Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1912, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1912. it OMAHA WINS IN THE NINTH ddie Allen Savei the Day with a V Drive to Left Field. SCHIPKE SCORES FROM SECOND Past Playinc from the Start, a 4 far Six Ianlar it Looked Like a Shataat for Wichita. Eddlff Allen. Omaha' new outfielder, won for Omaha the second game of the series trlOi Wichita In the ninth Innlna with a drive to left with Skipper Bill ', Bchlpks a second. Score: Omaha. ; Wichita, fc After one man was down' and Johnson on third the Bklpper got to first by virtue , of an trror In the ninth, and ceooiMTwheit Johnson as caught of ( third. -Two men were out' when- Allen came to bat and visions of extra innings had visited the hearts of-the fan." Just when thfnga looked xiver-AUea caught the tall square on the nose and slammed It to fair ter ritory, while Skipper. Bill rushed across the platter. i The game was almost a repetition of the preceding one. It was a pitchers duel, with. tittle. Harry Hicks in great ahape,' Tie had the Jobbers falling all , ver tnemsehret trying to fathom his wrinkles, "but there was nothing doing. Five hits were all the little fellow would i gtve and he wrlffed nine of the Wiehtta elugjartv v ; " Perry kept hla hits well scattered, but the first Inning a double, a tingle and a , sadrlfica scored the ffrst tun. The Job bers tied It In the aoventh on a single, a teal and f wo errors. An error and a hit won the game la the ninth. .. Hard Work In Rights. ., . It- looked like "good-night" for Oinaha . In the ninth, but Harry Hlcka pulled Himself . out of a -bad koto Fattlgrew opened with a don Me, Hughes sacrificed, Middletqn $eat out a bunt and then stole . aeocnd. With on down and second and , third populated, Hick worked hard. A pop-up behind second by Da via was apetrsd by Coyta, and then Callahan sent a hard one to Nlehoff, who fielded it iwfeetlfc but threw it bad to Kane. "The latter dropped the oalV but picked it up Jant In time to aava the game. , Justice opened the first for the Rourkts with 'a double to. right Coyle sacrificed. ,, Thomaaon beat out a bunt, while Justice " scored. . ' Callahan started with a tingle In. Jthe ' stventn. westersti landed tare when he forced Callahan at second. Weatertll- stole second, went to third , when John ao threw wild to second to catch him, tnd scored on Mee t bunt, which wat booted j- 'by Hlcka . , tt In the ninth Johnson opened with a . double, Kant went out bunting on third ! strike. SchlpM laded, safa on Hughes' I error. Nlehoff dropped e down in treat f . of the plats and Clemont caught Johnson , off third. ADtn singled to left, aoorfhg Sohlpke. Scort t OMAHA. AB. N.' H. O.' A. 4 4 Justice, Coyle, rt.. Thomason. ef...i. Johnson, e. 4 S 2 s 0 0 0 ... 4 ..a 11 t;ane, id;.. S Schlpke, th..... ...... 4 j Niohoff. 3b,.,......,. 4 o i o t (Allen. , H.'..'v.t. 4 lllcki,-p. 8 U Totlt..'...i..!tt &-Ciixuhi t;"-- - "Jvmchita. :-:V: I AB.T A,H.'O.A.'fe f. Pettlgrew. If, 0. ft Hiighoa.. lb..,....v.. 8 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 I t j UJdaietonr ci.t.v. ; Itvl. rf . 4 Callahan, fA J WestersU. Jb.....o t n Mee, 2b. . 4 Clemont, C i Pmy, p.... . m ........ 8 0 ' Total!.. ...... ..V.. S3 V' 5 Kane out. bunted third atrlkt. Two out when winning Tun tcortd. Wichita-- ,'. , ,' . r Hits total- 'i Two-brfse hits: Justice, Johnson, Petti grew. Hit with Pitched ball: Johnson, first bate on ball: 0 HJckt, 1; off Perry, 1. Struck .out: ; By Hlckt. .9; by f erry, 4.' Stolen bases: Thomason, Mld leton. Schlpke. Sacrifice hlts: Coyle. Westerall, Hughet, Left on basea: Omaha. i; pichtta, Timet t:0. Umpiree: Meyers and Kisan. . tlOVX CTV IS BIO ' RALLY Xlnt Rtai'la La at Two ianlaga Beat ihm GriaaUea. , . felOCX C1TT; la., July ll-By a dtt pwate batting rally In the ninth, 6tout City won a alow game from Denver to day, 8 tat. Manager Andreaa wat ordered off the field In the seventh for protest ing decisions. Score. f t tUUUA U'il. . ' - "--W..a- ; Aa' R. H. Andreas; '!b...:....i. 8 00 Wlliion. rf..... ...... J I t A.E. I smith, at... $ .o..i.! Myers, ef .... t l .1 v' Breen, If.............. 4 1 .11 'fen nan, lb..... C j .1 H Keiliy. aa. 4.1 1 4 J. French. rf-2b..... 8 . 2 8 1 4 Orendorff. c 8 it I ' 1 Clark, p.. , S 6 0 1 .. 0 0 0 , 0. . 1 t 1 . t 1 I urown, p Cad man , White ... Total i 16 W 17 t ' Kcnworthy, U-ar...; ( 0 0 '"' ; 8 . 8 0 Catftldy. rf.v..'.... 4 Beall. cMf... ........ 8 (juiUin, 8b.v.J.v I voiiey. ts Sohreiber, rf.. C. Krench, 2b. Undey, lb.... Block, cf-e.... Harris, p...... epahr a ' .m'v8 ; 15 Totals ......J....41 I 1 St 16 I Batted for Clark in ninth. Batted for Brown In tenth. - 'Batted lor Schrelber In tenth. One out when winning run scored. ; Sioux City ....... 00000066 8-8 XMnvor ...........1 ttltttltM Two-bate hltt: Myers. Beall, Biock. Three-baae hit: Beall. Home run: Coffey. iaf.rlfiC hltt: Corry. Harris, C. JYench. Stolen naset: Myers, Spahr, Coffey. luble plays: Coffey to French to Llnd . y, ijellly to Smith. Left on bases: Bious City. : tenver, 14. Hits: Off Clark. 13 in nine Innings; off Brown. 2 In one inning. Xases on balls: Oft Clark. 4; off Brown, 1; off Harris, 8. Struck out: By Clark. 4: by Harris, 4. Baika: Clark, 1 Hit by , pitched balls: -Boa it, C. French. Time: 2:03. Umplret Knapp and Flynn. .... , ' f:f - I I . 1 ANTELOPES TAKE TWIX BILL , ond '". fcoateat ) Tvelve.IaBas . Filaaeis'-De LINCOLN, Neb., July 18Lincoln won . both yamea of today't double-header with Ues Molnea, tie Xirat by 4 to 8 and the tec . ond, a twelvo-iimlng pitcherf duel, by 2 to 1. - It wat. beta ball booeter day n probably a record crowd for the teaaon on the home ground! taw two wall played .; gameer gcore, first game: ' LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Berghajnmer, aa .... o 1 0 uoyd, z. . 4 1 e 0 o 10 0 1 Cobb. rf. A.i.. i Mccormick, If, t Cole. cf. ,. 2 Barbour; 3b. 4, i'jillen,- lb. '4 Caxuey, e. 8 10 While Reeling Between Records ' H iSimJ'f 1 ' 9 Vi Mope Tf ' Worry At ' jl WEST. JJEAOUE. a NAT. LEAGUE. W.L.pct New Tork... St 20 .744 Chicago ....48 28 .632 Pittsburgh .46 81 .897 Cincinnati .41 40 . 606 Philudel a ..96 88 .478 St. Louis. ...84 48 .410 Bt Joseph. 48 tT .86 Omaha 48 S .652 Sioux aty..4 40 .6 Denver ....47 41 .684 Wichita ....44 a .tin ,ps Molntt.41 44 .W Ldncoin ..,.8 16 .462 Brooklyn ...30 48 .880 Topaka 82 68 .3b1 Boston ,.,.',.32 69 '.in AMER. LEAGUE, AMER. ASS'N. WLPrt W.L.Pct J.-.'-fI ?S -Columbua ..82' 83 .868 Wasblngt'n 61 88 .. rawneapolll 87 86 .;o Toledo ......87 8 .818 rniiaaera ..47 35 .673 Clevtland ..42 43 .491 Detroit ....40 43.483 amwauitee. 43 52 ,468 St. Paul...,.89 67 . 408 Louisville ..34 66 .882 Ind'napoli 84 69 .M MINKLKAOUB. St Louie. ..24 68 ,300 fivw Tork..22 8s .886, : NIB. LHAOUK. Kearney .,,80 28 m Humboldt ..22 -sm Buptrior ...,l? 8io ; i '.' i ' Yeaterday's Reanlts. , . wEstrnks lkaSub. ' ' ' Wichita, l; Omaha, 1 , ' Dtnvar, I;. Bioux Cityt 9, t - v j, . icp5 ? TV Pt Moines, 2-1; liaepln, M" NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn, 4; Pittsburgh, 8rten innlngt.iimi. rf..i lit tDoyn. tb....4'j i i x-miaaeipnia, o; Cincinnati, o. New York. 1; Chicago, 8. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago, t; Wtthlnjrton. 1 , Detroit, t; Boston, 7. St. Louis, 6-2; New York. 1-1. ' Cleveland, 2; Philadelphia, 6. ) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indlanapollt-Milwauktt, rain. Loulevtlle, 1: Kansti City, 8. Columbua, 4; flt Paul( 8. Toledo, 1-8; klnneapollt. M. - '. Oarnea Today, ."" Western League-Wichita at Omaha, Denver at Situs City, Bt Joseph at To pekt, Det Molnet at Lincoln. National LeagueBoston at Pittsburgh, Brooklyn at St. Louis, New York at Pitts burgh, Philadelphia at Chicago. " American League Chicago at Boston, Detroit at Philadelphia, Ht. Louis at Washington, Cleveland at New Tork. American AMoclatton Indianapolis at Minneapolis. Columbus at ' Kansas City, Toledo at Milwaukee. Mink League-Hiawatha at Nebraska City, Auburn at Beatrice, -Humboldt at Fallt City. . Imlth, p. Mi... 4 1 Total 81 4 8 ' , , DBS MOINES. . AB. R. H Curtis, cf. 4 0 0 2T I o. 1 i ' r i t 10 0 ? 1 A. 14 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hahn, rf. 4 Belden, If. ,-., 4 Olalre, at ... 8 ColUgan. 2b. 8 Koret, lb. 2 Leonard, 8b. McOraw, a. Faber, p. .... Totals .... Lincoln ...... Det Molnet 8 8 24 0 ft ..... 0 1 0 10 10 0 -4 0 0-2 Three-base hit: Carney. Two-baa hltt: Hahn. MoGraw. Double playa: Lloyd to Mullen: Korea to Fber. Left cn basea: Lincoln, 7; Det Moines. 1. Stolen baaet: Loyd, McCormlck, Cole, Barbour. Mullen 3). Sacrifice hit:' Cole. Struck out: By Smith, 10; by Fa bar, 7. Baaet on bant: Off Smith, 1; off Fabtr. 1 Hit by pitched bait: Faber, L Paeaed bail: Carney. Time: 1.60. ; Umpire: Haskell. Scort, atooad game: J ' LINCOLN. : ' . AB. R. H. O. A. B. wergnammer, ss..,.6. I i 1 1 0 iJtUTO. BD.... Cobb, rf.: ,. If McCormlck, lf.. 8 Cole, cf Barbour, 3b... Mullen, lb,,..,; Carney, c...... Hagerman, p. Totalt...... 0 II 13 0 2 9 M 12- 0 DES MOINES. . AB. R. ' VL o. 1 " 0 1 I 14 0 ? 0 0 A. JE. 0 0 Curtis, cf Hahn, rf....,. Belden, If Claire, ta , ColUgan, 3b..... Kores, lb ......... 0 .6 .6 . I .8 .6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 yiatowski, e... ...... 4 Sweet, p , 2 "Isbeil 1 Douglass, p 6 Totals.. ....... ....a , 1 9 S6 20 0 Two out when winning run scored. Batted for Sweet in the twelfth. Lincoln lto0i-.i Dea Molnet... , 0000180000001 Two-base hltt: Barbour, Belden. Claire. Double play: Berghammer to Uoyd to Mullen. Left on baaet: Lincoln, 6; Det S Moines. 10. Stolen baaes: McCormlck, ahn. . -Sacrifloe hlttt Lloyd. Barbour. ulUin. Curtis, Sweet. Struck out: Bv Hag erman 12: by Sweet. . First btst oh b?JlA f Hagerraan. 3: otf Sweet. 1; off Douglas h, 2. HIU: Off Sweet. 7 In eleven innings; off Douglasa, 2 in one inning. Time: 2:80. Umpire: , Haskell. -, ' ,. ' Deadly Friarat . tHMttttM tufterert from lung trouble till they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will help them Price 60c and 2108. For tale by Beaton Drug Co, OuT a X4P uAOts JOHNSON'S CUBS CONQUER THE GIANTS League Leaden Beaten by Score of Three to One. LAVENDER OTJTFLINGS TESREAU Twlrler Who Defeated Marqnard Again Wine from New1 York by Superior Work la Plnchea . ' ' Two Twlrlers. CHICAGO, July lfl.-Clilcago crept one tame closer to New York In the pen nant race today, by defeating the lead ers,. 2 to 1. The game wat a pltchert' battle, in which Lavender pitched to better advantage than Teareau in the pinches.. This Is Lavender's second vic tory over New Tork during the east erns v western invasion; his first victory being the defeat of Marquard. : Chicago made two runt on an error, an out, two paaed balls, a tingle and a triple, white the third run was made by bunch ing hits. . New York's lone run resulted from a trlpple and an error by Tinker in relaying the ball after the hit. One of the largest crowds of the season waa ra tuendtnefc. Store:' r" " ' ' y 'f- CWCAftO. "(.. : U1W YORK . ! AB.M.O.A.B. ' 'AB.U.0.A.I1. tHWitrt. If. I 1 It OBnodfrua, It t O 1 0 t Tlnlnr, u... 8 lit 2Bacltr. ef... 4 t I t t Elm'mui, lb 4 1 0 1 OMtsrkl. lb.. 4 0 I 1 t Luch, cf...,4 Oil 0 Murray, rf.. 4 1 0,0 t alr, lb..,. 1 D10 I OHenot, lb.. 4 18 8 8 Cvtra. 8b.... I 0 14 lMayert, e...4 lilt Archer, .,..! I 10 0 OFlnteher, at I I I I Uvaodar, p. I 1 0 I OTmntu, p.. I 0 0 8 4 Devore .... 0 0 I 0 I Totals 31 7X7 11 SMfer ..... 1 0 t 4 MoConnlclt 1 0 0 t TataH 17 1 14 10 8 Ran tor Meyera In thuiuntn. Batted for Fletcher In the ninth. Batted for Teareau in the ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 8 New York 0 ft 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Three-bast hits: Hurray, Sheckard. Stolen baae: Fletcher. Double playa: Hertog to Merkle. Fletcher to Doyle. Left on bases: Chicago. 8; New York, 9. Bases on balls: Off Tesreau, 2. Struca out. By Lavender. 7; by Tesreau, (V Paused ball: Meyera (2). Time: 1:35. Umplret: Brennan and Owene. Brooklyn Loeee In Tenth. . PITTSBURGH. July l.-ftttsburgn de feated Brooklyn In ten innings. Brooklyn twice tied the score, the first time be oause of a wild throw by Cola and again by hitting Colo freely. Score: Batted for Ingling in tenth. PrrTSBtlROH. " v BROOKLYN. . AB.H.O.A.C. Ai.K.O.A.B. Muiwr, ff,. lit IMma, at... I lite M'K-ea-t, it 1 0 1 1 ONsrthea, rf.. I 1 1 t Ctrer, II.... 8 8 8 1 Bmllh. lb... 8 til Wiiner, as.. 4 8 8 4 OHummd, lb. 1 1 4 1 t t t 8. MUUr, Ik 4 8U 1 tDavtert. lb, 4 H9 8 WIImb, et...l tit pti7, u 1 tit M'Crthy. Ik 4 I t I OCutiht'. Ms 4 1 f 1 Hlmaa, e....4 ill otoolar, 4 8 3 3 t 4 8 t Col. p..v...l 4 t I 10. MlUar, e. 4 1 8 8 Rcbinaca,. Pl 1 t tinning. M I t . .4--Ph,ip, 1 e t t t Totali.....3IUM18 lTekr, ... t t t t t Totala It l8 13 8 Two out whan winning run made. Pittsburgh 0 0 ft t ft ft ft 3 0 1-4 Brooklyn 000000200-4 Two-base hit: Mentor. Three-base hits, Wagner, Wilton. Bases on balls: Off Colt, 8. Struck out: By Cole. 2; by Ingllng, 2. Hits: Oft Cole, 6 In nine in nings; off Robinson, 2 In one Inning; off iKHntf. 10 in, nine innlgs; off Rucker, 2 in two-tliirds Inning. Time: 1:52. Um pires; Rlngler and Finneran. Pttllllea Win Again. - CINCINNATI. July 18,-Phlladelphia made it tour out of five garnet by win ning tht final contat of tne series with Cincinnati. Alexander allowed only four scattered hltt. Store: PHILADELPHIA. ClXClNSAfl. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O A t. raikert. ef.. I tit tBenhtr, U..4 lilt LoMrt. K... I 111 tNtnana, cf. 4 t 1 1 Mr, ' It... 4 111 tHobllU'l, lb 3 1 J 1 Crtvata. rt. 4 t I t tMltebell, rf. 4 1 It Ladama, lk. I 1 I t IkUDaa't all I I KnK b... 4 111 IPhalan, lb.. I t t I Daolaa. at... 4 t I 3 IKaa. lb.... I til Dooia, e I lit OMcUas, c... I tit Alnier, pl t t 0 8uns, p 1 0 t 3 Dlvlt, p...,. 1 I t I Totals. ....17 It IT 10 TUla.....ll '4 13 I Philadelphia ...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0-8 Cincinnati .....v.. ftOOftftOOOO-0 Two-base hit: Hoblltsel. Three-basei hits: Ludarua, Knabe. Hits: Off Sugga, 8 In four innings; off Davis, 6 in five innings. Basea on balls: on Alexander, 3; off Davla. 1. Struck out: By Alex ander..!; by Suggs, 1; by Da via, 1. Time: 1:38. Umpires: bason and Kmslie. AMERICAN ATHLETES PLAY BASE BALL AT STOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM. July 18.-A team of American athletes representing the east defeated a team representing the west in an exhibition game of base ball thie afternoon by to 1 Piatt Adamt, New Tork Athietlo dub, and C. E. Briokley, Harvard university, Composed the bat tery for the east, while Walter McClure. Olymplo Athletic aaaoplttlon. Ban Fran cisco: R. L. Byrd. Adrian college, and Edward F. Lindbtrg, Chicago Athletic astootatlon, . were at the post for the watt The game waa a novelty to tne Swedes and a big crowd waa present Persistent Advertising if tht Road to jjjigV K turns, . Copyright, 1J1S, National Chicaeo TJses .Four Pitchers in .. Attempt to Save Game. PLAYING FEATURE Pitcher Strike ' Oot Tea Batters and Makes On of the Longest Hltt . on Record for a , Hon Run. WASHINGTON, July 16.-Chicago. uted four pitchers today, but Washington won, 7 to 2. Johnson's pitching and batting featured tht game. , Ht struck out, ten battera and made one of the longest hltt on record for a homo, run, tht ball going over Collins' head toltht extreme center field fence. The game wat called at tht end of the eighth inning to allow Chi oago to catch a train for Boston. Scort: WASHINGTON. , ' i CHICA0O. AB.H.O.A.81. ,: AB.H.O.A.a. Moeller, rt- 4 1 1 t tlUtk, lb 8 13 4 3 reattr, lb... 4 I I 2 lOallabaa. II. 4 1 H Milan cj.,.,4 1 1 0 OLord. lb..... 4 1 t 0 Gnri, lb... lilt OCbllUM, ef.. 4 3 3 1 M cjan, lb,. 4 11 .0 IDodla, rl ... I 4 t t Alnsmith, e. 11 10 0 tBaat, ,.... t 10 1 Mc&rMe, as, 8 I I I -tUafa, p.... t t t 1 tbanlcs, If... 4 1 1 S OFournier, '114 I I I Johntoo, p.. 8 I t I tWaavar, n.. 4 13 0 Kuh a.i.,,-1 110 4 Totala It 8 14 I t Patera, 0 0 1 ' ; Ball p lot! ' ,;' Mclatyra,- rt 1 0 1 0 .1' . .' , v tWhite ..... 10 0 4 Totala... ..81 7 14 11 8 Molntyrt batted for Bell in the sixth. Batted (or Bent in tht eighth. Chicago .......;:.. .".i.O 0 v 0 2 0 -2 Washlnfton ... 1.......2 1 ft. 0 2 0 2-7 , Three-baa hits: Shanka, Milan. Homt runs Johnson. Hits: Off Peters, 2 in one inning;-off . BelU t la four Jnnlngt; off Bent, 3 In two inning off Lange, 1 In one inning. 6eorifle hit: Gtndil. Stolen pate: - Moeller. Jeft on oatea: unicago, 8; Washington, 8. First base on balls: Off Bell, 8; off Bens. 2; off Johnson, 1; off Lange, 1. First baae on errors: Chi cago, 2; Washington, 2. Struck out: By peters, 1; by Bell, 3; by Bens, 1; by John son, 10; by Lange, 1. Time: 1:45. Um pires: O'Loughlln and Egan. Browns Take Doable-Header. NEW YORK, July M.-3t. Louis took a double-header from New York here to day, 6 to 1 and 3 to t Tht double de feat tent the New Yorkert back to last place. Both Baumgartner and Hamilton pitched fine garnet for St. Louis. George Davit, the New York Williams college re cruit, made hit major leagua debut in the second game and pitched well Score, first game: 8T. LOUIS. NEW TORK. AB.H.O.A.8J. AB.H. O.A.I. ahotten. 14 4 ODanlala, It.. I 1 14 4 Jantten, rf.. 4 0 10 OCbaaa, lb.... 4 t Kutlna, lb.. 4 1 7 0. 0Starreu, of.. I I Pratt, is.... 4 14 8 Zlnn, rt 3 1 Laporta, Ik.. 3 1 3 I 4 Simmons, lb 4 1 Auatln. lb... 4 I t I OHartMll. lb. 4 t Comptoa, lb. I I 1 0 0 Martin, ia.. 1 1 Krtch.ll. .. I 1 I 1 t'W'lvartoa . 1 t atephena, a.l I 4 4 0 Sweeney, e.. 3 B'mi'ta'r, 4 I t 1 tWaraap, p .. 8 Totals.. ... iriU 8 Total.....) 6 87 8 1 Batted for Martin In ninth. Et Louis 000808ftlft-5 New York ft ft ft ft 0 ft 0 1-1 First bat on errors: New York, t; St, Louis, 1. Two-bast . hits: Krlcaelt, Pratt Three-bate hltt: Pratt, Comp ton. Homo run: Kutlna. Sacrifice hit: Jantsen. Sacrifice fly: Laporte, Stolen baser Austla Left on basea: New York, ; St. Louis, 6. Double plays: Austin to Laporte , to Kutlna; Pratt to Laporte to Kutlna. Baaes on balls: Off Warhop, 1; otf Baumgartner, 1. Struck out: By Warhop, 7; by Baumgartner, 4. Hit by pitcher; By Baumgartner, Ster rett. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Connolly and Hart Scort, second game; , . . T. LOUIS. NgW YORK. AB.H.O A B. AB.H.O.A E. Bhettae, ef.. 3 114 OCtntals. tf.,4 o 1 1 4 Jenteea, rt.. I 1 t t tCheas, lb.... 4 I t t 1 Kutlna, lb.. I 1 11 I tsterrett. cf.. I I I t t Pratt, aa. .. 4 1 1 I lZlnn. rf 4 t 1 0 t Laporta, lb.. 4 1 I 4 tttsuaoae, lb 4 t 1 4 t Auatla, la... 8 118 1 Hart Mil I. I t I 3 t Comptoa, If. I lit OUartla, as... 1 till gtaphana, a.. 4 7 1 ttvaenay, e.'.l 1 It 1 Hamilton, p. 4 8 3 3 4MeCoanett .1 14 t 4 Davla. p 8 1 t I t Totala... ..II 117 14 !WalTertot . 1 4 4 4 t . .. ' Totals M T 37 16 Batted for fiweeney in ntnthi i Batted for Davit In, ninth. . St Louis 00200000 0-3 New York 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 1 First base on errors: New York, 1: St Louis, 1. Two-base hits: Chase, Laporte. Three-base hits: McConrrelL Sterrett Sacrifice hits: Hartsell, Compton. Sacrifice fly: Kutlna. Stolen base: Austin. Left on bases: New York, 11; St. Louis, . Bases on balls: Off Davis, 3; off Hamilton, 4. Struck out: By Davis, 3; by Hamilton. 5. passed bail: tstephens. Time: 2:10. Umpires: Hart and Connolly. ; Boa ton Bents Tigers. Boston July 18. Boston made it four out or rive irom Detroit by winning 7 to 2 today. Detroit gave tht recruit southpaw, Moran. poor support. Score; BOSTON.' DETROIT. AB.H.O.A.t. AB.H.O.A.t. Hooper, rf... lilt IVItt 8b..... 4 t I I I Terkaa. lb... I 111 OBoih. aa 4 1 I I 1 Spaakar. ef.. lilt tCebb. ef 4 I 4 t t lii. n. .. t l e ocravfert, rt, I t 1 t 1 Oartner. I. Z 1 1 1 t Dt'lanty, H 4 3 1 4 nasi, it.... 4 3 8 t tMertarty. Ill 1 I 4 Wasner. at.. I t 8 3 lleuaan; It,. I 8 4 3 carrltaa, e. I I I I tstaaasa, ... I I 1 i CWllna, p... 3 8 t 1 tOntlew. e... I 8 t I , -biarea, ....! t t 8 Totala.. ... 1 87 8 1 Totala.. ...II 18418 8 Boston ............ 4 t 1 I t 4 I t M Dttrott lft2-4 Two-hasa hit: StahL Threevbase' alt: Cobb. Sacrifice hits: Collins, Mori arty. Hooper. Sacrtflca fltea: Watmer, Cn. ford, Morlarty. Left on bases: Boston. 7; Detroit 4. Baaet on halls; Off Moran, a. First has on errors: Boston, 1: De troit V Hit by pitched ball: Speaker. Struck out: By Collins, 3: by Moran, L Ttme, 1:86. Umpires: Dineen and Sheri dan. .v , ' ' '' -Athlettf OatwUy Hss. PHILADELPHIA. Jury 18. Clrveland - Drawn by News Ass1 PHILADELPHIA. CLEVELAND. , AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Maggert. If.. I 1 I t 0 FcklBpa',' SS I lilt Lor4. rt 4 1 1 OOlaon. lb....i 1 I 1 1 t 7 1 e l i o I e I l t i t o 0 I Colllai. lb.. I 0 I t tJackaon, if. 4 t Baker. 4b.... 4 III OOrlgga lb... 4 1 Mclnnea, lb. 1 111 OTurnar. 3b.. I I Strunk, cf... 4 110 OB'm'ham, cf4 t Barry. ....! M 1 IRyia, 4 1 Thomaa, o... I 0 4 1 OLM'faton, el 0 Houek, p.... 4 0 11 OStaea. p..... 1 0 . p.... t 0 Totals II 1 17 11 lEaatariT ... 1 1 , Neittll'.,.. 1 1 i,; Ttlf.;i.,34 4 84 19 1 Batted for Steen in the seventh. Batted for Gregg In the ninth. Two-base hits: Mclnnes. Olson. Bases on balls: Off Steen, 4; off Gregg, 1; off Houck. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Houck, Livingston. Struck twt: By 8teen, ; by Gregg, 1; by Houck, 2. Hltt: Off Steen, 6 in tlx innings; off Gregg, 4 in two in nings. Umplret: Westervelt and Evans. THREE GAHESJO KEARNEY Wallops Superior in Two Contests of Double Bill. UMPIRE KBfOWLTON BUSY MAN Fines Cement Makers and Cavses Thene. Mock GriefYork De feats the Pathfinders, Eight to Six. . KEARNEY, Neb.. July 16.-(6peclal Telegram.) Three games to Kearney In cluding a double header today is the re sult of the Superior series played on the Kearney grounds. Among the features of the game today was tht work of Um pire "Knowlton whose decisions were ob jectionable to Superior, several of their men being fined and the last game being played under protest Score, first game: R.H E. Superior ..... 0 ft 0 ft 0 0 ft 0 1-1.5 6 Kearney .... 0 1 1 0 0 ft" 3 0 -4 6 0 Batteries: Superior, Vanot. and Lis sette; Kearney, Lots and Gray. Two base hits: Herrlott (2). Bases on balls: Off Vance, 3; oft Lots, 2. Struck out: By Vance, 6; by Lots, 7. Hit by pitcher: By Vance, 2. Time: 2:00. , Second game: "' '.. . , ' . R.HJ3. Superior ft 2 ft ft 0 2 2ft '0-611 1 Kearney ..... 2 1 7 0 1.0 4 ft. -8-10 1 Batteries: Superior, Irwina and Prucha; Kearney. Wright and Gray. Two-base hits: Herriott Bockewits. Orr. Three. base hits: bpellmah (2), Minert Home run: Bchueren. Bases on bails: Off Irwin, 1; off Wright, 1. Struck out: By Wrignt, 6. Time; 1:42. Umpire; Knowi ton. Hastings Crawls Ahead. HASTINGS, Neb., July 16.-(Speclal Telegram.) After allowing Grand Island to take tht lead in a shower of errors In' the third inning, Hastings settled down to toght ball and hit ' Hartman hard lata In the game.- Jokerst failed to corns through on A pinch hit in the twelfth inning and Mtnke finished. Two walks, a sacrifice, a steal and a scratch hit by Harm brought 11 the winning runs for Hastings. Score: - R.H.E. Grand Island 01201000000 1-6 10 2 Hastings 100000201002-6 12 10 Batteries: Grand Island. Hartman. Manke and Coe; Hastings. Shdaner and Bachant. York Beats Fremont. FREMONT. Neb., July 16.-(Speclal Tel- egram.)-York defeated the Pathfinders this afternoon in a twelve inning contest which was a hard fight from the time the first ball went over the plate until the twelfth when Malmqulst knocked out a four-bagger with two men on the bases sending in three runs. Captain Bennett did not get discouraged. Tht Pathfinders started out to knock the cover off the ball, but could get in only one score Tork played almost an errorless game and has shown great Improvement since they were hart before. ' Rouse, at usual, did fine work in tht field and made a home run." Score: ' R.H.E. York 1000001 12 Oft 38 14 1 Fremont 1 0 0110101 0 01-813 5 Batteries: York, Raid, Wright, Ellis ana . w n-euey; irremont, TDeissen. King don and Kelt. Seward Loses to Pawaeea, SEWARD, Neb., July 18. (Special Tel- ttrranuV-Beward lost today to Columbus, to 11 Crannln's hitting was the feature. ht getting one, three base hit, two two bass hits and a single in five timet up. The catch of Neff s line drive against the left field fence by Leaoh was also noteworthy. Seward has dropped three to Columbus 1 athia series. Tht contest to day was olosely played on tht part of both teams and there were a great many Close decisions for Umpire Graves to guess on, but he demonstrated to the players and to the crowd that he Is the best umpire by far who has presided over COLLARS that give the best service are marked Hal Coffman the bame played In Seward this season. Score: . . R.H.E. R H E Seward 0 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 1- 8 15 8 Columbus .. 00001004 61115 4 Batteries: Seward, Stanley, Hanson and , Csmpf laid; Columbus, . Balliett aimer and Harrison. Struck out: Bv Niamey, a; ny uauiett, l; by Palmer, first oase on balls: Off Stanley, 2; off Palmer, 1. Hit with pitched ball: By Hanson, 2. Double plays: Hanson to Campfield to Zlnk. Zlnk to Neff. Palnsr to Balliett to Palmer. Three-base hit: Brennen. Two-base hits: Brennen (2). Time: 1:45. Umpire: Graves. JOSEPH SHADES TOPEKA Timely Hitting Scores Three Rons tor Visitors, TOPEKA, Kan., July W.-Timely hit ting scored three runs for St. Joseph and the visitors won. Score: ' TOPEKA. AB. R. O. 0 3 2 12 1 4 A. 0 0 8 Lee, rf King, cf Cochran, 3b ... Gardner, lb ... Gear, rf Walsh, 2b ..... Peterson, ss ,, Chapman c ... Hornsbury, p Totals 32 2 ST. JOSEPH. 27 17 1 AB. R. H. O. 1- 0 0 2 11 2 1 10 0 A. ft 0 3 0 ft 8 0 2 1 Kelly, rf ... Powell, if . Rellly, 2b ... Zwililng, cf Borton, lb . Meinke, ss . Roth, 3b ... Gossett, c . Crutcher, p . 8 8 Totals .......... 23 Topeka 0 1 St. Joseph ........ 1 0 3 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 27. 0 0 2 ft 8. 2 0 0-2 0 0-8 Three-base hit- Too Tn,n.ho. lu. a. , . - - Tt Iglaa3 Rellly, Crutcher, Roth. ' Sacrifice hits: Cochran, Hornsby, Powell. Stolen bases: i voenran, oieinKe. SruK iTsK I 11 CLERMONT" is S;jthe collar worn by utr Hornsby, 2; off out: By Hornsby, raesea Dai is: Johnson, Beatrice Uses Quinn and Defeats Auburn FEIATRICB; Neh.," July", 16.-(Speeial Teleram.)-Beatrlce won " the second game from Auburn today by the score of 4 to 8. Quinn, formerly of the Superior team In the Nebraska State league, pitched a fine same for the locals. The batting of Martin of Beatrice, who hit a home run and a single, bringing in three runs, was a feature. Score: RUT Auburn ...... 3 0 ft 1 0 1 0 0 2-7 13 0 Beatrice .... 02010001 '-4 88 Batteries: 7nndrmon m..... Quinn and Pot set. FALLS CITY, Neb., July l.-(Special Telegram.)-In a listless game Humboldt won the second game of the series. Scort: R.H.E. Humboldt ..'3 0010100 2 7 13 0 Falls City.. ft0ft000D0ft-081 Batteries: Falla rirv MClnra mr,A Shestack; Humboldt, Jerrott and Diets. Umpire: Ward. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., July 16.-(Spe- r H Rfisfa Varil la Hhmnlc. Htm if I t t WJ f ' American Shooting Experts Win .Against AH Nations Indiridaal Clay Bird Championship Won by J. R. Graham, ahooting a REMING TON- UMC Pump Gun and Arrow Steel Lined Sheila, score 96 ex 100. Team Championship Five high men in victorious American team shot REMINGTON-UMC Arrow1 Steel Lined Shells. ' RcTolTer and Pistol ChampionshipA.P. Lane, ahooti - , ing REMINGTON-UMC Metallic Cartridge -made the beat individual score and a world's record in the team competition, score 509 ex 600; won ' the individual competition at 30 metrea, score 287 ex 300, arid won first in the team competition at 30 metres, score 292 ex 300. I, Q&tiBS&fcSMS Steel Lined Shells Were, chosen on this remarkable record; 15 out of 17 big na -tional handicaps including the 1912 Grand , American. .tiea&ZQtlTUMC Metallic Cartridges are worlds record holders. The scores hung up by Mr. Lane, are additional shooting testimony to their accuracy and sure fire. , .1, , l Writs) forComptete Catalogue . Rcc!c3tea Anas-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. . "K-i Broadway, cial Telegram.) Nebraska City won - the second game from Hiawatha today. The sensational features of the game, were Drum knocking a 'home run with one man on base, and Clair knocking a three bagger with three men on basses. Score: -.R.H.E. Hiawatha ....0 1 0O4001O-8M1 Neb. City 3 0010000 4-7 14 4 Batteries: Rilev. Shimmel and Maxey; Conway and Gold wait Umpire: Irvin. CARR S A YES GAME FOB BLUES Kansas City Beats Louisville in the . ; Eighth Inning. ' , THREE TO ONE : FINAL SC0BE i ....... Team Leader, Who Has Been Til, Hits for Two Bases and Scores Two Men. and Himself,.., Gains Home Plate. KANSAS CITY, July 18. Afters Bar- beau had walked, Flene singled and Love filed out in the eighth. Manager .Carr, who has been 111. replaced First Baseman Chase and hit for two bases, scoring Bar- beau and Fiene." Corrlgan followed: with another double, scoring his chief tthd Kansas City defecated Louisville In the last gams of the series, 3 to 1.' Until the eighth the locals were unable 'to hit when the bases were "occupied. Score: V" ' KAJJSAS CITT. ' MOlSVILLai: AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.dWt.B. Barbeau. lb. 3' 1 1 1 OBureh. ef... I . A l Fiona, rf....4 bore, of 4 Cbaae, lb.... 1 Carr, lb 1 Corrldon, aa. 4 O'Connor, e. 4 Coulton, If. . 8 8 1 1 OHayaan.. n. . 4 i v o 0 OBUnab'ry, It 4 110 0 0 OLennot; lb.. I I t 0 0Be'ralllr,.it4 14 1 t 3 Flatter, lb... 1 4 7 4 1 1 Burke, , lb... 4 3 0 0 OSohlar, o.... 4 . 1 .4 1 0 1 oMoaklm'n, pl I I 1 0 10 ' '( --.--. 0 0 ToUll.y.N.33 8 24 1, I 0 1 0 10 1 I Downey, tb. 1 Haddoi, p.. I Jamee 1 Gallia, p.... 0 0 Tnl..'...a 8 27 11 I ' ' W Batted for Maddox in the seventh. .? Louisville 0 10 0. 0 . 0r 0 . 0r-l Kansas City ...... 0 0 0 0 0; 0, a -S Two-base hits: Burch, Carr,-Corrldon. Three-base hit: O'Connor. Bases on balls: Off Moskiman, 1; oft.Maddox, -3. Struck out: By Moskiman, 4; by. Gallia, 2. Stolen bases: 8chlel, Coulson,' Beau mlller. FJrst on errors: Louisville, 2; Kansas City, 3. Double plays:. Burke to Beaumlller to Fisher, Baaumlller, to Fisher, Beaumiller to. Burke, Ccrridon to Downey to Chase. Left On iiases: Louisville. S; Kansas City, 8. oTfriie: 1:52. Umpires: Cahill and Irwin. s:-r ' - j.. RnshvIUe Wins and Loan. RUSHVILLE, Neb., July 16,-(Speclal.) Rushvllle base ball team defeated, the Valentine team yesterday iff to. v,frhe same teams played Sunday' when .the score was 10 to 5 in favor of Voleritlne. W1AIU4 ttV0OVIO IA119 season. It's the ftylish -S ? summer , collar vivek 3 summer couar gives s S you the snappy effect S of a high collar but Is s S Look at the UhislratioiiS 5; and see how it ia de 5 signed about 2X inches j- asm showing In Iront and only li 3 S laches ia height around the 2 neck. S"aenoont" has thd Sirp- g --Over" buttonhole tuid " Easy an. S Tie-Slide" apace Ask your SI 7" good haberdasher to ' thow " Clermont" to you today. S -O ' 4J0 von sonars S t for 2 5c ' Ouarter Slies-i ' m U!tl SUrt a ColUrCo 8Ukaa, Troy S New York City Jjjjj