Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1912, Page 13, Image 13
POULTRY AND PET' STOCK 4- SCOTCH colUe puppies. Harney W47. FOR SALE Boston terrier nuns. Males and temaTes, $5 to VS. -1 Jriteeo 20th and I StA, South Omaha. Phons REAL ESTATE LOANS ' WANTED City loans and warrant. "W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Rqr CITT LOANS. . Bemis-Carlberg " Co. aft-812 Branded Theater Bldg. Wanted farm loans. KloV.e Inv. Co., Oma. iAH Property and Nebraska lands, .L?2 REAL- ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. WANTED City loans. PetersTrust Co, LOAMS Harm and city property, H. Dumont; & Sea. 1802 Farnam St. J. Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oma. 10P to $U),000 wade promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bids., 18th and Farnam. MONETC to loan on business or resi dence prcpertief, J1.0OO to $500.00. W. H. THOMAft. 603 jrst Nat'l Bank Bldg. LIVE , STOCK MARKET OP WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. "Tour consign ment, receive prompt and careful atten tion - Live .Stock CommiMion Merchant Byers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West Com. Co., Omaha & Denver. Clay. Robison & Co., 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co.; 322 Exchange Bld Martin Bros. & Co., Exch. Bldg. '.:-TAGO BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep. WANTED TO BUY Household gds, clothes & shoes. D3971 B1959 ' WANTED-To buy part of lot about 40 - i60. South of Poppleton and west of 26th. St. H. L. Standeven. 1526 S. 28th. SL ..Phone Harney 2354. 'Beet prices old clothes & shoes. Web. S146. WE BUT anything in store and office fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply - Co., 12th and Howard. Douglas 2724 Highest-price paid for men's cast-off clothing.. 521 No. 16th. Douglas 7726. SLIGHTLY, used high-grade -piano. 'Webster 3726. ; ' . BACHMAN ' .buys and sells furniture. 2208 Cuming;. ; rrr WANTED TO BORROW First Mortgage for Sale' S jyf first mortgage on new buildings tifv built for homes are the saiesi ...V securities in the world. These securities have been our spe cialty for 12 years without the loss of a dollar to ourselves or Investors. ; A list of mortgages, $300 up to (2.600 . .mailed on request with highest references. it; V '"' ' '' i American Security Company ? :' 308 So. 17th sHv - Oiuu.-a- WANTED TO RENT - ROOM and board, private family, resi dential district; references given. Address J 438. Bee.- - FOB SALE OK EXCiiAMifci TO EXCHANGE Good smooth iaoa and new wen rented town property for stock ' Of -general merchandise well located ui ' eastern Kansas, Nebraska or western Iowa; can- use large stock and mignt pat In. some cash U stuff is oou uuauau; Slvo lull aetall In lust letter. Auuiea 8-room moueru - House, ill , uauu tor land, inone it-2991. 'WANTED TO 'l'RADt,-at)out .w s-worth of new implements tor larm land or city property. .A-4KJ. Bee. ."(". RESORTS -.:--; Y BEAUTIFUL Pine .Cresr, Palmer Lake.'t S Colorado, near "Denver; 7,wu U. eievationr -always eool;, modern four-room cottage and large screeneu porcn; not and. wid mountain water;. hatn; toilet, open tue plaice; completely'' turnishea; brass buus; (' ilia lot season.' Frank b. - Thayer, Den ver. ; '. r .-. '.''. ' ' - 1 REAL ESTATE : 'Reed Abstract Co., Oldest abstract of. ' fic in Nebraska. 106 Uraodels Theater. BUILDERS' lNfOHlt.VUOA, ' . .Ideal Cement Co., lfth and Cuming t. ri Fuchs, &Qti t. Blind, paintinitdeooratlna. H. Urob, ium. wreca.g. piu. u tc fu.. ACUEAbU illll SALl.. , 10 Acre Fruit Farm -Only four- hlocks from the car line; well improved with all kinds of fruit, good house and barn. This gound will doubles tn value in the next live years. 'Buy It now. ' ' ' , . S. P. BOSTWICK v ''"' 218 S. 17th St :- ACREAGE BAKUAIiVS near Omaua. Orln S. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. CUTx" PROPERTY FOR SALE, ;jDundee Bungalow oi 100 Ft Frontage r.fiiW "Dodge. St. A .well built hous.-; 7 xrooms, all modern, in good condition; brick fireplace; birch finish; large rooms; .'screened :ia porch. '. In the prettiest row . of bungalows around Omaha. Price $6,w0; . cash, balance monthly like rent. Im mediate possession; Key at our office. Be sure and look this up if you want a . good: home in a coming neignbornood ' at a riKht prica George k Company Exclusive Agents. '- Phone v. T06 or A-17iiii - 802-12 City Natl. Bank Bldg. $300 Cash 7-Room Cottage Modern except heat; all roonio on one . floor a.nd in first class condition. Lot 60x120, , See 3114 Miami. Price $2,000. It's a snaa. r..V. .Armstroiig-Wash Co., ;Tyler 1536., : : , 10 S. 17th St. .V :. A HOilE V Beautiful lft-room all modern, electric rilght, gas, hot and cold water, screened .porches, beautiful shade and fruit trees. : LOt 63x132. . Coolest spot In Omaha, river breeze. -See us and be convinced. WESTERN PUBLICITY CO. Tel. D.' 1817. Room 618-620 Bee Bldg. Notice ! I .will-sell my beautiful residence at 1920 Spencer street at an extremely low , figure if sold within the next fifteen days. -The house was bunt less than three years ago by day labor and not contract work; .contains S rooms on first and second floors, all finished in golden oak, tiled - toatn room, beautifully arranged den on ,thlrd .floor, with extra sleeping room. This should be seen to be appreciated. :Will sell for $1,000 down, balance Same as rent. Address -.Owner, 2812 Manaerson street, or telephone Webster 6S2L . MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, indexed, mailed free on application. . Charles E. - W illiamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance, 'Rentals, care of property, Omaha. $3,450 An up-to-date, thoroughly new bunga ' low; -ready to move Into; nothing left un " finished; 3 blocks south of Vinton on Olin Ave., $1,800 CASH, balance paid through loan ass'i. at $19 monthly. 204 Paxton Block. D-2877. ' TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. BOBBINS. 13 FARNAM aTvjNo. 3, $.(. 00; No. 1 lowland, $8.009.00. REAL ESTATE I CITY VROPPHTY FOR SAt.R In Florence .- - 132 Ft. Frontage 130 Ft Deep For $375 V Located within two blocks of two car lines and paved streets-' Can: be drvidod into three lots 44x130 ft. each, Lies high and sightly and should be worth double in a short time. Can make serins of.20 own, io a month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. , ilt Harney St. ' Vacant Lot in Benson Price S200 Beginning July 13th, will reduce' -price on E. M lot 10, block 3S. on Lucas St.. between Clark and,Burnham SI per day until sold. Must be sold by August 1st Phone Webster SSJ0. , ' 8-ROOM 2-STORY HOUSE ' FOR ONLY. $2,250 .. RENTING AT ?27.00 PER.M6. 60 FOOT EAST FRONT LOT ' AT 2612 NORTH 19TH- AVE. W. H. GATES, 644 OMAHA NAT, BK. BLDG. ' For Sale or Rent Fine- home- at 3920 Na 25th St.,; modern except f umace, has 2 bedrooms, parlor, dining, kitchen and cellar, fine lawn, lot 30x120. Call and see It at once. For price call Tyler 1299 tor see owner. JoseDh Copuran. 142 So. 12 St PK1CE AND TERMS VERY EASY Six 'rooms and bath, all modern home. Lot 50x150. Paved street; half block from car line, walking distance, from city. & 100.00. , v . ... . ; 3 GALLAGHER & NELSCftf. ' 483 Brandeis -Bldg. ' Omaha. Neb. . MODERN HOME. New, modern home, only ten minutes' ride from 16th and Farnam Sts. ; oak- fin ish m -living room, dining room and re ception hall; maple finish in kitchen; din ing room, has large window seat, built-in china closet, plate rail and paneled walls; upstairs has three fine bedrooms, steep ing porch and large bathroom in tile fin ish; stairs, to floored attic; full cement basement; Carton if urnace; pressed .brick foundation; double, floors; high, sightly, location; an elegant home throughout; bargain; easy payments. Tel. Douglas 162, Owner. Address L 42S Bee. NEW, 9-room, strictly modern hotise. built for a home, fine location, overlook ing new boulevard and Happy Hollow: can't be beat. Fred C. Shields. Haeney 3317. COTTAGE BARGAIN Good 6-noont cottage;- modern but heat) corner lot; near Kountse Park; ask -about it; WRIGHT & LASBURY 606 So. ltith St. Phone rx 152. ' REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR, SAIE Colorauo, ' .. EASTERN Colorado bargain; four 'sec tions N. W.'of Llmon; only $3.75 pec acre. For full particulars write R. W, Hettes. worth, Cedar Kapids, la. - , Ueorgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC BIRMINGHAM ATTjAN TIC RAILROAD. 1 Lanls adapted to the widest range of crops. All tne money crops of -the south plentifully producea. ior literature treat lug with" mis coming country.' its soil, enmate, church ana sellout advantages, write" .W. B. XEAHT. DEFT. K. w -'.jen-ij- passerigfe Agehu " ! , ATLANTA, GA. . -: , - " ' Idaho FOR SALE 120 ACRES IRRIGATED land, threw miles from town,- for $7,800. and will take ;ti00 cash ana will give 7 years oa tne balance. For information write Henry Maples. Richfield. Idahu. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small want ad in the Uea Moines Capital. largest cir culation ,io the state of Iowa, tf.uuu- daily. Xiie Capital is read by and oeiieved in by the standpatters ui Iowa, wna-aimitly r iuse to peiuiit any other paper in, their Domes, iiatttt, 1 cent a word day, ti.u per line pei ntonio; count six. oidinary words to tne line. Address uca Alume tuuaal. Ues Moines, la. FUK SALE Uood o-acre larrn !n corn belt at central iowa, ownea by a nun-; resident piiysician- ana , can 00 oougnt at a real uaigam. Good sou, good water, iair iiripioveiuenisT' i-arm iiaa oeen Kept in gooa condition, is weii rented; can give possession lUareu i, I'M. r-nce, . nj per acre, in is is a gooa chance 101 anyone' wno wants a farm 101- a borne or as un investment. No trades or any kinu consiuereu. for terms and particulars address j. G. Shriver, vvinterset, Iowa. JUinnesotu. ONE mile to town-320 acres well lm: proved Minnesota farm. Level; good soil, pure water, grove, good buiiaings, no waste land. Price, $60 per acre; abou';i One-third cash, balance' to' suit. Nothing' else as gooa or as cheap in the nelgnboiv hood. Also, 040 acres wild prairie; no 1 m . provements, same neighborhood, $ao plt acre, on same terms, will -uiviae seci Jn if don't want all. Charles O. Elwood, iui Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Montana. , RANCHES$2,000 to $100,000. list. Shopen - & Co., Ranch Omaha. Neb. 'nd for D ealers. IVebraiku. Farms Farms rarms Driving distance, of Omaha, " Bai'tains. Let us show you the goods... All sizes, all prices, all terms. ORIN S. MERRILI'CO., Rooms 1213-1214 City Nation.' U Bank Bldg. 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAlfc'u, $25 TO $35 PER ACRE. We have for -sale over 20.000 acres of Cheyenne county, . Nebiska's clioioest farm land, where the cpjp. yields tor 12 years, - including 1910 r.d . 1911, . average with the best ill the stw.te. Alfalta, alsu a leading 'crop. lieUtri soil, water and climate cannot be four, j. Write for full information. Agents 't anted everywhere. FUNDINGSLAND I r.VESTMENT CO., -. SIDNEY. NEB. - WANTED Of ow .. if you have bar gains on land, in Antelope, Holt, Rock or Brown counties, r soraska. O. H. CUNNINGHAM, . LONG SINE.. NEB. ; - Minneap lis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July . 12. WHEAT July, $1.08i; eptember, $1.02ii; Decem ber, $1.02. Cekh. No. 1 hard, $1.11; No. 1 northern, $1. C.; No. 2 northern, $1.09fi 1.09: No. 3. $1.07l,07Mi. -. . FLAX-$UA. BARLEY--45&95C. ' CORN-N,o. 3 yellow,- 7273c- OATS N f3. 3 white, 4748c. . RYE N o. 2, 6970c. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks, $2O.0O21.OO. FLOUT First patents, $5.206.45; sec ond pat fota, $4.9G5.15; first clears, $3.60 3.86;. f ccond clears. J2.5OS2.80. . t - AllivRuket Grain :t'.rket. ' MIL WAUKEE, July 12.-WHEAT-NO. 1 northern, $1.131.14H; No. 2 northern, $l-10,l1.12Vs: No. 2 hard winter, $1.06 1.07; July, $1.04H; September, $1.01. C(aN No. 3 yellow, 74c; No. 3 white, 76c; No. 3, 73674c; July, 74c; rieptem be, 690. ' OATS-Standard, 50c. RYE No. 1, 75c. BARLEY Malting. 95c(Stl.lL ' ', Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, July 12.-HAY-01d No. 1, $10.00; new. Na. 1, KO.0O; No. 2, JS.OOfgg.O); GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cohditions" ikthi UorthwcsfAfe Good for Growing of Wheat, LITTLE RUST IS, LOOKED FOR Inexpected Demand for Cash Corn In the Sooth and East Sends the "Market l Slightly on , That Cerenl. OMAHA, July 12. 1911 Traders have numerous influences to watch in trying to keep in mind this Wheat. Climatic conditions over - the northwest are fine. Most reports from that quarts yesterday were flattering. One hint on rust la Minnesota started traere going, but no Tust of importance was confirmed) and the .market flattened out before the close. Offers of new wheat have been surprisingly light so far, partly due to the elevator differences. Every thing is straightened" out now and there should be a liberal volume pf hedging sales,. Leaders are of the opinion that it will take something of am unfavorable character from some quarters regarding the new harvest to give any fresh sup port. . Mrong interests have absorbed wheat offering on dips. . A letter from MooseJaw. Canada, says the hot spell did much damage to the stubble wheat. Long, heavy rains continue in Canada. Unexpected demand for cash corn from the south and east, with sharply higher prices in sample, markets here and at out side points yesterday, offset the splendid weather conditions over ' the big corn states. Low reserves of old corn will be a constant, supporting Influence in Sep tember,, no doubt. Late months will be regulated by the weather this month and next. . July contracts nm lleht and will h 9o long as cash oats sell at fancy prices over me current months. In a general way -the big oats promise is a bearish feature for the 'later, month. Cash wheat was unchanged to 4c higher. Cash corn was c to 10 higher. ! Cash oats was o Ihwer. Primary, wheat receipts were' 844,000 bushels, shipments 314. Ouo bushels, against receipts of 153,000 bushels a .year ago and siilpments of 203,000 bushels. Primary oorn receipts were 412,000 bush els, shipments 259,000 bushels, against receipts a year ago of 371,000 bushels and shipments of 414.000 bushels. Primary oats receipts were 318,000 bushels,- shipments 625,000 bushels, against receipts a year ago of 372,000 bushels and shipments of 023,000 bushels. Clearances were 82,000 bushels of wheat, 35.000 bushels of corn, 61,000 bushels of oats, and flour, equal to 196,000 bushels. Liverpol closed on wheat Hd up to d off; corn, d off to VtA off. .Following cash prices were reported. Wheat: No. 2 hard, 3 cars. $1.01 W, No. 3 bard, 2 cars, tl.Ol:, 1 car. $1.00; No. 4 hard, winter, 1 car, (old) 96c; 1 car, (old) 90c; No. 2 mixed,' 1 car, (old) $1.01H. Oats: No. 3 white, 4 cars. 43ttc; No. 4 white. 2 cars, corn mixed, 42c; No. 4 yellow, t cars, (very poor), 36c. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car, 77q; 1 car, -7le; No. 3 white, J cars, T7c' ror s cars; 1 car, 77c; no. 4 white, 1 car, (choice), 76c; 1 car, 74c; 1 car, 73c; No. 2 yellow, 1 car, (special), 76Wc; 2 cars, T5c', No. 3 yellow, 4 cars, -75c; 2 cars, 74c; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 73c; 1 car, 72c; 1" car, 72c; 1 car. (poor), 70Vic; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 75c; 2 cars, 74c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 72c; 2 cars, 72c; 1 car, (poor), 71c; no grade, 1 car, 69c. 1 ' Omaha Cash -rtce. WHEAT No. 2 hard,, 96ttc$1.03H; 'No. S hard, 96eB$1.024; No. 4 hard, 8Sffl7o. CORN No. 2 white, 77H77c; No. i white, 777THc; No. 4 white,. 737Sc; No. 3 yellow, . TSic; No. 3 yellow, 74W 75c; No. 1 yellow, 70473c;s No. 2, 74M1 75ViC; No. 3, 7475c; No. 4, 71fJT24c; no grade, 69c,' - OATS-No. 2 white, 4SSi44c; standard, 43M:4te; Nd. 3 white, -4348A4cs No, 4 white,. 42c. . ' - BARLEY-Malting, 96c$l,O0; No. 1 feed, 5060c; heavy feed, 6070c. , RYE No. 2. 63(g65c; No. 5, tkX3S3c. . , Carlot Reeelp4. II W'ieat. Corn. Oats Chicago Minneapolis ... Omaha ......... Duluth 6 113 -94 ...,20 16 '84 CHICAGO GRAIN AKD PROVISIONS Features of the Tr.aMng and Closing Prices on Bvovrd of Trade. CHICAGO, July 'A -Rust reports from two states today f.s altainst two counties heretofore gave Vh. wheat market a de cided upward slf.nt. There was , a nervous close, wit.i prices llHc to Hie over last nigVit. ( Final trades in corn ranged from unchanged to c up and oats showed a rise of o to 2VJc Provi sions were striyng out from 16c off to the same level as twenty-four hours back. It was on news that black rust had appeared In . the northern part of South Dakota thejl the wheat market touched the high p Ajnt of the session. There was also talk r damage northwest by hessian fly and t'jie blight. Bullish sentiment gained considerable impetus 'from the fact that the move ment -new wheat was proving a dls-' appoirtroent. Excess of moisture in the spring crop country was also a cause of compiai'nt. September fluctuated from $1.00tito $101; with last sales lc up at $l'.(JVS61.01. DlgMness of receipts here had a strfgtnening effect on the market for cor p.. September swung between 8c and rj f c, closing firm at 9c, a net gam of .e. Cash grades were in good demand, f fa. 2 'yellow. 74754c. ' Oats' worked hleher. KerjtemW raneoil Srom 36c to 3lia, with the close c net higner at 35)3ic Signs of a falling off in European de mand for lard acted as a drag on the provisions market. The average drop was 7V4c. - closing quotations on futures were; Article Open. Low. ) Close. Yes'y. VVbt-atl Sept. II 00H 1 01K 100 1 OlVi 100 July. 104 I 105 1 OSVt I 05W 104 102 .. 73y4 8Ti uec..i lT!l 1 0141 0141 Coni-i July Sept Dec. 73g73l 68 W! 59 I 74 691 59 I I 44l 351 78 6SH 58 69V, 74' 69 mm May. 69 58V Oat July. KtW Sept. 35V4'i 4! 44, 35 35! 42 354 Deo..'36Vil 3643tii36V1a May. Pork 1 3838S'39 3813839;32 I II 10 87 10 87 18 00 18 00 18 15 18 40 18 46 18 80 18 35 18 40 18 40 18 45 18 87 18 45 10 62 10 62 10 65 10 57' 10 60 10 80- 10 82 10 72 10 72 10 80 10 85 10 87 10 77 10 80 10 85 10 87 I 1 . ! 10 60 10 62 10 80 10 50 10 60 I 10 60 10 60 I 10 42 10 42 10 67 July. Sept. Oct. Lard July: . Sept. Oct. Ribs 1 Sept. Oct.. f0UR Market easy: winter natents. $5.'d55.30; winter straights. $4.405.10; .spring patents, $6.006.50; spring straights, $4.8OCia.0O; bakers, $3.204.50. RYE No. 2. 75c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 5870c;falr to choice malting, 96c$l.V. SEEDS-timothy, . $7.00(S'8.00. Clover, $17.0018.50. PROVISIONS-Mess' pork, $18.0018.12. Lard (in tierces), $10.87. - Short ribs (loose), $10.35. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 196,000 bu. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 2,495.000 bu. Primary receipts were. 314.000 bu., compared with 1,630,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 8 cars; corn, 147 cars; oats, 123 cars; hogs, 10,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1055jl.;; No. 3 red. $1.034il.06; No. 2 hard, $1.041.0C; No. 3 hard, $luOi.04V-; No'. 1 northern, $1.0?'1.14; No. 2 northern, tl.05lJ2; No. 3 northern, $1.04&U0; No 2 spring. $LC6f 1.0:, No. 3 spring, $1.021.C7; No. 4 spring, 98ci&$1.06; velvet chaff, Ji.floa 1.10; durum, $1.00rgJ..06. Corn: No. 2. 74(i 74o; No. 2 white, iif79c; No. 2 yellow, ?4rt7&4e; No. 3, 7:&?3c; No. 3 white, 77ff7;.o; No. 3 yellow, 74fr74ic; No. 4, S9?i7.c; No. 4 white, 75.76'ic;. No. 4 yel low, 7iyj72iftf. Oats: No. 3 white, 50 52c; No., 8 white, 49?i60Hc; No. 4 white, S&6i)c; standard, 4!ff61c. A fia-ther advance resulted from the fact tat receipts were small. The close was ,"rm at c net hlfrher at 69c. BUTTER Steady ; creameries. 2325c: dairies, 21((7J21c. FJGGS-Steady;' receipts. 10.067 cases; at., mark, cases Included, 15l6c; ordi nary firsts, 16c; firsts. 17c ) CHEESE Steady; daisies, 15!; twins, 151i,16c; young Americas, 15 15c: long horns, 1515e. POTATOES Easy; receipts, 280 cars; 70 75c; Ohio. 78S0c; barreled stock. $2.65 S-7Si - -- - POULTRY-Steady: turkeys, 12c; chick ens, 14c; springs, 20ff24c. VEAL-8teady; $Uc. NEW YORK GENERAL JARKET Qoutatlons of the Day on Various Coninioditles. NEW , YORK. July 12. FLOUR Steady, with demand only fair; spring and easier on the better grades; spring patents, JJ.S555.50; winter straights, $4.80(3 oOO; winter patents, $5.15(3:5.50; spring clears. $4.60g4.80; winter extras, no, 1. 34.204T4. 40; winter extras. No. 2, $4. 00 4.15; Kansas straights, $4.753fi.OO. Rye flour, easy fair to good. $4.404.75; choice to fancy, $4.704.90. - CORNMEAL S'teady ; fine white and yellow, $1,706X75; coarse, . $1.601.65; kiln dried, $4 20. . - WHEAT-Spot market firm: No. 2 red, $1.141.16, elevator, export asls, to arrive, and export. $1.16, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.19, t. o. b. afloat. Futures market closed ti lo net higher. July closed at $1.15; Sep. tember, $1.06; December, $1.08i. CORN Spot market firm; export, Wc, f. o. b. afloat. OATS Spot market firm; standard white, 55Sf5c, on track; No. 2, 55556c: No. 3, 56c; No. 4. 54cig65o; natural white and white clipped, 53i960c. on track. BRAN-Western. $24.25. HAY Easy, prime $1.45; No. 1, $1.40; No. 2, $1.30; No. 3, $1.00gl.lft HIDESFlrm; Bogota, 2425c; Central America, 24c. LEATHER Firm ; hemlock firsts, 250 27c; seconds. 2426c: thirds. 21 22c : .re jects, 15c. PROVISIONS-Pork easy; mess, $.25 20.76; family, $20.0021.00; short clears, $l.2S$21.00. Beef steady; mess, $15.00 fi'15.50: family. I1S.OHW18.60: beef hams. $28.00(531. Cut meats, steady; pickled oeutes, 10 to 14 IDs., llQiw; picxiea hams. 1KN3HC Lard, easy; middle west, $10.5010.65; refined, easy; continent, $10.95; South America, $11.85; compound, $8.S7(98.62. butter steady ; receipts s,xa tuos; creamery extras, 27ff27c; firsts, $626c; seconds, 25i325o; thirds, J424c; state, dairy, finest, 2626c; good to prime, 23 25c; common to fair. 22' 23c; prucess, ex tras, . 25c; first. 2334c; seconds. HQ 22c. CHEESE Receipts, 3,433 boxes. Mar ker iriLVVtlar;- state, while milk, (urge and small colored, average, fancy, 15c, EGGS Receipts, 19,432 cases. Market fresh gathered, firsts. 1m2Dc; fresh gathered, seconds, 18i9l8c; western gtUneiPil, whites, 1923c. POULTRY Altve. steady; western chickens, brollsrs, 25c; fowls, 16c: turkeys, 13c. Dressed, firm; fresh killed western chickens, broilers, 22$26c; fowls, 1416c; turkeys, 1617c. . OMAHA GENERAL. MARKET. BUTTER-NO. l, l-lb. cartons, !7o; No. 1, in 60-lb. tubs,-27c; No. 2, 26c; pack ing 26c. . v CHEESE Imported Swiss, S3o; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins, 17o; daisies, 18c; triplets, 18c; young Americas, 19c; blue label brick, 18c; llmberger, 2-lb 20c; l-lb.. 22c. POU LTRY Brol lers, 3540o per : lb., hens, 15c; cocks, 93)10c; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c; turkeys, 23c; pigeons, per dos., $1.60. Alive: Hens, 10 11c; old roosters, 6c; stags, 5Hc;, old ducks, full feathered, tc; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkeys, 12c; pigeons, per doz., 90c; homers, $2.60; squabs. No. 1, $150; No. 2, 6O0. FISH (fresh) Pickerel 9c; white,, nc-; pike, IS?.; trout, 14c; large crapples, 12 lbc; Spanish mackerel, 19c: eel. 19c: had docks, 16c; ilou.nders, 13c; green catfish, loc; rose snad, S5c eachi snad . roo, per pair, 46c; salmon, 15c ; narfhut. 80; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo, 80; bullheads, So. MISCELLANEOUS r- Almonds, tarra gons, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lo less Cocoanuts, per sack, $4.00. Filberts, per lb.. 14c; in sack lots, lc less. Peanuts, roasted, in sack lota, per lb., 7o; roasted, iss than sack lots, per lb., 4c; raw,, per lb., 6c. Cider, per gal., 76c. BEEF CUT PRlCES-No. 1 ribs, 20o; No. 2 ribs, 16V.c; No. 3, 13c; No. 1 loins, 22c; No. 2 loins, 18c; No. $ loins, 15c; No. .1 chucks, 9c; No. 2 chucks, 8o: No. 3 chucks, 7c; No. 1 rounds, 18c; No. 2 .rounds, 12c; No. I rounds, Uc; No. I plates, No. 2 plates, 7c; Mo. J plates, 60, .f vi-r- FRUITS, ETC. Bananas, , ' rancy " se lect. , per bunch. ' $2.262.50; Jumbo, per bunch. $2.75($3.75. ' Dates. Anchor brand, new, 80 l-lb. pkgs. in box, per box. $2.25; Dromedary brand, new. 30 l-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $3.00. Figs California, per ca3s of 12 No, 12 pkgs.. 85c; per case of t6 ;-'o. 12 pkgs., $2.60; per case of DO No. $ pkgs.. $2 00; bulk. In 25 and 60-lb.. boxea per lb., 10c; new Turkish, b-crown, in 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; 6-orown in $0-lb,: boxes, per lb., 16c; 7-crown in 30-lb. boxes,' Der lb.. 17c. Lemons. Limonlera aalMtAa' brand, extra fancy, 300-360 slses, per box, $7.00; Loma Ltmoneira, fancy, 300-360 slses, per box, $6.00; 240-420 slses, 60c per box less; California, choice, suo-Sfco sixes, per box, $5.50. Oranges, California Half Moon sweets, extra fancy, 96-120 slses, per box, $3.25: extra choice, all sixes, per box. $3.00; Valencia oranges, all slses, $4.00. Pine apples, 86-42-48 sizes, per crate, 3.oa . cauiorma peacnes, vsc; Cal ifornia apricots, $1.36; California cherries, $1.25; home grown cherries, per crate of 24 qta -$2.26; home" grown gooseberries, per crate of 24 ts.. $2.25. Wax beans, per bskt., 76c; green beans, per bskt.. 76c. California cantaloupes, 45-size, $3.00. Watermelons, per lb.. 2c; Texas peaches, 4 baskets, 70c. St. Louis General Market. v ST. LOUIS, July 12,-WHEAT-Cash: strong; track no, 2 red, old, $1.14)1.15; new, $1.10M2; No. 2 hard, old, $1.08; new. $1.04'gl.O8. CORN-Higher; track, No. 2, 77c; No. 2 white, 81c. OATS-Higher: track. No. 3, 4344c; No. 2 white, 47(347c, Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Higher; September, $1.00 tOOH; December, $1.02. CORN Higher; September, 68c; De cember, 677c. OATS Higher; September; 84c; De cember. 35c. RYE Unchanged. 786. ' ' POULTRY Firm ; chickens, 13c; springs, 18822c; turkeys. 1430c;, ducks, 913c; geese. Bfillc. BUTTER-DuU; creamery, 22C5c. EGGS-Steady, 15c. . , Receipts, Shipments. Flour, bbls 4,700 . 4,600 Wheat, bu 34,000 13,000 Corn, bu.: 58,000 : 86,000 Oats, bu ......43,000 33,000 Kennnu f Hy Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 12. WHEAT Cash unchanged to lc higher; No. 2 hard, 99c$1.00; No. 3, 9899c; No. 2 red, 91.00 1.01; no. 5, 9Msnc. ., CORN-llc higher; No. 2 mixed, 79c; No. 3. 78c; No. 2 white. 83c: No. . 82'S'82c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 whiter 46646c; No. 2 mixed. 4142c. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-.Iuly. 95c: SeDtember. 95Vc: December, 97?47c. CORN July, 74W74e: September. 67 67c: December, 66.56c. OATS July, 44c; September, 45c, RYE 71f72c. T - HAY Steady; choice timothy, $15.0O& 16.00: choice prairie. $10.50. BUTTER-Creamery, 24c; firsts, 22c; seoonas, zuc; packing stock, 30c. EGGS Extras. 20ic: firsts. 18c: sec onds, 13c. ; Receipt Shipments. Wheat, bu 9,000 47,000 Corn, bu .A. -.14,000 14.000 Oats, bu 6,000 1,000 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. July 12,-WHEAT-Spot, No. S red. steady. 87d; No. 2 Manitoba. 8s d: No. $ Manitoba, 7s 10d. Futures, steady: July, 7s6d; October, 7s2d; December, 7s Hid. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, old. 6s lld; new American klld dried, JslOd. Futures, firm; July. 4sll!4d; Sep tember, 4s 8d Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. July lI.-CORN-Hlgher: No. 2 yellow track. 73e: No. S yellow. 73 73c: No. 4 yellow. 70c; No. 2 mixed, 72c; No. 4 mixed. 70c; sample, 65-&68C. OATS ft)1c higher; No. 2 white, track, 4M4c: standard, 47; No. 3 white. 46$ 47c; No. 4 white. 45c. Coffee Market. EW YORK. July 12. COFFEE Fu tures closed inactive, but heavy in ab sence of more than a moderate demand. Sales were 14.250 bags. July, 13.10c; Au gust, 13.15c; September. 13.25c; October, 13.31c; November. 13.18c; December, 13.4c; January. 13.47c; February, 13.42c; March, 13.52c; April, 13.53c; May and June, 13.54c. Spot Rio. 7s, 14c; Santos, 4s, 16c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 1618o, nominal. NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Heaviness in Some of the Issues Dominant Feature. SELLING ORDERS ARE FREQUENT St. Paul Reaches the Lowest Point in Five Years, Due to Bad Crop Reports In Its Terri tory. tllKh.Anliantlv Mavarail ,n tr r Aao In i.wi4 wsstij v v t n vvt vu nranitrea sis v - - Utn Usut was the dominant note of to day's dull and rather perfunctory stock uiaiiwci cvuun. xtil-i were incuueu in ImiMiAi-a st 41ia mitBe .a!11.v orders soon appeared in Amalgamated wpper, vnion racuic ana si. rum, me latter declining to tu lowest quotation in almAli 4Ua nn vnniAi.c ntCnrttn0 the crops In Its territory. Later Chicago .A...v... .... J . -1 1 . , . , , 4,uiiut6icrn aecunea lor similar rea sons. SL Paul, which was far more active than usuai, prooaoiy arose irom tne oeuci that the road has not earned half of Its reduced riivttfanrf lvjllllrin.n fn , Vi a fiscal year. This Is borne out b prao- utuy mn lis reci-n 1 siaiements 01 earn ings. Vet another restraining Influence was the fear that tomorrow's bank statement mis'ht be no less unfavorable than last week's which uncovered a deficit in the actual cash reserves. The known move ments of money points to a small cash gain by local banks, but hardly enough tO restore thA rHArva T nnruu. for the day were made in the last hour iicu ma iiai ecrnieu 10 sag or lis own weight Call mnnev AA nnt iaiu.k . v..!.,.,1. high figure despite Increased demand. ' sonos were irregular with some strength to tractions. Total sales, par value, were $2,932,000. UnMed States bonds were unchanged on call. Number nf xnlau am u)in on stocks were as follows: im,., .. '" "w- -r- Ui.k Ml... Amtlmii Gopixr Amrlc&n Arrfrultursi 14j !I'4 SO ft) ' tO M 734 71S ll 17 tl M 7 (7 M M 61 UH 4H a 24 1141 4i 11 SO'A 1 107 ' So m in in 144 144 144 .' 10 31 40 S!4 3"4 V" 107 1074a I0i, ..... 1 .. , , , l&ft 101 m lo; M 24 Stv, 1 1H W S3 262 m 24 ..... 2 I9t 72 78 It 24 lVi 1 lt 81 1S8 1,14 Hi 124 102 100 100 28 18 28 41 HI 14214 H2 14 14 14 ..... 148 18 18 18 K 8S 34 11 21 31 31 33 83 87 41 "7 177 177 124 131 1)3 42 I 41 127 127 , 127 20 20 30 M . 87 67 Ill 18 18 16 14 25 13 l v8 1H 168 167 137 ...... 18 m ' 24 28 8 80 tt 28 36 86 167 160 160 16 ..... ..... 80 118 112 113 1 82 116 116 116 ..... ..... 118 118 118 31 81 ' 31 124 1 23 153 116 115 115 107 107 107 iS.SOO 100 l.tflO lt.M M 400 ' 400 100 409 4,100 Aek-fiMt 8uar... AnMriMn cu Amarlcta C. A t , Amerlcn Cottoa Oil Amerlcn H. & L. pfd.. Am. Ice Rftrurltlu Amtrirta Llnmd Americas locomottrt ... Amr(rn fi. R Am. 8. R. pti. Am. 8(wl FoundrlM.,,.. Am. t-anr Ratlnlog Amarlcan T. a T American Tobacoo pfd.... American woolaa Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchlaoa Atfhleon pld Atlantlo Cnaat Un Baltlroor &. Ohio... Bethlehem Steel . Brooklyn Rapid Tr. Canadian Pacific. Central Leather Central Leather pld Central of New Jereey... Cheaapaaka Ohio...... Chlcato Alton Chicago 0. W Chicago 0. W. pfd Chicago & N. W Chicago, M. & St. P.... C, C C. A St. h Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern..... Conaolldated Gas Corn Products Pelawara A Hudeon..,,. Denver A Rio Grande. D. A B. G. pfd DUtlllera' Securltlaa Erie I.... Erie ltt pfd , Krle !d pfd General Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern On etfi.. MOO 200 1,700 1.400 200 too 100 200 too i0 1.700 l.too 2O0 i.MO 1,800 llllnola Central Interborough Met. ...... Inter. Met. pfd International Harvaater .. lnter-Marlne pfd International Paper International Pump ..... Iowa Central ' .- Kanaaa City Southern... K. C. So. pfd , Laclede .Gee Leutivllle A Naahvllla... Minn. & St. Loult M., St. P. A 8. 8. M... Mlaaourl. K. A T... M., K. A T. pfd... 1 Mlatourl Pacific , National Blacult 400' 100 4. KM National Lead .', N. R. R. of iS.. id pld.. New York' Central tm N. Y... a A W...,., Norfolk A Weetern. (00 North American - j, ..,.'.., Northern Paclfto .1,400 Pacific Mill ... Penneylvanla ... People'! Oaa ... P.. C, C. A Bt Plttehurah Coal 200 L.. S(0 100 21 4 20 31 20 84 10 Preaasd Bteel Car..' Pullman Palace Car Railway Steer Spring.., Reading Republic Steal . Republic p.teel pfd Rock laland Co Rock Inland On. pfd Bt. L. A 8. F- 2d pfd.. Bt, Louie 8. W Bt. L. g. W. pM,..,.,.. Sloan-Sheffield 8. A I.. Southern Pacific Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneiie Copper Texaa A Pacific, T. St. U A Wj.. T., St. L. A WT pfd..,. Union Pacific Union PaclfU pfd United Statea Realty... United BUtea Rubber.. United State! Steel U. S. Steel pfd Utah Copper 100 34 24 83 46,700 102 i(jo mi wi na 16 . mu 200 400 88 24 48 6 U 14 48 26 83 24 48 18 80 73 600 100 400 14 13 1,400 10S 108 108 700 28H4 2814 sti W 43 , 22 76 42 12 42 11 18 It 80,600 185 164 164 an 1.100 82 1,000 ' 60 11,800 63 81 60 7 81 60 47 111 40 47 . 4 13 66 '4 81 au 600 111U 111 800' fl 80 Va. -Carolina Chemical inn 4 47 wabeeh . 100 4 Wabash nfd 1,000 14 7 76 12 67 76 Wettern Maryland .. Weitinghouae Electric Wetern Union tm 1.000 wheeling A L. E 200 Iehigh Valley ... 12,100 166 164 164 Ch!i)0 Copper 900 Vtav rnnu,lli1atl 0 itin ""1 20 29 29 20 292 22 20 291 22 M American Tobacco 1,000 293 Beaboard Air Line 800 22 seanoarn A. u. PIu lix-rlghti. f Total aalea (or the day, 306,800 iharea. Bostcrn Stock Market.. BOSTON, July 12.-Closing tjuotatlon s on stocss were as rouows: Allouei 44 Mohawk Amal, Copper 80 Nevada Con. .. A. 2. U t S 30 Nlpiulng ilinei Arizona Com 6 North Butte ... . 46 . 20 . 7 . 20 . 6 . 64 .118 . 88 B. A C. C. A 8. M.. 7 North Lake ... Cel. A Arizona 7 Old Dominion . 610 Oareola 21Qutnoy 6 Shannon Cel. A Hecla Centennial Cop. Rang C C. East Butte C. M.. Franklin 16 46 .. 12 Superior .- 10 Superior A B M... 71roui Con. ., Granny Con. 4 13-16 Tamarack . 87 . 43 . 49 . 10 . 0 . .106 S2U. S. S. R, A M. Greene Cananrn do pfd Iel Royal Copper. . 8 Utah Con. Kerr Lake 2 Utah Copper Co.. Lake Copper La Salle Copper... Miami Copper 14 Winona Wolrrln Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. July U.-At the begin nlng of business, the condition of the treasury: Balance In treasury offices, $3,22X249. In hanks and Philippine treas ury J35.S,06!. Total of the general fund, $159..)12.266. Receipts yesterday. 18,958,132, Disbursements, 3.34,315. Defl Clt to date this fiscal year. $8,473,418 as against a deficit of (10,9711.419 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and. public debt transac tions. ' lar York Mlntaic Sfovka. NEW YORK. July 12,-Closlng quota tions on mining stock were: Alice ................ISO Little Chief. 1 260 ISO ftS 100 S Com. Tunnel stock 10 Mexican no bond .1". Ontario Con. Cal. A Va... Iron 8Itt LeadTllle Con. .. Ottered. -. 84 Ophlr .166 Standard . 10 Yellow Jacket London Stock Market. LONDON, July 12. American securities ooened steady and unchanged today. Prices advanced on light covering during the first hour of trading, and at noon the list ranged from Wt higher than yester day's New York closing. linnorts aad Export. NEW TORK, July 12.-ImportB of mer- chandlse and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending July were valued at $15.74s,40U. Imports of specie at this port for the wettk eadlng today were $1.E41 silver and $i24,07 gold. Imports J9-7,lo3 sliver and JiieO.JJ gold. New York. .Money Market. NEW YORK. July ll-MONEY-On call firm at 2S'3:Si per cent; ruling rate, 3! per cent; closing bid, 2V per cent; of fered at 3 per cent. Time loans, firm; &iJtty days. S4 per cent; ninety days, 34 S per cent; six months, 4UJ?4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4(4 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with actual business in. bankers' bills at $4 84'Io for sixty-day bills and at J4.S735 for de mand: commercial bills, $4.84. SILVER Bar, 60c; Mexican dollars, 4Sc. BONDS Oovernment, steady; railroad, irregular. Clo&ing quotations on bonds today wero as follows: , V. S. ret. 2a, r...100Japan 4a ..1 86 do coupon 1C0 Jo 4a l 0. S. la, r 108 K. C. So. lt la... 72 do coupon 102 L. 8. deb. 4( 1851. 33 U; 8. 4 nig U4 L. A N. uai. 4a.... 88 ,do coupon 114 M. K. A T. let 4a.. 84 Allla-Chai. lit (a.. 42 do gen. 4a...... 87 Anier. Ag. ta 101Mo. Pactflt 4a 71 A. T. A T. or. 4S..114 N. R.R. ol M. 4e 89 Am. Tobacte 4a.... N. Y. C. t 3a.... 87 do ga ..... ..120 do deb. 4e 82 Armour A Oa. 4a. MN. T, N. H. A H. Atchiaon ten. 4a.... 87 cv. 4a 128 de c. 4a.... .101 N, A W. 1 e. 4.. 96 .107 d cy. 4tk 114 . 4No. Pacific i 4a 8 . 11 do 8a .-.ti do ct. 6a A. C. U let 4e... Bal. A Ohio 4a... uo 8a do 8. W. 8e.. Brook. Tr. cv. 4a Cn. st O. 6a.. II O. 8. L. rfdg. 4a... 14 toPenn. cr. 3a IMS 7 11 'do con. 4a. 1MS 10Readlng gen. 4a.... 17 16 8. L. A 8. F. fg. 4s 78 Can. Leather 6a of N. J. g. 6.. 130 do gen. 6a 17 Chee. A Ohle 4.. MSt. L. 3. W. . 4s. 81 do rf. 6a 83 do lat gold 4i.... 80 Chicago A A. ).. 44 S. A. L, 4a 80 C. B. A Q. . 4a... 94 So. Pac. col. 4a.... 80 do en. 4a 06 do cv. 4 84 C. M. A 8. P. 4 o do lat ref. 4 H C. R. I. A P. c. 4a. 8So. Railway 6a 107 do rfg. 4 ... 84 do tn. 4a ..78 Colo. Ind.. M. ..... to Cnlan Pacltle 4i...,100 Colo. Mid. 4a 60 do cr. 4i 101 C. A 8. r A 4a 9S do lat A ref. 4a. 7 D. A H. cr. 4a HC. 8. Rubber 6a,.... 104 D. A R, 0. 4a 84 V. 3- Steel 24 to.. .102 do ref. 6a 74Ve.-Car. Cham. 6. 91 Erie p. 1. 4a M Wabaah lit 6a 107 do gen. 4a 71 do let A ex. 4a.... 18 ds c. 4a, Mr. A. M We.tem Hi. 4a 86 do eerlet B 78Weat. Elec. cr. 6., 84 III. Can. lat ret. 4a. 16 Wli. Central 4a.... It Inter. Met. 4a 12 Ma. Pa, ti. 5a 88 Inter. H. M. 4a.. 44 Panama I Wl Bid. Bank Cleartnas. OMAHA. July 12. Bank clearings for today were $2.8S0,6il7.78 and for the cor responding day last year 2.4!i3,SoJ.M. . BOSTON "W OOL MARKET, Trices Strong, with Tendency to Moving- I'pward. BOSTON, July 11. The Commercial Bulletin will say of the wool market tomorrow. A more general trade with a very good business has featured the Boston wool trade this week. Prices are strong and In some Instances higher, with the tend ency still upwards. Sales have Included t limited count of foreign mediums and A very considerable quantity of domestic territories sold largely to arrive. Fleeres have sold in a fair way, the first sale of washed dalalne being reported at 34c. London has advanced a half penny over the opening and the situation there con tinues very Strong, advances of '20 per cent having been paid in some instances over the rates of the previous sale. The shipments of wool from Boston from January 1 to July 11 Inclusive were 14S,St;,975 lbs. against 122,107,200 lbs. for the same period last year. The receipts from Jsnuary 1 to July 11 Inclusive were 171,836,714 lbs, against 14S.842.207 lbs. for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS. July 12.-WOOL-Markt steady: territory and western mediums. 204240; fine mediums, l$?20c; fine, Wa'llo. Metal Market. NEW YORK, July 12,-METALa-Cop-pcr, weak; standard spot to October, ri.4M17.00; electrolytic. tltUBlSTr.OO: lake, $17.00$17.25; castings, $lt1.50. Tin. weak; spot, $4i25 44.75; August. .' 43.B214f 44.00. Lead, firm 4.BO4.70; spelter, firm, $7.20 iff7.40; antimony, Bteady; Cookson's $8,25. Arrivals of copper at New York today, 195 tons; exports this month, 11,945 tons. London copper, firm; spot 74 Js, Od; futures,' 74 17s, 8d. London spelter, 2fi. Iron, Cleveland warrants, (lis i& In London. Cotton Market. ivTrrw vrmif . Tulv 14 C OTTCIN Knot closed steady; -middling uplands, 12.50c; . a . ., i - I U f mladllng glut, l.ioc, rjaies, wu am. Cotton futures closed firm. Closong bids: July, 12.10c; August, 12.16c; Sep-, tember, 12.26c; October, 12.3flc; November, 12.39c; December, 12.45c; January, 12.43c; February, 12.46c; March, 12.53c; May, 13.59c. . 1 ' Dry1 Goods Market. vtitw vnnif .Tulv ll TJR.T GOODS The cotton goods markets are strong with advancing tenaency. worsipa yrn nvo been further advanced. Low-end balbrig gans for spring have been advanced 6c a dozen. Buying Is proceeding on a mod erate scale. Oils and ftoaln. , SAVANNAH, Ga., July 12. TURPEN TINE Firm at 43i44. ROSIN-Firm; type F t8.80fiH.86; type. Q, 8.85.874. CHICAGO LIVE! STOCK MARKET Cattle Doll and Lower Hobs Steady to FIe Cents Hllfher. CHICAGO. July 12. CATTLE Re ceipts 1.000 head; market dull, steady to Mo lower; beeves, $5.60&9.76; Texas steers, $5.2057.35; western steers, $6.00(37.75; stockers and feeders, $4.0016.35; cows and heifers, $2.708.00; cslves, $6.00W.00. HOGS Receipts, 19,000 head market steady to 5c higher; light, $7.15SiV7.5; mixed, $7.057.87tt: heavy, t7.00ig7.ti6; rough, $.95g!7.15; pigs, $5.407.J0; sales. $7.307.O. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1S.OO0 head; market weakr native, $3.5fl.26; western. $4.206.85; yearlings, $1.257.40; lambs, native, $4.5037.50. Kansas City Live stock. Market. KANSAS CITT, July 12. CATTLE Receipts, 1.400 Including 900 southerns, Market, slow, steady; southerns, steady. Dressed beef and export steers, $8.0089.60; fair ' to good", $6.50j.00; western steers, $6.60g8.90; stockers and feeders, $425(96.80; southern steers, $4,750)7.15; southern cows, $3.005.&0; native cows, $3.007.00; native heifers, $4.508.50; bulls, $3.75f 5.75; calves, $4.500.8.75. HOGS-Recelpts, 4.000; market, steady; bulk of .sales, $7.4O7.30; hnavV, $7.407.45; packers and butchers. $7 407,55; light, $7.427.50; pigs, $6.306.75. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.G00; market, steady. Lambs, $.5vg8.00; year lings. $5.O05.75; westerns. $4.25(ff5.fl0; ewes, $3.5XJ4.25; stockers and feeders, $2.75J 4.00. - - " ' St. Loots Lire Stork Market. ST. LOUISi July 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head, Including 300 Texans. Market, steady. Native shipping and export steers, $.O09.15; dressed beef and butchers, $6.00ig.6O; stockers and feeders, $3.70&.75; cows and heifers, $4.75i6.00; canners, $S.O04.5O; bulls, $4.00.7&; calves, $6.0(yer9.25; Texas and Indian steers. $5.00!J8.7; cows and heifers, $3.50 8.00. , HOGS-Receipts, t,700 head. Market, Bteady. Pigs and lights, $5.7o7.15; mixed and butchers, $7.607.70; good heavy $7.61 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeeipts, 2,000 head. Market, 10c to 15c lower. Muttons, $3,7544.25; lambs, $6.26ft8.25; culls and bucks, $2.00(ff3.50; stockers, L2!S3.00. , St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST, JOSEPH, July lZ-CATTLE-rRe-oeipts, 450 head'; market steady; steers. $41.50 9.50; cows and heifers, $3. 004j. 76; calves. $4.008.t. HOGS Receipts. 4,400 head; market strong; top, $7.55; bulk nf sales, $7.407.5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400 head; market slow; lambs, $7.O0J7.7a. Stork In SIrM. Receipts of live stock at the five prln- Hogs. Sheep. - 8,0 4,000 4.4O0 - 400 4.K L800 9,700 2,000 19,000 ; M.O0C 41,004 24,000 South Omaha ,...1,00 Et. Joseph......... 45 Kansas City 1,400 St. Louis 600 Chicago , LOOS Totally. .......4150 OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Not Enough Cattle! Here "to. Beally Interest Biiyera. . HOGS STEADY TO FIVE HIGHER No Material Change In Sheep or Lambs, Prices on All Klnda Re malBlnsr Jnat About Steady 1 with Thnrsday. -.. .', SOUTH. OMAHA, Jtuljr 12. 1912. Hecelpta were. Cattle. Hogs. Shoep ' Official Monday ', 1,660 - &,04i 6,7S Official Tuesday I,9$0 U.49i 7.0-25 Official Wednpsdav.... (1 K.297 S.31M Official Thursdar' .... 1.198 10,679 7.291 tstimato r'riday m 8.178 I.Kll Five days this week.' WK1 43,091 27.864 Same days last week. 7.739 44,711 YlXto Same days 2 wks. ago.14.ltH Ci,3Kti 14,577 Same duys 3 wks. ago. 8.S0 3S.241 Same days wks. ago. 9,613 71.7BS 19.1SS Same days last year, .17,360 hi.Zjt 21,9'-l9 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared wttn lust year: . .. 1912. 19U. Inc. Dec. Cattle 439,010 628,366 89,946 Hogs 1.9S7.407 1,491,138 448, ...... Sheep 840,112 792,035 14S.077 The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. 1912. 1911.m0.I.l08.!lSO7. 1308. July Z. July 4 July S. July . July 7. July g. t U I b 46 in 8 89 7 7lf 7 t7 6 06, ..TUi S 79 a' IS e 4S 8 42 848 7 22 7i2 e 35 8 9 7 751 IS 6 TSj 31 8 78 7 331 S 6 35 8 561 7 55 8 15 6 74 July 9.. July 10. 7 1 8 82 7 67 8 18 6 691 8 62 5 64 6 66 7 24 7 m 7 67 8 29 July It, July 12 S7 6 35 8 441 f42j 6 S 6 6 7 74 6 64 7 19'i 8 S3 7 Sunday. "Holldaj. CATTLE Receipts of cattle were- so small this morning that there were not enough of any one kind to makeany showing whatever on the market or to test out valuea. There was, however, the usual demand, and the feeling was Strang, the samo as It has been all the wee? on desirable kljlars. ( , j Owing to the light receipts this week prices have steadily firmed up andTieef steers are now around 25c higher haii they were a week ago. This mean that the market on all desirable kinds of kill ers Is as high, and In fact higher, than It has been before this season, or ever before In the history of the market. Cows and bolters have also steadily firmed up this week under the Influence ' of a good buying demand and starvation reoelpts. At present writing the general run of cows and heifers is around 20&253 higher than last week, or Just as high as they have been any time this year. Stockers and feeders have been In ex tremely light receipt all . the week-1 but the demand has been small at the same time. Thus while prices have been strong on desirable kinds the medium to com mon kinds have been slow and dull. At the close of the week prices are possibly not very much different from what 'they were a week ago. There seems to be art Inclination on the part of the country to defer buying until the outcome of. the corn crop is more certain. At the same time prices on feeders, though very much lower than they were a few weeks go. are still so high a to discourage many would-be buyers. Still operators or tne market are wondering where supplles art to come from to bring about any materia) reduction In prices in the very near-iu-ture. . Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $S.80.6O; fair to good beef steers, $8.00(88.40; common to fair. beef steers, $u.Cttiri.00; good to choice hellers, tfi.25$t.50; good to choice cows, $5.50Slj.26; fair to good cows, $4.&05.6; common to (air cows, $2.&ugj4.60; good to choice st,ack ers and feeders, 6.0u.50; fair to good stockers and feeders, $1.60f5.00; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.5KSt4trt; stock cows and heifers, $3.25424.75; Veal calves. $4.50at.(v; bulla, stags, etc., Tl'i-rtf 6.50. HOGS The market opened, this morning with both choice heavy and lights Bering at prices that were strong to a shade higher than yesterday. Choice light' and butcher, hogs sold largely at $7.307.35. the top being no higher than on ye4or day. Very choice heavy hogs and heavy butchers sold up as high as $7.35. r.The general run of fair to good hogs com manded steady prices. The trade was fairly active and the more desirable of the offerings soon changed hands. To ward the close, as has been the case on a good many days of late, the market became very slow and dull and closed wtth. all the strength of the morning, lost and more too. ;h Whllo attention has been called to the subject several times In these columns, all shippers do not appear to fully realise that quality Is really cutting such a bis figure as tt Is. Thus, while light hogs are selling at the top of the market t; must be understood that they are strtctl choice light hogs, while common light hogs are selling at the extreme bottom. It Is also a noteworthy fact that whlio choice heavy and heavy butcher hogs are selling on most days within about 10c of the top, heavy packing hogs of the same weights but lacking quality are extremely hard to move at bottom prices. The fact Is, the demsnd for old packing sows Is so poor that it Is hard to tell what they are really' worth, It being . as much a question of finding a buyer as It Is a question of price. SHEEP Only about ten loads of sheep and lambs arrived on the market this morning, consisting of six cars of lambs, three of yearlings and one of ewes, all from Idaho. Quality of today's supply was fairly good and pretty much the same as on yesterday. There being a pretty fair demand for desirable killers, the market opened early and not much time elapsed before all the lambs were disposed of at prices fully steady with yesterday. The whole string of Iambs went at $7.50, with a 20 per cent cut at $5.50. Fat sheep, while not active, were In fair demand, the yearlings selling, the same as yesterday that Is, at $6.0.;Ior heavy but pretty good stuff. v. Trade In lambs thus far this week has been rather an uneven affair. With com paratively largf receipts here duringrthe first two days of the week, demand was good for desirable killers, trade - being reasonably active. On Tuesday the mar ket made an advance of 10fg)i&c over the close of last week, Idaho lambs selling as high as $7.90. Notwithstanding.- the. smallness of the supply on the following day, however, all this advance was lost, owing chiefly to the discouraging advices from Chicago and other eastern points. Good lambs were forced to sell at $7.63, or 25c lower than the .day bufore. With lib eral receipts here and at Chlcagqon Thursday, the market suffered itno4rher decline of 1525c, leaving it around 40i 50c lower than the high day of the w$ek. or 25&35c lower, than last week's close. On the other hand, the week opened steady to lOfiloc higher on all kinds ot fat sheep. As with lambs, demand was good for anything of good quality, four cars of Oregon wethers bringing $5.00. - 'On Tuesday a further improvement of lOti Vic was made, Idaho yearlings selling as ,hlKh as $5.76. While lambs have shown ,'de cllnes. the fat sheep trade has held, up well, prices toward the close of the week being about steady with last week's close, but 25e lower than the high day,- Tuesday. The feeder end of the trade has bean a little better than for several weeks back, the number of sheep and lambs golntf to the country showing a slight increase. A good string of feeder lambs welshing around 6S pounds sold for $5.10. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $7.40jK.75;- fat- range yearlings, $5.60(96.00; fat ransce wethers, $4.505.00; fat range ewes, $3.754.25. Kngar Market. - " NEW TOB.K, July 12.-9UfiAR-Rav. firm; muscovado, 89 test, 3.30c; centrif ugal,,' 98 test, S.8te; molasses, tt test. 3.05e; refined. teady; ' American Telephone 8k TelenpSi . Co. A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Monday, July 15, J812, to stockholders of record at the close oi busineBS on Saturday.. Jaa 24. 11 Z . WM. R. DRIVER, Treasurer. ,ui i i. ajimew i ijr r. I 4,,, J