Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1912, Page 10, Image 10
eSSSaeTaTI aaTaTaaaTaaTgsgei 1 M i W ... - - i - i .i ii i " i i 11 . . . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET . ewaaaaaaaBSaaar Unexpected Break in Wheat Takei - V Trade Off Iti Feet. " CORN MOVEMENT IS MODERATE eVHIi the Klad mt Wnlkff indlcsled . by th Mat There la hat Little Prospect of Dini Re porta Cora. OMAHA. July 18, MU. An unexpected brrak of 4 cents took ihe entire wheat trade off their feet yesterday and at , the clone operator were looking around trying to gut their ftearinga. It wa one of those breaka that frequently come at the beginning Df movement of new winter wheat crop, when condition, for spring wheat aro regarded a exceptionally bearlah aa they were yeaterday. Sentiment hut nlglit lenerally favored lower price and traders tald a decline to an export baala la due nnd for the beat Internet of the market, the quicker It geta ther the better. They expect sale from twie to time due to over telling aacordlng to the bean. After ouch a vera decline aa yeaterday it would be only natural for the market lo ateady a little , depending, however, upon the volume of liquidation yet to lake place. It will be difficult to at tract new buying o long aa general con lltlona continue ao favorable. Caah wheat 34c lower. With; the kind of .weather Indicated by the, weather map there Ii little probability of any talk about high temperature injuring the crop, 't he movement la very moderate but ao U tbe demand. It seems a if It would , ! very difficult to advance the bold prices. Caah eornfc2o lower. There appear to be nothing in light at the moment to prevent price from drag ging lower, eapeclally the new crop month. Caah oat were He higher, Primary wheat receipt were 485,000 bushels and abtpmenta were 264,000 bush el, against receipt last year of 264.UU0 bushel and ahlpmenta of (11,000 buthei. Corn receipt were 896,000 buihel and ihlpment were itrt.000 bushels, agalmt receipt last year of 229.000 buhel and ahipment of K!l,000 bushel. Receipt of oat were 216.000 buthei and ihlpment were 261,000 buahela, agalmt receipt iat year of 672,000 buhel and ahlpmenta of 446,000 bushel. Clearance were 33,000 bushel of wheat, ,Oo4 barrel of flour, 6.000 buihel of corn ami 1.000 bushel" of oat. Liverpool cloned ttlV.d lower on wheat and Hd lower on corn. Tbe following cah ale were reported; Wheat-No. 1 hard winter, old: 1 car, WC; new. cara, ttiHc: 1 cars, 2c. No. 8 hard winter, old: l-car.HiC. Cornv-No. Jl white: 1 car, nc. No. 8 white: 1 car. 7tf,o No 2 yellow; 2 car, 731p. No. i llow. tar. 13c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 71c, No. mixed: t car. file; 1 oar, 72c. Oati-No. 3 white; 1 car, 43',ic , No. 4 white'. I car, !.... -?.., ...... !);, ..Omaha C t-rtee, ' WHEAT No. i hard, 2U9o; No.t hard, !. , , . - i CORN-No.' t white, 7!Mme: No. 3 white, WAWio', No. '4 white, UWlSc; No, 1 yellow, 337ao: No. 3 yellow,' f3448ui No. 4 yellpw, 70M71C; No. 2, WhUiWufy, No. 1 TPMiTsc; No 4. 70m)71c; no grade, Viable. OAT8-.No. i white. 43f44o; standard, 4344eV; No. white, 4tH3te;'Ao. 4 white, 424WS'4c. BARLKY Malting, 5c8tJ..0O; No. 1 feed, 60iie; heavy tred. )70c. ' JiIl-No. i, 305c; No. 3, 60ti3c. Carlo! Receipts. , ' ' ' - meat -Corn. Oat. Chicago W.. 181 19 Minneapolis i Omaha 2 Uuluth 40 39 CHICAGO CHAIN AVI) PROVISIONS Featare of the Trading aad Closing Prlcea e Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 16.-A1I the expert In the northwest reported practically perfect crop condition today and thereby threw the wheat market Into a at&te of extreme weakne. Price cloied heavy, 40 to lo under last night.. Corn showed a net decline of He to Tic and Oata a lov of We to lo, Latest trad nlg left provlPion IJSic tower to an, ad vance of 64WVtc. Hope faded for the bulla In wtieat when on dispatch after another ald there wa no sign of black runt, and that the weather remained Jut the sort needed to Insure a bumper crop. Liquidation and short aelltng carried the mitrkei down. Rains in weatern MIhhoui-I (hat mnnt delay to threshing helped sustain wheat price during the lOst part of the seMlon. There wa also a sliarp falling off In the- world'a. available supply total. September ranged from SGHo to Wfto with laKt sales So off at 9$c. Corn suffered not only because of the wheat weakne but on1 account of a be lief that oata would aoun dUplar coin for toek. feeding. Sortie recovery ensued. flentembtr ranaed from 6iVo to !c. cloning eaay at SIMitfllic. a price He down from twenty-four, hour before. Cash grade were In slim request. Num. ber 2. yellow. 73ifl74,e,c. The fact that cutting of oat waa under way In Inwa and Illinois under condition which left nothing to dewre. had a bear. Ih effect on price here. September ranged between 33 Wc and Wo with the close Vic net lower at 83'c, Bui-port from packers at opportune time averted any aertoua decline in pro- vlitom. In the end prices averaged about the ama aa iat nlgnt. Cloning quotation on future were: Arthle lrn, Hiph.l Low. I Ciose.l Yea'y .f.. J 1 1 l i i , J uly, l ooM 1W 'SI !H4 101 K I ' JUD',KHO!73WiW,4 . TSH) Tf TSH se 67H 6SH 43U S'et't.leritluSI Oct..;57ijW 67! Way. Cut i juiy. Sept. Dec.. '1X'll-'4l JCVtH; 42 424 33 ' 34 . 3.4 D4H S4H S4-ttso: ilgy.DTW'.l 37HI St 37 37 t'OIK- , -. July, 17 76 IT 76 13 16 n7Vii IT MVi 17 71 HPt. Oct.. 13 13-151 18 07H IS U!Vt! IS 10 18 00 18 12V 18 17H La-, I July. 10 J7H1 10 43V4 10 67U io 67H hu;m io 4-i IA III ,M1 IA Kj OA.. v ' w "-Tit " w 19Si-S; 10 37H 10 to 10 HO io5:v Dec. WITH ili 1 i i Juy...........'. I 10 3S 10 30 42-47 10 60 10 374 10 47-Wi 10 42H w 1 W -S4.7J 10 33-&H 10 4210 Oet,.l Iff t:4l 10 42 Ch anutatlona were aa follow: FLOCH-Kttny; winter patent. 35.0O9 S.So;, winter utralghta, 34.60fr6.10; spring patents, $&.0Ofi.10; spring aUaight. 34.70 j4,r MKera, 4 4i4.u. RYB-No.S. 734f74c. . SKFJL-Tlmothy. S. 607.60. Dover, 316.00 IM. FROVISIONS-Mea pork. tr bbl., 17.87Hf la.09. Lard tin tierce), 810,87. Short rib (loose). 310,35, . Total clearance of wheat and flour equal to "4.000 bu. Primary receinta were 4S6,(H bu., compared with l,till,0u0 rrn. me cvr res ponding aay a year ago. The world'a visible surely, a shown hv Bradstreet'a, decreased 1143,010 bu. Eatl mated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, su csr; corn, cara, oais, at cars; hogs, S.Ooo head. Chicago Caa Price Wheat: No. I red, . jvn. reo, nci.w; r,0- I hard. V4tt.: No. bard. 7Wf:i1 D No. I northern, Jl.0Mil.13; tin. t northern, tl.l&ftft IO.- Ko. X liArl h.ra Si fust', nu. VT I pring. 1.044j1.; No aprtng', ao. t apring, rcw(i.t; velvet chaff. i.w4ll.s; durum. Corn No. 3, T3H9Ho Mi. 3 white, WreV! No. I yellow. T3 Hi Ue; No. 3. I.;-Vc: No, t white, r.c; No, t yellow, Ne, , im. jm. w iui yeiiow, .ist.jc. imu: wo. I wwte. KkOiCSC s rso. wnne. 4wrugc; woite, 7y4K' RVri-No. t 73f. HARLEY-40c4i3Ll, f- .D-TlmetUy, M0T.; clover, W 0 fcCTTFR-Steady; , cretnmt, ISJJSc oairtea, iinc. EiriiS titeady: receipt. It. Ml cases: at mark, casta included, ltVlVtc; ordinary fjects, loc; flrsta, l7Wc CHEKSE-Pteady; dalsU. lf.fUc; twine, liVeie; iwinw America. Vit lr; Jong horns, lafejflHte- !OTATCiE-F4Uiy. reript S3 rare; Kia and Ulacauri. iff4c; Oklahoma, e : Vinrlnia. barreled, 14&l(a. FOCLTB Y All ve. ateady; turkey. 13c; efcU kon. Btc; aprtnr. ic VEAL tu.dy at gtfUe. 2.lTrp 1 Grata Market. .' MVt:RPXU July lS.-WHEAT-Ppot. - stuadfj No. 2 red wee tern winter, d; No. 2 Manitoba, not quoted; No. 3 maul toba. 7 10'Ad. Future. eay; July. 76Sd; October, IVW: December, 7 Hd. CORN-Soot, ateadv: old American mixed, 6UHd; new American kiln dried. SslOd. Future, ateady; July, nominal; September. 48d. NEW YORK GEVKRAL MARKET Qnolatlon of the Day o Varloaa Com mod I tie. NEW YORK, July W.-FLOUR-Qulef. spring patent. t6.355.56: winter utralght. U.S!m.m; winter patents, $5.1&6.M; I4.WKm5.oo; winter patents, K.W.; prlng clear. 34.60fi4.; winter extra. no. L I4.a)i4.40: winter extra, wo. , w m.15; Kana itratghta; (4.00.80;. Rye flour, ateady; fair to good, choice to fancy, 34.704.0. CORNMKAL Quiet: fine wnite ana yellow, $1.704tL7j; coarie, J1.65Q1.70; kiln ariea, i .. . HARL.KY Quleti malting, LU'i.i), c. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Dot market weak; No. I red, 31.0W111V4: elevator or port baal. and export, 31.11, f. o. b., afloat, to ar- ve; No. 1 northern, uuiutn. i. o. . afloat. Future market closed Hftl'ic net lower: July closed at 31.10; Septem ber, fl.024: December, 31.04. corn Hoot market easy; export, km. t. -o. b., afloat. OATH Knot market weak: stanaara white, 6VAc, in elevator; No. 2 and No. 3 o: ,o. 4. wi'Ac; natural wnite ana white clipped, 67(ti;ic, on track. HAY-Dull: prime, ii.4& o. l, i.4o; No. 1. 11.30; No. 3. 31.001.10. HIDES Firm: Central America, Z4ftc; Bogota, 24$2ac. LEATHEt-Flrm: hemlock firsts. ZSW 27c; ecoud, 24fri'0c; third, Zl&2c; re ject, 16o. PFiovisiON-ForK. market easy mes. $M.i(3).76; family, tL'0.(Xy21.00; short clears, 31 8.2ft 21 .00. Beef, (teady; mesa, 1 5.00ft 15.50; family, 318.0018.60; beef bam. 328.00f'ai.i. Cut meat, quiet; pickled bellle 10 to 14 pounds, 111.0011.75; pickled hams, 312.2&OU.76. Lard, easy; middle west prime, 310.36ffll0.45. Refined, steady; continent, -310.H6; houth Arncilca, ,310.85; compouna, vs-iiwuxVi. KUTTEIt-Kam ; receipt. - 13,650 tubs: creamery extras, 27&27o; first, aiSiaoc; state dairy, finest, a;c; good to prime, jwac; common to rair. wopac. CHEESE-irregular; receipts. 7.881 boxes; state whole milk, white, special, IfifilSo; state whole milk, colored, Wff iiv.ic; Kims, iwmw. EGOS Irregular: receipt. 23.832 caaen: freah . gathered, extras, 2324c; extra first, 21ib22c; firsts, I'MCMc: seconds, Wt IS Vic; weatern gathered whites, Wiitic. POULTRi - Dresed, firm; wetern broiler, fresh killed, 21 :1c; fowls, 16 17c; turkey, 1617c. Cora aad Wheal Reajon Salletla. United Htate Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau bulletin for the twenty-four hour ending at I a. m., 76th menuiau um, lueiaay, juiy 10, ivu; OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. - Raln etatloni. High. Low. fall. " Sky. Ashland, Neb.. 6 49 .00 Clear Auburn. Neb.,. 77 63 .00 Clear Broken Bow .. 74 47 .oil Clear olumbus, Neb. 75 45 .00 Clear ulbertaon, Nb. 77 60 ,00 Clear Kairbury, Neb. 73 4 .00 Ft. cloudy Fairmont, Neb. 11 H .00 Clear Or. Island, Nb. 73 40 .00 Clear Hartlngton, Nb 74 41 .00 Clear Hastings, i Neb.. 73 4t .00 Clear Holdrege, Neb. .. 64 .00 Ft. cloudy Lincoln, Neo... 70 ' w .oo uiear No. Flatte, Nb 7 63 .oo , clear Oakdale, Neb.. 73 4 .00 Clear Omaha. Neb.... 72 , 6 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb. 7 44 .00 Clear Valentine, Nb. 74 w v.oo Clear Alta. la 72 47 .00 Clear Carroll, ia 78 43 .00 Clear Clarlnda, Ia.... 7S 62 .00 - Clear Sib ev. la 70 . 4H ,oo Clear Sioux City, la. 70 64 .00 -Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES, No. Temp.- Rain fall 1.40 .70 Central. Btatlon. High. Low. Columbu, 0 17 90 00 Louisville, ity... zi w wi ndla pou. mo. io ki . Chicago, 111 1 33 62 .00 8t. LoulS, MO... IK Ml 4 .00 Pes Molne. la. It 74 &2 .00 Minneapolis .... 44 7 2 48 Kan. City, Mo. 23 82 62 . 40 Omaha, Neb W 74 60 .00 The weather Is much cooler over the eastern and southern portions of the oorn. and wheat region. Temperatures are rl imr over the northweat portion. Shower occurred In the Kansas City district, and t'uvv rains occurred in tne extreme east em districts. Rains of one Inch or more occurred at the following stations: In Ohio Uma, 8.10; Findlay, 2 60; Bucyrus, DO; Norwaik. went Virginia far- kersburg. , 1.10. Kentucky Richmond, l.tK): Crremburg, 140; Louisville, 1.32; Mount tHarllng, . 1.30, Jj. A. WKLiBH. f Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau, ' St. I.ool general Market. ST. LOUIS, July 16-WHEAT-0ih. lower: track No. 2 red, old, 31.C6lil.08: new, t03S1.0&; No. 8 hard, new, 97c &81.02. . coKN-iwer; track wo. i. 7c ko, I White. 798lMi0. JAT8-irm; track ko. 3. 4ic; no, 3 white, Wc. r os nt once or lutures: WH KAT lower; September, 96VO06,4e; December. S7kc. ' s COKN-Lower; September, ho ie- Cember, !&c. OATS Lower; September, Sic: Decem ber, 34C. BYK-unchanirea, tkc. Ft.otm Weak: red winter patents, $UOi6.fiO; extra fancy and traight. $4 35 tj.O0;' hard winter clear. s.w4.o bkku iimotny, ijv.wq'k.w. COKNMKAL-33.00. UHAN-Weak; sacked east trock, 8107 JT1.10. , it A Firm; umotny, h.whj-w; Drm. 3UO0W16.OO. FKOViiSiOM-i'orK. uncnangea; job bing, Lard, unchanged, prime steam, Ri.iSwa.siSi. iry salt meat, un changed; boxed extra shirts. 310.62; clear ribs. lo.K!tt; short clear. 810,87. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts. Jll.itiH: clear ribs, 111.62; short clears, Ul.h74. lOULTRY - Bteady; chicken. 13c: urines. 1W20C; turkeya, HUJOc; duck. Mfl24e: geene, fifrllc. mil ikk 1'uii; creamery, jbsoc KUOS-Weak, 144c ' ' Recelnts, Shipment. Flour, bbl 8.30a 18,000 Wheat bu ...,........lis.ivi0 20.000 Corn, bu .0i 25.000 Oais. bu 8.000 , Kaaaaa City firala aad ProvUtoaa. KANSAS CITY. July U-WBEAT- Cash. Mile lower; No. 1 hard, 3.taalc; No. 3. udqc; iso. 3 red, wcnwvi No, 3, WRN-HCic lower: o, i mixed. Te: No. S, 76c; No, 1 White, SvWo; No, 1, tSATS-Steady; No. I white, IV4NTe: No. 8 mixed, 4Hgt2xc. Closing price of futures: AVHKATJuly. tde: September. KW tOSc; IVcember, KflSeic. CORN-juiy, 74!,; September. tbB 'c; uecenioer, niwniikc. OATS September, 84',c. . . KYE-71atte HAY-SOc lower: choice timothy. tlS.80 rriswi; rnoice praine, ss.lOiOD. BUTTER-Creamery, 84c; firsts, SSc second. ; packing atork, Hc Kuus-Kxira. soc; nrats, isc: ec- onda Ik. ; , Receiw. Shipment. Wheat, ba .,.,... lKiwo i.oo Corn, bu aS.OOft , 14.000 oat, eu ................ 3,w . (,oub I ' 1 , 1 Mlasjrapaiia oral Market. MILWAUKEE. July 18. WHEAT No. I northern, 31.141.16; No. t aorthern, $l.HVil.lSH; No. 3 nan! winter. 8l.Sl.04; ltember, KV; Peoember, 96ic CORN-No, 3 yellow, 7474o; No. 1 whit. T$SWc: No. 8. T57JHc; Beptem her. irmjv; Decwber, 7lTc OATH-tandard. 64c. BARLEY Malting, loot 11.08. FIXSKEI-1.84. RARLY-4S40. CORN-No, I yellow. TSffno. OATS No, t white, 6jic . ' ' RYB No, X Wlto. ' BRAN In KB-lb. sacks, 3Vfta FLOUR First patenta. 3o.10o6.XS: nec- ond patents, .SOi.06; first oleara, J3.&9 3.14; aecond clears, 33.40tj2.7O. Phltadelfilila Proeleire Market. PHILADEIHIA, July 11 BUTTE R Western creamery special. SSc; extra. tSic: nearby prints, extra, toe EGOS-Ftrm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, 36.46 per case; current r orlpte, t6.OO0.16; western firsts. $6.46 per case; errtem current reoeipta, 6.0r.le. CHEESE Firm: Nw Tork full cream choice, lAVfriSc; fair to tnod, U4r 15c; part ekima, K'u 14c Tim OMAHA, -WEDNESDAY, JULY NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Further Improyement Shown, Al- though Trading; if Slow. FAVORABLE CE0P REPORTS COME Practlcally All Standard gharee. -as Well as Namber of More Ob . scare luiei, Take Part -la Day's Advance. NEW YORK, July 16. Further Improve ment was noted In the sluggish move ment of the stock market today. The im pelling factors were additional favorable crop report and greater ease of money on call and time. The latter condition wa directly traced to confidence due to last Saturday's bank statement, although it Is probable, In the opinion of competent authorities, that any pronounced increase in demand, especially for long time ac commodations, might easily cause a re vival of last week higher quotation. Practically all the standard share as well as a number of more obscure Issue took part In today's advance, which halted in the late afternoon on reports from Washington that the Stanley Investigating committee I likely to - reoommend tlio dissolution' of the United State Steel corporation. Great Northern preferred was the strongest of the railway stocks, reflect ing the agricultural news from the north west. Trading slackened . In the final hours, with a total output of minor pro portion!. ' Advances in wages granted by steel manufacturer yesterday was followed by a rise In the-price of an important finished product, with intimations of a further upward revision of, the prevailing schedule. .' The copper - situation found fresh ' complications In private - cables from Europe pointing to a large expan sion In London and Farls stocks of the metal. ' The bond market was featureless with steady undertone. Total sale par value, 62.404.000. 1 United States govern ment bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales anff :eaair, Quotations on stocks were as follows: x sale. High. Low. Clou. Allli-Chalnwr pfd A malg Hinted Copmr ... Amrlc Asrloultural .. I U,io 00 wo 8,900 400 m 4114 17 1714 11 t!4 II 40 73 1 U 11 "Vi It l14 41 II 107 U 127 141 101 17 40 107 102 ia 101 82 tm lf , w Amartctn Bwt gufsr.... Amnio Can American C. as F Am.rlitn Ootton Oil Am.rlrin H. L. ptd... Am. Ic SecurltlM Am.rlcan Unwed Amarlru Uicomotlr ... 300 100 100 100 it 18 41' 12 Vt 25 13'4 11 Amtlic B. s n, Am. B, c R. pli Am. Steel FoundrlH...., Am. Busar Raflnlni AmtrtcaaaiT. 4 T. ....... American Tobacco pfd.,., American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co...., 800 32814 117V4. 1.100 Ub 144 "ioo i7ii "v 1,100 40 40V4 1, 800 W 107 Atchison i , Atchlmo pfd Atlantic Coaat Lin...,., tOO 140 00 IN 1,000 loti 1.400 12 1,000 ! 1,100 lt 140 10 as 164 14 Baltlmor aV Ohio Bethlehem Hieel Brooklyn Rapid 'IT Canadian Peclflo Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central ot New Jertey.. Ihtiapeak 4k Ohio...,., 3,200 10 71 0 Chlcaio a Alton .,, Chicago O. W Chicago 0. W. pfd 13 II 2 131 101 H '2 41 144 148 Chloago A N, W Chicago, M & St. P..., C, C, C. ft Bt. L , Colorado F. I Colorado A Southern.... Contolldated Oa Corn Product! , (00 181 3.400 101i "too 10 " "i.'joo i" 100 14 131 100 144 Delaware A. Hudaon Denver aV Rio Oranda.. D. R. O pfd Dlatillari' Hecurltia .... Krl , Kr!e let pfd Erie Id pfd 11 15 31 ioo ioo 3,100 too ioo 1S4 11 14 62 41 81 V 11 14 41 14 II 41 171 General Klectrlo , Great Norther pfd...., Great Northern Or ctfi. 1.100 171 177 J,0 13t 131 100 4S 41 100 1 121 700 10 10 100 U H too 111 111 111 42 Illinois Central Interborough Met, Inter. Met. pfd International Hamate ,. 121 10 M 111 lnter-Marln pfd , International Paper , International Pump . II 11 10 11 Iowa ventral Kaneaa City Southern..., 110 100 "Ml , !! 68 34 M 101 K, a K pfd.... Uolede Oaa ... . Loul.Tllle A Kaahvll).. . 100 110 161 " iii 147 in" lot 11 11 'I'lio 'ii 'i 1(1 Minn. St. Inula 11 147 M., Bt. P. 8. g. M.. Mleaourl, K. T. 1 M., K. eV T. pfd Mleaourl Paolflo National Biscuit , National Lead N. R. R. ef M. Id pfd.. New York Central M 1.100 147 144 )4 av VfJt : vtn . 8 t t 1 1 . 'eatt II 200 U4 114 114 ; ..... ' 12 4.4M I17 Ul ll N. 0. W Norfolk Weatern...,,, North American ito n ii ii '4,1(10 120 ! "110 Northern Paolflo ........ Pacing Mall , Pennerlvant - Paople'i Gaa P.. C, a Bt. U. Pittsburgh Coal Preeeed Steel liar.'....;,.. Pullman Palac Car 100 11 .13 11 1X10 1 UJ .133 101 111 111 116 .101 11 tOO, 11 11 ; 14 Ul Railway Steel Spring.,,, Reading Kepuollo .Steel 100 42, W0 .400 400 J.I00 1,000 MO u 142 ' 2 So "14 '41 17 14 112 14 14 .1.1 47 l 14 12 24 Republlo Steel pfd ; 13 47 ; i Kork Island Co , Rock Island Co. ptd...... Bt. LalV. II fd... t. Louie B. W. St. L. S. W.' pfd i Tt 14 Bloaa-gheffleld 8. I..,. Southern Peclflo .. 10 18 74 41 is 400 101 4.600 II 1.J00 77 1.1O0 42 109 Southern Railway So. Railway pfd W TT Tenneem Copper Texaa A Parlllo T, M, L 4 W...... 41 HI MM 14 II 3 T , Bt, U eV W. pfd Union Paclflo I'elon Peclflo pfd....'..., t'nlted State Realty United State Rubber..., United Blatee Steal , U. 8. Steel ptd Vtek Copper , V a, -Carolina Chemical . Webeah Wabaeo pfd ...,.,,..,,.. Weetera Maryland Weetlnghouea Klectrle - Weetern rlon Wheeling u K Lfbltk Valley Chine Copper ...,,.,,,, Ray Consolidated , American Tnhecco Seehoard Air Line.-..,... Meaboard A. U pfd W tH 17.400 1M 146 1 3.0o M 14 joo io 14 iA 41. 10 M 10 4 1.MW 113 111 111 i.iov fi 11 ' 100 ' 60S , 400 1.700 , tot 4 14 11 T7 U 44 H U T U IM 10 10 no 12 , 4 14 81 1 14 1.100 lit 1,70 11 c 10 ' mo rw MO 11 Sft 0 313 62 Total aalea for the day, I,tO jhare. w Tork Hoser Market. NEW YORK. July' l.-MONET-On call, steady at u3 per cent: ruling rate, t per cent; closing bid, 34 per cent: of fered at Sl per cenu Time loans, steady; sixty day, 34.r3i4 per cent; ninety days, 3'&5H per cent; six months,. 44H per cent. ..:-.. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4fli 4t per cent. , 8terlins exchange, firm, with actual business 'n bankers' Mils at $4.86 for sixty-day hills and at 34.7S5 for demand. Commercial bills, 34.14V. SILVER Bar, eWsc; Mexican dollars, 48c. BONDS Government, ateady; railroad, steady. . - - Canelltloa of the Treaaary, WASHINGTON, July 1.-At , the be ginning of business today the condition of the United State treasury was: Working balance .in treasury offices, jao,637.19J: In banks and Philippine treas ury. M.0!vS!8: total In tbe general fund was 816,tt&.&l4. Receipts yeeterody, 31.0S3,- 629. Diabureementa yesterday. B. 457.8.14. Deficit to date this fiscal year. 13,833.600, as against a datK-rt or 814,176.119 at this time last year. . The figure exclude Panama . canal and public debt trans actions. ; ,f - . . ' KhraiMsrateel Apples aael Drteal Wait NEW TORK. July H. EVAPORATED APPLE8-43utet, but steady; o the spot, fancy. kelOVc; eboic. 6219c; prime, Tktf 70- DRIED .rRCiTs Fruae inactive, out price continue steady; quotations range from 8e to te for CaJirorntaa up to 36-40 and f4C9H tor oregtms. Apricots, quiet and steady; choice, nm13c; extra choice, KStyiztyi, jraacne largely ttommai; dtoletv '!?' iC: extra, crtoice. 71 no: fancy, TVo. Raistna. dull and barely stemdy; loooe muwratela. trfrc; hlc to fancy aeeded, eVHc; eedleam, Hlfc; London layers, 31.4Wgl.46. J Metal Market. NEW TORK, July M. METALS Mar ket quiet; standard and July, 31754 17.B: August, September and October, tltarurs: elect rolytlc, 3TT.(ri7.26; lake. 6l7.264Bri7.S; caattna-. SK-Omit&TSH. Tin. weak: snot. 34t.KXf44J: July. 43.66 t440; Auriat 84X3rr43.7$. Lea. quiet; 14 "54 75. tipeiter, firm, 7.2007.4. AntJ- Iron, Copper arrivals today at New York. 50 tons; exports this month, 14.810 torn. London copper, easy, spot, .) as va. futures, 75 16a 3d. London tin. quiet; spot, 200 10; future. 198 ws. ixinaon. lead, 18 10s. London, speuer, bo. Loral sales, ao.UOO ID., .ban si. lui. Iron, Cleveland warrants, &bc wna. .in London. UUA11A GES1ERAL MARKET. eMBial RI7TTE R No. 1. l-lb. cartons, 27c: No. 1, in 09-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 2, ,25c; paclt- CHEESEi imported Swiss, wc; Atnen- can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins, 17: daisies, 18c; triplets, - 18c; youn Americas,- 19c; blue label brick, IMic; llmberger, 2-lb., SOc; 1-lb., 22c. POULTRY Broilers, so4c per 10., hens, 16c; cocks, 9010c; ducks, 18c; geese, 16c; turkeys, 23c; pigeons, pr dor.., 31.50. Alive: Hens, l&OUc; old roosters, 6Hc; stags, 6 "4c; old ducks, full feathered, 8c; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkeys, 12c; pigeons, per doc, 90c; homers, Z60; squabs, No. 1. $1.60; No. 2, 60c. . , FISH (fresh)-Plckerel, fc; ' whlt : 13e; pike, 16c; trout, 14c; large crapples, 12j 16c; Spanish mackerel, lo; eel, Idc; had docks, 16c; flounders, 13c; green catfish, 16c; rose shad, 80c each; stad roo, per pair, 46c; salmon, 15c; narfbut 8c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo. 8c; bullheads, 8Hc . MiaL.LiLAii eajuo iumonas, utrra gena, per lb., U'M: In sack Iota, h less. Cocoanuts, per sack. 14.00. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lota, lc leas. Peanuts, roasted, In sack lota, per lb., '.'70; roaated. less tnan sacK 101a, per id., at, raw, per lb., 6V1C. Cider, per gal., 76c. BKEir cut rKiuiiis iso. 1 rios. zovic: No. 2 ribs, 16c; No. 3, 13c; No. r loins. 22Vc; No. 2 loins, 18c; No. 3 -loins, 16c; No. 1 cnucKs, vftc; no. t caucus, c; No. 3 chucks, 7c; No. 1 round, 13c; No. rounds, 12c; No. 8 rounds. Uc; No. 1 Plate. No. 2 plates,. ic; So. i plate. c . , P . .. , fruits, etu. uananaa. Ann : se lect, per ' buncti. 2.25(38.60; Jumbo, - per Dtuicn, i2.imaid.ia. xraus, Ancnor orand. new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. la box, per box, 3126; Dromedary nrana, new, w i-id. vkgs. in box. per box, 63.00. Figv California, per case of 12 No. 12 pkga.. 85c; per case of 36 No. 12 pkgs., 32.60; per case of 60 No, I pkgs., $2.00; bulk. In 26 and 50-1 b.. boxes,. per id., wo; uuw iunm, o-crowo,.lo 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 6-croWn in 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7-crown In 30-lb. boxea per lb., 17c. Lemon, Llmonlera selected brand, extra fancy, 300-360 sixes, per box, 37.UO; Loma Limoneira, fancy, 800-300 sixes, per box, ti-w; 2o-w sues, oon per box less; camorniu, vnoic, aw-au sizes, per box, $5.50. Oranges, California Half Moon sweets, extra tancy, H6-120 sizes, per box, 13.26; extra choice, all sixes, per box, 33.00; Valencia oranges . all sixes. 34.00. Fine apples, -Z-48 sixes, per crate, 33.00. California peaphes, 76c; Cal ifornia apricots, si.iio; uaiuornia cherries. $1.25; borne grown cherries, per crate of 24 Qti., 32.26; home grown gooseberries, per orate 01 t qia., i.s. wax oeana, per bsKt., ioo; green Deans, per bskt. 75c California cantaloupes, 45-slze, 33.00. Watermelons, per lb.. 3o; Texas peaches, 4 baskets, 70c. VEGETABLES Cabbage, home grown. lb.. 2c Celery, Michigan per do.. 36a Cucumbers, hot house, peri box, 60a. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per do., 32.00. Garlic extra fancy, .white, per do,, 16a Lettuce extra fane;, leaf, per do.. 26a Onions, whit in crate, JLOO; yellow, per crate, alio. . rarsiey, lancy . soutnern, per dot, bunches, SC076C. , Potatoes, Texas, new, per bu., 31.00. Tomatoes, Texas, per 4-baaket carrier, 85o. - Available Sonnlle of Grain. NEW YORK, July 16.-Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Bradstreet'a show the following changes In available supplies as compared with the previous week: Available supplies. Wheat United States, east of Rockies, decreased, 1,081,000 bu.; United- States, wesi 01 rocKies, decreased, kmjw nut; Canada, decreased, 1,968,000 bu. Total United States and Canada, decreased. 3,148,000 bu.;- afloat for and In Europe, decreased, 5.000,000 1 bu. Total American and European supply decreased, 8,148,000. Corn united States ana Canada, de creased. 992.000 bu. Oats United States and Canada, de creased. 667.000 bu. ... The leading increases and decreases reported week follow:. , Increases: Lincoln, 102.006 bu.; San An. tonlo. 65.000 bu.; Akron. 60.000 bu, De 8..n.oe: .78c H,:soh7sdReasecr nMo creases: Manitoba. 496.000: Goodrich. 60.000. The visible supply of wheat In Canada Saturday, July 13, was io,i40,ooo bu a de crease of l.OSb.OOQ bu. vi v t. , ' . . . -'V Wool Market... BOSTON. Maes.,. July IS. Domestic wools continue in active demand with values ahowlnsr hieher tendency. Good sales are reported along well- distributed lines and the -first lot of Ohio delaine ehanared hands -recently 'at an advance. Quarter .blood, actuate. Kentucay ana Similar half blood, unwashed. 27ic;three-elKhths- blood. 2330c. - Pulled tine "A" 6b(ii7a: f'A" supers. 6253c. ; ST. LOUIS, July. l.-rWOOL-Steady; territory and western mediums, iiOipiao,; fine mediums, I8g80c; fine, lytfi.c. ... .. . ! . ' 1 11 ' f ' ' " Coffee Market. ; NEW -YORK. July 16.-COFrEE-Fu-tures market closed steady at a net loss of from 5 to llt points; sales 49,ooo nags; Julv. 13.04e: Auaust. 13.11c: 'September. 13.18c.! October. 13.25c: November. 13.32c: December, 13.38c; January, 13.39c; (Febru ary. 18.38c: March. 13.46c: APrti. I3.4:re: May and June, 13.4Sc. Spot market barely steady: ko 7. nc.: santos 48.- ioc, Mild, quiet; Cordova, llolc.,' nominal. , Cottoa Market. v. , 1 NEW YORK, July 16.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling upland, U.4oc; mid' dlina aulf.-12.70c- No sales. ' ' . Cotton futures closed steady.- Cloalng bids: July. 11.00c; August, 12.00c: Septem ber. 12.11c: r October. 13.33c; November, 12.25c; December, 1119c: January, 12.2c; February, 1 12.33c; March, it 12.89c; . May, 12.49c. . , , . . ...,,,... . ' .Drr .Goods -Market. NEW TORK. July -18. DRTT GOODS The cottotr goods market ' are - steady, with advances being bid for-fine gray cloths following the strike In Now Bed ford. Silk , velvet are . being ordered freely for another season. Cotton yarns rule steadier. Jobbers report a moderate business.- .. ...... : Loaeloa Stock Mark!. "" LONDON. July 16. American securities opened steady, today. Trading waa light during the first hour, but a good ton prevailed and price ranged -from- to above yesterday's New York closing, . I" Peort Market. , V k ,y PEORIA.' July 16.-CORN Steady: Ko. v.iUm . 4pAy.r - 7 . 4 vllnw 71 No. 8 mixed, 73c; sample, fc69c - - OATS-4C lower; no. wmte, iracK, vc: No. 4 whltav 47Hc - . Oil a Roelw.1 " ' SAVANNAH, July 16. TURPENTINE Firm at 4Sc. . - ROSIN-Firm; type, r,; type G,. I6.6S456-99- -: ' V Sagar' Market. '. NEW TORK. July lS.-SUGAR-4law, firm; muscovado, 69 teat, 3.42o; , cen trtfugal, 96 test. 3.93c; -molasses sugar, teat, tl7o. Refined, steady. - Kanaa City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Julv 1. CATTLE Receipts. 8,600 head.- including LOW head southern; beef steers steady t . 15c lower: other cattle steady; dressed beet and export steers. 3S.3OjM.60; fair to good, M.53-26; weatern . steers, i tCSotzUO; stockera and leeoers, 4.jy7.uo; soutnern steer. 4.2S.T6; aoutbera cow. , 3.364f 6,66: native cow, 33-2;vfS.f; native heif ers. Ma&O&M); bulls, 3S.J5tf6.50; calves. 64. HOGS Reeedrtev 11009 head: - market opened 6c higher: ekwed 610e lower; bulk of seJea. C Ja)g7.55: heavy. -37.S&B7.15; packer and butchers. l7.!54f7.67H; light. C.Jlff7.40: Big, eWJ.7S. ' SHEEP AND IA M BS Receipts. 3.000 head: mauket trHady to 16ce lower; lambs, ts.5Ml7.3S: yearling. 84.5$$J5: wether. 84.6Ui4.7i; ewe. 3.50f6.&; stocker and ftxdete, fSJnmm.t..... ' .'.i Stewlc l MaM. Receipts ef live stock at the flv prta- dpal weetem markets yesterday: -i . Cattle. Hog. Sheen. South Omaha 16t IS . vie t.r St--Jtweph ISO 9.206 '- t.K Kansas city u.a y a,a St. Lout ................ 4.369 T.Q09 4,700 Chicago ................. J.M0 1L009 18.604) Total .. 62.706 36.309 Prttent Adrertislng I the Road to Big Returns- mony, rirra; uooKson s, steady, unchanged. 17, 1912. OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Best Cattle Are Steady. Others Slow and lower. HOG PRICES' "ARE MUCH MIXED BestMa-ht Steady to Hlgaer Corn- to '- Fair Are glow to Lower Receipts of Sheep Are Larare. SOUTH OMAHA, July 16, 112. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday ....... 3,124 Estimate Tuesday 2,600 4.066 8.672 8,000 13,500 Two days this week.. 5,724 ' 17,556 17,672 Same days last week.. 3.640 16,637 13.783 same z weeks ago...... 6,n , i Same 3 weeks ago 7.972 26,323 8.757 Same 4 weeks ago 5,023 13,435 3,7l Same days last year... 7,072 14,155 18,396 The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date- as compared with last year: . 1912. 1911. InC Deo. Cattle 444,759 631,810 87,lbl Hogs 1,962,815 1,513,637 448,678 .v.... Sheep 968,003 803,688 154,214 The followlna- table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparison: Date. ( 1912. lU.1910.19O9.1908.19O7.il906, July .. 7 19 8 621 7 61 181 6 61 July. 10. July 11. 7 244 6 33 I 7 671 6 23 6 64 6 66 7 19 6 S7 J 44 ( 6 42 6 8 6 65 7 18Vst 6 351 g 331 7 621 7 74 4 64 7 16i4 8 a 7 67 49 6 74 6 6 July 12. July 13. July 14. 241 8 2l 7 761 431 6 67 July 16. 7 141 8 351 7 821 6 811 5 71 July 16. a as 7 83 7 1 vftj w Sunday. SOUTH OMAHA, July 15, 1911 Recelnts and disposition ' of live stock at the Union Stock Tarda, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday; ; ... RECEIPT CARS, - , CatUe. Hogs. Sheep. Hr's's. C. M. A St P, 3 1 - 'i A . ae J .. .. 34 ' -22 ' 2 -7 ." . . : . .. .79. - . 4,.; 1 14 .: : .. 4 . 2 - .. 27 3 10 . 1 ' 1 .. N.. 6 , . i.. 1' -.. ,. 187 .33 ; 19- Wabash .............. 3. Missouri Pacifio Union Paclfl 21 C, & N. W., east..., . 1 C, & N. W., west.. 28 . C. St. P. M. & O... 10 C. B. ft Q., east.... 19 C. B. & Q., west.... 22 C. R. I. & P., east., 4 C. R. L ft P., west.. J Illinois Central 4 C. O. W 1 Total' reeelnt 9 . . 122 DISPOSITION HEAD. : . .. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co....... 862 2,102 541 Swift ft Co 413 S.Obo I,UI Cudahy Packing Co.... 898 - 2.468 2,463 Armour ft Co.. 443 - SM , 1,677 SchwarU ft Co 614 Murphy ... 14 MoiTell - -6 . .-. .. Swift from Kan. City.. - 64 Armour from Kan. City . 98 " ..... ' Cudahy from Kan City. " 78 ..... ' w. b. vansant t:o 1 ..... Benton Vansant ft Lush 78 ..... Hill ft Son . m F. B. Lewis 66 ...... Huston & Co.. 25 ....... J. H. Bulla.....' 4 McCreary ft Kellogg.. 77 . ...... H. F. Hamilton......... 13 Iee Rothschild 25 ..... Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co."... 74 ..... Other buyers 489. Total ...3,471. 12,578 6,801 CATTLE Cattle receipts were fairly liberal again Monday, making the total fnr the two (favs 5.700 head, being a gain of 2,000 head over last week, but at the same time showing a considerate tailing off as compared with two or three weeks earo and with a year ago, Advices from eastern points were very discouraging on the opening and buyers generally started out bidding prices that wer oulte a little lower than yesterday. In the end, however, they picked up the more desirable dry lot came ai price that were - fully steady with yesterday. The medium grades, that is, light and arreen cattle, were slow and lower all Th market "on " cows and heifers was very weak .this morning, prices. being on all but the very -best 15$jP20c lower. -.and some kinds posibly 25o lower than lat Very little change took place In the market for tock cattle and feeders, there being a reasonably good demand xor ae nirahla, kinds. . - Quotations on cattle: ' Good to choice beef steers, 88.509.50; fair to good beef iMira lx.flfl'n,8.D0: common to fair beef .ti- lsOOrtScOO: eood to choice heifers. 36.25i.60; good to choice cows, 35.60Sj6.25; fair to good cows, 34.605.60; common to m.. 12 SOitW.&O:- Eooa-to cnoice biock era and feeders, 36.0O6.5O; fair. to good tnok-M-a end feeders. 84.5OS5.00; common to fair Btocker and feeders. $3-60)4.50; .t.k mwa and half era. 33.25494.75; Veal calves, 34.508.00; bulls, stags, etc., 83.76 6.60. Representative sales: . . . , BEEP STEERS. No. 10... 13... 10... ... 67... 15... 11... 30... II... 14... 1... I... ... i... 1... 6... t... 1... S... IB... ... 6... A. rr. m 40 .....122 1 It U T M 1111 1 70 mt t ..... tu 1 00 Ml t 11 11M I 10 Na. A. rr. tl IM 1 SO 12 ......109 tM ... ........ 113t t It ......1117 I II., UM t H...........12M tt 11.... 1OT 9 06 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ion ill a... 10M t it cowa J'Mt It I l...-...-14 t 10 ' i ' 1 v4t 3 II ....... 10 I 4 ........ Tit 1 10 8..,...., ....... TM 4 M I. ....... Mt 4 tt 1- 1100 4 tt n,;'-.,., ....... 74 4 21 tt tt 4 W I........ tot 4 4 . t tU 4 41 . I..". tet 4 It .1 . ttt 8 tt HEIFERS. 171 . 1 tt It tIT 4 oe I t tut St., ttt 8 It ... MT I M ...10ft I M ... Mt IN ...l4t It ...MM f If ...120 IH ...22U I Tl ... K in .I1T tit ... TN I If ...lOU I W ...lilt ttt ...1101 t It t... , Mt. 4 , HI 4 Tt , tOO 4 71 . til I I . in in . TM I I . Mt f It 4..... 4..... teh T4 4 tt 4 46 4 M . 11 ., 11 4 40 . T. ...... 101 4 4 4 BULLS. ,. -4 M .;124t 4 It ..11M 4 ..UM 4M ..121 4 M ..13TI 46 .. tM 4 II I 1I0S 4 M .1221 4 4 .110 4M .1104 4 II , .144 f .UOt 4 Tf .Hit 4 71 ..10M 4 2 CALVES. . IM 4 41 ........ tOt I M 414 I 4 I7t I M M0 I Tt tit I M Mt t M ........ IM IM 4JT Jw .111 IN , ttt IN , IM 7 tt , 14 1 M . , 2M T t ,1S IH , W IH 14t I M IM IN 171 IM . lit T M I.. BTOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. ........... 424 4 4 4T I M a HI 4 14 4 4M IM a M IH 1 MT 6 H 4 .......... Mt IN It........... W IN a M IN . I TM IN ..;.'..-.... t IN It .tT IM HOOS Buyers started out this morn ing picking out the good to choice light hna-a that iust happened to ult their re quirements and paying for with such price tnat were ruiiy airauy io pwwmj nuirh aa to hlrher In snots. Good to choice lights sold around 37.307.S6 and on un aa hiah as r.o tor a top wmcn was 6c higher than the best price pair yester day. The aemana wnna s was lim ited and - not equal io lajun an in light hog on sale. ' Mixed ana pacsing noajs ana ino toiii- mon to rair Rtnas ox ngm nos were slow sellers all day at price that were weak and generally arouna sc tower tnan yesterday. Rough heavy packing hog especially pa cams sows, wem tucunj hard to move at price that showed va greater decline, . . . While the market wa not very actlT. the better class of hogs sold in good sea son, in . th morning, but it-was a Uttl late before th rough heavy hog were disposed of. - As has been mentioned a number of time in these column, shippers should thoroughly understand thai wtili choice light hog are bringing th top, buyer discrinilnat vary cloaely between the choice and even fair load. Thu two load of hoar of Identically th aarae waiiht. but differtna- In Qiutlltr, may sell on at th extreme top, and th other at th extreme bottom or tne awaet. It would also M wen n xaj toubtit would Uioroughty cmprehd that heavy hogs, va f fair quality, are not In very aetlv demand, while rough heavy hoc are extremely hard to sell at the I bottom of the market - Rough heavy hog and even heavy Tiogs of pretty good quality closed very mean. the market on hog ol tnat Kind DeiiiB fully 105tl5c lower and with packeis in many cases bidding 25c tower. Representative sale: NO." "AT. h. Ft. ... 171 ... t N IN ... f If No. At. ..241 ' ..2 ..237 ..221 ..217 ..214 ..241 Sh. Pt. 7 SO 7 2 7 2 7 20 . T 20 10.. ...,.171 U. ...... 12 44 MT to 107 41.... 61.... tt.... 71.... 71.... 40.... M H m W IK tl ttt 120 f IS 17 244 M 4 10 41 190 ... tttl a 2t 240 I 96 240 T 20 40 T 20 . ..- 7 2 i M 1 20 68 251 12 ,.24S Mt ... TM .130 ... 7 00 6T ...221 120 7 2t ...23S M T 20 . ...112 M 7 ...211 10 20 ...2M 10 1 Uk 71.. to.. Tt.. !.. 11 ,.242 10 1 M ft 170 ...... ..241 67 182 T M tM TM 7 00 T 0 to M ...221 1 22Vi 7 221, 84......-1S1 .lot .207 .201 .201 .201 .240 77.......111 M It 24 tl..... t 117.... 71..... 18 7 22H 7 22 7 2J, f. T 21 ,.M1 TM 14.. .10 IM T M .2(4 7 M .201 120 T 06 2t.. 14,... 21..., T 2i ..201 r.-tet T Of T . 7 06 T 06 TM 7 06 T T M ..22 100 T 25 , 4t 40 ..207 M 7 25 ..231 ... T ..IM ... 7 28 ..220 ... 7 2f ..121 1M 7 le ..256 .;. 7 25 ..221 Ul T 25 ..134 120 7 26 ..201 to T IS . ..21 M 7 25 ..24 ... 29l 10 ..111 40 ..IM ... ..241 124 M. tl. 74. M. 74. tt. tt. tl. tl. fl. to. tl. fl. Tl. tl. ft. 71.. 17.. T4.. 41.. 41.. ..217 ..140 .414 ..14 ..112 ..tit ..240 NIK .. 7 10 M 7 10 .. 7 10 40 10 .. T 10 64.. St.. IS.. ...2M ...281 ...251 ...2M ...244 ...121 ...111 ...IM tt 7 If 10 T 25 ... T 28 40 7 26 18. . 17.. to.. tt.. tl.. 204 lit 7 10 ..171 M T It ....MT tM T 14 , ....Ul 14 T 19 ....Ot 41 T It ....111 ... T10 ....141 10 T It ....241 140 T 1116 ....2M 40 T 12Uj ....111 lit 1 If .....284 40 T IS ....I1T-U0 Til ,....201 40 T If . ....220 MO 7 II .271 M T II lit ... T If ,....241 ... 7 If T 25 M T IS T M 7 7 26 t a 7 If 7 26 7 26 17.. to.. I.. II..,. ft.... T4.... 71.... Ti.... Tt.... IT.... Tt.... 40.... tl.... M... M.... 17.... 71.... 71.... 13.... 17.... 44.... 81.... 74.... 12.... .221 ..i ..IM ..211 ..266 ..111 40 a 4. to 40 W ft.. 71.. 44.. 77.. 7.. or.. tl.. T4.. .. T 2 40 -7 ..141 .211 360 T 15 .181 ... 7 30 .IM tO 7 30 .181 110 T 30 .171 20 7 St .200 TM tt.. a.. T.. 71.. 141 ... T If Tf ,.131 TO T If ..203 ..224 ..IN ..171 ..171 ..111 ..231 ..200 ..121 ..201 ,..201 ..1 ..203 ..114 40 7 30 ... 7 W ISO T JO ... TM' ... T 10 ... 7 W ... T tt 40 1 M SO 7M ... Til ... T If MIS ...7 It ... T 40 n. ..216 40 7 If ..221 MTU ..211 M 7 IS ..170 ... T If ..201 M T If ..144 ... T It ..325 ... 7 IS ..377 10 T IS 72....' .... to.... tl.... tt.... to.... .... 37.... ..150 80 7 If TO.., 78 Ill IM 7 20 19.. St.. .....221 ... T 20 : 14.. 12 291 ... 7 20 74.. 4 260 ... 7 2 13.. tl 141 ... 7 20 SHEEP-There was another fairly largo run of sheep and Iambs here today, about thirty-five loads belna- reported in. buik of supply consisted of westerns, which Included shipments from Oregon, laano, Wyoming and South Dakota. While a good many lambs showed up in yester day's receipts, comparatively few ap peared on the market this morning, most of the western stuff being wethers and mixed loads of wethers and yearlings. A few decks of native or fed stock from the corn belt were Included in today's re ceipts. . , As ; on .yesterday the . general aualitv was not especially attractive, al though there were some good loads among today s offerings. , - - - - Buyers were out fairly early in the morning looking over thevsupply, ' but with liberal receipts on hand did ' not seem in any hurry to fill order. -As -has been the case for several weeks back there was a good : demand for anything showing quality, sheep and lambs of the common to medium order , not being par ticularly, sought, after. A good part of the morning wore away without much being done, the feeling, however, betng weak and lower. , ' Quotations on' sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, f7.007.25; fat range yearlings, 35.005.50;. fat range wether, 34.2o4.75; fat range ewes, 33.754.10. Representative sales: . -N. -. xv. Pr. 65 native lambs........;.....:..'.. 61 " 6 60 25 native lambs, culls 64 6 00 38 native ewes ........Ul " 4 00 9 culls, ewes 127 . 3 00 618 South Dakota wethers...... 85 '. 4 60 3S3 wethers .............107 4 40 244 wethers ioo 4 to ( CHICAGO LIVE STOCK -. MARKET Demand ' for . Cattle Slow Hogs .i - Weak -Sheep Steady. i .; CHICAGO. July 16. CATTLE Receipts, 2,500 head; market slow; beeves, 35.659.55; Texas steers,; weisern steers, ik anrritlM: stockera and feeders. 33.85&6.30; cows and heifers, 32.607.70; calves, 36.00 9.00. . . HOGS-Receipts, 11,000 heaa: . maraet, weak; light, 37.157.65; mixed. 7.0643.67i; heavy, .95ig?7.60; rough, 36.957.15; pigs,,: hulk of sales. 37.30U7.60. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,006) head; market, steady .to 15c up; native, 3.205.36; - western,- 33.505.85; yearlings, K156.76; lambs, native, west ern, jtaxa-xto. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. RT. LOUIS. July 16.-CATTLE Re ceirjt. 4.300 head. Including 1.400 head Texan; market strong; native' shipping and export streers, 36,; dressed and huthar ateer. tfi.O0&8.6o: , stockers and feeders, 33.506.75; cows and heifer, $3.69 46.75; canners. 64.606.00; bulla, 4.006.76; calves. i3.00iW9.2S; Texas and Oklahoma steers, 36.008.75; cows. and heifers, $3i09 8.M. ........ ' HOGS-Receipts, 7.000 head; market strnna-: nias and llchts. S6.007.6O; mixed and butcher. S7.467.55; good heavy, 87.65 i 7 ffi. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 4,700 had: market steady:' muttons. 83.75SH.7b; lambs. 35.2513 8. 25; culls and bucks, 32.006 3.50; stockers, , .Zo3.oo. - St. Joaeah Live Stock Mar net. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 16. CATTLE Receipts, 2,300 head; market steady to 10c lower; steers, j.(ti.s; cows ana neiiers. 31254i'.00: calves. 34.3068.00. HOGS-Receipts, 1,200 head; market, steady to strong; top, 37.60; bulk of sales, t7.40fflf7.56. . .... SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 3,500 head; market steady; lamb, DORIS STEVENS ADDRESSES GOOD AUDIENCE AT BOYD Doris". Stevens." who- 1 delivering' iuf frag talks during th exhibition of spe cial films devoted to the -Vote for Wo men" cause, spoke to a large number of people last night at the Boyd. Sh made a local application In answering th argu ment that women, do not us th, fran chise asN la witnessed in school election. Miss 8tvens pointed to the water bond election in Omaha, when only a portion of the registered male vote waa out, there being only one subject to Internet them. She declared with a whole campaign brimming with , .problem to aotv. th women would be just aa much interested numerically as the men. Th speaker contended that in the states where suf frage Is countenanced there are better child labor law than anywhere els in the union. . " " v ' ' .. The special films will be displayed four time today. k 8fm Drewai. CEDAR FALLS. lev. July M. (Special Telegram.) Donald Magee Snider, aged 16, son of F.. U Snider of -thi city, drowned In fhe Cedar river Sunday. While wading with -other boys, h stepped Into water eight feet deep,. and was unable to swim. He was a senior In th high school. . . ... Iowa New Nate. CRESTON A fall from a swing about three weeks ago caused injur T.h ch resulted Saturday In the death of Mat thew FelL a U-year-old ooy of tnls place. ' . ' CRESTON Th Hfeles.4 body of a woik man thought . to be Pat Carr nieaiter of the Burlington railroad section euw, was found yesterday in a deserted hcus in th southwestern fcut - of . tbiie county about one mile northeast ef Adair. Indications point to death from natural cause. On the body of the who had evidently been living aloe was found a Chicago. Hurungtrt l tcccy denttSction card issued to Pat Cjsjt by S. M. Mumbart foreman ef road wtik men on the St- Jjvnh division, lb dead man Is about it wr of age. Is fjv feet ten Inches UQ and weigha about 156 pounds. Th oody m being fcr identiflcstion. , .. . AD MEN FLOCK "TO DEK Pay Annual Devoirs at Assembly of , Knights. ; i S1TG LN H0N0S OF AK-SAR-BEB gaiasoa Tits Ifaloosens llld Ani mals from Case aad They Rase to aad Fr; lrventlii; Anyone " . from Making; Speech. Without any more provocation than h mere fact that It was Omaha -Ad club night, ihe largest crowd of the season Hocked into Ak-Sar-Ben' den last night. And with the assistance of the Ad club Samson staged a more , finished show than he has yet this year, thus making it well worth the effort of the auditors In crowding in. - , Even the gods seemed to know it wa the big .night for the ad men. , Through the weather man their aid was secured and most thankfully received. The weather . manipulator had promised the assistance, iio we ver. At leat that ! 1 what Samson " said ; last week and the signs last night proved conclusively that some kind of conspiracy had been entered Into. The den was a swarm of coated men, ' an unusual sight after the many nights when . a blanket ; ol white shirts covered the-circu seats about the big . rlng'.wvln' . restlessly in a sea of flut tering fans. Not a fan moved last night and -everyone kept on hi coat and was comfortable. . , , . '. Intts . customary , Ad-club started the show- with a bang. Entering the arena- before the grand entry of caged beasts,, they filled the den and sur rounding-territory with the patriotic parodies, from .their : lusty lungs,. "Her are som they sang: ; . . -' Omaha. ' ' . ' (Air:. "Steamboat Bill.") - Omaha, on the old Missouri river J Omaha, you cannot hold her down j Omaha,; she deserves tne oooei you js her . , : Classy, fat and sassy. She's a darn good town. Everybody Boosting Her wow. (Air r "Everybody' Doln' It") " Sing a song with Omaha Omaha Omaha Nothing wrong with Omaha Omaha ; Omaha -If you want your bank account to grow Omaha's the place that you should go Every chance for . live ones there you . know- .. . To get the dough, get the dough, get the doueh. so - Everybody's flocking there-flocking there . - flocking there Nobody Is knocking there-knocking there knocking there i' . Grand old' town that hasn't a flaw Grand old state from which she can draw Fair old, square old Omaha . Everybody's boosting her now. . 1 Like, a Town Likt OmaU. ' (Air; "I-Want a Girl.") I like a town - " - , Just like the town V We all call Omaha, Where perfect health And boundless wealth From those rich lands you draw. Mountain peaks and ocean beaches may - .... be fine.. But I'll take green Nebraska plains for , mine; ; . Grand place to strike, - That's why . I like -a town like Omaha. . At the conclusion of the show Penn P. Fodrea, acting as chairman of the even- . Ing, announced that no speeches would be - made. Instead, - arrangements had been -made to show moving pictures . of the national' convention of ad club men at - Dallas, Tex. , It was a great disappoint-, ment to everybody to find that a mis- 1 take had been made and the wrong film ; sent out. The picture- showed a conven- 1 tion of comedian and. wasn't wort V the-j.-; trouble , of ; the operator' focusing- it. .. There was an, Immediate break for, the!, refreshment stand in. the north balcony. Another disappointment to many was ( tbe disappearance on the program of the dancer, La Belle Fatlma. The only reason i for the omission that could be found was a line In the handbllf under the dancer's i name which said "We can't promise you , thi. Judge Kennedy .may be in the; neighborhood.,.; Captain Dunn's concert, though, went I usual and the dance was hot badly ! missed, -With several encores Oscar Lleben filled the gap. ". . . Star ef the Board. He answered the demand for nil violin rendition of "Beautiful. Lady'! several . times. Captain Dunn. Joe Latsch and , A. , J. Alvord never tire their audience. With each performance their songs seem to secure greater applause. John Bren ran also ia a star with his inimitable . impersonation of a woman In distress. 8. .P. Conover make tt ridiculously funny . tall and spare "lady," too. For the ad men the crew of clowns worked overtime. Each performance sees '. this band a more laughable lot Gradually ' they are surpassing the experienced pro-. fesBlonals of the itinerant circuses. - But'. Ak-Sar-BenV ahoT all througtv i in that professional surpassing trend. The membership of the knights now numbers 1,89a FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT - : BEGINS IN SjOUX CITY" ;.SIOTJX CITT, I,", July lt-The tourna ment of the Iowa Firemen's association will open in this city tomorrow and will last four day. Seven finely conditioned fir teams are In the stables at the Wood. land Park race course in readiness to ' compete in the department race. The volunteers who will compete in the con tests began arriving today. , ! iVl iltwl A f HOB BOTI, CAPPf D I watl wwa HIK Kt LerBrRStTIR fOK" wtn maas tarn an leaTe so klsaslaaea. fJaraa acr Duff or (walllDf. Doe sot blister or faaanea tfe hair. Harm can ba worked, fug aor bottt daUTaied. BcMk tl V. free). ABSOKBINK, JH.. Knl merit for staoktoo. For Boila. Bruiaea, , 0! Sana, 8wII!ee. GoH.Varicoao I Tataa rarlanaltica. aUar Pain. - . UP U frteah ao tt a eo4iie at dnit or everetl -Will teU snore if yam ni. MaDBXactaraAonly b . W.l.VOUN8.B.D.F - in Tew-fc- a, SMafleM. Mai. HAY PRESS Ak for The Aato-Fadaa Salt feed. Ants Fetaa Belt Power Free, l-straka Hors aa eaa bona pi -Coaalan roar bar to na. The Aatomatic TecUa stay rras Co city, m, utt w. lata ttt. - Afinil HARVE8TCR vM UUlill ZT-T, ttt Blaoer Attack- ibmw la pile aa Bar. Maa aa koraa cut aea feerfca aeaal wttk eon Binder. BoM la owerr Mate. TrHm 134. N. w. B. BUXTON. tt Jnanolisaa. Oeia, errttea: Tke Haneatar kaa prorea all roa) ekUaa far It; tka Hv-reater aared aw oear ttt. 4a taker teat year' cara eattlaa. I at oear fee stocks: enn aaaka koaoata (era to ekacs." Teatlejoalata aa eatalesua tree, akev Isar atatars of ftareaau-. AAdreea Kit PRO CESS MFO. CO.. SAJUNA. KANSAS. A'