
jfor the Union Pacific railroad; but he
sprang a big surprise among the clans
of the Country club the othsr evening.
'Just in passing it is no small feat to
give the blase Country clubbers a new
I sensation. s
t Mr. Griffith did not plan to be sensa
tional when he appeared at the dinner
; party given by Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Jonas
In a dainty, mam colored tuxedo made of
pongee, the thin, silky, oriental fabric so
, popular with the debutantes. He simply
; got into the habit of wearing white suits
of flimsy material while in the orient in
his recent trip around the world,- and
likes them so well that he intends to keep
right on wearing them until Jack Frost
Interferes. When the well known rail
roader arrived io Omaha a week or so
ago, be found ths temperature in. the
home town was not much different from
that of Manila and Hongkong; so he
made up his mind to risk attracting at
tention, to don his light suits and keep
cool. . ,t ;i . r
The cream colored pongee, tuxedo 1 1
tlre. Mr, Griffith reserves for formal oc
casions. At home, when gardening, or
looking aftor his private interests in his
library, he wears white suits of less per
ishable material, similar to duck. They
are of the sack variety, with military
collar, and were mistaken at first by
ths neighbors for pajamas. 1
Mr. Griffith not only enjoys his tropical
attire; he also likes shopping In the
orient He declares that the little brown
tailors over In ths eastern hemisphere
are much more expeditious than those in
ths west Hs and about a hundred other
men on the tourist ship ordered their
white garb in Yokohama one day and re
ceived them in perfect shape the next
Mr. Griffith had a delightful trip. He
left 6an Francisco several months ago,
circled ths globs as far as Italy, where
he left the ship at Naples and branched
tt into Italy, 8witserland, Franca and
the British isles.
W1U Have Rri Weddta. ,
la order that everyone may keep cool
:at their wedding Miss Ina Beselin and
Hoy Bloom will hold this most Important
vent of thdr lives out la some country
church amid the flowers and trees and
;brseses-away from ths hot city. The
young people have not decided at just
what rural point the marriage will be
celebrated, but it will be between Omaha
and Fremont The bride and groom, their
attendants, ths minister. RV. . D. Baits
ley, and ths parents, will all go to ths se
lected place in automobiles. After ths
ceremony ths young couple will take
trip through ths Yellowstone and farther
west After their wedding trip they will
redds In Omaha. Miss Beselin Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bese
lin. ,
Hay Fever Batterers Leave.
Many Omaha hay fever sufferers have
already left for lakes and mountains, and
soms have gone or are going abroau.
Mra J. E. Summers, who leaves each
summer at this time to escape hay fever,
Is one of those who will go abroad. She
and Dr. Summers and the two children,
Jack and Btuart, will sail August S for a
month or six weeks in the. British Isles.
Tbey will tour England. Scotland, Ireland
and Wales and the Isle of Wight M?s
Pierre Colon Mori arty has already left for
Europe and Is having a delightful time
In foreign cities free from hay fever.
Mrs. William Hill Clarke always leaves
Omaha the first of August and remains
away until October 1. This year she
may spend Je two months in ths moun
tains of Colorado. Mr. .Claras will be
with her during August ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cv C. Rosewatsr. who go
away each summer oa account of Mr.
Rosewatar'B hay fever, may sojourn in
lther northern Minnesota or Wisconsin
this year.
Alfred ElUck. who U one of the hay
fevsritss, will take ms wife and chil
dren. Josephine and Robert and go to
Vermilion -: lake. northwest of Duluth.
They will occupy their cottage there from
August io to ths Urns of ths first frost
In the tail.( . . f
Mrs. George H. Thummel has found re
lief from' hay fever for many summers
at ths Thummel home at Richards' Land.
, ing, Ontario, Canada. She anu her daugh
ters, Misses Katharine aod""8tella Thum
mel, left early this month tor ths north.
Ovorge Thummel, Jr., who also has har
fevar, went thers from his college in the
east and opened the summer home.
; Mr. sad Mrs.' T. M. Orr are traveling
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Photo by Heyn.
Of Grand Island.
on ths Pacific coast and Mrs." Orr, who
Is ths hay fever victim, will remain away
until autiimn.
Miss Hortense Clarke Is at Prior lake.
Minnesota, and her sister. Miss Ruth
Clarke., is with her. Miss Gladys Peters
has Joined Mrs. T. 3. Mackay and family
at Clltherell, Minn. Miss Ella Mae Brown
will leave the end of this week with her
aunt Mrs. Clayton, for Alexandria, Minn.,
to escape hay fever.
Oraahaaa te Samoa, i
Lieutenant and Mrs. Nathan Post, U.
S. N., and small son. Richards Jordan
Post, who have been stationed In Omaha
for two years will sail July ;.30 on ; the
steamer Ventura for their new station
In Samoa. Lieutenant and Mrs. Post
have a large circle of friends here who
regret their departurs. Mrs. Post s
mother, Mrs. Jordan, and sister, miss
Laura Jordan, plan to visit them next
A number of Omaha friends who are
plannlnf Interesting trips will stop at
Samoa to visit Lieutenant and Mrs. Post,
who expect to reside thers for two years.
at Lake Okoboji.
Ths Omaha colony at Lake Okoboji la
larger thla year than ever before and
many more ars planning to go to ths
lake soon. '
One Omaha motor enthusiast, Ben Gal
lagher, spent many evenings last winter
and spring building a motor boat which
he Is now using on Lake Okoboji. Mr.
Gallagher and his mother motored to the
lake last week and will spend several
weeks there.
Mrs. Walter Preston and son. Junior
Preston, ars spending several weeks at
ths Inn. ,
Mra B. A. Looks and Miss Edith Locks
will leave next Sunday to spend ten
days at the Inn.
Mra Eva Wallace and children ars oc
cupying their cottage at the lake.
Mra C. 3. Smyth and family will leave
Monday to remain until September at the
Inn at Lake Okoboji, where Mr. Smyth
will Join them In a week or so.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weller and family
left yesterday for Okoboji to remain till
September. Mrs. Charles Harris and Mrs.
W, H. Rhodes accompanied them and will
be their guests for two weeks. ,
Mrs. J. J. Dickey and Miss Bertha
Dickey and Miss Helen Scobls went to
Okoboji Tuesday. Mrs. KlrkendalU with
her mother and sister, Mrs. Burgert and
Miss Burgert and Mra Scoble expect to
motor to Okoboji to Join them shortly .
Mr. Frank Hegblads will leave next
week to Join his mother and sisters at
their cottage at Lake Okoboji.
Hiking la the Alpe.
Miss Portia Swett, who has been trav
eling abroad this summer, has Just com
pleted a climb half way up Mount Blanc,
after having finished a tour days' walk
ing trip through the mountains, a dis
tance of fifty miles, over narrow goat
paths and huge glaciers with guides.
They traveled entirely by foot with knap
sacks on their backs .stopping at quaint
Uttls chalets on the mountains to get
milk and provisions. Her party is now
taking another eight-day walking trip
from Interlaken te Lucerne, after which
Miss 8wett will spend the remainder of
the summer in study in Paris.
Slsrtua N.
Local members of the Sigma Nu fra
ternity dined informally at the Hen-
shaw Friday evening. ' Those present
C. M. Aldrlch.
Vaughn Bacon, -
E. R. Carse,
C. A. Empke of
Council Bluffs,
William A. Foster,
Harold Havlland,
F, J. Jumper,
C. J. Lord.
William Randall,
P. 8. Kisser.
J. D. Sand ham,
Erwln Snyder of
Council Bluffs,
Kenneth Snyder of
Council Bluffs.
George Spooner of
Council Bluffs,
"Walter Stlllman. '
G. P. Turner.
Guy Van Scoyoc,
Lorlng Wood,
Roy Maurer of
Council Bluffs,
Walter R. Meta, :
Mas Parkinson.
"Johnny, did you' have a good time at
the party r
''How could I have a good time J
promised mother to behave myself.".
in Omaha
At Seymour Lake Club
in . ...v m
A large number of guests attended the
dinner- :nce at the Seymour Lake Coun
try club ilday evening.
Mr. end i:Z. George Francis had as
their dinner guests., at Seymour Lake
Country club Friday evening:
Mr. and Mrs. Max Foote.
Messrs. Messrs.
Howard Foots, Byron Francis.
Clarence Foote,
In Mr. Garrett Prange's party were;
" Misses- ' Misses v .
Virginia Jamteson, Anna Prange,
Edith Duncan, Leila Jamleson.
Shourd Perkins, Garrett Prange.
In another party were:
Haze P. Bearmont. Mrrv Tjiwrla.
JH. L. Mallo, J. A. Moran.
Mr. and Mra H. M. Peters entertained
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Armour.
Messrs. C. M. Skinner, D. M. Carr,
Scott King and Judge Sears were among
the diners at the club.
With Mr. George McDonald and Mr. T.
W. Sherwood were Major Dale and Lieu
tenant Farnam.
Among those who gave dinners and the
number of. their reservations were I- M.
Lord, five; E. W. Cahow, ten; 8. W.
Auckeny, three; Dr. Delaney, three.
At the Field Club
Mr. and Mra D.: J. O'Brien will have
seventeen guests at dinner this evening
at the Field club; L. H. Korty, five; J. H.
Mlthen, four; V. L Unsloker, eight; A.
J. Vlerllng, four; Charles Ware, twelve;
R. E. Lamoreaux, four, 3. H. Christie,
four; Martin Saxe, five; J. M. Tanner,
Will Live
Photo by Heyn.
IT""' N -.Sv
'iJr -r VJnt.-n.
eight; H. M. Goulding, eight; C. K. Den- (
man. four; Lee Huff, two; Miles B.
Houck, six; J. B. Porter, six; E. C. Page,
Mrs. J. D.. Foster will give a morning
bridge party Monday at th3 Field club,
followed by luncheon, for Mrs. Wayne
Hemphill. "
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Srlm had seven
teen guests at dinner last evening at
the field club; L. H. Korty. five; J. H.
Mithen, four; A. J. Vlerllng. four: Charles
Ware, twelve; R. E. Lamoreaux, four;
B. II. Christie, four; Martin Saxe. five;
J. M. Tanner, eight; H. M. Moulding,
eight; C. K. Denman, four; Lee Huff,
two; J. B. Porter, six; E. C. Page. two.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Houck of Lincoln,
formerly of Omaha, ente-wltwd at tte
Field club last evening, whea their gutsts
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donuid of ' Oiand
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo of Lin run.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cnsick-tf had as
their guests:
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fettars.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles M. R'.cha.di.
Mrs. Wayne Hemphill of Woriand,
Mrs. Charles Bothwell.
At the Country Club .
Several small dinner parties were given
at the country club last evening.
Mrs. and Mrs. A. J. Love had covers
placed for: ..'.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yost.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colpetser,
Mr. and Mrs..A.xJ. Love,
Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Jonas give a din
ner last evening at the Country club for
their guest. Mrs. Clark of Denver. The
other guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Koenlg. '
Mr. and Mra C. J. Smyth had a din
ner party of twelve: J. T. Stewart, Jnd,
seven; Harry Tukey, four; J; S. Brady,
four; H. B. Cummlngs, four. "
At Happy Hollow
The Omikron club will give a summer
dancing party next. Thursday evening at
Happy Hollow club. This is an annual
affair and Is usually ons of the roost
enjoyable parties of the year. About
fifty young people will be present -
Entertaining at dinner last, evening
were E. O. Hamilton, who had seven
guests; E. E. Kimberley, sixteen; Cor
inne Searle, twelve; E. A. Nordstrom,
two; C. E. Johannes, four; Robert
Patrick, four; C. R. Belden, two; David
Hlgbee. three; C. F. Peterson, five; Dr.
A. B. Somers, - four; A. G. Edwards,
three, and R. A. Swartwout, three.
Pleasures Past :.
U. S. Grant Woman's R-!tot Corps gave
a most enjoyable reception and kenslng
ton on Tuesday afternoon at Bariqht hall
to the members of Georgo Crook and
George A. Custer Woman's Relief Corps.
Games and music, with refreshments of
ice cream and cake, filled iu a pleasant
afternoon. , .
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief Corps and
George A. Custer Woman's iMiilef Corps
were guests of honor at a plcttio at Miller
park on Friday afternoon, given by mem
bers of George A. Crook Woman's Relief
t. A . surplrse party
afternoon for Mrs.
were won by Mrs.
Mrs. W. A. Towle.
J. M. Benlsh,
P. Perkins,
F. Weaver,
A, Westman.
M. Barlow,
G. R. Rathbun,
W. A. Towle,
H. Townsend,
was given Friday
A. F. Gates. Prises
. Frank Sheets and
Those present were:
L. Gllbreatb,
L. Bray,
Frank Sheets,
W. Rice.
C. H. Gates,
H. A. Wlthrow
. of Denver,
. Misses .
Los Angeles,
Gladys Barlow,
Florence Wlthrow,
Ruth Rathbun of .
! Eda-erly-Benedict. .
Miss Henrietta Benedict daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Benedict, will be
married next month to. Denlsnn Merrill
Edgerly. Miss Benedict ;it'.er..lcd the Nf
braska university and Is a member of
Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Edgerly at
tended the University of Pennsylvania.
' HowareUThotuaa.
The engagement has been announced of
Otis Woolworth Howard, son of Mra. Guy
Howard of Moline, 111., formerly of
Omaha, to Miss Ruth Thomas of that
city. Mr. Howard is smployed in the ex
perimental department of ths Deere Plw
in Samoa
EACH AND EVERY GAEMENT in our entire stock of women's high grade ex
clusive wearing apparel is now going at mighty sacrifice clearance prices. This great
sale will 60on be an opportunity of the past. We advise all well dressed women to
make selections without delay. The wonderful savings we offer may never be duplicat
ed again make the most of it. ' i
All our rerj finest hand made
Lingerie and Linen dresses at
Half Price and Less.
Dresses worth three and four times
the price. Choice of our entire stock
at the astonishingly low price of . .
company. The wedding; may occur Feb
ruary 14. that having been the wedding
day of Mrs. Howard, formerly Miss Wool
worth, and others of that family.
Cards havs been received in Omaha an
nouncing ths approaching marriage of
Miss Edith Harrington of La Salle, Colo.,
to Mr. Howard W. Blackburn of Omaha,
Neb., son of T. W. Blackburn of this
city. Ths wedding will take plane it the
horns of ths bride July 29. TJio young
couple will make their home for the preu
ent'atTrottle Dam, near Raton, N. M.,
where the groom is supervising some ex
tensive irrigation - work. Mr. Blackburn
was bom in Omaha and is a graduate
of ths Omaha High, school, class of 1(M,
and has made good in his chosei profes
sion of civil engineer.
Miss Mary Taylor, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Taylor, will be mar
ried Wednesday to Mr. Norman Guy
Eggeman of Detroit. The ceremony will
take place at ths home of the bride's
parents. 1815 Locust street, at if) o'clock
a m.. Rev. T. W. Abbott of Trinity
Methodist church officiating. The wed
ding will be small, owing to the illness
of Mr. Eggeman's father. The young
people will reside in Detroit
For the Future
Golden Glow Card club will have Its
annual picnic Thursday at Vlmwood park
Ths Columbian circle will entertain
Wednesday afternoon, July 24, at the'r
hall, Twenty-second and Locust streets.
The hostesses will be Mrs. X. E. Mur.
ray and Mra D. J. Dorsey.
Complimentary to Mrs. Burgert and
Miss Burgert of Toledo, O., who ars vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Martin and Mr. "and
Mrs. Frank Martin will entertain at a
travelogue party Monday evening at ths
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Barker.
Personal Gossip
Mr. W. 3. Martin has gone to Colorado
en an outing of two weeks.
Bernard Smyth will be on a ranch near
Greeley, Colo., until September.
Mrs. E. H. Howland will leave ths first
of the week for a visit in Denver.
Mrs. J. M. Alkln and daughter. Gert
rude, ate at Okoboji for two weeks.
Mrs. R. L. Carter and daughters are
at Hyannls. Mass., until September.
Mra Frank Meyers has returned from
New Tork and other eastern points.
Mr. C. W. Martin has returned from a
short visit with relatives in Chicago.
Mrs. Sadie L. Thlele of Indianapolis is
visiting here sister, Mrs. H. A. Wahl.
Miss Florence Smalley has gons to Paw
Paw Lake, Mich., for a vacation of two
weeks. - .-
Mr. and Mra H. H. Hawke have re
turned from a trip to Isle Royal on Lake
Lieutenant Wllhelm . of . Fort Leaven
worth has joined ths Fourth infantry at
Fort Crook.
Mra Margaret Benn and Miss Kather
ine Welch left Baturday tor CataJlne
Islands. CaL
Miss Madeline Billings of St Louis Is
tn the city, ths guest of Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Browne.
Miss Florence Curry of Grand Island
is visiting Miss Esther McVann and Mra
A. H. Fuller.
Mrs. George N. Wood returned Friday
from a three weeks' stay at Kansas City
and Columbua
Miss Marie McQulnn of St Joseph ar
rived Saturday to visit Mra James Welch
for two weeka
Misses Myrtle and Blanche Busk left
Friday for Chadron and ths Black Hills
' (Continued on Page Three.)
Ommha's Most Exclusive Garment
318-320 South 16th. St.
never before such an extraordinary
All our high class distinctive
Linen, Repp, Pique and Ratine
Suits Our $15.00 to $35.00
values all go at ........
All our highest grade, hand
tailored Suits, Coats and Skirts
at Half Price and Less. ,
It has oft' been said that clothes of white will
soon look anything but bright, but there's one con
cern that will put them right, so that folks can't
say: "My, what a fright!" The concern in question,
called Dresher Brothers, has cleaning methods
strange to others, and at their plant on the street
called Farnam, they are gainjtag fame as great as
Barnum. Your white waist or dress, your trousers
linen, may be cleansed like the mind of one who's
sinnin'. Now, Dresners really know their biz, their
cleaning methods with knowledge sizz; they 'walit
. your white clothes to clean arid press ; they want you
to preserve your cool neat dress; they take out spots;
they alter, too; they want' the trade of folks like you.
Their phones are listed T. ,Thirteen Hundred; their
plant 2211-2213 as the streets are numbered; they
pay one way if you ship from afar; if work worth $3
goes via car; remember, friend, it's true and right,
"Dresners are the PROPER folks to make clothes
white." j
In Our Windows
you will find a good many specially priced articles
this week. When down town, look anyway.
821 K I-
an unsanitary process that the profession at well as the user, must
think of. The old way is filthy as compared with Dr. Todd's Pat
ented Teeth.
PR, TODD. Cilice 403 Brandeis
Colorado's Greatest ' Scenic Mountain
Resort There is not a spot comparable
tor both wild rugged glory and the vel
vet, parklike beauty here, where one
finds the Rocky mountains at their best,
At the Stanley Hotels you will find all
modern conveniences and comforts that
you will find in the best city hotela
Plenty of diversion for old and young;
trout fishing, tennis, golf, bowling, bil
liards Surrey, horseback and autorro
blle rides over many mountain trails un
der the carr of experienced guide. Write
for beautiful Illustrated souvenir book
let AUn LA1CBOSV, Xaaags.
Estes Park. Colo.
Muscallonge Galore
. Over 40 lakes, accomodations for 80
guesta Bass and Muscallonge fish
ing at the door. Write for S3 pegs
booklet Bus meets all trains at
ran coirs oajcp,
Dorset, Hubbard County, XlB&esota.
Reliable Painless
Vo form of gas given for Painless
I1.00 set of teeth for $8.00
Save half on your dentist billa
Call on ua Examination of teeth
Barbae Block, Sd Jloor.
lfith a Douglas.
Yhoas Song. 6661. Omaha, treb.
I had teeth extracted without
pain at the Illinois Dental Parlors
July 19, 1912, and highly recom
mend them. J. J. FLINN,
t 7lS Meridlth Ava
Over ys 's Jewelry Store.
All our beautiful exclusive,
evening gowns and dresses at
Half Price and Less.
18th Street.
Dr. Todd is Introducing sanitary Porce-
l lain Bridge Work, which he urges you to
investigate. Dentists do not like to be told
that they have been using half teeth; It is
Worn now will Insure you
against all future foot troubles.
Whether you have ever had
foot troubles or not, your legs
and feet need the proper sup
port, and the . scientific heel
base of the the Atiatomik shoe,
extending, forward and to the
side beyond the point of the
greatest pressure, is the only '
means'by which proper support ,
can" be obtained.
Come in and try on a pair of
Anatomiks. We have your ex
act ei?e. They feel so different,
so much more comfortable than
ordinary shoes. ' '
Anatomik. shoes
are the most Imi
tated shoes in the
world. The Anato
mik Booklet tella
why the real Anato
mik can satisfy
your feet.
Trade mark shown here is in
every pair' of Anatomiks.
Drexel Shoe Co,
1419 Farnam Street