Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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High Grade Fancy Ribbons;
regular 35c values, on Bale,
yd.. ... ....J9c
Fancy Ribbons that sell regu
larly at 50c yard, in Satur
day's sale........ 25c
Wide Taffeta Ribbons; regular
20c yard values, clearance
sale price, yd. .ioc
Ribbons Worth to 15c yd., on
sale to close, at lc, 2c and 5c
Ladies' Hand
There's Both Price Saving and Unbounded Satisfaction in Our
All departments have joined hands to make Saturday the .biggest July Sale Day in our
history -and such values at we're offering will unquestionably crowd the store..
V:". Come early Saturday prepared for bargain, surprises surpassing all expectations.
' hnrtCVTIRT
f f II v r 1111
HWies' Hand Bags at most
surprising price reductions,
for Saturday's sale, regular
50c to $3.C0 values .
at. . . .25c, 49c, 75c to $1.98
1 .
.! ... . r 11 I ? -
$1.25 Pattern Table Cloth
Bleached satin ; damask, size
i 90x63, in the Domestic Room,
k , - MhMHISMBHi
Parasols, Umbrellas,
There was never a season when1'
showings of pretty parasols were so
varied in styles and colorings.
Saturday we're offering an Im
mense line of Parasols, bought to
sell up to $15, at from..'.. 75c
to ...... ...............$550
All Silk Umbrellas, values up to
$7.50, Saturday in two big lots,
at ..,$1.98 and $3.50
Ladies' 16-button N Silk Gloved,
Kayser make, guaranteed finger
tips, at, pair" . .$1.00 and $1.50
15c large Muck Towels '
20x40 . etze, with, fancy red
borders' "ln; the Domestic
Room, each 10c
15c Rtadj-made
Good quality muslin, 45x36-ln.
size, on sale . In Domestic.
Room, at
i i i .. - -i I, rriiiiui.iuiu-L-.-L1-j AVauvuvuVL ui'-n- -i- ..... ,.iIiiiiwiwiw
Most Wonderful Values in Men's Clothing Ever
known at beginning of summer season now offered in our
' ' j"
July Clearance-Sale
The whole town is talking about the surprising
underpricihgs at Hayden's, and well they may, for
such-astounding economical opportunities seldom,
if ever, were offered in any Omaha store.
Men's Summer Suits, values up to $18.00, both two
piece and three-piece styles, broken tf C AA
jines from regular stock, at .v $JJU
Washington Blue Serge Suits, absolutely fast colors,
great values at $12.50, all sizes,
Broken Lines of Men's Suits that.sold f f 7 C A
up to $25, in Saturday's Sale, choice. 1 LJJ
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits, broken lines and a
'. . late shipment, choice of over 600 suits, 4 FA
all newest styles and colorings ". . . . 1 0D ,
never have .a; better opportunity ;tp, select at a saving.' ' ) ; :
vvl'lyJvJlrv kir-vVViivvWtfvVfWjLririrnnnrnn -irinrtt- inn-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.nrinrir fin nn nr
! Men's Furnishing
Men's Laundered Shirts, $1.00
I and $1.50 values, at 49
Madras, pongee, tine percales,
etc, all colors, with or without
Men's Laundered Shirts, $2.00 to
$3.50 values, at 98c The very
best quality ' fabrics in broad
range of new patterns. Fine
flannels, ' silk madras, pongee,
white, linen, etc. made coat
style, silk sewed, greatest line of
fine summer shirts ever shown
at ..v.. .....98
Men's Silk Socks, all colors; on
sale at 25 and 19d
Men's 25c Socks at .12
Men's Guaranteed Socks 6 pairs
guaranteed for six months
Saturday, 6 pairs for..... 49
Men's $1.25 Nightgowns, nainsook
and cambric, at 49
Fine Muslin, Pongee and Silk
Gowns and Pajamas shown
at.... $1.00 to $5.00
Soft Collars, . with ties to match,
on sale at .. .7Wg
Men's $1 and $1.50 Union Suits,
all kinds sample lines at,
each -69 nl 49d
Men's Sterling Union Suits, com
plete lines, at $1.98 to $5.00
July Clearance
Bargains In
Corset Section
200 models in W. B. or Royal
Worcester corsets; long hip
with low bust and draw tape;
all have six heavy garters at
tached . . .' 98c
Netting or Batiste Corsets for
summer wear; good line of
models in all lengths; $1.00
values, at 49c
New Nemo Corsets; all the lat
est models of this most popu
lar corset for medium and
stout women, shown
at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 .
Boys' Wash Suits. In all sites;
fine assortment of values; to
$2.60, at: choice 98c
Boys' Blouse Waists; all colors;
to 75c values in two big lots
at 35c and 25c
July Sale $1 Men's
$10 Panama
Hats $4.50
We made a fortunate purchase
of 50 doien first quality Ecua
dorian Panama Hats, including
., all sises from 6 to 7;
very newest shapes and actual
values to $10, Saturday they
are on sale in three big lots,
Choice,, $2.95, $3.95 & $4.50
Sweeping Price Reduction on
All Men's Straw Hats
All $5,00 Straws at. . . . ;$3.45
All $3.00 Straws at. . . . . $2.25
All $1.50 Straws at.....$1.0o
All $1.00 Straws at. v... . 75c
All shapes, all sites 6 94 to
7 ; . our entire regular stock
Boys' and Children's Straw
Hats; : all shapes and kinds,
to $1.00 values," 45c and 19o
Ladies' Neckwear
A beautiful line of fine
embroidered Soft Col-;
' lars, suitable for low
neck waists, a perfect
laundry collar; some
worth to 50c each, 120
, ' :.
New Lace
'. Beautiful, new designs In the
finest Venice and plain laces;
35c to $2.00 values
at. . . . .25c, 49c, 75c and 98c
Made to sell to $5. 00 ;; line as
i sortment, Saturday -
at. . . .$1.50, $2.50 and $3.00
Fancy Woven Dress Voiles
In plain colors or checks, most wanted, shades,
values, in Domestic Room, yard ....
to, 18c
65c Arcadia Seamless Sheets ;
linen finish, 81x90 size,' good
heavy muslin; in the Domestic
room at . K ' .V 48c
On all Trunks, Bags
and Suit Cases
in Stock, Except Indestructo Make
Right at the beginning of the vaca
tion season; right when you want
them the most, we
OUer this 20 Discount
from Regular Selling Prices
Finest assortment in Omaha here
for your, selection.
Trunk Prices $2.50 to $39.00
Bags and Cases. . . .$1.50 to $30.00
Omaha agents for the Indestructo
Trunks, the world's best
at $22.50 to $45.00
Hand Embroidered
Waist Patterns
$1.50 to $5.00 values, in Satur
day's Sale, at 79c, 98c, $1.25-?
Saturday we place on sale the
most beautiful line of hand em
broidered Marquisette and Voile
Waist Patterns ever shown at
anything approaching our7 J uly
Sale Prices. If you want a fine
Waist Pattern at a very small
" cost, now is your opportunity;
$1.50 to $5.00 values 79c, 98c
and .................,$1.25
July iearing Sale of SHOES
; Saturday all discontinued lines of Shoes and Oxfords for Men, Women and Chil-
dren at almost One-Half the former prices. " '
Men's Shoes worth up to $4.00 and $3.00,
in two, big lots $2.50 and $1.98
Women's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps, in
all leathers and newest shapes, in two
big lots,worth $4.00 and $3.00-
at ;,. $2.50 and $1-98
Men's White and Slate Canvas Shoes and
'Oxfords, at $1.00
All sizes of 75c barefoot sandals, with or
' without elkskin soles ..48c
Misses' and Children White Canvas, 2
strap Sandals, also a big lot of Misses'
Oxfords and Pumps, worth up to $2.25;
while they last, at $1.00
50c barefoot sandals for the baby, .
A few more of those $3.00 and $2.00 Can
vas shoes for women $1-98 and $1.50
Why not be a GROVER customer? 40 styles
to select from. They are made expressly for
those afflicted with tender feet Once tried
always used
The Climax of Bargain Giving in Women's
Ready -to-W ear this Week in Our Ladies' Suit
Department July Clearance
The Very Superior bargains shown the past ten days has
caused unprecedented selling; in thisbusy department;
but the new lots shown for baturday re
even better than former showings and
should crowd the department fr6m early ;
morning till closing. :'')
All Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits Must 0to. '
And we've; marked our , entire stock for Saturday's selling
without regard to former selling prices or cost. .
150 Elegant Tailored Suits
In a splendid assortment of
the most clever designs, in
cluding fine Cream Serges,
Silk Suits and a big line of
fancies that sold at $29.75 to
125 Handsome Tailored Suits
-That sold at $15.00 to $25
and , including Merges,' Fancies, '.;
Whipcords; also a good line
of Oream Serges,, the great
est lot of suit' bargains ever
' $40, in one big tf f C A
lot Saturday, at P I J V
Beautiful Summer Dresses at Considerably Less Than Half
the Actual Retail i Worth of the Garments Offered.
Ladies' and Misses' Summer
Dresses Made to sell to $5,
both colors and white, in
, splendid assortment of dainty
styles, July tf 4 Qt
Clearance price . . 4
Dainty Summer Dresses, in
Liilgeries, Piquesf Swisses,
fine Dimities, Tissues, All
over embroideries and other
wanted fabrics, tf h Q jP
$10 and $12 values T
Two Matchless Specials in Summer Waists.,
Waists worth to $1.50, in
Lawns and Lingeries, neatly
trimmed with laces and em
broideries, all sizes, at one
price Saturday .50c
White Lawn . and Em
broidery Waists, also
Norfolks, worth to $3,
high and low neck, all
sizes, in Saturday 's
Sale, at ........ 95c
Home Made Wrappers, Dressing Sacques.
House Dresses and Kimonos, big, new line,
on sale Saturday.
Ladies' . Serge Dress Skirts
Regular $5 values, in white
and ' black striped, cream
serge, fine assortment' for se
lection, on sale for one day,
Saturday, at, .choice $2.50
Infants' Slips, Petticoats, Sacques, Bootees,
,Hose and other articles, worth to 50c, Sat
" urday, choice . ... ; : ... .... . '199
Read Hayden's Big Grocery
Specials for Sa1urd$lt's
interesting ;
yrlMS Mfn sad Quality
tas Btrt.
19 lbs. ' franulatsd sugar
for tl.00
10 bars Lsnox, "Beat 'E3m
All" op ; Diamond "C"
soap 86o
Orlols or E. C. corn flakes,
pkf. Vto
Grape nuts, pkg. lOo
8 cans oil or mustard sar
dines 85o
Jell-0 or Jellycon, or Ad
vo Jell. pk... 7V4o
18-ounce pkg-. best domestic
macaroni 7Vte
The beat soda crackers, 7Ho
IH-lb. boxes tancy " select
soda crackers 40o
1-lb. cans asaorted soups
for ;...7Ms
H-ounce cans condensed
milk ev4o
Larse bottles pure ton.ato
catsup, ' Worceeterahlre
sauce, plcklta or olives,
bottle ...90
McLaren's peanut butter,
lb iavo
The. beet, tea elXtlnga,
lb loo
Golden Eantos coffee, per
lb. 85e
Potted meats, can 4o
1-lb. cans canned beef, 80o
Vew Votatoes, IS lbs. to
peek 80o
nvascs aits AJwkooxB,
; WW, : . :, - t
4-basket crates Italian Blue
Flume .... fl.40
4-basket crates faney Aprl
cots M
No. 1 ' country creamery
butter, lb. .S6
No. l dairy butter, lb. i9o
The finest oreamery mads.
carton or bulk, per lb. S8o
The best fresh . country
Kga, doien ...... 19o
Full cream xounf America
cheeae, at ISO
--OXAXA., ,
Fresh spinach, peck ...Be
8 bunches fresh radishes 5s
6 heads fresh leaf lettucs
at ...... .....i.. ....5o
6 bunches ' fresh onions,
beets, carrots or turnips
at ..... ..............So
8 pounds fancy t wax or
green beans .......... .10e
Freeh peas, quart . . J l-3o
Fresh ripe tomatoes, lb. So
1 heads -fresh cabbage. .So
Fancy cantaloups, each So
4 bunches fresh, parsley So
Raspberries, o u r t a ft ts,
cherries, gooseberries, etc.
For a good cool drink buy
a bottle of Wild Cherry
Phosphate or Root Beer,
. bottle ..10o
One bottle makes makes
fire gallons. .
Store Closes Saturday 9 KM.
All other days during July and August we
v v ' close at 5 P.M.
We fill Mail Orders from our daily ads,
while ''the "goods' last. Fresh fruits and veg
etables shipped only by express and at pur
chaser's risk.
hardens' Make the Prices
on Drugs and Toilet Goods
.Way Pay Koret Klgliest Quality
-' Goods for &ess BToney.
SOo bottle of Hinds' honey and al-
' inond cream for 300
15c bottle of Hires' Root Beer Ex-
.tract for , .lSVio
-f6o bar of Cutlcura soap for . ..17o
10a bar of Wllllan.s' or Colgatea'
shaving soap for So
Four bars of Ivory soap for . ...15o
ISc package of "20-Mule-Team" borax
for r 9o
16c can of Violet talcum powder;
finest qilallty, per can So
100 box of Shinola shoe polish. So
Three double sheets of sticky fly
-paper for So
Eight Sheets of Poison fly paper. So
26c Eanltol or Peroxide tooth powder
or paste for . .13 Hp
15c tooth brushes: big snap, ea., 10c
11.00 box of La Trefle or Azurea
face powder for 7So
$1.00 bottle of Pinaud's Lilac or
Violet water for ...S9o
Boo box of Sempre Govine, always
young, for 3So
60c box of Java rice or Plzzoni's face
powder for v. . . 85b
$1.50 bottle of Oriental cream for 98s
60c bottle of bay rum; fancy sealed
.bottle for 19o
60c can of violet talcum powder;
extra size for 20c
25c size Sanltol or Peroxide face
cream for 13V&
Large size Pompeian Massage cream
for 49e
$1.00 size Pure Hydrogen Peroxide
extra size for SSo
Sight full sized Sanltol drinking
cups for ......loo
China Glassware
Colonial water glasses, , 6
for r.. .. ...... 20c
Glass sauce dishes, 6
for ........ ........20c
Glass berry dishes, ea. 5c
Handled cup " and saucer,
per pair .............. 5c
Best jar covers, dozen 15c
Best jar rubbers, 2 dozen
for ...... ..........15c
l-qt root beer bottles, doz., $1.00
1-pt root beer bottles, dox., 75c
ladies' Underwear & Hosiery
July Clearance Bargains
That in breadth of assortments and de-
sirable quality at the prices cannot be
duplicated elsewhere.
Muslin Underwear, worth to $3.50 per garment
princess slips, gowns, combination suits,
skirts, In newest styles, elaborately trimmed
matchless values at, choice .......... 08
Skirts, Combination Suits and Gowns, in fine
assortment of styles, prettily trimmed, to $2.00
values, at ,4Q
Corset Covers and Drawers, lace and embroidery
trimmed, values to $1.00 odd lots to close
Saturday, at .25
Children's Sldrts, trimmed .with , dainty lace
edging, in all sizes, to 75c values
at ..12H &nd 19
Children's Muslin Drawers, lace and em
broidery trimmed; snaps
at- . . ..12H and 19
, Special Bargains In Bathing Suits.
Silk Lisle Union Suite, to $1.00 values,
all sizes .49
BOc Quality Cotton Union Suits, all sizes
, lace trimmed; on sale at. . . . . . .35
Fln Quality Silk Vests, hand crocheted
yokes, to $2.00 values, at. . . . .
Fine lisle Vests, with hand crocheted
yokes, to 75c values, at 35
Infants' Vests, all wool and silk and
wool, to 75c values, at,..25
Children's 25c Knit Pants, in Sat
urday's sale, at 12
Ladies' Hosiery Underpriced.
$1.60 quality Silk, Hose, in Kayser
or Esco make all colors; great
bargains Saturday at, choice
for ..
Children's Drummer Boy and
Bear Brand Hose ....... 12 H
$1.00 Black All . Silk Hose and
Tan, Black and White Silk Boot
Hose. .. .494
Lace, Bilk Boot and Lisle Hose,
regular $1.00 and 75c values;
Saturday. .. . . . .354 and 254
Wayne Knit Children's Hose
Tans and blacks, 25c values; on
sale at, pair 154
pays Try Hayden's First L
Saturday in the
Wash Goods
50c black and white striped
voile ; 40 in. wide, yd., 25c
25c silk organdies; good as
sortment of patterns, yd. 19c
Plisse crepe; all colors; 15o
quality, at, yd. . . . . ... .12c
Printed batistes in neat pat
terns; some with borders;
regular price, 15c, a yard,
on sale at ............10c
Voile De Paris; sold regu
larly at 18c yd.; 27 inches
wide, in plain colors, stripes
and dots, on sale Saturday
at, yd. ........Sy2c
Bed Spread Specials tor
$1.50 Hemmed Crochet Bed
Spreads at .. . . . . . ; ; . . $1.00
$2.00 Hemmed and Fringed
Crochet Bed Spreads, $1.25
$2.50 Scalloped Bed Spreads,
full size, at .$1.75
$3.25 Hemmed, Fringed and
Scalloped Bed Spreads
at ........... ......$1.98
$2.50 Scalloped and Fringed
Crochet Bed Spreadss$2.50
$6.00 Imported Marseilles
Scalloped . Bed . Spreads
Manufacturers' Stock v
Children's Wash Dresses
A: clever lot of Dainty ; Dresses ' in Lawns,1
Ginghams, Percales, etc, all sizes 2 to 14
years, made to sell up to $2.50, in JJQ f
' our June clearing sale, at one price. t
Boilers Big Clearance Sale
' This lot of boilers is sllshtly damaged;1 all ot them
erricebl.i . .
No. 7 coppsr bottom Llsk boilers, worth 12.00 W0
No. I extra lar-i copper bottom llsk boilers, worth $2.25.
at 11.85
No. I, largest copper bottom bolers made, worth 12.75, $1.60
A few heavy, all copper boilers, any size; wortb up to
1476, at '.. '..i
' Clothes Baskets at Greatly Beauoea Mm Saturday.'
Medium willow banket , worth 85c. at. .......v.... ....69a
Ltrn willow, baskets, worth $1.15. at 79o
Larsest basket made, worth 11.35, at. ............ ,...890
Big Enamel W 'are Clearance Sale
We era the exclusive manufacturers agents for the
famous "Robin EsK'' blue and white enamel ware. This
line goes on sale ; Saturday at the following greatly re
duced prices: -
11-qt water palls, worth 89c, at ...69o
14-qt dish 'pans, worth 79e, at. ..r.vv.r;. S9o
1- qt rice or cereal cooker, enameled covers, worth 15c, 69 o
2- qt rice or cereal cooker, enameled covers, worth 95o, 79o
No, S teakettle, enameled cover, Worth $1.35., at......85o
Large Berlin kettle, enameled cover, worth 90c, at .69o
Large preserving kettle, worth 65c, at 49o 1
2-qt coffee pots, enameled covers, seamless; worth 80c, SSo
1- qt coffee pots, enameled covers, seamless ;-worth 90c, 7oo "
lH-qt'- tea" pots, enati.eled covers, seamless; worth 75c, 69o :
2- qt tea pots, enameled covers, seamless; worth BOc, 6So
Colanders; large sise, worth ,65c. at ............... .40 .
- A few odds and end in enamel ware at prices to move
them quick: - . 1 .v; , 5 :v-. 1ij.v:( . ,-
2-qt preserving i kettles t . V. . lOo ,
Any else "Old English" .enamel, warje, basing. v. ...lOo -1
2-qt. blue and white lipped nance pans ' ...... .'.i. .19o I
1- qt- blue and' white lipped sauce' pana. .". .... .'..v.-w. .39c ' '
S-qt. ' lipped . sauce pans and preserving kettles, "blue and -
white, at ..39o
Blue and white colanders .190
Enamel drinking cups.................... ........60 '
Enamel' dippers ..................... ......... . .5o 1
2- qt blue and white tea pots. .........................490 I
Large blue and white tea kettles. .............. .490
Extra large covered kMtles-. . . .-. '. ........... .ii,.,,. .990-
I or 4-qt. blue and white pudding pans. ........... . . .i5o j
We Are Agents for the Famons "One Kmate." "Motor" I
sad "White Idly" Bleotrie Washers. Oet Our Frlcea B-
foro Baying.. ( . . , .;. :
Oet Our 1
y Hose-'Big Clearance Sale Hose
1 15c "Greenwich 94-ln. ' hose,-guaranteed. This is a "very
' high grade 5-ply hose and should last 10 yeare;-Satvl8Ho
c-. -inuq uruau nunc . ..... .. .100
12c A, -In. xuaratiteed hose
12c H-ln.' guaranteed, hose."..".' . .'. .
Solid brass fountain lawn sprays.
;i . .So.,