Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Have Boot Mat XV
Electric rasa Bargass-Oraaaea Oet
Stack-raiooser Co- 24th and Harney.
Undertakers, embalniera. Douglas 887.
Xabbi Bhaipiro to Speak Rabbi
Barnch Sharplro of New York. & capable
young Jewish orator, will deliver two lec
tures In the Hebrew synagogue. Eighteenth-
and Chicago streets, one at S
o'clock Saturday afternoon and the other
at 6:30 Sunday evening.
, Short Weight Corrected T. C Bruner
4 Son, against whose firm John Grant
Pegg filed complaint for selling short
weight flour, have agreed to withdraw
from the stores of six dealers the flour
aomplalned of. the city sealer of weights
and measures to report to the police Judge
when the flour la off the market.
Two - Picnics Today The Sunday
school of St. Luke's Lutheran church,
,Sputh Omaha, will picnic in Elmwood
park this afternoon, and at the same
time St Mathew's Lutheran church of
Omaha will picnic in Falrmount ' park.
Council Bluffs. Both schools will go to
the picnic grounds in special cars of the
street railway company.
Swedish Sinffera to Duluth Saturday
night, on its regular train, the North
western takes a carload of the members
of the .Omaha Swedish singing society to
Duluth, Minn., where the annual meeting
ef the American Union of Swedish sing
ers convenes next Sunday. The Omaha
singers will, work under the direction of
John Helgren, leader,, who accompanies
them on the trip.
Seville 0. Stiles i Promoted Savllle
I. Stiles, who has been connected with
the Carey Laundry and Cleaning company
for the last year in charge of the depart
ment of new business, will be promoted
to the position of manager the first of
the month. Mr. Stiles was born and
raised in thla city and his promotion
comes as a mark of appreciation of at
tentiveness and ability.
Havey and Charities
Are Seeking .Work
for the Unemployed
The Associated Charities Is .calling for
help, because Police Commissioner Ryder
has announced that he would find work
for Idle men and not only have the idle
men applied to Patsy , Havey at Rydei-s
office, but have been pleading for work
at the charities. ' .
"We need jobs where men may work
by the day," said Secretary Porter of the
charities. ' "We have several applications
and we are unable to provide them with
Havey has found work for several men,
1 hut there are others still out of jobs who
declare they really want to work ' and
an attempt is being made to land them a
P. S. McAuley, probation , officer of
South Omaha, is back from a tour of
the east occupying five weeks. He at
tended the convention of Charities and
Corrections in Cleveland and from there
went to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Jersey
City, New York, Albany, Brooklyn and
other cities where he studied the work of
charities and listened to the discussion
of politics.
"It seemed to me that all New Tork
was talking Taft," said Mr. McAuley,
"arid in nty opinion the state will go for
him without any question. Outside of
New Tork, however, the country seems
more divided."
Each age of our lives has its Joys. Old
I people should be hapqy, and they will be
1 If Chamberlain's Tablets are taken to
strengthen the digestion and keep the
bowels regular. These tablets are mild
and gentle in their action and especially
suitable for people of middle age and
older. For sale by all dealers.
A committee from the Boulevard Place
Improvement club has presented a pe
tition to Water' Commlssoner Howell ob
jecting to the proposed assessment of
property holders to pay part cost of the
mains. The commtiteee has asked for
several mains, pointing out that they are
needed for fire protection.'
Terrible Itching. Began with Rash
Dandruff Literally Covered Scalp,
Entirely Cured by Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Within One Month.
8003 Cass St.. St. Louis, Mo. "For fire
years I suffered with itching of my body
and scalp. My trouble began with a rath
on my lower limbs which
was very annoying and my
scalp was literally covered
with dandruff. My hair need
to come out by toe handfuls
and the itching of my body
and scalp was terrible. I
had used almost all the skin
remedies on the market
with no results, when I
wrote for a little Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment and it gave me instant relief. Within
one month's use of the Cuticura Soap and
Ointment I was entirely cored. I cannot
discover one strand of my hair coming out
and I have not lost a minute of sleep smos
using the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, which
entirely cured me of itching of my body
and scalp to ita worst, farm. I also and
the Cuticura Soap a benefit la shaving.'
(Signed) Charles Judlm, Dec 8, 1911.
' For red, rough, chapped and bleeding
bands. Itching, burning palms, shapeless
palls and painful finger-ends, a one-night
' Cuticura treatment' 'Korks wonders. Soak
hands, on retiring, in ht water and Cuttcura.
Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticura OtaSnesnt,
and wear old, loose gloves during the aught,
Cuticura Soap (25c) and Cuticura Oint
ment (50c) are sold throughout the world.
Liberal sample of each mailed free, with
83-p. book oa the skin andyKalp. Address
post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston.'
asTwxisr-faced men should use Cuticura
Soap Sharing Stick. 25c. Sample free.
, ...
Realty Men Make Hard
Work in Efforts for Fun
sw aLovet
TTM owe
uw By
'vmr ronfss j
Some men have a sad time hunting for
joy. ' There was sport, sport everywhere
at Happy Hollow club when the real es
tate men went there for tbelr annual
picnic, and not a game they could play.
Where the frolic came in was watching
each other's lugubrious faces as some
thing to have fun with was sought But
as the day wore on each got into his
stride and the smiles began to appear.
They found that after all it was Just as
much fun to try to play as it is to play
and when the fact came to them their
joy grew unconfined.'. -
S. P. Bostwick. Peter Jessen, Aleo C.
Reed, Dean Glover, Jack Norton, Ed Bed
ford, Clifford Saddler, George Morton
and a few others went into a base ball
game. They . toyed with It for seven
Innings and had to give it up lest the
excitement become too intense. Charles
Martin, a real estate Vnan. acted as um
pire and as a logical sequence the real
estate men won the game.
These men were in the lineup:
Real Estate Men Lyons. Thatcher.
Stoltenberg, Brandt, Wyman, Glover,
Carlberg, Mister, Bedford.
Abstracters Saddler. Reed. McAndrewa.
Pracht, Phlppen, Kerr, Norton, Jessen,
D. V. Sholes and Harry Tukey chose
up sides and went out for eighteen holes
of golf. When they started they ap
peared frightened. The one great play
Uniform Bank, W. 0. W., Plans to
Pitch Tents at Krug's Park.
Drill Teams Will Remain Here for a
- Week, Enjoying? Camp Life and
Competing; for Various
Maneaver Medals.
, All preparations have been made for
Uniform Rank encampment of district
No. 1, Woodmen of the World, at Krug
park from July 24 to 28, inclusive. The
district comprises the drill teams of Ne
braska, Iowa, Minnesota and North and
South Dakota. The camp will be named
"OmahaV ,
; Encampments of the various districts
in the country are being held during this
month.' The company winning first and
second prise in the field drill at the dis
trict encampments will be entitled to a
trip, to the ' national encampment, with
expenses while in camp, consisting of
tents, cots and meals, and railroad fare
in proportion to the amount of the ap
propriation on hand after providing for
the encampment expenses.
Prises Will Be Given.
First and second ribbons will also be
awarded at the encampment Trophies
and prizes for individual drills, dis
cipline and guard duty will also be er
ranged for during the encampment
A regular military program will be in
effect during the encampment Guard
mount in the morning and review in the
evening will be part of the program.
Contesting drills and parades will be ar
Friday evening, July 26, has been set
aside by Samson as a special night for
the Woodmen of the World, when the
entire forces of the encampment will go
to the den and become loyal subjects of
King Ak-Sar-Ben. .
' On Saturday night, ' July 27, at 8 o'clock
a special open air publlo '.-utiatioa will
be held in the natural forest at the north
end of Krug park by Benson camp No.
288. A large class , of candidates will be
Introduced, exemplifying '.ho protection
degree. The publio is Invited to be present
and see the work for themselves, that
they may fully understand the dignified
and beautiful ritualistic work of the
Woodmen of the World.
Camp Routine Is Outlined.
The camp routine which will be fol
lowed during the five days' encampment
by the drill teams is as follows r
Reveille: First call, 6 a. m.; reveille.
6 .-05 a. m.; assembly, 6:15 a. m.
f atigue cau (ponce? lmmeaiateiy aiier
assembly: Mess, 6:90 a. m.; inspection.
7:15 a. m.; sick, 8 a. m.; first sergeant s
call, a m.
Guard mount: Adjutant's call. 8 10 a.
m.; assembly, 8:30 a. m.
Officer's call (school) w a. m.: .nets,
12 m.; first call, (for contestants), 1.46
. m.. assembly, 2 p. m.; mess, 5 p. u.
Paraot and retreat: First call, 7.40 p.
m.; assembly. 7:46 p. m.; retreat, 8:;0 p.
m.; tattoo, 10:39 p. m.; taps, 11 p. m.
With the arrest of Charles Speck the
police think they have the man who Is
responsible for the many tool thefts dur
ing the last few weeks. When arrested
by Detectives Dunn and Fleming Speck
had a sack full of tools, which they think
were stolen from a house on Grand
Speck has been identified as the man
who stole tools valued at nearly $70 from
G. W. Buner at Thirty-ninth and Daven
port streets. The tools were sold to Max
Rubenstein, a pawnbroker. He says
Speck is the man he bought the prop
erty from.
Brandels Stores Offer Annual Choice
of the House Sale Kext
. Saturday. .
Saturday you may come to Brandels
Stores and choose any man's suit in our
entire stock, no matter what the former
selling price, for 116. This includes the
finest brands of men's clothes made in
America.. Suits that have been priced
all season at 222.60, 125, $27.50 and even
up to $36.
All the medium and light weight suits.
all our blue serge suits, ail our full dress
and Tuxedo suits Included at $16.
Also all our men's pants, worth up to
$4 a pair at $1.98 a pair.
All our men's pants, worth up to $6 a
pair at $2.98 a pair.
All our men's pants, worth up to $7.60
a pair at $3.&o a pair.
Saturday, July 20, at
j j
came when Brower McCague drove his
golf ball over- a hill and struck Harsy
Christie's caddy in the back of the neck.
It was joy to find something to worry
about. A purse was made up for the kid
and he was sent to the club house. The
teams were:
D. V. Sholes, captain; Wead. Calkins,
Fowler, ONeil, E. C. Garvin. C. C.
George, Tunnlcliff, Carlberg, W. H.
Thomas, Flack, Spain. Robblns.
H: A. Tukey, captain; Gates, Allen
Tukey. Christie, Creigh, Selby, C. Slb
bernsen, Pierpont. Brandt, MoFarland,
Freeman, B. McCague, Clay Thomas.
In the bowling alley W. H. Green found
his delight He played solitaire and mar
velled at the high scores he made. When
George Morton, H. B. Christie and S.
P. Bostwick found him there they wanted
to try it Each got off to himself and
was nearly tickled to pieces with the re
sult After the dinner the speakers were
given an inning. It is the exchange mem
ber's delight to be able to hold his hear
ers spellbound. Entered in this hot air
contest were D. C. Patterson, C. C
George, George G. Wallace. Colonel Cur
tis, G. H. Payne, T. J. O'Nell, F. D.
Wead and a few other imitation orators.
Failure to embalm all the great speeches
in stenographlo notes is posterity's loss
It was a great day for them and one
that will be remembered long after their
sore muscles heal.
Northwestern Men Find Excellent
Conditions in Grain Belt.
They Spend a Short Time In Omaha
and Take a Trip of Inspection
to Various Parts of
, the City.
Inspecting property and Investigating
crop conditions with a view of syste
matically moving grain and live stock to
market this fall, most of the executive
heads and a number of operating offi
cials of the Northwestern arrived in
Omaha yesterday morning.
When they left at noon they were all
fully convinced that Nebraska is gather
ing one of the best small grain crops in
the history of the state and if weather
conditions are right for the next few
weeks, the corn crop will be a bumper.
The party was composed of Marvin
Hughitt. chairman of the board; J. V.
Farwell and Homer Miller, directors; H.
R. MoCullough and R. A. Alshton, vice
presidents;. E. M. Hyser, general counsel;
W. D. CantUlion. general manager; Mar
vin Hughitt. Jr., freight traffic manager;
A. C. Johnson, passenger traffic manager;
R. N. Quale, superintendent of motive
power; E. a Carter, chief engineer; J.
D. Caldwell, secretary and L. A. Robin
son, comptroller.
At Norfolk the party was met by Frank
Walters, general manager of the lines
west of the Missouri river, and 8. F.
Miller, general freight and passenger
agent who with S. M. Braden and C. H.
Reynolds, superintendents of the Ne
braska lines, accompanied the train to
At Omaha the party made a hurried
drive about the city In automobiles, going
over the company's terminals and
through the jobbing, retail and residence
districts. '
Crops In Fin Condition.
They said that through Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Iowa the small grain ap
pears to be In splendid condition, but the
harvest Is not far enough advanced to
make any estimate as to the yield. No
where, however, did they find crops bet
ter than in Nebraska. Across from Sioux
City to Norfolk, they found the harvest
well under way in a large number of
the fields, an dtalklng with agents and
elevator men where they stopped, ascer
tained that the yield will be from twenty
to thirty bushels per acre.
In the Elkhorn valley from Norfolk,
they found crop conditions even more
favorable than in the northern portion
of the state. . All ' through this section
they found thirty and thirty-five bushels
per acre of wheat, with oats and barley.
up to the normal and the quality the
best in years.
Down the Elkhorn valley the officials
saw corn fields that they admitted af
forded them some - pleasant ' surprises.
They found that the corn, owing to the
recent warm weather, is fully up to the
normal stage of growth, is of a dark
green color, excellent stand and giving
promise of a most bounteous crop.
Speaking of the Nebraska lines, the
visitors said that they are in prime con
dition, owing to, the efforts of those
who are under General Manager Walters,
and that the business is satisfactory for
this time of year. , .-
"I am doing the best I can," says the
sheriff regarding the letter addressed to
him by State Superintendent Carson of
the Anti-Saloon league. 'If Mr. Carson
has evidence of law violations let him lay
it before the county attorney instead of
going around looking for publicity. I
have only three field men and they can't
keep track of everything. I have com
municated with the manager of Con
cordia park and he tells me the story
about my deputies being there and drink
ing is untrue. I don't believe they were
there at all. I don't know whether I
shall answer Carson's letter or inot I
shall go right ahead doing my duty tha
best I know how and it doesn't make any
difference to me what Carson says or
The finance committee and chairman
of all the committees of the Board of
Education 'will meet Tuesday afternoon
at 3 o'clock to consider the data upon
which the levy will be based. The meet
ing will be held in the secretary's office.
Timely Rains Fall,
Bringing Moisture
to Growing Corn
Well distributed rains felt throughout
Nebraska and adjoining states during the
early morning hours yesterday.
In scattered localities the corn was in
need of moisture, and the rain haa a
tendency to set at rest even the remotest
Rain started falling about 1 o'clock In
the morning ' (n Omaha and continued
until about daylight, .94 of an- Inch hav
ing fallen. . Reports from other points
received by Colonel Welsh of the weather
bureau are: North Platte, 1.04; Colum
bus.. .92; . Ashland, .62; Hastings. .76;
Holdrege, .60, and Grand Island, .68.
Other points all over the west received
from one-half to Jihree-quarters of an
Inch. There was one Inch at Arapahoe
and Oxford. .
Brace Eldridge Sends His Machine
Distance of Sixty-Six Feet.
Third Goes to Nets Nordquist, Who
Haa a Beautiful Model of Oiled
Silk and Varnished
Yesterday's Winners.
First prise-Won by Bruce Eldrege, 1709
Park SVtnun. fllrM nt tot f.t INm ran.
fiMATlt niHA Wan Km Tffi VaaV. 10
Jackson street, flight of 31 feet 6 Inches.
miru pi us won Dy iNeis noraquist.
Thirty-first and Stone avenue, flight of
26 feet 8 inches.
Previous Winners.
Hugo Heyn k ,m0
Otis Shurtleff . 1911
Edwin Oreevy.. February, 1912
With a record flight of 66 feet by his
tiny monoplane, Bruce Eldrege, a 18-year-old
boy living at 1709 Park avenue, won
the fourth model meet of the Omaha
Boys Aero dub at the Fort Omaha bal
loon house yesterday. Eldrege wins
the silver challenge trophy cup offered
by the Nebraska Aero club. He will hold
the trophy until the 191$ spring model
meet. v
Roy Moore, who took second place,
was awarded a year's membership in
the boys' department of the Toung Men's
Christian association. Third place and
a book on aviation topics went to Nels
The record of sixty-six feet set by the
Eldredge monoplane beats the flight
made by Edwin Greevy's model aeroplane
on February 17, this year. The Greevy
model flew .forty-five feet and eleven
Inches on that date.
Greevy had to retire from competition
this morning because the wings of his
model were smashed in one of the trail
flights. Although out of the race himselg.
Greevy took the Eldredge model in hand
and succeeded in adjusting the rudder
and propeller so that the tiny air craft
flew the record distance of sixty-six feet.
Roy Moore had two models entered and
made a creditable showing with both,
his single propellor flying thirty-one feet
and six inches. -
Fourteen-year-old Nets Nordquist had
the largest and best built model in the
meet,' but lacked enough rubber band
power to send it speeding through the
air. Nordquist' s entry was replete with
oiled silk and varnished framework. "His
model would start with a graceful rise in
the air to a height of twelve feet and
then dip suddenly and fall on the ce
ment floor of the balloon house.
Only five models were entered, but a
good sised crowd of youngsters was on
hand to watch the efforts of the young
J. J. Deright acted as referee and the
judges were B. W, Shyrock, E E Lits
and Sergeant Kehoe J W Miller of the
"T" association acted as announcer
Cahow Sets Record
for Range Cattle
John T; Coffee, a young ranchman from
Harrison, Neb., was on the South Omaha
market yesterday with a two car ship
ment of beef steers. These cattle were
matured grass stock of a white face
strain averaging 1,221 pounds. Mr. Cof
fee had the pleasure of seeing his cattle
bring unhoped for prices, forty head
selling at $7-60, one at $8.60 and another
of L620 pounds at $9.26 per hundredweight,
the latter being the highest price ever
paid upon any market for a grafls fed
animal. The sale was made by Ed Cahow
of the National Live Stock Commission
company and the prices again mark
South Omaha as being first among live
stock markets.
Emil Olson wae picked up by the po
lice early this morning during the heavy
downpour of rain at Eleventh and Far
nam streets, where he was wandering
around the street in his underwear fast
asleep. He was dslcharged in police
When picked up by the officer, Olson
was wet to the skin and going through
the movements of a swimmer. He told
the judge he had imbibed too freely last
Clothes were provided for Olson by the
police officers.
Gus Wlliams a member of the 1911
Omaha base ball team, has been called In
by the St. Louis Browns and will report
there Saturday morning to fill an outfield
position. Williams played all of last sea
son with Omaha. . He was owned by the
Browns and this spring farmed out to
Montgomery of the Southern league.' His
work there was great and attracted tho
attention of his owners.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns.
"Ho!" cried "the poet with delight,
"They taste like sun and autumn blended."
Then penned a toast straightway to Post,
"Here's to your Toasties they are splendid."
Written by C. M. SNYDER,
460 Riverside Drive, New Tork City,
One of the 60 Jingles for which the Postum Co., ,
Battle Creek. Mich., paid $1000.00 in May,
Bride of Four Days Recites Story of
- Tragic Mistreatment.
In Divorce Petition She Telle that
Husband Threatened to Kill Her
Parents If She Did Not
Elope with Him.
Tragic mistreatment of a pretty young
girl is recited in a petition for divorce
filed In district court by Christina Woyni,
a bride of four days, against John Woyni.
. She charges that after forcing her to
wed by threata against tbe lives of her
parents Woyns placed her in a room in
the Oxford hotel, and there and else
where compelled her to drink boer and
smoke' cigarettes.
Woyns three months ago went to work
on the farm of J. C. Knag, father of the
girl, about a mile north of Florence. She
was just past 18 years of age and listened
to the love making of the new farm hand.
She was unwilling to. leave her home and
marry, however. At last Woyns told the
girl she would have to marry him and
unless she would elope with him he would
murder her father and mother and tako
her away by force.
Frightened out of her senses and will
ing to aubmlt to anything rather than
have her parents slain, the petition says,
the girl eloped to Lincoln with Woyni
and was married on July 13. .
The following day, the petition says,
Woyns brought his young wife back to
Omaha and secured a room at the Ox
ford hotel. There the husband made his
wife drink beer and smoke cigarettes,
much against her will. He took her to
other places about the city, making her
drink beer and smoke. He then took her
to a Russian rooming house, where they
were given a room, and in his
two men, whom she does not know, vis
ited her for a half hour, but did not offor
her harm nor insult.
During an absence of Woyns Wednos-
day the girl left the rooming house and
went back to her parents' home. .
In the afternoon Knag employed
Deputy County Attorney L, J. Piattl to
start a divorce action. A warrant to
place Woyns under bonds to keep the
peace was sworn out, but the man has
not yet been found.
Mr. Piattl said there probably will be no
criminal prosecution, as there is not suf
ficient evidence.
Realty Activity
Shows Increase
From Last Year
Report of Frank W. Bandle, register of
deeds for Douglas county, for the second
quarter of 1912 shows heavy Increase in
business over the corresponding quarter
of 1911. While the receipts of the office
show an increase of $612.66, the expenses
show a slight decrease and saving of
$68.76. . The surplus shows an Increase
of $676.40. While 437 more documents were
filed than in the corresponding quarter
a year ago, the expense was slightly
decreased and consequently there is a
large increase in surplus fees turned into
the county treasurer's office.
The comparative figures follow:
1911. 1912.
Receipts $6,079.36 $6,692.00
Expenditures .-. 8,263.74 3,189.89
Surplus, turned into
county treasurer's of
fice 1,826.61 2,602.01
Documents filed. 1911. 4,114 1 1913. 4,531.
Corn in Thurston
Needs Rain Badly
' 'Three weeks ago the corn in our sec
tion was a month behind and now It Is
fifteen days behind the normal for the
time-of year," said J. C. Fellows, a
farmer of Winnebago, at the Merchants
hotel yesterday. "It has been making
gains due to little scattered local show
ers, but .unless a good rain comes to
the relief soon, the corn crop cannot
be expected to amount to much.
Mr. Fellows expects rain, however, and
says within the next ten days the people
will be surprised how rapidly the corn
will make gains. At present It Is not
over two feet high In most places In
Thurston county, where Mr, Fellows
lives. The small grain crop Is fairly
A. D. Brown ' of Sumner, Neb., says:
Alfalfa, which is one of the great
est crops of Dawson county, has
yielded an excellent first crop, and Is
expected to yield good subsequent crops,
although on account of long continued
dry weather the second crop does not
as yet show the best prospects. Mr.
Brown says his yearling and two-year
old colts never see grain, aa he raises
them entirely on alfalfa until he gets
ready W work them.
Following an annual custom, Bailey
Wagner, general attorney for the Mis
souri Pacific at Atchison, Kan., is giving
the Kansas children an excursion and
picnic, he being the host.
At his own expense, Mr. Wagner has
chartered a train of ten cars on the
Burlington and is taking 600 children from
White Cloud and intermediate points to
Atchison, where in one of the parks he is
entertaining them, supplying the lunch,
refreshments and amusements. This eve
ning he will send them to their respective
For years Mr. Wagner has been giving
the Kansas children an excursion, pic
nic and days' outing each summer, bring
ing them from points within 100 miles
or so from Atchison, his home town.
They are always entertained in the park
and he Is always on hand to see that
they are taken care of and given every
attention. Each year he hires all the
help and pays all the expenses.
Take Warning.
Don't let stomach, . liver nor kidney
trouble down you when you can quickly
down them with Electric Bitters. 60c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
S i : : wm&mmrr v
it is made no better. "
Old Age is made a-ood
as the best master brewers
know how to make It com-.
pletely good, and la kept that
way by
Sterilized Amber Bottles.
ramlly trade supplied by l
oath Omana
SSOa If Street
Tel. South tea.
Council Bluffs "Old
Age" Bar, isia S. 6th
St., Phone 8683.
Omaha STDwO T. BXLS, ..'
13.4 Douglas Street. lhone Doug. 1543.
Lv. OMAHA .... 10:45 A. M.
Ar. KANSAS CITY 5:30 P. M.
DINING CAR SERVICE (Meals a la Carte)
This new train makes - direct connections In Kansas City with
the following Missouri .Pacific trains:
, 6:00 P. M. for Colorado and the West.
6:20 P. M. Kansas City-Hot Springs Express for
' Ft. Smith, Little Rock, Hot Springs and all points
South. - - .
0:50 P. M. for Wichita and the Southwest.
O'lKn m i 'or Sedalla,
i. ni. f
p. m. f
w - r
and points
11:45 P. M. for Carthage, Joplin and the White
River country.
We Guarantee It
' Wayne, Pa December 20, 1910,
Valentme8iCo.;NewYork ,
Gentlemen I wish to say a good word in refer
ence to Valspar. I have used this varnish in October,
1907, on extreme outside work where it was not .
protected from anything. This month we went back
to same job and gave it one coat, finding this was
all that was required as there was plenty of body still
left, only dead here and there.
I have tried all kinds of outside varnish here
before, but must say this is the best of ail.
I know there cannot be too much said about such
an article, and I also know there are plenty of men
looking for such varnish, but don't know where to find
it. I shall never buy another as long as it remains
what it is and hope many more will find out the good
results it gives. -1 remain yours very truly, . .
1416 Harney St.
Put your Want-ad in
The Be
It will reach twice as many homes .
Lv. KANSAS CITY. 1:45 P. M.
Ar. Omaha ...... 8:30 P. M.
Jefferson City, St, Louis
if riii
a in , r s
The route of this new service is along the Mis
souri River for a large part of the way, thus af
fording a most enjoyable, picturesque daylight trip.
For reservations and any information, phone or
Trav. Jass. Agt. Vass. and Tioket Agt.
1433 Tarnam St. Phone Doug. 104. r ; '
A Wayne (Penn.)
Man Writes This,
r 7 n
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TSki.-i i ?
Hade by