Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Stores and Offices.
A new modern store and apartment
building la under construction on Farnam
St., at the head of 25th Ave.
Store rooms will be either 40x130 or 20s
120 feet. Any arrangement within reason
to suit tenant. Building will have full
basement, steam heat and all modern
conveniences. The apartments will be
very attractive with water and lavatory
in every room.
See us regarding lease on these fine
store rooms, which will be complete in
about 90 days.
per month, 422 S. 15th, room 22x60 ft..
In best of repair. Only 4 doors 'from
Orpbeura theater.
$60 per month, 617 or 19 S. 16th, rooms
, 22x60 feet, with full basement Fine
new modern store fronts, suitable for
any good line of merchandise. Fix
tures, plumbing, etc.
$S5 per month. 613 S. 16th, alley store
, room, just south of the Union Out
' fitting Co. Double show windows;
full basement. In splendid repair.
$175 per month, S22 S. 16th, room 22x60
feet Steam heat, full basement and
modern show windows.
In City National Bank Bldg.. 411-413 S.
16th St., 2 fine store rooms . in the
best shopping district See us for
terms. Also 1 small store room at
16th and farnam Sts suitable for
exclusive hat business or ' similar
Phone Douglas 756 or Ind. A-1756.
902-12 City National Bank Bldg.
Warehouses. 1
WAREHOUSE storage space, several
floors of 8,000 square feet each with ele
vator service, water heat and light also
well lighted sample floor and office
space. On Union Paciflo tracks in heart
of wholesale district Kingman Plow Co.,
8th and Jones Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Maaleal Instrument. ,
rOR SALE-A new S200 Victrola: has
i never been used. If Interested ask tor
j price. M 237, Bee office.
RKNT from the manufacturers direct
' No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 2 months, J4.0U.
) 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type
J writer Company;
. WE rent you an up-to-date typewriter
( one month for $3.00, or 3 months for $7.50.
i L; & Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., UU
LParnam St, Omaha.
I '
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
i safes; all sizes and makes; , bargains.
American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam 3t
' FOR SALE New and second-hand
I carom- and pocket' billiard tables and
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures-or all tunas; easy . payments, xne
Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Ca, 407-4OJ
6 10th street .
'. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures
bought, sold. Levy, 2E10 N., So. Omaha.
OLD SAFES, DERIGHT, 1818 Farnam St
- . . . Miscellaneous.
. 1208 will buy an up to date dry celaning
(works, good as . new.- Canadian office,
118 So.' 15th. .
3 BINDING TWINE for sale; f. o. b.
Formoso, Kan., on R. L R. R. $6.75 per
1100 pounds; f. o. b. Superior, Neb., N. W.
It R., S. F. or Mo. P., $6.85 per 100 pounds.
The Jewell County Co-Operatlve Business
'Association, Formoso, Kan. '
Household gda, clothes & shoes. D3971 B1959
Best prices old clothes & shoes. Web. 6146.
WE BUT anything- in store and office
fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply
Co., 12th-and Howard. Douglas 2724.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
.-clothing. 521 No. 16th. Douglas 7726.
Bachman buys, sells furn'fre. 2108 Cuming
Buy, sell ' and exchange. N.
WANTED to buy a stock of general
merchandise,- cheap,. In Nebraska or
Iowa. Apply or write .Raphael. Pred Co.,
Omaha. ' '
'--iWTI.T. uv nv -nuftiber- of -cows, from
Vf cows to five carloads; Heavy springers
r iresn preierreo. -1 Aiwraw . ehuiuu
Dairy) -1814 Farnam St. '
A HOME in south part of town, be
tween Martha and Vinton, cost not more
than-$2,000. Can pay about half -cash.
Address E.460;- Bee: :. " ' :
Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge.:-
VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Ann
D. Fisher, 401 ware ptoo. aw
'jjtassage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse. 808 Boston Bid
"THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
ff clothing; in fact, anything you , do not
need. We collect, repair and sell at 134
N. lltH Si., for cost of collection, to th
worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 - and
wagons'wll! call- -
Allen of Chicago,' 109 S. 17th. 1st ft. P. m.
-YOUNG women coming to Omaha, as
'strange are invited to. -visit the Young
Women's Christian association building
fat 17th and St. Mary's -je.. where they
':m k. m rtA m uita.ble boarding
!i.iaa. . ntherwise assisted. Look for
inii r.viers' aid at th Union station.
SHOWER baths, 208 S. 18th St Room
1 825.. Dally ana sunoay.
nnn urMT anrl ranalr all kinds of SW
ling machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglaf 16a
15th and Harney Sts.
A OC3 A riif Swedish movement, api
MAbbAUXi 2, 1802 Farnam. D. 6240.
'"BATHS. Swedish massage. Mra Snyder.
No. 3, The Dunsany, 10th & Plercs. D. 4380.
' A CO ifiP Expert treatment, Mrs.
,uui.i.kik-.vjj- Steele, zu B. i at. xv acq
I at your home; work guaranteed, u. sm.
Ht A irVTFTTf! treatment E. Brott. 710
jjiauiinixyj jgtj 2(i floor. D.
. A XTXT A. TT TVf A PTTQ 8oienUflo mas-
uuixia xx.. juxuxxxu 102 Far-
'nam, Davidg Blk., Ap't, 3. ..Red 7629.
, WANTED City loans and warrant.
W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St
. (Uiix lAJAiNS... -ttemis-iarioerg
v f-n -nn-Tiy Km rid Bin '1'tiM.lsr Kiae.
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
OMAHA property add Nebraska lands,
WIS New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building.
WANTED City loans Peters. Trust Co.
LOANS Farm and city property,, J.
H. Dumont & son. ija Farnam St.
"Wanted farm loans, JKJoke Inv. Co., Oma.
$100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. IX
Wead.'Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam.
MONEY to loan on business or real'
dence properties, $lv000 to $500,00. W. H.
THOMAS, w first ari Bank Bldg.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt ana careful atten
tion. ' 'i t
ltT Stock Cmmtaalan Merchants
Byers Brcs. ft Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS.; 234-38 Exchange Bldg.
Great West Com. Co.) Omaha & Denver.
Clay, Robison & Co., 800 Exchange Bldg.
CLIFTON Com, Co., 822 Exchange Bldg.
-Martin Bros. & Co., Exch. Bldg.
TAGO BROS..I handle cattle, hogs, sheep.
FULLY modern Omaba 7-room home,
.fine neighborhood, worth $3,760. WU1
trade $1,800 eaultv for a small modern
cottage, in- Council Bluffs or Omaha off
car line. Must jm up-io-oate, gooa neign
. bochooa.
Partly modern 5-room cottage, worth
$2,100, In good neighborhood, will trade
H.200 -equity ror a gooa cottage in.rTe
. mon.t- UUicK answer. ;
iDeuel & Hankinson
i 201 Paxton Block. . Doug. 2877.
TO EXCHANGE-Good smooth land and
new well rented town property tor stock
of general merchandise well located In
eastern Kansas, Nebraska or western
Iowa; can use large stock and might put
In come cash if stuff is good enough;
give full details in first letter. Address
Box L, Setbert, Colo.
BOOK 1.000 farms to exchange: get our
fa!r plan of exchanging. Qraham Bros..
Eldorado, Kan. '
Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of.
flee In Nebraska. 206 Brnndels Theater.
Ideal Cemnt Co.. 17th and Cuming Sta
Fuchs, Son ft Blind, palnting.decorating.
Ortn S. Merrill. 121S C:ty Nat. Bank Bid.
Five acres lri Benson. 5 blocks from, ear:
one acre in bearing fruit, rest good plow
land, tine spring on one corner of this
land, 6-room house, built about 6 years.
This land is rltht in line with the growth
of Benson. Property Is now vacant.
Owner is very anxious to sell. Price now
down to $5,000.
O'Neil R. E. & Ins. Agency,
1605 Farnam St .
. , TeL; Tyler 1024; Ind. A-331J. .
Dundee Home
Easy Payments
$e08 cash, balance in monthly payments
of 138.20. will buy a new. well built two-
story, strict! modern five-room house at
911 N. 51st St. This house is three blocks
to the Dundee car and . five blocks to the
Cuming car. The living room and dining
room are finished in oak, bed rooms and
Datn room iinisnea in wmte snamei.
There are two large, light, airy closets,
sleeping porch, full cemented basement,
furnace. Lot 46x100. Price $3,708, $500 cash
ana $35.20 per month. Keys at our office.
Be sure to see this house. .
Douglas 200. 606 Bee Bldg.
Fine 6-Rom Bunga
low Choice Location
This is one of the best built and best
nlannAri hunffulaws in the city. It con
sists of the following arrangement of
rooms: .... . ... .
VESTIBULE, with good-sized coat
rlriKAt. nnk finiah.
FAKJjUxt, nice sizea, navmg peam ceil
ing, bookcase in pedestal, oas iiruun.
mtmini himjm. large. liKni. airy room.
nan el I fid walls, nlate rail, beam celling,
fine built-in buffet, china closet in pedes-
tal, oak finish. - - ,'
XVXlUniLiiN, BOOU-B1J&OU, llftiH. WIVA
one-piece enameiea sina, line paniry una
refrigerator entry, yellow pine linian.
DEN. nice sized, -eould be used either
as bed room, den or library, has large
Alnaal : flmiflH In ru lr .. : .
BED ROOMS, two good-sized tea rooms
upstairs, With plenty; Of Closet space, yet-
low pine I'nisn.- - -
; -rath traots. -rooa-stzed. and very com
plete( best grade of plumbing,; enameled
woodworm, side wans in imuauon me.
basement. lul cemented. nrai-cia
OTMLrantAed furnace, hot water tank.' con
nected wit n rurnace, launary sma,- wwu
hot and cold water, coal bin.
Doom In this bungalow - are two-panel
oak and birch, fine interior rinisn. pre
sent attractive outside anpearance. Very
thovnuK hlv built bv skilled mechanics ana
of f irst-clasa materials. We are selling
our houses on their merits. TMs particu
lar buiuralnw Is beine finished by US at
35th and Franklin sts., aiso istn ana iura
ana 22d and Fowler Ave. tamer prop
rtv can be boueht on a reasonable pay
ment down, balance practically the same
as rent " . "
Both phones. 307 McCague Bldg.
Good Investments
$7,500 Improved property within two
blocks of 24th and Farnam, renting
at $85 p4r month. Must sell at
' once at this flKure.
$7.750-New brick flats. Well located; two
six-room apartments; gooa tenants:
$75 per month clear;- paving ai
$8,750 Two . 12-room brick flats, cose In
ann wen incatea ior reuuu pur
poses; now paying -$90- per month
and worth more. Hard to beat for
' either permanent . Investment or
roomlnB house proposition.
$16,000-New brick flats built about a year
ago; iour apartments; consimwuun
. the best and but two blocks of Y.
W. C. A.; yearly rental; $1,728, and
ground sure to increase in vaiue.
1219-22 City National. Doug. 3863.
Fine Corner Lot
50x130 in the new cathedral district.
nermanent sidewalks in, both streets
paved and paid for, paving alone costing
$600; an taxes ana everyimns; paiu uv
date. A big bargain, $1,200.
O'Neil's R E. k Ins,
1805 Farnam. Street
Tyler 1024. Ind A-3313.
. $1,650 .
On absolutely clear property, a t-r.
house, advantageously ' located, ... paved
street, cement walks, full basement; this
property rents tor $30 per month; this is
as big a snap as there is in this city
must see to appreciate. Address K-445,care
6-room cottage, modern except'-heat,
near 18th and Miami St Call Webster 1672.
mailed ' free on application. Charles E.
Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance,
Rentals, car of property, Omaha, ;
' $850 A nice 4-room house with cellar,
barn, wagon and tool house. Doug. ftffO.
and 6palding,
cheap. Douglas 6.6.
Strictly mod., 6-r. cottage, furnace, alec,
light and fixtures, bath, cement walks,
etc.; tine, level lot, 40x120, 8. front, choice
location on north side, $3,260; your own
terms; two blocks to car. , ..-, - -.
New 6-room house, city water, electric
light, good corner lot,, near 14th and
Phelps; a snap at $1,750; small amount
down, balance like tent; 2 blocks to car.
These and three other similar pieces
must be sold within ten days.- Here's your
chance to get a home on best possible
term RUSSELL ft MeKITRICK CO., -632
Ramge Bldg. D. 867, lath and Harney.
BARGAlN--room modern - bouse . for
sale. Price $4,000. 2806 Dodge St See J. H.
Sblvley. , " -
Model Home
Kountze Place
Corner Lot
Southwest corner 22d and Evans Sts.,
the best built and best arranged house
offered today In Kountse Place.
Full basement, cemented.
Furnace and laundry sink.
Living room 14x28 feet
Fine dining room with six windows.
Beamed celling and paneled walls.
Open oak stairway.
Splendid kitchen. , -
Large butler's pantry.
Built-in cupboards. .
Refrigerator room..
Four fine bedrooms. . . -
Oak folors in all rooms '
Beautiful oak finish. v
Fine corner.
Lot 47x120 feet.
Close to school. '
One block to car.
Don't fall to see this beautiful place.
It Is planned right and splendidly built.
The price Is $4,800 and you could not
duplicate It for the money.
Norris & Martin
Phone Douglas 4270. 400 Bee Bldg.
A' Brand New Home
On Florence
Boulevard v
this is a well-built, very attractively
arranged. $-story, modern house. First
floor has large reception hall, living room,
dining room, with panelled walls, plate
rail, and., extension window with sta
tionary seat; large pantry; good . sized
kitchen and rear vestibule plastered with
Keene cement. Finished In oak; sand
finished walls attractively decorated In
flat oils. Second floor has 4 attractive
bedrooms, with white enamel finish,
mahogany doors and glass doorknobs;
complete bathroom, with pedestal lava
tory,- vltrous. china flush tank and mahogany-
. seat Oak . floors In all rooms.
Full cemented basement, with laundry
connections and A-No. 1 furnaoe.
Brushed brass combination lighting fix
tures and best bronze hardware. This
house is as well .built as it Is possible
and IS ready to move Into at once, be
ing complete In every detail.
Location 6108 Florence Boulevard, near
Miller Park, in Norwood Addition, where
many new homes are being erected. Price
$5,000. Will consider good Dundee lot at
right price as part payment Reasonable
terms. Investigated
George & Company
Phone. Douglas 758 or Ind.' A-1756.
902-12 City National Bank Bldg.
$1,650 $100 cash, balance monthly; 4428 De-
catur St., 6 rooms, water and gas;
lot 80x150 feet.
913 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.' Tel. Doug. 49.
Six rooms, ail 'modern.: furnace heat,
fine large lot, 60x132 ft. i paved street
Just a little west of 40th, front on Far
nam St. Price only $3,260. Terms.
106 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas 1653.
. . 3912 NO. 18TH ST.
New all modern. ( rooms, bath and
sleeping porch,- finished In oak, $ bed
rooms and sleeping porch, built for my
home, but owing to 'change in business
must sell this week.-- This Is Just being-
completed, I am otrenng -wis at tne sac
rifice price of $3,600 nd will; make terms
to resDonsime Darty. xms is me oesi
barraln in Omaba. See it at once and
make an offer. Call Doug. 1398 or Web.
Only $850
for a 50-foot front lot on the boulevard
Just north of Dodge t. Floe shade trees;
a snap.
E,,Wa- Stoltenberg
489 Board of Trade Bldg.
Vacant Lot in benson
Price $200
Beginning July lath, will reduce pries
on K. Vs lot 10, diock , on Liucas oi.,
between Clark and Burnham, $1 per day
until sold. Must be sold by August 1st.
Phone Webster ssuo. . ' '
JOHN W. KUtfmiNB. 1W r ACUVAJt ox.
. . Colorado. -
120 acre relinquishment one half under
North Sterling Ditch and Reservoir, sys
tem completed, water flowing In reser
voir, 4 miles of small town, U. P. rail
road. - Place can . be homesteaded under
8 year law which requires only 1 months
residence each year. Price $926.00 cash
tor short time..
109 South 3rd St. Sterling, Colo.
Farming by Irrigation offers many
profit making opportunities. , i
GRAIN FAKAiiiNi in tne can luis
Vallfiv brinies splendid returns. Fifty
bushels to. the acre, and 100 bushels of
oats to the acre are common ana very
HOOS, sheep and cattle offer equally
rood Droflts. Two hundred thousand acres
of field peas are annually raised and fed
to stock.
Sugar beets, potatoes and garden truck
bring from $75 to $300 per acre.
Ton can buy land from us that will
produce such, crops at from 176 to $125
per acre.
Easy terms If desired. '.
The Charles E. Gibson Company.
1017 First Nat Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo.
. . ... Idaho. , . ,
land, three miles from town, . for $7,500,
and will take $400 cash and will give J
years on the balance, For Information
writ Henry Maples. Richfield. Idaho.
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to - insert' a small want ad
Id the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation in the stats of lowa, 48.UU0 dally.
The Capital la read by and believed La by
the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re
(us to penult any other paper in their
homes. - Rates, 1 cant a ward a day; Hit
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to ths Una. Address Das Moines
Capital. Lea Moines, lav
RANCHES-42,000 to $100,000. Send for
list. ' Bhopen . 6 Co., , Ranch Dealers,
Omaha. Neb.
40-BUSH&L .WHEAT LAND. $28 TO $34
We have for sals over $0,000 acres of
Cheyenne county, Nebraska's cboioest
farm land, where the crop yields for 12
years, including 1010 and 1SU, average
with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also
a leading crop. Better soil, water and
climate cannot be found. Write tor full
information. ' Agents wanted everywhere.
FR HALE 82U acres Seward county
Address vox xri. Minora, tven.
Persistent Advertising Is ths Road to
Big Returns.
:i r .
Land, Live Stock
and Water Rights
For Sale
Price $15 Per Acre
5,540 ACRES, nearly all level bottom
land, fully one-halt suitable for crops
and alfalfa, balance good grass land; no
stone, no overflow or other objectionable
features, only one marsh and it can be
drained and Increase hay crop 76 tons.
This ranch Is used exclusively for stock,
but owner owns water rights covering
about 1,900 acres, all of which I good
alfalfa land. Ditches are in but not
used, as water Is not needed. No failure
of hay crop In thirty years. The water
supply Is abundant and reliable, as the
river Is but 60 feet wide and averages 3
feet deep. The buildings and fences are
pood. Two spring creeks, which never
freeze, avoid expense and trouble of
mftlntfttninr reservolra. walls and Wind
mills. 25 acres timber furnishes fuel and
posts. S0 acres school land leases and
about 1.00 acres leased for fall pasture,
will be assigned to purchaser without
charge. The part of this land used for
hay cuts 1.400 tons; furnishes feed for
1,800 bead of cattle and horses summer
and winter. Bv uilnff Dart of this land
for alfalfa and crops a mucn larger
number can be carried. ,
Th. ranch is stocked with high grade
cattle and horses, which can be bought
at market prices or lett out. it nas
taken a long time and cost lots of money
to get this herd together and the horses
graded up. Anyone ouying ino wkr
would get the advantage of this.
Telephone In house, dally mall and
dally stage. Land adjoins srnan town
i- u.v...ain M mlloa from R. R. and
county seat. This land Is very different
from the average ranch. The charaoter
of the soil and the control of the water
i,,.r. tillable land prices sooner or
later, ,
Pr les K6.00 per acre.
J. H. Dumont & Son
lw r arnam oi., '
-Tenth and Masoa,
Ualon Pacific
Demit. . Afrit.
San Fran. OvarUnd Lmi
..a 1:41 ra a M0 pm
Chins t JP
Atlantic Bxpret
Dragon Kxpraas -..
jm Angolei Umltad......
Dwtar Special
Cavtaanlal 8tat Special..
rni,i.AA Kxoreaa
,.4l:Mpm ii:wtm
t 7:11 am
..ll:01 tm t 4:U m
pm I l:H pa
.. 7:04 am 11:U sm
..all 01 sm t:ll am
. 1(0 pm a 4 to pm
Oraios-WaahlnttoB Umltad .all W pot 1:10 am
North Piatt Local a 1 11 am 4:4 pa
Grand laton loai....i aa:wpm aiv w am
StromBburg tocl .Ml .41 pa h 1:M pm
rhleauo Ureat Western
Tvln City Llmttad..... aS:Mpm :
TwtS CUT Bixpr ,...; as twmfm
Chlcato Eipnas :
Chicago, Rock Island Pacific
Rofkr Mountain Limited all:M pa U:$t pa
Chicago Local Faaaansar Dl0:l5 am bM:M pa
Chicago Da Eapraa., ai:4m 4:10 pa
Chicago Expraa 4:1 pa l:tpa
tv. uoiiu Local PaaMncar.. 4:17 Dm all: 11 pa
Chloaao-Nahraaka Umltad.... : pa aliMsa
Chlcxgo-Nab. Ut. to Lincoln.. 11 aa lIMp
Chtcago-Calarado- Kzpraa ....a 1:11 pa i ):Ha
Oklahoma TM Expr...a :W pm ll;44 a
Rocky Mountain Llmltad ll:4l aa xi: aa
Illinois Centra
Chicago Kxpnw ..10:St m 1:10 pa
Chicago Umltad l:M pa s 1:00 tm
ChUagto, juuvfasmeo St. Paal
Ovarland Limited ..,........ T:M pa 1 1:11 sm
Chicago Special a f : pm a 1:40 am
Danvar-Portlaixl Umltad ,,. 8:00 pm ll:4( pa
Chicago Daylight Spoclal ..T:(tam ll: pm
Colo.-Callt. Expraa ........ a 11 pa
parry . Local I:M tm U:0t pa
Chluago A hi or th wester u -
Mlnntapolla-SL Paul Kxnraaa.a 1:tt a
MUuieapalla-Sl. Paul Umltad.. 7:0 pa s l:M aa
Twin Lit? kUpraa 1: am 10:M pa
Btou City Local 1:U pa a I S pa
lilnnaasoll a DakoU Kxp.. t;W pui :l5pni
Tula City Limited a 1:40 pa l:a
alinnaaoia axpraa u.o
- " CASTBOUMO. r,-
CarraU Local 1. 00 am t:U pa
Daylight Chicago ....... .......a ! U
Chicago Local aldvlti pa ! pa
Chicago-Colorado I'M pa
Cblvaga spwual 0:ta pa : aa
Picllw Coaai-Chlcage ......... : PM M pa
Loa angaiaa Ltmilod : pm U: pa
uvarlaua Umltad a T:a ba :la aa
Carroll Local i.....w ..i.4:a i0aa
Put Mall a jiiM a M ai
caaar nap 10a. Woua City aad
Omaha a
Cauuiuual SUtS Uiniuu...... Ui4W aa' U:lpa
. waaxgtMlMaV
Lang fist .al OOaa U: aa
Norlolk-Ualla Jigy aa ail: am
Long Plue-Lluooln , ..,.. t:U Pa : pm
Haailnga-Suparlor ...... .....,.b :U pm t t:av pm
Un4ood-Hol Springs g:t pm a M pm
Caapr-Ladw Pa l:la pa
Praawnt-aihloa ;M h pa
V auaak .
Uuaha-dt, Louis Bxpraa I'M pa s l:U am
Uall and Kxpraag l:ltm aUiU pa
gunhtrry Looal (troa C ). : P M:xi a
utMiui i-auxlc
K. C. It. Lout Bxproa.. 1:00 am a Till ta
K. C. St. Louia aixpra..ait:u pa t :tt pa
K. C St. Paul Limit., mm to l:pa
Barllngton Statioa featk A 31aoa
Oayart. 1 AiTta
Dnvr a California a :lv am l: pm
Puget Sound Expraa ...a 4:10 pa a 1:4 pa
habraaka Point . g:g am t :10 pa
black HUla ......a i:u-pm a i: pa
Lincoln MU
ISorthwat xUxvai
Naoraxka ,Kxpra
8chuylr-PIttamoulh .
Lincoln Local
iM pa au:u pa
U:gpa l:a
0:laa a 0:10 pa
fet:sipai bl:oa
...l:lSaa UMia
au pa a h:to pa
-a l:x pa aUiU pa
U:tt pa 1:00 aa
:M pa a l:tl pa
Chisago spaaut
Danm gpaotai
Chicago Expraa
Chicago raat Kxprn l:M pa- a 1:00 ta
Craatott (la.) Local b :g pm hl0:4i au
H. Loula Expraa ... pm ,XlMa
Xanaaa City St. JoMpS !. pm a i. aa
KMtut City it. Jotaph.... PU aa a a.W pa
Webster Station 5th and Webster
Missoart PactUo
Oopart. Arrlfa
Auburn local b 1.30 pa b 10:44 ta
Chicago, St. Fan! Mlnnoeooli and
Utuahat '
tioux City Expraa b i'U pa bll:Ha
Twin City Paaaangar b I'M a b l:H pa
gloui City Ptngr. I 'M am a IM pa
Bmarto Local .-. b 0:ai pa b liU aa
Ul dally, (M dally ast Suaday. 4M ganday.
Quartermaster's Office, Federal f Build
ing, Chicago, III., July Is, im.-ealed
nrnnosals will be received here until 1
o'clock P. M., Central Time, September
S, 1912, tor furnishing and delivering at
Chicago or other prominent railroad
points: 10,000 tons hay and 1000 tons
oats. Information furnished upon appli
cation. onn Lt. ciem, tmei quarter
master. . . ; ,jyis-i-wi-Ai-w.
Iowa Delegation
Agrees on New Men
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 17. (Special Tels-
gram.V-The Iowa delegation at a meeting
held lata last night completed Its recom
mendations for federal appointments In
the two Iowa Judicial diatrleta. No reap
pointments were recommended.
; For ths Northern district these are, the
appointments urged upon the president
For attorney. am Rlnnaker of Des
Moines; marshal, H. E. Netcott. Inde
pendente; revenue collector. J. K. Bar
cley, Tipton.
For the Southern dlstriot: For attorney,
John O. Malcolm. Oskaloosa; marshal
X, L. Wrick, Des Moines; revenue, col
lector, Arthur Springer. Wapello.
. Whether the president follows ths rec
ommendations Is to .be seen, and It Is
doubtful, according to members of the
delegation. ' " '
The recommendations were made follow
lng Information from ths president that
he proposed to reappotnt present incum
bents unless something occurred to make
him. change that plan. The delegation
took the matter up on this hint.
Floor leader Instructs Nominee on
Political Conditions.
Governor Takes Fancy to Reaction
ary Democrat Abhorred by Bryan
and Considers Him Entirely
SEA GIRT. N. J.. July-17. The polltcal
battleground . of the campaign of 1912,
where the democratic party will strain
Its sinews for every vote, was placed be
fore Governor Woodrow Wilson like a
checkerboard today by the man he re
gards as better Informed than any other
on conditions throughout the country.
Oscar W. Underwood, leader of the demo
cratic majority of the house of represent
atives. , ;'"
Stats by state the nomine and the
house leader went over the map at their
luncheon at the Trenton Country club
and when the conference ended, two and
a half hours later, they had taken from
the debatable states Wisconsin, Missouri,
Maryland, Kentucky and New York, with
a reservation that there would have to
be some campaigning done In Missouri
and that while New Tork was pretty cer
tain to go democratic ths democrats
there would have to he on their guard
and not feel too cocksure, and made a
list of the states where they will havo
to fight for votes with a good chance of
carrying them.
States Classed Debatable.
In this list they placed first the great
middle western states of Illinois, Ohio
and Indiana. From the New England
group they put down Main and Connecti
cut. Along the Mason and Dixon border
they made note of West Virginia. In a
class by Itself they placed Pennsylvania
and last of all they Jotted down New
Jersey as debatable, although ths Jersey
leaders close to the governor have prom
ised the stat to him by pluralities rang
lng from SO.000 to 100,000 votes. These
states the governor referred to tonight
as "debatable," but Indications are that
he believes he can carry every one.
Mr. Underwood told the governor that
before coming to Trenton ha had con
suited with congressmen In these states
and could therefore speak with a fair
working knowledge of conditions. Th
governor feels that a representative In
congress knows the situation In his own
dlstriot It anybody does, and from their
reports, at reflected by Mr. Underwood
to him, he feels that he obtained this
afternoon a good working Idea of Just
where the fire ot ths campaign artillery
Is to be directed.
. Learns Much from TTadrwood.
"We went over the situation in the de
batable states," Governor Wilson said
tonight, ''concerning which was ths best
campaigning ground In th country. With
Mr. Underwood's very unusual knowledge
of conditions through his colleagues in
congress, I. have gotten a great deal out
of the situation that was very valuable
to me."
Maine, the first state discussed, Is re
garded as having strong inclinations to
remain democratic. Mr. Underwood's
report places it high In ths Hat of states
to be won with a fair amount of cam
palgnlng. Indiana la counted upon' to
support the ticket loyally, not alone be
cause Its "favorite son" Is Wilson's run
ning mate, but because of local condi
tions, the divided republican vots and a
strong trend towards democracy' sine
the last -presidential campaign. -
In Ohio, Governor Wilson believes, the
third party will divide the republican vote
so that the democrats will have more
than an even chance ot carrying ths
state. In fact, It Is understood that the
third party movement was reckoned with
more heavily there than In most of ths
other states. Pennsylvania excepted, that
are regarded . by the. nomine as debat
able. Were the republicans united ths
outlook would Still be good, he bollevos,
notwithstanding the fact that It Is Pres
ident Tatt's home state.
. Pennsylvania Claimed.
Pennsylvania Is placed In a class by
Itself because from all over the stats
there have come to Sea Girt and to
Washington declarations from republic
ans that they will vote for Wilson, and
because of ths unusually rosy hue of the
representations of the party leaders there.
The views of Governor Foss of Massa
chusetts, regarding Connecticut, supple
mented by reports to Mr. Underwood,
letters from Wilson leaders and other
democrats In tha stats are reflected in
th attitude of th nomine towards Con
necticut. Mr. Underwood told him that
there was an excellent chanc ot carry
lng th state. Massachusetts . for som
reason was not mentioned, but this is
not regarded as significant, as the list
Is by' no means complete and there ar
yet many states to be taken.
"West Virginia, of course, is debatable
ground." This from Governor Wilson
sums up the nominee's attitude toward
that commonwealth.
Missouri, it developed tonight, was dls
cussed In detail by the governor an J
Speaker Champ Clark' when the latter
was her last Saturday. At' that time
the speaker Is said to have told Governor
Wilson that soma work would have to be
done there, but that there was no reason
why the state should not support the
Confident t Kttr York.
Coming down to New Tork, the jjvtr
nor feels pretty confident of the rosult
thsrs next November. 1 This feeling, he
said, was strengthened by a talk at Tren
ton today with - Lieutenant Governor
The governor added that Mr. Conway
told him he thought the third part7 ote
in New Tork would not "make iw
Colonel Roosevelt's following In New
Jersey Is reckoned with In placing the
governor's own stats among- t'hooi to be
debated for with the republicans and
the third party. There is reasoa to be
lteve, however, that few real foars are
entertained of th result here.
Th talk with Mr. Underwood has given
th governor a vast deal of detailed In
formation that he lackd, and was at
once satisfying and refreshing to tba
nominee. . Of Mr. Underwood, Governor
Wilson said tonight: '
; "I. found him entirely charming.'- He
has such a singular frankness jind open
ness and charm about him. I don't know
any man I have met in a long' time that
I have taken such a fan;y to. . We had
a fins talk, he and I, just going over
th whole situation in a most satisfactory
way, really Just like two . men who bad
always known each other " .
INDIANAPOLIS, Juty 18.-Oovernor
Thomas R. Marshall, democratic candi
date for vice president, today received at
tha stat capltol twenty members ot the
democratic national committee who
stopped her on their way horn from th
reorganisation meeting at Chicago.
"We ar here representing the na
tional committee to pay Its respects to
you, governor, as ths next vice president
of the United States," said Thomas Tag-
gart, Indiana committeeman. !
Speeches pledging enthusiastic co-opera
tion during the campaign were mad by
Martin J. Wade ot lowa and others.
In responding, Governor Marshall said
he "did not know whether-he was 'pro
gressive or not." and continued: "There
are many kinds ot 'progressives' nowa
days. One believes In taking the tariff
off Iowa' products and putting It on
Indiana products, and another supports
th opposite policy. I am not that kind
of a progressive. But If th term means
to believe that the democratic party
should meet changing conditions in pro
tecting the people against special Inter
ests, I am progressive." - ' -
Thanking the committee for their visit
the governor said:
I do not know what I can do for the
success of the ticket, though I know It
will be successful. My petty hopes and
ambitions are not worth considering. It
their sacrifice could elevate Woodrow
Wilson to the presidency I would make
it now. I am his to command to the
uttermost of my power."
The committeemen departed this after
noon and several accompanied Mr. Tag-
8 art to French Lick Springs as Ms guests.
Fitting End Made to Main Part of
Olympic Meeting;.
American Officers More iacceaefnl
In Military Riding Than Espected
After Hardnblpa of Long-
STOCKHOLM, July 17.-Th palac to
night was the scene ot a stat banquet
which proved a fitting ending of the
main part of the Otymplo meeting. King
Gustave welcomed 400 guests In th grand
hall. Th king and queen, crown prince
and crown princess, wer "seated at the
head of the hall, the gueats occupying
two long table below. The 400 Included
members of the Olympic committees of
the various nations, foreign diplomats,
members ot the Swedish cabinet and all
th visiting officers.
After the dinner ths guests assembled
In ths reception room. Th king in the
guards' uniform of light blue walked
about and conversed with many of the
guests. One of the Interesting features
to th foreigners wag ths strange regalia
worn y th court offietals and servant.
Meanwhile the public wus entertained
by a water carnival. All the shipping
In the harbor was Illuminated and there
was a display of fireworks. There were
thousands of residents and many country
people crowded to the waterside to wit
ness the spectacle.
In the military riding competitions the
American officers are doing bstter than
expected. They were handicapped by the
long voyage and their horses had to
endure a fortnight on board ship, but In
spite of this they are hopeful, although
not confident of winning.
Reults la Military Riding.
The Individual scores In th four events
ot the military competition at ths close
ot today's Jumping were: Meyer, France.
and Rockow,. Germany, coupled, first
with 89-S; lieutenant John C. Mont
gomery, Seventh United States cavalry.
Sutko and Susbey, Germany, coupled,
second with 80.4; Caaparson, Sweden,
third with 39.20; Henry Lutchow, Ger
many.' fourth with lffl.17; Llutenant Ben
Lear, Fifteenth cavalry. : fifth with W.07,
and Lieutenant E. F, Graham, Fifteenth
cavalry, sixth with 89.02. Captain Guy. V.
Hehry. Thirteenth cavalry, stands tnth
with 38.49 among the seventeen competi
tors. ,
Tomorrow the fifth and last event In
the military competition, the prise, riding,
Is to be decldod, Of the twenty-nln of
ficers who started In th ' competition
only seventeen ar left in. -
In ths prize riding ths appearance and
form of both riders and horses are largo
factors. . 'i
Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia In
the uniform of a German guardsman and
ths Grand Duke Pavlovltch of Russia
wsr th most coniplclous performers at
the Jumps today. t
The points for the Individual Jumping
contests In. which no Americans com
peted, were announced as follows: Carton,
France, and Von Krocher, Germany, 186
each; Deblommsert, Belgium, 18). On the
Jump off, Carton was declared th winner.
The total scores for swimming and
diving as officially announced are: Ger
many, 22; Sweden, 17; Australia, 14; Great
Britain, 12; United States, ; Canada, S;
Austria, 1.
Most of the German and Swedish
points were scored In diving, In which
Australia was not represented.. Thus
Australia Is easily the first swimming
Mrs. Morrow Tells
Her Story in Trial
CHICAGO, July 17.-Mrs. nn D. Mor.
row, charged with ths murder ot her
husband, Charles D. Morrow, an Inventor,
today took the witness stand In her own
She appeared nervous and began her
story In a faltering voice.
Mrs. Morrow said the first shs knew
of her husbsnd's death was on the morn
ing of December 28, when his body was
found on the rear porch of their home.
She told of his frequent attempts to com
mlt sulcld.
"My huaband attempted to commit sul
clde three times," said Mrs. Morrow.
"Twice he turned on ths gas and I savtd
his life. The seoond time I nurved him
tor nearly a month before he was well.
The third time, he tried to ahoot him
self, and I took the revolver away from
him. He occupied a room on a different
floor from mine, because ha desired to
How tm Abtorb an
Unlovely Complexion
(Phyllis Moore In Town Taw.)
Th face which is admired for it
beauty must have a satin-smooth skin,
mnk and white and youthful looking-
The only thing I know of that can
uch a complexion out of an aged, faded.
or discolored one I mean a natural, not
a painted,- complexion -is ordinary mer
roilzed wax. This remarkable sub
stance literally absorbs the unsightly
cuticle, a little each day, the clear healthy,
girlish skin beneath gradually peeping
out until within a week or so it is
wholly in evldenca Of course such
blemishes as freckles, moth patches
liver spots, blotches and pimples are
discarded with th old skin. If you will
procure an ounce of mercolised wax ,t
h drua- store, use like cold cream every
night, washing this off morning, you'll
find It a veruame wonaer-woraer. -
Another valuable natural treatment 1
a wash lotion to remove wrinkles which
can be easily prepared, uissoie i ox.
nnwriered saxollte in pt wituh hasel.
Bathe the face in this and you'll find it
"works liko magic."
I '-"
sleep near his workroom.
My husband did not make much money
and for that reason I took' In a few
boarders to help out In the expenses."
Mrs. Morrow Identified a revolv-T aa
her husband's. She admitted -having had
a dispute with her husband the night h
was shot-
"I was tired, and he swore at me that
night." said Mrs. Morrow. "He had been
drinking and ' was in a quarrelsomo
mood." ' . - -
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