J rhe (gee, SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Well TOmoiHuirv iMiwK?ws Y T I servoun. name- ; V caume J ': set:.; o 5 lC - v .wmwwl - ? . , ' , - - 1 " ,' 1 " 1 11 . ,. ! . . . . ;3 1 - . I : : . - Divine to By WINIFRED The man's wife baa deceived .him. 8he confesses It and says she is sorry and swears she will never deceive him again. Shall he take here back and try to be lieve her again? 1 . She has -always been a- good ... wo man before this. She is the most loving, comforting little wife in the word. She makes a real home for the man, and there Is a little boy; a little laughing, roguish, clear-eyed boy, who -loves . his . mother and thinks she is the most perfect be ing on earth. What shall the man do? He wants to know. That's the worst part of it he wants to know. - , i If he only knew . himself now, there any doubt of what to do. If he could not forgive her, then the' thing would be settled right then and there; If he could forgive her, and feel all right about It, who is' there to interfere- by one single syllable? .., - SVi.v .s But he doesn't know, he can't decide. "I leve her," says the man in his tet ter. "I love her and I believe she really loves me: She is a helpless little thing, and I don't see what she can do without me,' and I believe it would kill the boy to part hira from his mother. What is the right thing for me to do? I want to do the right thing, just the right thing; that's all." . Bless your heart, man alive, I wonder what you are! So big that you are almost godlike, or so small that you are be neath contempt? Do yqu want to forgive the woman be , k .caJse you love her and are sorry for her and anxious to do the right thing for the boy? If that's your idea why, then, hats off .to a man, every inch of him. You are doing the noblest, , kindest, bravest, truest thing a man can do. Or do you want to take her back be cause you can't be comfortable without her? Do you care so little for her that you don't care what she has done, so long as you can have her again? That's different, quite different. Do you know where you stand your self? The path of a man who takes a woman back because he doesn't quite know where he could get as good a house keeper is never strewn with roses, or even poppied, and it should not be. I've known such men; one I think of In particular. His wife ran away from him with his dearest friend, and he fol lowed the pair and begged the woman to go home with him ; and the woman went, and that man never let her have one moment's peace again. He twitted her, tormented her, sus pected her, until she ran away again, and this time she stayed away, and all the man's world despised him and avoided him as they would avoid a Foghorn By HANK. "Ho-o" blew the fog horn over the bay. "I subbose," said Captain Pinochle sar castically, aa the noise died away, 'lyou vlll ,..be bringing' vun of dem fishing stories aroundt soon.'' "" "I was going to tell you one today," replied the pilot pleasantly; "it hap pened last, Sunday when I went to the 'Ranks " . . " . . - . "I eggspegte'd id" sighed the captain. "Veil, vot Iss diss new lie of yours?" "This Is a true one,", averred the pilot In spite of the captain's look of incred ulity. "There was a man on board the excursion boat who had a dog with him. In the afternoon the man got tired of fishing and fell asleep on the deck. Would you believe It" . "I Vouldn't." said the captain. "Well, anyway," the pilot went on, "this dog held the line while his master was asleep, and when he got a bite he would bark and bark until the roan woke up and pulled in the fish." "I guess dot vass a flea bite dot dog pot,' said the captain; "dots der only kind of a bite I effer knew a dachshund to get." "Perhaps you can tell a better one," said the pilot scornfully. "If I couldn't I vould neffer haf re ceived my captain's papers," was the reply. "Diss story iss aboud der vunder fui ducks dot dey haf in New Zealand. 2d takes ten year to train a duck so dot Forgive BLACK. creature with leprosy, and I ' always thought he did have moral leprosy. . I knew another man who did the same thing, but for quite a different reason. He went away on a long journey, and while he was gene a man he knew made a fool of the man's wife, and she threw her good name to the winds and followed the false friend, who brought her poor silly feet to the road of agony. And when her husband knew he went after his wife, and he took her home and comforted her, and stood her friend, and no one ever dared tq hint to the man that any one but he himself and the wife and the other man knew of the wretched heart-breaking story. . . . , And all who knew the real truth of the affair admired and respected the man, for they knew that he did what ha did be cause he realised that his wife was a foolish, light-headed girl and that the husband should not have left her alone so long. And they know that he took her back, not to gratify a whim of Ms own, not to minister to his comfort, not to have her and keep her no matter what aha was, just because she could make htm comfortable, but because he loved her in the higher sense. He loved her enough to protect her from her "own folly and his own carelessness. And In all his little world ,no man walked more In the light of esteem and friendship that that matt. Another I knew once, long ago, In the far west. A girl came from an orphan asylum to a great city., . She was in love with a boy who had been at the same asylum, and the boy was in love with her, and they had promised to marry each other as soon as the boy had a home for the girl. The boy went to the wild lands and took up a claim, and In time built a little house of logs, and wrote the girl that he was coming to take her home. And when the girl received the letter she was in a hospital very 111.' and she held In her arms a little child, a child of misery and disgrace. She was very young and very helpless, and the man who had brought the cruel shame upon her was a man of experience and cunning, and she had had no more chance, against him that a. little whiver lng, white rabbit has against a snake. So she wrote the boy she really, loved in spite of it all and told him she could never be any man's wife, and told him plainly. And the boy who was brought up In the asylum did not . write and answer. He went instead to the great city and to the hospital, and there was a wedding in. the ward, and when the bride and groom left the man carried in his arms a little helpless child. I could have knelt on the ground and kissed the great coarse shoes he wore, and so could the girl he rescued from herself. I saw that man and that woman not long ago. They have a comfortable home, a growing family, and the eldest son is growing up to be the prop and stay of It. I think that husband and wife have forgotten everything but their mutual love and trust. What shall you do, oh man with the struggling soul? Search your own heart and find there the answer. Tales J he can catch fish there-" "A duck catch fish!" exclaimed the pllOt : "Just der same as dot dog you vass beefing abpud," said the captain wlther ingly. "Veil, der vey dey do It las to tie a piece of line mlt a hook und a worm on it to vun of der duck's legs Den dey set der duck swimming In der ocean of der lake, Vicneffer happens to be in der place. Freddy soon a fish hooks himself on der line. Den the duck he svlms to der shore as hard as he can and der owner of der duck takes off der fish. ; "Veil, der vass vun verry vunderful duck dot a friend of mine named Hans precken owned vunce. Diss duck vass very Intelligent animal, so my friend got lota of fish. Vun dey be saw dot der duck had a fish, but der duck vou'l not come to der shore. He kept svlmmlng around and around und my friend vass puuled. Preddy soon he seen der duck vass in trouble und he put oud In a boat and dragged it in. Vot do you subbose? Dia duck had felt a small fish an der hook, so Instead of coming ashore he kept svlmmlng and svlmmlng, knowing dot pretty soon a big fish vould come along and svallof der smaller fish. Und dot Is just vot happened. Ven my friend pulled der duck Into der boat dere vass a parrot fish on der hoct dot veighed vun hundred and . "Ho-0," blew, the fog b ju THE BEE: The Right Road. to Health The0irlwiththePneTeaFigttre (Two Poses to By ANNETTE KELLERMANN. I never like to hear a woman "knock ing" this age and the habits and customs of the women of today. There never was a better time to live in than the present century, and as for ua women, we ought all to be mighty glad that we were born In the days of athletics and the suffrage agitation, even If we have to take hobble skirts and some other follies along with our bless ings. V The everyday woman Of olden times was not as good looking as the average woman of today, nor was she as healthy or as well formed. - We have a better chance from baby hood than queens of olden days, who were born In the purple, but who lacked the knowledge that modern science la instilling Into the average nurse and mother. y The child of today has the right to be born healthy and under happy circum stances, and now, with the science of eugenics, it will soon be a sin to bring a bidly formed child Into the world, pro vided, of course. Science and knowledge, could have prevented that misfortune. Science Is teaching us to prevent and cure most deformities which the women of olden tlmea covered up with pads, hoop sklrta, bustle and balloon sleeves. The dressmakers of great-grandmother's time never expected their customers to have symmetrical figures. I knew one who Is of the third generation of dress makers, and who learned all the tradi tion of her grandmother. She told me that even the most celebrated beauties of forty or fifty year ago depended on their dressmakers for the symmetry of their figures, and not on athletic and exercise a they do new. "My mother wouldn't believe that when I tell a customer she has one hip larger than th other, the woman will go and exercise until she cures the defect," said this young designer. 'In the old days she would just say to the dressmaker, Go pad the other hip.' " . To cling to physical defects which you can cure is merely a sign of laslness, and It Is not fashionable to be lasy, so the mothers of tomorrow, who are learning a thing or two from their dressmakers about their Irregular figures, are turning to people like me for Instruction to remedy these defects. Lots of models have one hip higher than the other, and usually the shoulder of that side Is a trifle lower than It ought to be. This may not be perceptible when one la young, but the fault becomes more and jaotft Jffintnf vt. Tin filJia, I ff f v s ; Q, I ft , J Y I 5whhk1v hrh m ! II Ly ; I PK ':Y YAW OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1912. Now that We 0ne MISS ANNETTE KELLERAIAXX. Silhouette by Clara De Beers of the Winter "STAND ENTIRELY WITH THE WEIGHT ON THE LEFT FOOT." and If not corrected one lands In old age a little old woman with a distinctly Ir regular build. Both these defects; the high shoulder and the large hip may come during school days when the little girl balances too many or too heavy school books under one arm, and lets them rest on her slim hipbone. This becomes a habit and the child gets more and more one sided, especially if she always carries her books under her right arm as you will notice most children do. I hope some day some wise person will make school books that are durable aa well as-very light. Or perhaps we will borrow the good German fashion of carrying the school books in a little satchel strapped around the shoulders and hanging at the back. This has no bad effects, provided the books are not too heavy. In tho meantime, our school girls go on resting their books on their hips, and when they wear bad shoes, that Is, shoes witb JUijh. mi WobWy heela,UU j?osi- az,lrp p)a Another e Garden.) TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND PRESS Trie. AKin oAvanm"" tlon not only ruins the figure, but Is ex ceedingly bad for the health, as the high heels turn In, the ankles turn out, and the entire figure is out of balance. You can't give too much attention to your child's shoes, for upon thtlr com fortable, sensible and hygienic build de pends the poise of the child's figure in walking. No young girl should wear a high heel and certainly a child should never be allowed to wear some of those outlandish French slippers, which we see on the youthful and unformed foot. A low, flat heel, a well arched shoe, with suitable length and width is necessary for comfort. So much depends on the shoo that I want you to imprecs this or. your own mind and get sensible shoe-gear before you try to correct your daughter' bad habits of standing, which have con tributed to make the one hip larger than the other, or to make one. shoulder sag. Occasionally these defects arise from a spinal difficulty and a physician should be consulted, the spinal column being carefully examined. For the rest, the girl or woman- who has this uneven figure must think about It constantly, and with conscious effort she must ele vate the shoulder that Is, too low and pull down the shoulder that is too high. If the left shoulder Is the lower one, stand entirely with the weight on the left foot, hold the chest Out, bring the left arm up close to the head and the right arm out at the side level with the shoulder. Take a deep breath, press the right arm backward and stretch up ener getically on the other side. Now swing the arm that, Is lip backward and for ward making, very small circles. Put all Drawn for The Bee by Tad Ex-Convict Denounces Prison Barbarity rJ i Selected by EDWARD MABKHAM. Donald Lowrle. f6rmerjy' a prisoner in Can 'Quenttn, but evidently a man with a. sense of justice and honor, has written a startling book, "My Life in Prison." telljng without malice of certain bar. bar Ism In . prison methods. He cries out especially against the straltjacket and other treatment of ' "Incorrlglhles," which In his time waa permitted. I duote from his volume: j "The straltjacket conrlsts of a piece of canvas about four and one-half feet long, cut to fit about the human body. When spread out on the floor It has th same shape as the top of a coffin, broad near one end for th shoulders, and taper, ing either way. Big brass eyelets run down the side. , It Is manufactured In various slses, and Is designed solely as an Instrument of torture. "Upon being sentenced to th jacket, the prisoner Is first taken to the cloth ing room, where he Is stripped, of. the clothing he ha on and is given and old suit, consisting of shirt, trousers and wornout shoes. "A guard, armed with a loaded can, then escorts him to th dungeon, where a atralghtjacket that will fit snugly Is selected. . This jacket .It spread out on the floor and the prisoner ordered to 11 face down upon it, The sides are then gathered up over his back and a rope about the slse of a window cord is laced through the eyelets. "If the word has been passed to 'give him a cinching,' the operator places his foot upon the victim's back in order to get leverage as h draws the rope taut, and when the lacing Is finished the rem nant of rope Is wound about the trussed body and tied. "Then the victim I rolled over on his back and left to' think it over. H t left In one of the dungeon cell, where there 1. no light, and where It Is cold and damp. "Several year ago It waa no unconv mon thing tor a prisoner to b rolled in old blankets before the jacket was ap piled. , "This was done for two reasons. First, if th prisoner were thin the blanket eliminated any possibility of the packet fitting him loosely; second, when It was desired to give the victim a 'sweat' a well a a queze. the blankets served that purpose. "At that time there was no limit to the duration of this punishment. Twenty-four hours was th ordinary sentence, but I know of many cases wher men were. kept 'cinched up' for a week and in one Instance for ten day. "Just stop and think what that meant. Bound in a coarse, heavy canvas so that the hands and legs were held rigid, and left to lie without relief for days. Trusncd up on Monday and not untrussed until the following Sunday. "During that time the victim must re main recumbent, without moving, and could only vary hi position by rolling over on his side or upon hi face on the stono floor." Some of the physiological details conse quent upon this prolonged torture are too horrible to be repeated here. The reader I further told that "once each day, in the evening, attendant used to go down and hold a tin of water and a crust of the strength into this exercise that you can'; exhale and relax, and then repeat until you r tired. New raise the shoulder that is too low, depressing the ether on. Move fa shoulder that 1 raised around as much as possible. In scrt of a rotary move ment, g ing forward frst and then back ward. Exercise on suoulder at a time, trying to elevate tho shoulder which need Ufting, and dp- th shoulder that Is too high. On tw street or wher ever you aie, rimembr to lift th low shoula-jr; titl a If you hd a very heavy weight In tin othtr hand, a weight which was .lig;r.g iuit shoulder down. Many ueopi have corcted this fault without going to a gymnasium and without giv ing any extra .in to exercise, but by thinking of it constantly, and by eleva ting the droopln; shoulder at all tlmea Remember not to sink the chest, and to practice deep breathing In combination with thuse exercises. ; Now for the hip. If your right hip is too large stand on a little footstool with your weight on the left foot; hold to a chair or wall, drop the right foot over the side of the tool. press down as If a heavy shoe were dragging the foot, swing the leg always with the sen of drag, winging from the hip backward and forward very alowly.' Wherever you are try and remember to correct your un even figure by standing with your weight perfectly balanced and holding In the one hip that Is loo large. If you must stand on one foot, as so many people do, stand on the side of the undeveloped blp. 11 8 e bread to the victim's Hps. This known as 'feeding time.' ,-. "When the jacket was laced brutally a waa frequently the case, the victim?, could scarcely, breathe, ill, hand snA'" feet would 'die,' they would become oold and Inanimate, and he would suffer th plns-and-needles sensation that one get. if one holds th feet or arms in one poslv'. tlon for any length of time. 'Quite often, when the jacket wa r-:" moved, the victim could not stand, but-, . wa obliged to grovel and wiggle on th . floor like a snake to restore circulation., 4 And when the blood began to return to the deadened parts th torture was ex cruciating. . ' i ' f 'There la no regulation limiting the.., period of time that this alternation six hours In, six hour out may be con tinued. Not only this, but. realizing that' ' as a means of extorting 'confession.' the' torture of the jacket ha been reduced by the six-hour limit. It is clnchud witH " much greater severity. "I know of Instances of comparatively; t recent occurrence where the victim has screamed and begged tor mercy within " the hour after being 'cinched up.' A, trusty, known as 'the dungeon man,' has a Utile ahack just outside the dungeon door, and I have seen him come up ta ' the offlco and report that a man vho had been jacketed for half an hour waa : ready and eager to 'confess.' ' " "I've seen men thrown Into the lacket" on Saturday afternoon for not bavin;'," their task don for the week, rtav there on bread and water until Monday morn- ; ing, and then to be run to the mill and ' expected to get out their task tor the next week. If they failed it wa a case . of the jacket again over the next Sunday. , A couple of fellows went crazy over this kind of a deal." Valuable Possession By EDWARD LUCIEN LARKIN. Take a bar of bard steel, magnetise It, -: and the adjacent space will be In a very i peculiar state; and this space Is called ' magnetic field of force; for short, ma-( nr.tle field. And the energy 1 supposed.,, to exist In' lines, or flow in lines from v the north pole of the magnet backward t, through th neutral line, the equator, to ,r the aouth pole, and thu complete tbi circuit. The flow of energy la uppoedm to be very rapid. N To magnetize th bar, It must -be-' touthed by another magnet, or by lodeV (tone, the magnet made by nature. We imagine that gold and diamonds arc" valuable, but a magnetic field is at pre" ent the most valuable possession of maup Thus three great standard fundamentals heat, light and power, can be, and ai, Incessantly taken out of it. And several-' billion dollars are now Invested In onj little apparently trivial act, namely, thab'-r of moving masse of metal In this moat! wonderful field. No moving metal mugtl touch another, the motion Is In space. ? without contact; the moving molecules ofr metal must cut or vass through the In' visible line of fore. Lay a straight bar magnet on a tabW with end projecting over. Take a wire; hold it at right angle to the end of th'6 bar; you have two pieces of metal apv.j parently udless. Move the wire, and one of the most extraordinary events within' the entire range -of human experience" will occur; electricity will appear in thew ' wire. The line of magnetism being cut by the atoms of the metal generate eleoV . trlclty. ' 'r Move the wire up and down faster. It will begirt to develop warmth; faster stilly ''' It will become red hot, white hot and,;' melt. ' , ' -. Instead of allowing the wire to be de'' stroyed, connect the ends by means of', another wire; then a new event appear; a flow cf electricity is set up within. Move the wire up and the electricity wil-,-flow In on direction; move down, the.;' flow will stop during a minute Instant of time and at once flow In the eppogita1, dlrectlon. The name of the apparatua iso magneto. '- , ' " Look closely into this matter: we havi," a straight bar Of steel whose atom at r saturated or endowed with magnetism,, -i totally unknown to us. A short piece of'(lf thick wire, whose end are' connected byi . a thin wire to complete a path or circuit? for' electricity; motion and a erie othj rapid hange In drectlon of motion, - y An additional name may now be added! -e. "alternating current magneto." On ther face of this matter, the word alternating ( 1 superfluous because all magnetos set-;' up or generate alternating currents, or' momentary Impulses succeeding each. " other. To secure direct current attt -, flowing In the same direction external! devices called comutators must be added.; 5 i ( I r w -vr