Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1912, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 19li 9 Jeff Is Always Looking for OFFERED FOB RENT Stores and Offices. M'CAGUE - BUILDING. 16TH AND DODGE. Attractive office; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. FOR RENT Four- new modern store rooms.- corner 43d and Hamilton Sts.; gooij location for any kind of retail business; modern apartments above. ' JACKSON & M'KENZ1E,.401 Bee Bidg. - 68" BY 132 FEET, south side Farnam. between 28th and 29th Sts.; will lease ground or build to suit tenant. . 8. S. Curtis, 1808 Harney St. . . . V " . OFFERED FOB SALE Fnrnltnre. . GOOD gas stove for tale. 1911 Clark. FOR SALE Furniture complete for 8-room house. A big bargain as this must be sold- during the next few days. Call at 8407, Jones St. MUST sell furniture at once. Sectional bookcase, dining table, dresser, kitchen cabinet,- box oouch, youth's chair and rocker, Vienna and straight, chairs. 1226 N. 84tb. Musical Instruments. 1 FOR SALE-r-A new 1200 Vietrola; has never been used. If interested ask for price. M 257, Bee Office. . . Typewriters. r 1 ' RENT ' from the manufacturers direct Jo. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, WW. Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type srltcr Company. . ' . Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; 1 ail sizes and makes;' bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. ' FOR SALE-rONew and ' second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all. kinds; easy .payments. Tne Bj-unswick-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 6. 10th street. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2610 N., So. Omaha. 'WE have several uncalled for suits, which we will sell for $10; alterations iree. wooien jams, a. w. uor. 15th and Harney Sts. OLD SAFES. DERIQHT, 1818 Farnam at FOR per .cent, first mort gage electric light and power "bonds in Roxthwestrn,.Iowa;... new-. and,, modern. Bond issue -limited to . paid up capital. Full particulars-supplied. ; Address Y 90, Bee. -. -- ' : ' PERSONAL 68-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna D. Flsner, 4U1 ware diqck, ju q. Maeag. Mrs. Rlttenhouse. 308 Boston Bid THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast eft clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. - We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. "Phone Douglas 4126 and wagons win can MASSEOTHERPYrMamn.d Allen of Chicago, 109 S. 17tb. lstfl. D. 7668. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. . WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines- Ind. A-1663; Douglas 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO:. 16th and Harney Sts. IIU A GC! A CLV Swedish movement. Ap t ICaAbOAlillt 2, 1803 Farnam. D. 6240. RiTHS fiwd ah raassasre. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th ft Pierce. D. 4380. MASSAQE WVa SHAMPOOJNG rnrcure.Ta.S at your home; work guaranteed. P. 8152. M A fWF.TTH treatment. E. Brott, 710 lUAUXXXJilVg, 16tn M floor D. 5289. ANNA H. MARKS tiara. Davidge Blk. Ap t, 3. ' Red 7529. POULTKlf AND PET STOCK SCOTCH collie puppies. Harney 1447. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED-Clty loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam 8t. a CITY LOANS. Bensn-Carlberg u Co. 310-312 Brandels Xheater Bidg. GARVIN .OMAHA property and Nebraska lands, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LARGE loan our specialty. Stul) Bros. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS Farm .and city property, J. H. Dumont & Son. 1602 Farnam Sc . 3100 to $10,000 made promptly. . F. D. Wead, Wead Bidg., 18th and Farnam. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $&00,00. W. H. THOMAS, 503 First Natl Bank Bidg. LIVE; STOCK MARKET OF WEST - Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion.'' Lira -Stock Commission Merchants Byers Bros. A Co, Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-88 Exchange Bidg. Great West Com. Co., Omaha ft Denver. Clay. Roblson Co., 200 Exchange Bidg. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bidg. Martin Broa & Co., Exch. Bidg. TAGG BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep. : WANTED TO BUY , Household gds, clotHee at shoes. D3971 B1969 Best prices old clothes A shoes. Web. 8146. "WE BUY anything in store and office fixtures. Omaha Fixture, and Supply CO., 13th and Howard. Douglas 3734. Highest price paid for men's cast-off vimniiiB. on io. win. uougias (in. Bachman buys, sells furn't're. 2103 Cuming BOTTLES Buy, sell and exchange. N. Steinberg: WANTED to buy a stock of general merchandise, nheap. In Nebraska or lows- Apply or write Raphael -Pred Co., Omaha. WILL buy any number of cows from 10 cows to five carloads; heavy springers ?..'res?o,.pS!,erred- Alamito Sanitary . Dairr. 1314 Farnam St. utE last ' the horses nd tou VJTl I . .. '' v WANTED TO BORROW First Mortgage for Sale 64 first mortgage on new buildings v securities In the world. These securities have been our spe cialty for 13 years without the loss of a dollar to ourselves or Investors. - A list of mortgages, 3300 up to 32,600 mailed on request with highest references. American Security Company 809 So. 17th St. Omaha. ieb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE; TO EXCHANGE Good smooth land and sew well rented town property for stock of general merchandise well located In eastern Kansas, Nebraska or western Iowa; can tu large stock and might put In some cash if stuff Is good enough; glvo full details in first letter. Address Box L, Seibert, Colo. REAL ESTATE . AliS i a AC1S OK' Ti l LIS. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 808 Brandels Theater, HUILUGKB' INFOHJttA'llOA. Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming Sta Fuchs, Son ft Blind. palnting,decoratlns . ACUJUAiiU VOk MALJu,. ; ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha, Orln 8. Merrill. 1313 City Nat. Bank Bidg. CITY PHOPBRTY FOB SAliB Fine 6-Rom Bunga low Choice Location This is one of ' the best built and best planned bungalows In the city. It con sists of the following arrangement of rooms: VESTIBULE, with good-sized coat closet, oak finish. . PARLOR, nice sixed, having beam cell ing, bookcase in pedestal, oak finish. DINING ROOM, large, light, airy room, panelled walls, plate rail, beam, ceiling, fine built-in buffet, china closet In pedes tal, oak finish. .- ' .. . .. KlTCriKN, gooa-sizea, ngnt ana airy, one-piece enameled sink, fine pantry and refrigerator entry, yellow Pine finish. DEN. nice slied. could be used either as bed room, den or library, has large closet, finished in oak. BED ROOMS, two good-Sited bed rooms upstairs, with plenty ol closet space, yel low Dine finish. . BATH ROOM, good-sized and very com plete, best grade or plumbing, enameled woodwork, side walls in Imitation tile. - BASEMENT, fully cemented, first-class guaranteed furnaoe, hot water tank, con nected with furnace, laundry sink, with hot and .cold water, coal bin. Doors in this bungalow are two-panel oak and birch, fine interior finish. Pre sents attractive outside appearance. Very thoroughly built by skilled mechanics and of first-class materials. We are selling our houses on their merits. This partlcu. lar bungalow Is being finished by us at 35th and Franklin Sts., also 18th and Laird and 22d and Fowler Ave. Either prop erty can be bought on a reasonable pay ment down, balance practically the same as rent. '. SCOTT & HILL - Both phones. 307 McCague Bidg. $300 Cash Balance 6 1214 North 34th St., Bemls Park District 7-room. white-pressed brick, new house, with nice big lot and beauti ful shade trees; parlor, library, din ing room and kitchen on first floor, three big bedrooms, with large closets' and bathr upstairs; lower floor finished In oak and birch, upper In pine. Nice, big. sleeping porch; also one room finished and toilet In basement; ' few berry ' bushes and grade vines , in the ..rear. The house Is now vacant and can be seen any time.- Price down to $5,000. Key next door south, O'Neil's Real Estate & Ins. .Agency. 1506 FARNAM STREET. . , Phone Tyler 1024 or Ind. A-3313. 5 Acre Tract At Low Price Located nigh and sightly, affording a fine view of the river, city and sur rounding country. Near high class Im provements, with electric light in street, many natural shade trees and only 10 minutes walk from car lfne. A beautiful location for a country home, where one may have city conveniences, such as free delivery of goods from stores, telephone connections to Omaha without extra charge, good 11-grade school, paved road all the way into Omaha. Price $2,350, which Is very creap for this class of property. . Investigate if you want a bar gain. George &-Company . .... 902-12" City Nat. Bank Bidg.-. , -; Phone Doug. 756 or. Ind. A-1756.. 623 North 47th St. 7 Rooms, $3,250 The owner of this practically rlew, all modern house, wants to sell quckly. It is nloelv situated on full lot, near new car line; "has 7 rooms and la modern and new. PRICE IS LOW. See it today. Easy terms can ba arranged. . - Nbrris& Martin 400 Bee Building. ' Doug. 4270. . Only $850 for a 50-foot front lot on the boulevard just north of Dodge St Fine shade trees; a snap. E. W, Stoltenberg 436 Board of Trade Bidg.' BARGAIN 6-room modem house for sale. Price 34,000. 2806 Dodge 8t See J. H. Shtvley. TO BUY, SELL OR KENT, FIRST 6ES JOHN W. BOBBIN SL im FARNAM BT. an Argument REAL ESTATE CtTY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Dundee Bungalow Lot 100 it Frontage 6132 Dodge St., a well built house, 7 rooms, all modern, 'In good condition; brick fireplace; birch finish; large , rooms: screicned-ln .porch; in the pret- ' tiest row of bungalows around Omaha. Price 36,000; one-third cash; balance monthly like rent; key at our office; be sure and look this up If you want a . good home In a coming neighborhood at a right price. . George & Company 902-12 City Nat Bank Bidg. f Phone D. 78S or A-1758., WEST FARNAM HOME $3,250 buys a 6-room, all modern house, furnace heat, - rooms large: house not new. but In fine renair: lot 50x130 ft.; paved street. Lot Is worth half what We ask for house. Located at 4219 Farnam St. $2,600 buys a 6-room, modern except heat cottage; about 4 years old; lot 80x130 ft., near 24th and Wirt Sts. , $2,200 buys a 7-room modern house, all nawiy aecoraiea; ciose to car; ua guuu barn; good place for a teamster; lo cated Just south of Lake on 27th St. $200 cash, rest same as rent. VJMV tiKUS., 106 McCague Bidg. Doug. 1658, A-2653. $1,650 ' DEAL WITH OWNEE .. On resolutely clear property, a 9-r. house, advantageously located, paved street, cement walks, full basement; this property rents for $30 per month; this is a big a snap as there Is In this city; must see to appreclte. Address K-415, care Bee. NEAR FIELD CLUB Fine 6-room house, on paved street, close to car and school. Also a bungalow In same locality, on corner lot. Both places finished in oak In living rooms and all modern. Price on either one $3,750. Can make terms. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-12 Brandels Theater. , $200 cash,' balance easy payments, will NINE-ROOM BARGAIN. i Lnnn ihnrnuihlv modern house: cost $4,600 to build. . Price cut down to bed rock; every convenience tnai a noma demands. Call us up on this. . DEUEL & HANKINSON, 201 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 2877. Vacant Lot in Benson Price $200 Beginning July 15th, will reduce price on E. H lot 10, block 3b, on Lucas St., between Clark and Burnham, $1 per day until sold. Must be sold by August 1st ifhone Webster 3850. ADJOINING BEMIS PARK we have some 5 and 6-room houses, all modern except heat for $2,350 to $2,600, which are snaps. Close to car and schools. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 810-12 Brandels Theater. . $1,300. 6-room cottage, modern except heat, near 18th and Miami St. Call Webster 1672. : $1,250 AND $1,800 ' $200 cash, balance easy payments, will buy you either one of these houses, lo cated near 28th and Parker, here Is a chance to let your rent buy your home. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. ' 810-12 Brandels Theater. $850 A nice 4-room house with cellar, barn, wagon and tool house. Doug. 6976. VACANT Lot 36th and Spalding, cheap. Douglas 6976. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS. FOR 8ALK , . Idako. FOR 8ALE-120 ACRES IRRIGATED land, three miles from town, for 17,800, and ..will take $4,600 cash and will give 7 years on the balance. For information write Henry Maples. Richfield. Idaho. Colorado. 120 acre relinquishment one half under North. Sterling Ditch and Reservoir, sys tem completed, water flowing in reser voir, 4 miles of small town, V. P. rail road. Place can be homesteaded under 3 year law which requires only 7 months residence each year. Price $926 00 cash for short time. ' MORTON AND WALDO, 109 South 3rd St. ' Sterling, Colo. aetwsw THE easiest way to find a buyer tor Soar farm is to insert small want ad i the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of lowa, 43,uu0 dally. The Capital la read by and believed In by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply r. fuse to permit any other paper in their homes, JUtes, 1 cent a word a U) i.U per Una per month; count sta ordinary words to the Una. Address kJ Mouw Capital. Dee Moines, lav Montasa, RANrWF.fl r firm in tier (Wi a. list Shopen It Co., Ranch Dealers, Omaha, Neb. , Rebtmatca. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, 121 TO $3$ PER ACRE. We have for sal over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm land, where the crop yields for 13 years, including 1910 and 191L average with the best In the state. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Writ for full Information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDINGSLAND INVESTMENT CO., land. Address Box 373. Milford, Neb. Persistent Advertising Is the Road n AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA City- Council Turns Down Plea of Gillin for Tax Collectors. ALTON ALONE FIGHTS FOB HLM Omaha Water - Oempaay Protests Agaiaat Deduction of Taxes from Cheek tor Hydrant Rentals. . GIST OF COUNCIL MEET. City counoll directs Treasurer Glllln to turn over list of uncollected per sonal taxes to legal department, which will take means to collect same with out further expense to the city. Councilman Tom Alton's resolution to compel the legal department to render an itemised account of the legal affairs of the city in form of a report was turned down. Alton seeks to push claim tor $29$ through without reference to any com mittee or usual procedure. Council orders same to come through, regular channels. Councilman Rlha demands that a committee of three be appointed to determine the right of the Fort Crook lnterurban Una to pus through South Omaha without a permit or franchise. Mayor appoints committee. Appropriation ordinance for 1913-13 passed. Ordinance contemplates ex penditures of approximately $300,000. Omaha Water company protests the receipt of check for $7,(46.22 as settle- RAILWAY TIME CARD. RAILWAY TIMK CARD- UNION sTA'l ION Teat anal Maaoa. bale Paclflo . Depart. Arrl. Ban Fran. 0rna Lm4...a 1:41 a 1 1;0 n Chins A Japan Mail ...a 1:10 pm (:4Ipm Atlantic . Exprra a 7:11 am Oregon fcxprew all. '01 am a 4:10 pm ! Aiigciei united , pm 1 1:10 IMnver Speolal a IM am all: It am Ceatenalal Stat Special. .,..all:0l am I:m Colorado Expreaa a i:60pm tIMpa Ongon-Wuhtagtoa Llralwd . 13:50 pm a t;W am North riatt i... .a 1:14 am a 4:U pm Oraad laland Local a (:10 pm il9:!0am tromtburs Local bll:41 pm b 1:M pm Chlcaao Oreat Western- Twin City Limited.... el:ltpa a :! TwIb Cltr BaprMa....... a :W am, a .m pa Caloaso Kxpross I t:H aa al;Mpa) Cbloaco, Hock Islaad Pacific AST, Rocky Moaatala Llmiud all:IO pm alt M pm Chicago Lowl PaiMBaar bl0.5 am U:M pm Cbicaco Day txprtai..., a (:4i am a 4:N pm Cblcngo Sxprwa a i:M pm aiiupo) tic MoIdm Local PtMnfr..a 4:17 pia aU:U pm Cblcaso-Nabraaka LimU....a ;M pm iiMia WBST. Cblcago-Nab. Ltd. to Liaoola..a 1:91 aa a IM pm Cblcaso-Oolorado EipriKS ....a i ll pm a 4:04 pm Oklahoma a Tuu auprtM...a 4:0 pa aU:w am Kooky Moaatala LlmiMd all;4 am m llllaola Ceutrai Cklcaso Kxprow ,.al0;E6 am at iopia Chloaso Limiue a 1:44 pm a 100 am Chivaa-o, Miiwaakeo da sit. raai OTrlaa4 Llmttod a 7 SO pm a 1:1 am Cblcaso Special .....a 1:00 7:Wtn Danvor-Portland Limited ...a 1:00 pm MM pm Chloaso Dajrliiht Bpaolal ,.a7:Ma all:4t pm Colo.-Callf. Bxproas a 1:11 pm fmr Local a:3tan aUiOOpa Cmluaco A Nortbweaiera MORTHBOUNIK MUuMapoliaU. Paul Cipro .e T:Maai , UUuwaiKilta-St, faui UauudL.a t: pa a (: am Twla Clt Bxpraat a 7:4 am tit J lloaa City Local a t:U pa a 1 41 pa HoawpoUa Dakota Kxp..a lioO pm a 0:14 pa tlo uty Llmiud a l: pa a I M aa Ulaaoiota Kxpreat U;(0 aa SasTaOUND. Carroll Local I:M am , a t'.U pa PayUght Chicago a T: aa tbicago Local aU:t pa a 1:11 pa Cblaaga-Coloiado a l:M pa Chloaso Special .......a l:Ut pm a 4:41 ta PaaUW CoaaVCaiaage .a til pa at:Mpa Lta Aaaalea LimUod.,.. a M pa aU:M pa Uverlaud Llmiud a M pa a 4:li aa Carroll Local '. a i:m pm aUiut us raat Mail , a t;u pa a t.M am Cedar Kapida, Sloiu Ctty aad Omaha al:Mpa Ceouaaial sute Llmtud U:M aaa U.U pa WlMTtKIVNb Long Plae ,..,....a l:0o aa aU:N aa Norlolk-Dallaa Jl:u alliiMaa Lens Plna-Llnoola a 1:11 pm a I M pa htetliigt-Superlor hi :14pm al.Mpm Deadwood-Hot springs 1:44 pa a eiHt pm CaepefLaader .alpm alS:ie pel Fremoot-Atbloa k tM pa b lie pa Wabash Ouaaa-iK. Loala Capreas a $M pa a 1:11 aa MaU ad Kxproea ui lit a aU:U pa tunbtrry Local (Iron C ..h 4.00 pa bl:il am Utanoorl pacific X. C. A. St. Loals KxpreM..a 1:00 am a 7:11 aa K, O. a it. Loult gxprea..U:00 pa a 1:41 pa K. C 8t Paul Halted., m .tf ta 1:1 Barllastoa statloa Marlins ton -reutb e Maaoa Depart. Arrlra. . A in .M .... PBr A CaUtornla....... Pugai Bo use Bxptts , heoraaka Points Ulaok UI1U Lincoln Mali ...a:ll.m a 1:41 pa ...a l:w am a :W pa ...a t.u pm a 1:41 pa all:Upa i..4U:lpm a 1:8 ta ...a t:le am a 4:1 pa Nabraika Kxpreaa , Scbuyier-PUtuaoatb ..... um pa cie:ev a Llaoola Local h flatumeuth-Iowa Bellerue-Pletumouth ..... Chicaao Bpoelal I ll in i.. .all JO pm . ... i u:n aa a iMta a 1:4 aa aU:Upa at:Maa a : pm a 1:0 am fcl:ea aU:taa a t .u a 4:1 pa beaver Special ,...ali :K pa Chicago Itxpreea , Chicago raat Sxpnaa Creatoa Ua.) Local......... St. Louie Expreaa. aaaaaa City St. ioeeph.. Kaaaa UV St. Jaeeph i.,e e:v pa ...a :M m ...b I M pa ,.,.a 4:J pa ...alt.ei pa ...a aa Webster Station i Stli ml Webster ttlssosirt Pacllle ... Depart, Arrta Aubura Local b I s pa bl:4i aa ChleaKO. St. Paal, Xtlnaeayolls aaa Omabav tl-npm tu utm Twta City Paaaeogar ..b (:is ua b t:M pa llonx City Paaaeager l:H ua a t il pa Imeraoa Local ..............b 1:11 pm b :1 am (a) dally, (b) aelly exceM Sasday. (cl tasdar. COT2RN31EXT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE-CHIEF Quartermaster's Offlcs, Federal Build ing. Chicago. III., July 1, I912.-8aled proposals will be received here until 1 o'clock P. M., Central Time, September I, 1912. for furnishing and delivering at Chicago or other prominent railroad points; 10,000 tons hay and 1,000 tons oats. Information furnished upon appli cation. John L. Clem, Chief Quarter master. JyW-n-18-19-A28-30. Drawn for The Bee by ment for claim of $3,175 hydrant rental. Says check Is short $&S5 deducted by city for taxes. - City Treasurer John Glllln at last night's meeting of the city council found for the third time within the last month that he could not compel a majority of the council to Increase his already large office force by the addition of two more tax collectors. With Tom Alton alone fighting to Increase the expenditures In the treasurer's office the rest of th coun cil accepted Olllin's statement that he could not collect the personal taxes with out having two extra men appointed on a 30 per cent oommlsalon and ordered him to turn a copy of the list of delinquent taxpayers over to the legal department of the city, which offered to undertake collection of back taxes without any further cost to the city. The motion to turn the collections over to the olty at torney's office was introduced by Coun cilman Jay Williams, who, with his re publican colleagues, Vana and Rlha, has steadfastly fought the attempts of th treasurer to Increase the burden of taxa tion by adding more men to Ms Office force. Councilman Henry Hartnett, seem ingly disgusted at the persistent tight to oontrol the council made by Ollli n, voted with the republicans and left Tom Alton, president of the council, to act tor th Gillin cabal. . The vote turning the collection of back taxes over to the legal department fol lows Glirin's admission he could not do th work unless he gets two extra men on a commission of 20 per cent, or some thing Ilk $6,000. Following the repudiation of the stand taken by him in supporting th treasurer, Councilman Alton himself received a se ver Jolt from his associates, who turned down a motion to compel the legal de partment to make an Itemised report to th city council. Plainly chagrined over his 111 success, the president of the coun cil then sought to have th council allow a claim for $295 tor damage 'done to a certain lot of land In Shelby's addition. Attorney Samuel Winters Interrupted th proceedings to say that the matter had come through the wrong channel, Coun- oilmen Williams, Vana and Rlha all joined In the protest against the action of Alton and the claim was left to be acted pn In the regular order of future com mittee business. Alton as he took his seat told City Attorney Winters that he would "push th claim through." Th paper was signed by Alton himself and bore no other Indication as to the owner ship of the property. ; Interwrbaa Franchise. : Declaring that the Fort Crook electric Jin had no right or franohlie to run through South Omaha to Omaha, Coun cilman Rlha asked that a committee b appointed to investigate the report that th car wer being run from th fort to Omaha, Mayor Hoctor having been authorised so to do by the council, de clared he would appoint a committee of three to investigate the complaint made by Klha. A protest from the Omaha, Water com pany insisted that the city pay $$,175 In stead of $7,644.22 in settlement for hydrant rental tor 1912. The city had deducted $E85 for taxes, which the watr company claims should not have been assessed Against it.' It was said last night that In the event of further efforts to foro the council to appoint tax collectors, steps would be taken to simplify the bookkeeping methods of the city to such an extent that a reduction of the force In the treasurer's otfic would result of neces slty. Prospector Finds Gold. . A sad-eyed Individual with several days' growth of whiskers on his face wandered Into town yesterday and an nounced that he was a raining' pros pector temporarily out of a lob. , He perambulated through two or three of fice buildings and finally entered the stylish dentist rooms of Dr. Marcus L. King, at 406 North Twenty-fourth street. The doctor was at work , upon a new set of teeth lavishly set with gold. He left the mould to dry on the window sill while engaged' with a patient in another room. When he returned the new set of teeth was gone. So was the seedy prospector. The teeth had gold fillings worth $30. Doctor King Is to decide whether the man found the teeth while prospecting for gold or discovered the gold while bunting tor serviceable molars. Chief of Detectives James She ban will investigate th matter. Lone Rid to Glvo Alarm. With all telephones put out of com mission by the lightning at 4 o'clock yesterday morning:. John Rubin of Six teenth and I streets was compelled to ride on horseback to the fire hall at Twenty fifth and L streets in order to turn In an alarm. The tire occurred in an empty house across the street from Rubin's res idence. When the fir department ar rived th roof had already been de stroyed. O'Har Her on 'Visit. John O'Hare, artist and cttlsen of the wide world, walked Into th office of his cousin, Assistant City Attorney 6am Winters, yesterday to pay ' a friendly call after an interim of twenty years. Mr. O'Hare, who is about the same age as the assistant city attorney, has traveled and worked in every part of the world, including the far east. He Is a mu ral decorator of note and has won many prises for th brilliancy of his concep tion and the accuracy of his artistic ex ecution. Cultured and well read, Mr. O'Hare Is a vcltlm of the true "wander lust." His work appears upon some of th famous walls ot this country and Europe. Mr. O'Hare comes directly from Alaska where he has spent some time. Ralpb Wemmer Dead. After lingering a month, Ralph Wern mcr, aged IS years,, died yesterday even ings at the South Omaha hospital .from the effects ot burns received in a gaso line explosion which occurred at the home of his father, William Wemmer, 1013 North Twenty-eighth street. Toung Wemmer, a ' high school boy, returned home at noon about a month ago to find the lamp In his sister's room smoking and about to explode. He snatched the lamp up and dashed out ot the house. As he passed a gasoline stove the blase from th lamp Ignited th gasoline and caused the explosion which wrapped th toy In a sheet of flame. He was taken to the South Omaha hospital where every effort was made to save his life. The funeral will be held this morning at the residence ot the boy's parents to Evergreen cem etery. Marine Rovers Satiated. Patrick Ward end Henry McMoran. two South Omaha youths with nautical ambi tions, were rescued from a eand bank in mid stream at Guilds' point' yesterday morning after an all night vigil spent In the middle of the river. Ward and McMoran are respectively captain and first mate of th row boat "Jolly Rover." With a crowd of com panions they spent Sunday at Quids' point, where they fished with mor or less suocesa until the afternoon, when the captain and the first mat went to reconnolter for buried trtasur on an Inland in mid stream. Th other mem bers ot th crew tarried on the main land. After the two young seamen had completed their observation they found themselves caught upon a lonely sandbar, where they were marooned until yester day forenoon, when a rescue party headed by Master of the Galley Joe Seitier and Boatswain S. Stempek brought them off their perilous station. Act Like Holdans. H. C. Austin and John Kelly, both ot Omaha, were arrested at Thirty-ninth and Q streets last night about 1 o'clock by Officers Carey and Qulnn, who thought they wer planning to holdup the street car conductor on the street car, which was standing at the end of the line. The two men got on the next to the last west Q street car at Fourtenth and Far nam street last nlgnt. They rod out to the end of the line1 and got off the car going over across the railroad bridge. As the last car was leaving for the barn they Jumped from behind a pillar of the bridge and Jumped on the back platform. Seeing the two officers Inside they left the car and ran down, towards the railroad tracks, where they were captured. Neither could account for their being there at that time of th night. Magic City Gossip. ' Miss Ruth Jameson of Swanton, Nb is the guest of relatives her this week. The Letter Memorial Sunday school will hold a picnic, Wednesday afternoon at Klverview park. The Eastern Star kensington will give a picnic at Hanscom park, Thursday afternoon and evening. Misses Mary Moore and Leona Auguay leave this week tor Atlantic, la., where they will spend their summer vacation. The Willing ' Workers of th First Christian church, will give a tea Wednes day afternoon at the church building, Twenty-third and I streets. Th Ladles' Aid society of th Flrnt Methodist church will give an Ice cream social on the church lot. Twenty-fifth and E streets, Friday evening. ' The Ladles' Aid of th Wast Sid Methodist church will give a lawn social, Friday evening, beginning at I o'clock, on the lawn of the Danish-Norwegian church, Twenty-ninth and T street. Chief of Police John Brlggs and Mrs. Brlggs left yesterday for trip to Colo rado Springs, where the chief and hi wife expect to remain tor thirty days. During his absence Captain Henry Kls felder will be acting chief of police. The t-montn-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vlveons, 288 North Twenty fourth street, was burrled yesterday after noon, the funeral being held at the resi dence to the Laurel Hill cemetery. Rev. Tualels of Omaha officiated. Th infant died last Sunday evening. John Vana, chairman of the license committee, declared yesterday that some of the pool halls and one moving picture snow were in danger or Being closed up unless the license for the Present vear was taken out. The councilman declared that there were a number of delinquent pool halls and one moving picture show. He stated that unless th licenses wer taken out forthwith h would ask th mayor to close the places. Bert Kendrtcks and Bernard Larkin have returned from a fishing trip to the Platte river. L. C. Gibson, wife and son will leave this week for Michigan, Mr. Gibson's old home. They will make th trip in Mr. Gibson' t new Lexington car. Fire broke out y esterday evening at 409 North Twenty-sixth street In a negro barber shop. The damage amounted to about $10. YOUNG MAN DROPS DEAD OF HEMORRHAGE OF BRAIN Emll Piloa, 08 South Nineteenth street, a bookkeeper employed by the Bell Tele phone company, dropped dead suddenly yesterday, afternoon while at home, as the result ot a hemorrhage of the brain. The body was turned over to the coroner. Plloa, was 11 years of age and Is survived by his widow. He had been suffering for several month. BURGLARS ENTER TEA STORE AND CLEAN OUT REGISTER 1 Burglars broke Into the Grand Union tea store. Sit South Sixteenth street, this morning and opened th , cash register, stealing $14.68. A screen was cut and a window raised to effect entrance, . "Bud" Fisher; ! WILL NOTIFY TAFT AUGUST 1 President Will Be Given Official Knowledge of Nomination, M'COMBS HADE CAMPAIGN CHIEF1 Retiring- Chairman Mack Ursjes Members to Adopt Policy of Pop- lav tnbsertfttoa T broach ,j ; Newspaper Appeals. -. ' ; m WASHINGTON, July l&Preldnt Tk'ft will be notified officially of his nomina tion at the White, House on August 1. This was decided, today by Chairman Hllles of the republican national commit tee and Senator Root, chairman of the committee ot notification appointed at Chicago. - It was President Tait's wish that the ceremony of notification be performed "in Washington because of the cat Wfth which members ot the committee could get her and because ot his desire to entertain them. The notification will be given in th morning and the committeemen will be the president's guests at luncheon th th Whit House. If th present plans are carried out, Mr. Tatt will receive the committee on the ' rear portico ot the White House that overlooks' the clips and down past the Washington monument toward the Poto mac river. Ha w(U . speak . from that portico with the committeemen grouped below him on the grass. Will Go to Beverly. , The president will go to Beverly prob ably on the night he Is notified and if congress has adjourned will stay there until late in the fall. If congress decides to continue sitting after August 1, the president will return to Washington after a short stay and not go north again until congress Is ready to quit , . In keeping with the announcement that he doc not expect to make any campaign trtp this fail, the president told visitors that he expected to go to Hot Springs, Va., late In the fall, and it Is possible that he will be there or In Washington on election day. , ' ' . President Taft, Chairman Hllles of the ' national committee, Senators Sanders and Crane and former Senator Dick, had a j. long conference today over a statement which has been prepared to refute th charge that any ot the Taft delegate at the Chicago .convention wer Illegally Seated. : - ,v .. ' . . ' '' ' - . It is understood that the statement is to be given publicity either by th na tional committee or republican members of the house and senate. It is an ex haustive review ot eyery contest ; Comes Anheuser to : iDeolafe Heavy Set Man Eeckless Driver Fred W. Anheuser, r.Ity prosecutor, be lieves that a "mtddle-atfet! ' an.t neavi set man" who drives the Board of Educa tion automobile Is setting a uad example to the young chauffeurs of the clry.ol "I have been requfoa to get out'-a warrant , for his arrest," he Las written the board, but h has hesitated to do so because the money received from su'Ch fines goes to th board and h thfaks it would be a funny "imposition to hav members of the boar! or Its employes donating their salaries for breaking tfits ordlnanoe. "I'll hav to see the c ty. prosecuted" said Superintendent FinUys)i of buff ings, who drives the said nutomob;tl "Why. I don't drive fast and I .ain't a bit careless. I always .stop for street cars and things," . ; YOUNG MAN WOULD FOLLOW U WOMAN ACROSS THE STYX Miserable because of an unfortunate lovs affair. Dick Gravenhoret, ag4 a, "a clerk at the Merchant's drug store. wfj lives at 2804 Patrick avenue, mad aa unsucceesful attempt to end his life last night at Sixteenth and California street by swallowing three bichloride of mercury tablets. ' . . ; . After he swallowed the poison he laid down to die, but an unkind patrolman. Officer Wilson, picked him up and called th pollc automobile. . . At the station Police Surgeons Vanderhoot and EHwood used a stomach pump and sent him home. ; As h left Gravenborst said that his life was a burden to him and th next time he made an attempt to rid himself of tj he would use chloroform. Gravenhoret said that his act was Induced beeau of the death ot May Moore, the girl who committed suicide several days ago by swallowing the same kind ot poison used by the youth. , A letter found in his pocket snowed that Gravenborst had broken with his former fiancee, a girl named "Blanche," and the two happen ings coming so close together weighed so heavily on his mind that n wanted to end his existence. . , Cfcnreh Rally Dsy.' LOGAN, la.. July 16. (SpeclaD-Mem-bers of the Christian chiirch of Lcgari, Woodbine and Missouri Valley Joined fn the church rally day at Logan veterdy. Sunday school and preaching, occupied the morning, with Rev. W. B. Crewdson occupying the pulpit.. In the afternoon. Rev. B. B. Burton of Des Moihes' occu pied the pulpit, and Rev.- W. 8. Crewd- son In the evening. A spWndil dinner was served to local and visiting mem bers. , , .