- " TUV TV?V.. mfATTA THTTRSm AV .TTTT.Y IS 1Q19. ;THE OMAHA DAILY BEE WXPBD BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR ;EB BUILDING- FARXAM AND 1TTH. " Entered at Omaha Postof rice as second ., class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. "-Sunday Bee. one year J2 -Saturday Bee, one yeaf -... Jj W Ia1ly Bee (without Sunday) one year.J4.00 :Jaily Bee and Sunday, one year o . rJEUVERED BY CARRIER. " 'Evening Bee (with Sunday), per mo..Z5c "pally Bee (Including Sunday), per mo.. 800 ailv Bee (without Sunday), per mo.-tec Z Address all complaint or irregularities rjn delivery to City Circulation Dept. 13 - REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, Javable to The Bee Publishing company. On"ly 2-cent stamps received in payment Ff small accounts. Personal checks, ex ' cept on Omaha and eastern exenange, cot 'accepted. OFFICES. 3 Omaha-The Bee building. 4 South Omaha-2318 N St. - Council Bluffs-75 Scott St 52 Uncoln 26 Little building. 3 Chicago-1041 Marquette building. H Kansas City-Reliance building. 'ri New York-34 West Thirty-third. Washington 725 Fourteenth 8t. N. w. S CORRESPONDENCE. S Communications relaUng to news and editorial matter should be addressed romaha Bee, Editorial Department. t JUNE CIRCULATION. I . 48,945 ifiUte of Nebraska, County of Douglas, . N. P. Fell, business manager of The SJBee Publishing company, being duly ;;worn, aaya that the average daUy cir culation for It nwath of June, 1914 If? was 48,945. , N. P. JE 5 Business Manager. R Bubscrlbed In my presence and sworn -Jo before me this th day of July, WU - (Seat.) ROBERT HUNTER, ie.ii., Notary Public. Subscribers leaving; the city temporarily " shoo Id have Tfca Bee mailed tp them. Address ill be changed aa oftea as re aoested. .' ' "' Where Is that new universal lan-iguige,- Esperanto, these hot days? ' Lorimer out, Archbald at bat, Han f I ford on deck, and the recall in the bole. . It looks as if they were blazing a .trail under Governor Blease of Scuth I Carolina. The prohibitionists are determined I to fight with spirit this fall, yet It is j to be a dry fight. Not a word from Armageddon .since the Chicago convention. Are we still standing there? Omaha will never be in the "city j beautiful" class until it tackles the 1 billboard nuisance for a finish fight. As soon as Deacon Hemphill left ..'his dear South Carolina for New 1 York, the governor of his old state got Into trouble. , Jack Johnson says he has retired .from the ring, and to prove it has j bought a saloon and pitched in to tmake an honest living. r T " The king of Sweden showed he s was a good loser by 'giving our Tan. " kee boys and the others a big dinner vf after the Olympic was over. Disappointed politicians have been forming third parties all these years, fx but when has a third party done iaway with bosses or bossiBm? That begs the question, however, rvwhether a moving picture show ad ;.Jacent to a church would be compe- rUition or added drawing power. How does Colonel Harvey expect :;..to square himself with Colonel Wat- pterson for supporting Wilson with ,:?out first exacting an apology? To give credit where credit is due, ,;xone must admit that Edward Hlnes Hhad a big hand in unseating Lori- vtmer. He "put him over" both ways. 'I If there is ever a time when ,., consumer can bear up cheerfully Hunder the news that anthracite Coal iiwlli coft $12 a ton, it is. now. It ; .: will be different later. Despite repeated ' assurances that t j Nebraska democrats were never more T- harmonious, indications are plentlfu that this harmony is not of the brand thick enough to cut with a knife What does Governor Wilson mean vby conferring with Underwood and ' proceeding with plans for his cam ':paign when he will not even know 'until August 7, that be has been dominated? , With Its substantial increase In assessment totals reported to the state board, Douglas county is en . titled to the benefit of the most-ta-- vored-sation clause when the rate ; comes to be fixed. The treaty under which : the Panama was authorised as read by r. all the students ot it gives the United States the. right to fix tolls - on the canal, but Johnny Bull cannot : t yet see why he should not exercise . this right, himself. 1 -' The architect complains that the ; delay In court house construction imposes on him great additional ex pense for supervision after the time , the work should have been finished When, the settlements come to be msde the lawyers will, doubtless ; bare their Inning. . Our reform democratic sheriff is 'I not coming up to the specifications "on which he secured the political ..; support . of both . the Antl-aloon . league and the saloon people In one and the same campaign. The feat ," ;of riding two horses going in oppo ,r site directions has been attempted f sevrral Jlmes bujj never successful). ggsg'1'-' ' 1 " " t America, a World-Beater. - ! America has achieved a distinction at Stockholm that Is worth while. Her strong, agile, fleet-footed young men have excelled the nations of the world in the arena of the world at man's game. This, the most pow- erful of nations in peace and war, in commerce and diplomacy, could 111 have afforded to take even second rank in this' Olympic, and because she was represented by the best type j of sterling young manhood she was saved from the sacrifice and kept in first 'place. Our splendid athletes have set a wholesome example of leadership before an attentive world. We. owe' them much for their triumph, which Is really greater than might have .been expected. , V Of course, the United States is getting used to excellence in sports and athletics. And the best of such excellence is that it cannot be achieved without dint of right living, so that a moral aspect attaches to the. physical supremacy. It is said that the ancient Greeks, after win ning their Olympian triumphs, re paired to the sequestered places where exulting and adoring partisans soothed the tired laurel crowned vic tors with the sweet nectar of the gods. But that unmade the victors. American athletes are not achieving physical fame at the expense of phy. sical strength and mental poise. It Is probable that the old Greek would be a mere pigmy as compared with our modern . American uiympian j hero. 5 ' ' What is He Going to Do About Itt Nebraska republicans are accorded membership in the republican na tional- committee with the purpose and understanding that each mem ber shall look after and actively pro mote the interests of the party and Its standard bearers In his state. What is Nebraska's new member of the national committee going to do about it? 7. When he. asked for votes for this position in the recent primary, he sent personally signed tetters broadcast In which he said While I am a great admirer of Senator La Follette, I am a warm supporter of Colonel Roosevelt. However, I am first republican, and whoever is nominated will receive my hearty support if I am chosen national committeeman. Taft and Sherman were- nominated by the same convention that made the letter writer a member of the national committee. 'Hearty support" does not mean sitting still when a fight is on. What is he going to do about it? Practical Politics! Although Mr. Belmont does not Just retaember the exact amount he contributed to the Parker campaign of 1904, he is satisfied it was In the neighborhood of r 1250,00.0, m Mr, Ryan, Mr. Morgan and others doubt less .did. as .well . by the democrats that year as did Mr. Belmont. It could not have been,' therefore, Im practical politics that defeated Judge Parker. And evidently If the astute Roger Sullivan, has his say, im practical politics Is not going to obtrude itself this year to trip up Prof. 'Wilson, guileless as he may be at playing the game upon purely practical lines. But his good friend, Roger Sullivan, Is not and there are others just as pragmatic as Mr. Sullivan, who suggests a lit tle pot of $1,000,000 to start with, as a sort of bonus ot good faith, as it ' were, to get the brethren with grievances well In line for Wilson and Marshall. V A Jealous Senate. The senate's adoption of the reso lution denouncing "any attempt on the part of the president to exercise his office to influence a vote on ques tions within the senate's exclusive urlsdiction," undoubtedly has some personal animus in it, but in the broader light it is a protest against the encroachment of executive au thority upon legislative prerogatives, tendency quite marked In late years. It was most persistent our lng the administration of President Roosevelt, and President Taft, .where he has followed it, has simply acted in line ot precedent. , ' It Is possible to attach some Ire to the resolution since It was Intro duced by Senator Bailey, 'who may have been seeking this means ot evening up on the president for ad vocating Lorlmer's expulsion. On the other hand, Bailey has been one of the most consistent sticklers for senatorial prerogative and this ac tion accords with his record. Those republican senators who under all circumstances, stood for the aggressive Roosevelt policies and therefore helped to bring about this pressure by the executive on legis lative authority, and who voted for this ' resolution rebuking the presl dent, are the ones most inconsistent In their case, one is forced to won der what would have' been their ac tion had Roosevelt Instead of Taft been the object of Bailey's attack The city of Lincoln is planning Im provements and betterments for its water works system. , Still, It has been able so far to keep the hose running after 8 o'clock in the morn. ing, which is more than our , new management1 of our water plant has done. i- , -i. Question: If "Brother-in-law Tommy" Allen had known thai Bel- raont alone put $250,000 Into the pot in 1804", would he have been con tent with a paltrjr f 1 5,00 0 1 HOW MAN'S LEE M Wisdom of Solomon and Besearches of New York Prof. Metchnikoff has begged the re porters not to speak of him aa a Jlephts tophelea, or of his latest discovery as the elixir of eternal youth. Alas, it becomes evident only too soon that the now cele brated glycobacter it not the magic rem edy after which the heart ot.man has lusted. The great scientist has sought for years a weapon against Time, and the hardening of the arteries. He has studied the way of the lactic bacillus. He has gone to the dog and considered his In testines, and the only wisdom he has gained is that the Injection of the "sugar bacillus" into the human system will stave of the advance ot old age, provided and there's the rub; there always Is a very Important, very onerous "provided" to be dealt with. If I should suddenly die tomorrow, says Prof. Metchnikoff, it would not disprove my theories, because I began late In life. But the man who has barely reached mid dle life might very properly begin with every nope or arriving at the best results. At the beginning of middle life to begin preparation for old age. At 40 year to begin shaping one's conduct so that one may live to be 100 years old. No, this is not Cagltostro's elixir, of which a drop sends new fire through ' shrunken veins and rears upright the collapsing frame. It is simply a restatement In specific terms of the old belief that eternal vig ilance In the price of anything really worth preserving, life like everything else. ' Under these conditions the secret of long life has never been withheld from the knowledge of men. The author of Proverbs long ago had hit upon numerous ways of postponing the ravages of arterio sclerosis. The pursuit of wlsdow will do It. Fear of the Lord will do It Sub mission to reproof will do It The prac tice of mercy win do It This is not put ting the case in biological terms; but the highest biology today recognises the ex. lstenee of the spiritual factor. "The cer tain element on which the Russian sa vant has counted," says' one writer of Prof. Metchnikoff, "must not be over lookedthe suggestion or moral Impres sion which stimulate the organism. Suf ferer from old age will receive with the glycobacter some excellent advice on regimen and digestive education, and the aged will find themselves doing excel lently.' Here Is the nasi for a real un derstanding between the wisdom of Pas teur and the wisdom of Proverbs. King Solomon will readily meet Prof. Meachnl- koff half-way. A diet of sour milk plus the practice of charity; glycobacter re inforced by keeping the mind on high Ideals; abstention from excessive use of meat going hand in hand with abstention from evil thought there Is every oppor- FALSE LIGHTS tars of Artistic Paris that Leads Only Loulsvllls Courier-Journal. A Pari correspondent of the New Tork Sun make the aulclde of a girl from the American middle west, in Pari, the text for an argument against the utter folly of American parent who send their daughters to Paris, without adequate chaperonage, to attempt artistlo career. He points out the fact that the Ameri can girl who is left to her own devices seek the. easy-going Paris i'penslon" be cause the strictly respectable French boarding housekeepers have French ideas of now the "Jeune fllle should be pro tected, and how her conduct should be regulated, and these Idea clash with American notions of liberty. In the free- and-easy establishment the American girl finds what cheap fiction ha taught her to regard -as a truly Bohemian atmo sphere. Eh may keep any company she chooses, lead any life she .like, rove through any - disreputable quarter ot Paris, visit any questionable resort and see life" the life that has been glossed for tb immature and uninformed in cheap fiction; Human curiosity leads her on. Human fralllty In many case take It logical" course. There are a few suicides. There are many cases, quite as lamentable, of adaptation ot standards to changed conditions resulting from "Bo hemian" experience. And Parts returns to America many a Magdallae who I by no manner of means a klagda. Successes In painting, sculpture, music. literature and other branches of art are few. The pathetic Bohemian art student who starve in a garret and finally drink the hemlock, misguided but uncompro mising, when confession of failure might bring relief from home In a rarer type than the Bohemian whose remittances are sufiolent and whose physical welfare is guaranteed, but who does not become an artist, and whose unfettered existence in free-and-easy French boarding house and Latin quarter society has an effect that illustrates the fact that even an American girl may not be turned at large safely in a European city. It was in Paris that the term "Bo hemia," since such abused and such mis' understood, originated. But Henri Mur- ger's Bohemia Idealised, no doubt. In EDITORIAL SNAPSHOTS., New Tork World: The best consolation In hot weather Is the saying of the sage: This too win pass away." i St Louis Globe-Democrat; ' Next tb starting a third party the hardest Job 1 that ot the lecturer who has begun a crusade against' foolish clothes. Wall Street Journal: Probably the New Zealander who refused to. claim a for tune of 515.000,000 In England was scared at the Inheritance tax. , St. Louis Republlo: we regret to chronicle the tact that certain esteemed contemporaries don't know the difference between a , sheath gown and a hobble skirt. ' Pprlngflfcld Republican: The real vic tory at the Olympic game I for the metric system. It used to be hard to interest schoolboy in It but that time Is past- Philadelphia Inquirer: It has always been a mystery to us where the manu facturer of pencils have been able to secure ( such uniformly poor lead for them. - . - Pittsburgh Post: Whenever a person has a few moments of spare time during the months ot July and August he for mulates a set ot "keep cool" rules, all of which he does not observe. Philadelphia Press: The English suf fragette are coming out ot jail now, and perhaps It will be a surprise to them to learn that their window smashing has not given them the right to vote. , 1 New Tork World: , The plan discussed by the Army council of abolishing the army posts and quartering federal force In cities may prove economical, as al leged In It behalf, but It raises questions imore "important .that that ot cost ' ' AY BE PROLONGED Metctnikoff Agreeably Compared. Post tunlty here for the synthetic production of a realy efficacious specific against old age. But always there is presupposed a patient spirit and long practice. The pursuit ot wisdom and the cultivation of the lactic bacillus must really begin at the beginning of adult life. Are men willing to have long life on the terms? That Is the difficulty which confronts the Parisian biologist as It did the wise king of the Jews. In small things, as In great, men will rarely sac rifice the self-indulgence of the moment for their own personal good. Not with the certain guarantee of life Indefinitely prolonged will the average man consent to listen unfailingly to the dictate 9? wisdom or never to omit his dally bottle Of fermented milk. It has been so In the past when, theoretically, everybody admitted that long life is : a blessing. It is still more true today, when old age seldom presents Itself to the mind as an end to be worked for. The pleasure-lover' maxim of a short life and a merry one ha. In more philosophic times, be come t'se underlying motive of modern existence. We lay stress now on the intensity of life rather than on Its dura tion. A higher productivity, a higher capacity for enjoyment more vivid realization of the self while conscious. ness endures that Is the essence of the modern outlook upon life. Prof. MetchnI koff would please hi generation by iso lating the bacillus of energy rather than the bacillus of long life. Most of us would not know what to do with 100 years' time on our hand. Most of, us feel no enthusiasm at the prospect of a world of centenarians. A world In which people were so slow to die would destroy Lloyd George' budgets by heaping up the ex pendttur on eld-age pension and cutting heavily Into the inheritance tax. In times Ilk ours, when the duration - of social philosophies and artistic theories Is meas ured by single year and month almost to live 100 years would be to follow up forty year of excitement with sixty years of headache. No, the world today Is not Interested In the prolongation of life. It would not be willing to pay the price if the thing were absolutely to be had. A small, old. fashioned minority there may be to whom a protracted healthy old age will appeal. From them. Prof Metohnlkoff glyco bacter and lactic bacillus will receive respectful consideration. But even with them, as we have said, the mere blologl cal specific will not suffice. Before men will attain their centenaries In consider able numbers, some scientist will have to inoculate them with the bacillus of patient labor, of simple ideas, and of plaeld emotions. . 1 OF BOHEMIA to Disappointment. the poet's prose in "Scenes de la Vie de Boheme" was not exactly suitable as a finishing school for the American girl, brought up in the way she should go and expected not to depart from it. And too often all that the Bohemia of the period in Paris means Is food and lodging which would be scorned at home, social acquaintances of a oaste that would be Jooked down upon at home, and the acquaintanceship with vice whose pro gressive stages Pop depicted so aptly. Perhaps the American students best fit ted, by temperament and previous train ing, thoroughly to enjoy the delights of the Latin Quarter and feel no regret even tf they do not become artists, are the negroes, who are flocking there In inceased numbers and receiving a cor dial welcome from a considerable part of the student population. The American negro, is a true Bohemian, In Louisville or Louisiana aa well as in the Latin Quarter. He ean live in a loft and upon a crust if need be, and gorge and splurge If opportunity presents Itself. It is In his blood to do so. He . can withstand the shock of disappointment. His nature is a shock absorber. He is perfectly at home amid the most unconventional so journers in the Latin Quarter. The so cial circles la which he moved in America were as unconventional as those of any Utopia of artists ever pictured by the pen of a novelist or the fond Imagination ot an American schoolgirl. For him the lights of Bohemia, that prove false to many an ambitious ctudent of art, shine true and provide a genial radiance. The reception he Is accorded leave nothing to regret save that there may be nObody from New Orleans or Charleston on hand to witness It and writhe with rage. No matter what Murger Bohemia may have been, that ot the (Latin Quarter of the present time is disillusioning to the ambitious and cleanmlnded American girl who-ltarns what there Is to learn about it, and dangerous during the period of acquisition of knowledege to the un chaperoned American girl to whom Its transparencies are not transparent, and to whom Its tawdries Is not tawdry. PESTUIMT POLITICAL POINTERS Washington Star: Sometimes Colonel Roosevelt looks like the man who mis took the reverse for the forward clutch. New Tork Sun: Dally we read the Sea Girt dispatches in vain for the hopeful sign of a successor to Mary Jane, the lamb that made Esopua almost famoua. Des Moines Tribune: On a hot day, our Idea of Imprudence is to get Into an argu ment over the latest statement Issued by Colonel Roosevelt. v,.y ..! Philadelphia Press: George W. Perkins does not appear as one ot the signers of the new party call: probably reserving the signature tor a more Important pur pose. "';v ; .f! . .7'.- Philadelphia In;ulw: And Just as soon as the colonel finds a bit ot time to de vote to his case, Governor Osborn , will probably begin to wish that he had never been born." '. : V "'L' . Pittsburgh Dispatch: A lot of wear and tear on gray matter will, however, be avoided by waiting until the electoral college is elected before figuring on its composition. , f i Washington 8tar: Woodrow Wilson said he felt solemn when apprised of his nomination, but his feelings were gay and almost flippant compared with those ot Champ Clark. Houston Post: The one great disap pointment of Sir. Bryan at Baltimore la that he failed, to get the nomination. If ho didn't want It hope we may never eat another watermelon. ; 7 ' . j Cleveland Plain Dealer: Colonel Roose velt says that his tight began on Mount Elnal. He probably refers to the occa sion' on which Moses '. smashed all ten command menta in. aa -angry moment " lljOokinBacWnl ItiisDwInOmiilia COMPILED FROM BEE FILM - JULY 18. Thirty Years Ago Roll call at the city council meeting discloses the following members present: Baker, Behm. Corby, Dellone, Dunham. Herman, Leeder, McGuckln, O'Keefe and Thrain. Dick Wilde fell downstairs at home, and broke his arm and injured his shoulder badly. Messrs. Jenkins and Andrees have or ganized a company to put a flatbost on lower Farnam street to convey passengers from the sidewalk to the street cars. From Bismarck comes word that the steamer Red Cloud, which had often been at the Omaha landing, was completely wrecked on the upper river. S. Wolsheimer, brother-in-law of A. Po lack. is In town. Joe D. Her has returned from Lake George and the seacoast Mrs. I. W. Minor and boys. Walter, Georte and Fred, go k Mystic Bridge, Connecticut, to spend the summer and fall. . W. P. Cooley, who has been with the Union Pacific for sixteen years, has re signed his position In the office of the general passenger , agent to go to Green River. WvO. Huberman's clock stopped at the hour of 3:06. "Wind It up, b?;W Twenty Years Ago , Chief Justice Carson of the supreme court ln South Dakota was an Omaha visitor. Speaking of the third 'party's claims to carrying his state, the Judge laughed and said the republicans of hi state would certainly object to being made tools or fools by the third party outfit. Mrs. T. M. Orr, Miss Orr and Mrs. W. Russell were on their way to Garfield Beach. Mrs. W.' R. Harding, wife of Conductor Harding, accompanied Miss Lonergan to Colorado for the summer. . Mr. and Mrs. L. B. WUUamS and daughter, Miss Margaret left for Eagle Lake, Ind., to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. George L. Barney. Mrs. Andrew Rosewater, son 'and maid were quartered at the Manitou, in Mani tou, Colo. Mrs. Mary Spalding, wife of Thomas Spalding, was laid at rest In Forest Lawn eemfttcry. She was 71 years old and a favorite of all who knew her. She left a husband and six children: Dr. Spalding, president of the school board; Rev. W. A. Spalding of Spokane, Wash.; H. W. Spalding and L. D. Spalding and Mrs. J. T. Ochiltree of pmaha, and Mrs. J. S. Williams of Valllsca, la. Mrs. Spalding was a member of the Park Avenue United Presbyterian church. ' County Superintendent George W. Hill Issued a call for the teachers' county Institute to be held In ' the high school building, beginning August 8. The teach ers were to be Mrs. Ida Notson Of Omaha, Miss Hattle Moore of South Omaha and Prof. Bernard Blgsby of Detroit Ten Years Ago; The semi-annual election ot officers of Central Labor union resulted In a victory for the anti-socialists and almost an en tire change in administration. The offi cers elected were: President, H. W. Mc Vea, plumber ; vloe president, Ed Augus tin,, stationary engineer; recording secre tary, J, A. Bapst stationary- fireman; sergeant-at-arms. Otto Nelderwelser, tin ner; trustees, O. P. Shrum, bricklayer; J. C. Tierney, bartender; J. J.. Kerrigan, carpenter. No financial secretary was elected, a John Polla,n, elected six months before, had another six months to hold over. The funeral, service of Rev. . William Chok-, vicar general of the diocese of Omaha, was held at St. Phllomena's cathedral, where Father Colenari cele brated , high mass, assisted by Fathers Glauber and Smith. Bishop Scannell made a brief address and performed the ab solution. The bishop said in the course of his address: "I know nothing of him that was not priestly." The cathedral was tilled with former parlshoners of Father Choka from Omsaha and Monterey. The body was taken to West Point for burial. An irrigation hurrah meeting was held at the Commercial . club, when F. H. NewelL head of the hydrographle bureau of the geological survey, was the chief cheer. A vote of thank waa tendered him for Ms presence and address. Others who epoke were J. H. Dumont, J. S. Knox, E. E. Bruce, W. Wulpi and C. G. Ptarse. ., " Kid Nichols and his Kansas City base ball team arrived in town for a series with Omaha Kid said he had the battle about won in- Kawvllle against the Hlckey crowd. ' People Talked About .'Roma Miller's screaming delight is his interest in the Child Saving institute, the board of directors ot which answers to his gavel call. He refuses to take only on babe In his arms at once; he wants two or three the more he has the keener the delight When Rome isn't watching the1 babies, he's out looking after other matters of publlo Interest ;, Uncle Joseph Gurney Cannon, spending a few days at Cape May, surprised the aged author, of "Beulah Land" by re peating the hymn, perfectly". ' Bet ... cookie he can't sing it" perfectly." " Mi flllP CHEERY CHAFF. Freddie What's an optimist aad? Cobwigger-He's the fellow who doesn't know what's coming to him. Llppln cott's Magasine. "My daughter wants to marry a duke." "Mine wants to marry a poet" "Well, I believe I'd rather support a poet than a duke. From all account a poet won't eat much, and I don't think he'll want to play the stock market all the time." Kansas City Journal. She If you could have only on wish, what would It bet He It would be that that-Oh. it I only dared to tell you what It would be. She Well, go on. Why do you suppose I brought up the wishing subject ? Brook lyn Eagle. "Indians you know." refilled the widely read man, "are very stoical. They're never known to laugh." "Oh! I don't know," replied the flippant person. The great poet Longfellow made Mlnne-ha-ha." Catholic Standard. The Little Fan Me brudder led de bat tin' In de Ragweed league wit' an aver, age 0 free eighty. The Littlest Fan Dafs huttln'. Me mudder's battin' average in de Hairbrush league Is .900. Kansas City Star. Pat (to doctor) It Ol live, doctor, shure Oi'll have you to thank for It. Pat's Wife (somewhat predjudlced against the doctor) And It you die, Pat you can thank him, too. Judge. , Toung Wife But that's very expensive, especially as it's in season,, Isn't it? Green Grocer Well, madam, K is and It Isn't as you might say .What with the French gardening and what not the vege- i Good Eithor Icod or Hot. Ro- freshoG and Allays Thirst ONE TEAOPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS Publlstied by the Growers of India Tea; Down - the highway -or - up the by-way at a maximum cost of a cent or two a mile at against thirty or forty for the heavy, "Dreadnaught" type of carthe light, strong, Ford will carry you in perfect comfortand, if need be, in record time. More than 75.000 sew Fords Into service this season proot that they must be right Three passenger Roadster JE90- five passenger, touring car $690 delivery car $700 f. 0. b. Detroit, with all equipment. -Catalogue . from Ford Motor Company. 1916 Harney St., Omaha, or dlrecffrom Detroit factory. Phone Douglas 4500. NewYork and Eastern A combination that insures a de lightful vacation trio. Baltimore and Washington may be visited .. , en route the whole at low cost on 7 Fart Reund-Trip Tickets Jaily to September 30 Pennsyia?ania. Lines J 30-Day limit To NewYork To Atlantic City Dtrirt Kou&.or Via Washington Also Reduced LONG I tables that used to be out of season are; In, and thm tnat w in is oui, vm w the demand for the othera-London Punch. "Can you tell me anything about the existence of a money trust that absolutely! controls the. circulation of funds. "No," replied Mr. Dustln Stax. "I don't know of any such undertaking. But: Its a-mighty good suggestion." Wash-: Ington Star. Wife-Tou are a mean, hateful thing; and .! Husband-And what? , Wife I'l vote against you at the next; election. Satire. THECOSMIC MOTHER. Boston Transcript I am the pregnant quake and stress That shapes new worlds from films of or- I am the springs that upward press Through rocky ledges to expire In mists, whose life. In turn, doth pass Into life giving herb and grass. . That form the babe beneath the heart- That feed the child upon tne nreast And Urge the youth to go his way 7 From rosy east to golden west 'Mid broader views ot night and day. I am the brooding underbought That bids all thinking bring forth fruit The hope that will not come to naught route. But fearless treads the wreck -strewn' Making man's foes ot time and spaca Shrink 'neath the glory of Its face. I am the faith that shall not wane Mid any gloom of grief or pain ;' That o'er the lids of dying eyes Breathes wordless anthems of release. And In the murk of starless skies Makes silence but the song of peace! I Variable Routes To Boston 1 To NewYork Go Om Route Rt$um Another Fare Round-Trip Tickets to ISLAND RESORTS 11 ILdlrh Resorts M;'.. 1 C"-K V Liberal Stop-Overs ' . Tb bnefit et ndoMd f-raa taav ba tala4 from points In tb Wst If passengers Sk for tickets over Pennsylvania Uaesypr by addressinf the Pennsylvania's represent. adv. who will cheerfully farnlsb faUpartictl lars a4 aMltt la anangia detaila. Addms W. H. ROWLAND TrsnBag r sweater Aflat U dor Naoeakl Buk BU.. OMAHA. NU. 7 i