THE BEE: OMAKA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1911'. m r 1 nsm ura,GTiiri: rid ere much none n unavoidable Iowa &NeWsla.Olccl Tank Go..t)knl. liiiiillilllpll v; If roup tff EmploMnooii fir. EW Ifi wee row tm hour i it ram Dotcom T 1 II u : , - . &entrt inferior re 0 pkrit taken roni edsteffcL ARLY Monday morning the industrial S I expert tripped into the office with ll I the staff photographer. A I "We're going out to see the big gest steel tank manufacturing plant in the west," informed the expert, "and we want you to go along and write up the place. Get your coat and come on. ' The photographer held a suit case in his hand, eo the writer knew that photographs were going to be taken and that the public was going to learn some interesting facts about a prosperous Omaha Industry. So, with industrial expert and staff photographer, the writer set out for the home of the Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank company. The trip appealed strongly both to the writer and to photographer, for the industrial expert had told us that the place we were going to visit was the largest plant of its kind in this section of the coun try. Immediately we were interested, and were de lighted to make the trip. A Sherman avenue car deposited the .trio of Bee men at Sherman qvenue and Grace streets. A walk of three blocks east brought the trinity to Thirteenth . street and then another Journey of three blocks brought them up at the big, new plant of the Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank company. As the group of three passed through the gateway a constant hammering produced such a volume of noise that the picture man ventured a remark to the effect that we probably had ar rived at a noise factory. It seemed to him that the entire building was full of hammers. When the crew of three entered the building my, it was impossible to understand words ut tered in an ordinary voice it was necessary to shout in order to be heard. Like Huge Bee Hive. Men were here and there with hammers, piercing large galvanized sheets of steel, driving holes into the metal, putting bolts into them, and riveting the big pieces together, forming huge grain tanks, bins, dipping tanks, special troughs tor the .Baker Ice Machine company, oil tanks, water troughs, oil barrels, etc., etc. Everybody was doing it so it seemed. Everybody in the whole plant was busy, and it seemed as though the trinity of newspaper men were in the bee hive, where the ordinary buzz of the bees had been in creased a thousand fold. , Some of the sheet metal lay In long strips up on the concrete floor. Workmen were busy in put ting holes in it and getting it ready for the bolts and riveting that were soon to create the sub stantial tanks and steel culverts. Other men in the plant were riveting the pieces together and completing the substantial products. Others were using the welding machines in perfecting the tanks. Still others were busy at machines that turned iron sheets and shaped them for tanks. But everywhere, whether men were sitting on the floor or at the machines, there was evidence of much thrift much evidence, too. Perfect Protection for Grain. Three men were engaged in putting the fin ishing touches to an Immense galvanized grain tank, with a diameter of eighteen feet and a height of twelve feet. It was a strong, durable looking contrivance, and was being formed for use on a western farm. Farmers who can afford such a granary are assured of perfect protection for their grains. Water or mice or any devasting agency will not harm grain that is kept in this kind of tanks. Because of this fact The Bee men learned that the number of orders for these tanks were growing rapidly every month. This tank was so large and looked so durable that the visitors were Intensely interested and asked all sorts of questions just such questions as one unfamiliar with such things would naturally ask, and the facts they learnjd were numerous. - The informant stated that these tanks were unquestionably the best that any farmer could use. They can be set up in any place in two or three hours. There is only one side seam and the bot tom to bolt together. The top of the tank has a large, square opening into which the grain is shoveled. The cover of the opening, when thrown back, makes a shield to keep the grain from spill ing. Some of the bins have three openings in the sides, each being protected with a sliding shield. These openings are so arranged that the granary can be filled, or the grain drawn off, by using the conveyor that goes with each bin. 1 Tight Cover Guards. The conveyor that, draws off the grain is made so that it will cover the opening in the side and make a tight cover protecting the grain from raia and snow. It also locks at the top with the man bole cover, so that only one padlock is necessary to lock all the openings. In case the wheat, .oats or any other grain has not gone through the sweat, and is in need of air, an arrangement is made so that the top can be raised from one to three inches, at the same time protecting the grain from the ill-tempered weather. These storage bins are efficient for protecting and keeping in perfect order any kind of grain. They are absolutely free from rats, mice and dust, and are fireproof. They are made in various sizes, and some are priced so low that they are within reach of the most humble of farmers. Just at the moment that The Bee force had acquired every fact in regard to the grain bins, a bell pealed out above the noise of the plant, and the trio of visitors glanced toward the southeast corner of the plant. They espied a young girl giv ing the final Jerk to a rope that ran to a fair sized bell cage which housed a flaring mouthed vessel with an iron 'clapper. In answer to the summons of the bell (for the workman with the visitors in formed them that the bell was used to call the "boss") a tall, pleasant faced man hurried toward the office, which is located a few feet from the bell rope. First impression marked this man as a genial, likeable fellow. His black hair and "mus tache were tinted with gray and he strode forward as though he were very busy. The trio followed this individual to the office, and there were intro duced to A. N.- Eaton as the owner of the Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank company. ' . - Fine Fel tow to Meet. Mr. Eaton was "easy to talk to," as the photographer put it. He seemed to be one of the men about the place, so far as conversing was con cerned. He was just a common sort of a man with no false varnish and with no attempt to impress his importance upon any one. He came right f I 1-1.1 f W 1.1 v. J. I ew OT pidnT XJKCn TrOrn ll&ot CIIQ . 11 f vJ" ,,,, . w-i:nJ'!MI'llll MfiiH) fJ tax m, - I I hXtm WIJaMCllMMMIWIWMW miwi down to facts about the plant at once, and told the newspaper men interesting particulars about the factory. "t From Mr. Eaton it was learned that the new plant of the company employed a force of more than forty men. The new building, which is a substantial brick structure, 100 feet wide and 200 feet long, was opened January 1, 1912. It is solidly constructed and is one large room, with the exception of the office, which takes up only a few square feet. This building la located at Thir teenth and flDrucn streets. The old Dlant of the conmanv is situated at Fourteenth nd Nicholas streets. It includes a building 66x112 feet. In it are manufactured steel cul- rerts. The main working force of the company, however, is kept in the new plant. With the owner of the plant, the writer inspected the the various products, while the photographer "snapped" the several views that have been reproduced on this page. At one machine, where a young, muscular employe was weld ing tanks, had been gathered several hundred oil barrels. Some of them bad a capacity of thirty gallons and some of fifty. They were strong, being made of heavy galvanized steel, and looked solid enough to stand the hardest of usage. These tanks are manufactured in large numbers, so the writer was informed, and are shipped to various parts of the middle west. . , Repairing Large Oil Tank. In another part of the plant four men were engaged in re pairing a large oil tank that had fallen from a wagon and sus tained a dent in the side. It was necessary to take the bottom of the tank out in order to straighten the sheet steel, and the men were accomplishing the task in rapid order. It seemed a hard proposition to the visitors, but to the workmen it was one of the simplest of tasks. Near at hand, Mr. Eaton pointed out a harness dipping tank. It had a diameter of 24 inches and was 30 Inches high. A skirt top surmounted the main tank. By filling one of these tanks with warm water mixed with a gallon of good harness oil, and placing the harness in it, the life of the leather may be doubled, according to data gathered through experimenting with these tanks. Through ,the entire large plant Mr. Eaton conducted the visit ors, showing them the various articles made by this company. Now he stopped to show them a cistern tank and to explain that the kind r:ade by this company has been used for years that they are not an experiment; now he pointed out several galvanized garbage cans, the strongest made; now it was a dipping tank for hogs and sheep, and now it was an anti-freezing fountain trough, a contrivance patented by this company. , Long List of Products. A list of the articles manufactured by this big concern would include practically everything that .is manufactured . in the steel tank and bin lines. There are ash pits, bottomless tanks, cone covers for house tanks, cone covers with manholes, corrugated steel culverts, faucet tanks, floats, milk tanks and crates, oval bot tom wagon tanks, perforated Irrigating pipe, pipe channel and angle, round bottom troughs, sanitary hog feeders, Bcalding vats, square end pans, tank heaters, taper tanks, underground storage outfits, well tubing and casing, wood tanks, etc. The Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank company was the first firm to make the gas pipe rim.. This firm also has been one of the leaders in pushing to the front with improvements in tank making. This smooth rolled pipe rim is a perfection in tank building. This company has received high praise all over the country for its fine tanks and the many improvements that it has made. The pipe is completely covered with the body of the tank, and this arrangement leaves no chance forf the rough edges to injure stock or for rust to accumulate. The bottoms are flanged. With the galvanized angle formed around the bottom, riveting the side, bottom and angle firmly together with one row of rivets, this idea makes the most solid bottom that It Is possible to put on a tank and prevent injuries in transit. Uses Best Materials. In making their products this company uses the best Apollo sheets, made expressly for use in this plant by the Vandergrift Mills of Pennsylvania. All seams In the tanks are closely riveted with 4 pound rivets. In the angle 8-pound rivets are em ployed. All soldering here is done by experienced men. The solder is thoroughly soaked into ail tne seams and joints, thus making these seams and joints one of the strongest, parts of the tanks. These tank are so thoroughly constructed that fire can be placed under them to thaw them out with out injuring the product in any way. Freezing will not injure them, and they will not collert moss, nor will water sour in them. The steel culverts manufactured by the Ne braska & Iowa Steel Tank company are made of Keystone steel sheets, manufactured expressly for use in this factory. They are the best tight coated galvanized sheets that can be purchased anywhere. They are cut in lengths for each size culvert, and are corugated before being galvanized, leaving no chance for rust to get a hold on them. Many of the best roads in Nebraska are equipped with these culverts 'and the various counties that use them declare they are the best that have been employed In this state. Cleanest of Factories. One feature of the large plant that left a strong Impression on the' minds of the three Bee men who were the visitors there on Monday, was the cleanly appearance that the whole factory presented. Unless food products are the output, a factory is not usually Inspected for the purpose of ascertaining 4ts sanitary condition. But there Is a steel tank factory that is without doubt one of the cleanest and most sanitary In the' west. It Is painted white inside, and the paint may be seen in covering every bit of wood and metal on the walls. The floor Is made of concrete, and is kept scrupu lously clean. The work benches are repositories for no rubbish, and the corners and nooks hold no accumulated dirt. One wonders why such is true; so also did the visitors of this week wonder why the factory was so clean, until one of them chanced to see a set of rules that had been posted for the employes to obey, and then the puzzling feature was clear to all. Mr. Eaton has an Idea that the factory ought to be as clean as any business house, and he has made rules which require employes to keep the Plant free from all unncessary trash and dirt. "Garbage cans will be provided at each end of the building. Put all lunch papers in these cans. Be careful not to scatter lunches over the. floor." 'decfionai view, showing larieiankd ll V II ll 11 j""J ri-"' ' 1 ll f I I I I . I mor iw of piairr looKing a&Tl I c . That rule is one of the reasons for the clean liness of this factory. It tells a story. It helps explain why the factory is the most sanitary of any Industrial plant. Here are others which further explain why the commendable conditions exist in. the large factory of the Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank company: Some of the "Directions." We must keep our building clean and neat so it will be healthful to work in. Everyone will have to help accomplish this end ; "Those chewing tobacco must get a box filled with ashes or sawdust and empty this receptacle at least once a week. "Those who smoke must be very careful with the matches. Do not throw lighted matches on the floor. All matches must be removed from clothing left In the factory over night. . ' "Nails must not be driven Into posts or walls. If It is necessary to fasten tools on the floors or walls, consult ttm foreman as to the best method of arranging for this, and follow directions.. , "Be cure to keep the rivets cleaned up from the floor. Have a box and see that all loose rivets are picked up and put into the right places. "Please follow these directions and it will make it more pleasant for all." So this. Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank cbtnpany's factory is more than a mere manufacturing plant; it 1 . a clean and healthful working place for the men who . labor tihere;. and, by the way, it has as clean and bright . a looking crew of working men as the writer has seen .In Omaha. - Prosperous lookiii; Hen. Most of them are young men; some have reached middle age: but all have an Intelligent gleam In their eyes and all look prosperous look as though they were highly satisfied with their positions. From the man ner in which they conversed and "mixed" with their! employer, it was easy to conclude that they were pleased with their positions and that they worked un der agreeable conditions. , them hurled a question across at a workman who was eating hts noonday lunch: wno are you going to vote ror this ralir "Oh." came back a redv. "haven't decided vK ' Haven't studied the candidates -enough, yet Anyhow,' politics . don't bother us much out here. Guess the rnilHirw H1I atn dinner a n. a1 1 n t . i. U . 1. . Taft, Wilson or Roosevelt Is elected. We aren't going! to worry about politics." ' . . As he finished there was . an agreeing" chorus of six or seven of his co-workers, saying, "That's the way -we feel." ", - - t. -. ............ r - Could anv statement from fhesa wnrbmiui . hnai' . more clearly that the force of employes of the Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank company were very well satisfied and that they were prospering. . No discount there: na willingness to make unnecessary venture. ' - !