By Hershfield Desperate Desmond Claude Never Forgets the Glorious Anniversary of Independence Day, Wherever He Roams " i - ' FWecV Wol JK . a lM HOURS'. -rv.uv beWo J IclRisi1. tgsiT,fed( DOSS BAKij:ru.8er Cl! qctt c:Lf Je Sor WtesAM s) , - I-OVER SWEDISH HILLS. Desperate Desmond, the International crook,' disguised In the dress of a Swed ish explorer, la rushing tie ' beautiful . Rosamond." across the wildest hlUs ', of ? Sweden: The villain hopea to conceal the girl In some mountain fastness until Claude relaxes hit efforta to run them down. Knowing Claude aa we do, we may safely aay that tila pursuit of Des mond can be stopped by on thing and one thing only; to wit, death. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to insure proper classification mast bfj presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before Tt30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edl (Ions. Want ads received after such hours wUl fcave their first insertion : under the heading . Too Late to Classify. i CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. ' REGULAR CLASSIFICATION On , Insertion 1H cent per word and l cent per word for each subsequent I consecutive insertion. Each lnser ' tioa made on odd days 1H cent per : word) SI -SO per line per month ; when ad is run without change of copy, h ' 1 DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. ICUNCWosoph. July V 1913. aged 60 years, husband of Lena Kuncl. Sur vived by wife and one son, Joseph C. Kuncl. ,: funeral 1 p. m. Wednesday from the new Turner hall. Thirteenth and Dorcas. Interment, Bohemian National cemetery. Friends invited. v WTTSHTTS Catherine J wife of John Hus- sie, sged 79 years, died Sunday July I, at ber residence, zw vunung su-eeu Funeral from St. John's church. Twen ty-fifth and California, Wednesday at 3 a,tn. ' An annmint f non-arrival of relative funeral announced tor Tuesday, will be Wednesday morning at same urns. n XftRnw-Alexander. axe 9. funeral v services at , residence, r 1326 South 32d, Monday 4 p. m. Interment Nebraska City. ; BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-John . and Lottie Boyd, 3506 Valley street, girl; W. L. and Llllle Ear gt, 2625 Bees street girl; Charles and Kffllle Dice, K17 winner sireei, oojri Michael and Nellie GoM-an. V.I Center street srlrl: Claud and Fannie Hewett, tut North Forty-second street boyj Thomas and Gertrude Hunt hospital hnv: Otto and Martha Jurgens, tUi Leavenworth street boy; Fred and Ester Madsen, 4017 Camden avenue, girl; Nonli and Rose Koliich, ltil south jrourteentn street girl; J. E. ana 14. . Mulligan, Florence, girl; John. L. and path crina . R. Nicholas. Florence, boy: Tjirs ttnil Matsbors' Nlslson. Fifth and Locust streets, girl; Charles and Martha Stahmer. 3424 South Twenty-fifth street girl; N. and Ida SCetnberg,, low Harney street, gin; y ' man and Anna Smith, 1461 South Four teenth street, boy; Joseph and Lena Mills, 1101 North Twenty-second street boy; C. H." and Marcy Thompson. 3723 Blondo street, boy; W. L. and Lena L. Reynolds. 2o7S Davenport street boy: Edward and Mary Queyrll,. 310 South Thirty-eighth1 street boy; M. R. and Mrs. Bishop, uu Spencer street, girl. Deaths-Mrs. Lacy Riley, 61 years, hos pital; Mrs. Mary Earling, S3 years, hos pital; Ralph Donclnlskl, 47 years, hos pital; Mrs. Eva Williams. 33 years, hos pital; Christiana Tautklna, 37 years, 1214 Houth Third street; Amanda v. ,xoung, 7 years, 4103 North Twenty -eighth street; A. Oarrow, S3 years, 1323 6outh Thlny vawuu nmir nunuu 'M wuwn a months, 3023 Howard street; Anastasia Riewe, 14 years, Tenth and Casteliar streets; August u. Connell. (I years, I'lny-uura-ana epauiatng streeis. HARRIAGB LICENSES. W " ' SbbSSssb ' i License to wed have been granted to the following couples: ., Name and Residence. ' ' . Are. Arthur B. Anderson. Lyons. Neb 23 Isa Newell, Lyons, Neb.. ...13 Benjamin A. Ooble, Beatrice, Neb..... 81 Eva C. Jackson, Beatrice, Neb.. est 18 John E. Donaldson, Omaha.......Mnwt 63 Clara Bella Hall, Dallas, Tex M U Francis O. Webeck, Omaha............ 28 Lala E. Rich, Omaha m...ll Seth Kelleu, Tekamah, Neh...M.......M 18 Marie Smith, Tekamah, Neb 24 Darley A. Holbrook. Omaha............ 33 Ruth E. Lake, Omaha...... a 30 Edward R. Wood, Omaha... 38 Almeda Woodford, Omaha... It Antonino OreTo, Omaha,. K Pasoua Insoidia, Omaha, S3 BUILDING PERMITS. D. M. Ferenechele, U14-1S South Sixth street fireproof addition, 31,600; R. Rup ert 2313 South Thirty-second avenue. ti.000; A. R. Cooper, 2012 Ames avenue, frame dwelling. 31.300;. Car la A. Carlson, l North Thirty-third street ' frame dwelling, $2,500; J. E. Fredericks. 4734 North Twenty-eighth, frame dwelling, 81,900; CO. Jennen, 4525 Parker street name aweiung, s,w. HELP WANTED FEMALE ( Ageats mad Saleawontesu . AGENTS wanted, at 3321 Charles St Call alter 4:30. Haaekeesers aad Dontenlce, THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM fOLVED The Bee Will run a Bsrvsnt Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the C wired results. This applies o restdanu of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs Bring your ad to The Bee oflic tin. twepnone lyter, ivm. . WANTED Girl tor general housework smau laml'y. call Harney 4830. (JIRt, for general faousewark;. three In family: no children: snao for riant rlrl. Phone today, Douglas S790 or call Monday irorn o e st room am rosiomre max. WANTED Experienced . maids; apply iiouseKeeper, noiei no me. tf washing. Hajney reb, 4S2 Davenport . ANTED A ' eood alrl for aeneral 1 ework; good jay for right party. Tl- i hm So. . . . . ANTi-D Girl for-general housework. -wter 41M. a Bnrman Ave.- , A Davenport a good cook with ref- ice. -. . .ivL for Eiseral housework; family of v . j. saji jrwney an. II. A PATRIOT IN EXILE. '. Keen aa Claude Eclalre Is when on the . tral( . there is one consideration that - halts ' him, although only for a little ' while. That consideration Is his remem ' brance of the glorious Fourth of July.. .No matter where he roams, our hero never forgets that he Is an American, and he always tries to celebrate In some way the anniversary of our country's In dependence. In this lonely spot In Swe den Claude now prepares to startle, the echoes with a "bang" of firecrackers. , HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers sad Domastiaa. "WANTED vA girl for general house work at once. 2223 Dodge Bt wiKTEH-A Klrl for aeneral house- work, small family. 183 , Ptnkney, ( col ored preferred. wanted- White alrl for general housework. Apply 3001 Harney or phone Harney 1078. ufiWTirn lv Tiri.rot ar for sen- era) housework Tn family of three, good wages. Apply at ones 2721 Spauldlng St Webster 8203. MUNTGiuin elderly lady to keep house for a gentleman and one child of U years. Write John Beck, 4430 Fer- nam St OIRL tor aeneral housework. 3308 Wool- worth. Hernsv 693. - 1 WANTEIi-Glrl for aeneral housework. Mrs. Sturtevant, 112 Bo. 86th Bt OIRL for general housework. Tel. Harney 366$. . -.- - - COMPETENT alrl for aeneral house work. Mrs. Hall. 413 N, 33th St Harney 586. B-Z7&5. wiWTirri ir.vnarlanAaA nuraa for child Reference required. Tel. Harney 2183. 203 8. 87th st ; : ... Mlseellaaeoas. TOTJNO - woman oomlna to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young women s enrtsuan assoojauon puiming at St. Mary's Ava. and 17th. St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. u tor our travelers' guide at the Union station. OIRL to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm parlora 3d floor. City National. . - Good nay for decorating sofa pillows at home spare time; experience unnecessary. can forenoons, an m. wtn. WANTED Un-to-date singers, auarut double and single. Apply 10 a. m., to 12 m. at Boyd Theater. Ask for Dunn. . , . , . HELP WANTED -MALE Agents, alaaniea aad Solieltare. WANTBD Bria-ht man with ' a little cash to take active interest in estab lished wholesale house. Address L 300, Bee,-. ' AGENTS Greatest Summer Money Maker -aver btaced in hands of agents. Demonstrated first minute; order taken second minute; sample ires. XAwrence Bupply Co., Box 828, Hlbbing, Minn. SOLICITORS-JS day.- easy, travel Ne braska with manager; best ever: train and help you; references expected. Ad dress N 411. Bee. SO WANTED 30. , Men of food moral' character, over the age of U, to soliait In Omaha and South Omaha. A good proposition tor the right parties; must furnuut reierenoea. cau at Room (10, Faxton Bldg. Ottlos hours from 3 to 12 a. m., and 4 to I p. m. J. A, Schroedes, National Director. . Clerloal aad Of flee. , ' mi dress suits and riartv dresses for sale; also for rent 3100 to 31-30 a night JOHN FELDMAN, SOS N. 17th. D. 3128. urtTfl. C1 .W.avLt bum. mna hava i and nuh bond, lion't answer Unless you - mean- business. .Must have man quick. &t- jamee noiei, t-arry, i. tractor y ana Traces. Drug store (snap) lobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. 75 MEN. 30 to 30 years old. wanted at onoe for rauroaa firemen ana nraaemen, 180 to 8140 a month: experience unneces sary; no strike. For application blank address I is, care oi Bee. vli a MTirri Krt man for e&rahnn work out of city; tools furnished. Apply Mon- day, Nortnwestera Tjgni wiuua, mn and Davenport - MEN wanted to learn barber trade. You 4 can't aDoreciate our offer without our catalogue. Moier Barber college, 110 B. 14th St WANTED Job nrlntsr. one who can handle Junior linotype, write or wire, Courier, Mlnden, Nearastta. MiaoellMaeoaa, TO i XTTtT-T-l vrX TT a A TV A hi. iiAti.JW w. w. " - " ------ Iwlul ii n m a r4A man hatwaan I ha Ssas of 18 and 86; cltisens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re crulUng officer.' 18th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 807 4th St. Sioux City, la.; U0 N. iwn Ht, uncoin, nea. - ' LARORKRS wanted at once. 20th and center. Omaha Gas Co. - WANTED Up-to-date singers, quartet doubles and singles Apply 10 a. m. to 13 m. at Boyd Theater. Ask for Dunn. TELEGRAPH Dosltions ausranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in our school. Practice on R R wires. Ad dress tor particulars, H. B. Boyles. Pres. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. In the. automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, aeraonsiravoi s, at a in uig ua n.a..l n n.. m m laraa HftlftHM nra. pare yourself in our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair ana seu sat maxes or cars. National Auto Training Assn. 2S14 N. SOtb 8t, Omaha, Neb. " GOVTRNMENT Jobs open. Write for list Franklin Institute, Dept 214 R, Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE AHO FEMALE. . MEN and -women wanted for govern ment positions, SVO month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin , Institute, Dept 217 R, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing, 80 cents a dosen, rough dry, 2S oenta a dosen. Web. 3188. . F 1RST class practical nurse. Harney 6610. Bundle A family wash. Guaranteed. WStf?. . HOUSE cleaning and lawn mowing; prices reasonable; satisfaction. H. 6374. WANTED Lawn mowers to clean, ad just and sharpen at your home, 76c; also lawns mowed; one of the best , window cleaners In the -state. - 'Phone Harney 3389. between 12:30 and 1:80 p. m. E. P. Weld. PAINTING, mason, carpentering or plumbing work wanted in exchange for a high grade piano. D. 884, Bee. DAT work wanted. Webster 2317. III. THE BARKING OP DOGS. A the heartless villain, Desperate Des- " mond, hurries the brave girl along the rough country, he Is startled to hear the deep barking of doga In all directions. His guilty conscience at once makes the scoundrel . think that bloodhounds have ' been put on his track by the Swedish authorities and redoubles his efforts to escape. But the barking seems to come . from the front, from every direction. In . "fact, and the villain is at his wit's ends , ' to think of some way out WANTED SITUATIONS AN elderly lady would like a good place as housekeeper for elderly gentleman. zii urant at. rnone wreoater aiio. uiu iflrmmn work: woman for housework; man to, garden. Address Mr. Rothe, 2009 Cass Bt FIRST class cook wants position as cook In family, hotel or restaurant; city fir country. C 408, Bee. WANTED Day work by flrst-olass laundress. Doug. 6667. " LADY would like' position as house keeper, references. C 421. Bee. FIRST class washlna and Ironing by the day or to take home. L A. Jones, Webster 8603. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Nebraska Platingand Repairing Ca all kinds of plating, gold and silver spe cialty. Also automoMi repairing. 1318 Howard St Basement DOUGLAS Printing Co. I'el, Doug. 844. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard'a. A T.I. will ba forsivan. Mary, if you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That is Where BRODEOAARD sells those lucky wedding rus. D. 8. Griffith, wlgi mir.. 13 Frenser Stevenson, carpenter, cont Both 'phones. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 60, postpaid, 33.76; try half dosen: If not satisfactory money rerunaea. Sb- TON DRUG CO.. 108 Fa mam, 0.. -ua. OMAHA TENT. CO. Tel. 823 Douglaav MONEY TO LOA-N kJW rate, in sums to suit. u tee bios. 'Phone Doug. tSOt UNION LOAN CO. B. h. Cole Sign Co. D. 8768. 1316 Farnam. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Bit.. South Omaua. Upholstering, piano, turn, rap. 3804 Far. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. P. 3378. Omaha Bill Posting Co., llt Har. D. 3084 Bath tubs 312.50. Offerman 1110 Douglas. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINB. 816 B. 16TH, UP8TAIR9. M. B. Morrill, china paint IU8 brandels Xh BEK illVJii oSS ZT Ws call and deliver. Both phones. IVIUirS Eastman Goods, complete fYUL'iUXO ,wck Largest f laishlng aepartment in the west THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1813 Farnam St.. and 808 8. 16th St ANCHOR FENCE (XV Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. lasts a lifetime, an w. nta. rnone waut, .Western Millinery School 627-628-623 PAXTON' BLOCK. rnmnlate course. 120. 'We furnish ma terial tree. Hats made and trimmed, All work free. . . k . NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING r'rt us p..tnn Hllr nlrmilar tatters, any duantlty; oldest esubllshed company; ex perts or Mumsrapn ana iicumyig. riRiNiiMA's Wild Cherry PhosDhate. cheaper tnan lemonaae; an grocers. tr.n.14 mann tnnlna ranslrina. reflnlsh ing. Schmoller 8t Mueller. p. 1623; A-1626. ATTRACTIONS rr a xi a rTT f T?V lth and Motion picture machine and film bargalna W INTEin. ("!nncaS8lons of all kinds. Old Settlers' plcuic, Aug. nu, a. tu. w. Etley, Sec'y., Deweese, Neb. llf l X" rr ri U( r.rniv.l Pft. and Ann. on uimla tnr CI. A. R. reunion at Franklin. Neb., Aug, 12th to 17th. Ad. dress Oeo. K. Hau, eec y, Tanaiw, Neb. AUTOMOBILES , TIKE KEPAIRING 0httrrcS it... - TO matra tham almost as STOOd as new.' Nothing but highest priced and new materials uuea. . ah ww in.uiii Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co.. 8020 Far nam. - Beacom Moved Blow Outs 8318 Harnoy St Tvlar 1484. as well aa 25c vad aiiy.'W.lrh" . RA-hnraaDOWer 1-passenger touring car with the following Jones' speedometer, demountable rims, Klaxon horn and Froal-O-Llte tank. The car Is in first-class condition ana a w - i bi. ...k nttmr nt 11. MO takea 1L Address, Van Brunt Auto Co.. Council Bluffs, la tr rriDl. PYDFNfilSfl put In tWO. Expert tire repairing; work guaranteed. . v. n , v n aV eVa V7a akaa. ai aH AUTO TIKIS KaTAlU JJ; DRUM.M0ND 3 White Steam cars, late models, fine condition, 8000 ana bau. TT 1 - J T, REPAIRING Murphy Did It O'DONOVAN A PEASE, garage, repair ing, livery and storage. mm n. ma. South Omaha. Phone South 163. AlTTV k .ReDalring.and Cleaning. Work au v-' Guaranteed. 2566 Harney D-7098 SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES FOUR 6-passenger automobiles tor eels cheap. Rushing Bros., south Omaha. shape, rear seat and delivery box; a sroa car xor cigar salesman or light aeuvery : cneap lor quica casn aais. lei. Doug. 6320. rsnK ti. uioson. iu caas. ONE Marlon 19U 6-passenger 45-horse-power touring car, fully equipped, self- starter, speeaometer, wina shield, etc.; recently repainted ana overnauiea; rig Inal cost 31.800; our price, $900. One S-cyllnder Maxwell runabout ex. cellent condition; original coat 3800; our price, tzza. , . E. B. WILSON AUTO CO., 2010-13 Harney St Douglas 3GSL - IV.-A HUMANE HERO. t As Claude is preparing for his lonely celebration of the Fourth he also hears the loud barks of the dogs, which are evidently In a state of the utmost excite ment. Our hero, who cannot bear to see an animal suffer, thinks that some .bad boys must have tied firecrackers to the dogs' tall to see them run yelping away, and he starts at once to save the poor creatures from further trouble. Claude does not know that this kind act will lead to his discovery of Rosamond. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES WE would suKaest if you art looking for a good second-hand car proposition that you talk wlth ua , INTERSTATE AUTOMOBILE CO., ; 810 B. 18th St, Omaha. style, Price 3400. When provided with new cauones wiu give gooa service iw. Douglas 614 or call-at 713 Om. Na. Bk. Atetercyeles. WRITE for list of used motorcycles. W carry a full line of Thor and Excel sior parts. Any make of motorcycle re paired. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO set In or out of business call oa OANGE3TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. BUTCHSR'S ice box and patent oil tank for sale. See Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 'ath and Howard. Douglas3724. ARE YOTJ LOOKING , FOR A. 1 BUSINESS LOCATION t Ralston is Omaha's Manufacturing sub urb, connected with Omaha and South Omaha by eleotrio car line and macadam roaa. i Ralston Is on the Burlington and Mis souri Pacific railroads. i Ralston has three coins manufacturinc plants and two other large factories , are in course of construction. The five factories will furnish employment for a town ei a-wu people. naiston nes a two-story pressed brick scnool Duuduuf. a number of store rooma and a country club of nearly 200 mem bers wno have lust completed a 315.000 club house. - ' RALSTON offers an esDeciallv arood opening for a Bank, Newspaper, Bakery, uruj ovur ana i-nyician, xsoaraing House. Restaurant. Furniture and Hard. ware etore, eiacasmlth Shop, Carpenter enop, juevacor ana a D'lour Mill. uu intormauon lor the asking. RALSTON TOWNSITE COMPANY, 803 & 17th St Phones 8867. FOR BALK Orncarv atnek unA Hntnh.r nusiness oommnea, in town oi live nund red. Address T 76 Bee. ' . MILLINER? stock for asln , tn rrvv4 uve xveoraaca. town. ig aiscount n aoli soon. Address r 78, care .Omaha Bee. HARDWARE stock for sale In aouthern uewiw Wfiu V VVW ail v vivy sUUUl 4341, VW all new. stock and fixtures: lack of caul. immka SAsust Ar a mm- iiirAAa..hAii se aia lai reason tor selling. Address z 78, Bee. Ed Rothery. Business and Real Estate Bxyiange oo. Room 319. McCague Bldg, FOR SALE Furniture and undertaklns: stooa, aooui ss.uuu, in town oi s.wu. county seat Nebraska, or will trade for income property. Address T 80, care of Omaha Bee. ' - - FOR SALE My bait interest in steam laundry in Illinois city of 30,000 population. One other, laundry. Now running 8380 to 3400 woekly. Machinery first-class shape. Good reasons tor- selling. Good oppor tunity for live man. Laundry experience not essential. Address. Jtl. weber. 2466 8. 20th St, Omaha. . MUSIC STUDIO. 3300: doina- good busi ness; - accepted position public school music, jioo. casn or time. Address Music Teacners' jcxenange. sis v ax ton uiock. ONE of the finest grocery and meat businesses In the city; best location, best established, owner leaving city; health J. L Kemp, 2613 Leavenworth. Doug.. 888 ind. A-1888. salsa Homes lor gala. ONE of the laraest bargains ever of fered; 20-room house, good money maker. must be sola at once regaraiess ox price make offer quick. Tel. Tyler 1646. 8-ROOM modern bouse, full of roomers. 611 S. 26th Ave. 614 NO. 17TH Nine rooms, furnished completely, 3126; a snap it taken at once. FURNITURE. 8 rooma. full, best bar gain in olty. 1618 cass st BUSINESS PERSONALS Bag M b Bluet are rs. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb. Chiropodists. DR. ROT. 1505 Farnam. Douglas 8499. Clothlna MBBafBctarers. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. y Cornice and Steel CeiUngs., CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. i ( reanerles, liatrtes and auppllea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Detectives. , JAMES ALLEN 812 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. , L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Sarv. 428 Paxton blk. D. 131 Orcssmakiac DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3993. Mrs. Hodgca. 1203 N. 37th. Phone S. 3086. GPEYl AT.TV nn-rlra dresses Bud chil dren's clothing. 839 S. 24th. Red 6347. Terry's Dressmaking college. 80th A Far. Drafting. Jacob! Wilson, 731 BraiuThe. D.J047. Dcatlsts. ; Bailey, the dentist City Nat'l P. 336s. Mach A Mach. 3d floor Paxton. D. IO80T Taft's dental rooma 1617 Doug. D. Bvcrythlas for Wanes. , Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4529 Plumes Repaired iT'guX , Every thins Kleotricat Electrle lighting flx wholesale and retail Burgeas-Granden Co.. 1S11 Howard. D. 8t Feed Mills aad Store.. A- f Feed, all kinds. Glances Mills. 1382 Isard. Florists. A. Ponagbae. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-lOta. HESS SWdBODA, 1416 Farnam St L HENDERSON, 1M9 Farnara. D. Uas. - 3renadrtBv - -.; - :- m' . McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jaoasosv -BUSINESS PERSONALS Moving, Storag-e sud Cleanlus, rmnnnN nronroof Warehouse and Van Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City office, 21C S. 17th. Douglas 294 or Ind. A-1314. ' Furn. Moving; 3 men, 31 per hr. W.-2748. McLaud eV Son Van A Stor. 3 horse Van, 3 men, 31.26 hr. 2 horses, 31 hr. D. 4838. W. 641 DI A K!f niAuinor renin's, arnru fra allH AY. aV AB-A S 1NU l'm ' SB ai w hqh aap-v waar- yress, 1618 Capitol Ave. D. 370. A-8937. Music, Art an Usgssgei. ALVIN POOLE, violin lessons? 2218 Cap. Naraerlea. and Seeds. STEWARTS SEEDMEN. 113 N. 18th. ' Optlciaaa. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels. Osteopatar. . Alice Johnson, 808-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nicholas. 634-6 Brandels The. . Photographers. Rinehart. photographer. 18th Farnam. Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Bile Tel. Bed 7117. U A. HTIlRftia rearistarad attorney. United States and foreign Datents. 843 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 3469. Wlllard Eddy. 1630 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. ' ' -.V Prlnftliia. . i " . - : - Lew W. EaberTSdnter, Tl BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lynastad Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-2820 for good printing. Steel Tank aad Calvert Cosapsvntes. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Stenographers and Coart Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley. 743 Bran. The, d! 6682. Keis-Hall Ptg Co.. 103 S. 14th. Ind. A-3624. : Store and Office Fixtures. WE BUT and sell ahythinft eterythini in fixtures. ' Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. Bear Howard. P. 3724. ' Tents and : Atrnlngs. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 821 Freling & Btelnle. 1803 Farnam Bt. Wines'. and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 601-3 S. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL v ALL THE YEAR ' Complete courses in Business, Book keenlnar. StenocraDhy. Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking, can, wnje or phone tor it at once. Address H.. B. Boyles, President . Boyles College. Gmaiia. Nebraska. LIVE STOCK FOR CALK Horses and .Vehicles. Buggies, surrtes and ranabouts at less than wholesale price, to close out JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., 10th and Jones Sts t RIi,T4ir,'li1 fi! Baio. Horses and farm HdliUD D mtlXtH tor sale. oraft and wagon horses to let by the day. 2a31 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 11 So. Snaps in Buggies 1 delivery wagons and several choice buggy and carriage bargalna DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. LOST AND FOUND LOST Masonic charm, double eagel. 32d degree. Liberal reward; return to Bee otfice, South Omaha. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. - Manv articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the ngntiui owner, vau.jjoug las 48. - - . OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Sunday evening at Lake Man- awa, wallet containing one 320 bill, about 118 in 81 ana 3 . mus; nunting license; valuable papers. . Finder please return to J. H. Dorshe, Faultless Cleaning Works. Ill S. 16th St, Omaha Liberal reward. - : .. MEDICAL . Dr. Bibcock, specialist; both sexes; 80) Wtthneii Bldg., loth ana Harney Sts. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases wltn testimonials. DR. E. H, TARRY. Bea Bldg., Omaha Dr. Race, specialist 3328 Harney. D 3943. Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. SOY J EE HONG HERB CO. ' Chinese herbs and herbal remedies for all troubles of the human system; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart dropsy and female trouble. Tel. Doug. i93, or call at an mo. inn tit MONEY TO LOAN Sala-r and Chattels. MONEY loaned salaried people, women Keeping nouse ana otners, without se curity: easy paymenta. Of (Ices in 67 prin cipal cities, Tolman, ffft Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. formerly N. . x. Life Bldg. V. SURROUNDED. ... 5 Desmond Is surrounded by. such a num- ber of Eskimo dogs that he cannot move ' a step. 'The Explorer's suit which he is wearing as a disguise, proves the scoun drel's undoing. The pack of dogs grows excited. The animal recognises the coat as that of their master, and flock eagerly around " in . the hope of being fed. .The beautiful Rosamond Is frightened at the . savage appearance of the dogs, which are destined, however, to be the means of saving her from Desmond. MONEY TO LOAN . Salary- and Chattels. . NOTICE Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rates and confidential. We will appre ciate your call. BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. . RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. ' 217 S. 16th St Telephone Doug. 1411 or lud. A-141L Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of interest Nebraska Loan Company Doug. 1353. . 220 Bee Bldg. - A-1356. CHATTEL LOANS, 36 u 3100. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2ft and 6 per cent. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St Tel. Red .1619. , WANTED MONEY ' Your Money ' - " WILL BRING YOU A GOOD INCOSfE If you loan it through ' W. FARNAM, SMITH & cCv :.. . No. 1320 Farnam St., On IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY. RATES RIGHT. SECURITY THE BEST. , OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. 0. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 61L A-261L . Furnished Hoonia, "RAfJAAftTi1. messenger service and JJ0S.UVT2l.UXJ light hauling; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto. Del.A Mes. Co., 1716 Douglas St. Tela D. 3946; A-3496. 1059 Park Ave., furnished room - for gentleman, modern house: on car line. 37 50 per month. Harney 8992. The "Locklaw" remedv exterminates bedbugs, their eaes. and other vermin. Call St Louis Chemical Co., distributers. laao f arnam bt, zna. floor. STRICTLY ' modern furnished room, Hanscom Park district; close to .car: ex cellent nelEhborhood: reasonable. Himiv VAX. . .. LARGE south room, with amove, lava tory and phone; board if desired,. 2202 Howard St. , 411 NORTH 19th, a cool, large room with two beds; 4 gentlemen, 36. MODERN front room with alcove. 1306 S. 28th. . ITnralshed Housekeeping Hosuna. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping.' 1112 S Uth. THE MANUEL Two room apartment 323. . The Howard, 3-room, private bath, 335. ' 21st and Howard. 2 OR 8 nicely furnished front rooms. main floor, complete, housekeeping. 2018 Davenport at ,115 SO. 20TH ST. Two modern front rooms for light housekeeping; also sleep. ing rooma ' Hotels and Apartments. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prlcea - Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Web. 6976. FOR RENT 8-room flat. 2304 Douglas St Apply W. N. Chambers, 228 Brandies theater. . 6-ROOM modern flat - Hcargo Bldg., E1CH N. 24tb St, S. Omaha.. Hall, ail Rainge Bldg. V. 7406. A-44U6. FOR RENT New 4 and 6-room modern apartments, just completed, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts.; rent 317 to 922 per month. JACKSON & M'KENZIE, 401 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT A 6-room apartment house, modern except furnace, advantageously located at 2628 Franklin St.; 314. Tele phone owner, Red 4801. - - STRICTLY high grade 6-room apart- ment on West Farnam St Very choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST, ;. Unfurnished Rooma. Two large light housekeeping rooms with bath; shade trees an around, is per month. H. 3662. 977 N. 27th Ave. FOUR rooms on first or five rooms on second floor, near car; adults. -Apply of owner. 704 S. 30th Bt .Furnished Houses. Six-room furnished, modern flat P. 393J, 1K17 fiPITni. AVR-For sale, ntoelv furnished 6-room flat modern. Cheap rent: very cheap if sold soon. Call any time. SUMMER cottafce. 6 rooms and attic, furnished, at Bayfield, Wis. Inquire 1410 Douglas. FURNISHED cottage at Lake Manawa park. Phone Douglas 19o2. FURNISHED, strictly modern, up-to- date 6-room cottage. Close in, near car line; rent reasonable, owner leaving city. Address D 420, Bee. -' -- Hoasea anu csUagea. . 39.00-3 large room apartment part mod ern, 1915 Elm St Key next door. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to olflce. uoug. law or is-hzs. )61s HALL AVE. 335.00. 7 rooms, mod ern. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. Both phones - - 672 8. Zotn St. 1 8 rooms, completely modern; 332.50. Hail 433 Ramge. D. 7408; A-440S. MOVINO, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos is our -business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, ma istn, ny tne , viaauct. Branch olnce, 303 S. 17th St TeL D. 4183; A-166. HANSCOM PARK RESIDENCE Ten rooma, besides pantry, laundry, bath, etc; 6 bedrooma eood porches and shade. southeast corner Poppleton Ave. and 81st St; modern, 350 per month. Inquire of S. A. SEARLE, Owner. Doug. 680 or Harney 1526. . - 8-ROOMS, new, 2218 Ogden, block from Fort, bioca from Bouievara. FOR RENT 7-room modern house July L 8348 Harney 6t Tel. a 6WB. NO equal, all modern, , seven - room house, zau iso. so, VI. BACK TO JAIL. ' ) 2"Ay ban the boy!" cries Desperate Des . mond, "but ay ban yolly well fooled this , time.'" Instead of being safely hidden away with Rosamond, he is in the un yielding grasp of Claude Eclalre, who will take the villain back to the jail from which he should never have been re leased. Rosamond, who had almost given up hope of being rescued, is overjoyed to see her lover once more and congrat ulates him on his heroism. Tomorrow ws shall show the fate of Desmond. OFFERED FOR RENT , Houses and Cottaaes.) 222 No. 25th St. 8 rmi. all mod... 343.60 1128 So. S6tb St, 7 rms. all rood.-..;. 30.00 2861 Bristol, 7 rms. mod. ex. heat.... 26.00 2403 No. 20th 9 rms. all mod 27.60 2527 Davenport St, 7 rms. all mod.. 27.60 2512 No. 16th St 6 rms. all mod.. ,...27.60 1201 No. 34th 6 rms. all mod.......:.. 22.60 2417 Ersklne, 7 rms. mod ex. heat.... 20.00 ' 2618 Emmett 7 rms. mod. ex. neat.... n.w 1634 No. 20th, 5 rms. mod. ex. heat.. 17.60 2108 Elm, 4 rms. city water 8.00 &1d Aroor, i rms. well water am McCague Investment Company 1506 Dodge st uougiaa tin. FOR KENT 7-room, nearly new, mod ern home; 2629 Caldwell; 125. , THOMAS W. HA2LKN, 207 McCagud . Douglas 1300. NICE four-room on front 1734 So. 13th St. 310. - HOUSES . 1 310.00-2710 Shirley, 6-r., water and gas. 320.00-2727 Miami. 6-r., mod.;, ex. heat Barn. 327.50-4236 Harney, 8-r. mod. hot water " . heat, large barn. . 1.002318 Dewey Ave., 6-r., hard wood finish, all mod. 327.00-8420 Harney, 6-r., all mod.. first . . class repair. $40.00-4006 Harney St, highland terrace. rooms, very line, narawoci rin - lsh, first class repair, location ex- cellent . . i 360.00-2554 Harney, 8-r., ; strictly , mod.. first class, close in. 365.003504 'Harney, large 10-room house. V" ' nardwood finish. -Will put in ex cellent condition. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 913 City National Bank Bldg. ' Tel Douglas 49 or Ind. A-2049. FOR boarding house, west of hiah school, large, modern double house; 18 rooms, z oatns; rent only loo. . M'CAGUE CO. KOUNTZE PLACE Fine 9-r. all mod. house on beautiful south front lot with garage at 1614 Era met for 340. ' WALNUT HILL New 9-r. all mod. house, sleeping porch, hot water heat, on good corner lot at 4002 Seward for $40. - i' -v ''TAMES AVE. . At 2818, practically new house of I rooms In excellent condition, with large lot for 325. 2228 OHIO ST. Good 7-r. cottage, barn, $25. ..... ... - ; 3413 Taylor St. New 5-r. all mod. cot, 330. " WALKING DISTANCE No. 9 Shelby court, 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat, 318. 1001 No. 23d St Fine 5-r. cottage, $11 933 No. 27th St. 8-r. all mod., 330. 1141 No 17th. 6-r. cottage, $16. 606 Cedar St 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat $15. PETERS TRUST COMPANY i 1622 Farnam St V 11-ROOM house, 1717 Burt St; modern except heat. House, 1305 North 25th. street; 6 rooms, modern, $17.60. . SIX-ROOM all modern house, 827.60, in cluding' water.1 2830 Capitol Ave,. Inquire next door east. A real home, pretty lawn, electric light every mod. convenience, 9 r., $46. W. 2690. Hrm0Q ln a" Parts of the city. Aiuusea Creign Son & c.o., Bee Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates- moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 394 or A-1314. City otnee. 218 s. mn St..- tsee mag. and painted. Located . at 613 So. 19th, can at 614 bo. i ism. - WEST FARNAM New brick. 6 bed rooms and 2 baths. 316 N. 88th Ave. . 7-ROOM modern house, 641 So. 27th, 325 per month. J. I. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth. , Doug. 988. Ind. A-1988. , . Stores and Offices. , . . j Store, 320 S. 13th St, 20x45. Tel. P. 6230. 1606-07 Davenport. U. B. Balcombe. M'CAGUE BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. FOR RENT Four new modern store rooms, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts; good location for any kind of retail business; modern apartments above. JACKSON A M'KENZIE. '401 Bee Bide. FOR RENT Barn, suitable for a car penter ehop. 614 8. 20th. 1825-27 Farnam St., Corner. Douglas 1598. DREX.EL hotel barber shop for rent; an entrance to the hotel Call Douglas 440.'. . . . ; . j OFFERED FOR SALE Musical Instruments. - FOR SALE-A new 3200 Vtctrola; has never been used. If Interested ask tor price. M zw. Bee ornce. standard make; will sell or exchanga F 418, Bea Musical Instruments, ' TWO high-grade upright pianos to be sold for storage and repair charges. Chas. H. Thatcher Piano Factory, 1901 Harney. Typewriters. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 8 Oliver typewriter, 8 months, 34.00. 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer Company. ' L $100 TYPEWRITERS, all makes, 115.00, mi.w. itentais, s montns, a. Type writer Inspection Bureau. 1606 Farnam St, Doug. 5031. . Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam st FOR SALE New and second-hand . carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy paymenta The Bruaswick-Balke-Cvllender . Co, 407-403 South 10th street - ' POOL tables, store, restaurant textures bought sold. Levy. 2510 N. So. Omaha. OLD 8AFES, DKRlGHT, 1818 Farnam St FOR SALE Second-hand brick, lumber, fire escape, ' windows, doors. Castallar school house, 18th and Caatellax. - - - ) ) P