Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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These Special Dargaiis Won't Be Equaled in
Everv dav of this clearinjr sale will be a day of big jrenuine bargains the kind of
'X bargains that every woman knows she can find at Brandeis Stores during any advertis
w ed sale. Thursday's specials are the most marvelous of this semi-annual clearance.
j Wonderful Sale of Vash Dresses
V t .... u II w U 0
i B I Kid i. Mi l
A wonderful assortment of the daintiest and most desirable
new summer dresses, actually made to sell up to $10 each,
Thursday, on second floor,
Women's Thite Chip Real Hemp Uotri
A Chicago manufacturer sold to us his entire stock of
White Chip and real Hemp TJri trimmed Hats in large,
dressy shapes and every fashionable and popular mid
summer effect. These are hats that have ac- Q
tually sold this season at $4 and $5. Thurs- - Wijf
day special, on second floor, at .............. " y
New White Fancy Feather Effects for Midsummer trim-
mingPom Pom, Aigrette, Breast iA &4 CA
and Wing effects-extra special at M 7 C 10 yl.UU
The Kegdar 20c Crou Barred Flaxoa in Ocr Basement
Right m the Iliiile of the Season at, a yard . v . . . yy
The wash fabric that is equal to and used instead of fine linen ; for making dresses,
waists, summer frocks, children's dresses, etc. Barred Flaxon is brilliant in finish; the
, styles and colorings are the handsomest ever shown. During Qur Clear- d
ing Sale, the 20c quality will be sold from ' .-''.', II
tbfi hrM- at vard ' - JLVv
Bleached muslin, long
cloth and nainsook, all
are one yard wide. Buy
them bere. July
Clearing Sale TC
Price, yard... ......
Property Ownen Say They Are to
Receive No Benefits. r
Claim la Had that Property Owaen
Along Papllioat Creek Water- :.
shed HaT tm Par Wkc It
, WtllXot Hrif nm.
Charting that tha creation of the Pa
pillion drainage district u merely a
pretense and that they are about to be
forced to help pay for a drainage ditch
of absolutely bo aervloe to them. Re
becca M. White and Mrs. Anna B. White
Baksr have - started action In district
court to escape assessments for con
struction of the ditch.
. The defendants are W. G. .lire, trea
surer of Douglas county, the Papillion
drainage district, and, Jud M. Gates,
.Adam Km, Jr., Henry Bormann, Fran
cis Pricks and I. U Luts, leaders In
the movement , for the creation ot the
district , ,
, 'The plaintiffs allege that they own
property on the Papillion creek water,
shed, which will receive no benefit what
ever from the ditch; that the defendant.
Cates and others established the district
to. benefit their property on the west
branch Papillion creek watershed and
included In the district the orooertv of
the Papillion , creek watershed to share
the burden of coet of the ditch which will
benefit only property of the west branch
watershed. v . ,
It la further, alleged that unless the
courts Interfere Treasurer Ure will have
to proceeed ' to collect 'assessment from
the plaintiffs.
Fire supposed to have had its origin by
rats gnawing at electric : wires caused a
Jos of about fad at' midnight Tuesday
to the stage of the Venesxia theater at
3211 South Thirteenth - street - Fire com
puny No. l'was the first to respond, and
tl.y had the blase under control before
t bad time to gain dangerous headway.
I THiTHi A TVTTnvTTlT7rf,l ifFTHIfvTHTri.f,l I
rii i( ib r; a fi x
and 34
to 44.
36-inch wide Nainsook Checks
does not contain any dress:
ing; suitable for fine summer
undsnnusllns, gowns, jn "
etc., win go at, UP
yard. . . . . . . ........ . . . ....
Green Starts Eow
at Eealty Meeting
W. H. Green started a fine, large de
bate at the weekly meeting of the Real
Estate exchange when he referred to
realty dealers who sell city lota In
Omaha's suburbs as "robbers ot widows
and orphans" and made strong Infer
ences that they were all-round crooks.
Everyone at the meeting had something
to say when be had concluded his speech,
"The Power of the Real Estate Man to
Tear Down or Build up a City," some
agreeing with him and others amphatl.
cally disagreeing.
i George G. Wallace, who recently placed
upon the market 860 lots', for Bellevue
college at Bellevue, made, an extended
reply to Green's assertions. He declared
that by. opening up suburbs every city
was made to grow.. The Idea of build
ing up the place next door, and stopping
there said he. Is no way of building a
city. ' I think Mr. Green Is two-by-four
In his view. :
The air was pale blue when; each had
his say and a motion to place Mr. Green's
speech In the record waa laid on the
table.' - ',
The exchange voted to adjourn tor the
summer after naming next Wednesday
as the date for the organisation's annual
picnic. The location for , this event also
brought out considerable argument, but
finally Happy Hollow club was decided
on. It waa finally agreed the members
shall meet at the Commercial club at Z
o'clock Wednesday afternoon and go In
a body to the club. - Sides will be chosen
nd a big golf game played. Dinner will
be served at o'clock at the club house.
It will be a stag affair.
Because he refused to give an apple
each to a gang of small boys playing
near the Intersection of Seventh and Pa
cific streets, Ben Roahsteln, 1933 South
Twelfth street, a Russian peddler was
assaulted by the gang. A flying brick
struck him in, the head,' knocking him
unconscious. He was brought to police
headquarters, where Dr. Vanderhoof gave
him medical attention and later took
him home. , "
Omaha This Season!
Made to SeU Up to 93.50,
Thursday at $1.39
Made of fine ginghams lawns,
percales, dimities and novelty,
wash materials hundreds of
styles that are new and up to
Some odd garments are
included. Sizes 13, 15, 17, 14.
18 and
Second V
floor, Thurs ,
day at..... ....
Fine Summer Dresses
Made to Sell Up to $0.98
$10 Thursday at . . "
'Pretty dresses in clever new
Lai- ' e : j tv
bijucb ivi xJiiu-Miiiuut;!. xmu
i lingerie, white and fancy col
ored ' wash dresses, Norfolk
suits in white and colors.
Hundreds of styles for women
and misses in sizes 14 to 20
led Hats 98c
Standard Dress Calicoes,
in light and dark styles,
Clearing Sale ; Price,
from the bolt,
at yard ....... V2C
Disgruntled Discharged Employes
Circulate Recall Petition.
Saya that All the Men He Haa Dta
missed .War Cat Off Pay Roll
. . for Good aad . Saf ficleat
. -j Caaae. .
Disgruntled former employes ot the city
engineering department are circulating a
petition to recall Councilman Thomas Mo
Govern of the department of publio Im
provements. Nine hundred Signatures
have been secured. Three thousand, or
30 per cent of the votes cast for McGov
era, are necessary to make the petition
MoGovern has let out twenty men dur
ing his commlsslonershtp. 'These men
were discharged for cause," said Mr. Mo
Govern, "for they were loafing on the
Job. Only five men have been appointed
to fill their places." .
Those who are circulating the petition
charge McGovern with appointing non
residents to these Jobs. The commissioner
asserta that all appointees are residents
of the city and have been for several
years to the best of his knowledge.
, Three ot the Inspectors among those
discharged by Commissioner McGoven.
were ordered to report for duty. at S
o'clock In the morning. The next 'day
they showed up at o'clock. McGovern
had 'been on the Job tor three hours.
"You're fired," be told them. Others met
similar fate, although a few were let out
becatuae the force In the department was
larger at the time than work warranted. ,
If the petition Is signed by. the requisite
number ot voters an election must be
called tor not leas than thirty nor mors
than sixty days after It la completed. A
primary election would be held in the
meantime and one man nominated who
would run against McGovern.
Caaaat la the Act.
and arrested by Dr. King's New Life
Pills, bilious headache quits and liver,
stomach and bowels act right Only 25c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
. .. . . . ... . .
y: A Flood of Light
in any or every room in your house by amply
touching1 a button that's electric convenience.
A button placed at the head of your bed, within
tasy Teachthat's electric protection.
Up-to-date houses afford both because they are
wired when built ; but you can have both in old
houses too, because now
Old Houses Can Be Wired Just as
Easily as New Houses
Electricians have become so expert that theywork like magic,
leaving no disfiguring marks on floors, walla or ceilings.
You can have the work done quickly and at moderate cost
with our co-operation. r
Low Summer
Spend your vacation
back east and see that
your tickets read via
: , Q Round trip tickets on sale to points east daily
until September 30th, among the important being a
as follows :
$25.00 and 26.00 Detroit' " $43.90 sad 44.25 Atlaatk City .
32.00 sad 34.00 Baffslo 40.60 and 45.00 Bostea
32.00 aad 34.00 N intra Falls 29.60, 32.00 sad 34.00Tsmato
42.00 and 45.00 New York 35.00, 37.35 aad 3&8S Hsatresl
$42.35 and 46.35 Pertlsad ' i
J Direct connections in Chicago with all lines
east Liberal stop-overs. Favorable return limits.
' 12 Daily Trams between Omaha and Chicago .
'For printed matter and full particulars call on or address :
Chicago and North Western Railway
' 1 401-1403 Ftmam Slnei. Omaha, NJ.
NW3345 ..$
1S00 Farnam St. v ' jfT. - "Phono Doug. 176a
Plat ... ....$2.00 Up
Extracting ....... 20c Vp
Fillings ..... ....60c Up
Crowna ... ...$2.&0Up
Brldgcwork ...f 3.50 Up
The neatest footwear .for
dainty little feet. A misses'
and Children's Summer shoe.
The only practical footwear
for both street and dress
wear. A. perfect fit and per
fectly comfortable.
Children's, 8 to 11 $1.50
Misses', 11 to 2 82.00
Young Women's 2H to 6.
......... ....$2.50
We have them for Misses,
Children and Infanta.'
Infants' a to .i..S1.35
Child's 5 to 8 ."...Si kS
ChUd'sSH to 11 ,82 00
Misses' U H to 2 . 82 50
Tears Sane offloa
Strap I
Pumps f
I1 'If
; J-
.Kissing Teeth supplied
without Plates or Bridge,
trork. ' Nerves remove
without pain. Work guar,
autced ten yeara
(Mason and Hamlin Piano Used)
AT 3 P.M.
1513-15 Douglas St.
Daffiing r
. Aad Many Other Attractions. '
July 11, 12, 13. 14, 14.
Friday, July 12, Ladies' Day. i
SaU, July 14, 2 Games; 1st 2 P M.
Games Called 3:30.
Hundreds of New Bargains Every Day at
, 1 . ,
Store Closes ,
5 P. M. Every
Day Except
Saturdays at 9
P. M.' During
July and August.
July Clearance Bargains
Thursday-Dress Winnings and Embroideries
Certainly the Greatest July Clearance Bargain Ever
Fancy Bands, worth from 5 c to
35c yd., go on sale,
5 7 and 10
Novelty Braid Trimmings, regular
35c to $1.00 values, 15t 254
and ...... ......354
Fancy . Appliques, regular 7 5c to .
$3.00 values, 354 59k 9
nd i . . 81.49
Beautiful Chiffons, in all colors,
regular 50c values, in Thurs
day's sale, yard . ......254
35c Embroideries at 19c Includ
ing lS-in. Corset Covers and
beautiful skirt flouncings that
sold at 35c yard.
Thursday Specials in Wash
Goods Dept.
25c Kimono Cloth in Prrsian de
signs, light and dark colors, at,
yard ...... ......... -17
32-in. Scotch Ginghams, in plaids,
stripes and checks, a good as
sortment, at yard ..;.124
19c Cotton Foulards, light weight
good line, at yard ..... .124
All our 15c Batistes, some in bor
dered designs, at yard . . . .104
Great July Clearance
Summer Millinery at Less
Cleverly : designed Summer
Hats, fresh from our work
rooms, trimmed with "Willow
Plumes ; the plumes alone
worth to $10.00, Thursday,
choice ....... ...;.. $5.00
Ready to Wear Hats
In pretty Milan , braids and chips;
hats in this lot worth as high as $3
your choice Thursday .... 394
Ratine Hats 4 styles for selection,
at ... 454
Big Clearance Sale Boys' Shirts IAa
A big lot of boys' Shirts, mostly sample and odd lots, slightly soiled
or mussed, light and medium colors; every garment perfect and all
sizes, 12 to 14 regular selling price 50c . 1 A.
choice Thursday . I. ...... . . I UC
- . BBaaatnaBaBBaBaaaaHMsHaaBaaaa " '
July Clearance of Muslin Underwear
Two immense lots to close at less' than half the actual retail value of
the merchandise offered,
Ladies' Gowns in Crepe Cloth,
, pinks, blues and white, and fine
quality nainsook. Princess Slips
elaborately trimmed and beauti
ful skirts and combination suits,
values to $3.50, to close, Thurs
day, at .. .084
In the Busy Domestic Room Thursday
7c 'Apron Check Ginghams,
blues, browns and greens 4 4 J
iuc lawns ana uausies, gooa as
sortment at. yard . s 5j
Satisfaction 36 , inch Bleached
Muslin, 10c yJ. value. ... 6?44
25c Bedford Cords for children's
coats and skirts ........ 184
18c Serpentine Crepes;. 12 W 4
18c Imported Dress Ginghams, 32
in. wide, at yard 104
Read the Big Special Price
1 lla.bsst araaalatad rasar . .11.00
10 lbs. .best white or yellow corn-
neal .......170
10 bars Beat 'IJm All, Diamond C or
Lenox soap . . 2So
4 lba fancy Japan rice .... 35c
14-ot pkg. best domestic . macaroni
at ...... .......... ......7Ho
I6-01 cans condensed mjlk' . ...SVio
1-lb. assorted soups . i . .7Vc
8 cana oil or mustard sardines .. .95o
Jello, Jellycon or Advo Jell, pkg. 7Ve
Large bottle Worcester Sauce, pure
. tomato catsup or pickles, bot, 8H0
H-lt. cakes Baker's chocolate ....14o
j-lb cans fancy - table apricots,
peaches, pears or plums. In heavy
syrup, can i....,..i5o
Potted meats, can ...4c
McLaren's peanut butter, i lba a5e
Fancy cookies, 40 varieties, lb. . . 10c
48-lb. sacks best . high grade Dia
mond H flour, nothing like it, per
sack .... fl.a5
No. 1 country creamery butter, lb. ase.
Store Closes
5 P. M. ETisry
Day Except
Saturdays atl 0
P. M. During
July and August.
In Women's, r.isses' snd Ctil
dren's Ready-to-Wear frnseats
That you'll not find equalled
in any other store even after
purchase compare the values;
if you find superior or even
equal equality . at the prices,
well cheerfully refund your
money. V - :- '
$25.00 Dresses at $10.00275
beautiful silk dresses, made to sell
at $20 to $30, on sale choice 810
Dainty Wash Dresses, made to sell to
$5; both white and colors; 100 do.
for your selection Thursday .81.35
$7.50 Lingerie Dresses $2.96 Also
allover embroideries and fancies;
scores of -clever designs; greatest
values ever offered, choice $2.95
$15.00 and $20.00 Tailored Suits
Including a fine lot of cream serge
suits, all new styles, 175 for selec
tion . ... . 87.95
Linen Norfolk Suits ; that sold at
$7.50, ladies' and misses' ehoice
at .................... 84.69
Ladies' Long Crepe Kimonos, also
challies, all colors, $2.00 values at,
choice 95d
$1.50 and $2.00 liddy Waists
s Women's and misses', in Thursday's
sale, choice . . 894
See the Clearance Bargains in In
fants' Wear 2d Floor.
$1.50 embroideries u oc f uu
45 in., fine Swiss: and Voile
Flouncings, fine assortment. -$5.00
Flouncings at $2.50 Ma
terial is the finest batiste, em
broideredV in dainty, exquisite
Baby Irish crochet. :
75c Flouncings at 39c A swell
line of those beautiful 27-in.
Flouncings so popular this sea
. son. '. ' . :
20c Embroidered Bands , . 104
10c Embroidered Insertings 2V4
50c Flouncings at 25c Fun 27
in. . wide, Swiss , Embroidered
Skirt ' Flouncings, regular 60c to
75c values ...254
Clearance of IVhite Gcsds
Thursday ; r
High grade sheer white goods,
worth up to 25c yard .....104
Victoria Lawn, white, full 40 in.
wide, worth 25c yard ....15
Sheer pure linen White Walstings,
worth 39c yard ,....,..254
Natural color Automobile Cloth,
yard wide, pure flax, worth 75c
yard ........ .394
(towns with lace yokes and sleeves
or embroidery . trimmed skirts
with deep embroidery, flounces,
Combination Suits and Chemises
beautifully trimmed,, values up
to $2, all go in one big lot, to
, close, at ... ........... .494
Summer White : Goods, to 12 c
yard values, yard ......... 54
20c White Dress Piques, 27 in.
wide, Thursday .154
15c Lawns, figures' and stripes,
new colorings ...... ...7 4
Silk Finish Foulards, regular 18c
values,' yard ............ 104
50c Ready Made Sheets, 72x90
size, each . . 334
Z4-in. uouon riannei, yara 7 Vic
Cutting Grocery Sale for Thursday
No. 1 dairy butter, lb.
.The finest creamery made, carton 01
duik, per 10. at
The best fresh country eggs, dot li0
run cream loung America CiiftA-se
HEW POTATOES, 15 iVs'te pi'slo'
6 bunches fresh leaf lettuce ...6o
3 heads fresh head lettuce ........ 6o
8 bunches fresh radishes .......Bo
6 bunches fresh beets, carroty tur
nips or onions ........... L...&0
2 head 8 fresh cabbage L . . . .Be
4 bunches fresh parsley g0
Fancy wax or green beans, lb. 3 X-3o
Fancy green peas, quart so
Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb. Bo
Fancy canteloupes, each So
3 large heads cauliflower ........ lOo
Large fancy lemons, per dozen ..SOo
- Raspberries, ; Currants, . Cherries,
Gooseberries, etc.. at 25 per cent less
than market price: '
Put Vp Italian Bins Plums Vow.
This is -extra fancy quality, nothing
- better, per $2.00 crate, special sala
basket erata .. . ..- 91.40
3v ,';'