Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Dinner Menu -and
Selected Recipes
Pineapple. fcUcad. '
Cereal and fcrnifc1
Baked Onwtet
Buttermilk Cora Bread..'
T and Coffee
Mock Pates da Ttf Ora (Made of
Lambs' tfven).
Sandwich of Thin Brown Bread, CrriV,
CheeM and Pimentos.
Stuffed TomOoea., ,
Berries. Crasm and Cake.
Iced Tea a U Russe.
" . MWNKBR. ' - .
fVermloem Soup. .-.
Bieaded Bfa Tonfue. ' Tnto Sauce.
, Ytaaf Beets with Topa On.
'Strtns Beau.,. . .
t i ' rraaclr Tapioca Custard.
Black Coffee. 1 i
A nice war to as the remnanU of a
boiled ham la ta make ham toast Orlnd'
or chop er.oufh ham' to fill a ctip. using,
aonie of the fat, a that Improves the
flavor. Melt a Ubleapoonful of butter In
a saucepan and add, a Ubleepeonful of
flour. Aa soon aa blended add a cup and
third of tweet nKlk. Let this thicken
alichtly, then add ham and the whlui of
two hard boiled " which have been
maihed with a fork.) Season with pepper
and a little aalt Pour over round tllcea
of toaat which have been placed on a
platter. Take the yelks of the ages and
put through a potato rlcer and sprinkle
over the top of the tout. Garnish with
parsley. Chicken, oyster or the rem
nants of a fresh ham may be used In
atead of the smoked ham, v
Baked .'.,
Butter a amoota tauoapaa. break aa
many eiis le will be needed Into a
aaucer, one by one; if found food, slip
4 each Into th saucepan.- No broken yolks
must be eJied, nor .must , they -crowd
so as ta, risk breaking the yolk after
put In. Tut a small piece of butter on
each, sprinkle with pepper and aalt. Set
law a wail-healed oven; bake till the
whites are set If the oven is rightly
heated it wil take but a few minutes,
and the cooking will be far more delicate
taaa, fried eggs. 7 . ! s,rf. ; t i J .
r . 'f 1-.. . . , ...
, ' . Fiaeapple , aad Cherries.
' The pineapples now In the market are
not of Mch molting, delleioua flavor aa
thosa that come later, but they , make a
very aocepita Me. addition to one's dietary
' at this jeaaoa.; 'hAm attractive way to
serve them for breakfast Is to sllca them
thin or pull the tender pulp off In good
sited pieces; sugar well and heap up in
a glass 'flih7 scattering sweet red and
whlu-cherries among them. The cher
'flea should ba pitted and sugared, all the
.fruit thoroughly, oh Wed over night If
.you prefer, you can cook the cherries In
,a little .sugar syrup and chill them
Four th syrop' over the, whole whe
'fruit is arranged In the glass dish. ,7,
)( Brew Petateea, Lrmaatae
rinely hash up. Ma cold boiled potatoes
and keep on a stats. Heat a tablespoon,
ful butter, )n a frying pan, add a finely
chopped onion and llghUy brown for
three minutes, than add the potatoes.
Season with 'half teaapoonfuf; salt and
'two stltapeoftfula white pepper, evenly
sprinkled ever (hen nlwly brown them
for ten minute, occasionally toseing
them meanwhile. Olve them a nice ome
let form, brown for eight minutes more,
turn on a hot dish, sprinkle a little
freshly capped parsley over and serve.
By Gems. f
Rye genu require one and two-thlrds
e'upfuls of rye flour, one and one-third
eupfula flour, four tablespoonfuls baking
powder, one teaepoonful salt, one-fourth
oup molasses, one and one-fourth eupfult
ol milk, two. aga, three tablespoonfuls
melted butter. . Mix and sift dry IngredU
' eats, add molasses, milk, eggs,- Well
beaten, and butter. Bake in hot oven In
suiter ed gem pans twenty-five minutes.
i Coraed Beet Haah. '..
, .Mix two oupfuls of cold ' corned beef,
four eupfula of oold boiled potatoes, chop
separately and then together, seison with
salt and pepper, add a tableapoonful of
ohopped onion .or chopped green : pepper
if preferred. Put In hot ,Wgter enough to
cover bottom of frying pan and add one
large tablespoonful of butter. When the
butter Is malted add hash and let it sim
mer until It -baa formed a brown crust
fold ovar and Iserve,
f Baked Cadfleb.
'Pick a cupful of eodflsh fine and sim
mer gently in warm water while you mix
two cupfuls of oold mashed potatoes with
a pint of warm milk, two beaten eggs, a
, tablespoonful of butter, aalt and pepper
ta taste. Then add the eodflsh, and when
wall mixed turn Into a buttered baking
dish and bake for halt an hour In a me
dium hot oven. :
Broiled Kan. "
Cut smooth slices of cooked ham thin
and broil flvo minutes over or under a
dear fire. Pepper and butr each and
.gtve also, a mere touch ot French ousV
. tard.
; - u'-" Shirred Base -
i Place into the oven until quite hot a
whit dish largo enough, to holdjthe nun
bar ot eggs to be cooked, allowing plenty
' of. room tor each; melt In It a small piece
Of butter and. breaking the egga care
fully In a saucer, one at a time, slip
them Into the hot dish: sprinkle 'ovej1
thim a small quantity of salt and pen' j
, and allow them to coot four or'flvanln-
utea. Adding a tablespoonful of cream to
every two eggs when the eggs art first
"slipped In la a great improvement This
la far mora delicate than fried eggs.
' Paaaed Teeatee.
To pan tomatoee, cut the tomatoes Into
halve, place them in a baking pan akin
aide down, sprinkle lightly with aalt and
pepper, and put In th center of each, a
tiny bit of butter.. Bake slowly until
40ft. Take up and add to the liquor In
the nan one Dint of milk. Mnltn to
'level Ublespoonfula of flour wUu a little
cold milk; add It to th pan and, stly con
tantty until. boiling." Add a. teaspoon
ful ot salt, a ' dash of pepper- and pour
it ever the tomatoes, v Garnish with
. squares of toaat and servo. "
, pcoaoattcal faddlaa.
. Pour ctipe .mJlk. one-half cup rice, one
third cup molaweea, one-half teaspoontul
aalt, one-hkTf teaspoontul cinnamon, one
, tablespoonful butter will be needed for
, this recipe. . .
"V ' " " Mallta-atawaey . ;"
Beat well In a mortar soma allced
onions and a few ahalloU with one-halt
pound ot freeh butter, and then add a
little cayenne pepper and aalt and thr
of four dessertspoonfuls of curry powder.
Cut up some, India pickle and pound it
well with the-other ingredients; add
enough . flour to thicken the soup and
a little cold stock to work th whole in
to stiff .pate- Moisten U occasionally
vlth broth made from fresh, beet, free
from ti& ""'WheaT thoroughly beaten and
when fine enough pasa through a aleve.
r -
Separate Entrance in
Separate Building
N. E. Corner 16 th and
Douglas Sts.
rats satd WwmMmii
AT- ' '
The Best Clothes
for s
Men and Beys
A. t
Men's High Grade Furnishing
At Remarkable Bargains
Thousands of pairs ef Men's Silk Lisle Hose
: in piain and fancy patterns; regular 35c
values on sale Saturday. Old QJL
Store, at pair . . . . ...... 2S
In drop stitch and plain weaves, '75c and SI. 00 (Th 3
or per pair . ... ... . . . . ... . , . V, .
59av . .f ' 1 1
411 HEN'S 51.30, 92.00 and 92.50 fkfk
aw aT 1 1 1 I mm f 1 K If &. Jm J 9m isafc
Broken lots of the highesf.claii
shirts for midsummer ajid for
all negligee wear fine pon-
trees, suk, eoisettes . and
French flannels
worth up, to . -
$2.50, at
Summer Suits for
Have been selling all season at w
5li . WSO1?
Ynnr rhninfi " t
Men's Li Klt
(V eight Sum
mr Cpata for
office or every
day wear: Men's
Slimmer; TrouB-'
ars. V-i
v v - , m a-i ve,
Men's Negligee and Outing Shirte
new patterns, worth up to, Art
$1.25, at...... ..UVC
Men's Union Suits worth oP to $1,59 50c & 75c
JIade of good' light 'weight lisle
short or long sleeves worth to
. $1.50 J&ck-jdl . silk Old ' Store,
0c ' 75 c
Men'i Oxfords,; worth $4 jind $5 a pair,
at $2.48. la'diill jtfun metal,, patent leather
and' tan calfskin, in siich well known makes'
as. T. Baxry & Co., Reynolds,. Drake &
Cable, etc., in new wide toe lasts. ,
Shirts and .drawers
' In Balbriggan and
lisle, worth up to
7 Be. at 25c
Men's Negligee
Shirts, worth up to
11. at : 49c
Straw Hats and Caps at 10c
and i5c Odds and ends 6f
men's, boys' and - children's
straw hats and caps, values
up to 60c, at. . . .10c and 15c
All the Men's fine Milan Braid and
Split Braid Hats Have been sell
ing at $4 and 5, at. ...... .$2.95
All the Men's and Yonng Men's $3
and $3.50 Straw Hats at. . ; . . $2.50
All the Men's $2 and $2.50 Straw
Hats go at. . t ....... . . . . . . $1.45
All the Men's $1.80 Straw Hats go
at 95c
All the Men's 98c Straw Hats, In
one lot, at. ,45c
$2.00 and $2.50 Straw Hats at 08c
All boys' and children's fine Milan
hrald hats at: . . . . . . . . . v. '. .. .98c
Any . genuine. Panama, Hat. In our
entire stock, values up to $6.50
Saturday, at .............. $2.50
Genuine cowhide leather suitcases, linen lined, with $ i08
straps air around extra-Urge sise. An 8.00 - gL
value at..... J.
Brandels Stores are sole agents in Omaha for the celebrated Innova
tion Wardrobe Trunks; prices are . . .$25, $45, $65 and $75.
Not all shtes in every pattern, but your size
in a score ot patterns you'll like. This includes
new Norfolka and many very high class all wool
serges. "A remarkably large assortment.
$18, $20 and $22
For Men at
All the most popular
patterns found only in
hand tailored clothes of
the best grades. Big-,
gest genuine bargain in
, men !s . summer suits of
the entire year.
fa lit JA'" :ffi ' IN BASEkl'T
Boys Saite,
. odd lota and
' 'KrnVori - HhP.a:
$3.60 ; to : $4
values, '.$15
Smart Classy
Boys' 8 m it,
$4.50 to i.0
values; : $3-25
Boys' to n jg
Pan t' Salts,
clever models,
worth $7 , 5 d
and .$i 0 .0 -0
Hen's n2.50 Suits at ?&50
This is a snap you won't find Saturday in any other storey in
: town. 450 good, summer suits well made, up-to-date, and
worm every cent 01 $iz.qu, win oe
sold as a great Saturday Special,
' in old store,
fro fcrtn
.Th . 1 1 1
utja vi jim 11 .1 ar
T, 1 ... V.
I . -1.1 '
add it to the ray: and lenouth bei
broth to make the soup required. After
boiling It up add more cayenne and aalt.
Add flour and butter until It becomes of
the consistency of good cream.
Glate Bread.
MIX a Dint Of bolllna water with nln
of milk and add a teaspoontul each of
nutter ana salt. Let It stand; tn mln
utes. then Itlr In one-foarth of a v.t
cake dissolved in a' half cupful of warm
milk, one well, beaten, ess and enough
gluten flour to make a tanA Wtr n..
hard ten minutes and leave It to rlae.
covered for four hours. Add enough
gluten flour to make a dough and knead
twenty minutes. Make into loaves; set
to rise until light and bake n a steady
oven. 'This bread is free from starch.
Ruthvru Salad Crtum.
. Mix one-half; tabJeapoonful ot aalt.' oue-
fourth tablespoonful of flour, one-half
tablespoonful of mustard, and throe.
fourths tablespoonful of suaar. When
well blended, add one egg, alfghtly beaten.
two and one-half tablespoonfuls of melted
butter, three-fourths cunfnl of thin
and, slowly, one-fourth cupful of vine
gar. Cook In a double boiler, atlrrinc
constantly until mixture forma a coatlnir
on the spoon, aa In cooking a soft cus
tard, strain and cool.,, For occasional
variety make the following addition to
this 'dressing. one canned plmenf)
tnorougoiy on a Place of cheesecloth and
l?orca through a liuree- strainer. fhl
dressing Is good with egr salad. '
Coma here for your groceries, and wa
will convince you that you can buy
MONEY. We carry a full line of the
beat quality groceries and they are sold
at "Just a little lower prices." We
make prompt deliveries. For 8aturday,
all week:
Bakers' Cocoai 25a Rise for 1 . .80a
Wool Soap, i baps for.... 19e
Extra good Country Butter, lb 87e
Lenox Soap, 9 bars for.. ...SSo
Beatemall Soap, 10 bars for 850
Argo Starch, t pkgs. for 10a
3 boxes Matches for. , lOo
Quart Jars Queen Olives for........ 860
Roaoma pure cider Vinegar, large bottle
for ;oo
i cana Oil Sardines for...., loo
Crlsco, for cooking, can gso
Skinners Macaroni, S pkgs. for...,. .880
Snldera' Pork and Beans, two ISo cans
for ase
Pure Lard, S-tb. pall for 4Se
Bix large rolls Toilet Paper , SSo
l lbs. SUGAR, for Sl.00
Gold Medal Flour, sack ..1.4S
Calumet Baking Powder, SSo can ..80e
We give our beat care to phone orders.
Money refunded If anything purchased
her la not satisfactory.
808 So. 16tk St. Doug. 6883; 8-8563.
Pig Por t
lUUIIId. . . I&9U
Steer:Pot Roast . , ..... . .... . . .... ,8c, 7o
S"Steakv......... .............. .......10c
Young Veal Roast ; . ... ... . . lOc
hmfy . ...... OVc
TAiriB' OHbps; J lbsfor .... . . . .... .25c
Pig Pork $aast l. ... , ,$c
.Pork Butts ;....:....... .....He
Sugar Cured iBacon. ... ........... ; . . tZYzC
No. 1 Hains ....... v.l'...;....... ... 14c
Fresh. Uressed "Chfckens !. ....... , . . . , . . . ,v . . . 10Vc
.... j ... . - .....
oncy-Saving Grocery Department
Best -Cana Sugar, 19 lbs., $1.00
, 3 large Tomatoes. . . .2.V
10 bare D..C.'or.B. E.A. Soap 25c
Pork .and Beans or' Kidney
Beans, for, ............ 13c
Mason Jar Olives or Pickles
for ..: ........ l..-.-.A,..,..i9c
Corn Flakes .6c
Oil Sardines, S for 23c
Pet, Cream, 5c site, 7 for.. .85c
Pet Cream. 10c, slse, 2 for. . 15c
Fun Cream Cheese, lb..,.. 18c
Pkg. Creamery Butter. . ...25c
Cood Country Butter.., '...25c
Coffee Dopt.--Special for .SaWdayVi lb. of our best
Teas iritli eacli pound of oijr 30c, 35c 40c coffee.
10:30 A.M.
sr.4 3 P. M
1610 HAS
Phones '
, Douglas 3147
S Douglaa 2793
tnd. A2147
Ind. A-2144
. . . 'f
Ta 4! liiiiiR:--:s
liiihihrmraiifll liibiiliilli ii ii 111! llitl hi wT??!eit f ?HHti!l !!: JHftlt'MBUtH-. . ,...,.i,,immiH!,'a!?!fti::
The Sunday
Hot! Yes, and going up! Too hot to bake;
really too hot to eat but never too hot for
good ice cream. Sunday, a good dinner and
a dessert. Serve
in ,
I'M .i
No bother no worry! Just order it. from
your druggist or telephone us, Douglas 1401.
The Fairmont Creamery Co.
, Omaha, Neb.
' 1
Have You Read the Want Ads Yet Today?
You Will Find Most Interesting Reading on the
Want Ad Pages.
Silver Blend Coffee
is rich in quality and
flavor. 1 pound makes
50 cups.: .v. -
Grand Union Tea Go.
' "500" Block. -
The Classified
ages of The Bee
are scanned daily by thou
sands of people.
Try a Bee Wtnt Ad.
! . . j.
.7 , ,.'
Meat Dept.
The lid is off on high prices of nieats. ;' ; 'Kotfce V
following prices: i . . .
Sirloin Steak .15c, lSVsC.:
Porterhouse . . , . . l5c ft:
Round Steak . '.;..12eL
Shoulder Steak, .......... ........ . . . .v.lOc:
Number 1 Pot Roast . . 8(3
' Boiling Beef . . .'. 5cr:.
Genuine Spring Iamb, hindquarters 45c:;'
Forequarters , ....... .v. . 35C;
Mutton Legs 8c "
f Mutton Roast .5(3
Mutton Chops, 3 lbs . ,255i
Mutton Stew, 12 lbs ;.25c
Pork Roast ..;.V.."...V;.'.;.'.V.81
. Veal Roast i . : . . . .10c -
Veal Chops 12V2 C and 10c :.i ,
Veal Stew ........... ...6o
Bacon ...... .V. : .............. V .;. 12Q ,1 1
Skinned Hams ...... . . : ...1507
j . ;; 1
"Mot a Sandwich LeW
"But 1 might have known it, because I used Butter-Nut
Bread to make thera." ' . .
: Buttef-Nut raikes wonderfully appetizing toast or sandwiches.
. Buttcr-Nut is the standard by which all other breads are judged.
We couldn't improve the mgredients in Butter-Nut "Bread
e alreadv used the best there were.
But we did perfect a new mixing process which
enables us to torn out a loaf that is txyond question
the best ever baked.
Your own trial will prove this, and It will cost too
bat 5 cents to make the trial large family size 10 cents.
At all good grocers. Ask to see the Butter-Nut
label. , . U
Made by New England Bakery