Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1912, Image 1

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    Daily Be
Looking Backward
This Day in Omaha
rWrty Twenty Im Years Age
-3m Editorial Van of each lssat
Fifteen Thousand Educators in Con
vention Go on Record Relative
to Things They Want.
Reason Given for the Advance Step
that is Taken.
To Delve Into Question of High Cost
of Living.
Declare for Uniform . Law for Mar
riag and Divorce and Condemn
; Compulsory Military Train
ing in Schools. v
CHICAGO, July 10. Aside from electing
E. T. Fairchlld, Topeka, Kan. president,
after a heated contest in which Chicago
teachers were severely criticised by the
members for their "behind the curtain
tactics," the National Education associa
tion, representing more than 15,000 edu
cators, today went on record fas favor
ing: . ' .
Woman's suffrage, "because women
teachers - realize the ' responsibility of
training youth for citizenship."
Promotion of international peace.
Investigation of teachers' salaries
throughout the country, with refenrenoe
to the high cost of living.
Uniform federal law for marriage and
divorce. "' .- - -;
Promotion of plans for a national uni
versity.' ,
, Extension by congress of plans for
training in agriculture, domestic economy
and other industrial work in various in
stitutions. Great attention in the public schools
tp the health of pupils.
Extension by congress of the- work of
the National Bureau of Education, so
as "to embody agroup of competent
tmen and women to study thoroughly the
problem of rural education, city school
administration, vocational education,
sanitation and hygiene and higher edu
cation, Including the training of teachers.
-More attention by teachers to the in
dividual necessities of pupils for train
ing that will fit them for a definite oc
cupation in life. ,
That the school playgrounds provide
at least one square rod for each pupil.
That a greater spirit of alertism be
'inspired in school work.
The association condemned compulsory
military training - in schools not espe
cially designated as military schools.
, A contest between the so-called "pro
gressiveV' and the old guard, over a
(.change In the bylaw was deferred. Sfne
rolhorphaiiges ;were ordered.1 ' 'S-.
i The candidacy .at MiSs Grace .G, '.Stra
chan, district superintendent of schools,
Brooklyn; N, T.r for president in opposi
ti6n to Mr. Fairchlld brought out the fight
of th After' the nominating' com
mittee had reported in favor of Mr, Fair
child, Miss Strachan's friends declared
she had. been selected at a. caucus to
which' the New York members were not
invited. ..Miss Katherine D. Blake and
Mathilda Coffin Ford of New York ac
cused Chicago teachers of conducting
their campaign "behind the curtain" of
the auditorium where the convention was
held. They asserted a delegation r from
the Chicago Principals' club had gone to
New, York to induce Miss Strachan to
withdraw, although Miss Strachan had
supported Mrs. Ella Flagg Young of Chi
cago for president.
In addition to the president the fol
lowing officers were elected: Treasurer,
Grace M. Shepard of Idaho; vice presi
dents, Carroll G. Pearse of Wisconsin;
Guy Potter Benton of Vermont, Man'
Stromburg of Maryland, W. T. Barbe
pt West Virginia, W. B. Torreyson of
Arkansas, Mrs, Helen W. Wlxson of Col
orado, L. It. Alderman of. Oregon, Agnes
E. Howe of .California, Ada Van Stone
Harris of .Virginia, Amelia C,. Fruchte
of Missouri and Cornelia Hultz of Michi
gan. Directors from the different states were
also elected.
HARLAN, la., July 10. (Special.) Two
Harlan men, Clarke McConnell and Frank
Grablll, were acught in the act of stealing
corn from the crib of Charles Gearhart,
four miles southeast of here, last night,
and were brought to town hy Mr. Gear
hart. They were formally arrested and
brought before Judge Dunlavy this morn
ing. They pleaded guilty and were bound
over to the grand Jury under $300 bonds.
The entire police force of this city,
armed with a search warrant and accom
panied by a federal officer, the mayor,
the sheriff and the county attorney,
swooped down upon the house of W. C.
Cubb'jrly, who was believed to be operat
ing an Illicit Hquor still. After getting
Sentrance to the "house a thorough search
was made, but nothing in 'the nature of
a still or worm was found. The police
are under the impression that whisky is
being manufactured here and they are
determined to make a thorough Investi
gation. .
The Harlan ball team was defeated by
the Imperials of Council Bluffs In - a
poorly played game here by the score of
IS to T. Batteries: Imperials, Mortensen
and Payne; Harlan, Hombach and Kep
pler. .
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally fair; no
portant change in temperature.
For Iowa Generally fair; cooler
and central portions.
, nours.
6 a.- m..:..
6 a. m
7 a. m....
8 a. m....
&. " JA W a. m
jUCT' JTv T7 l2 a. m
( F-Ji-L p- m
(xJL 8 p. m
8 p. m.
State Convention Meets Without
Causing Party Rupture.
Action at Chicago Rebuked, but No
Resolution Passed that Will
Cause Further Split in
. Ranks of Workers.
(From a tSaff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, July 10.-(Special Tele
gram.) The republican state convention
today gotthrough without any bolt or
anybody getting mad and in the opinion
of nearly everyone the party is In fair
condition to make a winning fight in the
state.' Resolutions as reported offer a
mild rebuke to the national convention
and refuse to indorse either the ticket
or the platform of the Chicago conven
tion. Amendments offered by the minor
ity to indorse the platform and change
the clause regarding the national con
vention were laid on the table, 773 to 342,
but it was all In good anture.
Governor Carroll was treated rather
harshly by the convention, which did not
want' to hear him talk in defense of the
national convention, and when be men
tioned the names of Taft and Roosevelt
the latter was the signal for the only
demonstration of the day, when the con
vention went wild for seven minutes.
In many respects the resolutions were
very mild as compared with the desires
of most of the delegates, and the general
opinion Is that the convention got oft
welf with no more trouble than it had.
The platform especltlly refers to the
trust and tariff Issues and several state
matters and in this respect Is satis
factory. The friends of Taft fought
hard to secure a definite Indorsement,
but the convention was overwhelmingly
against him. ..
Judges Byron Preston of Oskaloosa
and Frank R. Gaynor of LeDars were
nominated for judges. - The latter was
named on the second ballot and the
former on the third. They succeed Sher
win and McClaln. ' This was a purely
personal contest with no political sig
nificance. The Roosevelt men met in the evening
and at a meeting attended by about
100 persons selected a provisional state
committee to arrange for a state meet
ing to select candidates for presidential
elector county conventions will be
held July 20 and a state convention
July 24 at Des Moines.
DES MOINES, Ja., July lO.-Senator
A. B. Cummins, in a set of resolutions
presented to the republican state conven
tion resolutions committee, today sug
gested that a. commission be named to
investigate closely the manner in which
President William H. Taft was nomi
nated by; the Chicago convention.
The resolution says if Taft was fraud
lently nominated republicans would be
excusable in bolting the Chicago ticket,
but if not, "Iowa republicans should sup
port the ticket enthusiastically."
.When he convention reconvened after a'
recess whieh was" taken 'until 2 o'clock?
the disposition of the problem in refer
ence to President Taft and his adminis
tration remained to be settled.
Progressives in Control. '
The morning session was sufficiently
progressive to show the sentiment of the
delegates. Temporary Chairman Dan
Turner of Corning seemed to strike the
keynote of the situation from the pro
gressive standpoint when he said , during
the course of his speech: "Let not your
mental vision be crippled by that Chicago
convention." ""The phrase was greeted
with' prolonged cheers. '
Theodore Roosevelt sent word to Iowa
republicans today that so far as he knew
there never was any chance' of Senator
Albert Cummins getting the nomination
at Chicago. The telegram was in response
(Continued on Second Page.)
Patrons Who Violate
Water Board's Order
Will BeDealt With
Water Commissioner Howell was 'au
thorized by the water board yesterday
afternoon to cut oft without notice the
water supply of any patron found violat
ing the orders prohibiting sprinkling ex
cept between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock
in the morning.
Before vote was taken on the resolu
tion conferring this authority Charles R.
Sherman suggested that the statutes be
examined to determine if the board had
such power.
Patrons of the plant who have been
caught by the vigilant water commis
sioners in the act of sprinkling sun
scorched lawns in violation of the rule
may secure water service after it has
been cut off only at the' discretion of the
water commissioner.
Residents have been petitioning the
water board to abandon its policy of pro
hibiting sprinkling in the evenings, but
without effect. Improvement clubs, it is
understood, are seriously considering the
advisability of contesting the enforcement
of the ruling.
Commissioner Howell can promise no
relief until the Florence water main is
completed, which will not be in time to
relieve the situation this eyar.
Wilson Makes First
Public Talk Since
His Nomination
ATLANTIC CITY, N.' J., July 10What
Atlantic City lacks and needs most is
moral pride, in the opinion of Governor
Woodrow Wilson, who addressed a
throng of 5,000 persons at the laying of
the cornerstone of the Younif Men
Christian Association building here today.
It was the democratic nominees first ap
pearance on the platform since the Balti
more convention and the crowl ohoer-jd
him enthusiastically. .
The governor was Introduce 1 by John
Wanamiker, former, postmaster gensral,
who referred to him as a "Playman and a
learned j man."
The introduction, especially the "Play
man" part of it, the governor said, re
minded him of his favorite limerick,
which he recited thus: ...
For beauty I am not a star;
There are others more handsome by far;
But my face, I don't mind it.
For I am behind It;
There are others in front that I Jar.
Taft Hilles, McKinley, Burke and
Others Present at the
Indications Said to Point to a Plot
by Colonel.
Republican Leaders Will Seek to
Prevent tho Move.
Cnrtis and Other Friends at the
President in Kansaa Will See
' that He Gets Square Deal
. in that State.
WASHINGTON, July 10,-President Taft
conferred today with Chairman HUles,
Representative McKinley, Representative
Burke of South Dakota, vice chairman
of the republican committee, and Repre
sentative Moore of Pennsylvania, secre
tary, over the question of whether an
elector chosen on the republican ticket
could vote in the electoral college for
Colonel Roosevelt, running .on a third
party ticket
In South Dakota the state convention
already had named Roosevelt men on the
republican ticket. Similar action Is ex
pected in other states. The president and
Mr. Hilles are expected to concentrate
their attention on this question.
"The cardinal plank In the 'bull moose'
platform," said Representative Burke, "la
'thou shalt not steal,' but the first thing
that party did in my state was to steal
the republican electoral vote. ' The state
committee chose for electors men who
have declared for Roosevelt, but they
will go on the republican ticket If they
are elected under the republican banner
they expect to vote for a man who has
deserted the old party and is making
one of his own. In South Dakota we cau
petition and put a set of Taft electors in
the field, but iu many states this is im
possible." '
Representative, Anthony of Kansas told
the president after the conference that
Senator Curtis and other Taft leaders In
Kansas expected to fight to prevent
Roosevelt men being chosen as electors
on a Taft ticket in the state primaries
August & ' ' '
The Taft men in Kansas have Taft
electors in the field, but In case Roose
velt, men are. chosen they know of no
remedy to keep them off the republican
ticket which goes before the voters la
November. '.'''.'
Nebraska Senator Mar Assist In Con
! duetlnar Taft Campaign. ,. r.
Washington j. iuiy i,-jt .. was the
sentiment today of most of. the members
of the subcommittee of nine of the re
publican national, committee, who will
elect in New York on July 19 a national
treasurer and appoint an executive' and
advisory committee, that the advisory
Committee should be composed chiefly of
men not on the national committee.
' There was a pronounced sentiment In
favor of having the ."progressive" ele
ment of the party represented. It seemed
to be settled, however, that . National
Committeeman William Barnes, jr.,. of
New York would be a : member. Senator
W. Murray Crane, .former Representative
James A. Tawney of Minnesota, Senator
Norris Brown of Nebraska, Otto Stlfel
of Missouri and Representative McKin
ley were all talked of for places.
For the executive committee, John T,
Adams of Iowa, Charles B. Warren
Michigan, Thomas K. Neldrlnghaus
Missouri and Ralph E. Williams of Ore
gon were being considered, but other
names probably will be added to the list
of available.
Roosevelt Managers Plan Three-Cor
nered Fight in Empire State.
NEW YORK, July lOManasrers of the
national progressive party practically de
cided today not to engage In the coming
September primaries In this state to wrest
control of the regular republican organ
ization. Instead It Is planned to nomi
nate national and state tickets by peti
tion. This plan, it was learned todav.
probably will be followed in other states,
and Insures a three-cornered fight. ;
Bandits Fail to Open
Safe on Katy Limited
After 2 Hours' Work
PARSONS, Kan., July 10. -Missouri
Kansas and Texas passewter train No
9, known as the Kntv T.imttoH n-Mv,
left here at 10 o'clock last night was
held up by six masked men near Cof-
feyvllle, Kan., early today according to
a report received at the local headquar
ters. .
The bandits held the train t ft hniira.
during which time the. passengers and
trainmen were corralled avid guarded in
the coaches by two of the robbers while
the other four made nine unsuccessful
attempts to blow open the safe in the
express. No effort was made, to rob
the passengers and no one was injured.
Apparently the robbers became alarmed
and left . finally of their own accord,
fearing they might be surprised by tho
approach of another train or the arrival
ot offteeis who might have been sent to
learn what was delaying the train.
No ariests 'have been made' and no
other details have been received here.
IOWA FALLS, la., July 10.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Frank Brown, a farmer liv
ing northwest of this city, was Instantly
killed . last evening, .being crushed , be
neath some trees that were blown down
by a storm of cyclonic proportions. He,
had gone into the yard to tighten some
guy ropes on a tent when the storm
struck the grove about the house and
blew down many irees.
From the Washington Herald.
Mike Harrington Decides to Join in
, with Third Party.
After Demanding Woodrow Wilson's
f-' Nomination, He Hears the Call
" of Unothl'r Political Party"" o v
; ' and Goes to It. ' '. -';'
In a lengthy proclamation to the pubjlc,
M. F. Harrington,, long prominent as a
populist bellwether, the!) as a democratic
leader, explains why after championing
Woodrow Wilson In the primaries he Is
going to quit the democrats and follow
Roosevelt into a new third party. He in
sists that both the Chicago and Balti
more conventions were dominated by "the
special interests" - and that ' the election
of Wilson would produce a reactionary
administration. ' The Important parts of
the document are: - ' ' '
"In view of the fact that I preferred
Woodrow Wilson to any of the other
democratic candidates seeking the demo
cratic nomination ; for president, many
have asked me why I prefer to support
Roosevelt rather than Wllsn. 'I have
nothing to say of Governor Wilson ex
cept kind words. He Is an able, honest
man. But when the contest came up last
winter as to whether Harmon or Wilson
should have Nebraska, I did not hesitate
to take Wilson's Bide of It, believing him
to be the more progressive. At that time
it also seemed that the contest this year
would ba straight out between the re
publican and democratic parties and it
seemed morally certain that Taft would
be the republican nominee. It was a
question of selecting a democrat to beat
Taft and If the contest was to be be
tween Taft and a democrat, then,' in, my
Judgment, Wilson was, the proper man
to represent the democrats, and I have
not changed my opinion in that respect
Conditions Have Changed.
"But during the last few weeks a
totally different condition has arisen. The
republican convention at Chicago was
dominated by the special Interests, al
though the progressive republicans in
that convention clearly . represented a
majority of the republican voters of the
United States. And how. was it In the
democratic national convention? The test
vote came there, as It did in the repub
lican naUtjal convention, on temporary
chairman. Mr. Bryan realized that in all
human probability he would be defeated
if he made the race for temporary .chair
man; He realized that a majority of the
convention was reactionary. He , stated
to the convention that he was willing, to
be humiliated by defeat In order to give
a chance to the progressive democrats to
express, through him, their belief in the
principles for which he had been con
tending for sixteen years. In other words,
Bryan himself recognized that after six
teen years of trying to make the dem
ocratic party a progressive party, a ma
jority was still reactionary.
'The votes In the convention following
that on the nomination for president also
(Continued on Second Page.)
The National Capital
Wednesday, July 10, 1012.
The Senate!
Convened at 10 a. m.
Resumed debate on Lorlmer election
case. ' . '
Appropriations committee reported sun
dry civil appropriation bill amended to
continue tariff board and with additions
aggregating $5,000,000.
The House.
Convened at noon.
Considered legislation on reeular cal
Just Moths
Prosecutor Looks
For Motive Behind
Henning Suit
.... .. . . , , , , . , vl
CHICAGO, July 10. State's Attorney
Wayman today questioned a number of
persons believed to have Information
btartnr on the confession -el :Mv4 jgce.
'phine Hemring "that she had wronged
Clarence 8. Funk, s general manager of
the International Harvester company,- or
permitting her name to be used in a suit
for damages against him by her husband,
John C. Henning, charging alienation of
One of the i objects of the questioning
was to ascertain what persons or influ
ences were behind the suit against Mr.
Funk, which Is now declared to have
been manufactured and baseless of fact
The whereabouts of Henning is still
unknown to the state's attorney.'
One of the angles on which the prose
cutor Is working Is that Henning long be
fore the confession declared to a young
woman masseuse that '"she (Mi's. Hen
ning) was mixed up In a quarrel between
a rich man and a big politician and that
she was getting a lot of easy money by
permitting her name to be used."
; This . phase of the case Is receiving
close attention from the state's attorney.
Mr. Funk from the filing of the Henning
suit has claimed that he was being at
tacked because of his testimony ' In the
Lorlmer investigation in ' which he - ac
cused Edward Hlnes, Chicago lumbar-
man, or soliciting him for a contribution
to a fund used to aid In the election of
Senator Lorlmer. '
Regular and State
Troops Pour Into
Camp at Sparta
SPARTA, Wis., July 10.-"Camp Mc
Coy." where United States regulars and
national guardsmen ot the northwest are
gatheritig for Joint maneuvers, is Increas
ing In proportions dally. About 2,500 reg
ulars are already in camp and the Flf-
jteenth cavalry Is expected overland from
La Cross tomorrow or Friday. Battiry
D, Fifth field artillery; half of Company
A, hospital corps, and half of ambulance
Company L are also on the way here.
Those additions will bring the attendance
of regulars up to 3,500.
National guard regiments due here July
15 are the First North Dakota, First
South Dakota and Sixth Illinois. Tho
Second and Third Wisconsin infantry will
operate here in brigade formation from
July 25 to August 3 and then the Third
Illinois and the Second and Third Minne
sota will come for a tour of duty extend
ing from AugUHt 5 through August 15.
MASON CITY, la.; July W.-(Special.)-In
W. J. Coleman the Mason City police
have one of the' most married men In tho
country. Up to the present hour no less
than six women claim him as their "honey
boy." How many more no one knows,
not even Coleman himself. He nays that
he has a "great sufficiency"' and possibly
more before he gets through with It. He
will have his preliminary examination to
day before Judge Kimball. Here Is the
tabulated statement: Wife No. 1, Mrs.'
Coleman, Augusta, Ga. ; No. 2, Mrs. Hal
ley, Knox vtlle, Tenn.; No. 3, Lizzie Cole
man, Aikln, S. C. ; No. 4. Marry Massy,
Evanston, III.: No." 5, Julia Coleman, Os
kaloosa. Ia.; No. 8, Mollle White, Mason
City. When arrested here Coleman wait
accused of having two wives. This quickly
Increased to four, and in three days has
hopped to six.
Chairman of Prohibition Convention
, Has Choice Lot of Invectives. .
... : i (-):
Roosevelt Represents Only' access,
if lu ''-jftliticul Fraud anuilioil -
ATLANTIC CITY, N.. J.', ilV, ; 10,-A
Bensatlonal attack upon President Taft,
Colonel. Theodore Roosevelt and the re
publican and democratic parties In gen
eral marked the beginning her today of
the eleventh national prohibition conven
tion. Clinton N. Howard of Rochester,
N, Y., temporary chairman of the con
vention, made a speech , whloh bristled
with denunciation . of the "boss-ridden,
liquor-controlled old- ,partiee."( He de-
Glared nothing in the way of real reform
was to .be gained from either , of them
or from a third party ' dominated by
Colonel Hoosevelt. - ; , ' ' .
1 "No other president since the founda
tion of this government," declared Mr.
Howard, "has surrendered more ab
jectly to the liquor Interest of this na
tion than has illlam Howard Taft, His
record is loo recent, familiar and odorif
erous to require review in- this intelligent
presence." '
' Mr. Howard said It would be a crlni
Inal waste of time to argue that .the
liquor traffic could be stamped out
through the republican party "by its
silent platform, its present and unworthy
leadership, Its long consistent liquor rec
ord and its present monopoly-matured
candidate, which Theodore .Roosevelt de
clares 'represents, nothing but successful
political fraud perpetrated in the inter
est of , politics . and financial privilege,'
and who more than any of his predeces
sors has become the wet nurse for the
I ' Democrats Also Denounced, '
; "And what better results can be ex
pected from the democratic party? Not
only as little, but less than nothing at all.
!' exactly the same Influences that
persone.d the republican party at Chi
cago were In control at Baltimore.
' it may be said In truth that the splen
did Woodrow Wilson was not Mr. Mur
phy's choice, but the campaign banner,
decorated with his picture, was , flung
to the breezes In front of Tammany hall
one-half hour after , his nomination on
the order of Charles Murphy, by long
distance telephone, and the ' candidate
has since sent his regrets that a prior
engagement prevented his presence at
the Tammany Fourth of July." ' . , ' ,
The temporary chairman said that while
Governor Wilson was known as a "good
man," the prohibitionists are "not here
to elect a -good man, but to kill the
liquor .traffic." McKinley and Harrison
were "good men" in the White House,
he added, "but they, went out of office
with the country more saturated with
rum than when they went In.". ..
Roast for Roosevelt.
After severely criticising the democratic
house of representatives for its; failure
to enact legislation prohibiting the ship
ment of liquor Into prohibition territories
in the south. Chairman Howard turned
his guns upon Colonel Roosevelt.
"How about the promised progressive
Roosevelt party?" he asked. ;,.
"We already have two wblsky parties
end do not need another. From the stand
point of the prohibitionist,' by his record,
public utterances and confessed personal
habits' he is the least desirable of them
' V ..';-"''V. '
"Posing as the 'Thou shalt net steal'
candidate, because his partisans were not
preferred over President Taft's in the
convention, he brazenly boasts that he
stole the Isthmus ' of " Panama from
(Continued on Page.)
Athletes from United States Take All
Three Places in Weigh Put
at Stockholm.
Irish-American Athlete Scores Fifty
Feet Four Inches.
Clement P. Wilson is Second in His
- Heat in 200-Meter Eace.
This Contest Is Most ThrUlinc ot
Olympic Contests to ' Date
Americans Come in Sec
ond and Third.
. STOCKHOLM. July 10.-The program'!
for the fifth day of the athletic section;
of the Olympic games was full of Inter
esting events. 'It Included the trial heats
In the J00 meters flat race, the final of
the S,000 meters flat race, semi-finals off
the LSO0 meters flat race, the pole vault'
and the weight putting. In all these J
competitions American athletes', were en
gaged and the prospects of the United j
States team of adding to its list of vie-,
tortea were very favorable at the opening
of the sports this morning. - ' .
A new Olympto record was created to
day by P. J. McDonald ot the . Irish-
American Athletlo club, with his, put of
15. meters 34 oentlmeters (a . shade over j
M feet I Inches) in the final of the weight !
putting. -The old Olymplo record of 48
feet 7 Inches, made by Ralph Rosa in
1904, also was exceeded by Ralph Rose
himself, who today put the weight IS .
meters 25 centimeters (a fraction over
50 feet).
There, was . one .real race In the SOO
meters trials' between G. H. Patching, ,
South Africa, and Clement P. Wilson,
Coe college. The Iowa boy finished sec- ,
ond. In another heat Donald F. Lippln-'
cott, . University .. of Pennsylvania, had
to run his best to win. P. C Gerhardt,
Olympic Athletlo association, San Fran- (
clsoo; W. H. A. D'Arcy and E. Kern of I
Germany, gave a fine exhibition In the
Unth, heat, , ." , ,'' . -
. Anderson Wins Thrilling Race.
; The 1,500 meters race furnished one of
the greatest thrills of the meeting. A,
harder struggle has seldom been seen on
the cinder. path. In order' to get to the,
frorit Jackson, who Was fifth from the
"pdle," ,bad to run round four men oni
the last Up, which, he did at the. final
turn. ; Until the leaders were' within ten
yards "of the tape1 the event might have
belonged either, to: Jackson or Kiviat, but
the Oxford man fairly leaped ahead and
'carried off the hickory. . '
1 .Arnaudi the Frenchman, and the three
WedearJ. Sander, K. BJoro' and E. Wide, .
"made the runlhglri" the first lap, Von
SJgel, Germany-, made 4 hard try, but
outran his powers and was left behind on
the home .stretch..? At the beginning of
,the last ' lap the order Was John Paul.
Jones,' Kiviat, Sheppard, Taber and Jack
ton. The hopes of the Americans rose ;
when they! saw ! that Jackson, who i.ll '
feared, . was eight feet behind the tirt
man.: but In the . first stretch of tne lap
the Britisher began to gain and continued
spur! to the finish and carried o'.f
the .victory.'. ; . 1
' Jackson , was more . exhausted when he j
fainted; after the race than any competitor-
has; been, at. this meeting. Doctors
worked over .him-for, an hour before he
gained strength enough to stand.
Kiviat' ran up to the: Englishman after
the race and stretched out his hand to
shake,', but, Jackson waved him off. Many
of the spectators, thought that the re
fusal was. caused by bad feeling, but the'
victor sent a message to the American'
team . afterward saying that he did not
realise. what be was doing because he was -tired
out and that he would call on the '
Americans to explain the matter to them
later. , Mathew J. Haipin, the American
team manager, said when, he was told '
this:.,- ..'',
. "It's up to our boys to call on him."
: Jackson Is an exceedingly pale youth. 1 .
of five feet and eleven Inches and looks .
far more like a scholar than anathlete.
His victory - Is historic In the annals of -athletlo
'sports as one of the greatest fea
tures ever seen on the running track.
As soon as he came to he asked a friend '
to telegraph his success to his mother.
! In the pole vault trials this afternoon '
the following American; -qualified at 365
centimeters (twelve feet) for the finals'
tomorrow: ' '
Frank T. Nelson, Yale- university;
f rame u. murpny, university ot Illinois;
Harry 8. Babcock, Columbia university;
Mark 8. Wright, Dartmouth; G. B.
Dukes, New York Athletic, club; S. H. ,
Bellah, Multnomah Athletlo club, Port
land; Frank J. Coyle, University of Chi
cago, and W. H. Fritz, Cornell univer
sity.. ' '..'. . ,.
-'. ' , Bammariea. ?
200 meters, flat race, first beat: Charles--D.
Reldpath, . Syracuse university, first;
G. J. B. Rolot, France, second.; Time.
22 seconds, f ( .
Second heat." Ralph C. Craig, Detroit
Young Men's Christian association, first;
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