Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1912, Image 8
i By Hershfield erate Desmond An Eskimo Just Has to Keep Cool; Hence the Villain's Strange Discovery in the Ice House ROSAMOND, WHltC -me- Dofrs Ake.aftw. your. Lovsa ciaupc. -TZT vi i APE WITH Ynu TO -THE ourm t&Moo,Vtau cur- M 4ot Moists'. y&rnNTOifa& ice t gey wAFi'r?E3KIMt AR E? e trr hcpe lgpggiiMMu-TO w s I'ggSfSfee Tc'Im simV H'em sic'oiS KDH taMv. exruH&TiMurV ivurdh. Ihouscdgamond, ICE vi ji &TKANDfeo and wwh tiu. wsl wrr p r-a v v i .rTtv ia mblpybo iXi i -rwc Pftu-Kft. cL7 - - i n7rF 1 1 wr a ni btr--v r v h 11 J. I ! i I I III Desperate Desmond, the International crook, la now to the P0 ot .CUkU. Eclairs, who intends to prevent tha villain from aver again bringing aorrow Into tha Ufa of tha ' beautiful ' Rosamond. Sat mond la disguised la an arctlo explorer's suit, which baa attracted a larva pack of savage Eskimo dogs, left behind when the explorer went broke and had to pawn hla clothes for money to get back to the . er. ei farm whence ha had aat out for the WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, bat l S Llr'T. I "Ike ertalac edition and before 7i80 1 WW 111 Willi WMM UUVn AM VUWft III. AW I H. an. itm maraln and BnndaT edl I tlons. Want ad received after aoca aeora will have their first insertion nnder tha Heading "Too Lata to UasBifj." "J CASH sUTES"FOR WANT AOS. -rlUCGULAB CXAasiFICAXION Oaa ' tasertioa lft cenU per word and 1 . caat per word for each subsequent eposecutJTe liuerttoa. Bac wser- uvsi awM ob vuu vMjm Ajm wm jrr .worai viau per una per bww whea ad I raa wltaoat caange of opf.r BATIU AND FUNERAL KOTICBf. HUR3T Qeorr E.. acad 41 years. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock from the family residence, 15 North Seventeentn street. JTorest Lawn cemetery. Interment s 11 ' . , I McMILLAN Nell, aged years, July v - i uura street, vunu. ' tTuniiril Wadnnsdayy July m. from his lata residence,' to St. Brldaet's church. Interment at St. Mary s cemetery. Fuwr.7 from ruta rertdel 104 T.n,..htrrf .,rj n at jahn-a church, o'clock Thursday morning. In- I6" terment uoiy tsepuicner oemetery. CARD OK THANKS. WE wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kind assistance in our grart sorrow; also for the beautiful flowers given. J. R. Woodruff, Ethel Woodruff, Eleanor Woodruff, Harry Woodruff. ( w wish to thank oar many friends and neighbors for their many attentions and sympathy curing tne sioaneas ana iuth of our beloved husband and father. he was born August 14, 1A and died MkS. CARL STEFAN AND CHILDREN. " BIRTHS AND DEATHS. , BirthAw. A. and Harrirt BelUla, W fiouth Sixteenth street boy: Simon, and K. Kragskow, 2764 Burt, boy; O. and Luella Myers. 2224 North Sixteenth, boy: O. and Lydia Larson; 2S6S Sahler, boy; Charles and Lena Pasha, mh Boutn Elev enth street, girl; p. J. ana Bridget mo 4niri Bit North Twenty-seoond. girl: D. and Salma Union, 1244 South Four teenth, tirl: Benny and Uanna Zornlsky, a.i") t A..,...Ak . Law T Mil Anna olm, 124 North Twinty-eighth avenue. ..JTtTork" trivel with nSn boy; Robert and Grace Johnson, hospluO. Ji . ihiliJT' WJrTkfX Wlpp, 2422 South Eighteenth, glrL i ITvllU-nvvuii. urvj f www wmmm-m. ...... u i Ueatns rraneea Lons. 24 yean. 1211 t t V IJitMll Knan. hnanlta.1! I H. Bk Kelley, 41 years, 2404 North Twenty I Illin sixw n, nmiif cuu ' -I .tleth and Poppleton; Mrs. Cassis Thomp- mnwi m e iwaro: dmbtt tiamu wvm m , - - . veare. Benson: George Barney, m years, hospital. , . ' - . ' , . MARRIAGB LICE52E8. if . l( ... , '"License to wed have been granted to tbe following aoupiee: .t: Mama at Resldenoa. , . Age. Cuona Ooletta, Omaha........M JJ Carmela Savola. Omaha. ..... 21 t.unlanA Bar Tatars. Olllki.u.n..H 21 'Lucia Dhnauro. Omaha U Joseph A. Morgan, Missouri vaiiey, in. core j. ucniert aussoun v Braa. Els: In. Neh..... 22 ' da K. Leonard. Norfolk. Neb 12 ' .fhaHaa HivUnt Omaha... ...... 27 Viola Williams, Omaha..... ..... IT i Robert F. KUrg, Creston, la.... 22 'Abble Smith, Creston, la 22 Jessie Halsch. St Charles, & D.. ...... 12 Helma A. Thompson, St Charles, & IX 20 'Frank Miller, South Omaha. 12 Annie Moran. South Omaha. 12 -v BVILDIirO PERMITS. ,,n. R. Evans, Eleventh and DoGgtaa. brick laundry, W r ;V HfcLP WAJrKJ--r EAL-LE . agests an tlsJaaw eaaesu AGENTS wanted, at 1221 Charles St . Call after 4:80. WANTED Two capable salesladies, ex- perienced in the selling of fine am- broideries. Apply Superintendent, Bran- eels Stores. Clerieal asi Of Uee, . " Stenographer, lumber, 200. Cashier, grocery store. Is. .: Elliot Fisher operator. IfiO, 2 Comptometer operators, out of city, , '. I Comptometer operators, wholesale, 24S. dtenographer ana oooxxeeper, inaur. . ance, 250. CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO. 1015-14 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. " AN experienced lady bookkeeper for wholesale house; state experience ' and salary wanted. O 410, Bee. " Hoaaekecpera , d 1Mb eatlcs. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM fJLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you set the desired results. This applies to residents ' of Omaha, south Omana and uounall Bluffs. Bring your ad to Tha Bee office er telepnone 'ryier. iww, WANTED A good girl for. general Vmaework; good pay for right party. Tel- tphone bo. vm. WANTED Girl for general housework. Webster tisz. W BBerman Ave. WANTED An elderly lady to keen house for a gentleman and one child of A years, write John Seek, w Far- j. s Davenport, a good cook with ref r'ance. '' , i. L for general housework: family of two. CaU Barney lJSv 1I.-THB ICE HOUSE. Coming to a lonely Ice house Claude gets an Idea for the disposal of Desmond. Once Inside that Isolated building and the door looked the villain will perish miserably. Quickly the fake explorer's costume Is torn from the wretched scoundrel and he Is left clad only In the athletio costume In which he escaped from the Olympic field. This Is but small protection against the dean cold of the toe house, and the villain pole. must soon meet a vary com Haaackeeaers aad Doaaeatlea. - TT 2?a Dodge'st WATKI-A girl for general house- ored preferred. " ' mBl Ta.milv. 1D4 fUiu( "W a xTTtprvwhlt rirl for general housework. Apply 30W Harney or phone Harney vm. ti7 a wren VvnAi-UnrMl MiTl tOT KSn aral housework In family of three, good wageaT Apply at once 2724 Spauldlng St Webster sm. GIRL for general housework, 3M Wool- worth. Harnev 693. wiNTRH-airl for seneral housework. Mrs. sturtevant, ra bo. sa p. OIKL ior ,en.r,a h0U.wx,rk. Tel. Harney KM. COMPETENT girl for general house- work. Mrs. HalL 4U N. WW BU nn 6866. B-X7S6. wa vTr.rk-ir.Tririencd nurse for child. References required. Tel. Harney 2192. 202 S. 17th Bt WANTED A young girl to assist wiio housework. Anply. wa B. ssin et. COMPETENT girl for housework; small family; no cooking: no oojecuuu w w orea girt, uno do. wiu. WANTED- girl for general house- y,Qfino wishing, bast wages, 1S39 So. jjtn Ave. xiarney am. WANTED iA nurse girl. V S. 87th St Phone Harney KU. w vnnn TwMr'Trn AAmrrant oirl far general housework; no laundry ; good waxes. Mra. R. u. reiari, xiarney iav. WANTED-Oiri for touMwork. one that can so home nignts. Webster WANTED Experienced girl for gen aral housework in family of three; good wages. Apply at once, km Bpamcung at. Webster 8JSG8. MlaeellaBaoaa, TOtTNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young woman's unnsuan association ouiiaina at St. Mary s Ave., and 17th. St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otnerwise aseisiea. mm vui eur travelers' guide at tha Union station. GIRL to learn hairdressing. Oppenheim parlors, 2d floor, aty National. HELP WANTED MALE Aseate, alesaiaa and aoUoltore. WANTEDSrlaht man with a little uft H.""" - - - JO-W ANTED-. Men of aood moral charaoter. ever the asa of iL to solicit in Omaha and South Omaha. A good proposition for the right parties; must furnish references. Call at Room 610. Paxton Bldg. " Offloa hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and to s p. m. j, a. Schroeder, National Dlreotor. CaU aTM Jchanu hW to 12 a. m.. 2 miiii ii i li SALESMEN of abiUty and first-class reference wanted by big western cor- nora.tio Salary nrODOSltlon. Call tor P. A. Summerland.. Rome Hotel. . Clerieal ana offlee. Bookkeeper So. Omaha, $7 fitenoaranher. ral'road. 1B5. StenoaraDher and billing, clerk, some experience, WV Stenographer, Insurance, ITS. COOPERATIVE KluJS tHJiiNUiU W., lim-X City Nat l Bank Bldg. FULL diets suits and party dresses tor sale: also tor rent, 11-00 to Jl.M a night JOHN FELDMAN, 2U4 N. 17th. D. SI HOTEL CLERK At once; must have 22,000 oaah bond. Don't answer unless ..,. mamm Vin.tnA.. Mllttt hav. . nun quic &t James hotel. Perry. Ia. Factory aa4 Trades. Drug store (snap) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. 7& MEN. 20 to 20 years old. wanted at once for railroad firemen and brakemeu, tta to 1140 a month: experience unneces sary; no strike, ior appucauon oianic address I i care or gee. MEN wanted to learn barber trade Tnu can't aPDreciate our offer without our catalogue Moier isaroer college, nv 8. 14th St WANTED Job printer, one who can handle Junior linotype. Write or wire, Courier, Minden, wenrasaa. WANTED Experienced bottler. 2S6S Cuming. Doug, m); Ind. B-tau, MieeellaBeoaa. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able- bodlad unmarried men between -the ages of is and 16: cltlsens of United States of A .i.vutitr and tamnara. habits who n atwaJc read ' and write the English language. For information apply to re erultlna officer. 12th and Dougiaa Sta, cruiting oiiioer, ixtn ana v Omaha, Neb.; 807 4th St, Sioi m N. 10th St. Lincoln. Neb. I Omaha. Neb.; 407 4th St, Sioux City, la.; LABORERS wanted at once, 20th and center. Omaha Gas Co. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed yea bv the Union Paotlia and Illinois Cen tral railroads it you gain your training in eur school. Practice on it H. wirea. aq dress tor particulars, x a. ttoyies, rrea Boy lee College, omana, weo. TOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY In the automobile bublnessr chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are In big de mand and command arge salaries: pre pare yourself In ou- large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn. 2S14 N. 20th St., Omaha, Nen. GOVTRNMENT Jobs. open. Write for list r ranaun imuiuio, w ju n. Rochester, N. T. DAY work wanted. Webster 2317. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN and women wanted for sovern ment positions. tbO month. Write for list I of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. a? K, Kocnester, . x. ANY Intelligent person may earn steady income corresponding for news- Dapera. Experience unnecessary. Ad' dress Press Correspondence Bureau, I must soon meet e ' - i : i , ' .,,,., i ' '"S-- " , I ' .,n to I nrcivpca nrnsnviTH TSI9T WT Fftl'Vn v OFFERED FOB RENT HELP WANTED FEMALK I , . 1 I , , , a., r .ni... I persons havina lost some article Apartments-and Flats. . - I Washington, D u III. ESKIMOS. To the surprise of Desmond,' who had not expected to find the Ice house ten anted by anything living, he beholds a couple of Eskimos quietly seated on a large chunk of Ice. It develops that these natives of the frozen north were left be hind when the explorer went broke and to keep' from dying of heat they took refuge among the ice until they could find a way of getting back to their cool, beloved country far away in the distant Arctic circle. aLu. mnTIM H waahlnff AD CSntS a UOSeD. rough dry, g cents a dosen. Wis, nag. KbT clas practical nurse. Harney taft. Bundle & family wash. Guaranteed. W86T7. utTTQm u&nifiB and lawn mowing; ..nnhi: satisfaction. H. (874. y.iw.- ' ' AN elderly lady would like a good place as housekeeper for elaeriy genuenb 2764 Grant St. Fnone wiww WANTED Day work by nret-eiasa laundress. Doug. 66CT. ' LADY would like position aa house keeper, references. C 421, Bee. vtdot w&ahlnc and Ironing by the day or to take home. L A. Jonea. Webster itm. x wanted Position as bookkeeper, 208 So. 18th St Phone Vj-mi. ir.vpttRlENCED meat cutter wants position, 202 So. 18th Bt. rnone ANNOUNCEMENTS Nebraska Plating and Repairing Co. all kinds of plaUng. gold and silver apa- oiaity. Also autoraoDiie reiMunna- - uu uowara bi. bumuwuu DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 844. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. AIJ. will h fnr4vn, MJTf. If YOU Will mat m si r tha sim of the Crown and the Goiden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That la where bkuuimaaju sells those luoky wedding rings. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenxer Blk. Stevenson, carpenter, cont Both 'phones. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR, lox Ml postpaid. 12.76; try half dosen: t aa.tlar!torv money refunded. BBii TON DRUG CO., 1508 gurnam, Omaha. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 822 Douglas. MONEY TO LOAN -LOW rate. In sums to suit 210 Bee Bldg, Phone Doug. jwh. UNION LOAN CO. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 3762. 1318 Farnam FiEELESS OOOPm Make a cool, clean kitchen In summer weather; more time saved: leas labor; mora wholesome food at less expense; planished steel cases; do not warp. Phone lor catalogue. Douglas ami or oau xu Farnam. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Bts., South Omaha. Upholstering, piano, furn. rep. 2804 aar, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 237. Omaha BUI Posting Co., IMS Har. D. 2024. Bath tubs, 212.6& Olfermsn, 1110 Douglas, EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AKKLN 8, 818 & 16TH, UPSTAIRS. M. E. Morrill, china paint 433 Brandeis in UVLl 14 I VV, Cleaning and Dye Works, Jt Boonstra, Sr. We call and deliver. Both pnonea. v r T a va Eastman goods, complete argest ' finishing department In the west. THIS KUUtiKT w., 1813 Farnam St. and S. loth St ANCHOR FENCE CO, Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. 207 N. lTto. rftone Red 814. Western Millinery School 27-6i8-(M) PlXTON BLOCK. Complete course, 220. We furnish msel terlai free. Hats made and trimmed. All work free. NOHTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 6tM Paxton Blk.: circular letters, an quantity; oldest established company i ex perts oi MUitigrapn ana rnoostyis. GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate. cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. r . i . . i . un.lrin. n n lun ing. Bchmolier & Mueller. D. 1422; A-1026. ATTRACTIONS. nAf AHA PTT.M FY 14th and WlUiiuu a i i tin J-ifc. nnnirlaa. Motion picture machine and film bargains WANTED-Conceaslons of all kinds. Old Settlers picnic, Aug. 20, 2L 22. W.F Epiey, secy., Deweese, Neb. WANTED Big carnival Co. and con oesslons of all kinds for G. A. R. reunion at Franklin, Neb., Aug. 12th to 17th, Ad. dress Geo. E Hall, Sec'y, Franklin, Neb SWIMMING Metropolitan Bldg. closed In order to recoat the pool. All classes will continue as usual, beginning July 1& Running water constantly. A mammoth filter has been - installed. Instruction during morning hours of week. Arrange ments may be made tor private parties Tues. and Thurs. eve. Pool open to men and women who are members, wed. and im. eve, . Business women s class, Tues. ana Thurs. eve.. 7:30. Pool open tor men alter a p. m. on Hat urdays. AUTOMOBILES fPTTJC PCDA TT?TmDon't throw AJj-fcfXii xj.Avaway your oM tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed, Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. Beacom Moved ?L st- A J IVI AVOU. Blow Outs 25c FOR SALE "Welch" ' 60-horsepower 7-i)assenger touring car with the follow intf amiinment: Mohair top. windshield, anMdometer. demountable rims. Klaxon horn and Presto-O-Lite Unk, The car is in first-class condition and a bar gain. First cash offer of 21.2M takes it Address, Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs. Ia. "P1BR KXPENSES cut in two. r.nert tire repairing; work guaranteed. aittO-TIRE REPAIR CO., W2 Farnam, DRUMMOND 2 White Steam cars, late models, fine condition. 2600 and xww. - rr- lit WDL.E wasning. wi o " -"-? Vc 1 T Tx repairing Murphy Did It ; In emergencies Desmond's minds works at a high rate of speed. Many a villain would have seen ao hope of assistance from two Ignorant Eskimos, but not so with Desmond. He remembers the pack of half-tamed dogs outside, and he sees at once that the Eskimos Inside may be able to foil Claude through the dogs. So he Induces the men to yell at the top of their voices, and strange commands to the dogs presently fill the air In gut tural tones. " O'DONOVAN at PEASE, garage, re pairing, livery and storage. 731-735 N, 24th, South . Omaha. Phone South 169. A TTTfl Repairing and Cleaning. Work UiV nrntrf K Hinuv TV709fi. HIGH grade auto (cost 24,700) in first class stupe; haa never been abusen. win sell lor cash or trade for larm. real estate, mortgaga or good city lota, ad dress J 415. Bee. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES FOUR 2-passenger automobiles for sale cheap. Rushing Bros., South Omaha. ONE Marlon 1811 6-bassencer 45-horse- power touring car, fully equipped, self- starter, speedometer, wind shield, etc.; recently repainted and overhauled; orig inal cost, 21.80O; our price, 2900. I One 2-oyllnder Maxwell runabout, ex cellent condition; original cost, 2000; our price, 222a. E. B. WIUSON AUTO UO., 2010-14 Harney 6t Douglas 2561 WB would suggest If you are looking for a good second-hand car proposition that you talk with us. INTERSTATE AUTOMOBUdU UU., 210 a 18th St, Omaha. ONE used Baker Electric, Victoria style, price, 2400. When provided with new batteries will give good service. Tel. Douglas 614 or call at 712 Om. Nat ban. Motorcycles. WRITE for list of used motorcycles. We carry a full Una of Thor and Excelsior parts. Any make or motorcycle repaueu PUSJBKAS&a e x cjuuj uu.. umana. BUSINESS CHANCES TO set in or out of business call on OANOiTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. JU. Mil. BUTCHER'S ice box and patent oil tank for sale. See Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. Douglas 2724. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A . BUSINEaa LOCATION? Ralston is Omaha's manufacturing sub urb, connected with Omaha and South Omaha by electric car line and macadam roaa. -' Ralston ia on the Burlington and Mis souri recuio railroads. n&iston naa three going manufacturing plants and two other large factories are in course of construction. The live fac tories will furnish employment for a town oi 1.WU people. Kaiston nas a two-story pressed brick school building, a number of store rooms and a country club of nearly 2U0 members, wno nave just completed a ciuo home. RALSTON offers an especially good opening lor a Bank. Newspaper, Bakery, urug store and Physician, Boarding House. .Restaurant jrurniture and tiara ware store. Blacksmith Shop, carpenter nnop, juievator ana a flour mui. run information for the asking. RALSTON TOWNS1TE COMPANY, 302 a 17th St 'Phones 8867. FOR SALE Grocery stock and butcher business combined, in town or five bun dled. Address X 76, Bee. MILLINERY stock for sale. In good, live Nebraska town. Big discount It sold soon. Address Z 7, care Omaha Bee. Ed Kothery. Business and Real Estate juxonange wo., xtoom us anocague Biag. FOR SALE Furniture and undertak Ing stock, about 23.0U0. in town of 3.ouo. county-seat, Nebraska, or will trade tor Income property. Address Y 80, care of Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Little restaurant fine lo cation, good reason tor selling. Tel. web, 8770. --." ,., . ; FOR SALE My half Interest in steam laundry in Illinois city of 30,000 popula tion; one other laundry; now running to 2400 weekly; machinery first class shape; good reasons for selling; good op portunity for live man. Laundry experi ence not essential. Address H. Weber, 2466 a 20th St. Omaha. WANT party with a few hundred dol lars to invest with services as manager: will pay good waksea to right party. Call for A. Mann, Loyal Hotel. . FOR SALE Cigar, confectionery, del icatessen and ice cream parlor. 208 W Broadway, Council Bluffs. , Price 2660; part time. INVESTIGATE THIS An Omaha manufacturing enterprise, with a good reputation and a trade well estabiisbed. naa opportunity oi increae Ing Its trade, but requires additional op erating capital. Tnis is a clean Business proposition and one which merits confi' denoe. It will pay any one who wishes to make a sate and profitable in. vestment in a home enterprise to In investigate. No time will be wasted with triflers or curiosity seeking people. but anyone genuinely Interested will gladly be given full information and every opportunity to satisfy tnemseives oy ao dressing, a iia. Bee. HARDWARE stock for sale in southern Idaho town of 6,000: invoice about Sj,uu0: all new stock and fixtures: lack of capi tal reason for selling. Address x is. Bee. ONE of the finest grocery and meat businesses in the city; best location, best established; owner leaving city; health. J. L Kemp, 2612 Leavenworth, Doug. 088. Ind. A-19S8. GOOD paying restaurant the only one in town; also 10 rooms in conectlon, all furnished; 2900 cash takes it a sold oe fore July 16. jonnson Restaurant, nen son. Phone Bensen 326 J. , , , Rooming Houaea for Sale. ONE of the largest bargains ever of fered; 20-room house, good money maker, must be cold at once regaruiess or price make offer quick. Tel. Tyler 1546. 2-ROOM modern house, full of roomers, til S. 25th Ave. - 614 N. 17TH Nine rooms, furnished complete; 2126; a snap if taken at once. FURNITURE. 8 rooms full, best bar gain in city. 16U cass st , BUSINESS PERSONALS Bajg Maaafactarera. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb, ' Chiropodists. DR. ROT, 1508 Farnam. Douglas 8487. . . ...Ootfelac ICammfacttuera. Wear Ideal dre shirts. M. E. Smith Co. IV.-USEFUL ALLIES. V. Cornice aad Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Deteotivea. JAMES ALLEN 212 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. W Paxton Blk. D. 1319. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 29. Mrs. Hogden, 1202 N. 27th. Phone S. 2065. SPECIALTY One Piece dresses and children s clothing. 839 a 24th. Red 6347. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th A Far. Drafting, Jacob! & Wilson, 781 Bran. The. D. 2047. Dentists. Bailey, the dentist City Nat'l, D. 2366. Mach & Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1085. Tatt's dental rooms. 1517. Doug. D. 2186. Everything tor Women. ;' . Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4529 lumea Bepaired J?S: Everything Electrical. . Electrio lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co., 1611 Howard. D. 681. . . Feed Mills and Stores. - Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, 2332 Izard. Florists. . A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-lOOt HESa & 6WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St L, HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. ... i . . Foundries, McDonald brass and bronie foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Moving, Storage and CleaninaV GORDON Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co.-Movlng furniture, packing, fire proof storage. City office. 2l s. ivtn. Douglas 394 or Ind. A-1314. ' Furn. Moving; 2 men, 21 per hr. W. 2748. MoLaud & Son Van& Stor. 2 horse Van, men. 21.25 hr. 2 horses, $1 hr. D. 43SS. Webster 643. ' PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex- nress. 1616 capitoi Ave. u. oiu. -ji. Music, Art and Langaagea. ALVIN POOLE, violin lessonB, 2219 Cap. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN, 119 N. 16th. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeis, Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Katheryn Nlckolas, 634-6 Brandeis The, Photographers. Rlrlehart, photographer, 18th & Farnam. Patents. tt A STTTRATS reentered attorney, TTnlted States and foreign patents. o Brandeis Theater Bldg.. pnone u. w- Wlllard Eddy, 1530 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. Printing. Lew W. Eaber, Printer, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16tb and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-2620 for good printing. Rels-HaU Ptg. Co., 103 S. 14th. Ind. A-3624. Steel Tank and Calvert Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com. pany, 14 tn and jMicnoias. uoug. aaw. stenographers and Court Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelly. 748 Bran. The. P. 5682. Store and Offlee Fixtures, WE BUT and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Future ana supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th, near Howard. P. ZT24. Tents and Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 822. Trunks and Suit Cases. Frellng A Stelnle. 1802 Farnam St Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 601-3 S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large bot tie. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR : Cnmnlete courses In Business.'- Book. kaeriinc. Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the . asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boyles College, Omaha. NeorasKa. LIVE STOCK FOR. SALE . Horses and Vehicles. Buggies, surrles and runabouts at less than wnoiesaie price to ciose out JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., , 10th and Jones Sts. - T? WT? 'S Barn. Horses and farm j.irs.u mares for sale; draft and wagon horses to let by the day. 2531 Sherman Ave. fhone Webster 1135. Snaps in Buggies 2 delivery wagons and several choi tiggy. and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sta. THEIR MASTER'S VOICE. Claude, having safely put Desmond Into the ice house, is congratulating himself on being well rid of a villain. Rosamond ' Is also congratulating her hero, when suddenly they hear weird sounds from the ice house. Other voices than Desmond's are yelling In some foreign language. In a moment Claude realises that the dogs are being ordered to attack 'Rosamond and himself, and further that the dogs" recognise the voice of a master, and will tear to piecea any person In the way. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. CaU Doug iaa 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Sunday evening at Lake Man- awa, wallet containing one $20 bill, about lis in i ana w ouis; nun ting license; valuable papers. Finder please return to J. H. Dorshe, Faultless Cleaning Works, lit a 16th St. Omaha. Liberal reward. - LOST A Panama hat between town and Miller park on boulevard Sunday evening. Call web. ssoi and receive re ward. MEDICAL Dr. Babcock. specialist; both sexes; 2vi Wlthneli Bldg., 15th end Harney Sts. SPECIALIST tor WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Fistula tured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles. ' Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid 'until cured. Write for oook on rectsl diseases wtth testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Race, specialist. 2323 Harney. D 2943. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. SOY JEE HONG HERB 00. Chinese herbs and herbal remedies for all troubles of the human system: cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, dropsy and female trouble. Tel. Doug, mui, or call at 202 No. 18th St MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. NOTICE " Anyone wishing a square deal on salary or household loans see me. C. B. Fahringer, 1602 FARNAM STREET. Room 216. " " Tela.' Doug. 2295. Ind. A-107t NOTICE Loans negotiated on real estate.- furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc Very low rates and confidential. We will appre ciate your call. BIGGEST, BEST AND CHE Afiio 1. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 208 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St Telephone Doug. 1411 or tad. A-111L Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1356. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE and others on their own name; cheap rates, easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 503 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. 15 10 il(K). SALARY UJAISB. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 6 per cent FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St Tel. Red 5619. , WANTED MONEY Your Money WILL BRING YOU A GOOD INCOME If you loan It through W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., . No. 1320 Farnam St, On IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY RATES RIGHT. SECURITY THE BEST. OFFERED FOR RENT ' Board and Rooms. . O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-261L Furnished Rooms, R A fin A iTfi! messenger service and .vi v.v, light hauling; - prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto. Del. Mes. Co., 1715 Douglas St Tela. D. 246; A-S496. The "Lockjaw" remedy exterminates bedbugs, their eggs, and other vermin. Call St. Louis Chemical Co., distributers. ikmj arnam Bt, 2nd. floor. LARGE south room, with aicove. lava. tory and phone; board If desired, 2202 Howard Bt 411 NORTH 12th. a cool, large room with two beds; 4 gentlemen, 25. MODERN front room with alcove. S. 28th. . ,N 13t DESIRABLE room; shady, cool and pleasant 2204 Webster. SINGLE port room, modern. 2010 Daven- Furnished Housekeeping Roojna, 8 NICE rooms, housekeeping. . 1U2 S. Uth. THE MANUEL Two room apartment S22. The Howard. 2-room, private bath, 13a. 21st and Howard. 2 OR 3 nicely furnished front rooms, main floor, complete, housekeeping. 2018 Davenport 8t TWO rooms. nicely furnished 2018 Davenport housekeeping Hotels and Apartments. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. DODGE HOTEL, ait requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasoname prices. Apartments aud Flats. 4-ROOM modern apartment Web. 6975. FOR RENT S-room flat. 2304 Douglas St Apply. W. N. Chambers, 228 Brandies theater. - -ROOM modern flat, Scargo Bldg., S16tt N. 24th St, S. Omaha. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7408. A-4408. vein KT.NT-N 4 and 5-room modern apartments. Just completed, corner 41d and Hamilton Sts.; rent 217 to 222 per month. JACKSON c M'KENZIE. 401 Bee Bldg. ' - ' STRICTLY high grade 5-room apart ment on West Farnam St Very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST, FOR RENT Eight-room flat; 250.00 per month; 2304 Douglas. Appiy to w. w. Chambers. 222 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone D. 24. - VI. PURSUED. "Ay ban the boy!" cries Desperate Des mond, "and ay skol make you my wife. The villain has succeeded in capturing Rosamond, while Claude beats it for his' life from the pack of half-erased Eskimo dogs, which are urged on by their native masters. It is no disgrace for our hero to take to his heels In the face of such a danger. He will shake off the nogs and return to aid his girl. Tomorrow" we . shall see what success attends hfm. 10-room modern flat. 24th and HamU i ton. in perfect condition, to good party. 835 5-room modern flat 1320 N. 24th. 116.50. Keys at drug store below. 4-Boom modern apartment, steam heat and Janitor service, gas range in kitchen,. 218. Two or more rooms corner 17th. and Cuming. Inquire Janitor, room 21. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague. Doug. 1300 . - 6-ROOM flat: modern; water paid. 112a North 20th. Webster 2667. Unfurnished Rooms. Two large light housekeeping rooms' with bath; shade trees all around, 28 per month. H. 3662. 977 N. 27th Ave. TWO modern rooms for housekeeplngf private family; walking distance. 1137 N. 18th. Furnished Houses. . j Six-room furnished, modern flat D. 8992. ' 1617 CAPITOL AVE.-For sale, nicely; furnished 6-roora flat modern. . Chean ! rent; very cheap it sold soon. Call any time. FURNISHED, strictly modern. UD-to- date 5-room cottage. Close In, near cat line; rent reasonable. Owner leaving city. Address D 420, Bee. Kftftt fnl r.nt fA1 .ABIA. tCft. fin. AnAl place; nice bathing beach; good fishing; Tl a, T.1-. T 1 1 ...... -a ri A FINE furnished cottage, large Porch: 1 electric lights; gasoline launch for rent: a fine, cool place and good fishing. Write ; LiOck tsox, 441, Lrfndstrom, Minn. 1 Hon sea auu Cottages. j 29 003 large room apartment, cart mod ern, 1915 Elm St Key next door. MAGGARD VAN AND 8TORAOE CO.. pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. Jolo HALL AVE.. S35.00. 7 rooms, mod ern. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. Both phones 672 S. 2i.n St ' 8 rooms, completely modern: 232. SO. HalL 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-4406. . -X; MOVING. bacldnK and storlnr of houta. hold goodj and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.,' fireproof storage, i06 S. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch 200 S. 17th St Tel. li. 4163; A-1559. ' . ' .' ' 8-ROOMS. new. 2216 Oxden. block from Fort, block from Boulevard. FOR RENT 7-room modern house July L 3346 Herney St. Tel. H 5309. - NO equal, all modern, seven , room house. 220 No. 23d. 7-ROOM modern house, 541 So. 27th, 229 per month. J. I. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth. Doug. 988. Ind. A-198S. 4 AND 6-ROOM houses. 807 North 12th. Douglas 2659. 222 No. 25th St., 8 rms. all mod.. .241.60 1128 So. 36th St., 7 rms. all mod.,... 80.00. 2861 Bristol, 7 rms. mod. ex. heat.... 25.04 2403 No. 20th 2 rms. aU mod.... 27.69 2527 Davenport St, 7 rms. all mod. .27.60 2512 No. 16th St. 5 rms. all mod... ... 27.6 1201 No. 34th 5 rms. all mod 215ft 2417 Ersklne, 7 rms. mod ex. heat.... 20.00 2618 Emmett, 7 rms. mod. ex. heat.. 17.59 1534 No. 20th, 5 rms. mod. ex. heat.. 17.64 2108 Elm, 4 rms. city water.......... (.(Ml 25la Arbor, t rms. well water... - f.0B McCague Investment Company 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 416. FOR RENT 7-room, nearly new, modl ern nome; vsa uaioweu; Kb. THOMAS W. HA&EN, ' 207 McCague. Douglas 1300. ' NICE four-room on front 1724 So. 12t St., 210. FOR boarding house, west of hiah school, large, modern double house; 14 rooms, x oatns; rent only too. M CAliUJfi uu. EIGHT room, modern except beati clean. 4110 amuiiua. oi. 1 A.. O. II.. 1 C 1 I House, 1306 North 25th. street; 5 rooms. moaern, sii.ou. ... SIX-ROOM all modern house. 227.50. in cluding water. 2830 Capitol Ave. Inquire lie A k auur vcuiu . . n . .... - A real home, pretty lawn, electric llsht every mod. convenience, 8 r., 246. W. 2590. Hrno m il parts of the city.' liuusea crelgn Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. 8-room modern, large yard with shade trees, zeu fierce St., z. 8-room, Data and gas, 5321 N. 25th Ave., 2U. 3-room fiat, 2132 N. 28th St, 210.50.' O. C. OLSON. D. 1053. Room 106 McCague Bldg. 1321 S. 28th St., 6-r., all modern 225.011 2556 Pierce St., 5-r., new bungalow.. 27.501 14 iu e. istn Bt, t-r.. nice 12.00 1544 N. 16th St., 6-r., all modern 15.00, RASP BROS., 106 McCAGUB BLDG. HOUSEHOLD UUODS packed and for-. warded: cheap freight rates: moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 294 or A-1314. City,; otrice. 216 3. 7th St.. Bee Bldg. . 4-ROOM modern cottage; newly papered.! and painted. Located at 612 So. 12th. call at 614 So. 18th. , WEST FARNAM New brick. 6 bed- rooms and 2 baths. 215 N. 28th Ave. Stores aud Offices. j Store. 220 8. 12th St. 20x45. Tel. D. 6220,1 1606-07 Davenport U. B. Balcombe. M'CAGUE BUILDING, 16TH AND) I DODGE. Attractive office; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AN IX BUILDING ASSOCUTION. I FOR RENT Four new modern storel rooms, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts; good location for any kind of retail business; modern apartments above. JACKSON dtl M'KENZIE 401 Bee Bldg. j BRICK store room and high basement! now occupied by N. P. Swanson, vacant August u comer iitn ano uuming. Brick store room, 22x60, 2556 Cuming, all! or naii, s.-v, or iu ior nait , l Brick store room, 1320 N. 24th, vacant AUgUSl 1. - THOS. W. HAZEN. , 207 McCague. Douglas 1309. ONLY 235Nlce room, 12x14 for confeoJ tlonery or other business, heated, water free, splendid location, 3255 Arbor. D. JJ Hughes. 2604 South 32d Ave. Harney 4625., FOR RENT Barn, suitable for a car penter shop. 514 S. 20th. I 1825-27 Farnam St, Corner. Douglas 15SV Key to the Situation Be Advertising, "j )