Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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i wtn iiift'Mi 1 1 1 1 1 tt "
7Sc Silks'-at 29c Yd.
3,000 yards ct elegant dress silks, chame
leon and Btunning printed wrap effects in
taffetas and messalines; an extraordinary
lot of fine silks at much less than cost to
manufacture; colorings are mostly in tan
'and blue effects, Vieux rose, Copenhagen
tints, violet and wisteria, greens and grey
$10 Cloay Table CoTCfs, $3.50
Never in our entire history have we
been able to offer our customers
such a remarkable " value in cluny lace
table covers. Beautiful band nrade French
cluny laco table covers, in sizes 36-inch,
45-inch and 54-inch; positively worth up
AH Our Regular 5c and?1
Colored Lawns
Will be sold from the bolt
during our July Clearing
Sale on big bargain square
extra special $ J '
Monday, per LiOW
yard at.. .M.y.
. basekeitt. '
Fine Silk Ratine
In Basement at 19c,
The new and popular fabric
of the season for soft cling
ing gowns or street frocks,
65g Embroideries, 39c Yd.
27-inch fine Swiss and batiste ". em-'
broidered flouncings in choice, new
eyelet and floral designs, also baby
flouncings ; many worth up to 75c
a yard, - AA
per yard - .llfl.
15c Batiste at 5c a Yard
On Sale in Basement. ,
All, our regular 15c quality pretty pat
tern batistes for waists, dresses and
children's wear. ; Remember these . fine
batistes are not shopworn or mussed, but
In all the leading shades of sum
In contrasting tones; actually
75c and 85c a yard values; on
bargain square; per yard
at. .,.
to. $10 00 each. Juat
100 pieces in the lot
Monday, each
:a vi Bum-
mer and fall wear;
worth 60c a yard,
on bargain square,
per yard at
absolutely perfect in design and coloring.
and offered right in the
midst of the summer sea
sonclearing sale special,
per yard at.
at. . .
29 c
18-iach. Swiss, Nainsook
nrA fiomVirir T.mViroirl-
I ered Flouncings, Corset
uovers,1 lasemons ana
- , Galloons .
Endless variety of pretty
new designs worth up to
4 ft , n vnrd on barzain
' " " " W M
square, main . m A B
floor, at, per . , lr B
yard , ,
Yd. Wide Light Weight
UnMeacfed Muslin
Fiianly Woven"
In desimble lengths
Chiffon, Mescaline, Taf .
f eta, Fancy Net Waists
Also : silk shirt, tc
waists "with low or , high
necks long or, $hort
' sleeves-i-?5.00 A A AO
Elegant, new designs In eye
let, floral, blind relief and new
combination effects; worth up
to $2.00 a yard fiOn,
a big bargain, per atsP
yard at... . .. "uv
kaiw raooa.
Women's $1.50 and $2.00
Waists at $1
Cotton Voile and Lingerie
Waists of all kinds to select
from stunning and practical
styles a clearing
Sale' Special, ,
MAIS' 7100X.
Linen Huck
Toweling ;
Your choice of. all our finer
grades of pure linen hucks, 18;
20, 22 or 24 inches wide and
worth up to 75c a
yard; Monday only,
per yard at , .
Fine Quality
Silk Stripe Voiles
Made from hard twisted double
thread, in pretty, plain shades,
27 Inches wide, and Bold all
season at 35c a yard; jw
Clearing Sale Price, 1 0
per yard at. ,J,WV
$20 Marseilles M A
Bed Spreads, ea.Vli J
150 good size and . good
- weight Marseilles Bed
- Spreads, which we usually
'. sell at 2.50 , am ia
' each, for.,.,. 51 1 ' fltJ
Soft Finished, Bleached
Yard Wide Muslin and
4 Long Cloth f 1
JDeslrable mill lengths that
, are perfectclear,
ing sale price, yd
, BAsnaarr Vs wv
75c Messaline Char. '
'ST'dttferent colors In all the;
. most wanted shades yarn
dyed and . will not slip ,
Monday on bargain a a
sauare at, yd.. . AiP
aunr xoob , T
The Standard Patterns
for August
arc now, on sale in our
Pattern Department,
Main Floor.
Clearance Sale
Lace curtains worth up to
$3, special, pr. $l,OS
Swiss and scrim curtains
worth up to 91.50, spe
cial, at each. .. .49
Etamlne with hem
stitched bars worth
up to 45c, at yd. 25?
Cretonnes all our. regu
lar 19c and 25c grades,
at "yard- ..V.1S
Bungalow' nets that have
been sellng up to 85c,
'your choice, yd. 59
Couch covers 60 Inches
wide worth up to
12.75; at each $1.79
Linen window shades
3x6 at, each ....25d
The most complete line
in the city at 98c up
to $6,00
Choice of 200 Women's Summer Dresses
Beautiful lingerie, linen, silk, white serges and light -weight
wool dresses; also a few demi-costumes all clever,
new styles. We have grouped them in one big lot
for quick clearance. They have been selling at $20,
$25 and $30 Monday, on second floorv at;
Hundreds of Women's Summer Dresses
MADE TO SELL UP TO $15 AT $5 AND $6.93.
Dainty, cool, wash summer dresses in; white and colored ef-
fects silk and wool dresses in all clever," up-to-date styles.
The former prices were up to $15 (PP AO
second floor at... .. aUU 9090-
A great new assortment of pretty white and colored summer
frocks in all sizes for .women and misses; clever, tfrt QQ
new styles, made to sell nij to $7.50 at ... V. . i vietfO
Plain tailored suits, fancy trimmed suits, hairline striped suits,
etc.; formerly sold up to $25 Women's and d A AA
misses' sizes; on second floor, at. ..... . . viveUv.
Women's Norfolk Suits -made of white and colored
wash materials; favorite styles, worth $5 'and $6, at.
Clearing Sale
Women's oxfords and
': pumps ; odds and ends
in tan' and black leath
;' erg;' worth - $3, . $4 and
. even $5 all sizes, at a
i pair $1.98
Women's v- white canvas
Colonial pumps with
sliver buckles' light
turned i spies al . sizes,
at a pair. ; . $2.48
Women's White 8e
' Island dock shoes; flex
. lble welted soles, plain
or tipped , toes, ' short
foreparts all sizes, at
a. pair .... .' . $2.85
Women's shoes , in white
buckskin worth M.00,
- special at, pair, $2.48
Women's Colonial pumps
; in' white buckskin, blapk
, satin and patent leather,
at a pair .....$2.48
Women's & Misses'
u suits v .
Stack and wanted
colors worth . up to
' at, : .
All the
. At greatly reduced
prices, this "week
About Yi Price.
(Stoond Floor.) '
Wash Coat
Fancy' or pint" -
this season's suits, but
good and , ,
practical; ij
$7 values. .7
i v r-mi
Women's Short
flowered and fig
ured lawns - a
25c val-' ' Jig
ues at. .... . t
(Baiamant.) '
fv, : " is'i' :
Odds, Ends, Samples
Women's Fine Tailored
and Lingerie Waists .
Elaborately .made many
are rich, plain effects, hand
embroidered worth up to
$6.00, at
;2i0 and $2.93
Beautiful Barred
More desirable than high
cost linens. Ask to see the
many pretty patterns. Reg
ular price is 20c a yard
from the bolt at, 4 A
yard.... Mil-
Your Choice of Any
4 Woman's .V"-'
in Our Entire Stock
Fine Medium and Wide
Embroidery Edgings
and Insertions "
Swiss, Nainsook - and 1 Cam
bric in pretty new designs,
up to 7 inches wide, worth
up to 12 c a yard,
at, yard
Several Hundred Yards
of Very Finest Quality
Mercerized Poplin
Pink and tan for Norfolk
. suits, frocks, etc. 25c value
on special r
counter at, yd. . .' . I Jlf
40-inch and 38-inch all wool
; serges, 44-inch pencil
stripe suitings . 44-Inch
DiacK ana white .- aa. ;
checks, at, yard A HI,
Crepe kimonos, fancy
laws kimonos, etc
values -'
up to, '
$2.00, at. ;
' 1' (Eawmeiit)
Women's" " Long
Strap and button
trimmed am
Good auto M
W 'sjejsna
' Beautiful odd cloths,
soiled from display-
Bing, at 1"
OFF. .
Women's & Misses'
; ! WOOL f.!
Also Juniors' suits in
up-to-date ; 1 Ami
styles; $10 3)3
t values, at. . .
Imported White Dress
Fabrics at 49c Y0.
48-inch plain voiles, 40
. inch and 30-inch embroid-.
ered ; dotted voile, hand
' embroidered batiste, worth
'up to $1.25, at,
" yard. : , , . .. .1 .
it in din miinnffii
Eighwayman Holds Up j Boy in
Charge of V. P. Bestaurant -
l'onfldere Worker Become Atea-
Uto o Raitlo from Atom, Ia.f
, nd Relieves Him of Itia
Well Filled Forte.
A holdup man, a pickpocket and
t confidence worker, all tnreo experts
In their chosen field work, have con
tributed thre, chapters to "the "queal
t)(K)k" at police headquarter.
- At 4:15 yesterday morning a . masked
Mghwaytnan entered tne union depot
restaurant, and with a brace ot ugly re
l olveri commanded Bennle Morris, who
Kas In charge, to fork over all the money
n the cash register. He did. There was
ICO 4n th drawer. After the holdup the
rlghwayman commanded Bennle to turn
his back, whereupon the visitor backed
put of the station. The only clue Is a
bat left by the highwayman. - ; ,
Parrott'a Pocket Picked. V
T. P. ,1'arrott ot 1015 Mason street,
kvent to the Rome Summer garden in
the evening to cool off and see tho
movies," and didn't learn untU It was
too late that a pickpocket had secured
hit wallet, which contained 150. -
A R. McCart, a rustic from Avoca, la.,
rame to. town in the evening, expecting
Jo change cars for Aberdeen, where he
as to go to work In the wheat fields.
tie met an affable stranger who was going-in
the same direction, to the same
tlfstlnatlon and for the same purpose
. iso, The stranger gained the confidence
ef McCart. and then relieved him of $120.
McCart is stranded In town without funds
jtnough to get out. . , ,
4 - '." -:
To Look and Feel
Bright in Tot Weather
McBnde Says that H ,
Critics Are Wrong
in Their Guesses
County Surveyor George MeBrlde takes
exception to the criticism by the county
commissioners of the bridge and culvert
work, and says he Invites investigation
ot his office by anybody. I-, j f
"Everything in my office Is being con
ducted,' says Mr. McBride, "strictly ac
cording to law, and the records are there
showing every dollar expended. - There
is a misapprehension somewhere as to
the way the work Is done. There are no
bridge companies, or ' construction com
panies, doing any ot the county work ex
cept, the bridge company that, has the
contract awarded tor the year by the
county-board. All the culvert repairing
and "road' work is being dore 'by ,'thj
county, which buys the materials and
employ the labor. It is nothing to me
personally whether the county board or-
ders bridges built or not, but officially
I must call attention to dangerous
bridges and recommend replacements,
and this Is what I have been doing." ' '
Health. Commissioner Says Its Rul-
ings Are Menace to Health.
Calls it On trace to Tax Coat of Ex
tensions of Mains to Property
Owners When 85 Vt Cent of '
, People Paid Nothlnc.
! tFrom The Woman BeauUfuL) -This
la the season when she -who
would have a rose-leaf complexion, lily
white neck and hand, ahould turn her
thoughts to mercollaed wax, the firm
jfrlend of the eunvmer girl Nothing so
effectually overcomes the soiling ef
fei'W f sun, wind, dust and dirt The
wax literally absorbs the scorched, dis
colored, withered or coarsened cuticle,
bringing forth a brand new aWn, clear,
soft and girlishly beautiful It also un
ctoK the fores, removing blackheads
and Increasing the akln'a breathing
capacity. - An ounce of mercoliied wax.
obtainable at any drug store, applu-d
i)ititly ilk cM cream, and washed off
turnings; will gradually Improve tt
iv(;rt complexion, j t ' i
When depressed by the beat and 70a
want to freshen up for tb ereaing,
bathe the lace In a lotion made by Al
Moving an ooooe of pow-dersd anxalll
jn a half pint wttct haael Tmflt OM
t.Ms inure refrwsMag than n hm.r't
rc.t ' It also FmtwtLs vox The Uuec, -'4f-Jecur.g
even tl doeptr vriakVs.
Rose Clrco, the 18-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gulseppl Clrco, 96 North
Twenty-sixth street,'; who disappeared
after leaving the Iten Biscuit company
Thursday morning, was not kidnaped or
did not run a way-she imply got mar
ried. -'-A,f. -';
Rose's mother telephoned the police Frl
day morning that her uaughter did not
come home from work the night before.
The police made an Investigation and
found that the girl had feigned sickness
the previous morning and had -been ex-
cusd from work. " ; - , ,;
yesterday afternoon the newspaper
carried a notice that a license had ben
granted to Alflo Qagllolo, aged 26, and
Rose Clrco, aged 18. - .-
Bleeslngs were In order and were glvn
and received at tho Clrco home.
1 ' " 11 " - t'l. 'Mi-:.
The Young Men's Christian Association
Aero club will hold its next model aero
plane meet on the Fort Omaha parade
ground at t o'clock Thursday morulas. t
"The events are distance, quick starting
sad possible) altitude. First, second and
ttitrd prize are tho sllTtr lovtng cop
watch la now held by Edwin Greery.
and two Toong Ken's Christian axta
tVm membcrsnfpa. There are ktm ev
trie to daie ad tbe oontet4 la open to
acqr boys of If year or under. The
jadapM will be announced later. .y : i v
.'A51 who wlsn to enter win tear tbr
miaea with J. W. MJUcr at the Young
yusfm Christian association Wednesday
cretan. ' '
Charging the Omaha Water board with
following a policy that will indirectly be
responsible for sickness and possible
dath among the poor of the city, Dr. R.
W..Cpnnell, city health commissioner,
has warned the board that every step
taken to enforce the rulings laid down
since R., Beecher Howell became water
commissioner will meet with his eternal
opposition and the opposition ot many
people back of him. ' '
"It is an outrage to lax the cost of ex
tension of mains to the property owners
when 95 per cent of the people have been
provided with mains free of charge,"
says Dr. Connell, "but I protest against
It for other reasons.. Many poor people
will object to doing away with wells that
are a menace if they have to pay this
charge before they can get city water."
ur. conneu has written the hoard. a
letter of warning and ,a ; "statement of
facts.", . He has announced his Intention
to fight before the water board itself
not only the ruling regarding the exten
sion of mains, but the plan, to Install
meters at the curb and will ask the rastv
bars to explain why watw service baii
become suddenly so deficient that no
water can be secured for lawn, sprink
ling. -.'.-'
, . v Legislate Out of Office.
. "If that water - beard persists In the
course It Is now following we'll legislate
them out of office."? aald the health com
missioner. 'I never, saw any thing so
outrageous. Why; don't they allow lawn
sprinkling In the evening between S and 9
o'clock and arrest ' all who violate the
rullngt That water board wJU , hay
trouble If It doesn't. change 1U Uctlcs."
Improvement climbs, private eltlsens and
men-and women ' Tom all parta of the
city have been deaounclrig tho actios of
th water ; board.)' while ) others ' have
waited for explanation.-.. - :1
Dr. Connell ha ' been - lnveatlgatlsg
typhoid f ever cases and haa ordered cert
tain Wella In the city cctidrmncrt. Tt4
resldenta at one chargod him wtta M'4
tho Instrument ol tho water wir inrk
ing to secure now serrioe connection
This caused tha hesUth conuaUsuomer to
wrl'; 'tlie fonowlnx letter U tlsa Tatar
hcsuii';ji-;;'-..-:,-'-' ' ' ,v ' '""-:
-v-AXont raorfln ago a caao of typhotd
lerer deTefeped at Thlrty-nhi atrrt
and Camdea arean. Upon InTeatlgation
I brand that, they were using well water.
The examination of the same showed it
waj loaded with conra bacilli :
,"1 at once earned the well and ordered
It abandoned. On further Investigation I
found that there were a number of wells
being used In .that neighborhood and I
had samples taken . from six different
wells between Grand avenue and Fort j
street and Thirty-eighth and Forty-
second Btreets. Every one of these well?
with but one ; exception showed coion
bacilli and was very dangerous to use. -
' Moat Boll Well Water.
I have ordered alt the water from
wells in that vicinity to be boiled before
being used. They should be abandoned
end filled up at once, but as there is no
city water there I have deemed It best
to only caution them and to use no! water
under any circumstances until after It is
boiled. , . -"I
think that the first extension that
you make in the city ought to be to supply
city water to these . places where wells
are absolutely a menace to all the in
habitants. . ;
"In this connection I desire to protest
against the action of the board, ad
quoted by ' the newspapers," that they
propose, where extensions of mains are
made, to tax It up against the abutting
property. , Ninety-five per cent oT all the
people in - Omaha have been furnished
these mains. Now to tax the other five
per cent is an Injustice; but it Is not for
this reason that I protest as much, as It
ia on account of the objection many poor
people will make , to doing away with
wells which are menacing, not' only' to
their own health but the health of any
one who drinks water from them." ;;
Hard to Force Extensions.
"I have had it thrown up to me al
ready that It Is no for sanitary reasons
th.t I am closing the wells," but It ia
tartly a scheme to force the people to take
h city water, and I am sure it Is going
ttfRrevent or at least make it very much
hard-AT' to get city water 1 into places
wfcer It is necessary on account of the
sajiltivy condition. It you adopt this
rule.' V,'
. "f ,Mvt you will give this a great deal
of enri deration before adopting the rule
and I Vould be glad to come before the
board ; end explain further reasons why
this rule should not be adopted. , ;
To tttia letter the health commissioner
has .wwaived no reply, nor has . the mat
ter hfn considered by. the board at any
of , ls; public meetings. Dr. Connell said
tod waited for the water board to
iicV'.'Jut as the members, had refused to
att ha would take the Initiative and would
totfn opposing the policy of the, water
board and keep on opposing its enforce
ment as ions as the board persisted In it,
Water CotaaCcmTODtT Howell asserts
Us scheme to hare watsr turned on be
tween the beers of S and 9 In the evening
la Impracticable because the water Is the
reseirctra at that time Is so low ; that
owe-third ef Uac dty woold be entirely
cct ofS from water soppiy. ,
A Itooaamd new serrfee oonctecttnns
thSs year, saors the' water conrmisxlaner.
Is nstponeXhfe for the serkms condfCon
now. mors serbns thai 'ever be&re. "
. TWe have us right to allow the twb of
water In ' the erentns; wlsn lbs 'supply
Is short, for if there should be a" fire
then, the fire department would be help
less and property . would be needlessly
destroyed." A- : . a-'-'
Employe at Iron
1 Foundry is Killed
by Tailing Iron
A. Epengelburg, living at Twenty-sev
enth , and " Sewnrd streets, . was killed
yesterday at 2:30, when a heavy Iron
fiask struck him on the head, crushing
his skull. He was at work at the time
at the Omaha Iron foundry. " - . .
Omaha Girls Are : i
i; Wraat Butler
City commissioners are stirred up over
a statement; by. their fellow " commis
sioner, Dan B. Butler, made in Portland,
where Butler is a delegate from the local
lodge ot Elks. Butler Is the youngest of
the Quartet of Omaha delegates. Also, he
is unmarried, good looking and a "good
match," according to Portland papers..
"I'm unmarried," Butler Is reported to
have announced to a newspaper man In
Portland, "and I never . saw so many
pretty . girls In my life as there are In
Portland.", , . K
'"Does he have to go to Portland to find
pretty glrlsrr said one commissioner
wrathfuUy. "Certainly he does not . We'll
have to reprimand him publicly. This
paper, says he's enthusiastic about the
roses, the women and every one he meets.
We ought W pass a resolution In the
council expressing our disapproval ;,of
such enthusiasm because he never was
guilty of it here."; t ; . WV', .
J All the pretty girls who are employed
at the city hall are very militant over
the matter and an indignation meeting
may be called and the enthusiasm ot the
young commissioner off totally frowned
upon. . . . . . , , ....
Woman Breaks Nose
1 When' She Sneezes
In the future when yon sneese be sure
and do it gently, because Marie Fields,
1113 Capitol avenue, broke her nose Fri
day night when she put too much force
behind her sneeze after a mosquito had
lodged itselt therein. V,
Marie was sitting In front of aa open
window reading. Suddenly bag flew
into one f her nostrils, forcing her to
rneezs. Ebe did it three times and then
gave a scream and ran from the house.
Faltee Surgeons Vanderhoft and Ewood
responded tat a call and mended her nose,
which was hrotasj on tbe interior SKUu
Tba'dodnrs art eeaxchlna; the, medical
records to asoertsln whether there has
ever been a case atzsOar to it reportad.
i . l;
'HiiilHIIIII M 11 Mi 1 HWWW'I' HI! H-1 II 11 I II l"WW
I Brandeis Remarkable Values in
Wavv Hair Switches I
. ; ; Second Floor Pompeian Eoom. I o ' -j
: These are strictly good quality Wavy ;
-Human Hair Switches suitable for any of ,
the fashionable hair styles. " '
28-inch Natural Wavy Switches, made of good
quality, wavy hair large assortment of shades "
special value, at . . . . . . . V . ... . . . . . . .$4.00
24-inch JSlatural Wavy
Hair Switches a reg
ular $4 value, at $2
20-inch Natural Wavy f
Hair Switches a reg
; ular $3 valueat 75c
Hair Dressing and Coloring, Facial Massaging, J
'Manicuring and Scalp Treatment,
HIM Mil H 1 1 1 M1"H"1'! n mi m 1 1 1 M I III 1 1 1 Mil 1
Pawnbroker i Accidentally Shot by
; ; Street Car Conductor.' J ." ;
Wounded Man Follows Conductor to
I the Street Before He ' Falls to ;
, . ' the Parement Mortally
. . .; : ,v 4 ',' Woended. l' .
Harry ; Gossick, a pawnbroker ' at 414
South . Tenth Street, was accidentally
shot and killed at noon yesterday when
C. E. Seller, a ; street car conductor,
pulled the triger of a 32-callber revolver
he was examining. v
The bullet entered -Gosslck's chest and
he died a few minutes later While being
taken to the police station. Seller" was
placed -under arrest and will- be held
pending Investigation. Gosslck's body was
turned over to tthe coroner.
'Seller had entered the -pawnshop and
said he wanted to buy a revolver. While
examining It he pulled the trigger. The
barrel: of the revolver was but a short
distance from the . pawnbroker's chest
Sam Goldenberg. US South Tenth street,
saw Seller running out of the building.
He was being followed by the pawn
broker. Goldenberg rushed to the pawn
broker's assistance... .. . " .
"Get a doctor! Get a. doctor r the con
ductor cried as the pawnbroker fell to
the pavement. - I - '" t ..
Wimajn Hahn, CI Sooth Tenth street,
remched the wwnnded man a few seconds
later and the two were attempting to
aid 1dm when the police arrtred. -. ,
' Oossick learea a wife and three child
ren, between the ages of 4 and 8 years.
He lived in; rooms above his shop.' .
To Build Gutter to '
; Stop Auto Speeding
Police , Commissioner Rydar has askfed
City Engineer Craig to construct a gutter -across
the street by which automobiles
must enter the Field club grounds. This
gutter will be narrow and deep and dan
gerous to the driver who shoots by on
high speed, and Ryder declares that most
of them are doing that very thing. The'
gutter will be safe enough if autos ate
driven oVer it at a speed not exceeding"
mo -iiimi, uui. win uuecu speeaing, says
the -commissioner: , L
y jonn urant fegg, city Inspector 6f
weights and measures, filed complaint
against T.. C. Bruner & Son. wholesale
flour merchants for selling "short-weight
flour. Mr. Pegg said he examined and
weighed seven sacks of "Bluebell" brand
flour and found that they only weighed
forty-seven and one-half pounds, sack
and all. whereas the flour should weigh
forty-eight pounds,- , ; .
. ' - ' - -
- "
Dancrrona Sorcery
in the abdominal region Is oftn pre
vented by the use of Dr. King's New
Life Pins, the painless purifiers. 2Ss.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. '
' The Persistent and Judicious TJse of
newspaper- Advertising ia the " Road to '
Business Snocess..