Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1912, Image 1

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    maha Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
Ctirty rwsaty Tsa Tun Age
-Sa Z Alto rial Page of caoh lain
Subcommittee Will Consider Scheme
to Direct Taft Campaign
from Four Cities,
William Barnes, Jr., Being Consid
ered for This Section.
Adams, Warren or Neidringhause to
Be in Charge ai Chicago.
Chairman . Thinks Taft Has Good
Chance in Four States.
Governor Hadley of Missouri Prob
ably Will Be One of Members
William May Look After
Pacific Coast.
WASHINGTON, July 11-When the
subcommittee of the republican national
committee meets In New York July 18 to
complete the prganization for the cam
paign It will take up a plan to divide
the United States into four sections with
an experienced leader In charge of eaeh.
For the east William Barnes, Jr., of
New York is under consideration and for
the central states, with Chicago as a
headquarters, John T. Adams of Jowa,
Charles B. Warren' of Michigan or
Thomas Niedringhaus of Missouri. -
It -practically has been determined that
Ralph E. Williams of Oregon 'will look
after the Pacific coast.
Chairman HUles believes that the
chances are excellent for carrying four
southern states Missouri, Kentucky, Ten
nessee and Maryland, and a hard fight
will be made there, with Senator Newell
Sanders of Tennessee in charge. Consid
erable attention is being given to the
selection of the advisory committee. Gov
ernor Herbert S. Hadley of Missouri may
also be selected as a member. .
' Colonel Roosevelt's Latest Reply.
OYSTER BAY, July 11. "No honest
man who was put up as a republican
lector at the primaries last spring can
fall to record his vote against Mr.
Taft" ' ".'
This was Colonel Roosevelt's answer to
day to the charge that the new party is
violating its precept, "Thou shalt not
steal," by the announced intention of
having republican electors in certain
mates vote for him.
"There !s always something refresh
ing," said he, "when a pickpocket seeks
to distract attention from himself by
raising ,the cry of 'stop thief - with refer
ence to the tnan whose pocket bates just
picked." - ..; '-y
Police Judge Fines
: Himself for Speeding
,FORT DODGE, la., July 11. S. N. Mo
Gdwan, police judge who has fined score
of auto drivers for exceeding the speed
limit, acted afs judge and -defendant in
his own court yesterday'. A pollceirfan
reported Magowan's car as too .speedy
and the judge first' pleaded not guilty.
Later, however, he changed his plea and
assessed the fine against himself.
CHICAGO, July U.-Nlne members, of
the Chicago butter and egg board were
summoned today to appear before Mas
ter in Chancery C. B. Morrison July 16
to testify for the government in the in
jnuctlon suit which Is pending to re
strain the organization from "fixing"
prices on butter and eggs.
The men subpoenaed are said to be
among the largest buyers of butter and
eggs on the board. The federal author
ities for some months have been consid
ering the advisability of bringing crim
inal action to punish alleged manipula
tion of the butter and egg market by
means of fictitious "price fixing."
The acts of the Chicago butter and egg
board and the Elgin Board of Trade
have been investigated by government
officials. ,
The Weather
Official Forecast
Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Fair tonight ' and Friday; slightly
warmer tonight.
ifew (J at Omaha
S. it. m 67
p la. m 66
m 7a.m 69
yi, 8 a. m...'. , 73
S 16 a. m 71
11 a. m... ......... 71
V Jim 68
1 P. m 72
2 p. m 76
8 P. ra 77
- , Local Weather Record.
- , . . v. 1912. Wit 1910. 1909.
Lowest last night 66 66 66 66
Precipitation oo .12 t 01
Normal temperature for today, 76 de
grees. ,
Deficiency in precipitation since March
I, 6.93 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period. 1911
7 46 lnchea
Deficieucy corresponding period," 1910
II. 57 inches. , '
Weather in the Grain Belt.
A very slight change to cooler weather
is shown this morning east of the Mis
souri river, and throughout the lower
valleys and southern states. It. Is some
what warmer from the river west into
the mountains and throughout the north
west Light and scattered shower oc
curred within the last twenty-four hours
in western Nebraska, and a fall of LIS
inches occurred at Oakdale. Showers
were scattered over the upper Mississippi
and Missouri valleys,, and were general
over the eastern portion of the corn belt,
and some heavy rains occurred in Illinois,
Indiana and Ohio. The weather is gen
erally fair in the west, and it will prob
ably be fair in this vicinity tonight and
Friday, with slightly warmer tonight
U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Orozco Says He Does
Not Want Aid from
Outside Mexico
JUAREZ, Mexico, July 11. In the same
custom house where 'President Taft once
met former President' Dias and where
four years ago Francisco I. Madero es
tablished his triumphant rebel govern
ment today sat General Pascual Orozco,
jr., weaving anew the tdrn threads of his
unsuccessful military campaign against
the federal government.
The rebel chief, while admitting his
defeat in an organized movement, made it
plain that the guerrljla warfare now be
ing planned was calculated to severely
harass the Mexican -government, but
contemplate neither friction nor alliance
with any foreign government.
Toward the United States, he said, he
entertained no 111 will. From nations
said to be friendly to his cause he added
that he wished no assistance.
"This is a. revolution by Mexicans and
for Mexicans," he explained, with empha
sis. "It is true that 'we have received
offers of assistance from abroad, but we
have rejected them." -Declaring
the Madero government had
circulated false stories to injure the rebel
cause, Orozco said:
'We do not want foreign complications.
Our fight is in Mexico alone."
Inconspicuously General Orozco has
come to Juarez,' the new rebel camp
from Enclnillas, ISO miles south, where
the outposts of the rebel army on the
Mexican Central railroad are now sta
tioned. In a, caboose, hauled by an engine,
the rebel commander made the journey
to Juarez, arriving in the darkness on
the outsorts of the town unheralded and
unknown to all except a few who secretly
met him there.
General Orozco conferred today with
his subordinates over a more effective
prosecution of the rebellion. Confident
and hopeful, he believes that by guerilla
warfare the government of Madero ulti
mately can be overthrown.
The campaign has been mapped out
Nine columns have gone in all directions,
some to the south, to attempt to cut
General Huerta's line of communication
from Chihuahua City to Juarez and other
westward toward the Mexican North
west railway where they "will attempt to
check the federal advance up that route
from Chihuahua and assist in the inva
sion of the state of Sonora.
Wisconsin Democrats
Invite La Toilette
Men to Join Them
MILWAUKEE, July 11,-Wisconsin
democracy opened its doors to the pro
gressives of all parties today, when Hu
bert O. Wolfe, temporary chairman of the
state convention in a keynote "speech ex
tended to followers of Senator La Fpl
lette an invitation to join them. Loud
oheering followed his direct, appeal to the
progressive republicans.; '' ! .J.
. "We say W you It'tt time to' come to
us,"" he said. "The republican party of
which you .at one time were go proud
is merely an old wreck. Its glories exist
in memory only. Modern Americanism
finds no expression in Its principle nor
its deeds. " We want you to forget ' old
labels and past habits."
Both Taft and Roosevelt were made the
subjects of attack. Reference to Roose
velt as the famous "lion slayer" pro
voked applause.
The convention adjourned until 7:30 to
night in order to give the committees an
opportunity to organize and . complete
their work.
Mrs, Lindloff May Be
Charged with Two
Other Murders
MILWAUKEE, July It-Milwaukee
police today revealed their suspicion that
two Milwaukeeans died in the alleged
poison plot involving Mrs. Louise Lind
loff of Chicago, charged with the murder
of her son, Arthur, by arsenic poisoning.
The police theory was based on a report
made today by Coroner H. L. Nalhln, In
which it was said that large quantities
of arsenic were found in the body of
John Otto Lindloff, btother-in-law of the
woman. Traces were found June 29 In the
body of Julius Graunke, first husband of
the Lindloff woman. Graunke was buried
August 12, 1905.
. third case being Investigated in
Milwaukee is that of Charles Lipschow,
a cigarmaker, who boarded with the
woman and died in 1908.
Dealers Declare War
on Factory Stores
IOWA CITY, la., July U.-(Special.)-War
upon the manufacturers who In
stall retail stores and upon the sample
shoe stores which are springing up in
many towns 'was declared by the Iowa
State Retail ' Shoe Dealers' association
which closed its meetings here today.
The shoe men will refuse to patronize a
manufacturer who opens a retail store
and will attempt to have a law passed by
the legislature forbidding the sample
store men from marking up the price of
their shoes in order to mark them down
again. The next meeting of the associa
tion will be held in Fort Dodge.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July ll.-Sie-clal.)
Joe Conderlario, who has just
been sentenced by Judge Elliott of the
United States court to a term of one and
one-half years In the federal penitentiary
at Leavenworth, Kan., for horse stealing
committed on an Indian reservation, has
discovered that Uncle Sam has a long
memory. The .crime was committed
seven years ago, and soon after an In
dictment was returned against him.
Conderlario fled from the country.- He
kept undef cover until a few days ago,
when he returned to his old haunt in
the western part of South Dakota and
was promptly arrested . by a deputy
United State marshal and brought to
Sioux Falls. He entered a plea of guilty.
By a Vote of 222 to 1 House of Rep
resentatives Acts Upon the
V Case Before It.
Formal Consideration of Thirteen
Charges is Disposed Of.
Resolution Upon Which Vote is
Taken is Called Up.
Head of the United State Commerce
Court la Now Officially Accused
- of Misdemeanor by Con
gress. WASHINGTON, July ll.-The house
of representatives today adopted by a
vote of 222 to 1 articles of impeachment
against Judge Robert W. Archbald of
the United States commerce court. Rep
resentative Fair of Pennsylvania cast
the single vote against the bill of im
Formal consideration of the thirteen
articles of impeachment preferred against
Judge Archbald was begun by the house
committee this afternoon.
Chairman Clayton of the Judiciary com-
mlttee, called up the committee's resolu
tion, demanding trial of the judge for
misdemeanors, shortly after 1 o'clock.
Speaker Clark directed that the ser-
geant-at-arms bring all absentees that a
full membership might be present for the
Next Meeting of the
Educators Will Be
in Salt Lake City
CHICAGO, July 11.-With Stlt Lake
City, Utah, named as the preference for
the 1913 convention, the National Edu
cation association practically concluded
the business of its fiftieth annual con
vention today. The selection . of Salt
Lake City has yet to be ratified by the
executive commute.
James Y. Goyner, Raleigh, N. C. was
chosen as a trustee, and George B.
Cook, state superintendent of public in
struction', Little Rock, Ark., elected as
, Two general sessions of the convention
tomorrow' are to be devoted to educa
tional subjects, with adjournment to fol
low in the evening.
Baroness Berth Von Huttner, Vienna,
In an adress on the movement for Inter
national peace, today praised President
Taft, gyalng, his work was .influencing
peace promoters in Europe to . speak
againgt -the- enlargement" of 'armies and
navies. . i
Tonight David Starr Jordan, president
of Leland Stanford jr., University . and
Dr. Harvey W.i Wiley, were the chlof
speaker on health in. relation to the
public schools. "
Fifteen Thousand
Elks.March in Big
Parade at Portland
PORTLAND, -Ore., July 11. With 15,000
Elk in line, today saw the march of
Elkdom, a fantastical conception of the
move of the Elk from one pasturage, to
another. The event is of highest Interest
among the menfbers of the order, whose
grand lodge session and reunion la being
held here. ,
About the plans of the lodges little
could be learned before the march began,
It being the custom to hedge In secrecy
whatever "stunt" was planned, the ef
forts of the rival delegation are to be
rewarded by a total of $10,000 in cash
prizes, this including the $1,000 for the
three best drilled teams In the contest
this afternoon. Is - this event there are
the Los Angeles Poppy Pickers, San
Francisco Stalwarts, a team from Oak
land and a fourth from Denver have
been entered. -Because
- of the parade and the drill,
which, it was expected, would consume
practically the entire day, no session of
the grand lodge was held.
Iowa Roosevelt Men .
Will Meeton July 24
DES MOINES, la.. July ll.-Severai
political conrarences were held early to
day at which the action of the republi
can state convention yesterday that re
sulted in a victory for Theodore Roose
velt, was discussed and plans laid by
both progressives and standpatters for
the campaigns in Iowa in behalf of Presi
dent Taft and Colonel Roosevelt .
. At a progressive meeting it was decided
to hold a state convention here July 24
and name delegates from Iowa to the
Roosevelt convention In Chicago August 5.
A Taft campaign in Iowa, it was de
cided at a meeting of standpatters wli!
be carried on in co-operation with the
Speaker Clark Will
Call on Governor
' Wilson Saturday
SEA; GIRT,. N. J., July U.-Governor
Wilson announced today that he had set
aside three hours Saturday afternoon for
a conference with Speaker Champ Clark,
who is comlg to Sea Girt to see him. Rep
resentative Underwood, the governor
said, probably will come to Sea Girt for
a conference next week.
CHICAGO, July 11. -After probably
fatally wounding his brother-in-law, who
lay In bed asleep, Adolph Dosenberg shot
and killed himself early, today." Rosen
berg's mind is believed to have been af
fected by heat.
...... 1 . . . t
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Says He .Will Show No Fraudulent
Votes Were Cast for Him.
Chajrsxes Property of Tribune and
News Are Assessed Too Low
This 1 Basis of the Fight
on Him. !
WASHINGTON, July 1L-The senate
took a recess at 8:30 p. m. until 10
o'clock tomorrow morning, when Senator
Lorlmer will conclude his speech and a
vote probably will be taken. The end
of today's session was brought about
by the senator's weakened physical condi
tion. WASHINGTON, July ll.-Senator Lorl
mer today began his speech defending
his right to his seat. He followed Sena
tor Reed of Missouri, who had made a
bitter attack on him and his election by
the Illinois legislature. ''' ' "
The senate chamber wa filled up slowly '"V
under the call for a quorum, but"6hJy
fifty-six senators answered to their
name. The senate galleries were 'not
half filled a Senator Lorlmer began his
speech, he read' from manuscript and his
voice was for' the first few sentence
somewhat Indistinct He declared he
proposed to give the ' senate an Insight
Into the character of the men who, ha
said, had tried to ruin him.
"It is true that the senate has the
right to deny me a seat In this body," he
began, "on the flimsiest pretext or no
pretext at all. . I intend to show that
no votes cast for me. wa influenced by
fraud. ,' , "- '
"Mr. President," he said in measured
tones, "this Is no joke. This Is a solemn
and serious question. If the senate de
cides to follow the views of the minority
of this investigation committee. It will be
a traversity on civilized jurisprudence, a
mockery on justice. It will be a declara
tion that the senate has decided to fol
low the red flag; that It has become the
advocate of anarchy; has adopted the
doctrine of the recall as advocated by Its
Attacks Chicago Papers.
Senator Lorlmer departed from his
manuscript for a moment to refer to the
Chicago newspapers. He declared cer
tain of the newspaper owner and pub
lishers there would be in prison If the
public prosecutors had been active.
The senate gave the Illinois senator
close attention. He spoke slowly and
with great emphasis. Finally he dis
carded his manuscript and took up a
place In the center aisle from which hb
could be heard on both sides of the
On the back walls of the chamber
were two diagrams of Chicago streets.
One showed the location of the Chicago
Tribune building with the valuation of
other property at Dearborn and Madison
streets; the other showed property on
Madison between LaSalle street ' and
Fifth avenue, comparing t.s assessed
valuation of the Chicago Dally News'
property and that adjoining.
From these diagrams Senator Lorlmer
made his attack on the Chicago news
papers which had opposed him.
Senator Lorlmer charged that while the
Tribune property was worth from $7,0C0.
CC0 to SIO.000,000, It paid taxes only on
$430,000. He called these newspapers
"robber of the public treasury of Chi
cago." He attacked Victor Lawson of
the News and charged that the New oc
cupied school land at a rental of SI per
square foot and paid no taxes, while less
valuable land across the street rented
for $3.50 per foot. 1
Mr. Lorlmer charged that Mr. Lawson
had secured unlawful reductions in the
taxes upon his home and business prop
erty and added that Mr. Lawson was try
ing to drive him out of public life.
"If 8tates Attorney Wayman would
treat Victor lawson as he would treat
William Lorlmer If he were the trans
gressor," he declared, "Victor Lawson
and the chief clerk in the assessor's of
fice would be in the penitentiary today
for conspiracy to commit fraud."
Senator Lorlmer launched Into a spir
ited attack upon Geovernor Deneen and
his fees in office as state attorney, t
"Some day the people of my state will
put into the state' attorney' office,"
he said, "a , man who will go through
the records and make Governor Dennen
pay back into the school fund $200,000
or more that belongs to him no more
(Continued on Second Page.)
'Dolour Duty, Officer
The National Capital
Thursday, July 11, 1612.
The Senate.
Convened at 10 a. m.
Senators Thornton, Lea and Reed spoke
On Lorlmer election case, after which
Senator Lorlmer began his speech de
fending his right to his seat.
, George B. Curtelyou, former republican
national committee chairman, testified
before . campaign contribution investiga
ting committee that $1,900,000 was raised
by republican committee In the 1904 Roose
velt campaign.
The House.
Convened at noon.
Resumed consideration of Clayton con
tempt bill.
Passed Clayton contempt bill, provid
ing jury trial for persons accused of in
direct contempt of a federal court.
Resumed consideration of resolution In
case of Judge Archbald.
Military affairs committee favorably
reported Pepper bill to Increase , effici
ency of militia.
Democrats agreed to caucus Friday to
name successor to Late Sergeant-at-Arms
Stoke Jackson.
ExpTosidiT Occurs in Panama"Mine
, Near Moundsville, W. Va.
First Party gnceett In Bringing Out
Two Men, bnt They Are So
; : Badly Burned that They :
;( ; . ' .. v Will Die.' '
MOUNDSVILLE. W. Va?, July 11.
Three ' men are known to have 'been
killed, two were seriously Injured and
four others were Imprisoned here today
by an 'explosion of gas In the Panama
mine of the Ben Franklin Coal company
here today. Immediately after the ex
plosion a rescue party headed by Gen
eral Foreman C. E. McCabe penetrattd
the workings and returned with Willluin
H. Hupp and Joseph Mlnailn, miners,
who were so badly burned It is feared
they cannot survive.
Another rescue party was sent Into
the mine later, but with small hopes of
finding other men alive.
The Panama shaft has been closed for
several weeks until today. Gas was so
strong at a distance of three miles that
the rescuers were driven back until such
time as sufficient air could be forced
into the shaft to permit of further ex
ploration. ,
The Pittsburg station of the bureau of
mines was notified by telephone and
Chief J. W. Paul! of the mlno rescue
division ordered the rescue car at Pit
cairn, Pa., to proceed with all potjlbit
speed to Moundsville.
Bell Boy Admits He
Perjured Himself
in Henning Case
CHICAGO, July ll.-Edward Deuter, a
bell boy who testified at John C. Hen
nings' alienation suit against Clarence
S. Funk that , he had seen Funk and Mrs.
Henning together In a hotel, was a wit
ness today before the grand jury Investi
gating charges that the suit was brought
to discredit Funk for his part in the in
vestigation of Senator Larimer's election.
The boy Is naid to have confessed to
State's Attorney Wey man previously that
he had perjured himself.
. Eulalla Kearney, a masseuse, was
scheduled to testify concerning reporta
that Mrs. Hennlngs, whose reported con
fession gives Impetus to the grand Jury
Investigation,' had told her of money she
received' for her part in the alienation
PITTSBURGH, July ll.-Jesse Welsh,
an electrician, was killed and nine other
persons injured when six gasoline tanks
of the Petroleum Products company here
exploded during a fire this afternoon.
Four of the Injured are women stenog
raphers employed in offices near the
plant. :.
1 Gift of" Drake University.
PERRY, la.,' July U.-(Speclal.)-A. V.
Coates of this place has given to Drake
university, Dee Moines, a farm of 223 acres
in Dallas county worth $125 an acre or
a total of $27,875. The gift was made to
help the university raise an additional
endowment, fund of $100,000.
Nearly Two Million Dollars Raised
to Elect Roosevelt in 1904.
Subscription Offered by Man Who
Wanted Diplomatic Appointment
nd Tobacco Trust Among
Those Declined.
WASHINGTON, July U.-A total of
$1,900,000 wa raised by the republican
national committee In 1904 for Theodore
Roosevelt presidential campaign, ac
cording to George B. Cortelyou. then
chali man of that committee, who testi
fied today before the senate campaign
contributions committee. '
Mr. Cortelyou testified that at the be
ginning of the campaign he had laid
down general rules as to contributions
and wa not concerned with' detailed
contributions except in rare case the
;eampii!gn' progreed. Oni pf the rules
wa" that" there should be no bromii or
yle JJjtf attschtd to fcuntrlbutlons, M t!!d.
Mr. Cortelyou told of one contribution
repected Under thHt rule.' .. i '
"A wealthy man tame to headquarter,"
he said, "with An offer" to contribute
somethng like $15,000 or , $20,000. , . As he
was not connected with 'any big business
we were glad to, get it. However, In turn
ing it over, he remarked that he hoped
he might be considered soma time for a
diplomatic post and in that event that
he ' would have the good will of -the
chairman of the committee.' I told him
that he had probably been misinformed
ns to how those things 'were done and
while 'I did' not want' him to misunder
stand, that we could not accept the con
tribution." : ' ' ' '
( "Ever : hear of any contribution 'from
the 'beef trust' ?", inquired ' Chairman
C'lapp. ' , - : , '
"I never did."
' r - . -
: Tobacco Check Refused.
Senator Clapp went through a list" of
"trusts" anil cams to the "tobacco trust. 4
"i remember distinctly that the to
bacco trust did not contribute," declared
Mr. Cortelyou. "About that time the
treasury department made a ruling as
to tobacco Imports. ' Shortly afterwards
some tobacco people came in with a con
tribution. I Issued orders that no. con
tributions were to be received elthev
from tobacco combinations or Independ
ents. 'I did not think It proper."
"Who was the party!" asked Senator
Lea. . -
"1 do not recall."
The contribution, Mr. Co:teIou thought,
was approximately fcaj.OOO or $a0,o:0.
Chairman Clapp asked Mr. Cortelyou
about a contribution from the late Ed
ward Harrlman. : Mr. Cortelyou said ho
heard a contribution - was made, but this
was at .the close of . the campaign while
he was at Chicago, lie mid he never
inquired about the matter.
; - Does IVot Remember Details.
Senator Clapp asked about a long list
gf possible contributors, but Mr. Cortel
you could give no information In regard
to them. ; '...'.! - -
, "Some believe all a chairman does is to
raise money,"' said Mr. Cortelyou. "It
Is not. He has other business."
He said he knew of some contributions
around $10,000. Several of them; he said
were from women, whom lie believed
contributed because of long Interest in
the party or through sentimental reasons.
So far as he knew they were not In
terested In trusts. He estimated between
TOO and 300 persons were used to collect
money.- He said ' that contribution
books were distributed and many anony
mous contributions were made, "just as
to charitable, religious or social organi
zations." '.---.-"!
WASHINGTON, July ll.-The house
today passed the Clayton contempt bill 232
to 182. The measure provides for trial
by Jury for those accused of Indirect con
tempt of a federal court. '
If passed by the senate and enacted
Into law it would have a direct bearing
on such caseg of contempt ot court as
those in which Samuel Oompera,' Frank
Morrison and John Mitchell of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor are ' now in
volved. . "
An attempt to pass a substitute pre
pared by Representative Sterling of Illi
nois was voted down. "
Men from United States Continue to
Make a Showing in Olympic
Games at Stockholm. ,
Detroit Athlete First in 200-Meter
Flat Race.
Have Things All Their Own Way
in the Leaping.
Nine Competitor Start la 10,000- ,
Meter Walk, hnt KUer from New
York Find Pace Fast and
t Drop Oat.
STOCKHOLM, July ll.-The program of
the sixth day of the athletlo section of
the Olympic game1 presented some fea
tures of great Interest particularly tha
preliminary, and semi final heat of the
110 meter hurdle race, the final of the
200 meter flat race, tha final of the 10,000
meter walking race, in which George
Gouldlng of Canada won a deserved vie
tory, the final of the pole vault, the final
of the weight putting, right and lert
hand, the , 400 meter swimming race,
free style, and the 400 meter swimming
race, breast stroke, a well as water
polo matches.
Ralph Craig of the Detroit toung Men's
Christian association team won the final
in the sob meters flat race. , Donald F.
Lipplncott of the University of Pennsyl
vania was second.
The United States team had the hurdle
race all Its own way, taking eight firsts
and one second. The majority of the
heats were not races, because in most
canes there were only two runners, and
as first and second in each heat are en
titled to competa in the semi-finals, there
was not Incentive to fast running.
All the American competitors secured
place in the semi finals. They were:
James Wendell, New York Athletic club;
John R. Case, University of Illinois; Frei
W. Ktlley, Seattle Athletlo club; John P.
Nicholson, University of Missouri; Edwin .
M. Prltchard, Irish-American Athletlo
club; Vaughn S. Blanchard, Boston Ath
letic association; Martin W. Hawkins,
Multnomah Athletic club; John J. Eller,
jr., Irish-American Athletlo club and
George A.' Chlsholm, Boston Athletic as
sociation. Other , nations also are represented In
the semll finals, France by three men,
I. Andre, M. 8. L. Delaby and R. De
Guanderax, England by H. li. H. Blak
enrl and G. R. Landerson, Sweden by
H. Wleslander, Norway by V. li. Ble,
Finland by W.1 Wlokhojm; liunsary by
Raroly Solymar, Germany by H. Von
Bonnlnshausen, Italy by . p. , Celbaahinl .
and Chiu by. S..E., Palma, . - ? .., .
Nine competitors started in the final
of .the 10,000 meters walk. The only rep
resentative of the United States was V.
Keiser, New York Athletlo club, and the
pace proved too fast for him, so he
110- meters hurdle race, , semi-finals:
First heat, K. Powell, England, first;
John J. Eller, jr., Irish American Ath
letlo club.f second; F. vR. Bie, Norway,
third. Time, 15 seconds.
Ht.OOO-meters Walk, final: George Gould
lng, Ontario,, Canada, first; E. J. Webb,
England,' . second;- F. "Altlmanl, Italy,
third; A. Rasmussen, Denmark,' fourth. '
Pole vault, final: Harry S. Babcock,s
Columbia university, ' first, with 3 meters
95 centimeters; Frank T. ' Nelson, Yale
university, anil Mark S. Wright, Dart
mouth failed at that Jump.
Four Hundred Meters, Swimming, Free
Style, for Men First , heat: Hard wick,
Australia, first; Champion, Australia,
second. Time, 5 minutes, 96 seconds.
Second Heat T. S. Battersby. England,
first.; Johnson, Norway, second. Time,
e minutes, 3 seconds.
, Third Heat Ritter, Germany, first;''
Kenyery, Hungary, second. Time, 6
minutes 44 seconds.
Fourth Heat Lastorres, Hungary,
first; Taylor, England, second. Time, 5
i minutes, 4tVi seconds.
dropped ' out, after doing two miles.
Gouldlng, who took the lead soon after
the start, was engaged m a hard race
with E. J. Webb, England, from the
beginning. ' ' ,. ,
Americans Win Pole Vault.
The American runners also carried off
the pole vault, Harry . S. Babcock, Co- .
lumbla university scoring a fine first
with a vault of 3 meters, 95 centimeters ,
(12 feet 11 Inches and a fraction). '" This
beats the Olympic record made at London
in 1908 by the American Jumpers Gilbert
and Cook, who cleared 12 feet 2 Inches on
that occasion."
The final of the pole vaulting began,
with eleven competitors! G. B. Dukes,
New York Athletic club; Mark S. Wright,
Dartmouth; Frank D. Murphy, University
of Illinois; S. H. Bellap, Multnomah Ath. -letlc
club; Frank J. Coyle, University of
Chicago; W. H. FritsCornell university;
Frank T. Nelson, Yale university; Harry
S.; Babcock, Columbia university; W.
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