Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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And, Besides,
flibniason Goeito First on Bobble
' and Johnson's Double Scores Him.
Doable Play in'Mnth Kip' Itaeoln'
Batting; Rally-Cobb Strikes ;
. . ' -i. . - '
t Oat, Bern4 Bad-,; O
f hw ' : r; f.
An error by fcerghammftjV Lincoln'!
ihorutop. In the fifth inning gave Omaha
an opportunity' to win the third fame of
the- erlea And 'PaCs athlete took ad
vantage of that and pushed the runner
across the plate for the winning run.
Score, Omaha, S; Lincoln, 1
Until the fifth Inning it wit a game
of give and, take, with Lincoln In the
lead and thftn th Rorkei. In the fifth
Lincoln tied Omaha'a four runt, but the
Rourkes got the, lead In their half of
the inning and the 81 1 Creekert failed
to overtake them. ;
After two had gone 'Out In the fifth,
Thomaion bent in asy one to Bergham
mer. The little Antelope picked the
ball up, Juggled It awhile and then heaved
It to flrot, but not until after Thomaaon
had touched the tack. Johnson then
broke up the game with a stinging
double to left field, while Tommy ambled
across the platter. 1
It was- sure an Interesting game and
the fans were, kept at a high pitch of
excitement all the time. Two or three
timet after the fifth Inning Lincoln
could have won with a timely clout, but
at these critical stages Hall was In
vincible.' -;:-,:: .... ,: ..
A ripping double play In the seventh
and another In the ninth kept the 'lope
from being dangerous, tn the seventh
Bergbammer reached first on Justice's
error, but Lloyd batted the ball, to
Schlpki." who got Bergie at second and
caught, Lloyd at first. ' y ,
in th ninth a batting rally was nlppad
In the bud. With one down Berghammer
singled to left. Lloyd beat out a bunt
and with Cobb up it looked like eatra
Innings, but the Georgia peach struck out
and Bergbammer was caught pilfering
third. .,
In, the third Inning Justice caught the
ball., squarely and with a mighty swing
hot it; down, to, Barbour. It took a bad
bound juet as it reached the third seeker
and 'struck him on the head, putting him
out for a few-minutes, but he refused to
leave the game after being hit.
Kail wax put out of the game in the
ninth when Berghammer hit the ball
with terrific force at the Raurk pitcher,
the jbail striking ' his wrist, and injuring
H 4 thai-he was forced to' leave. It" Is
ntlhing SerloU,' however, And the jg
lWlojsr ,1U,e bl , to, work alnst Jh
to hlt uhe , ball. Monday," when hits wre
needed. In four times up he clouted but
a "triple, ' a Vubie And two ' singles; And
twice his hits brought In runs. '
. Hickory Johnson found his batting eye
again and found th eball safely three
times In four times at bat, Including a
double. 'Nlehoff put the Rourkes In the
lead in th'efourth wtl ha elout over the
center field fence. A few inches to the
right and the ball would aav hit th
"bull" In the head.
Lincoln drew first lod. McCormick
opene the second wtlh a double to left
and scored on a single by Cole.
In Omaha's half, with two down "Skip
per" Schlpke tripled to center and scored
when Mullen dropped Nieboffs pop-up.
Nlehoff stole second and raeed hrom on
Davidson's single te left-
The Salt Creekers took the lead In the
third.; Berghammer singled to left and
went 'to third on Cobb's single to right.
Berghammer scored on MeCormlck's
clout to. center. Cobb scored on Cole's,
single. r . . !
Justioet opened the third, for th
Rourkes with a double. Thomeson tent
him across the pan with a single to left.
The Rourkes took the lead In the fourth
on Nlehoff s homer.' Lincoln tied It in the
fifth. Lloyd singled and. scored, on Me
Cormlck's triple.'.?'';' i 'V
In the fifth Thomason got to first on
Berghammer' error and brought In the
winning run on Johnson's double.
'V ' OMAHA," -
V , AB. R. H. O.
Justice, a. .......
Coyle.1 rf
Thomtson, If
1 1
Johnson, c...
Bcanlon, lb...
bchlpke, 2b....
Nlehoff, Sb....
Davidson, cf..
.. e
A (
He".' p.
0. 0.
I Totals
t ' AB. R.
H. O.
Berahammer, s I
1 1
Lloyd, 2b I
Cobb., rf..- I
McCormick," If. .... 4
Cole, cf...i. .......... 4
Barbour, 3b. 1.
Mullen, lb........... S
- A
t'arney, e..:... . A
Bmith, p. ........ 1
. 1
- TotaU w;...,..S7 4 U 24 i 7 ; I
Batted for Smith' in ninth-inning.
OmaUa- -" ' '' " ' , '
Runs ...... .......0 1111000 6
Hit; .,......,,...1 .3 1 1 I t I -U
Lincoln n , : ; '
Runs ,;.....'.... 11016006-4
H1U ..... ...0 40143 0' 2-U
Two-base hits: Justice (2), Johnson,
McCormick I Three-base hits: - Schipke,
$30,000 is 600,000 Nickels
.. .. - - : ; . '
-- A
McCormick. Home run: Nlehoff. Wild
pitch: Hall. Double plays: Schlpke to
Justice to Scanlon; Robinson to Johnson
to Nlehoff; Mullen (unassisted). Bases on
balls: Off Hall, 1; off Smith, 1. Struck
out: By Hall, 7; by Robinson, 1; by
Smith, 7. Hits. Off Hall, 11 In eight and
one-third Inntnge; off Robinson, 1 in
two-thirds inning. Stolen bsses: Nlehoff,
Thomason, Cole. Sacrifice "hits: Nlehoff,
Coyle, Mullen. Left on bases: Omaha, 7;
Lincoln, A. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Johnson.
Rom Ran ar BeaU ia Stat1 Featare)
of tha Game. . ,,
DT8 MOINES, la., July I.Denver hit
when hits meant runs and won from
Pes Moines today 4 to t Bead's home
run was a fature. Score:
r ' DES MOINES. ; " ' '
' AB. R. "ft. 6,
A. E.
Hahn, rf. .,
Colllgan, lb
Kores, ss .
Belden, If. .
Claire, Sb. ,
Cu'tlt, cf. ,
Thomas, lb.
Hanson, t.
Rogge, p.
.... ITT J IT 14 ' . I
i: DENVER. '', V-
v AB. R. H. 6. A. E.
Kenworthy, If. I , A "10 0
Cassldy. rf 4 I ; I 0
Beall, cf. t 1 1 i 0
Qulllen. 3b 4 0 0 1 0 1
Coffee, ss. 4 I IS til
rreneh, lb. .......... 1 0 111 0
Lindsay, -b. I 0 . 1 10 0
Block, e. 4 0 0 1 0 0
Harris, p. 1 0 0,;O t "'. 0
Schrelber, p. , 1 0 0 0 t 0
Totals S 4 1 17 '' 1
Det Molnet 0110 0000 0-1
Denver 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-4
t vl,qo8o....4.: ..b.. .0. ...(... ..Den oor
Two-base hits: Claire, .().. Home run:
Beall. Sacrifice hits: . Claire, Bealt,
Lindsay. First bate on balls: Off Rogge,
1; off Harris, 1. Struck out: By Rogge,
S; by Schreiber,-!.--Hltsr Off Harris, 7
in four innings; off Schrelber, 1 In fir
innings. Left on bases: Des Moines,
10; Denver, 1 Umpire, Haskell..; Time:
1:80. - : ; ' '.: ,
It. Joseph Pitcher Strikes Oat
Twelve Hen as They Cam Vf. .
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July .i-Crutoher
struck out twelve - batsmen and " held
Wichita runless; while the locals batted
three pitchers hard and ran the bases at
will, winning, II to A Score:
AB. R. H. O: A; E.
Kelly, th... , 4 11 1 10
rowan, ii e - I - - I
0 0
wstson. rr. .......... 4 1
Zwiliing, cf...ur.,.. I ' 1
Borton, lb....... 1
Rellly. ib. ............. 4 1
1 0
3 0
Melnke, n, J '1
a -
Uossett, e 4 0 1 U, t 0
Orlffith. c 1 1 1 ., 0 f-'O . 0
Crutcher, p I !' 1; 1 o
Totals ...
......18 11 14 17 14 1
WICHITA, ' ' '.-:'.
AB. R. H. a , A. E.
m 2 I -.;U. ' '' 0
J 0 l I' 2 O 0
0 0 0 0 1
i 0 0 4 1 0
Craig. If
Middieton, cf.
uavit, r(
Hushes, lb....
Callahan, lb..
0 1
lv 1
1 1
1 - 4
4- A
Price, lb 4 0 L ' 7
Emorv. lb,
Mee, Sb S A
uiemmons. c 1 o. . o e 2
Jackson, p .1:0 o- 0 1
ferry, p.. o o o o a
Fabrlel. o 1
Petttgrew I
o of:.o..;..o-.
Totala .28 0 -r- It 4
Batted for Jackson in the fifth:, '.!,:
' 'Kelly out. hit by batted ball. V
St Joseph...... ...0 11 l 10 7 r-l
Wichita .......0 0 A 0 A $. 0 0-A
Two-base hits: ZwilUpg,. ReWy. Middle-
ton. Sacrifice ? hit: ,' Powell. .-Borton,
Rellly, Meinke Ml), 'Crutches T Stolen
basts: Kelly, Watson., Borton, Rellly,
Melnke. Lett on bases: - Wichita. 1: St.
Joseph, 10. Struck out: By Crutcher, 11;
oy jacason, i; by rerry. i. sasee on
balls: Oft Crutcher, 4; Off Jackson, 2:
off Perry. 1; off Fabrlel. 1 Hits: Off
Jackson, 4 In five Innings; off Perry,!
in six innings. Hit by pitched bail: By
crutc&er. Emeory. Davis, wua niton:
Fabrlel. Double blays: Oossett to
Melnke; Kelly to Meinke to Borton t
crutcher to Kelly to Borton. Time:
umpires; riynn ana Knapp. . v-
Ctty OatpUys Topeka and
Wlsi, ritteea to Six.
Walnright and Fran for 21 hits, Sioux
City distanced Topeka by the score ot
w to a soore:
AB. R. H
.0. A,
Clarke, cf. 6 2 1
1 0
Smith,, ss. ......... 4
Myers, u.
Tennant lb. ...... A
Breen. rf. 1
. 1.,
Andreas? lb. ........ I
Keniy, so. s
Orendorff, c B
Brown, p.
White, p.
Totals f.i.
......40 u H 14 1
TOPEKA.. ' . , :
Lee. If ....I
...... 4 tf i o . Jri
Walsh. 2b..
3 I S 3
1 10 0
King. ci....
Gardner, lb
4. JO - 0
0 1 1
Rickart. rf .'. S
Ryan. Sb.
3 7 4
Patterson, as...
Schmidt, e
Wainwrlcht. P.
.. i
Frana, p
Totals .... ..1 13 34 It . 3
Bloux aty.........3 Oil A 1 A7 -15
Topeka 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0-A
Two-base hits. Breen. eRllly. Clarke.
9.,...n. vu n.... vi ..... Tt.....
base bit: Andreas,- white. Sacrifice
hits: Myers (2), Patterson. Stolen bases:
Smith (i), Myers (2). Tennant (2), Clarke.
Double plays: Andreas (unassisted),
wainwngnt to uaraner. itt on bases:
fllmi Ci A Tunaln A ITU. nHUMta.
12 In seven and one-hslf innings: off
White, 1 In one and one-half Innings: off
Walnwrlght, 7 In Tour and one-half In
nings; off Frana, 14 In four and on-half
innings. Bases on balls; Off Brown, 5;
off White. 1; off Walnwrlght, : .off
rrans, e. Dtruca out: ay Brown, s; y
Passed ball: Orendorff. Umpires: Myers
ana jusseae.
v C .' - -M-l't:':V;iVERY PLEASANT
V r 3?VV VitvsY Thanks fill
Standing of Teams
fit. Joseph. .44 82 .6821 New York. .57 14 .802
8oux aty..45 14 .670) Chicago ....42 ST .809
Omaha ..,..41 88 ,ti Pittsburgh .42 29 .692
Denver ....89 S3 J04 Cincinnati .39 86 .627
Wichita ...40 41.. 4941 Phila 31 87 .456
pes Molnes.27 49 .4811 Brooklyn ..27 44 .280
Lincoln ..,.13 42 .4341 St Louis.. ..29 49 .872
....31 a .08 Boston ..,.,.22 64 .290
Columbus ..68 80 .659
Toledo 62 82 .624
Mlnneap's :..&2 38 .616
Kan City..41 44 . 482
Milwaukee .39 49 .443
St. Paul ....37 61 .420
Louisville ..81 60 .383
..68 24 .688
..48 82 .btH
Cleveland ..40 36 .6261
Detroit ....38 89 , 494
New York.. 18 61 .271
St. LOIUS...1S 68 .264 Ind'nls
.32 64 .373
Lincoln, 4; Omaha, 6.
Topeka, 3; Sioux- City; 16.
Denver, 4; Des Moines, 1.
Brooklyn. 0; ClndnnAUi L ' :;'?-.'
Boston. 0-7; St Louis, 8-8.
New York, 6; Chicago, 1.
Philadelphia. 0! Pittsburgh. 1.. '
aeveland, 1-4; Washington, 2-3.
St. Louis, 3; Boston, 3,
Detroit, At 4r York,-2r " -Chicago,
1; Philadelphia, 8.
Louisville, 0; Milwaukee, 6.
Indianapolis. 7: Kantas oty, t. "
Columbus, A; Minneapolis, 1.
Toledo, a; St. fsui, 7, .
: Gansea Today.
Western LeacuLincoin et nmihi.
Topeka at Sioux 'City. Denver at Des
Moines, Wichita at St. Joseph.
National LeagueBrooklyn at Cincin
nati. Boston at 6t. Louis, New York at
Chicago, Philadelphia' at Pittsburgh.
American league Cleveland at Wash
ington, tit. Louis at Boston, Detroit at
New York. Chicago at Philadelphia.
American Association Louisville at Mil"
waukee. Indianapolis at Kansas City.
.Columbus at Minneapolis, Toledo at ttt.
Paul. .
Nebraska State Learue Columhui .t
at Sunerlor. .Fremont at JCeo.rnav. ' .
-Mink League Beatrice at AubUrjvFall
wr at Mjaweuut, epraaka ut; at Bum-.
FaUsCiW, Takes
Terrible Eevenge
.KEARNEY. Nebi uly A(8peclal Tel
egram.) At th beginning et the second
halt ot tha third Inning with the score
ftandlng 4 to I In favor ot Fremont, the
benching of First baseman Henry by
Umpire Knowlton precipitated a row dur
ing which Pitcher Rouse wa fined 35
and Manager Bennett 810 and ordered to
leave the ground which he refused to
do. At tha expiration of the allotted
tlfne th game waa forfeited to Kearney
by tha score ot I to 0.
HIAWATHA, , Kan., July 9.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Falls City took terrible ven
geanoe on Hiawatha. Davidson looked
good tor five innings, when me Colts got
his goat They did not' quit until he
putted In his born. A double-header Is
scheduled for tomorrow, but Hiawatha Is
full ot sorrowful anticipation. Score:
" R H E
Falls Cltr ...0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 1-7 14 '
Hiawatha ....0 0 0 0 A 0 0 ,0 0-0 S A
Batteries: Walters and Shestak: Da v.
klton and Maxey. -" "
NEBRA8KA CITY. July.,' 9.-8peclal
Telegram.) Nebraska City lost the sixth
game to .Humboldt. .Shore: R.H.B.
Neb. City ....0 0 0 1 0 1 10-1 A 2
Humboldt ....0 0 0 8 0-0. A 0 - 10 0
Batteries: Corcoran and Ooldwait: Jar-
rotKanA..Diet. , , ,r
AUBURN, Neb., July .-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Auburn wpji from the Whlaaera
In a close and Interesting game. . Score:
.'' ,;' : ' ' R.H.E.
Auburn .?.... 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 A 1 04 6 2
Beatrice . ....0 0 4 A 01 A 0 0-1 4,1
Batteries:. Zonderman and Musser; Cul
ver, Huston and Poteet. Umpire: Verne.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., July A. At the
Grand Circuit races run here today. In
th 8.-07 pace. Sunny Jim was first; Eddie
Dillard. , second; Braden Direct third;
Sarah Ann Patch, fourth. Best time,
8:0ttfc. ' , -5.
Trotting, 3:10 class: Blerne Holt, first;
econd, third and fourth money divided
Dlctotar Todd, Arnoa MeKlnney and
Marie McKorren. Best time: 1:1H4- -
A sprained ankle may as a rule be
cured In from three to four day by ap
plying Chamberlain' Liniment and ob
serving' the directions with each bottle.
For sal by all dealer.
Copyright, 1912. NaUonal News
Pitchers Mathewson and Brown Are
Pitted Against Each' Other
Erf or of the Home Team Are
Costly, Making; th Contest m
Ragged One Through
CHICAGO. July 9.-New York defeated
Chicago In the second game of the series,
6 to 2. Mathewson and Brown opposed
each other In what developed Into a
ragged contest, the former being forced
to use his cunning in the pinches. None
of the visitors' errors proved costly,
wnne an those of the locals figured in
the scoring. Score:
SuodtHw, III I 1 1 ( AB.H.O.AB.
BKktr, of... 4 t 6 Olheclurd, it. i t I 0 6
Mrkle, lb.. 4 0 6 2 OSckulu, rf... 1 1 l 1
Murrtjr, rf.. 4 2 t OTlnktr, ... 6 I 4 0
Henof. lb... 4 111 lZlm'maa. b( t t 0 1
MflVAra. 'A 4 1 I A MjMh .f A 1 ..A- A
Flttcber, m.'4 1 t t -g Baler.' lb..,. 4 1 I Iff
Oreb, Jb i 1,1 1 lBvtrs, Jfc.... 4 1110
Mln, p4 i s 2 lArcber,' e.... 4 1 4 i 1
- " nrown,. p.... 1 1 v s 0
f0UUv.-T 1 87 It Dows ...... 1 I 1 II
' TOU1I.....M 117 12 1
Battsd for Brown in the ninth.
Chicago .....'..0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-2
New York 0 2 0 0 0,1 2 0 06
..Two-base hits: Saler, Murray, Schulta,
Evers, Oroh. Three-base hit: Fletche.
Home run: Herog. Sacrifice flj:
Tinker. Double play: Fletcher to Groh
tO Merkl. f.aft nn haa. Pkln... 1A,
New York, 5. Struck out: By Brown, 4;
by Mathewson. 4. Time: 1:48. Umpires:
Klem and Bush.
Pittsburgh Defeat Philadelphia.
PITTSBURPH. Julv Onlv Ana Phila.
delphla player reached third base today,
Pittsburgh Wlnnlnar. i tn 0 Prelrtnt
Lynch was a spectator. He left for Chl-
cno lomgnt. tscore:
' il.H.O 1 I. AR H.n 1 ft
Byrat, tb... lit opukert. of.. 4 1 1 0 0
Cr, U....4 4 1 eUbert. Ib... t X t t 0
saington, r! I 0 "0 4 0Mji(m, If... 4 till
Vlos, ..).. 1 1 0Crvth, rf .l 1 I 0 0
WtfMT, M.. t I 216 lLudwui, lb. 4 111 0
Mlllr, lb..,. I 111 OKuba. Ih... 4 1 1 I 0
Wilton, cf... till IDeolan, m...i 1414
M'Cnsy. lb I 11 1 eKimttr, ... 4 1 I I ft
Blraon, 0....I 1 4 1 IRixey, .... lilt
Toole, p. I lit 0R. Miller.. 1 MM
- StOBt p.... 4 I 1
. tl.-....l. I .lOool 1 I I I
Batted1 for Rlxey In the seventh.
Batted- for Beaton in the ninth.
Pittsburgh .0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -3
Philadelphia .......0,0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
TtVA.KeiaiA Vilfaa ' r tv a Olvaw fkr-aa.
atw ao,w lit k7 . - AMAVJ AIM
base hits: Carey, Viox, J. Miller. Double
play: Wagner to McCarthy to Miller;
Wagner to Byrne to MoCarthy to Wag
ner; Killtfer to Knabe: Knabe to Doolan
to Luderua Bases on balls: Off O' Toole.
2: Off Seaton. L Struck out: By O'Toole.
A. Left, on bases: Pittsburgh, 2; Phlla-
aeipnia, 8. f irst base on errors: roiia-
deiphia, I; Pittsburgh, 8. First base on
error: Philadelphia. 2. Time: 8:00. Um
pires; Eason and Emslle.
. All Pitchers Are Effective.
v CINCINNATI. July 8. - Bescher's
double and Marsan's tingle In th sixth
inning allowed Cincinnati to win from
Brooklyn. All the pitchers were fairly
effective. Score:
StMher, If.. 4 8 14 lOslr. tf 4 12 11
Mrwn, ef. 4 14 INerthu, ri. 4 111
Mobliu'l, lb-l 111 48mltb. lb... 41111
MltohtU. rf. I 1 II IDtubert, lb. I I 14 I I
PbtUs, lb... 4.1 I IWhwt. It.... 4 1 0 I
Esu, Ik.... 18 1 OHummtl, Ib. 4 1 111
Zmon4. u . I 14 1 OTcoltr, u. i ill!
McLu. e.. 1 4 1 OMIller. t...,l I.I 4 I
Cltrke. .... Ill Rukr, p. I I I I I
Suit: p..'.. I 111 0 Rtgon, p.... I I I I I
Humph' , p. 1 1 4 I lBrwtB ..... t I I I I
UMt .. I S .
ToUU It I 14 U 1
, ToUl...2 in t 0
'Ran for McLean in the eighth.
- 'Batted for Rucker tn the eighth.
Brooklyn , 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -l
Earned runs: Cincinnati, 1. Two-base
hits: Bescher, Wheat. Struck out: By
Humphries, 8; by Rucker, 2. Hits: Off
Suggs, none in two Innings; off Humph
ries, 8 in seven innings; off Rucker, 4 in
seven innings; oft Ragon, 1 in one in
ning. Time: 1:2L Umpires: Rigler and
Flnneran. .
. ST. LOUIS, July.A-St. Louis defeated
Boston in both games of the afternoon's
double-header. Harmon had the visitors
guessing in the first game, while the
locals hit- opportunely and won. Tee home
team won the second game in the
eleventh wit a double by tiresnahan and
a single by Bliss, Score, first game:
Butler. 14 4 INtlw. If..... I 111
Hl ehra'n, lb 4 1 4 1 IBtmU. If... I till
Flynn. rf.... III I Brady, lb... I 1 1 1 I
Bcffaaa, ef. 1 I t I IBrekl. Sb... 4 1 III
Attn?, lb... t 111 ICktpasa. m 1 I 1.1
BalMon. It.. I III 0 Burst. cl.... 111
Ooo4mn. lb 4 111 lrilck. if.... I I 1 I 1
Minhall. . 8 1 4 1 IDwTlek. lb.. 4 III!
Rttr, till ILmnl. e. I 1 1 j I
Jmk p..., 1 I I 1
..ToUl 11. I ITU I'Mlll 1 I I I I
Total 14 1M1I I
Batted for O'Rourke in the eighth.
Batted for Donnelly in the eighth.
Evans out hit by batted ball.
St. Louls...... A O 0 0 8 0 0 0 -3
Boston :..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-o
Two-base hit: Oskes.. Three-base hit:
Hauicr. Stolen base: Oakea. Double
play. O'Rourke to Sweeney to Devlin.
Rjlfl An Kail (ff, 1
mon, 8. Struck out: By Donnelly, 3; by
narmon. 1. Hits: orr Donnelly, 8 in
even innings; oir Jtsraay, z in one inning.
Time: 1:40... Umpires: ' Brennan and
Makes Strenuous Efforts to Win
from Grand Island.
la Sikth a Single by Palmer Fol
lowed by Three Sackera by Tw
Browns Com Near Telling
Different Story. '
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July .-(Special
Telegram.) Two scores in the third
and two in the fifth in which Rondeau
and Rushenberg figured with three bas
hits won- the game for Grand Island to.
day. In the sixth a single by Palmer
followed by thre sackera by the two
Browns came, near evening- up .things.
Columbus ....v..r.iVlOl00100 0-S S 8
Gland Island ; 00 8 0 8 0 0 0 -4 7 t
Batteries; Canine and Harrison; Manke
and Jokerst.
Struck out: By Canine, 8; by Manke, 1,
First on balls: Off Canine, 8; off Manke,
8. Two-base hits: E. Brown, Rondeau;
Three-base hits: B. Brown. B. Brown,
Rondeau, Rushenberg. Nmplre: Nugent.
HASTINGS, Neb., July 9.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Hastings climbed back Into sec
ond place today, defeating Seward In a
circus game embracing all style ot sen
sational play. Mead made two home runs
for Seward and an error let LaFlumbolse
score the third after he had singled.
Tacke batted In six funs for Hastings,
getting a home; a three-base hit and a
elngle. . Downey made another home run
with one ahead. Fulweider was pounded
tor three singles and a three-bagger In
the seventh and Zlnk finished the. game.
Watson and Smith of Hastings, Neff and
Fortman made lightning plays. Score:
' - R.H S
Hastings ....0 0 0 4 1 0 4 3 - is i
Seward ......0 1 0 001100-884
Batteries: Seward. Fulweider zihk and
Campbell; Hastings, ThrailKlll and Ba
chant .
Storbeclr is Put
Outby Stewart
NEW YORK, .yuiy9.-Frd Storbeck.
the South African heavyweight, went
down to defeat before: Jim Stewart of
Brooklyn at Madison Square Garden to
night The; bout waa. scheduled to go
ten rounds, but In the sixth round Etor-
beck's manager , threw up the sponge
to save his man from further punish
ment Storbeck had tha better of the
first round, but after that the fight
was Stewart's.
The Brooklyn man got to. Storbeck with
heart and stomach punches and swings
to the head, and fought his man to a
standstill. In the fifth round Storbeck
was knocked down three times.
The best bout of the night was between
Toung Jack O'Brien ot Philadelphia and
Young Brown of Naw York, which went
ten rounds.' It' was a hot fight all the
way. The consensus, of opinion was that
O'Brien won. : . " 1
WISNER, Neb... July 8.-Spcial.)-Be.
for a largo crowd here today Tilden and
Wisner battled eleven Innings to a tie.
The gamo -was called to allow Tilden to
catch a train.
' The features of the .me were the
error of Tilden. They madt seven. Score:
Tilden ....... 0 008600000 0-a
Wiener 0 0001 1. 40000-3
Batteries: Tilden, Wler and Cole; Wis
ner,. Walworth and McMullen. Hits:
Tilden, 8; Wisner, 1. Errors, Tilden.
T; 'Wisner, 8. Two-base hit: Cole.
Umpire: Ryon. "
' Rata Stops the ' Play. ' "
i LOUISVILLE. Ky., July .-rour
matches marked the tennis tournament
inaugurated today. John Schaaf. Cin
cinnati, and John Wentsell, Louisville,
won a set each, rain stopping the play
In the third. W. L. McElroy, Pittsburgh,
defeated Arthur Mlddlelon ot Lou:tville
In two seta, 6-8, 7-5, and J. j. Armttrong
of St. Paul defeated P. O'Bryan. Louis
ville. In another two. 6-3, 6-1.
BATTLE CREEK. Neb.. July 9.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) Battle Creek defeated
Norfolk by the score of 7 to 6. 'The feat
ures of the game was the pitching by
Hoffman who struck out 13 ot the Nor
folk sluggers.
Batteries: Battle Creek. Hoffman and
Scott; Norfolk, Desilva and Miller. Hits:
Norfolk, i; Battle Creek. 8.
Best in the West The Omaha Bee.
for The Bee by
7i iu rrnnn
Kansas City Piles Up Six Buns and
Then Goes Down to Defeat
Indlaaapoii Leafs Aronad Until the
Fifth and Then Tarn in
aad Baally Wlna the
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July .Atter
Kansas city had a six run lead. Indian
apolis scored five in th fifth and two
In the seventh, but the locals got three
mora and won.' In the fifth . Sullivan
hit tor what ordinarily goes tor two
base, the ball bounded through a hole
In the fence tor a home run, scoring
two ahead of him. 8core:
Aft H A 1 I .ouA.a.
Bartosu, 8b. 8 4 I I ituuWn, of . 4 T t 1 0
". n.... 1 e t CWoodrufl, If 4 1 1 0 9
ClurtoB. ef.. 1 1 0 0 Olngertoa, tb 4 I t e
nuw, ...! 1 v vveten, rr....I 1111
Oirr, lb..r.-. I 114 4 Hunter, lb.; 6 I 6 S 0
Corrtdon, al l 1 1 1 Williams, Sb 4 0 I 1 0
Jtraee, e 8 I I OoNignler, St.. 4 1 4 4 ft
OoHlseo, rt.. 4 1 e lCWrte, e.... 8 ft I 1 4
Downey, lb.) I I I Ogchlitier p. 1 0 0 1 0
Powell, p.... 4 10 4 OAib'nt'der, p 1 0 0 1 9
McCrty ..09009
Totals 40 liTU 3Hlckoa ... 0 0 0 0 0
, . 1 0 0 0 0
ToUls 84 I 24 It 1
Batter tor WillimB in ninth.
"Batter for Gagnier In ninth.
Batted for Clarke in ninth.
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 S 0 2 0 0-7
Kansas City ...... 1 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 -
Two-base hits: Carr, Downey, Powell,
Coorriden. gagnier, Hunter. Ingerton,
Veach. Home run: James, Sullivan.
Sacrifice hits: Woodruff. Fife, Downey.
Stolen base: Hunter. Struck out: By
Ashenfelde, 1; by Powell, 6. Bases on
balls. OffSchlltser. 8; oft Ashenf elder. 2;
off Powell, 8. Double plays: Powell, to
Corridon to Carr. Left on bases: Kansas
City. 6; Indianapolis, 8. First base on
errors: Indianapolis. 2; Kansas City, 1.
Hit by pitched ball, Ingerton. by Powell.
Umpires: Chill and Irwin. Time: 2:08.
MILWAUKEE, July .8.CutUng waB
insinslble today and the visitors were
shut out for the second successive time,
the score being ( to 0. The -horn club
bunched ita hits with the two errors ot
the visitors winning easily. Jones' hit
ting and fielding were features. Soore:
Batted for Fisher in ninth.
. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E.
UltMId, ef.i 10 10 OBurch, ef... 4 110 0
Charles, lb.. I 0 I I iHallman, rf. 4 1 4 0
Randall, rt. 4 1 1 ft OStaiwb'rr, If 4 1 1 ft
Cbtp'ells. If 4 8 1 0 ftUaaox, 8k.. 4 13 0 1
Clvk. lb."... 4 1,1 4 OBe'mtller. si 1 1 I t
Lewis, M....4 ft 4 1 oFlthtr. lb... 8 18 10
JonM, lb.,.. 8 I 10 1 OBurk. lb... 4 4 3 1 0
Bebalk, 4 14 0 OPearce, .... 8 0 4 4 1
Outtlnc, p... I ft 1 ft OTney, o. 3 Mil
-Dvli 1 0 ft ft ft
Totals.'.:. .to I it ll i
Totals 44 4 34 11 I
Milwaukee 0 0208010 -
Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: Jones, Lennox. Sacrli
ice hits, Charles, (2). Double play:
Burke, Beumiller to Fisher. Left on
bases: Milwaukee, 7; Louisville, 7. First
base. on balls: Off Toney, 4., Struck out:
By Toney, 2; by Cutting, 8. Umpires:
Hayes and Anderson. Time: 1:20. '
ST. PAUL, July 3.-Th first game of
the season with Toledo was won today
by St Paul 7 to 3. The home team
made a great rally in the second Inning,
making five run and winning tha gam.
Batted for Jamea In ninth.
St Paul 0 S 0 1 0 0 1 0 -7
Toledo 00000110 0-1
Two-base hits: Butler, Flynn, Land,
Bronkie. ' Three-base hit: James. Stolen
base: Hoffman, i Base on balls: Off
James, 6; off Rieger, 3. Struck out: By
Jamea, 4; by Rieger, 3. Sacrifice hit:
Hlnchman. Butler, Hoffman, . Autrey.
Sacrifice fty: Chapman. Left on bases:
Toledo, 8; St. Paul, 8. Time, 3 00. Um
pire: Blehalter and Connolly.
MINNEAPOLIS, July 8.-A catch by
Roasman and Patterson's clever fielding
featured today's contest Score:
Batted for Patterson in ninth.
Minneapolis 10000000 0-1
Columbus 0008002 0 0-S
Two-base hit: Clymer. Three-base hit
Gerber. Home run: Hlnchman.- Struck
out: By Cook, 1 Bases on balls: Off
Panerson, 2; off Crook, 5. Time: 1:40.
Umpires: Ferguson and Hundlboe.
Score, second game:
Sbelten, ef.. 4 0 11 0Clyrnr, ef..4 1 ( ft 0
ntnebm'a 1(4 8 t ft 0AHIr, ss. . 8 1 1 10
Cstlton, rf . I 1 1 0 OWUllamt, lb 8 ft I t ft
Johna. tb.... 4 1 1 1 lKoatraao. rf. 4 1 I ft ft
Miller, lb... 8 ft 8 ft lXllllftr, lb..l lilt
O'R'vk. lb 4 I I 4 OPe'banty. If. 3 0 t 0 0
Owbar. ... 3 1 1 COI1I, lb. t 0 It t 1
S. Smith. . 4 1 T ft 0W. smith, (81091
Cook, p 818 lPatUraoa. p . 8 i t t 0
- Untlaub ... 1 ft 0 ft 0
Totals 15 rri0 3
- Total! 17 II 3
Batted for Geyer in the ninth.
Batted tor Steele In the eleventh.
St Loul ....1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 J-8
Boston a. .0 0111220 0-7
Two-base hits: Geyr, Bresnahan.
Threu-base hits: O'Rourke, Sweeney.
Bases on balls: Off Geyer, 8: off Hess.
1. Struck out: By Hess, 3; by Brown, 3;
by Geyer. 4. Hits: Off Hess. 7 in four
innings; off Geyer, 10 in nine Innings:
off Steele, 1 In two Innings; off Brown, 8
in six Innings. Time: 2:25. Umpires:
Brennan and Owens.
W. N. Chambers, who set the n
record of seventy-two for the Field club
course Sunday, will be the only Omaha
man entered In the Western Golf tourna
ment at Denver next week.
Chambers wired his acceptance of an
Invitation from the Denver Country club
to take part last evening and will leave
tor the mountain olty Sunday morning.
The tourned begins Monday, July 15. and
continues until the following Saturday.
Chick Evans. Albert Seckel. present
western . amateur champion; Walter
Sheehan, the Iowa champ, and other
premier adepts of the link will be on
hand for the tourney. '
Sam Reynold. Nebraska state cham
pion, will not participate-
Hal Coffman
V cm 1 WAS- ) ..
Vkdw 1 K V
- I.: '.
In Fourth Inning Pitcher Mallin
Overcome by the Heat. ':
Before Leaving the Groanda; the
Local Twirler Make Two Home
Ran,, m Triple and a
Single. : '
NEW TORK. July 8,-New York, waa
defeated here today by Detroit,. 6 to 2:
Mullin, after driving hi two runs with a
triple in the second and a single In the,
fourth, became sick from - the heat...
Works, who relieved Mullini held th
Newyorkers safe. Score: - -'- - i;" .
AB.H.O.A.E. . AB.H.O.A.E.!
Vltt, lb 4 0 14 OCtnleli, u.. 4 0 4 0 9
Bush, ai 4 0 4 7 OMalenor, et. I 1 1, 0 01
Cobb, cf 4 3 1 1 OStarrett, lb. 4 3 It' 0 ft
Crawford, rt 4 8 1 1 OZlna. rt..
.4 1 ft 0 0
Jones, It.... 3 10 0 OSImmoni, Ibt t. l'l
Moriarty, lot iu i OHartiall lb. I 0 i t e
toutra, 3b.. 3 14 4 ODowd, ... 4 8 8 4 I
Btanf, c...l 0 8 1 0 Sweeney, e..4 I 110
Mullin, p.... 2 1 0 1 OMcCon'all, pl 1 0:1.1
Kochar .... 0 0 0 0 0 :.
Works, p.... J ft 1 0 0 Total..r'.m 17 18 V
Totals. ....82 n ft
Ran for Mullin In tha fourth.1 . '.:
Detroit 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0-0-
New Tork 1 0 0 1 0 0 O 0 .0-3
Two-base hits: Simmons. Cobb, Zlnn.
Three-base hit: Mullin. Sacrifice hit:
Maloney. Sacrifice fly: Zlnn. Stolen
bases: Jones, Crawford," Lowden (J)..
Left on bases: New Tork, 7; Detroit, 9.
Double plays: Crawford to Bush; Dowd
to Simmons to Sterret; Moriarty to'Bueh.
Bases on balls: Off McConnell, .4 off
Mullin, 1; off Works, 3. Struck out: By
McConnell, 4; by Mullin,' 1; by Works, ?. ,
Passed balls: Stanage, Sweeney, - Hits;-'
Off Mullin, 4 In three innings; off Works,
6 in six Innings. Time: 1:45. Umpire:
Hart - ' i -
PHILADELPHIA. July 8.-A battroff
rally In the ninth Inning gave Philadel- '
nVili fhtfb vlrinru rtvjar lhliacrft inAaxr - 5
to 2. Score:
AB.H.O.A.E. ' AB.H.O.A.E. 1
8. Lore, Tt.. 4 1 0 OifUtb, . Jb.... 8' i ! 1
Oldrlnt. cf.. 4 0 8 0 OH. Lord, IB. i t B 8 01
E.Colllna. tb 4 1 1 ft J.-Collin, lb i 1 10 1 V
Baker, lb.... 4 2 3 4 OBodla. r(.... I 0 ;
Mclnnea, lb.1 I It IMattlck, If.. 4, J 0 0
Strunk, If... 4 110 OCallahan, If. 1 1 '! . 0 1
Barry, aa ... 4 2 1 1 OWeavar, ;- 8 :8 2 2
Lapp, C.....T4 01 OKuhn. c... 4 0 .8 0 ll
Coombs, p., 3 0 0 8 OWaltb, p.... 8 ft 1 4 ft'
Totals.. ... 317 7 2 Totals'... ..a I'M 7 8-1
On out when winning run was scored.
Chicago 0 0 5 1 0 .0 0 0 lr3'
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-3
Sacrifice hits: B. Lord, Mclnnls, Stolen
bases: J. Collins (2), Callahan, Baker,
Strung, Mattlok; Double play; Lapp; to
Barry. Left on bases: Chicago, ; Phila
delphia, 2. Bases on balls:. Off . Walsh, 2;
off Coombs, 4. First base en errors:
Chicago, 2; Philadelphia, -2. Struck out:
By Walsh, 2; by Coombs. 8. Passed ball:.:
Lapp. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Westervelt
and Evans. - ;.
BOSTON, July 8. Boston won another
game from St. Louis today, but the -vie- '
tory came hard. It was not decided until
the ninth, when a hit by Speaker fol
lowed singles by O'Brien and ' Yerkes
scored the winning run. Score:
Hoopar, rf... S 1 1 0 OShottan. ef.. 4 1 8 0 0
Tarkea, lb.. 6 2 0 S 1 Jantjan. - rt.. i lilt
Bpaakar, ef.. 4 12 0 OStovall, lb.. 4 0 10 1 0
Lawla, If.... I 0 1 0 0 Pratt, sa.,.. 4 ft 8 4 0
Oardnar, Sb. 4 1 i 1 lLaporte, 2b.. 4 1 1 I t
Stahl, lb.... 4 215 1 0 Austin, 2b... 3 0 0 1 0
Wagner, aa.. 2 ft 1 1 OAiton. If 3 12 0 ft
Carrigan, c. 4 14 1 lKrloball, .. 8 ft 4 L ft
O'Brien, p... I 114 OB'mft'er, p 8 10 1 4
ToWla 14 If 17 U 8 Totals 82 M 12 ft
Two out when winning run scored. '
Boston 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1-8
St Louis 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2
Two-base hits:' Stahl, Yerkes. " Three
base hit: Baumgartner. Bases on balls:
off O'Brien, 1; off Baumgartner, 3. Struck
out: By O'Brien. 2; by Baumgartner, 5.
Passed ball: Carrigan. Time: 2:10. Um-'
plres: Dlneen and Sheridan.
Brainard Beats CeresceV.
BRAINARD. Neb., July S.-peclsi )'-:
In a well played game yesterday Brain
ard defeated Ceresco by the score yf 4
to 3, overcoming a lead of two run's when
Dus, Smersh, and Hlavac made home ,
runs In succession with two. ;down.
Hlavao scored the winning run In ' the
eighth on a three-bagger and Semins' .
infield hit. Scores R.H.E.
Ceresco 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0-3 8 4 -
Brainard 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1-4 7 4
" Batteries: Ceresco. Harkfm and Jones;
Brainard. Sobota and albot. Struck out:-,
Snyder Defeat Morse Blnf f.'
6NTDER. Neb.. July 9.-(Speeial.)-'-Snyder
defeated Morse Bluff Sunday In
one ot the fastest and best clayed cames
of the season. Score by innings: R.H.E. '
snyaer o o o l o o o 0-18 a 4 :
Morse Bluff. .0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0-1 4 4;
Batteries: Snyder, Gustln and Lehmer:'-
Morse Bluff, Mallonie. and Lehmer:
lfo .
that give the '
best service
are marked-