Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    . TSl WCM
1818-1520 FAENAil STREET
Notable Bargains in Every Department
Some Prices from Balcony Shoe Section:
Women's $5.00 and $4.00. Oxfords and Pumps $2.950x
fords of tan calf, suede, patent and gun metal in button,
blucher and laced styles; either with tips or plain vamps
.$5.00 and $4.00 oxfords at. . $2.95
Pumps in sarnie leathers, made with or without straps
1912 spring and summer models, carrying military heels
ior lower English walking heel, sizes 2 to 7; $5.00 and
$4.00 pumps at, pair ........... $2.95
Misses' and Children's Summer Shoes on Bargain tables
$2.50 qualities, sizes 11 V2to 2, at. . . . . .$1.65
$2.00 qualities, sizes 8 to 11, at. . ..... . . ... .... . .$1.50
$1.75 qualities, sizes 5 to 8, at ."; . . . .$1.35
Boys' OxfordsSizes 1 to 6 Boys' $3.50 and $3.00 Ox
fords, about 80 pairs; at, pair .$1.95
Store Closes at 5 O'clock.
! Testimony of Editor it Surprise to
the Prosecution.
! ArraBfeaaeat tor HeNuuni to
' Plead QmUtr M Befor
Jiror LacWwaoI Wit
' Bribed. ' . f
i L03 ANGELES, July 17-Called to th
stand tor tit ostenslbl purpoi ol im
' peaching a itats wltnss, FYstnont Older,
(managing editor of the San Francisco
Bulletin, early In hia examination today
was placed In the attitude of a virtually
Important wltneu (or the detente tn the
I bribery trial of Clarence 8. Darrow.
Effort! were made by the prosecution
, to keep out the testimony of Mr. Older,
; during which restrict Attorney Fred.
, erlcke took occasion to designate Lincoln
Steffens aa "busybody, bussing around
, trying to butt In and start something."
It became evident early In Mr. Older
e nam! nation that the defense sought to
'prove through him aa well as Buttons
that arrangements had been practically
concluded for the IfcNamaraa to plead
guilty several days before the alleged
bribing of Juror Lookwood was son
' summatad.
The witness said he cam to Los An
gela five days befor the bribery expos
to take part in a Conference. He produced
'"a telegram signed by Darrow and Stef
fens asking him to Join them.
The relations between Clarence S. Dar
row. and a. O. Watt were gone into at
Jength by ' District "Attorney Fred
ericks, ih4'4r, !Wtt " resumed Ch
stand for . cross-examination today.
The witness professed the highest regard
for the defendant and acknowledged that
he had taken advantage of th opportu
nity to do him a service when thrown ao
, cldsntally Into the icompany of Bert H.
Franklin. ; , ,.
Mr. Watt 1 Ustlfled yesterday that
Franklin said in his presence., that in
prosecution of Darrow was undertaken
with th ultimate object of involving
t Samuel Gompers, president of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor.
When the trial was reopened today Vie
. mont Older; managing editor of the hen
Francisco Bulletin,' and Attorneys Ueorge
Appelt and Bert Bchlesslnger of Han
I Francisco occupied seats directly bohlnd
the defendant The newspaper man was
1 subpoenaed as a witness for th defense,
while the attorneys are said to be ner
'In the interests of O, A. Tveltmoe rind
Throw Away tho
Dross Shields!
$8ititwKcepsftrni Dryand Sweet
Don't wear -Mr.sanitary dress shields!
Don't have disagreeable wet spots at
armpits! Tou can be sweet smelling In
, moat humid weather or room. Needn't
fear going to church, social, theater,
party, anywher where air Is "close.'1
Dance with the most fastidious ns pers
piration to offend him or you. No wv
pieplant memories afterward, t,
."AitSORBlT" l wonderfully absorb
ent; delicately scented. Has no equal.
Apply where you perspire us pad con
tained in box perspiration troubles van
is hi No more garments fading, stiffen
ing, rotting, holes appearing or colors
running! You're safe wearing the kimono
waist, finest lace dress or heaviest fabric,
without dress shields. "Absorbit" is ab
solutely harmless, ven to tnderst tac
and neck.' Great for sweaty feet!
"AbwrWf t iir ante tun, ' So or
end b mount to Yen Vil tsboreterlee, Chica
go. 111. Montr back It )rl want It. Soli ts
this city eae ratnanlit by .a 4 mv Dreg Co., eanwr lets and Dodf; lttk
a4 Hirnar; tith asS Famua. aiM Loyal rhir-
i 1 n
was eavyesa
Tb Civil War Ibcagh tts Camera
Crds Fsraow ChrO Wsf Photograph)
itmUUkmd ay JWtolaa rfthtti WW iaffnat)
. Asxt Profaassor E3mxi Newrry Wrtttem
- Hltry erf tb Ctrll War
XLla Ct?poa Goo4 for Bectioa 7 -or
other San Francisco labor leaders, hose
names have been drawn into the case.
King Alfonso Saves .
Life of a General by
Stopping Horse
PAMPLONA. Spain, July 16Klng
Alfonso today prevented what might
have been a fatal accident. As he was
leaving th cathedral after a ceremony
a general's horse bolted, throwing the
rider and dragging him along the ground.
While spectstors hesitated, the. king with
great presence of mind sprang from his
carriage, caught th horse and extricated
the fallen general. He was roundly
cheered by th populace.
New Secretary on
Job at White House
WASHINGTON, July If.-Carml Thomp
son of Ohio, the fourth secretary Presi
dent Taft ha had at th White house
was at hie job early this morning, though
hia nomination has not yet been sent
to the senate.
President Taft today sent to the senate
th nominations of Sherman P. Allen of
Vermont to b th assistant secretary of
the' treasury, and Luther Conant, Jr., of
New York to be commissioner of cor
porations. The latter succeeds Herbert
Knox Smith, resigned to join Colonel
Roosevelt's new party.
WASHINGTON, July IWSenteno upon
John" Mltchellr convicted of contempt' of
court with Samuel Gompers and fxipfc
Morrison of the American Federation" "oT
Labor, for violation of an injunction In
th Bucks Btove and Range boycott case
was again postponed today In the district
suprem oourt.
Mitchell, In Oregon, sent through hie
attorneys waiver of his right to be pres
ent when sentence was Imposed. The com
mittee of prosecutors will prefer a writ
ten request that sentence be passed in
hia absence. Sentence will be taken up
after It has been received.
GRINNELL, la.. July 17.-(Speclal.)-A
wedding of interest to Grinnell people
took place at 6 o'clock last evening at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mr. J. B. Uhl, at Mltchelville, when
Mia Bessie Kvelyn Uhl was united in
marriage to Mr. R. F. Nuckolls of th
jewelry firm of Bartllng aV Nuckolls of
Grinnell. The bride la a graduate of
Grinnell college, class of '08. The groom
spent four years In the cam college, but
left his studies in 1907 to go Into business
here. The young couple will take a
bridal trip to Yellowstone and Glacier
park and will be at horn in early
August In the Brand apartment In this
city. '
Payne-Hawk. .
NEBRASKA CITY, July lT.-(Bpeial.)-Wllllam
Payne, on of th leading Insur
ance and real estate dealers of this city,
and Miss Nellie Hawke, also an Insurance
agent and real estate dealer, being the
head of the firm of George W. Hawke
& Co., both of this city, were united In
marriage at Minneapolis by Rev. O. A.
Williams, formerly pastor of the Baptist
church of this city. The contracting par
ties are of the most prominent families
of this city and both well-to-do. The
marriage was a surprise o all. They win
tour the country until fall, when they
wil) return and make this city their home
EUjafc Devon.
;PONCA, Neb., July 17.-(SpclsJ.-Th
funeral of Elijah Devore, an old. resident
of this place, was held today from the
Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Roe officiated.
Mr. Devore served four years In the civil
war and was In many of th bloodiest
battles. He was severely wounded sv.
ral time and waa aa Invalid for many
yar. He was T year old. , v
Samoel Thoeaaaoa. ;.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., July W.-8p-rial
Telegram.) Samuel Thompson an old
settler and old soldier, died this morning
at the age of 78 years.
i ,
for any SecUoa PreTioaslj; Issued.
State Bailroad Commissiou to Inter
vene in Big Case.
Des Molaae Polls Discover Camp
for Immoral Purposes Located
Near Fashionable Club
- North of City.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, July 17.-Spectal Telegram-)
Tlie Iowa Railroad commission
today decided to intervene In certain
railroad rate cases affecting rates be
tween th Missouri river and Denver and
Salt Lake City and have the Interstate
Commerce commission take up in con
nection therewith the complaint of Iowa
shippers of discrimination to and from
far western points against Interior Iowa
This decision was reached after con
ference with the representative of the
railroads and various Iowa shippers. The
railroad men declared that it would be
useless to Undertake any settlement of
the matter while other case are pend
ing. Th commission then decided that
it would intervene so as not to permit
any adjustment of western rates that
would be "harmful to Iowa Interest, then
to have mad a complete showing of the
discrimination against Iowa points to go
to th commission.
Immoral Camp Located.
Th city pollc became unexpectedly
aware of the existence of a camp for
immoral purposes near the fashionable
Hyperion club north of this city by
reason of a serious automobile accident
last night It transpire that th auto
mobile, which was Overturned on a high
embankment, was returning from th
camp with men and women, soma of
whom have now been arrested, and th
government authorities also have io
dised some of them of Illegal sale of
liquor at the camp. It was not before
known that such a camp existed and only
for the accident it might have continued
Coseon Undergo Operation.
Attorney General George Cos son of
Audubon was operated on at Rochester,
Minn., today tor appendicitis. He has
been In til health for a year. -
Gypey' Dafetr Kidnaped.
"Steve" Yenas, "king" of on of th
rich tribes of gypsies in the west, and
th chief of detectives are searching for
Tenaa' l-yar-old daughter, Gylvla, who
Yna says was kidnaped Monday night
from the gypsy camp by her lover, Rich
ard Stanley; a wealthy gypsy, 3 years
old, who cam her from St. Louis. They
are alleged to have started west and all
traee was lost at Adel.
Kidnaped Baby
Found 'with Gypsies
BEDFORD, la., July 17.-Upon receipt
of a telegram from J. D. Mariow of
Little Rock late today confirming the
report that tho baby taken from a band
of gypsies is that of the Mariow child
which was kidnaped several months ago,
the bsby was returned to it parents.
A man and woman, members of the
gypsy party, were arrested at Gravity
early today, after a child said to answer
the description of the Mariow baby had
been ' seen in their wagon. All were
brought" here- and -held "pending reotpt
of. word from the Marlowe. Rewards
totalling "more- than W.00O nav been of
fered for th recovery of th Mariow
child. '
IOWA CITT. Ia., July 17.-(Speoial.)-W.
J, MeChesney, for several years sec
retary add treasurer of the State Uni
versity of Iowa, tendered bis resigna
tion to the state board of control at its
meeting today. WT H. Bates, assistant
secretary, was made .acting secretary
for the coming year. The appointment
of Henry Elcher of Washington, la., as
a member of the board to replace T. D.
Foster of Ottumwa. resigned, was also
announced at this meeting. Prof. ' Paul
S. Pierce was advanced to tho place in
the department of economics and socio
logy made vacant by the resignation of
Prof. John L. allien, who has taken a
position on the faculty of the University
of Wisconsin. V
SIOUX CITT. Ia.,0 July lt.M8peclal
Telegram.) Th Iowa state firemen's
tournament was opened this morning
with a pared at 10 o'clock. This after
noon th three days' racing program will
begin at Woodland park.
The prize for th largeat number of
men n Una in th pared this morning
was won by Perry. Marlon was second
The prlxe for best appearance was won
by Lemars. Ida Grove was second.
SIOUX CITT. Ia.. July tf.-M. J. Lar
son, trainmaster for the Milwaukee rail
road, Isas received notification that he
has been promoted to the office of as
sistant to H. B. Barling, assistant gen
eral manager, with headquarters In Chi
cago. Onawa Ready for Chaatavqaa,
ONAWA, la.. July 17.-(Spctal.)Onawa
will hav a Chautauqua. July lO-Js, and
among the notables who are to speak,
are: William Jennings Bryan, Senator
Joseph L- Bristow, Senator W, a Ken
yon, Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulua, NeUon
S. Darling, W, Z. Nolan, Bishop William
F. Anderson and Dr. Lincoln L. Wirt,
Mr. Bryan apeaks Monday, and the two
senators Tuesday. The tents will b
erected In the court house yard. Over
(S00 worth of tlokets were sold. Over
a dosen decorated autos left town this
morning on a Chautauqua boosting tour.
They were loaded with boosters, horns,
banners, badges, circulars and talk, and
will visit every town in the county, and
several outside.
1 : - .
New Hotel for linasleaa.
SHENANDOAH, 1-. July 17.-K Special.)
Shenandoah is .to hav a fin modern
hotel, equipped with all modem conveni
ence. Th long litigation with th Millar
estate has been ended and Elbert Rood
and Jv J. Dunnegan, now absolute owners
of th Delmonlco hotel property, have
leased It to, R. TV Bryant of Staples,
Minn., who took possession at one
Messrs. , Road and Dunnegan hav con
tracted to remodel and modernise th
building at a cost of not lee thoo tlftOOu,
Every ether room win hav a bath and
bet and cold water and telephone la all.
Mr. Bryant, who Is aa experienced hotel
man, will rename and refurnish th hotel
entirely new, 1 t
- Oil on Streets of Oasws.
ONAWA, Ia.. July 17.-Speclal.)-Ths
experiment of oiling the city streets has
proved a decided success, and a petition
has been circulated among property own
ers, for th oiling of all of th principal
streets. Nearly all have signed. The pre
paration cost seven cents per gallon, and
the city expects to buy a car load of It,
which will Include necessary apparatus,
and an expert to operate it.
Town News Note.
aged' 6 years, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Wehlert of near Lamoille, was
probably fatally burned today while play
ing with matches with which he was try
ing to light a bonfire. .
FORT DODGE The Iowa Biene will be
the name of a weekly German newspaper
that will be published in Fort Dodge reg
ularly beginning next week. Joseph Tag
werker, formerly publisher of the Ne
braska Biene, will be publisher and edi
tor. FORT DODGE Mayor J. D. Dwyer of
Barnum has been completely exonerated
by Judge R. M. Wright of this city after
standing trial for three days on a charge
preferred by five Barnum men that he
countenanced gambling in Barnum. The
men started ouster proceedings which
came" to naught
FORT DODOEAutomobtllsts and
drivers of vehicles In Fort Dodge cannot
hereafter follow their own sweet will in
regard to street regulations. The city
council today passed a long ordinance
stating minute street regulations, viola
tions of which will mean fines ranging
from $1 to 160.
IOWA FALLS With the transfer of
George TJaden of Cedar Rapids to this
city to become roadmaster of the Rock
Island lines between this city and Vin
ton and this city and Des Moines, comes
the announcement that the Rock Island
division at Dows will be abandoned, and
that the trains over the Germania branch
of the road will be run from this city in
stead of from Dows as heretofore.
IOWA CITT While Mrs. Mary Jones, a
paralytic, was seated calmly in her wheel
chair on the front porch of her home
here today, the blocks which held the
wheels became displaced. The chair
rolled down th front steps, throwing
Mrs. Jones to the ground below, breaking
her noe and badly bruising her. Wil
liam Tavorsky, a neighbor, ran to the
rescue. While he was engaged in pick
ing Mrs. Jones up, some one entered his
house, which, he had left unguarded, and
took 113.
Mixup of Politics
in the Smith Family
Herbert Knox Smith, whose retirement
from the position of commissioner of cor
porations to enlist , In . the third party
movement with Colonel Roosevelt ,1s an
nounced, has been a frequent visitor to
Nebraska and is welt'known here owing
to the fact that he married Miss Ger
trude Dietrich, daughter of former United
States Senator Dietrich, ,
"The actloh of Mr. Smith In embracing
the Roosevelt party .shows what com
plications may be produced by our pe
culiar politics," recalls an old-timer In
the federal building.':. "Mr. Smith was
brought into the public service by Presi
dent Roosevelt, first as assistant com
missioner, under 'Jimmy' Garfield,, and
promoted to Garfield's place when the
latter went' into the. cabinet. With his
chief, Mr. Smith" was also rated as a
member of the . tennis cabinet, Cm the
other hand, the Dietrich have no reason
to follow the Roosevelt banner because
Senator Dietrich ascribes big troubles in
large part to the repudiation by President
Roosevelt of a distinct promise to ap
point Harry. Lindsay United States dls
trlqt attorney.; and it was in this fight
that the senator's political f enemies got
Young Aeroplanists ,
Enter in Competition
The "T" association boys - Aero club
will hold a summer meet at the Fort
Omaha parade grounds this morning at
9 o'clock, weather permitting.
Several models have already been en
tered and the lad whose aircraft makes
the longest and" best balanced flight will
be awarded . the . challenge silver .trophy
cup, which is now in the possession of
Edwin Greevy, who won the ldl3 Spring
meet A year's membership In the boys'
department of the "Y," a year's educa
tional membership and a book on aviation
have also been hung up as prises to
encourage the boys. ,
Judges will be selected from the Ne
braska Aero club. No entry or. admission
fee will be charged.
Last year a glove manufacturing estab
lishment of Gloversville, N. TV experl
yesterday with fifty prairie dogs In
glove making. This concern found that
these skins tanned down finer and war
much tougher than kid. Now a Troy, N.
Y., glov establishment It giving prairie
dog skins a tryout
A. L. Russell, connected .with a Troy
glov manufacturing concern, went east
this morning with fifty prairie dogs tn
wire caes. The little animals were caught
in eastern Wyoming just across th Ne
braska Una They are being taken east
and while some of them will b kept for
show purposes the most of them will be
killed and their skins tanned and mad
Into gloves as an experiment
David Pain of Callaway, Nab., a
Korean, who earns to this country a few
years ago penniless and worked hia way
through th common schools and a state
normal, was In Omaha yesterday prepar
ing to leave the middle of August for
Franca and Other European countries.
II will wind up a trip around th
world at Korea, where he will establish
himself In business. He baa spent a year
taking moving pictures of Nebraska
school children, farmers, railroads and
ether industries of th slate. These, with
pictures he will secure In Europe, will be
displayed before his people tn Korea.
Harry J. Hebner, the Omaha boy who
won the 100-meter swimming race at the
Olympics., will not return to th United
States until early In September, as h
will spend the next six week touring
Kurop In company with svral mem
bers of th American squad.
He will probably visit his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry J. McCarthy, ti3 Daven
port street befor returning to Notre
Dam university In' th fall. : ,
Tnrktak Canine Resign.
Turkish cabinet resigned today In oonsa
quence of th revolt In the army agminct
th methods of th Committee of union
and progress.
One Day Only NEXT SATURDAY Ju.y 20th
(No matter whether the former price
was $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30 or even $35,
your unrestricted choice, at . .... ... . .
v This includes choice of the most famous brands of Men's
Clothes made in America. Positively every suit in the house goes in this sale all the
full dress suits, all the Tuxedo suits, all the blue serge suits,- etc. ; 1 1
Five Penoni Injured in Smashup
Bear Dei Koinei.
Driver, Who Failed to Report Acci
dent, is Arrested on Chargro
I of Violating; a Law of
' , ' ; '. tho State. .; ' '
DBS MOINES, Ia., July 17.-.Fiv per
sons wer badly - Injured when an auto
mobile in which they were riding struck
a telephone 'pole and rojlea down a fifteen-foot
embankment at th outskirts of
the city today. ,
The injured:
James Staler, driver of th car. ,
C M- Russell Boone, Ia.
Louis Clement, Waterloo. Ia.
Mis Iva Woods, Dea Moines.
Miss Clara Woods, Des Moines.
They were taken to the hospital, where
it was reported all will recover. The
party was. returning from a camp in th
country, when th accident occurred. The
machine was demolished. ' r
Staley was later arrested, charged with
violating the stat law by failing to re
port the accident, and will be held pend
ing an investigation. Other members of
the party may be arrested, the police say.
South Omaha Will
? Storm Samson's Den
South Omaha cltisens will be guests of
honor at amsen's circus at the den next
Monday night Everett Buckingham, gen
eral manager of the South Omaha Stock
Tarda company, is lining up the commis
sion men for the occasion.
A whole regiment of cavalrymen will
ride to the den and lead, the grand entree
parade about the ring a an opening num
ber on th program. Eeoretary Weaver
thinks th crowd will be bigger than the
Just Insist!
Sav. "Waiter! I want Blatz
the beer that bears the triangular
label on the bottle."
Every barrel of Blatz-every
bottle-every glass-tells its own
story of quality and character
Phone your order and
have a ease in your home.
802-810 Douglas St Omaha, Neb.
' ' Phonai Douglas 6662
record of last Monday night, when the
Omaha Ad club was entertained. .
Howell Protests
Against Method of
R. B. Howell, republican national com
tnitteeman, has sent a letter to, Ben 8.
Baker, chairman of the republican county
central committee in which he takes
exception to the method of naming dele
gates, to the county .convention called
for Saturday. Here is a copy of the let
ter, furnished by Mr. Howell:
Dear Sir: I notice in th morning papers
that the republican county central com
mute of Douglas county met yester
day afternoon for the purpose of calling
a county convention to cnoose delegates
to the republican state convention, to be
held July SO next Further, that such
convention was called for July 20. and
that a committee of five, named by the
chairman of the county central commit
tee was authorized te name th delegae
of such county convention. .
To adopt Such' an unusual and urire
publioan method of naming delegates to
our county convention, , especially at this
time and under present conditions, seems
to me not only unwise, but likely to o
subversive of party harmony in this
county. Tou can Imagine what a pro
test would have arisen throughout the
state had th state central committee at
its recent meeting authorised Chairman
Kennedy to name a committee of five
with power to select all delegates to
th state convention. Therefore, under
the circumstances, I respectfully take
th liberty of suggesting that you re
convene the county central committee at
the earliest possible moment and provide
for th calling of precinct caucuses
throughout the county to name delegates
to the county convention, so that all of
th republicans of Douglas county may
have an opportunity to express them
selves In connection with such conven
tion should they desire to do so. Th
co-operation of all the elements in ur
party Is absolutely necessary for success
In Douglas county this fait and in the
interests of harmony I trust that you will
see fit to act promptly in the premises
and you make expect me to co-operat
wiin you in vry way.
Naming Delegates
PHILADELPHDV, July 17. Michael "J.
Ryan, president - of th United Irish
League of America, has issued a call for
the sixth biennial convention of that' or
ganisation to meet in Philadelphia Sep-'
tember 73-28. William H. K. Redmond.
M. P., brother of the Irish leader, wll
attend the .convention as the representa
tive of the Irish parliamentary party.
.Health is the foundation of all good
looks. The vise "woman realizes this
and takes precautions to preserve her
health and strength through the pe
riod of child bearing'. Bhe remains a
prettr mother by avoiding as far as
possible the suffering and dangers of
Buch occasions This every woman
mar do through the use of Mother's
Friend, a remedy that has been so Ions
in use, and accomplished so much
good, that it Is in no sense an experi
ment, but' a preparation which always
produces the best results. It is for
external application and so penetrating
In its nature as to thoroughly lubricate
every muscle, nerve and tendon in
volved during the period before baby,
comes. It aids nature by expanding
the skin and tissues, relieves tender
ness and soreness, and perfectly pre
pares the system for natural and safe
motherhood. Mother's Friend has been
used and endorsed by thousands of
mothers, and its use will prove a com
fort and benefit c
to any woman in JQUQCb
need of such a, iV7
remedy. Mother's KxlAQJtlU
Friend is sold at vMVilv
drug stores. Write for free book for
expectant mothers, which' contains
much valuable information.
T) EC IDE to
take a trip to
the Pacific Coast
this summer. Go
by "The World's
Greatest Highway,"
the Canadian Pacific.
See the wonderful
scenery enroute and
stop at the famous
Mountain hotels at
Banff. Field. Lake
Louise and Glacier.
No Expensive
Side Trips
Snd4 pott g for our
ChalUngt of tho Moan,
taint and other Ma,
tratod litorataro.
24 S. Out $tret,CU
A. WALTON, Gsswsl Atest
stsr ho huuh n soma m esm
w"l for 0er SIXTTf YEAR 3 by MIUUOK8 of
is the best remedy for DIAKKH2A. It &.h.
itely hsraless. Be sore nd ssk for '" MnT '
U'inslow's Soothing 8yrop, mai Uk ao oihV
daL - Twcatr-fivcotttU bouu.-